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mokshconsultant · 1 year ago
What is the USMLE? The acronym USMLE stands for the United States Medical Licensing Examination. It is a three-part examination that international students must pass in order to practice medicine in the United States.
Who governs the USMLE? Ownership of the USMLE is divided between two entities:
The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), representing state medical boards responsible for issuing medical licenses.
The National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME), which is responsible for developing and administering the USMLE examinations.
Who is eligible to take the USMLE? International medical graduates outside the United States and Canada are eligible to take the USMLE. Registration is facilitated through the online services of the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) via the official USMLE website.
What does the USMLE evaluate? The USMLE evaluates various aspects of physician characteristics essential for patient care, including medical knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes.
How many steps are there in the USMLE? The USMLE consists of three distinct steps:
USMLE Step 1: Evaluates basic science knowledge and principles.
USMLE Step 2 CK (Clinical Knowledge): Assesses the application of medical expertise in patient care.
USMLE Step 3: Serves as the final assessment for physicians assuming independent responsibility in delivering medical care.
Where can the USMLE be taken? Prometric test centers, located in major cities worldwide, offer USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK examinations. However, USMLE Step 3 must be taken within the United States.
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tomalakornel · 12 days ago
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Chirurg w Polsce i USA – jakie są różnice?
Wykonywanie zawodu chirurga w Polsce i USA różni się pod wieloma względami, począwszy od ścieżki edukacyjnej, przez warunki pracy, aż po zarobki i prestiż zawodowy. Systemy opieki zdrowotnej w tych krajach funkcjonują na innych zasadach, co wpływa na codzienną praktykę chirurgów. Amerykańscy lekarze mają dostęp do nowoczesnych technologii i wysokich wynagrodzeń, ale borykają się z ogromnymi kosztami edukacji oraz presją związaną z ubezpieczeniami medycznymi. W Polsce natomiast lekarze często muszą pracować w mniej komfortowych warunkach, mierząc się z problemami finansowania szpitali oraz przeciążeniem systemu.
Ścieżka edukacyjna i specjalizacja
Aby zostać chirurgiem w Polsce, należy ukończyć sześcioletnie studia medyczne, odbyć roczny staż podyplomowy i zdać Lekarski Egzamin Końcowy (LEK). Następnie przyszły chirurg podejmuje około 6-letnią specjalizację w zakresie chirurgii ogólnej lub innej, bardziej wyspecjalizowanej dziedziny. Cały proces trwa co najmniej 12 lat.
W USA droga do zostania chirurgiem jest jeszcze dłuższa. Po uzyskaniu licencjatu (4 lata) kandydaci uczęszczają do szkoły medycznej (4 lata), po czym odbywają rezydenturę trwającą od 5 do 7 lat w zależności od specjalizacji. W niektórych przypadkach wymagane są dodatkowe fellowshipy (1–3 lata) w wybranej subdyscyplinie. Amerykańscy chirurdzy muszą również zdać egzaminy USMLE oraz spełniać wymogi poszczególnych stanów dotyczące licencji zawodowej.
Warunki pracy i dostęp do technologii
Chirurdzy w USA mają dostęp do najnowocześniejszych technologii, często pracując w doskonale wyposażonych szpitalach. System prywatnych i akademickich placówek pozwala na stosowanie innowacyjnych metod, takich jak chirurgia robotyczna, telemedycyna czy zaawansowane techniki laparoskopowe. Jednak presja wydajności i konieczność spełniania oczekiwań pacjentów, często traktowanych jak klientów, może generować duży stres.
W Polsce warunki pracy chirurgów są zróżnicowane. W dużych ośrodkach akademickich i prywatnych klinikach dostęp do nowoczesnych urządzeń jest coraz lepszy, ale w mniejszych placówkach nadal brakuje odpowiedniego sprzętu i środków na rozwój. Ponadto przeciążenie systemu ochrony zdrowia sprawia, że chirurdzy muszą pracować w szybkim tempie, co zwiększa ryzyko błędów medycznych.
Zarobki i prestiż zawodowy
Jednym z największych kontrastów między chirurgami w Polsce i USA są wynagrodzenia. W Stanach Zjednoczonych chirurdzy należą do najlepiej opłacanych specjalistów – ich roczne dochody często przekraczają 300 000 dolarów, a w przypadku chirurgów plastycznych czy kardiochirurgów mogą sięgać nawet 500 000 dolarów.
W Polsce wynagrodzenia chirurgów są znacznie niższe. Średnia pensja w sektorze publicznym jest niewspółmierna do ilości pracy i odpowiedzialności, dlatego wielu lekarzy dorabia w prywatnych klinikach lub wyjeżdża za granicę. Niska płaca w połączeniu z długimi godzinami pracy sprawia, że prestiż zawodu, choć nadal wysoki, nie przekłada się na satysfakcję finansową.
Obciążenie pracą i styl życia
Amerykańscy chirurdzy często pracują po kilkanaście godzin dziennie, a ich harmonogram obejmuje dyżury nocne i weekendowe. Wysoka presja i ryzyko pozwów o błędy medyczne powodują duże obciążenie psychiczne. Z drugiej strony wysokie zarobki i system prywatnej opieki zdrowotnej dają im większą kontrolę nad warunkami pracy.
