#uterus removal surgery in gurgaon
dccanimalhospital · 1 month
Preventing your dog from getting pregnant is crucial for her health and well-being. Here are some effective methods to ensure your dog remains safe and healthy.
Spaying (Ovariohysterectomy)
The most effective and permanent way to prevent your dog from getting pregnant is to have her spayed. This surgical procedure involves removing the ovaries and uterus, eliminating the possibility of pregnancy and providing other health benefits such as reduced risk of certain cancers and infections.
Benefits of Spaying:
Prevents pregnancy permanently.
Reduces the risk of uterine infections and breast tumors.
Eliminates heat cycles, reducing associated behaviors and mess.
Keep Your Dog Indoors During Heat
If your dog is not spayed and goes into heat, keeping her indoors is crucial. Male dogs can detect a female in heat from miles away and will attempt to reach her.
Limit outdoor time: Only let her outside on a leash and supervised.
Secure your home: Ensure fences and gates are secure to prevent male dogs from getting in.
Supervise Outdoor Activities
Always supervise your dog when she is outside, especially if she is in heat. This helps prevent unplanned encounters with male dogs.
Use Dog Diapers
Dog diapers can help manage the mess associated with heat cycles and may provide a physical barrier, though they are not a foolproof method of preventing pregnancy.
Separate From Male Dogs
If you have male dogs at home, keep them separated from your female dog during her heat cycle. This may require keeping them in different parts of the house or using barriers such as gates.
Consider Temporary Contraceptives
There are medical options available for temporary contraception. Consult with your veterinarian about medications or injections that can prevent pregnancy. These are usually less common and not recommended for long-term use due to potential side effects.
Monitor Heat Cycles
Understanding your dog’s heat cycle can help you manage and prevent accidental breeding. A typical heat cycle lasts about three weeks and occurs every six to eight months.
Signs of Heat:
Swelling of the vulva
Increased urination
Behavioral changes, such as increased affection or restlessness
Bloody discharge
Microchipping and ID Tags
While microchipping and ID tags won't prevent pregnancy, they are essential for recovering your dog if she escapes. Always keep her identification up-to-date.
Consult Your Veterinarian
Regular veterinary check-ups are essential for your dog’s overall health. Discuss with your vet the best methods of preventing pregnancy, especially if spaying surgery is not an option due to health reasons or other considerations.
If you are considering neutering or spaying your dogs, for bookings and inquiries, reach out to us at 9311560101 or visit dccpets.in. You can also visit our clinics for pet consultation in Delhi, Gurgaon, and Noida.
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medicalprocare · 1 month
Discover the Expertise of the Best Laparoscopic Surgeon in Gurgaon
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When it comes to surgical procedures, the expertise and experience of the surgeon play a crucial role in the success and recovery of the patient. In Gurgaon, a city known for its advanced medical facilities and skilled healthcare professionals, Dr. Rajeev Seth stands out as the best laparoscopic surgeon in Gurgaon. His exceptional skills and dedication to patient care have earned him a stellar reputation in the medical community.
Meet Dr. Rajeev Seth
Dr. Rajeev Seth is a highly acclaimed laparoscopic surgeon with years of experience in performing minimally invasive surgeries. His commitment to excellence and patient-centered approach has made him the go-to surgeon for individuals seeking advanced surgical treatments. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for innovation, Dr. Rajeev Seth continuously strives to provide the best possible outcomes for his patients.
What is Laparoscopic Surgery?
Laparoscopic surgery, also known as minimally invasive surgery, involves the use of small incisions and specialized instruments to perform surgical procedures. This technique offers numerous advantages over traditional open surgery, including reduced pain, shorter recovery times, and minimal scarring. As the best laparoscopic surgeon in Gurgaon, Dr. Rajeev Seth employs these advanced techniques to ensure his patients experience the benefits of modern surgical advancements.
Benefits of Laparoscopic Surgery
Choosing laparoscopic surgery over traditional methods comes with several benefits:
Minimized Pain: Smaller incisions lead to less post-operative pain and discomfort.
Faster Recovery: Patients typically experience quicker recovery times, allowing them to return to their daily activities sooner.
Reduced Scarring: The small incisions result in minimal scarring, enhancing the aesthetic outcome of the surgery.
Lower Risk of Infection: The reduced size of the incisions lowers the risk of infection and other complications.
Why Choose Dr. Rajeev Seth?
Selecting the best laparoscopic surgeon in Gurgaon is a critical decision for anyone considering surgery. Dr. Rajeev Seth’s expertise and dedication make him the ideal choice for several reasons:
Extensive Experience: With years of practice and numerous successful surgeries, Dr. Rajeev Seth has honed his skills to perfection.
Advanced Techniques: He stays abreast of the latest advancements in laparoscopic surgery, ensuring that his patients receive the most effective treatments.
Patient-Centered Care: Dr. Rajeev Seth prioritizes patient well-being, offering personalized care plans tailored to each individual’s needs.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: His practice is equipped with cutting-edge technology, providing a safe and comfortable environment for surgical procedures.
Procedures Offered by Dr. Rajeev Seth
As the best laparoscopic surgeon in Gurgaon, Dr. Rajeev Seth offers a wide range of laparoscopic procedures, including:
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: Removal of the gallbladder using minimally invasive techniques.
Laparoscopic Hernia Repair: Repair of various types of hernias with minimal incisions.
Laparoscopic Appendectomy: Removal of the appendix through small incisions.
Laparoscopic Hysterectomy: Removal of the uterus with advanced laparoscopic methods.
Patient Testimonials
Patients who have undergone laparoscopic surgery with Dr. Rajeev Seth often share their positive experiences, highlighting the expert care and successful outcomes they received. These testimonials reflect his dedication to achieving the best possible results for his patients, further establishing his reputation as the best laparoscopic surgeon in Gurgaon.
Take the First Step Towards Better Health
If you are considering laparoscopic surgery, choosing the right surgeon is essential for a successful outcome. Dr. Rajeev Seth, the best laparoscopic surgeon in Gurgaon, is here to guide you through every step of your surgical journey. With his expertise and compassionate care, you can trust that you are in the best hands.
