#urban music
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apamates · 1 year ago
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Young Miko en BZRP Music Sessions #58
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slutpoppers · 1 month ago
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Ana Tijoux - Vengo (2011)
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inigoamescua · 8 months ago
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Dj Big Falanges
All of them shot at Epica Jam, Coslada, Madrid
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arkiizil · 4 months ago
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useless-catalanfacts · 1 year ago
A song I've been listening to A LOT lately: FUMS! by Triquell. He's a Catalan singer-songwriter who makes urban/techno music. I've already posted his song Jugular before, but what can I do if he keeps releasing hits ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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animatormentata · 2 months ago
DeBí TiRaR mÁs fOtoS dE cUanDo tE tUvE
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kurenai-works · 6 months ago
Where Angels Fear to Tread
I found out that there are a handful of commissions I've created during the past few months which I didn't make a video of, since I was too busy working on my game. Now that the trial version of the aforementioned is out of my system, I decided to create them immediately. Expect me to show these musical works throughout the entirety of this week, hahaha.
Anyway, here's a song for an anonymous client.
This theme is for Cassie, an original character who's a junior detective that's recently moved to a city, to comply with her dad's job. There's something wrong with the city she recently moved to, so this song has a paranormal feel while also having an urban-esque vibe to it. Considering the character has grown on a small town, being placed on a large modern district is discomforting for her.
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trapangeles · 4 months ago
Big 4 Drops Heat with 'Jason Kidd' Official Music Video
Big 4 is back with a bang in his latest drop, "Jason Kidd" (Official Music Video)! With hard-hitting bars, smooth delivery, and a visual that perfectly captures the hustle and energy of the streets, this video is a must-watch for hip-hop fans. Directed with a sharp eye for detail, "Jason Kidd" showcases Big 4’s undeniable presence and lyrical finesse.
🎥 Follow the story, vibe with the visuals, and watch the grind come to life.
📲 Follow Big 4 on Instagram: @ygn_t4 for more updates, music, and exclusive behind-the-scenes content.
🔥 Check out the full video now and see why Big 4 is making major moves in the game!
Have you been spending all your money and time on making music and shooting videos, but still not getting any exposure? Tired of just spinning your wheels? You know to get exposure you need to get featured on blogs, radio stations, playlist, and get your music e-mail blasted out to the masses. Need help getting all that done? Then check out the Package we’ve made available for you below!
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tatanpp · 2 years ago
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apamates · 2 years ago
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RaiNao in Dale Play ft. paopao
Un besito pa' tu mami Otro pa' tus dos abuelas Que te hicieron justo pa' mí
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slutpoppers · 11 months ago
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Visuals for Del Cielo Mixtape by Princesa Alba
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arkiizil · 4 months ago
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Opinion de el album espitolares de akriila
By arkiizl
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Album salido el 22 de agosto gracias a la artista urbana conocida como akriila,este album explora varios temas y sentimientos de la artista. Que van desde la perpecion de el publico con ella,el desamor y las relaciones familiares.
Akriila en este album exprimeta con varios generos musicales , va desde los tipicos beats de reggeton a sonidos experimentales .
En conclusion akriila saco el album del año y el que la "lanzo ala fama" ya que com este se hizo mas conocida a nivel nacional y mundial, en mi opinion no hay que dejarse engañar por el genero musical ya que epistolares es uno de los mejorea albumes que eh escuchado este año.
Ademas de como toca temas que a muchos les ocurre, como el desamor y las relaciones familiares .
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Top 5 canciones
2.-teoria del tiempo
3.-lunes feriado0o0o0
5.-carta a mi papa
Bueno espero que les guste y si es que no la conocian espero que la escuchen !!!
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useless-catalanfacts · 2 years ago
I've been listening to this song a lot recently, so here's the translation. I've posted The Tyets before, they're an urban music band from Catalonia. Usually they make fun songs with lots of jokes and double meanings, but this time it's different, this is a very sweet song for their niece.
Here's the lyrics and the translation:
I en aquel festival que tant ens agrada Dels que tenen food trucks amb llumetes penjades Que organitza el cunyat i ens regala entrades Que hi toca Pau Vallvé i propostes rares Va i me germana d'imprevista Treu un sobret amb una pista Un dibuixet que ens fa ser avis i tiets
And in that festival that we like so much One of those with food trucks and hanging lightbulbs That our brother-in-law organizes and gives us tickets Because Pau Vallbé and weird proposals are playing My sister comes and, all of a sudden, Takes out a little envelop with a clue A little drawing that makes us grandparents and uncles
I ens vam pasar el concert plorant, Olívia Quin moment tan bonic i estrany Olívia Pensava que es casaven va i ens diuen Que serem una més de la família (×2)
And we spent the concert crying, Olívia What a beautiful and strange moment, Olívia We thought they were getting married and they go and say That we'll be one more in our family (×2)
I just el mateix any que va marxar l'avi Surt una panxeta i els papes són avis D'això va la vida, tot és momentani Gaudeix de cada dia que va massa ràpid I no sé com ets, Olívia Però ja t'estimem una mica Jo que he vist la Clara de petita I apareixes tu
And precisely the same year that grandpa left A little tummy appears and our parents are grandparents This is what life is about, everything is momentary Enjoy every day, because it goes by too quickly And I don't know what you're like, Olívia But we already love you a little I saw Clara as a child And now you show up
I ens vam pasar el concert plorant, Olívia Quin moment tan bonic i estrany Olívia Pensava que es casaven va i ens diuen Que serem una més de la família (×2)
And we spent the concert crying, Olívia What a beautiful and strange moment, Olívia We thought they were getting married and they go and say That we'll be one more in our family (×2)
I a sobre va tocar Bugambílies I jo em sentia el protagonista Avui l'únic que vull és veure't Olívia Sempre seràs la gran de la nova família Va i me germana d'imprevista Treu un sobret amb una pista Un dibuixet que ens fa ser avis i tiets
And on top of it, he [Pau Vallvé] played [his song] Bugambílies And I felt like the main character Today the only thing I want is to see you, Olívia You'll always be the eldest of the new family My sister comes and, all of a sudden, Takes out a little envelop with a clue A little drawing that makes us grandparents and uncles
I ens vam pasar el concert plorant, Olívia Quin moment tan bonic i estrany Olívia Pensava que es casaven va i ens diuen Que serem una més de la família
And we spent the concert crying, Olívia What a beautiful and strange moment, Olívia We thought they were getting married and they go and say That we'll be one more in our family (×2)
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fhugawz · 10 months ago
Como siempre 🔥
Beat - innerbloomboi
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animatormentata · 1 year ago
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