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mightyarmory · 5 years ago
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Thousands after thousands all case gauge. Load with Mighty Armory. You can see the difference and shoot the benefits. These rounds were sized in our new TNT die. No Lube, Not Carbide. Well over 300,000 now. #reloading #ammo #9mm #gunsdailyusa #ipsc #idpa #uspsaproduction #uspsalimited #mightyarmory https://www.instagram.com/p/B4026UdAEqw/?igshid=e3ivzl5khh2y
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evandaire · 6 years ago
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Picked this up. Something about dry fire and Van Halen. #stevesndersonillustrations #refinmentthroughreppettion #dryfrire #uspsa #uspsaproduction — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2Nji1LN
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nictaylor000 · 7 years ago
#working up some #new #9mm #match #loads on the #dillonprecision #650 #thebluebullets #acmebulletcompany #bayoubullets #summersenterprises #precisionbullets #uspsa #uspsaproduction #ipsc #idpa #pewpew (at Texas)
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shootersfaync · 5 years ago
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Did you miss the Legion? #shootersfaync #braggblvd #sigsauer #sigsauerp320 #sigsauerp320x5 #sigsauerp320x5legion #p320x5legion #legion #uspsa #uspsaproduction #uspsalimited #3guncompetition #thepewpewlife #blaster #idpa #ipsc #fay #fayettevillenc #fayetteville #ftbragg #fortbragg #2a #racegun (at Bragg Blvd) https://www.instagram.com/p/B78-RkXJsI4/?igshid=1vtf2zwzxcd9y
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mightyarmory · 5 years ago
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Mighty Armory Sized 9mm #uspsaproduction #9mm #reloading #ammo If you’re shooting competion you will benefit in a big way with the out Match Sizing dies. Load with or without lube. #saamispec https://www.instagram.com/p/B6YoI2rJlsM/?igshid=3iatsd8qm61v
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mightyarmory · 5 years ago
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First Look. Mighty Armory TNT Lubless pistol case sizing die PRE treatments. #reloadingnation #reloadingammo #9mm #9mm #40sw #45 #pistolsizingdies #uspsa #ipsc #idpa #uspsaproduction Mighty Armory is the future of reloading dies. Try one, you’ll be back for more! https://www.instagram.com/p/B48E9zJgbnu/?igshid=1dsvibqu7tuph
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mightyarmory · 5 years ago
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Over 300,000 dry sizings now. #9mm #uspsa #ipsc #idpa #uspsaproduction #uspsaproduction #uspsalimited #shootidpa #9mmcarbine #9mmpistol swipe left. @matchpoint_ammunition has been running the die. Load to powder data. This is our TNT series die. Ready to start shipping on Nov. 21st. Pre-order welcome. Picture is our prototype. The actual die will be shown on the 21st. It’s a new day in #reloadingammo The future is now. https://www.instagram.com/p/B4zACZ8AuLw/?igshid=zfjqc3puq4sr
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mightyarmory · 5 years ago
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@matchpoint_ammunition showing a few primers punch out by his Mighty Armory BLUE die. #uspsalimited #uspsaproduction #uspsacarryoptics #uspsanationals #uspsaopen #thisisuspsa #mightyarmory https://www.instagram.com/p/B4oCHUBAZxa/?igshid=5ey51tvmh8ca
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evandaire · 6 years ago
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I was just introduced to this video from Hwansik Kim by Kita Busse. This is the best video on pistol grip I’ve ever seen. I don’t know Hwansik at all, but I’m absolutely gonna plug his video. It was $20 on vimeo and just playing around with the ideas on here for a few days I see a definite improvement. Thanks @kitabusse for pointing this video out to me and @hkimshooting man this is a solid video. http://bit.ly/2Kn6olh #pewpewlife #pewpewprofessional #uspsa #uspsaproduction — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2UHkstY
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evandaire · 6 years ago
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New year new guns! This one has just come to my attention and man am I interested. While I don’t usually hop aboard the hype train too often I’m stoked to try out this gun. Walther is making a steel frame variant of the Q5 Match. I’ve been looking for a replacement for my TP9SF, something that is actually a USPSA production gun from the ground up not just a compact carry gun that I’ve pressed into that role. This really hits everything I was looking for. The TP9SF series is essentially just a Walther clone anyway so I already know I like the ergos and love the trigger. It already comes with a blacked out adjustable rear sight and a front red fiber, which is my personal favorite sight combo for uspsa. And hey, it should probably fit my current holster and mag pouches too. I’m hoping to see 2019 be the year of metal frame striker fired pistols. You can find a million polymer striker fired guns but the Hudson H9 and this are the only steel striker fired guns I know of. (Not including guns from ww1 anyway) The extra recoil reduction will be nice. I hope to see other companies follow suit. I was eyeing CZ Shadow 2s hard but this is looking like a really tempting and possibly permanent set up for my USPSA production gun if it’s as nice as I think it will be. #walther #pewpewlife #waltherppq #pewpewprofessional #uspsa #uspsaproduction #pewpewlifestyle — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2Qg0xfb
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evandaire · 7 years ago
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That's different! I put in the Sprinco PPQ spring in my Canik. I love this pistol, but it is set up from the factory for really hot NATO ammo, and didn't like to eject my light puffy competition loads properly. But now it's running 124 and 115 grain stuff like a champ too! #canik #caniktp9sf #spirnco #uspsa #uspsaproduction #idpa #pewpewlife #pewpewprofessional #ipsc #shooting #shootingsports #canikfanatic — view on Instagram http://ift.tt/2zVkgNs
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