#ur so easy to make terrible doodles on ……. <3
rystiel · 16 hours
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the damn geometrussy got him
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1 whats your middle name: Jasmin
2 how old are you?: 21
3 whens your birthday?: 27th March 1996
4 zodiac sign?: Aries (act more like a pisces tho)
5 favourite colour?: atm violet is my fave
6 whats your lucky number?: 7 !!
7 do you have any pets?: i have a cat and a dog
8 where are you from?: where the wild things are
9 how tall are you?: smol
10 what shoe size are you?: 7/8 depending on the kind of shoe
11 how many pairs of shoes do you own?: 5 ??
12 what was your last dream about: lmao that deserves its own special post.
13 what talents do you have?: errrr, im a good shot with a bow.
14 are you psychic in any way?: in some ways, i think i just have a really good intution.
15 favourite song?: thats impossible!!!
16 favourite movie?: Pans Labyrinth, short term 12, Nick & Norahs infinite playlist.
17 who would your ideal partner be?: someone who i never tire of, who can handle comfortable silences and knows how i like my tea. Idk.
18 do you want children?: uhhhhh idk id prolly adopt.
19 do you want a church wedding?: if the person i were to marry wished to have one i dont see why not.
20 are you religious?: i believe in past lives? I believe in the universe and i think its alive, i think it watches us. I dont really believe in things that come out of a book or something written by old men a million years ago. But i believe theres something more out there.
21 have you ever been to a hospital?: many many times i have.
22 have you ever been in trouble with the law?: once when i was 9 i prank called a place twice and they had caller ID and they got the police involved… my mum was fuming.
23 have you ever met any celebrities?: i met the twins from teen wolf and they were adorable :*
24 baths or showers?: showers fuck me uuup
25 what colour socks are you wearing?: none
26 have you ever been famous: lol no
27 would you like to be a celebrity: no thanks im so fine being normal.
28 what type of music do you like?: uhhhh i think im alternative indie trash but like also everything that bops is my shit???
29 have you ever been skinny dipping?: lol lets not go there
30 how many pillows do you sleep with?: 3
31 what position do you usually sleep in?: on my side … hugging the 3rd pillow.
32 how big is ur house?: not very, its one story and houses 3 ppl ^-^
33 what do you typically have for breakfast?: toast and a cup of tea.
34 have you ever fired a gun?: yea i have. Not a fan of guns tho
35 have you ever tried archery: yup, and that i am a fan of!!!
36 favourite clean word?: soap
37 favourite swear word?: cunt. Lol.
38 whats the longest youve ever gone without sleep?: probably like 2 days.
39 do you have any scars: yeah i have a few.
40 have you ever had a secret admirer?: not that im aware of.. but isnt that the point?
41 are you a good liar?: kinda but also i hate lying to people so i tend to not do it often.
42 are you a good judge of character?: i sure hope so.
43 can you do any accents other than ur own?: not very good but usually i just pretend to be scotish
44 do you have a strong accent?: i have no idea
45 whats your favourite accent?: Irish probably
46 whats your personality type: im type 5 if that makes sense to yall
47 whats your most expensive piece of clothing?: probably the fucking togs i bought last weekend 😂😂
48 can you curl your tongue?: i can maybe thats my one talent..
49 innie or an outie?: lol innie
50 lefty or righty?: im right handed :P
51 are you scared of spiders?: only if they jump on my face, otherwise no not at all
52 favourite food?: pastaaaaaa
53 favourite foreign food?: sushiiiiii or italian food is the shit
54 are you a clean or messy person?: im relatively tidy but cluttered.
55 most used phrase?: fuck if i know i never shut up 😂
56 most used word?: “weow” “mleh” “fuck” those 3 sometimes together or separately
57 how does it take to get ready?: an hour. Usually
58 do u have much of an ego?: idk how to answer this one
59 do you suck or bite lollipops?: yes.
60 do you talk to yourself?: yeah but only cause she never shuts up lol
61 do you sing to yourself?: it stops her from talking so yeh
62 are you a good singer?: no im terrible
63 biggest fear?: shutting everyone out and then ending up completely by myself, being replaced. Idk.. im afraid of getting older and watching my grandparents get greyer and forgetful. Clowns. Caring more about things or people than they probably do about me. Cliche shit like that.
64 are you a gossip?: no but i listen to it 😎👀☕
65 best dramatic movie youve seen?: kill bill 1 and 2
66 long or short hair?: on me i like having it short c:
67 can you name 50 states in america?: lol no
68 favourite subject: art / history
69 extrovert or introvert?: introvert 😩👌
70 ever been scuba diving?: nope thatd be fun tho
71 what makes you nervous?: ppl im not close with asking personal questions, ppl getting in my comfort zone, being late for something, family gatherings, people pointing out my nervous ticks like fidgeting..
72 are you scared of the dark?: kinda :/
73 do you correct ppl when they make mistakes?: sometimes but not if it makes me or them look like a dick.. i would only do it if it helped them.
74 are you ticklish?: no
75 have you ever started a rumour?: maybe in like primary school..
76 have you ever been in a position of authority?: yes im an older sibling so ofc
77 ever drank underage?: yes, thanks dad 👌
78 ever done drugs?: … yes.. thanks aunty 👌 i swear my familys semi normal
79 who was ur first real crush?: prolly my first best friend..
80 any piercings?: nope.
81 can you roll your R’s ?: not very good but yes i can
82 how fast can you type?: very very lelel
83 how fast can you run?: depends on whats chasing me.
84 your hair colour?: reddish brown atm
85 your eye colour?: hazel ^-^
86 any allergies?: none that im aware of!!!
87 do you keep a journal?: i do, i mostly doodle tho
88 what do your parents do?: my mum works as a gardener atm, my dad fixes pipes lol.
