#usa land
olowan-waphiya · 10 months
please do not ever forget that the “americas” are stolen land. that we survive despite genocide. that we still exist despite continuing colonialism. solidarity with indigenous people around the world.
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wachinyeya · 2 months
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Firefighting goats have been deployed by the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians to protect tribal land and neighboring property from potentially devastating brush fires.
The goats are unleashed by the San Manuel Fire Department to eat up dry brush and grass that would normally be ideal fuel for fires — a recent fire was actually partially stopped once it reached an area cleared by the caprine crew earlier this year.
The herd, officials said, is about 400-strong and is made up of generations of goat families.
On Tuesday, the goats were treated to a feast of fruit before being sent on their brush-eating mission.
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The goats will spend the next several months trimming and thinning out vegetation on the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians Reservation and nearby properties in San Bernardino.
Tribal officials said the brush that covers the hillsides in and around San Manuel property is thriving and diverse, boosted by the recent history-making rainy season. The plant life is an ideal food source because goats prefer food that’s at their eye level.
The Tribe has used goats as a natural, environmentally friendly fire preventative tool since 2019; the plants get trimmed in a sustainable fashion, which allows them to survive and recover naturally overtime unlike most chemical sprays.
Tribal officials called the practice an extension of the Tribe’s “culture of lands stewardship.”
“Caring for the land is a sacred duty of the Tribe,” said Lynn Valbuena, chairwoman of the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians. “Stewardship is a responsibility given to our people by the Creator. No matter who owns the land.”
San Bernardino County residents shouldn’t be surprised to see the goats in the mountains fulfilling this divine task from now through the end of fire season.
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woodsfae · 11 months
For usamericans who may not know how to support decolonization and indigenous people in their every-day lives, may I suggest checking this list of native-owned businesses, curated and maintained by indigenous folks. There's food, candles, cbd pre-rolls, clothes, jewelry, hats, baby things, handicrafts, art, and hundreds of other useful and wonderful things. I check this list before I buy non-native owned as often as I can.
Also check out the native-owned (pulitzer-prize winner Louise Erdrich started it!) bookstore and press Milkweed Editions (dot org) for an amazing selection of books by indigenous authors. I recommend Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer (a collection of essays that will change your thinking if your mind is open at all) that's great for sitting down to read for bite-sized chunks. For book recommendations, check out this infographic!
Do you own property and want to support landback but still need a place to live? Odds are good that there's established precedence in your area to transfer its jurisduction to a local tribe and pay your land taxes and etc to them instead of the settler government!
Here is a list of charities and fundraisers for indigenous support.
Other ways to educate yourself and learn what indigenous people are working on nationally and locally is to follow indigenous people online! Many Native peoples on various social medias tag with #indigenous, #native, and by looking at those you will find many other tags and people to follow.
If you have extra cash, consider paying indigenous people's bail, donating to some of the causes linked above, or look for local initiatives to support in your own community!
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butchmartyr · 3 months
gotta say it’s um sooo funny watching the predictable backlash to that possum post pour in and almost every time I see who puts it on my dash it’s another american like bro you’re literally walking face first into the American chauvinism criticism yourself like idk how to tell you this but many people actually hate the US rather than pretending they hate the us while engaging in blind patriotism and liberalism. you couldn’t pay me to put an american flag on anything of mine! I can’t stop you from doing the patriotism but you have to stop acting surprised when the rest of the world finds you insufferable for it lol
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swim-n-gym · 2 months
simone NAILING the yurchenko double pike in vault finals
she's said this is the last time she will ever compete the YDP
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nature-nerd-sarah · 1 year
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Since people wanna celebrate the moon landing so bad, lemme remind you which country actually hit most milestones in the space race first (image source in alt)
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keepingitneutral · 9 months
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Landing House, Joshua Tree National Park, California, United States,
Industry of All Nations
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Could you please blend AMERICA 🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲💥🇺🇲💥🦅🇺🇲🦅💥🦅💥🇺🇲💥💥🦅🦅💥
The United States of America from Real Life is being blended!!
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You cannot save it.
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About 100 people gathered to protest the shipments on U.S. Route 89 and Route 160. The shipments began on Tuesday with trucks carrying ore from the Pinyon Plain Mine to the White Mesa Mill in Blanding, Utah. Transportation of uranium has been illegal in the Navajo Nation since 2012, when the late Navajo Nation President Ben Shelly signed into law the Radioactive and Related Substances, Equipment, Vehicles, Persons, and Materials Transportation Act. The law prohibits the transportation of radioactive materials through the Navajo Nation with exceptions for the cleanup and removal of left-over uranium ore from the numerous abandoned mines that litter the Nation. Efforts to permanently ban new uranium mine development and transportation on or across the Navajo Nation have been an ongoing battle for years. In 2005, the Diné Natural Resources Protection Act banned uranium mining in the Navajo Nation. Earlier this year President Buu Nygren wrote a letter to President Joe Biden to address the growing concerns of uranium transportation across Navajo lands when Energy Fuels Resources Inc. began its mining operations at the Pinyon Plain Mine near the Grand Canyon. “The transportation of uranium across Navajo lands, which not only endangers our communities but also contradicts our sovereign rights to enforce our laws and protect our territory,” Nygren said in his letter to Biden on March 14, 2024. “Uranium transport continues, posing an unacceptable risk to the well-being of our people and the sanctity of our land. Alternative routes exist that can and should be used to avoid crossing Navajo lands. The use of these alternative paths would demonstrate respect for our sovereignty and a commitment to our collective health and safety."