Schedule a consultation with Dr. Rajeev Seth today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you. Discover the benefits of laparoscopic surgery and experience the exceptional care that has made Dr. Rajeev Seth a trusted name in Gurgaon.
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kirtiremedo · 4 months
Dr. Rajiv Sharma M.S Hospital (Maa Savitri Hospital Gurgaon)
Dr. Rajiv Sharma is a highly skilled & dedicated Gastrointestinal Surgeon in Gurugram, Haryana at Maa Savitri Hospital with 30 years of experience, providing exceptional medical care in the field of gastroenterology. He is the best general surgeon in Gurugram Sector 8 Dr. Rajiv Sharma specializes in the diagnosis & treatment of digestive disorders including GERD, laparoscopic surgeries, appendix, hair transplants, piles, fissures, fistula, uterus removal surgery, endoscopic interventions, hernias, tumors, gallbladder disease, colorectal diseases. He uses latest technology to ensure the best possible outcomes for his patients
Contact Maa Savitri Hospital to book an appointment with the best Laparoscopic surgeon in Gurgaon, Sector 8, Haryana
098111 97647
M.S Hospital, Subhash Nagar, Near Dhobi Ghat Old Railway Road Sector 8 Gurugram Haryana 122001
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manipalhospital1 · 4 months
Hysterectomy: Advantages And Disadvantages Of Removing Uterus
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Hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus by surgical method. If the uterus is removed along with the cervix it is called complete hysterectomy. If the uterine body is removed leaving behind the cervix, it is called partial hysterectomy. Sometimes the ovaries, fallopian tubes and other surrounding structures are also removed.
Hysterectomy is a major surgical procedure that has risks and benefits and affects the hormonal balance in the body. For these reasons, hysterectomy is only recommended when all other modalities have failed.
What are the types of Hysterectomy?
The type of hysterectomy involves the removal of both the uterus and the cervix. 
Radical Hysterectomy
This type of hysterectomy involves the complete removal of the uterus, cervix, upper vagina and parametrium. Lymph nodes, ovaries and fallopian tubes are also removed in such cases.
Total Hysterectomy
​​​​​​​This is a type of hysterectomy, which involves the removal of the uterus and cervix. It may or may not involve the removal of ovaries. Ovaries are clearly not of prime concern in total hysterectomy.
Subtotal Hysterectomy
​​​​​​​This is a process of removing the uterus, leaving the cervix in situ. Subtotal hysterectomy was introduced with the view to improve sexual functioning after hysterectomy.
Why would you need a hysterectomy?
There are various conditions, where hysterectomy becomes essential and used to treat many women's health conditions:
When uterine fibroids cause pain, uterine bleeding and other problems, hysterectomy becomes necessary, especially when medical management has failed.
There are conditions wherein the uterus slides into the vaginal canal and outside. This is known as uterine prolapse.
Cancer of the uterine, cervix and ovaries.
Endometriosis is a condition where cells from the lining of the uterus appear outside the uterine cavity. It is commonly seen in the reproductive years.
Intractable bleeding after delivery.
Consult with our team of gynecologists in Gurgaon to know more about it.
What are the advantages of a uterus removal?
The advantages of hysterectomy improves the quality of life and psychological outcome:
The main reason for women to undergo hysterectomy is abnormal uterine bleeding.
Hysterectomy relieves abnormal uterine bleeding which is painful and distressing.
Hysterectomy prevents uterine cancer and is a lifesaver for women who have a family history of cancerous growth in their uterus.
Hysterectomy for fibroids in the uterus offers great relief to those who have symptoms like bleeding, cramps, urinary problems etc.
What are the disadvantages of a uterus removal?
The disadvantages of Hysterectomy involve risks associated with abdominal hysterectomy surgery:
Premature menopause is associated with long-term health risks which may include premature death, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, neurologic disease and so on.
Removing the ovaries can cause many health problems including a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases, bone weakening and arthritis.
Removal of the uterus can cause chronic pelvic problems, that affect the organ, which cause severe pain in the pelvis.
Contact us now to get the finest treatment at the best gynecologist hospital in Gurgaon. 
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drveenuagarwal · 4 months
Understanding Hysterectomy Surgery: What Every Woman Should Know
In the realm of women's health, certain medical procedures can bring about significant changes and improvements in quality of life. Hysterectomy surgery is one such procedure that addresses various gynecological conditions effectively. If you're considering Hysterectomy Surgery in Gurgaon, it's essential to understand its significance, the expertise of professionals like Dr. Veenu Agarwal, and why it may be needed.
What is Hysterectomy Surgery? Hysterectomy surgery involves the surgical removal of the uterus, and in some cases, other reproductive organs like the ovaries and fallopian tubes may also be removed. This procedure is often considered when other treatments haven't been successful in addressing certain gynecological issues.
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Why Might You Need Hysterectomy Surgery?
Uterine Fibroids: These non-cancerous growths in the uterus can cause symptoms like heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, and pressure. When fibroids become large or symptomatic, and conservative treatments fail to provide relief, hysterectomy may be recommended.
Uterine Prolapse: This occurs when the uterus slips from its normal position into the vaginal canal, causing discomfort, urinary incontinence, and other issues. In severe cases, where conservative treatments aren't effective, hysterectomy may be the best option to address the prolapse.
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: Conditions such as adenomyosis or hormonal imbalances can lead to heavy, prolonged, or irregular menstrual bleeding. When medical management or less invasive procedures fail, hysterectomy may be necessary to stop the bleeding.
Endometriosis: This condition involves the growth of tissue similar to the lining of the uterus outside the uterus. It can cause severe pelvic pain, painful periods, and infertility. When other treatments such as medication or conservative surgery don't alleviate symptoms, hysterectomy may be considered.
Gynecological Cancers: In cases of uterine, cervical, or ovarian cancer, hysterectomy may be part of the treatment plan, particularly if the cancer is localized and hasn't spread to other organs.
Consult Dr. Veenu Agarwal: Best Gynecologist in Gurgaon When it comes to women's health, finding the Best Gynecologist in Gurgaon is paramount. Dr. Veenu Agarwal stands out as a beacon of excellence in this field. With years of experience and a commitment to compassionate care, Dr. Agarwal has earned a reputation as one of the finest gynecologists in the region. Her expertise encompasses a wide range of gynecological issues, from routine check-ups to complex procedures. Patients commend her for her thoroughness, professionalism, and comforting demeanor.
