#ur grayer
papaiyatree · 1 year
this is gonna take me forever so i need to release it somewhere before i die i need encouragement by posting bc now people will prbly look forward to it idk my brain is weird blegh
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bellamyblakru · 9 months
imma gif the results🩷
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svrney · 2 months
hi! wanna ramble about parallel canon!? i wanna hear your headcanons/au!
(btw yay we're mutuals!)
something in my inbox? no this is not real I don't believe it
my concept of parallel canon has a protective layer of ink covering them, that protective layer melts down if player has dealt enough damage to 4. so basically it's s2 ink armor but it's actually useful
underneath the layer? that's just agent 4 but their colour is a bit grayer than it's s2 self and some bleached corals on their body cuz common early side order release concept ofc they also have the opposite of that happy face how sad ig
they can switch weapons whenever they want! or maybe some clones around them using different weapons just like the canon one... (i believe each of them would be 4's emotions rather than a clone tbh)
when it comes to headcanons I think they would carry a small agent 8 mem cake lookin figure everywhere other than that i dunno
its linked to this au if ur interested
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literalite · 7 months
some notes of vamplore from me and my brain thats basically canonical for all my vamps before i forget it all later
younger vampires (like my recent unnamed sim) look not as human as older vamps- they cant retract their fangs, eyes r almost constantly glowing, ears Very obviously pointed. they also dont have a separate feeding or "dark" form
initial skintone change depends on how long they've been dead for, its not so much if u get pale or not but you would get grayer as a vampire for however long u spent actually dead before being reanimated. lilith and caleb were dead for a while before coming back which i why theyre visibly so stone-like in their dark forms while unnamed was dead for less than n hour theyre fine
as time passes and they mature they can learn to separate their more human form from their dark form. ofc its never gonna be perfect (like with caleb and lilith theres still a glint of red in their irises, slightly pointed ears) but once u hit the hundreds of years of life ur basically indistinguishable from a normal human- all the monstrous traits are regulated to dark from transformation
eye colours for my vamps r almost always red but artificial undead creatures like nervous for example can have different ones (like his in his dark form if you downloaded him are neon green to match the plumbob universal juice that was implied to have been injected into him while he was being experimented on)
however once u hit around 900+ years of life u start to uh. for lack of a better term calcify? i guess? stiffness begins to build up skin cracks and warps a vamp beginning this process will begin to experience heightened aggression and will need to feed much more frequently. the process can be staved off by consuming blood but unless ur drinking blood like 24/7 without rest or running out of it eventually u lose ur senses and just. turn to stone. i will say tho most vampires have not lived that long to even experience that
vampires arent a natural species theyre specifically a transmissible curse created by a faction of magic users to use against another faction long ago in an ancient war. it varies depending on uh what world im looking at but for the most part its only effective on people with the latent potential to be a magic user, whether realised or not. people without that spark just die normally
magic users r spoiler territory so i wont talk about them ✌🏼
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actualtree · 5 years
once when i was a REALLy young kid, like in elementary school, I would say “chocolate covered pickles” as like a catchphrase (???)) (honestly dont know what that was abt but I DIGRESS)) . One day, one of my classmates approached me and said that she tried actually tried it while her dad wasnt home and really liked it . TO THIS DAY i have NO CLUE if shes lying or not and, quite frankly, Im much too afraid to ask
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bunjywunjy · 3 years
I'm curious to know ur stance on reptiles as pets bc I'm a little mixed on it myself. They're not exactly domesticated (and ofc there's a lot of species that r commonly wild caught) but I do know that the ones that have been bred as pets wouldn't survive in the wild even w/o proper domestication- tho they still retain a lot of the same needs they would have in the wild, so it seems? Very gray to me, personally
herps and fish and bugs are a huge grayer area that I'm really not qualified to speak on, but my general rule of thumb is that it should only be a pet if 1. it 10000% was not taken from the wild, and keeping it does not encourage others to take similar animals from the wild, and 2. every single one of its needs can be easily met by a layperson!
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do you have any advice for drawing nsft art? you’ve made me want to get into it
cjbcjdhdhd SO funny u send this ask to ME of all ppl, as tho im any good at drawing sexy art at all-
anyway i dont have any Advice, per se, since im just sort of.... doodling??
but heres what i do when im drawing horny art:
1] i use a brush in firealpaca that looks like using a pencil on paper! this makes my lines very soft and idk vague? bc i feel like the soft lines catch Feeling and Movement better than super solid lines
2] blushy blushy blushy when ur Aroused your skin flushes and tbh tbh i just think its So Cute to have my blorbos flushing all the way down- anywhere that gets Flushed is fair game! i do cheeks collarbones shoulders tiddies lower tummy inner thighs booty knees elbows
3] expressions! no matter what the bodys r doing, if the expressions Good, the arts Good! no advice here except to practice expressions ffhhfjdhfhdhhdhf
and then ofc general art advice you should always sketch out poses before committing to them, layer sketches of increasing detail on top of each other (i usually just do pose planning then clean sketch but im lazy and dont proper lineart often)
and choose uhhh darker more desaturated color pallettes??? idk i always eyeball my colors but when i actually fully color horny art i push darker and grayer to give it a Nightime Mood look
anyway thats all i got as usual just look at a bunch of art from different artists u like and compare contrast what theyre doing what u like what u dont and also ull never get anywhere if u dont practice so jump in w both feet!!
