#utter bastards
variousqueerthings · 7 months
im tired of the poor tax and the adhd tax and the classic "why wouldnt they teach us this in school" tax
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molinaesque · 1 year
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Raphael: A Summary
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tideswept · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
Sneak peak on a fic for @sky-kenobye. Contemporary Obikin AU! They're on a coffee date getting to know each other. ----
That smile flashes again, crooked, revealing a canine. It utterly transforms Anakin's face from Byronic moodiness to boyish charm. “Not the sort that’s interested in defying the laws of God and man to return the dead to life. Or in stealing the moon for vaguely undefined capitalistic gains. But I make no promises not to take apart the toaster if it starts giving lip.” 
“This is fair.” Obi-Wan nods, stroking his chin as if he’s given it much consideration. “I’m a streamer.” 
Anakin coughs, having just taken a swig of his orange juice. “I’m sorry?” He drags the back of his hand across his mouth. 
“A Switch streamer,” Obi-Wan clarifies. Does it make him a bad man for timing it like that? “A modestly successful one, though you certainly won’t find me topping the charts or hawking energy drinks. Though I may once or twice be forced to defend my crown, tourney-style.”
He’s definitely a bad man for enjoying how Anakin’s teeth drag over his bottom lip, eyebrows arching.
“What do you stream?” Anakin asks, naked curiosity in his tone. He’s not scoffing or calling Obi-Wan a boomer, which is promising.
“I do a variety of things.” Obi-Wan rotates his styrofoam cup around. What's left of the tea is dregs at the very bottom. “Some chess. Some go. Occasionally, a bit of retro gaming, providing insight into themes and motifs, tracing back the narrative DNA of our modern-day stories.” He waits a beat. “But mostly I’m called a heartless bastard while streaming my online DM sessions as I remind my players that actions have consequences.”
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steddie-there · 2 years
Steve has wanted a rabbit since he was five years old and his kindergarten class went to the zoo and he got to hold a small grey rabbit with the softest ears imaginable.
He even asked his parents for one. But his mother said it was "frivolous" and why would he want such a dirty barnyard animal anyway? And his father said no son of his would ever own such a prissy little animal in the most disgusted tone of voice that Steve never asked again.
But now he and Eddie have their own apartment and he hasn't spoken to his parents in two years and when Eddie catches him staring wistfully at the little balls of fluff hopping around in the pet shop window one day, he manages to coax the whole story out of him. And when Eddie kisses him softly on the forehead like he always does when Steve shares some fucked up bit of his childhood, Steve feels another piece of his heart mend, like he always does when Eddie is soft with him.
What he doesn't expect is Eddie to then pull him into the pet shop and demand he pick whichever rabbit he wants. Or for Eddie to ask the girl working there what they'll need to keep a rabbit in their home. But he listens very attentively to everything she says and half an hour later, they're driving back home with a trunk full of hutch and litter box and food and toys and hay and the tiniest pet carrier on Eddie's lap.
He picks a black one, for Eddie's sake, although it has the littlest spot of white right in the middle of its bitty head, like a tiny kiss mark (Eddie's expression turns oh so soft when Steve says that). When Steve quietly asks Eddie what he thinks they should name it, Eddie immediately suggests Paul.
"Like Paul McCartney?" Steve asks, confused why Eddie would reference the Beatles.
"No, dude, like Paul Stanley, from KISS," Eddie says, accompanied by the most over dramatic "my boyfriend has no taste in music" eye roll.
And then they catch each other's eyes and start laughing so hard Steve almost has to pull the car over.
So now they have an apartment and a rabbit named Paul (McCartney/Stanley) and as they sit curled up together on the couch watching the little guy explore his new home, Steve doesn't think he's ever been happier.
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
ao3: And Rabbit Makes Three
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wordfather · 10 months
yet again i am showing sympthoms of loving an unpopular character!!!! wish me a speedy recovery i need all the love and support in the world rn
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To the Swerve Fans, who need to hear it: he didn't go down without a fight.
And I don't mean that about that match. Obviously that was going to be good. I mean dragging him from the top of the pedestal to a spot where they could dethrone him and make it a 'victory' with only mild grumbling.
As a Bryan and Swerve fan the last two weeks have been fucking hard, man. 'Cuz I see it, I see the vision, and yeah I WANT Bryan & Nigel proper payoff, I WANT Hangman & Swerve 4-7, and I WANT to say AEW has Swerve Strickland, the up & coming best fucking talent on the market rn, the first ever multi-run black world champ.
But I saw the signs. Jericho's interview talking about how Swerve is going to be a three, four, five time champ in his career. Swerve talking about the big things he has coming up in a busy 2025, likely ramping up his music and horror movie acting career as those films start to come out as well as wrestling. The narrative tone shift of the storylines pointing out that Swerve was always adored despite the heinous things he did, and Danielson twining in with that theme alongside Hangman. That not quite being enough, adding the final gauntlet of literally threatening the audience into choosing sides: do you really still want this right now? Or to never have a thing you loved ever again?