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Endoscopy Beyond the Digestive System: Exploring Applications in Urology and Gynecology
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When we think of endoscopy, we often associate it with digestive system procedures such as colonoscopies and upper gastrointestinal examinations. However, endoscopy has expanded its reach beyond the digestive system, finding valuable applications in urology and gynaecology. In this blog, we will explore how endoscopic techniques are revolutionizing these fields, providing minimally invasive diagnostic and therapeutic options for patients.
1. Endoscopy in Urology
Transurethral endoscopy: Urologists utilize endoscopic instruments to examine and treat conditions of the urinary tract.
Cystoscopy: A flexible or rigid endoscope is inserted through the urethra to visualize the bladder and urethra, allowing for the diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract abnormalities, kidney stones, and bladder tumors.
Ureteroscopy: A thin endoscope is passed through the urethra and bladder to visualize and treat conditions of the ureters, such as kidney stones and ureteral strictures.
Prostate endoscopy: Endoscopic procedures like transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsy and transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) aid in diagnosing and treating prostate conditions, including prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
2. Endoscopy in Gynecology
Hysteroscopy: Gynecologists use a thin endoscope to examine the inside of the uterus, diagnose abnormalities, and perform procedures like endometrial biopsy and removal of polyps or fibroids.
Laparoscopy: This minimally invasive surgical technique involves the insertion of a small camera through a small incision in the abdomen, allowing visualization and treatment of conditions like endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and ectopic pregnancies.
Fallopian tube endoscopy: Hysterosalpingography and fluoroscopy enable the evaluation of fallopian tube blockages, helping diagnose and treat infertility issues.
3. Benefits of Endoscopy in Urology and Gynecology
Minimally invasive approach: Endoscopic procedures in urology and gynecology offer less trauma, reduced scarring, and faster recovery times compared to traditional open surgeries.
Accurate diagnosis: Endoscopy provides direct visualization, allowing for precise identification and characterization of abnormalities or diseases.
Therapeutic interventions: Endoscopic techniques enable the treatment of various conditions, such as stone removal, tumour resection, and tissue biopsy, without the need for more invasive surgeries. If you are confused about which treatments are suitable for your problem then take an appointment best gastro in Gurgaon for better treatment with advanced technology.
Shorter hospital stays: With less invasive procedures and faster recovery times, patients often experience shorter hospital stays and can return to their daily activities sooner.
Endoscopy has proven to be a valuable tool beyond the digestive system, making significant contributions to urology and gynaecology. From the diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract disorders to the evaluation of reproductive health and fertility, endoscopic techniques provide minimally invasive options for patients. As technology advances, we can expect further refinements and innovations in endoscopy, if you facing any gastro problem then contact your gastroenterologist for the best endoscopy in Gurgaon leading to improved outcomes, enhanced patient experiences, and expanded applications in urological and gynecological care.
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cradlegurgaon-blog · 5 years
Dr. Neeru Mehra shares importance of prenatal vitamins in pregnancy. For best pregnancy care, consult Dr. Neeru Mehra at Miracles Mediclinic or Apollo Cradle Gurgaon.
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dr-meenakshi-sauhta · 4 years
Procedure of Vaginal hysterectomy and what happens after that?
A vaginal hysterectomy is a surgery in which the uterus and cervix are removed from the vagina of women by operation. It is also used to remove ovaries.
Best Gynecologist Gurgaon can usually recommend vaginal hysterectomy in conditions such as moving the uterus, excessive and severe pain in the uterus, and fibroids.
What is the procedure done in Vaginal Hysterectomy?
During this operation, the surgeon will give you a dose of an anesthetist so that you do not feel pain. The process of this operation is usually completed in about 45 minutes.
During the operation, the best gynecologists in Gurgaon make an incision around the top of your vagina around your cervix so that they can eject the womb and cervix from your vagina.
Surgeons usually sew the ligaments on top of the vagina to reduce future risks.
What happens after Vaginal Hysterectomy?
Each type of treatment has the possibility of some risk along with benefits. Ask your gynecologist Gurgaon about what kind of risks you may have after a vaginal hysterectomy.
Anesthetic is used during any surgery or operation. Because of which there is a possibility of risk like excessive bleeding or blood clotting.
After operation of Vaginal Hysterectomy, you may have suffers the following problems:
●      Pelvic floor infection or pain
●      Damage to the structure around the uterus
●      Fistula problem (abnormal joint in organs, in which pus starts filling)
●      Swelling or bleeding inside the tissue
●      Constant pain in the vagina or abdomen
Talk to your doctor about what precautions you should take before and after surgery and follow the instructions given by them carefully. Inform your doctor if you have any symptoms of risk.
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aryanhospital-blog · 7 years
Things to Check While Opting For Best Gynecologist in Gurgaon
Finding out that you are pregnant is one of the most magical moment for most mothers. However, the delicate task of staying healthy and living a proper lifestyle in order to guarantee the safety and health of the pregnancy starts at this point. This simply translates to a number of hospital visits and diet changes in order to stay assured of safety. For this reason, it is important as a prospective mother to identify the right gynecologist to see you through the entire pregnancy up until you deliver your child. The best gynecologist in Gurgaon ensures that the entire pregnancy period of their patients is handled professionally and with a lot of care.
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Finding the best gynecologist may require a bit of research on the part of the prospective parents. However, going through this process is very important and worth the trouble because it gives the parents kind of confidence they need on the doctor.
Here are a few pointers to consider when opting for the best gynecology in Gurgaon:
i.                    Reputation
Doing extensive research on different gynecologist to gauge their reputation is vital. You can begin by going through hospital websites where these gynecologists are affiliated to. Go through their credentials and their posted success rates over the years that they have been in practice. Going through previous patient reviews and testimonials is a critical thing as it makes it possible to gauge how the doctor connects with the patients they have attended to.