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from saturday not scene last night - fog - this morning also - how many moons is too - this waking up thing - we gotta do it - daily ?  adulting - lets not even go there - and u want a poem - how bout the road not taken by the red wheelbarrow  - a kitty - now ur talking i got a good one -  up too early murder birdsong - the reason laundry like reality relentless and endless  - already im exhausted - lol - not really not much more than half awake yet - could the day get grayer - would a hallelujah help anyway - i guess w some coffee - we got ourselves another morning 
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smallestdogswilldie · 4 years
im serious if one more complete stranger feels compelled to point out the fact that im insanely skinny im gonna start firing back instead of just laughing nervously and then going in the bathroom to cry? like “ohhh yeah! thanks GREG! hows finalizing the divorce? youre looking grayer by the minute! i think i found a new skin tag on ur shoulder! at this point you are balding so nicely you should just nair it all off. first the teeth... and now the hair!!! so nothing to lose right! anyways when you visit the state prison to talk to your hilljack son you emotionally distanced yourself from his whole life tell him hes a useless millennial one more time will u? just for me? ❤️” CUNT
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xiaosean · 4 years
✨ tagged/mine: mdzs ^^ also congrats on your milestone 💕
hi omg I can’t believe ur even in my inbox rn 💕 I am a big fan of all ur Big HD gifs hehe; okay I have narrowed it down to 5 (this is harder than demonic cultivation istg)
one: the coloring + contrasts between the red and the blue + red as a representation of wwx & blue for lwj IS PERFECT ??? also the cherry blossom motif of love + passion // the way they look at each other showcases that perfectly, but when paired with your coloring, it’s even more celestial AND HOW THEY GLANCE DOWN ALL SHY ;-; gifting dramas is hard work but I love how you’re able to find all these subtle nuances :O
two: HE CARE HIM !!! third gif okay, the way he holds him so dearly... I want to cry a river // also nightless city is probably the worst set of all the other sects but you make it look so pretty & brought out the grayer/lavender tones in this while keeping the skin on wangxian glowing... am soft 
three: ARGUABLY (don’t argue with me) the most aesthetic scene in the drama and IS THAT A CRANE or bird idk ANYWAY, so when wuji instrumental plays in the background & reminds me that lwj has only knelt in the snow for 2 people in his entire lifetime... I bawled; also this scene was so hard to color? at least from my experience, but you managed to bring out all the peachy tones on his face + made the gifset warmer // his face and footsteps are so solemn despite the contrast of your coloring + sharpening !!! i love angst
four: so what... they’re just meant to be soulmates huh... THE GREEN AND REDS IN THIS... when I try to color like this, it looks like christmas :) but when you do it, it’s probably the softest/nicest thing to look at :O and I love your variety w/ decorative + sans serif font and how you played around with the layouts + designs // wangxian GLOW here and idk how you process such big & sexy gifs on photoshop lol hmmm AND THE QUOTE IS SO CUTE !!! like I knew cql was gonna have a happy ending but this set gave me more reassurance after I watched it >.<
five: I am Devastated... when I first watch cql I recorded this part and posted it to my snapchat story so everyone could hear me cry over wuji and how wwx was Big Stupid and didn’t know it was Their Song... so okay, the reds + greens here = beautiful (not surprising) and I love how you have some farther scenes and closeups as well // you also mirrored how happy wwx felt when he did this exact scenario with his own parents AND I THINK that’s why this set makes me feel so happy and portrays how lwj is wwx’s home <3
send me ✨ + your creations tag & I’ll answer with my top five favorite edits of yours! 