W Polsce sytuacja jest podobna – chirurdzy spędzają w szpitalu długie godziny, a wielu z nich podejmuje dodatkowe dyżury lub pracuje w kilku placówkach jednocześnie. Braki kadrowe sprawiają, że presja jest ogromna, a czas na odpoczynek ograniczony.
Czy warto być chirurgiem w Polsce i USA?
Wybór ścieżki kariery chirurga zarówno w Polsce, jak i w USA wiąże się z wieloma wyzwaniami. W Stanach Zjednoczonych ogromne możliwości zawodowe idą w parze z wysokimi kosztami edukacji i presją prawną. W Polsce natomiast lekarze muszą mierzyć się z niskimi płacami i trudnymi warunkami pracy, ale system kształcenia jest bezpłatny. Ostatecznie, w obu krajach chirurgia pozostaje prestiżowym zawodem, wymagającym poświęcenia, pasji i ogromnej determinacji.
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argroup6 · 29 days ago
MBBS in Abroad: A Complete Guide for Indian Students
Studying MBBS in Abroad is a dream for many Indian students who aspire to become doctors. With limited seats and high competition in India, many students choose foreign medical universities for quality education at affordable costs. This guide will help you understand everything about studying MBBS in Abroad, from eligibility to career opportunities.
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Why Choose MBBS in Abroad?
Affordable Tuition Fees – Many foreign medical universities offer lower tuition fees compared to private medical colleges in India.
No Entrance Exam Required – Some universities do not require entrance exams like NEET for admission.
Globally Recognized Degree – Medical degrees from countries like Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and the Philippines are recognized by WHO and NMC.
Better Infrastructure and Facilities – International universities provide modern facilities, advanced laboratories, and global exposure.
Multicultural Environment – Studying abroad gives students an opportunity to interact with students from different countries.
Eligibility Criteria for MBBS in Abroad
To apply for MBBS in Abroad, students must fulfill the following criteria:
Must have passed 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
Minimum of 50% marks in PCB for general category students and 40% for reserved categories.
NEET qualification is mandatory for Indian students to practice in India after completing their degree.
Must be at least 17 years old at the time of admission.
Best Countries for MBBS in Abroad
1. Russia
Affordable tuition fees and living costs.
Top universities include Moscow State Medical University, Kazan Federal University, and Volgograd State Medical University.
2. Ukraine
High-quality education with European standards.
Popular universities include Bogomolets National Medical University and Lviv National Medical University.
3. Kazakhstan
English-medium courses available.
Top universities include Kazakh National Medical University and Astana Medical University.
4. Philippines
American curriculum-based education system.
Best universities include University of Perpetual Help and AMA School of Medicine.
5. Georgia
High FMGE passing rate.
Popular universities include Tbilisi State Medical University and Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University.
Admission Process for MBBS in Abroad
Research and Select a University – Choose a university that suits your budget and preferences.
Check Eligibility – Ensure that you meet the university’s admission requirements.
Submit Application – Fill out the application form and submit necessary documents.
Receive Admission Letter – Once approved, you will receive an admission letter from the university.
Apply for Visa – Submit the required documents for a student visa.
Book Flight and Arrange Accommodation – Make travel arrangements and book your stay.
Start Your MBBS Journey – Attend orientation and begin your medical education.
Cost of Studying MBBS in Abroad
The cost of studying MBBS in Abroad varies depending on the country and university. Below is an approximate range of expenses:
Challenges of Studying MBBS in Abroad
Language Barrier – Some universities require students to learn the local language for clinical practice.
Cultural Differences – Adjusting to a new country and lifestyle can be challenging.
FMGE Exam Requirement – To practice in India, students must clear the Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE).
Career Opportunities After MBBS in Abroad
Practice Medicine in India – Clear the FMGE/NExT exam and get a license to practice in India.
Work in the Host Country – Some students choose to stay and work in the country where they studied.
Pursue Higher Studies – Options like MD or MS are available in India and abroad.
Appear for USMLE/PLAB – Students can apply for medical licensure exams in the USA (USMLE) or UK (PLAB) for better career prospects.
Join Hospitals and Research Centers – Many opportunities are available in private and government healthcare institutions.
Studying MBBS in Abroad is a great option for Indian students looking for quality medical education at an affordable cost. With proper planning and research, you can secure admission to a top medical university and build a successful career in medicine. Ensure that the university is recognized by NMC and WHO, and prepare well for licensing exams if you plan to practice in India. Choose the right country and university, and take the first step towards fulfilling your dream of becoming a doctor.
If you need further information contact:
523, 5th Floor, Wave Silver Tower, Sec-18 Noida, UP-201301
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mbbsblogsblog · 6 months ago
MBBS in Russia: A Promising Pathway for Indian Students to Pursue a Global Medical Career
MBBS in Russia is an exciting and effective option for many Indian MBBS enthusiast wishing to study MBBS overseas. The infrastructure, curriculum, internship programs, and teaching methodologies of the medical colleges in Russia are allied with international standards. Russia medical universities have received many appreciations and positives feedbacks from many international students who have completed and pursuing MBBS course in Russia. The expert professors in Russian medical universities do focus on imparting in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge to their students. Beyond curricular activities students are also get engaged in many co-curricular activities that add value to their life style. Some of the key features of MBBS in Russia are safe environment, low-tuition fee, globally recognized universities, and rigorous internship programs.  Expert professors of the medical colleges in Russia shape the academic career of their students in such a way that they can get plethora of job opportunities where ever they try across the globe. For effective teaching-learning process, the medical universities in Russia follow a student-teacher ratio of 7:1.