In order to see one doctor throughout the entire pregnancy to delivery, you need to find a gynecologist who is also an obstetrician.
ii.                  How convenient is it to meet the gynecologist
Over the course of your pregnancy, you will have to meet your gynecologist a number of times. Therefore, before deciding on your gynecologist of choice, it is important to take into consideration the doctor’s accessibility.
The best hospital for ICU delivery in Gurgaon is, therefore, the one that is within reach to ease the trouble of commuting for your appointment. Considering the distance to your potential gynecologist is just one of the aspects to consider. It is also important to find out how easy it is to access the gynecologist in case of an emergency call or even the time you’d have to wait for a routine appointment, and much more.
iii.                The charges for the services rendered
Consultation charges change from doctor to doctor just as delivery charges vary from hospital to hospital. Taking into consideration the charges for the different services that will be rendered greatly influences the gynecology you will decide on at the end of the day.
Normally, doctors affiliated to the same hospital have similar charges. However, with the rise in the number of private clinics owned by the same doctors in big hospitals, similar services end up having different prices tagged on them.
If you are insured, it is also important to identify a gynecologist who is affiliated to a hospital that is covered by your insurance company. This will greatly help you to meet your estimated budget.
 Aryan Hospital is one of the best hospitals for delivery in Gurgaon. The facility understands that the patients who seek their help are looking for trust and comfort in the gynecologists they end up settling on. In effect, the facility has a number of expert gynecologists who offer personalized treatment and care to the patients that come to them. The facility offers a range of services that ensure all the prospective mothers that are brought to them, no matter how complex their pregnancy may see, find the best care and remedies that would ensure they deliver their children without any complications. These include cancer care, gynecological endoscopic surgeries, and much more. These services have completely set the facility apart from other facilities in Gurgaon.
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vineet54 · 2 years
Best andrologist in gurgaon
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Best andrologist in gurgaon
What Is a Urologist?
Best andrologist in gurgaon
Your urologist knows all about the urinary system, which includes your kidneys, bladder, ureters (thin muscles that carry pee into your bladder) and urethra (tube that drains pee out of your bladder.)
Best andrologist in gurgaon
Urologists also treat a man's reproductive system, which includes the penis, testes, scrotum, and prostate.
Best andrologist in gurgaon
A urologist could even serve as your primary doctor if you have:
Best andrologist in gurgaon
Regular problems with kidney stones
Prostate cancer
Long-term problems with holding your urine
Best andrologist in gurgaon
Best urologist in gurgaon
Why Would You See a Urologist?
Best andrologist in gurgaon
A urologist might treat bladder problems, urinary tract infections (UTIs), bladder and kidney cancer, kidney blockage, and kidney stones.
Best andrologist in gurgaon
Men might also see them for:
Best andrologist in gurgaon
Erectile dysfunction (ED)
Enlarged prostate gland
Prostate cancer
Testicular cancer
Best andrologist in gurgaon
Erectile dysfunction (ED)
Enlarged prostate gland
Prostate cancer
Testicular cancer
Best andrologist in gurgaon
Best andrologist in gurgaon
Problems holding your pee after pregnancy
Erectile dysfunction (ED)
Enlarged prostate gland
Prostate cancer
Testicular cancer
Best andrologist in gurgaon
Pelvic organ prolapse (when an organ like the uterus or bladder starts to drop or press into or out of the vagina)
Best andrologist in gurgaon
Children might need to see a urologist if they have an abnormal urinary tract problem like bedwetting.
Best andrologist in gurgaon
What does a urologist do?
Best andrologist in gurgaon
Urology is the field of medicine that is associated with the diseases and disorders of the male and female urinary tract.
Best andrologist in gurgaon
Best andrologist in gurgaon
Urologists are doctors who specialize in the treatment of diseases and conditions affecting the urinary system, including the bladder, kidney, ureter, urethra, and adrenal glands. In men, they treat all ailments concerning the penis, prostate, epididymis, seminal vesicles, and the testes.
Best andrologist in gurgaon
They also perform surgeries if needed to remove cancer or a blockage in the urinary tract.
Best andrologist in gurgaon
When should you consult a urologist?
Best andrologist in gurgaon
You can consult a urologist for all mild urinary problems like urinary tract infections (UTI) to severe ailments like cancer. In most cases, your primary doctor refers you to a urologist if your symptoms persist for long durations or don’t improve.
Best andrologist in gurgaon
Symptoms of Urological Problems
Best andrologist in gurgaon
Below mentioned is a list of symptoms that indicate that you have a problem in the urinary tract and need to visit a urologist.
Best andrologist in gurgaon
Presence of blood in the urine, a condition also called hematuria
A recurring need to urinate urgently
Best andrologist in gurgaon
Burning sensation or pain during urination
Difficulty urinating
Best andrologist in gurgaon
If you experience pain in your lower back, pelvis, or sides
Urine leakage
Best andrologist in gurgaon
Best andrologist in gurgaon
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ivfjunction · 3 years
Get the Best Endometriosis Treatment by Endometriosis Specialist in Gurgaon
Endometriosis is a disorder where the endometrium(the uterine lining) starts growing outside the uterine cavity.
This displaced uterine tissue can grow on the ovaries, the bowel, and the tissues that are lining the pelvis. The endometrial lining reacts to hormonal changes, and hence this lining growing outside of the uterus reacts to hormones similarly. This endometrial tissue (known as an endometrial implant)  grows, thickens, and breaks down like endometrium inside the endometrial cavity. Unlike the uterine endometrium, this endometrial tissue is not able to leave the pelvic cavity and becomes trapped. If you are looking for endometriosis treatment in Gurgaon, in fact, the Best Endometriosis treatment in Gurgaon and the best Endometriosis Specialist in Gurgaon, it is important that know more about endometriosis first. It is a painful condition and can cause a number of problems.
This trapped endometrial tissue in the pelvis can cause –
Formation of Scars
Severe pain during periods
Problems with fertility
It is important that you notice any gynecological symptoms and consult with a gynecologist to minimize your risk of complications arising out of gynecological conditions.