89 do you like your age?: yeah sure 21 is fine ^-^
90 what makes you angry?: people who try to take advantage of others just bc theyre family. 🙄🙄
91 do you like your name?: i do actually!
92 have you already thought of baby names?: yes kinda sort of only one so far i like the name Hazel its cute
93 boy or girl for a child: tbh i would want a daughter but a son is just as fine
94 strengths?: im optimistic i think, sometimes im funny, i can see thru ppls bullshit. There. So strength!
95 what are your weakeness?: im also the complete opposite of all my strengths listed above. Its too easy for me to get upset with myself, im very dramatic and sometimes its exhausting lol.
96 how did you get ur name?: my … parents??
97 were your ancestors royalty: i have no idea, i know most of my irish ancestors were coal miners and catholic so.. prolly not
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drawgreenday · 7 years
YAAALLL (detective work + lil contest)
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So i managed to reach over 250 of yall that follow me!! .......why though quq
Anyways, to celebrate this occasion (and the fact that I still don’t understand why any of yall actually like my stupid doodles) I’m gonna do a little something to get you guys more involved than just submitting things to me and waiting like 3 days for me to get to it (my ask box is a war zone im drowning in suggestions yall). 
Basically what I’m doing is holding a little doodle contest and a small detective work thing! But I’m not just gonna have yall do this without a lil something in return, yknow?
and I don’t mean like my regular doodles, I mean as if I was gonna do a commission or a request, like so:
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So how do you get art rewards??? Well...
Firstly! I’m usually the one making up doodles to your suggestions yknow? But I’m gonna turn the tables on YALL for a hot second. “But what if I can’t draw?” some may ask, and I don’t care if the best you can do is stick figures, i wanna see how creative yall are!!!! “uummm didnt you make this to draw our suggestions?” ...yes good point but I wanna see what yall can do, yknow!!!
For this one, I’m having three prompts for yall to draw (or write if you wanna!) out! I’ll pick two people from this! The first winner will be based on creativity and how well they responded to the prompt!!! Second one will be based on artistic ability/if when i see their style i scream that I want them to murder me with their glorious godly pencil/tablet pen!!! “just give us the prompts already damn” ok fine u killjoy
✩ First prompt! Super sugoi desu kawaii school girl Green Day
✩ Second Prompt! Tré being... well... Tré
✩ Third Prompt! Green Day vs Muse/My Chemical Romance/ or [insert band of your choosing] ((this can be rly funny or rly violent whatever floats ur boat))
✩ to show me ur art, you can either submit it here, or post it and tag it with #drawgreenday250, whatever floats your boat!
Secondly! “Detective work” you may ask? “What the fuck kinda sherlock holmes lookin ass scavenger hunt does this raccoon want us to go on??” you may wonder? WELL, this raccoon wants to see how good yall are at picking up context clues and finding out my “””secret identity”””.... I am an enigma wrapped in another enigma shrouded in 3 sideblogs and trash merch.... (also this second one seems like a Bad Idea but at the same time I’ve been watching Internet Historian a lot lately and I’m in a ‘sleuthing mood’ yknow???)
“this doesn’t sound fun”/”is this a shitty self promo thing”/”oh shit you watch internet historian too!!!” then don’t do it/no i’m just like legit in the mood for some sherlock type shit i mean have you watched internet historian and how those dudes he talks about took down Shia like so fast??? that is a mood i wanna achieve/HELL YEAH
What do yall do for this?
✩ just find my main blog that’s it it shouldn’t be that hard to find and this should be an easy win if you don’t wanna draw because I understand that motivation and art block are real things even when given prompts/ideas to do but you can’t force yourself to draw because when you do it turns out Not Good and it discourages you from drawing for a while. wait no that’s just me? damn.
✩ but yeah first person to send me an ask on here (not on anon) with my url OR messages me via my main blog gets a drawing and a personalized “u tried star” with benadryl cumbersnatch’s face on it!!!
Those are the two options!! Shitty but this is my first time doing something like this!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaa!!! I keep screaming!!!!!!!!!
Anyways... I keep saying art rewards but what exactly is it again?
Well, the three chosen ones will receive:
✩ actually nice drawings (like the ones pictured above) of any person/character they want! (with a nice simple background). ((If you win srry m8 but no heavy nsfw stuff, i can’t draw furries, and limited to one person in the drawing so I can give u ur art on time))
✩ personalized u tried stars based on the category! (but nice u tried stars. FancyTM ones.)
!!!prompt submissions are due august 5th!!! anything after that won’t be counted!!
but yeah.
that’s it
...I don’t know how to do this properly sorry once more but let me just finish this off by saying that I just really love yall and I wouldn’t’ve gotten to this point without yall and your support of my shitty doodles. Doing these doodles has also really helped me to do more with my art and improve and feel better and it’s really nice to know that there are people that actually like my art and terrible doodles and are just so kind and welcoming and amazing to me. I’ve been on this hellsite for so long but I’ve always felt like an outsider of every single community/fandom I’ve been a part of. I’ve been a fan of green day since I came fresh outta the womb (kidding actually since I was 4) and it just makes me so happy to know that there’s such a kind community for the band that’s helped shape me into who I am today and who I aspire to be in the future. This community feels so inviting and warm and all the people I’ve met, although not many, have just been so sweet and wonderful. sure there will be ups and downs, as it happens in every community, but throughout all the time i’ve been on the internet, the green day community has always remained relatively sweet and kind and I feel like yall are a family to me at this point... I don’t know many of yall or talk to yall but I just want yall to know that I’m proud to be part of this with each and every single one of you. and I’m forever grateful for all that kindness that yall have shown me in the past 3-4 years since I started to get involved in the online community. Thank You all, and i’m gonna cry in my cubicle now quq;;
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