MBBS in Russia: Career Opportunities for Indian Students after Accomplishing MBBS Course in Russia
After completing MBBS in Russia Indian students can look forward to a large number of opportunities in their professional career. Indian students have to be qualified in the Foreign Medical Graduates Examination (FMGE) to get the licence for practicing their professions in India or internationally. To meet the growing demand of healthcare industries in India and foreign countries, studying MBBS in Russia proves to be beneficial for students. Specializing in fields like surgery, pediatrics, or general medicine, one can shape one’s professional career in a better and successful way. In India there is huge demand of doctors in rural areas. Thus, after the completion of MBBS course in Russia, Indian students can pursue their professions in India and feel great serving for their country.
MBBS graduates who are wishing to shape their professional career in abroad can get lots of opportunities in foreign countries like Russia, China, Romania, Australia, and many more other foreign countries. For pursuing professional career in some foreign countries may require you to be qualified in additional licensing exam like USMLE for the United States or PLAB for the United Kingdom. You can also be allowed to do research while pursuing your professional career.
Moreover, some graduates choose to continue their education by pursuing postgraduate studies in medicine or related fields, either in Russia or other countries, enhancing their qualifications and broadening their career prospects. The global recognition of Russian medical degrees provides a strong foundation for a successful career in various healthcare sectors.
Ria Overseas is committed to offer you all the possible opportunities to study MBBS abroad. We at Ria Overseas value your dream profession and job. Accordingly to offer our client the most appropriate options to study MBBS. If you explore each page of the website you will get relevant information about MBBS overseas that may be helpful to you to filter your ideas of studying MBBS overseas. Still if you need more clarification or any specific idea about MBBS overseas feel free to contact us.
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nextstepsusmle · 1 year ago
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coachias · 1 year ago
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mbbsadmissionworld · 4 years ago
The Philippines, also known as the Republic of Philippines is situated in Southeast Asia in the Western Pacific Ocean. Its capital, Manila, is famous for its waterfront and centuries-old Chinatown. Philippines was a colony of USA for around 50 years and thus the country follows the American system of education.
Philippines is a founding member of the United Nations, World Trade Organization, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, and the East Asia Summit. The country also hosts the headquarters of the Asian Development Bank.
The Philippines has shown a great transition in economy from agriculture to the one with services and manufacturing. In addition to membership in the United Nations, the Philippines is also a founding and active member of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations).
As a founding member of the United Nations, the Philippines has been elected many times into the Security Council. The country is also an active participant in the Human Rights Council and in peacekeeping missions.
The tropical climate of Philippines is usually hot and humid. The temperatures usually vary from 21 °C (70 °F) to 32 °C (90 °F) with January being the coolest and May being the warmest months of the year.
When it comes to study abroad destinations for MBBS, Indian students has a few countries in the list. MBBS in Philippines is one of the preferred destinations of Indian students. Similar to studying MBBS in China or European Countries, the Medical Council of India provides approval for many medical colleges and universities. Here is the brief outlook on studying medicine in Philippines.
Philippines offers American system of medical education and the Primary Medical qualification is M.D. degree(MBBS). This qualification is globally recognized including the Medical Council of India.
The medical universities are approved by the World Health Organization. In addition, these are also listed and approved in the list of IMED and ECFMG medical education directories. It provides student an internationally recognized medical program. Also, students are eligible to appear in the international medical exams, namely USMLE.
When you check MBBS in Philippines review, you can see that about 8000 foreign students are admitted in MBBS every year. The standard of education by these medical universities in Philippines is on par with global standards. Every year, thousands of doctors move to different countries for higher education and practice.
Check out the MBBS in Philippines quora comments or MBBS in Philippines review, where climate is most favourable for the Indian students. The climate in Philippines is very similar to Indian climate. So, it is easy for the Indian students to adapt to the environment in a foreign country. Philippines MBBS syllabus covers all aspects covered in a MBBS degree offered across the globe.
Do you know that more than 10000 international students enroll in Philippines Medical universities and out of which more than 50% are Indian students? Philippines universities and colleges are known for its quality and sending thousands of doctors and engineers every year to work in USA, UK, and other developed western countries. It has 2299 higher educational institutions and 40 medical colleges. According to American Physician Statistics, one among ten Physicians in the USA studied at Philippines medical university.
Philippines medical college fees would range anywhere between Rs 12-20 Lakhs for the complete medical course. Even though some of the medical colleges/universities in Philippines have low fees, one should not choose the Philippines medical college only on the basis of the tuition fees. The quality of medical education as well the facilities would also be less when the fees is less.
  The MD in Philippines is recognized and approved as an equivalent course to the MBBS by the MCI (Medical Council of India) who has established and maintain uniform standards of medical education.
·         Philippines medical universities are widely renowned in many countries for the superior standard of education and also have listed in the WHO, IMED and ECFMG medical education directories.
·         Professors in the Philippines universities are coming from different countries, including USA and India who are highly qualified and experienced in the allied field.
·         Philippines medical colleges are regulated by the Philippines ministry of education and that is why Philippines colleges do not have any capitation fees as well as no donations to be paid for enrollment.