Table Of Contents
Feel Free to skip ahead if one topic catches your eye :
Symptoms of Endometriosis
Stages of Endometriosis
Endometriosis Risk Factors
Endometriosis Diagnosis
Endometriosis Treatment in Gurgaon
Take Away
Symptoms of Endometriosis
The symptoms of Endometriosis might overlap with that of other conditions of the pelvic cavity, hence it is important to consult a gynecologist if you are experiencing any of the symptoms associated with endometriosis. Endometriosis can cause the following symptoms –
Pelvic Pain
Painful periods
Lower abdomen pain (before and during the periods)
Heavy menstrual bleeding
Bleeding between periods
Infertility problems
Pain after sexual intercourse
Discomfort with bowel movements
Lower back pain during any part of the menstrual cycle
These symptoms can be mild to moderate or severe.
Stages of Endometriosis
Endometriosis is of four stages. These stages are –
Stage 1: Minimal
In this stage, there are small lesions or wounds and shallow endometrial implants on your ovary. There can also be inflammation in and around your pelvic cavity.
Stage 2: Mild
This stage involves the formation of light lesions and shallow implants on your ovary and the pelvic lining.
Stage 3: Moderate
This stage involves deep implants on your ovary and pelvic lining. The number of lesions can be more in this stage of endometriosis.
Stage 4: Severe
This stage involves the formation of deep implants on your ovaries and pelvic lining. Lesions may also be present on the fallopian tubes and bowels.
Endometriosis Risk Factors
It has been seen that there are some risk factors that increase the risk of developing endometriosis. These are –
Age – Endometriosis usually affects women aged 25-40. Since endometriosis affects women of all ages, symptoms can start at puberty.
Family History – People who have a family history of endometriosis have a higher risk of developing Endometriosis.
Pregnancy – The symptoms of endometriosis reduce during pregnancy. Women who haven’t had children are at an increased risk of developing endometriosis. However, it is important to mention that Women who have had children can still also have endometriosis.
Menstrual history – If you have a history of menstrual problems, you might be at an increased risk for endometriosis.
If you have any of the risk factors it is important to tell them to the gynecologist.
Endometriosis Diagnosis
If you have symptoms of endometriosis, it is important to consult your gynecologist who would be able to do examinations and tests to know the cause of the symptoms.
Your gynecologists would do a number of tests if they think you could have endometriosis. Some of them are –
Detailed History – Your doctor will ask you about your menstrual history and family history. The history of your overall health would also be asked by your gynecologist.
Physical Examination – The doctor would physically examine your abdomen for any cysts or scars behind the uterus.
Ultrasound – An abdominal ultrasound or transvaginal ultrasound may be required.
Laparoscopy – This procedure involves inserting a camera and surgical tools through a small incision. If endometrial tissue is found inside the pelvic cavity, it can be removed through the same procedure.
Endometriosis Treatment in Gurgaon and Endometriosis Specialist in Gurgaon
Endometriosis has conservative, surgical, and medical management options to alleviate the symptoms associated with endometriosis. Endometriosis treatment in Gurgaon is available by IVF Junction’s experts. IVF Junction can help you with the Best Endometriosis Treatment in Gurgaon.
Your Endometriosis Treatment may include one or more of the following treatments –
Pain Medications
Your doctor may prescribe medications to alleviate the painful symptoms of Endometriosis.
Hormone Therapy
Your gynecologist may prescribe you supplemental hormones if they think that hormonal regulation can help reduce the symptoms associated with endometriosis.
Hormonal Contraceptives
Hormonal Contraceptives in the form of pills, implants, patches, vaginal rings, and hormonal injections can reduce the symptoms associated with endometriosis. Hormonal contraceptives prevent the buildup of endometrial tissues.
Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) Agonists and Antagonists
Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) Agonists and Antagonists block the production of estrogen. Estrogen stimulates the ovaries and is responsible for the development of female sexual characteristics. Blocking estrogen prevents menstruation and creates artificial menopause. This can have side effects such as vaginal dryness and hot flashes. These symptoms can be prevented or reduced by taking small amounts of estrogen and progesterone as per the advice of your gynecologist.
Surgical Approach
If medications are not effective for your endometriosis, your doctor may recommend you to go for surgery.
Laparoscopy is a procedure that is done to remove or destroy the endometrial tissue. In this procedure, a small incision is made and surgical tools along with a camera are inserted. The displaced endometrial tissue is seen and can be removed or destroyed during this procedure.
Hysterectomy is another surgery that can be advised for endometriosis that is not getting better with medications. In this surgery, the uterus and the cervix are removed. After this surgery, it is not possible to have a pregnancy hence it is often the last approach for the treatment of endometriosis or suggested for people who have already had children.
The quality of your Endometriosis treatment in Gurgaon depends upon the expertise of the Endometriosis Specialist in Gurgaon.
Contact IVF Junction for Endometriosis Treatment in Gurgaon and begin your fertility treatment.
Take Away
If you’re having symptoms of endometriosis, it is important to consult a gynecologist at the earliest. Endometriosis can cause infertility hence it is important to get treatment.
If you are experiencing any reproductive health-related problems, you can Contact Us and let us help you with your reproductive health-related questions. Our Support Forum is open and welcoming to any questions that you might have about Reproductive health, Sexual Health, and Infertility. IVF Junction’s motto is to make reproductive healthcare affordable and accessible and our team would be happy to help you.
Source: https://ivfjunction.com/blog/endometriosis-treatment-gurgaon/
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ivfnirvana · 3 years
What is the difference between IVF and IUI treatment ?
IVF Nirvana is the best  IVF hospital in Gurgaon. They believe that fertility treatment could be improved. They completely revamped the fertility treatment procedure when they developed IVF Nirvana. They intended to remove any unneeded sources of stress from our patients' lives and provide more empathetic care. IVF Nirvana has the best infertility specialist in Gurgaon in to handle your problems.
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Fertility treatments such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilisation (IVF) are used to aid people who are having trouble conceiving. The key distinction between IUI and IVF procedures is that IVF involves egg stimulation, retrieval, fertilisation, and transfer, whereas an IUI involves injecting sperm into a uterus to shorten the sperm's journey to the egg.