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weenie-kun · 5 years
For the asks thing: calm and euphoric? :0c
calm; favorite scent
Hmmm when i cant think of anything specific i kno i always like the air after rain yano. fresh and moist nature air. a friend once sent me a nice scented candle i cant remember the smell of anymore but it was a small orange tea candle u.u more mellow. i dont like very fuit gummy sweet candy smells tho
euphoric; talk about someone you love
i guess any love counts here right?? or is it a red quadrant kinda thing. i have no idea how to approach this question uuuhhh
cringe warning for selfship again ig but i like this fictional pink lad whos kind and an idol and its good feel to draw him and good feel to think about him and its helped weather some grayer days. whatever helps yano. an energetic personality of a favorite anime character to make the corner of ur mouth quirk up on a bad day can do a lot and so i care him. also pink is such a good color
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eirian · 5 years
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when ur middle-aged
this is how i think patoto and kinpa (villainverse) will look when they're 46 + 48 respectively
kinpa's an early-grayer and changes armor and patoto cuts his hair and gets blinded in one eye
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psychokai1972 · 6 years
Romance in the library
Kai Parker x Fem!Reader
Word count:  973
Request:      Can you do an imagine with Kai Parker and a female reader. Something like she’s really into books and Kai always does romantic things that her favourite characters do?
Warnings: mentions of alcohol and drinking, implied sex.
A/N: Sorry, but I couldn't find any romantic scenes from books on the internet, just phrases; and since I don’t really read romantic literature just crime and mystery and such, I don’t know any,well actually I took something from “Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda”, that one I read. So I changed your request a bit, don’t worry, it’s still going to be fluff.
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A loud tired huff left her lips when she finally made it home, work had been a nightmare. Never would had she thought that sitting for eight hours straight on a chair and doing paperwork would be so stressing, but she never thought either that she would have a bunch of people telling her different things to do. She made it further into the house, leaving her coat on one of the couches from the living room. Y/N frowned to herself, it was oddly silent in hers and Kai’s house. She looked at her wrist watch, Kai usually arrived home one hour before her. 
Would something had happened to him? She quietly asked to herself,starting to feel worried. Checking her phone, she had no missed calls or text from her husband, or anyone actually. Her eyes wondered around the living room, stepping on something inusual. She saw her latest addition to her book collection ‘Simon vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda’ laying besides the TV. She had not placed it there, in fact it should had been in her library with the rest of the books. Y/N got up from the couch and walked to it, seeing  a piece of paper sticking out of the pages. She opened it, it seemed like a letter, a short one; she read it.
‘I know by now you must be wondering why I’m not on your ass asking you about your day and where I am; but to find out you’ll have to wait sometime. By the way, you should know that I love asking you about your day, everyday; I love hearing your voice and trusting me enough to tell me all your troubles and joys.
Go to our bedroom.
 Love, Kai.’
She smiled to herself bitting her lower lip gently and followed the given instructions.  Turning on the lights to the bedroom she found that everything was just as she and Kai had left it that same morning; the bed perfectly made, some of her clothes spread on it because she wasn't sure of what to wear; but a single rose was placed in the middled of it. She moved to the bed and took the flower in her hands, smelling it’s scent and closing her eyes briefly. When she opened them she saw her reflection on the full length mirror, another note was sticked to it. 
‘ You know, I’ve seen you millions of times looking at yourself in this same mirror; always pointing defects out. But when I look at you there are no imperfections, you are by far the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. You don’t know how beautiful you are and it hurts me. Baby, you have to start to see what a stunning woman you are, but before you acknowledge it, I’ll be reminding it to you everyday ‘til the day my heart stops beating.
You may want to read something.
Love, Kai.’
God, she hadn't even seen him yet and the only thing she wanted to do was hug and kiss him until her lungs screamed out for air. With eager steps she made her way to the library, the door was not completely closed and some light came from inside, shining on some parts of the hallway. Carefully she opened the door, what she first saw where candles lit up throughout all the library, but taking a better look at it she noticed that they were not real candles, figuring out that Kai didn't want to take the risk of the library burning up. She closed the door behind herself and saw Malachai standing there with two glasses of red wine in his holding. 
He smiled lovingly to her. “I see you found my letters.” He said leaving the glasses on the desk and walking towards her.
“I did, what is all this for?” She asked confused, but the smile never left her lips.
The Gemini leader just shrugged his shoulders and rubbed her arms gently. “ I just thought that you deserved something romantic; more than you know, the usual coming back home to me sprawled on the couch with a pair of sweatpants on.” His voice was like a whisper. 
She noticed that behind him on the floor, pillows where resting and a few blankets. “ You know I love you, right?” She asked wrapping her arms around his neck and puling his body closer to hers.
“You only remind it to me everyday.” He said licking his lips and grabbing her waist tenderly.
She smashed her lips against his in a slow and gentle kiss, he tasted like wine, she figured out that Kai could not resist himself to not drink something from the bottle before she arrived.
“Hey.” He said lifting up her chin and connecting his blue eyes with hers, she thought that his eyes now looked grayer. “I love you too, always.” He took her hand in his, kissing the alliance on her finger before sitting on the pillows. 
He handed her one of the glasses of wine. “And what have you in mind for tonight?” She asked taking a sip from the drink.