·         Another advantage of an Indian student is the climate of the Philippines. Philippines climate varies from 23 °C to 32 °C throughout the year, which is very alike to the Indian climate helps Indian students in settling with no trouble. The other advantage of the similar climate is, people having the same pattern of disease which aids to the Indian students who want to practice in India.
·         There is no any donation required to enroll in Philippines medical college, unlikely to Indian medical colleges.
·         Philippines follows US education system that opens numerous opportunities to make a career in English speaking countries inclusive of UK, USA, Australia, Canada, etc.
·         The English medium of instruction diminishes the barrier of learning the native language and helps to concentrate only on the study.
·         All the medical colleges in Philippines emphasis on practice over theorygive you greater extent of practical experience that helps you during practice.
·         The entire faculty of the Philippines medical colleges is co-operative and ready to help you in every query.
·         As the MBBS degree of Philippines is recognized by MCI, you can practice in India after completing the MCI registration formalities.
·         The MBBS degree of Philippines is recognized by every major country, that proffers you great career opportunity of working in the US, Canada, Australia and other developed countries without any extra course.
·         The living cost at Philippines is very less compare to other along with there is very mere difference in Philippines currency and Indian currency that makes Philippines more affordable.
·         We have a large number of messes and team of Indian chefs to make all the Indian dishes available for Indian students at affordable rates.
·         India and Philippines both have a tropical climate that helps you to quickly adjust to the Philippines climate.
·         Listed on the 12th as the most populous country in the world, hence you will have greater opportunity to practice with a varied and large number of patients.
·         You can easily communicate with patient and a local as the Philippines is the 3rd largest English speaking country where almost 94% of Filipinos speak English.
·         If you are planning to migrate at US, there is good news for you. The student can crack the USLME parts I and II in Philippines only under the guidance of medical professors.
·         Philippines is also renowned country for MD, the students coming from US, UK, Germany, France, Australia, Japan and South Korea is an evidence of it.
·         If we look at the data of past years and today, the number of Indian students enrolling for MBBS in Philippines are drastically increased shows its worthiness.
·         Excellent flight connectivity from India offers easy commutation throughout the year
·         Philippines embassy is very liberal, that means it is easy to obtain a student visa and quick processing of documentation.
·         To study MBBS in Philippines approx 20,000 students enroll every yearthat shows prominence of the Philippines is not only limited to the India.
·         Universities of the Philippines not only prepare for medical practice, but also prepare students for the MCI screening test.
Students who study MBBS in Russia need to manage the extreme weather conditions in Russia. More importantly the diseases which they learn in cold climatic country like Russia is not relevant in Indian context, where the climate is sub-tropical. The percentage of students who clear the FMGE (MCI screening test) from these two countries Russia and China range between 15-20%. But in case of students from Philippines medical colleges, the passing percentage for Foreign Medical Graduate Exam(FMGE) is well above 50% because of similar disease spectrum.
Happiest hostel life
Shopping and Entertainment
Best college life
Protective Environment
 Philippines Food & Accomodation
Philippines medical colleges provide excellent hostel accommodation for students coming from abroad. The rooms are furnished with every modern amenity. There is the provision of good hostel system with fully furnished rooms, quite study environment as well as recreation center. 
Dormitory rooms at hostel can accommodate 2 or 3 students in a room. Hostels offer the perfect environment for study. Students have access to 24 hour emergency medical services.After witnessing the migration of many Indian students towards Philippines, a lot of local Indian restaurants have come up that offer luscious Indian food. Otherwise, the availability of common kitchen helps the students to cook whatever they like to. Cooking Indian food independently is the best way to enjoy it. Study MBBS in Philippines.
 Philippines Climate
There are four recognized climate types in the Philippines, and they are based on the distribution of rainfall. The Climate of the Philippines is either tropical rainforest, tropical savanna or tropical monsoon, or humid subtropical (in higher-altitude areas) characterized by relatively high temperature, oppressive humidity and plenty of rainfall. Study MBBS in Philippines.
 Philippines Culture
The culture of the Philippines is a combination of cultures of the East and West. Education in the Philippines has been influenced by Western and Eastern ideology and philosophy from the United States, Spain, and its neighbouring Asian countries. Study MBBS in Philippines.
Eligibility for sudying medicine in Philippines
 Aggregate marks of 50% in Physics, Chemistry, Biology
Should have passed in NEET
 Davao medical school foundation
Lyceum Northwestern University
University of Northern Philippines
Our Lady of Fatima University
UV Gullas college of medicine
University of Santo Tomas
Emilio aguinaldo college
South western university
St Lukes college of medicine
Ama school of medicine
University of Perpetual help system dalta
Cebu doctors university
De la salle University
Pamantasan ng lungsod ng maynila 
Angeles University
Xaviers university
Bicol christian college of medicine
Iloilo doctors college of medicine
San beda college
West visayas state university
University of saint la salle
Silliman university
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dftannabeljackson-blog · 5 years ago
In the previous couple of years the wide variety of usa college students
 going overseas for higher training is growing day through day. A big bite of students travel overseas to get a diploma in an array of educational streams, management, engineering, medication, best arts, records technology, amongst others. The charm of having a foreign degree assumes significance as it not handiest equips a pupil with the relevant skills and training but it additionally enriches one's revel in by using exposing these students to a worldwide culture. And getting a overseas degree or a degree is becoming far greater handy today. This is because many countries have opened up special departments and cells in India itself to offer full help to the budding professionals in gratifying their academic dream. These departments - lots of them working below the aegis of their respective embassies - are providing invaluable help regarding admission, visa and living. Not only this, the wide variety of foreign locations where students can cross in for higher studies have multiplied manifolds within the final 5 years or so. And with instructional loans readily available college students are creating a beeline to examine at the university and college of their choice.