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When you initially start the process, you may be puzzled about the differences between an IUI and an IVF treatment, and medical terminology for fertility treatments can be confusing. Because learning the terminology can be confusing, let's break down the differences between IUI and IVF. Some of the best IVF hospital in Gurgaon like IVF Nirvana inform you the all possible options to convenience baby 
The likelihood of a successful IVF pregnancy is highly dependent on the woman's age, the primary cause of infertility, and other criteria connected to the IVF laboratory's quality.
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What is IUI treatment ?
In office intrauterine insemination (IUI), commonly known as artificial insemination, is a simple process. The doctor injects sperm into the uterine cavity that had previously been collected and prepared in the lab. The lab “washes” the sperm before insertion by eliminating seminal fluid and concentrating the sperm.
IUI can be done with the use of fertility treatments to boost ovulation function or during a woman's natural ovulation cycle. Ovulation prediction kits sold over the counter can be used to determine when a woman is ovulating.
Because the sperm is situated higher in the uterine cavity, it avoids the cervix and travels faster into the fallopian tubes. This increases the quantity of sperm that will be able to meet the egg.
What is IVF treatment ?
IVF is a fertility treatment, also known as assisted reproductive technology (ART), in which a man's sperm and a woman's eggs are mixed outside of the woman's body in a laboratory.
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The lady takes fertility medicine to stimulate her ovaries and aid in effective egg retrieval before fertilisation may take place. The egg retrieval is done under anaesthesia, and the insemination takes place the next day.
The embryo is closely watched after fertilisation to decide when it should be transferred to the uterus.
What Makes You a Candidate for IUI vs IVF ?
IUI, or artificial insemination, is the most prevalent reproductive treatment, as previously mentioned. Apart from the fact that it is frequently the first treatment that many individuals take, it is less invasive and fertilisation occurs internally rather than in a lab.
Artificial insemination, as a result, necessitates functioning ovaries, viable eggs, and fallopian tubes, as well as the availability of 5-10 motile sperm once the male partner's ejaculate is processed.
If you or your partner do not match the criteria for IUI, IVF may be an option. IVF is used to treat a variety of infertility difficulties, including uterine abnormalities, tubal disorders, endometriosis, age-related infertility, low sperm count and/or motility, unexplained infertility, and more. IVF is also a good option for those who want to use donor eggs or a surrogate.
Who Can Benefit from IUI?
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IUI can help couples when:
The male partner has sperm that has been frozen before surgery or treatment for disorders such as testicular cancer.
Donor sperm is being used to conceive.
Using ovulation-inducing fertility medicine, a lady with ovulation issues has been unable to conceive.
In the sperm analysis, there are a few minor anomalies (such as concentration, motility, and morphology or shapes of the sperm)
Fertility drugs are used to boost the amount of eggs a woman ovulates on a regular basis.
Using ovulation-inducing fertility medicine, a lady with ovulation issues has been unable to conceive.
Who Might Benefit from IVF?
In vitro fertilisation is usually advised for couples who have been trying to get pregnant unsuccessfully for a year and have one or more reproductive issues, such as:
Scarring or tubal ligation can cause blocked fallopian tubes.
Male sperm count or motility is extremely low.
Male spouse who has had a vasectomy in the past
IVF surrogacy and/or egg donation
Egg supply is dwindling, and egg viability is declining.
Couples who have failed to conceive after three unsuccessful IUI cycles may consider IVF. Then the best infertility specialist in Gurgaon can suggest IVF treatment.
About the best IVF hospital 
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IVF Nirvana is the best  IVF hospital in Gurgaon. They believe that fertility treatment could be improved. They completely revamped the fertility treatment procedure when they developed IVF Nirvana. They intended to remove any unneeded sources of stress from our patients' lives and provide more empathetic care. IVF Nirvana has the best infertility specialist in Gurgaon in to handle your problems.
You Can Call best IVF hospital in Gurgaon: 8800293371
You can chat with best infertility specialist in Gurgaon: https://wa.link/hef37i
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Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Treatment in Gurgaon is the second most common surgery.
Total laparoscopic hysterectomy treatment in Gurgaon is a minimally invasive method of removing the uterus. This means that the surgeon makes only tiny cuts in the belly to "minimize" or lessen injury to the body. Your surgeon places a camera (laparoscope) through a small amount to see inside of your abdomen and uses tiny instruments through the other surgical cuts to do your surgery. The uterus then is removed through the vagina or one of the minor cuts in your belly. Women who have a laparoscopic (minimally invasive) hysterectomy recover more quickly, have less pain and have fewer infections than women who have one large surgical cut in the abdomen called an abdominal hysterectomy.
In the best hospital for Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Treatment in Gurgaon, a surgeon removes your whole uterus (womb) and the opening to the uterus (cervix). Sometimes other reproductive organs are removed, including the fallopian tubes (tubes sending the eggs to the uterus) or ovaries (the egg producers). Your surgeon will decide which organs may need removal depending on your age, family history, and reason for surgery.
Why do surgeons perform this procedure?
This procedure may be helpful for: • Heavy bleeding • Fibroids (non-cancerous muscular tumors) • Pre-cancer or cancer in the uterus • Endometriosis or adenomyosis (when uterine tissue grows outside your uterus or within the muscular walls of the uterus) • Prolapse (uterus dropping into the vagina) Benefits of the surgery: • No more periods • No more pap smears (for most women) • No more pregnancies, so no need for birth control • Improvement in pain related to periods Alternatives to total laparoscopic hysterectomy depend on the reason for having surgery but can include: • Not having any treatment • Medication to manage to bleed • Procedure to decrease blood supply to the uterus • Surgery to remove or burn part of the uterus • Removing the uterus through the vagina or one large cut in the abdomen
What are the risks of this procedure?
There is a slight chance of having a complication or problem when you have surgery. Your risk could be higher if you have had surgery before or have other medical conditions. Some risks of total laparoscopic hysterectomy include:
• Bleeding during or after the surgery • Infection • Injury to your bladder, intestines, or other structures near your uterus • Blood clots in your legs or lungs • Tear in the stitches at the top of your vagina (called vaginal cuff separation) • Hernia (tear or weakness in the wall of your abdomen) • Need to switch to a laparotomy (surgery through one large incision)
What should I expect after surgery? Everyone recovers at a different pace after surgery. Many patients can get back to most of their usual activities two weeks after surgery, but full recovery can take six to eight weeks.
