slashthrashandcrash · 5 months
Ohhhhhh I'm so obsessed with daddy!Ghosty and his daughter! Imagine what would happen if Ramona was send to the fog but as survivor ahhhhh!!! The chaos!!!
What I love about this is that there's two scenarios for this:
A) Ramona is 18 (as per BHVR), meaning it's been at least 10 years in her time since she's seen her dad. As a teen, she probably just accepted the reality that he was a deadbeat and had finally abandoned her for good, maybe holding resentment towards him in her broken heart, or maybe tricking herself into believing something awful must have happened to him because no way would her daddy ever leave her forever. Now she's in this strange new world, confused, terrified as she's hunted for sport by a slew of monsters and killers, including the elusive Ghostface.
He'd be the first one to recognize she's his daughter before she ever realizes this masked psychopath is her long lost dad. But now, there's an even further parental disconnect for him -- this isn't his baby girl anymore, she's all grown up, she's just another teenager with a pretty face, he's missed out on more than half her life at this point. They may as well be strangers. Yet, as little as he seems to care about her getting hurt during trials, he never finishes her off. The knowledge that other killers are brutalizing her doesn't bother him, but as soon as one of them makes a direct mention about it he loses his mind.
He avoids her like the plague yet continually stalks her from afar to learn every little missed detail about her. Kicks medkits towards her when she's down, chases her through maps to ever so conveniently corral her towards the hatch exit, just happens to drop rare perks in passing for her to pick up. As long as he can help it, he'll never reveal the fact that he's her father. It wouldn't do either of them any good. It's just as much for her protection as it is to keep his dirty little secret, but that doesn't mean others aren't going to start getting suspicious of his apparently "favoritism", killers and survivors alike...
B) Ramona is 8 and is the one and only child to be taken by the fog (excluding Victor). That complicates so much right off the bat. There's not really such a thing as a killer having morals, but there's more than a few who would be hesitant or downright refuse to kill a kid...just as much as there are killers who wouldn't care. No one is happy about this, it seems too far, too cruel of the Entity. It must be a mistake. The survivors are beyond protective of her, always ensuring she's the first one out regardless if it means the rest of them get slaughtered.
But the real kicker is when Ghostface finally comes across her, either during a trial or because he wanted to scope out this new rumor of a child survivor. He can't contain his shock, the way he uncharacteristically freezes and says her name is disbelief. What is his baby doing here, she shouldn't be here?? Yeah, he's not a great dad, but Christ he likes to think he's a good enough father to not want his child in a murderous pocket dimension. The second she hears his voice though, she's all over him. That's her daddy! Her daddy is here, he knows how to make everything better!!
Now that's when the real chaos begins. Ghostface has a daughter?? Ghostface has a daughter that loves him??? Ghostface has a daughter and is actually pretty decent with her???? Everyone on both teams are blindsided by this news, it's like ten bombshells just got dropped on them at once when they had barely recovered from the first one. Everyone has so many questions and he's not answering a single fucking one, thank you. This is like the ultimate cosmic karma; after 8 years of being a semi-absent dad, now he's very much being forced to be an active parent. Except he's still going to pawn her off to the survivor group more often than not. At least he's...there?
Definitely more protective of her, doesn't mind showing the same affection he's always given her, and as a result there's at least a handful of killers who are soft on her too (Legion and Pig, for example). Kinda hard to hide the fact that he's a bloodthirsty serial killer and has been her whole life, especially since 8yos aren't dumb and survivors love to shit talk, so he omits or bends the truth as much as he can so that she doesn't lose that idolized image of him. It's just a game, it's not real, see, daddy even makes sure she wins every time, if he doesn't play right then more bad things will happen and she surely doesn't want that, right?
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slashthrashandcrash · 4 months
The Rippers waist... so grabbable hmmm
I love your OCs !!
I have a type and I will not deny my soul that of which is craves (slutty waists)
Thank you!!! :3c
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