Although, america and the United Kingdom are still the favourites accompanied by Australia, France and Ger many, many more destinations have joined the ranks. We provide you with a list of a few sought after schooling locations.
The US Students can source data concerning training inside the USA from america Educational Foundation in India commonly called USEFI. Admission Tests for the USA: Most American colleges and universities require scores from one or extra of the standardised admission tests. Students may visit character college web sites for information on admission requirements. International college students whose local language isn't always English are required to take the Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL). A few establishments may accept scores from different English language examinations.
Students intending to pursue undergraduate studies within the United States might be required by means of the universities to take the SAT Reasoning Test and the SAT Subject Tests. Most graduate departments require students to take one or more of the following: GRE - Graduate Record Examination (general test); GRE - Graduate Record Examination (concern test); GMAT - Graduate Management Admission Test; and TSE - Test of Spoken English Programmes in law, medicinal drug, dentistry, and veterinary medicinal drug require: LSAT - Law School Admission Test; MCAT - Medical College Admission Test; DAT - Dental Admission Test; PCAT - Pharmacy College Admissions Test and VCAT - Veterinary Aptitude Test.
In addition, there are some other tests that scholars can take, depending on their requirement. These are: USMLE - United States Medical Licensing Examination; CGFNS - Council for Graduate of Foreign Nursing Schools; CPA- Certified Public Account Accountant Examination.
The United Kingdom The maximum popular undergraduate qualifications are the Bachelor's degrees (additionally referred to as undergraduate or first degrees), which are now required for entry into a wide range of careers within the UK and different countries. British diploma programmes comprise the maximum up-to-date subject developments. Many universities and schools now co-function to deliver diploma publications, and this has in addition improved the range and variety of guides and look at environments. For English skillability one has to take IELTS or International English Language Testing System.
Undergraduate and postgraduate programs are processed via the UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service), a centralised clearing agency. UCAS paperwork are to be had on UCAS website. UCAS is working in the direction of a 100% electronic software gadget, called ucasapply. UCAS Apply is a stable web-based totally online utility system for all students (UK and International). The key message from UCAS is for all worldwide students to transport as hastily as possible from the conventional paper-based method of software to UCAS Apply electronic software.
Australia The cutting-edge enrolment information for 12 months to date (YTD), August 2008 shows that over 80,000 Indian college students had enrolled to adopt an Australian qualification in 2008. India is now the second pinnacle source country for Australia's worldwide schooling industry. Many Indian students are analyzing mainly inside the fields of postgraduate studies. This contrasts with much less than 500 Indian college students inside the early Nineties and the 10,000 Indian student enrolments in 2001.
I have usually wondered approximately the relevance of GRE/ GMAT / SAT/ IELTS. These exams have their personal flaws and can be perceived as regressive patterns of testing the knowledge, flair and analytical competencies of a graduate student. I am in no which manner an expert, pupil or authority who can strongly detest using the aforementioned tests in choice standards of students for a study overseas program. The bottom line is that these checks are bridges throughout international faculties which facilitate the selection of deserving students.
In my sincere opinion exams like GRE are a remember of hard work and luck; each the determinants sharing the credit score of your achievement equally. However, at times you could have a bad day or may be you are ill at the same time as you regarded for the exams. The results manifestly are skewed toward the lower percentiles. Now- a- days some institutions had been realistic enough to understand that the undergraduate GPA, paintings experience and an awesome resume, compounded with a professional letter of intent (for the desired look at program) virtually determine the capability of a student in place of the scores of standardized tests like GRE. The listing of applications which might also help you earn a MBA diploma with out GRE/ GMAT is given below. These establishments are in no which way associated with my profession or educational interests. As a count number of truth there are a growing wide variety of college students who have terrific work enjoy and notable academic file but lamentably were no longer able to carry out on the standardized tests. Admittedly we are witnessing a increase inside the variety of college students participating in have a look at overseas applications and responding to this increase a incredible variety of faculties all around the world have relaxed the admission criterion. USA harbors these institutions which could give desire for your overall body of work in place of the rankings on standardized exams.
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mednotecollection · 2 years ago
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🧠 APPROACH TO ASCITES MedNote Collection --------------------------------- instagram.com/mednotecollection t.me/MedNoteCollection pinterest.com/MedNoteCollection fb.me/MedNoteCollection --------------------------------- #medicine #medical_student #doctor #mednote_collection #MedNoteCollection #usmle #MRCP #Hepatology #ascites https://www.instagram.com/p/Co-NG7Os0Dw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tastydregs · 2 years ago
A New Scientific Paper Credits ChatGPT AI as a Coauthor
OpenAI's viral text generator ChatGPT has made some serious waves over the last couple of months, offering the public access to a chatbot that's arguably a vast improvement over its numerous and deeply flawed predecessors.