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 298
“So uh, is anyone gonna’ stop… that?” Honestly, no one here had ever had to deal with a borderline feral acting Batman, and Supes wasn’t there to do anything to help. Not to mention Diana just found their failure to do anything hilarious. 
“I don’t know Hal, do you have any idea on how to get him out from vents he shouldn’t by any logical reason be able to fit into?” 
“Well no, but I mean, it’s freaky! He just read a file, cursed more than I’ve ever heard him and just, okay, how did all of them even fit inside his cape-”
“Current theory is some sort of shadow dimension.” 
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of-two-lands · 1 year
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21°18'21.3"N 157°50'17.6"W
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snototter · 2 months
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Microplana scharffi, a land planarian, in Santa Clara County, California, USA
by Robin Gwen Agarwal
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aqlstar · 3 months
JVP and Cair Background - Holy Land Foundation
Okay Jumblr- are we familiar with the Holy Land Foundation and the case of USA v. HLF?
The Holy Land Foundation was the undisputed single largest Islamic charity organization in the USA, until it was shut down in 2001 after Bush added it to the list of designated terrorist organizations. It was a big deal.
Fast forward to 2007, and the US government is prosecuting a criminal case against them.
The US Court of Appeals 5th Circuit issued an opinion that summarizes the jist of the case more clearly than I can-
In this consolidated case, we address the appeals of five individuals and one corporate defendant convicted of conspiracy and substantive offenses for providing material aid and support to a designated terrorist organization. The terrorist organization at issue is Hamas, which in 1995 was named a Specially Designated Terrorist by Presidential Executive Order pursuant to authority granted by the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, 50 U.S.C. § 1701 et seq. Hamas was further designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization in 1997, as contemplated by 18 U.S.C. § 2339B.
Although this case is related to terrorism, it does not involve charges of specific terrorist acts. Instead, it focuses on the defendants’ financial support for terrorism and a terrorist ideology. The defendants were charged with aiding Hamas by raising funds through the corporate entity Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, a Texas-based, pro-Palestinian charity that the Government charged was created for the sole purpose of acting as a financing arm for Hamas. Although the charged conspiracy began in 1995 when Hamas was first designated as a terrorist organization, the defendants’ connection to Hamas arose much earlier. Established in the late 1980s, the Holy Land Foundation held itself out as the largest Muslim charitable organization in the United States. It raised millions of dollars over the course of its existence that were then funneled to Hamas through various charitable entities in the West Bank and Gaza. Although these entities performed some legitimate charitable functions, they were actually Hamas social institutions. By supporting such entities, the defendants facilitated Hamas’s activity by furthering its popularity among Palestinians and by providing a funding resource. This, in turn, allowed Hamas to concentrate its efforts on violent activity.
The results of the case were as follows:
Shukri Abu Baker, 50, of Garland, Texas, was sentenced to a total of 65 years in prison. He was convicted of 10 counts of conspiracy to provide, and the provision of, material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization; 11 counts of conspiracy to provide, and the provision of, funds, goods and services to a Specially Designated Terrorist; 10 counts of conspiracy to commit, and the commission of, money laundering; one count of conspiracy to impede and impair the Internal Revenue Service (IRS); and one count of filing a false tax return.
Mohammad El-Mezain, 55, of San Diego, California, was sentenced to the statutory maximum of 15 years in prison. He was convicted on one count of conspiracy to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization.
Ghassan Elashi, 55, of Richardson, Texas, was sentenced to a total of 65 years in prison. He was convicted on the same counts as Abu Baker, and one additional count of filing a false tax return.
Mufid Abdulqader, 49, of Richardson, Texas, was sentenced to a total of 20 years in prison. He was convicted on one count of conspiracy to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization, one count of conspiracy to provide goods, funds, and services to a specially designated terrorist, and one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering.
Abdulrahman Odeh, 49, of Patterson, New Jersey, was sentenced to 15 years in prison. He was convicted on the same counts as Abdulqader.
HLF, now defunct, was convicted on 10 counts of conspiracy to provide, and the provision of, material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization; 11 counts of conspiracy to provide, and the provision of, funds, goods and services to a Specially Designated Terrorist; and 10 counts of conspiracy to commit, and the commission of, money laundering.
The Court reaffirmed the jury’s $12.4 million money judgment against all the defendants, with the exception of El Mezain, who was not convicted of money laundering.
Here's the full press release from the US DoJ-
I promise I'll get to the part where this has anything to do with CAIR or JVP in the next post.
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Have you played THE MAGICAL LAND OF YELD ?
By Nick Smith and @jake-richmond
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A game about kids dealing with growing up while trying to escape a magical world!
In Yeld you play as kids from our world who passed through a magical door to another world, before it locked behind them! Take on heroic jobs, learn new abilities, and switch jobs to mix-and-match all different kinds of special powers while hunting down the Evil Vampire Prince Dragul's Hunters of Yeld to claim the keys to escape back home! Every day matters, because the world changes as seasons pass, holidays and birthdays are celebrated, and your characters age- and when you turn 13, you'll become a monster and be trapped in Yeld forever! Though, being a monster makes you even more powerful- maybe if you can defeat the Prince himself there might be hope yet?
Take turns GMing, grow your characters, and explore to see what kind of stories you and your friends can tell in Yeld!
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mutilamb · 1 year
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holy land U.S.A., waterbury CT
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bimdraws · 5 months
Turtle Island stands with Palestine 🇵🇸🌎
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