Best ways to use credit card. Benefits and drawbacks of credit cards
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Best ways to use credit cards Hi, Today we will discuss about best ways to use credit cards. Now a days, Lot of people using credit cards and it has become common. Also credit cards are offered by banks very easily. But do you know that if you are not able to use credit card effectively. It can spoil your financial status in bad way. It can also impact on your financial plan as well. So that while using credit cards, you should keep close track of outstanding amount and timely payments of due amount. Get digital credit app Always pay bills on time before due date. Always remember! All bills should be paid on or before due date. Other wise you will be paying high interest on out standing amount. Interest charges for credit cards outstanding are up to 48 % yearly. For ensuring timely payment you can opt for auto debit facility provided by banks. Avoid Paying minimum due When credit cards bills are sent to customer they mention minimum amount due. Which is around 10 % of total due amount. Never opt for this facility. This can become trap for you. When you pay only minimum amount, interest charges are applicable on remaining outstanding amount as well as new purchases made there on. Never share credit card details Don't share credit card details to anyone.Like  card number, PIN, CVV etc, This can lead to misuse of your credit card. Banks and companies never ask for these details. These details are asked for financial fraud purpose only. Read the full article
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