In fact, one group of researchers is now so confident in its capabilities that they've included it as a coauthor in a scientific paper, marking yet another inflection point in the rise of AI chatbots and their widespread use.
A not-yet-peer-reviewed paper on ChatGPT's ability to pass the United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) lists 11 researchers affiliated with the healthcare startup Ansible Health — and ChatGPT itself, raising eyebrows amongst experts.
"Adding ChatGPT as an author was definitely an intentional move, and one that we did spend some time thinking through," Jack Po, CEO of Ansible Health, told Futurism.
The move sparked a debate online about AI chatbots playing an active role in current scientific research, despite often being unable to distinguish between truth and fiction.
Some users on social media called the move "deeply stupid," while others lamented the end of an era.
The Ansible Health paper is part of a greater trend. In a report this week, Nature found several more examples of scientists listing ChatGPT as an author, with at least one being chalked up to human error.
The move has publishers scrambling to adjust to a new reality in which chatbots are actively contributing to scientific research — to various degrees, that is.
Leadership at the repository bioRxiv, which published Ansible Health's preprint back in December, told Nature that they're still debating the pros and cons of allowing ChatGPT to be listed as an author.
"We need to distinguish the formal role of an author of a scholarly manuscript from the more general notion of an author as the writer of a document," bioRxiv co-founder Richard Sever told the publication.
Po, however, who wasn't listed as an author himself but copied senior author Victor Tseng on emails to Futurism, defended his academic peers' decision to include ChatGPT as an author.
"The reason why we listed it as an author was because we believe it actually contributed intellectually to the content of the paper and not just as a subject for its evaluation," he told us, "just like how we wouldn't normally include human subjects/patients as authors, unless they contributed to the design/evaluation of the study itself, as well as the writing of the paper."
Po also argued that ChatGPT didn't provide "the predominant scientific rigor and intellectual contributions."
"Rather, we are saying that it contributed similarly to how we would typically expect a middle author to contribute," he explained, expressing how he was taken aback by "some of the reactions online at the moment."
Po went as far as to argue that he would be "shocked" if ChatGPT and other large language models (LLMs) out there "isn't used in literally every single paper (and knowledge work) in the near future."
But seeing AI chatbots as "authors" still isn't sitting well with publishers.
"An attribution of authorship carries with it accountability for the work, which cannot be effectively applied to LLMs," Nature editor-in-chief Magdalena Skipper told Nature's news arm.
"We would not allow AI to be listed as an author on a paper we published, and use of AI-generated text without proper citation could be considered plagiarism," Science editor-in-chief Holden Thorp added.
For his part, Po doesn't understand what all the fuss is about.
"I think some of this debate is missing the point and just shows how much angst there is from knowledge workers who are now under (some might argue existential) threat," Po told Futurism, arguing that generative adversarial networks, machine learning frameworks capable of producing entirely new and photorealistic images, have already been around for a decade producing novel input data and making contributions to scientific papers.
The debate over ChatGPT being included as an author on scientific papers is symptomatic of a considerable push forward for AI-powered tools and the resulting reactions.
Do these responses amount to kneejerk reactions — or are they legitimate qualms over algorithms meddling with the affairs of human scientists?
The debate is likely only getting started, and as Nature notes, several papers are set to be published crediting ChatGPT as coauthor in the near future.
But if there's one thing that both Po and scientific publications can agree on, it's the fact that the AI chatbot's feedback will need to be taken with a massive grain of salt.
After all, its knowledge base is only so good as the data it was originally trained on.
READ MORE: ChatGPT listed as author on research papers: many scientists disapprove [Nature]
More on ChatGPT: College Student Caught Submitting Paper Using ChatGPT
The post A New Scientific Paper Credits ChatGPT AI as a Coauthor appeared first on Futurism.
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jayden98n · 3 years ago
Read Book First Aid for the USMLE Step 3 EBOOK BY Tao Le
Download Or Read PDF First Aid for the USMLE Step 3 - Tao Le Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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[*] Read PDF Here => First Aid for the USMLE Step 3
 The resident's trusted, one-stop guide to acing the USMLE(R) Step 3 - co-written by residents who recently took the exam and know what it takes to pass STRONG FOCUS ON TEST-RELEVANT MATERIAL MAXIMIZES YOUR STUDY TIME! First Aid for the USMLE(R) Step 3, Fifth Edition provides busy residents with thousands of high-yield facts, mnemonics, and full-color visual aids to help them pass the last of the required USMLE(R) examinations. Also included are the reader-acclaimed "mini-cases" designed to help residents pass the case portion of the examination. First Aid for the USMLE(R) Step 3, Fifth Edition is carefully written to focus on high-yield, top-priority information, most likely to be included on the exam.FEATURES: -The resident's trusted, one-stop guide to acing the Step 3--written by residents and reviewed by faculty for accuracy-Packed with proven test-taking strategies based on the 2-day exam-Concise, high-yield format highlights board-relevant information-100 cases prepare you
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argroup6 · 1 month ago
Why MBBS in Abroad Is the Best Choice for Aspiring Doctors
Are you dreaming of becoming a doctor but wondering where to start your journey? Choosing MBBS in Abroad can be a game-changing decision. Studying medicine internationally offers you world-class education, advanced facilities, and global exposure. Let’s dive into why MBBS in Abroad is the perfect step toward fulfilling your medical dreams.
