#usually I'd draw at these hours and that would entertain me but I'm still avoiding my laptop ....
kestralpine · 2 days
since I am unable to wake up any time before my Have To Get Up Alarm (1 pm) essentially any free time I get in a day is anything I get in before I fall asleep for bed
except for a while I've been way too sleepy and falling asleep around 12 or 1am.. which feels miserable since I wasted all my free time! so I've been slowly working my wakefulness back up to that nice 7am schedule I had for a while
except I forgot how lonely it is at night :(
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abstractreign · 3 years
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3, 5, 21 and 23 for the roleplay writing habits meme! ( → @purificr )
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( → roleplay / writing habits !! )
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Are you proficient in any language outside of your native tongue? Do you write characters that speak multiple languages?
{ i'm not sure if i'd consider myself "proficient" at it, but i do know Filipino/Tagalog enough to understand conversational forms of it both written and spoken— though not enough to write or speak in full sentences. besides that, i don't really know any languages outside English, which is my first, and what i'm most fluent in.
i do have a lot of original characters who are bilingual to multilingual — a couple of them downright polyglots — but i've yet to roleplay most of them.
joshua here understands written English fairly well along with spoken, more "formal", (loosely North American) English, and is able to speak it somewhat; but he's less knowledgeable with more colloquial forms of it, as well certain variations or dialects of it.
( → rest of answers below the cut !! )
What time of day are you most productive with regard to writing?
{ as my sleep schedule just keeps shifting over months, it's not so much a certain time of day as much a certain time after waking up or before falling asleep. i find that nowadays, in spite of actual times of day or night, it's usually easier to write after i've been awake for a few hours. i'll likely have eaten something by then, so it's easier for me to focus and actually come up with actual words and coherent thoughts.
If a reply isn’t coming easily do you draft it for later, delete and start over, chat with your writing partner for help, or something else?
{ usually i do some combination of the three and more! i actually don't usually get to writing replies straight away, so as to avoid placing a weird pressure on myself for something that's meant to be a hobby; but i don't often find myself finishing replies in one sitting still when i do get around to writing them, especially the longer the word count is.
if i'm really having trouble, or need to clarify something, i'll poke my partner, of course, and occasionally i will scrap writing just to start fresh, but on top of those—
whenever my mind draws a complete blank, i'll do this thing where i'll just start writing my muse doing and saying things that they absolutely would never ever do in response. not only is it really fucking funny a hundred percent of the time, it provides me with a lot of clarity as to what my muse would do in response to a given situation. it's a real good way for me to shake off any built-up pressure and come back to the core of my muse's character.
(also it's doubly? funny to just imagine joshua storming in, yelling at me to stop writing him fortn/te dancing, and finally cooperating with me long enough for me to write a reply)
What subjects / genres do you find yourself becoming the most passionate about when you’re writing?
{ i think it's apparent just how much of a huge sucker i am for comedy and for inserting comedic elements into my writing in general— which is especially fun to do with joshua, whom i'm more than used to ragging on out of endearment and entertainment. (i've been lovingly roasting this everloving shit of this pisshead for nearly eight years now, and i am not letting up anytime soon.)
that being said, i do enjoy a hefty serving of drama and angst as well! while i haven't gotten to write much of them with joshua here yet, i absolutely look forward to getting to do so in the future with a couple of the plots i've been working towards for a bit now.
i figure what i enjoy about both genres and writing them is just how well they lend themselves to exposing and exploring character flaws, consequences of decisions, and so on. there's something inherently humbling— and thus endearing, human about them when done right, and that's the kind of writing i strive for.
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