And man, the dissonance in a few short weeks and across the Atlantic was shocking. I don't know if Swerve was just never beloved across seas as much, but I'm thinking of the entrance Swerve received at HOG in late July on the east coast. He came out in full regalia and with dancers and accompaniment and all, but that tiny indie house was screaming his chants and full theme song before he was even announced louder than the entire arena in Cardiff four weeks later.
They threw Everything at the crowds to get them to turn on Swerve, but they did it.
Kind of.
While I was disheartened as fuck the last week listening to dead silence at heel Swerve entrances, until right at the very end, there were next to no Boos and when everything else was gone, people still muttered (not screamed) the response to 'Whose House', as if under protest.
Everyone knew what the story was, no one wanted to accept it. But the loaded gun of a Bryan Danielson match #1473 vs Swerve's almost certain second run was at our Head.
I watched the PPV in a wrestling themed bar in Washington state with about 25 other locals, and while there was commentary and applause and jeering of the usual sort throughout almost every other matchup, that final match was nearly dead quiet and split (Hangman / Birdie spot exceptions apply).
When the match was over it just felt like a relief. Everyone had been tense, like waiting for election results, and conversations about who would get a champ run now and what Swerve would get to do at Wrestledream immediately started again.
Can't keep a real champ down and out.
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benevolenterrancy · 1 year
I love your art, and so I dare you to draw my specialest boy (John Hart) being a nuisance as he always is 🥰
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they're flirting, it's fine, jack's fine, he'll be fine, don't worry about it
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i-am-become-a-name · 2 months
"I'm a spy, not a politician. That means even I don't know whose side I'm on."
ahhhhh mid/early era narvin when I still want to punch him but also was like hmmm... is such a character, I love him, I hate him, I would bite him.
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mickmundy · 1 year
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murraywalker · 4 months
Not a day goes by where I don't quote something Rik related to myself. There is nobody like him
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eledritch · 9 months
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the one good part of my extremely evil bg3 playthrough is finally getting to romance minthara. unfortunately i will be making her worse. gaslight gatekeep girlboss etc
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jettison-my-gift · 3 months
oh dear lord i think i want the LibDems to win the election
what hast the world come to?
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eoinmcgonigal · 5 months
hi!!! for the kissing prompt post: eoin/paddy + standing on your tip-toes, frustrated that you can't reach your lover's lips
Hihi!! Thank you for the prompt!! I hope this amuses (it was fun thinking about it XD)
“Eoin,” Paddy whines, and it only makes Eoin chuckles as Paddy tries to use all his weight to pull him down, hanging off of his lapels.
Paddy, even going up on his tip-toes in an attempt to get what he wants, is far less amused. “The fuck is wrong with you?” he demands. The denial is starting to sting. All he wants is a kiss, but all Eoin seems to want to do is have a laugh at his expense.
“Enjoying myself,” Eoin beams.
“Well”—Paddy tugs at Eoin again, finding it all incredibly unfair now—“I’m fucking not. Give me kiss, you wee shite.”
Ignoring the fact that, of the two of them, Paddy is the wee-est, Eoin chuckles at the demand. “You haven’t said please,” he teases.
Not giving in, Paddy glowers up at him. “I’m not saying ‘please’, you—Mph!”
He’s silenced by a kiss, startled by the almost bruising abruptness of it that rankles, before softening with a chuckle and locking his arms around Eoin’s neck. The utter bastard and his oh-so-clever games. Paddy’s going to get him back for that.
Later, though. Right now, he has more important things to be doing, and they deserve his whole, undivided attention.
Kissing prompts
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muttsterion · 3 months
Do you think kenny keeps those grumpy mugs in the same drawer as his mysterion costume or does cartman keep them in his basement just so kenny can sip out of them while looking him in the eye during meetings
Great. Honestly can't decide which idea I love more. Either Kenny keeping a spot in the Mysterion dresser just for those mugs and he pulls out the drawer and there's his collection along with his costume. Or the idea of Cartman or one of Kenny's other friends keeping a spot open just for Mysterion's collection of grumpy mugs as to make sure he has one on hand.
Either way I could just imagine Mysterion glancing over the collection while pondering.
"Hmmm….which one do I want today….the "Everyone is an Idiot" mug or the one with the hand flipping everyone off..? Eh think the "Fuck Everyone" mug fits my mood today." XD
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verytallfox · 1 year
Otto: Sweets for my sweet
*Shakes hand full of melatonin gummies*
Me: Give
There’s no further joke here, I just can’t stop thinking that he bought generic sleeping pills in the form of gummies
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Ahsoka season finale, a summary:
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