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Why Choose MBBS in Abroad?
Pursuing MBBS in Abroad has become increasingly popular among Indian students for several reasons:
Affordable Tuition Fees
Medical education abroad is often more affordable compared to private colleges in India. Countries like Russia, Ukraine, the Philippines, and Nepal offer quality education at a fraction of the cost.
Globally Recognized Universities
When you study MBBS in Abroad, you enroll in universities that are recognized by international organizations like WHO, NMC, and UNESCO. These accreditations ensure that your degree holds value worldwide.
No Donation or Entrance Tests
Unlike in India, most international medical universities do not require donations or difficult entrance exams. Admission is based on your 12th-grade performance and NEET qualification.
Advanced Learning Techniques
Universities offering MBBS in Abroad employ modern teaching methods. From simulation labs to interactive lectures, students are exposed to cutting-edge medical training.
Multicultural Environment
Studying MBBS in Abroad means meeting students from diverse cultures. This not only broadens your perspective but also helps you build an international network of peers.
Top Destinations for MBBS in Abroad
If you’re considering MBBS in Abroad, here are some top destinations to keep in mind:
Russia is one of the most popular destinations for medical students. With affordable tuition fees and English-medium courses, Russian universities are an excellent choice.
The Philippines is known for its US-based curriculum, making it easier for students to clear exams like the USMLE.
Ukraine is famous for its high-quality medical education and reasonable cost of living.
Georgia offers an excellent blend of affordability and quality education. The admission process is simple, and many universities provide scholarships.
Close to India, Bangladesh offers a culturally familiar environment along with affordable medical education.
Admission Process for MBBS in Abroad
The admission process for MBBS in Abroad is straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Research Universities: Shortlist universities based on your preferences and budget.
Check Eligibility: Ensure you meet the basic requirements, like 50% in PCB (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) and NEET qualification.
Apply: Submit your application directly to the university or through authorized representatives.
Receive Offer Letter: Once selected, you’ll receive an offer letter from the university.
Visa Application: Apply for a student visa with the required documents.
Travel: Book your tickets and get ready to embark on your journey.
Benefits of MBBS in Abroad
International Exposure
Studying MBBS in Abroad exposes you to global healthcare systems, preparing you for a versatile medical career.
High-Quality Education
International universities focus on practical knowledge, ensuring students are well-prepared for real-world challenges.
Better Infrastructure
Universities abroad have state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, enhancing the learning experience.
English-Medium Instruction
Most universities offering MBBS in Abroad conduct classes in English, making it easier for Indian students to adapt.
Global Career Opportunities
A degree in MBBS in Abroad opens doors to work in various countries, subject to passing licensing exams.
Challenges and Solutions
Cultural Adjustment
Adapting to a new culture can be challenging. However, universities often have student communities to help you settle in.
Climate Differences
Countries like Russia and Ukraine have cold climates, which might be difficult initially. Dressing appropriately and staying active can help you adapt.
Language Barrier
In some countries, locals may not speak English fluently. Learning the basics of the local language can make your stay smoother.
Tips for Success While Studying MBBS in Abroad
Stay Focused: Prioritize your studies and make use of the available resources.
Build Connections: Networking with fellow students and faculty can enhance your academic and professional journey.
Stay Healthy: Maintain a balanced diet and exercise regularly to stay fit.
Prepare for Licensing Exams: Start preparing early for exams like FMGE, USMLE, or PLAB, depending on your career goals.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Q1: Is NEET mandatory for MBBS in Abroad?
Yes, NEET qualification is mandatory for Indian students aspiring to study MBBS in Abroad.
Q2: Can I practice in India after completing MBBS in Abroad?
Yes, you can practice in India after passing the FMGE/NExT exam.
Q3: How much does it cost to study MBBS in Abroad?
The cost varies depending on the country and university but is generally between ₹20-50 lakh for the entire course.
Q4: Are scholarships available for MBBS in Abroad?
Many universities offer scholarships based on academic performance. Check with your chosen university for details.
Q5: Is it safe to study MBBS in Abroad?
Yes, most universities ensure student safety through secure campuses and supportive communities.
Choosing MBBS in Abroad is a life-changing decision for aspiring doctors. It offers high-quality education, global exposure, and a chance to explore new cultures. By making an informed choice and staying committed to your goals, you can achieve your dream of becoming a successful doctor.
Take the first step toward your dream career and explore the world of opportunities with MBBS in Abroad today!
