#usumaki kushina
judsweetdream · 5 years
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blogdelachicaotaku · 6 years
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El artista publicó esta ilustración el día del cumpleaños del Tercer Hokage (11 de noviembre). En la obra vemos a este personaje en paz consigo mismo y también es una metáfora de que siempre estará cuidado a su ahijado –razón por la cual Huang escribió, "este lazo conectará el futuro por siempre".
Créditos: cekibeing (twitter)
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somos-deseos · 5 years
No necesitas muchos amigos. Solo unos pocos, con los que realmente puedes contar.
Kushina Usumaki / Ene 31
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froggyhopscotch · 4 years
Hello :D so I saw your naruto/dgm crossover and 1) the art was AWESOME, and 2) m really interested about Lavi and Cross (but mainly Lavi cause he's my favorite). Do they know that they are Uzumakis? Do they know they're *kinda* related to each other? I mean. I think they would, cause Levi is a spymaster in training and Cross is Cross but you said that they didn't knew about Naruto and Kushina? I'm just really curious :3 (also have a good day!!)
ASDfgdjfldl It has been MONTHS since I first saw this in my inbox, I am so sorry. It caught me at a bad time and then I forgot to come back to it ^^;
First of all, THank You!! ♡♡♡
As for Lavi and Cross, (I'm gonna apologize, my memory got a little fuzzy on this AU and I didn't write anything down like a Dumbass, so this will be a little bit vague/messy answer)
My original thoughts (if I remember right) were that after Whirlpool's destruction, when the survivors fled, a lot of family ties were lost when everyone split up. Kushina and Lavi were young enough at the time that it was easy to forget what relatives names were and what they looked like if they weren't immediate family and you didn't have other family around to remind you (I know I had that problem as a kid)
Cross was able to recognize Lavi, but he'd never really interacted with Kushina Before so he wasn't sure about her.
They're all Uzumakis and Know they're Usumakis, but my thoughts were that it was a large enough clan that sharing the last name wasn't a guarantee of being super closely related (I... don't actually remember where I got that headcanon). So they know they're related somehow, but Cross, Lavi, and Kushina aren't aware they're so closely related as Direct cousins.
I hope that answers your question ♡
You have a wonderful day yourself!!♡
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yeaishipthem · 8 years
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Minato Namikaze y Kushina Usumaki
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juliopastoral · 8 years
Naruto... no seas quisquilloso con la comida... come, crece mucho y sé un buen niño... báñate todos los días... ve a la cama temprano y duerme bien... Haz amigos... no importan cuántos... Sólo asegúrate de que sean amigos verdaderos en los cuales confies, no importa si son pocos... estudia bien ninjutsu... nunca fui buena para ello ...quizás tu si... Todo el mundo es muy bueno y muy malo en algunas cosas... No te sientas mal si hay algo que no puedas hacer... Asegúrate de escuchar a tus profesores en la academia, evita los tres vicios de los shinobis... no pidas prestado dinero... ahorra lo que ganes en tus misiones... no tomes Sake hasta los 20 años o arruinarás tu cuerpo... Y en cuanto a mujeres, bien soy una mujer asi que se que decir, este es un mundo de hombres y mujeres y algún día tienes una novia... Asegurate de no escoger a una rarita ... encuentra alguien como tu madre... y de parte de Minato, ten cuidado de Jiraiya Sensei... Naruto vas a experimentar mucho dolor y sufrimiento... Recuerda quién eres... Encuentra una meta... un sueño... y nunca te rindas hasta hacerlo realidad... Hay tantas, tantas, tantas... cosas que quisiera decirte y enseñarte; quiero estar contigo hijo mío... TE AMO.
Las Ultmas Palabras de Kushina Usumaki
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judsweetdream · 7 years
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Lo que sacrificaron por la aldea... 
( judsweetdream )
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