Common symptoms after a total laparoscopic hysterectomy include:
• Light vaginal bleeding • Fatigue or sleepiness from anesthesia • Pain or cramping in your stomach and soreness from your surgical cuts • Shoulder pain • Constipation (difficulty emptying bowels)
Do not put anything in your vagina for at least six weeks (no tampons or sexual intercourse). You will no longer have periods and will not be able to become pregnant. Most women do not experience any change in sexual function after a hysterectomy.
Examples of laparoscopic hysterectomy surgical cuts When should I call the best hospital for Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Treatment in Gurgaon?
Severe problems after total laparoscopic hysterectomy are uncommon, but notify your surgeon if you develop:
• Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath • Heavy vaginal bleeding • Pain not controlled by your pain medications • Severe nausea and vomiting • A temperature over 100 degrees • Trouble urinating or having a bowel movement
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neelkanthhospitals · 3 years
Everything You Need to Know About Male Infertility
When the subject of IVF arises it’s more common for the focus to fall upon the woman undergoing the treatment; injections, egg collection, embryo transfers, and the absolute hope that within her body a miracle is about to occur.
But when her partner is male, how does he feel about the process and the important part he plays?
Most couples who have regular sex (every two to three days) without using contraception will conceive within one year. If you’ve been trying for that long without pregnancy happening, it’s worthwhile speaking to your doctor and visit the best ivf centre in gurgaon. They may use the term 'infertility' at this point, but remember that it doesn't necessarily mean you can't have children naturally; getting pregnant can take longer for some couples.
What are The Causes of male infertility?
Making mature, healthy sperm that can travel depends on many things. Problems can stop cells from growing into sperm. Problems can keep the sperm from reaching the egg. Even the temperature of the scrotum may affect fertility. These are the main causes of male infertility:
Abnormal bulging veins in the testicles, known as varicoceles, are the most common cause of male infertility, and can result in low sperm production and poor sperm quality.
The shape and size of sperm, known as sperm morphology, affect the sperm’s ability to fertilize the egg.
Chromosomal or genetic issues that affect sperm production may result in low sperm count and concentration in semen.
Low sperm motility (movement) also makes it difficult for sperm to travel to and penetrate a woman’s egg.
An imbalance in testosterone or other hormones.
A natural physical blockage – or surgical vasectomy – in male tubes (vas deferens) that carry sperm from the testicles to mix with semen before ejaculation.
Retrograde ejaculation, a disorder that prohibits semen from properly ejaculating outwardly, does not allow sperm to leave the man’s body.
Emotional and psychological conditions or spinal cord injuries may result in impotence and cause infertility in men.
Cancer treatment can cause male infertility (men preparing to undergo radiation or chemotherapy are strongly advised to consult a reproductive endocrinologist or oncologist regarding sperm freezing).
What are the symptoms of male infertility?
The main sign of male infertility is the inability to conceive a child. There may be no other obvious signs or symptoms.
In some cases, however, an underlying problem such as an inherited disorder, hormonal imbalance, dilated veins around the testicle, or a condition that blocks the passage of sperm causes signs and symptoms. Signs and symptoms you may notice include:
Problems with sexual function — for example, difficulty with ejaculation or small volumes of fluid ejaculated, reduced sexual desire, or difficulty maintaining an erection (erectile dysfunction)
Pain, swelling or a lump in the testicle area
Recurrent respiratory infections
Inability to smell
Abnormal breast growth (gynecomastia)
Decreased facial or body hair or other signs of a chromosomal or hormonal abnormality
A lower than normal sperm count (fewer than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen or a total sperm count of less than 39 million per ejaculate)
How is male infertility evaluated?
Semen analysis in most cases is the first test you will be asked to perform. Semen is the fluid that is released when a man has an orgasm. Semen carries the sperm in fluids that should nourish and protect it. You will typically be asked to provide a semen sample by masturbating into a sterile glass jar. If masturbation is not culturally acceptable, your doctor can provide you with a special condom in which to collect semen during intercourse.
The following things are measured during the test:
How much semen you’re producing(volume)
The total number of sperms in your semen sample(Total count)
The number of sperms in each milliliter of your semen(concentration)
The percentage of sperms that are moving(motility)
If the sperms are formed at the right shape or not(morphology)
Further Tests 
You may need to see a fertility specialist at any ivf treatment centre in gurgaon for further tests and investigations if your sperm count is low. You may have:
a urine sample to check for retrograde ejaculation – semen is ejaculated backwards into your bladder instead of outside your body
an ultrasound scan of your testes – your doctor may suggest this if you’re not producing any sperm
tests for genetic conditions that may affect sperm production
If an underlying health condition is causing your fertility problems, treating this may improve your chance of getting your partner pregnant.
What Are the Treatments for male infertility?
Treatments for male-related infertility include:
Holistic fertility and lifestyle changes can alter such negative health habits as obesity, unhealthy diet and smoking, all of which affect fertility
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) involves the collection, washing (cleaning) and concentration of healthy sperm that are then placed directly into the uterus
IVF with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is an advanced laboratory procedure that involves the injection of a single healthy sperm into an egg to create an embryo, which is implanted into a woman’s uterus
Sperm retrieval for men who cannot ejaculate or produce semen involves retrieval of semen from the testicles using a small needle
Vasectomy reversal enables a man to once again produce healthy sperm in his semen
Sperm donation is the use of another male’s sperm to fertilize a woman’s egg
Hormone therapy and medications may be recommended to alter high or low hormone levels that affect fertility.
Post Treatment Care
Male infertility can often be fixed with an outpatient procedure. These are done under general anesthesia or IV sedation. While pain after surgery is usually mild, recovery and follow-up vary. After varicocele repair, your health care provider at a reputable ivf centre in gurgaon should do a physical exam. This is to see if the vein is completely gone. Often the veins stay enlarged since they are not removed during surgery but only closed off to prevent abnormal blood flow. Semen should be tested about every 3 months for at least a year, or until pregnancy. If your varicocele returns, or you stay infertile, ask your health care provider about ARTs.