If you need further information contact:
523, 5th Floor, Wave Silver Tower, Sec-18 Noida, UP-201301
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nextstepsusmle · 1 year ago
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georgetylerfower · 4 years ago
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Medical school prestige could gain ‘outsized influence’ on radiology resident selection after upcoming change
George Tyler Fower: Radiology residents’ medical school prestige could gain an “outsized influence” in their selection process following a forthcoming policy change, according to a new study in JACR.U.S. Medical Licensing Examination organizers recently announced plans to deemphasize the importance of numerical scores on the Step 1 exam, transitioning to a pass-fail system. Those involved hope to reduce residency programs’ overemphasis on these three-digit scores when selecting candidates, among other reasons.However, radiologists are concerned this shift will place more weight on residents’ medical school of choice. The licensing exam will still provide a numeric score for the Step 2 examination. And based on a survey of more than 200 radiology residency program leaders, this second score will likely only supplant Step 1 scores as decisionmakers weigh different candidates.“Our findings suggest that the Step 2 examination could effectively replace the Step 1 as a decisive metric in resident selection, as feared by many program directors,” Charles Maxfield, MD, with Duke University Medical Center’s Department of Radiology, and more than 20 co-authors wrote Aug. 2. “This would undermine the stated intentions of the USMLE scoring change: It would only delay, rather than alleviate, medical student anxiety resulting from a high-stakes examination.”To reach their conclusions, Maxfield et al. designed a discrete choice experiment, modeling radiology resident selection in various scenarios. They administered the test to 212 faculty involved in resident selection across 14 U.S. radiology departments between August and November of last year. Participants were asked to choose between hypothetical pairs of applicants, with a model used to assess the weights of these different attributes.When a numerical Step 1 score was provided, medical school (odds ratio of 2.35), Black or Hispanic race or ethnicity (2.04) and Step 1 score (1.8) were the most influential attributes. But when Step 1 was reported as a “pass,” the applicant’s medical school grew in influence (2.78), with a “significant Increase” in the Step 2 score’s significance. Meanwhile, researchers found little change in the relative influence of race or ethnicity, gender, class rank or clerkship honors.Maxfield and co-authors believe medical students, schools, residency programs and USMLE parent organizations will need to develop strategies in anticipation of this change. Exam co-sponsors the Federation of State Medical Boards and the National Board of Medical Examiners have said the new pass-fail policy will take effect no earlier than Jan. 1, 2022.“Our intention is not to suggest a program’s approach to resident selection, but rather to inform resident selectors on which parts of a holistic review might tend to gain added influence with the change in available applications metrics,” the authors advised. “All stakeholders must acknowledge the desire for objective measures of academic performance but appreciate the dangers of excessive emphasis on any single metric. Residency programs should devote additional resources to provide thorough, holistic reviews of all applicants, seeking evidence of academic excellence beyond medical school pedigree and Step 2 test scores.”
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way2overseas · 3 years ago
About Perpetual Help University
About Perpetual Help University
The University of Perpetual Help (UoPH) is a catholic, co-ed private university located at Las Piñas, Manila. Established in 1975, it is a renowned university with its main campus in Manila. The School of Medicine at the University of Perpetual Help began in 1996 and now this university hosts around 12,000 students and employs about 1,500 teaching and non-teaching staff.
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Why Manila?
Manila is the capital of the Philippines and thus is also one of the largest and one of the most populous cities in the Philippines. It is a thriving hub for trade and commerce as well, with a booming health industry sector. The Philippines has one of the best education systems in Asia and Manila offers high-quality medical education right in the center of this wonderful country. English is issued as a medium of instruction in higher education in the colleges of Manila, making it comfortable for international students.
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MBBS in University of Perpetual Help
The medical course at the University of Perpetual Help is four years long and is called “Doctor of Medicine (M.D)” which is equivalent to MBBS in India. After their academic course, the students will have to intern in an affiliated hospital for one year. The practical clinical exposure that the students receive during their final year is of great importance to help their careers succeed.
The University of Perpetual Help is listed and/or recognized by the following institutions in the World: Medical Council of India (MCI), CHED Philippines, WHO, Medical Board of California (USA), USMLE, FAIMER, General Medical Council – UK, etc, setting it on the list of colleges most preferred by Indian students who want to pursue MBBS abroad.
If you want to practice in India, MCI Screening Test Coaching is also provided.
It has an anatomy dissection laboratory, animal research laboratory, library, hostel, canteens, and grounds.
Recent graduates of the University of Perpetual Help (UoPH) have a 100% success rate in USMLE. Many graduates of the University of Perpetual Help (UoPH) are currently practicing in the USA.
The campus of the University of Perpetual Help, Las Pinas, is sprawled across four hectares of land.
There is also a hospital on the campus, University of Perpetual Help DALTA Medical Centre with over 500 beds.
Classrooms are equipped with modern, world-class facilities that assist students in practical learning.  
Fees Structure
University of Perpetual Help (UPHSD), Manila tuition fees applicable are approximately INR 3,00,000 per year, which is highly affordable. There are no donations added, so Perpetual medical college fees are very low compared to other countries.  
If you proceed to fill your applications for the admission process through Ways2Overseas, we will assist you through the entire admission process at the University of Perpetual Help. Let us help you realize your doctor dreams!
Student Accommodation
The hostel rooms of Perpetual Medical College are huge and spacious. They are air-conditioned, fully furnished, and equipped with beds, fans, air conditioner, sofa, dining table, microwave oven, fridge, washing machine, study tables, and cupboards. There is also a ground and a food court, which also provides Indian food, situated within the hostel campus. The University is a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, having its own athletics track, an indoor basketball court, lawn tennis, table tennis provisions for an active lifestyle. The hostel facilities have twenty-four hours of security for the students’ safety.
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mendelacademy · 4 years ago
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The correct answer is C.
The cardiac output (CO) is equal to the volume of blood ejected from the heart during each systole (i.e., the stroke volume; SV) multiplied by the number of times the heart beats each minute (heart rate; HR).
In other words, CO = SV x HR. There fore, SV= CO/HR, and since CO=5000 mL/min, and HR= 50/min, SV =5000/50 = 100 mL.
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