“Well, Mrs. Parker. I thought of movie night with some Chinese food.” He pulled from the desk a bag with food, the smell instantly filling her nostrils. “And after, I thought we could get started on that baby we talked about.” Kai stood silent waiting for her reaction.
The witch saw her eyes widening a bit, and he could swear that tears of joy were threatening to fall. “A-are you s-s-u-ure?” She asked, her voice at the edge of the cliff.
Malachai moved closer to her caressing her cheek tenderly. “I’m more than sure.” He spoke in a whisper, his face merely inches apart from hers.
Y/N threw her hands around him and held her tightly. She had wanted a child for over a year, and her dreams would become finally true.
Permanent taglist (open):
@cuddlysteven @kapolisradomthoughts @harryisbae101
@coffeebooksandfandom   @chanandlerphalangesparkles
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21tailsofwoe · 6 years
IDk if ur inbox is working as tumblrs been Eating Asks but confession time- before I watched naruto I thought Itachi, Madara, and Jiraiya were like... the Same Person in that when someone said Jiraiya I imagined Madara but with Itachis eyelines and resting bitchface and slightly grayer hair because Im Bad With Faces oops.
that paints a very intimidating picture could you imagine there being a character like this???? the power this character would hold????
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blogs I appreciated in 2k17
I’ve been meaning to do this for a hot second but I am tired and lazy!!! but here we go okay first of all I LOVE YOU ALL dogblr is frankly amazing and I’ve really enjoyed getting more involved in the community over the past year. Here are some of my favorite people and dogs that I just loved watching in 2017! If you don’t already follow them you should go do it cause they’re awesome. OKAY HERE WE GO
@aquestionablemutt - Dude you and Roma are fantastic. She’s perfect in all the ways. You have so much patience w/ her and clearly love her sooo much and it makes my heart happy!
@spartathesheltie - Ur fluffs are my favorite fluffs!!!! okay you just have the one but Luna counts too deal with it! Sparta has made me want a little FCI Sheltie and I never thought I’d want any kind of small dog so that’s your fault too. Also you as a person are awesome and I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you better this year!
@elliottheamericanbulldog - UMMM Elliot is so hecking cute!!! Her and Carl are relationship goals bye. She’s such a character I can’t handle it. Also April is just a sentient and grumpy wrinkle? Which is just. Amazing.
@vilescorpio - TIBSSSSS/KIBBBSSSS I LOVE HIM SO MUCH OMFG him and Tori are clones (so like if you like Tori you’ll love tibs) and it’s the best thing in the universe. And Viles is hilarious and super smart and amazing and really fun to talk to.
@loki-lo - GURL okay I’m so glad I randomly messaged you about puppy excitement when it wasn’t even a for sure thing! It was so nice to have someone else be as excited as me about it and now the puppy is here and you’re still epic! Plus Loki always has the best hair? Her Halloween color was spot (haha) on.
@silver-sivien - Sivi is a prince!!! the most handsome prince!!! Growing grayer and wise by the day! Not to mention Sivi’s mom, freaking hilarious and you do so much with your animals holy fuddggeee! Your rats are the cutest and I LOVE hearing about their habitats and enrichment. It’s made me want to get over my weirdness w/ their human hands and get some rat babies! Not to mention all you do with Sivi. Hearing about you guys doing classes and going to dog parks and shows has really inspired me to start doing more stuff again!
@lifewithduma - honestly you pulled me into the dogblr community and now I’m stuck here forever!! First of all Duma is one of the cutest ever. You are so welcoming to people and fun to talk to and just. You give dogblr a good name my friend! 
shoutouts to @ofcarnivora, @maisietheyellowlab, @lambdalupi, @powerfulexistance, @cosmodoop, @achoirofcritters, @poodlemonium, @perfectdogs, @mango-pup, @winston-the-bordercollie, I’m too tired to write about you guys now (why do I always do this kinda stuff at 12am??) but you’ve all made an impact on me over the past year in awesome ways and I’ve loved talking to you all and seeing your dogs alllllll over my dash!!! 
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homokommari · 6 years
Hey, long time follower, I agree with you on a ton of stuff, you're right, gomi does make Marina a little too light in her art, but please don't condone sending people to harass a poc, especially since you're white. (ps, on the skin tone in your pic the only problem I have is that she's a lil greyed out and it makes her look a little lifeless, try more saturation for darker skin tones)
ive been very flippant about the harassment because its used by ppl like anon to silence ppl on discussions of lightening skin colours & thats relation to white supremacy and i admit thats left me blind to the issue of white people taking these cases as an opportunity to be racist in a "socially acceptable" way. so ur right abt that. i think i might have a habit abt that... like making darker skin grayer to make it look dark. its bad & im gonna double think my skincolor choices w that in the future.
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