We hope this article has provided you with much-needed information about male infertility and the procedures and treatments to be followed. If you found this blog useful please spread the word by sharing it with your friends, it would help us a lot.
And, finally, be sure to let us know what topics you’d want us to cover next in the comment section below. 
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Endometriosis and Adenomyosis | Find Answers To All Your Questions
Did you know that at present over 25 million women in India suffer from Endometriosis?  Even though this condition is so widespread, women often know little to nothing about it due to the widespread taboo surrounding women's reproductive health. In recent times, we are seeing an increase in awareness regarding endometriosis thanks to the voice and importance given to reproductive health, sadly however endometriosis remains a matter of shame. In this article, we will talk about everything you need to know about endometriosis and adenomyosis, its symptoms, and things to keep in mind.
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 Do You Know What Endometriosis and Adenomyosis are?
Endometriosis is a chronic condition wherein a particular tissue, originally present in the uterus known as the endometrium lining starts to exhibit unusual patterns and grow over the ovaries, vagina, and even the rectum. Endometriosis is the growth of endometrium outside the uterine cavity or myometrium (endometriotic implants), usually in the peritoneal cavity. This condition can be extremely painful for women with symptoms such as cramping, painful sexual intercourse, and so on.
Endometriosis may occur in four stages based on the severity. Stage I is where it is minimal with the implants being shallow. Stage II is mild with implants being a little deeper. Stage III is moderate where there might even be endometrial cysts and finally, Stage IV might show large cysts and dense adhesions.
Similar to endometriosis, in Adenomyosis, the endometrium lining grows to be thick within the uterus and can break through the muscle wall of the uterus causing heavy bleeding, cramping, and so on.
Understanding The Difference: Endometriosis & Adenomyosis
Although by the face of it the two conditions may appear to be the same, they are different.  In endometriosis, the lining found in the uterus starts to grow outside of it along with the ovaries, rectum, and so on whereas in adenomyosis on the other hand in adenomyosis the lining grows into the muscular wall of the uterus.
Knowing The Symptoms
In a lot of cases, the presence of Endometriosis and Adenomyosis may go unnoticed but by keeping yourself aware of the preliminary symptom, you will be able to detect it at the earliest. Given below are some of the most frequently experienced symptoms of endometriosis
Chronic abdomen pain
Irregular menstrual cycle
Pain during penetration
Nausea and Constipation
Heavy bleeding
Most of the symptoms of Adenomyosis are similar to endometriosis, the most common being
Irregular menstruation
Heavy bleeding and occasional spotting
Blood clots during menstruation
Painful sexual intercourse
Abdominal pain
Getting Pregnant with Endometriosis and Adenomyosis - Possible?
Contrary to common belief, you can get pregnant even if you have endometriosis and adenomyosis. As already seen from the symptoms, (How To Improve Fertility Naturally in Female) infertility can arise as a result of the condition as the lining growth tends to affect the ovaries. As we are already aware, for conception to take place the egg needs to travel from the ovaries via the fallopian tubes to the uterus where it can fertilize. However, with endometriosis or adenomyosis that causes inflation, there is a high risk of damage to the egg or sperm and additionally, an egg may not be able to successfully travel via the fallopian tubes. This may cause difficulties while trying to get pregnant.
It is no doubt that endometriosis and adenomyosis can cause difficulties while trying to conceive, however, it is not impossible. Although there is no clear cut treatment for the condition, progesterone intake can help. Lifestyle changes aimed at reducing inflammation can also help increase the chances of conception. At Fertility Dost, our range of programs is aimed at helping women overcome issues such as PCOS, endometriosis via a holistic approach.
A clean diet combined with physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight can help you manage the symptoms and help with conception. Thanks to technological advancements, there are several options for women who are unable to conceive naturally such as getting a surrogate or The Chances for IVF Pregnancy Success or mini IVF.  With a good amount of planning, you too will be able to conceive, it is best to consider and discuss all options with your doctor.
 Thinking Of Alternatives
 As already discussed, women are at higher risks of miscarriage while going in for a natural pregnancy however this does not mean that you will not be able to conceive. There are several alternatives to choose from that will help you conceive if you suffer from endometriosis or adenomyosis. Some of the common options include:
 In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
IVF is perhaps one of the most popular techniques to help with conception. Best IVF Treatment Clinic in India improves the chance of fertilization and is especially beneficial for women with stage 3 or 4 of endometriosis or women above the age of 35.  Best IVF Center in Gurgaon and Best IVF Doctor in Bangalore success rates might be higher for women with endometriosis as opposed to natural pregnancy and can be considered as a viable option.
 Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
Similar to How To Conceive After IVF Pregnancy, this calls for the assistance of external factors to facilitate fertilization. In IUI, the sperm Is placed directly into the uterus which can prevent the sperm from getting damaged as a result of the endometrium lining growth. This treatment is typically recommended for women with stage 1or 2 endometriosis.
 Looking Ahead - Treatment
Just like conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis and adenomyosis are chronic conditions that cannot be completely cured, however, there are treatment options to help manage symptoms. Please be sure to consult a doctor before considering any treatment option as everybody is different.
 Hormone Therapy
Hormonal mediation in the form of Hormonal contraceptives,  progestin therapy, and Aromatase inhibitors can all work by regulating estrogen levels in the body resulting in lesser painful and more regular menstrual cycles.
Surgery works by removing endometrial implants from the ovaries. This is usually opted for by women trying to conceive naturally and it might also help relieve certain symptoms such as pain and irregular cycles.
 Hysterectomy and removal of the ovaries
Removal of the uterus (Hysterectomy) along with the removal of ovaries can help women with pain. Removal of the ovaries automatically results in menopause. Removal of the uterus can help treat symptoms such as cramping and abdominal pain.
 There are several treatment options that may or may not be viable for you, it is best to consult a doctor before taking any decision. Do not self-prescribe treatments as they might have adverse effects.
 Fertility Dost is India’s leading platform for infertility. Our range of programs offers a holistic approach to all your problems via Fertility Nutrition, yoga, Fertility Ayurveda, and emotional wellness. If you are looking to find a solution to your problems and be a part of a community, then contact us today to book your first free consultation call!
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