defensoresdelafe · 4 years
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PREMIERE DE SÁBADO: Steve Pixler nos recuerda que Dios prometió derramar Su Espíritu "sobre toda carne". Si no lo has recibido todavía, ¡ésta es tu oportunidad! Steve Pixler reminds us that God promised to pour out His Spirit "upon all flesh." If you have yet to receive the Holy Spirit, this is your chance! www.youtube.com/defensoresdelafe Video Bilingüe. #EspírituSanto #bautismodelEspíritu #hablarenlenguas #verdaderopentecostal #pentecostal #apostólico #lenguas #EspírituSanto #nacerdelEspíritu #sobretodacarne #HolySpirit #Pentecost #Pentecostés #truePentecost #speakingintongues #tonguesoffire #Spiritbaptism #HolyGhost #Apostolic #bornoftheSpirit #uponallflesh https://www.instagram.com/p/CHA6Dh6AUTt/?igshid=19esl5w79ghgy
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defensoresdelafe · 5 years
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To those who seem to have forgotten what #Pentecostalism was all about… #tongues #speakingintongues #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #SpiritBaptism #WaterandSpirit #BornAgain #NewBirth #Acts2 #Pentecost #DayofPentecost #UponAllFlesh #Joel2_28 #Apostolic #Pentecostal https://www.instagram.com/p/B887ZPvgW2c/?igshid=12f3e3nduw9a5
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defensoresdelafe · 5 years
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Sadly, it seems this pattern occurs again and again with different people groups, organizations, and various denominations... #Evangelism #Egalitarianism #xenophobia #intheimageofGod #alsoachildofGod #race #racism #uponallflesh https://www.instagram.com/p/B8cuciHAA1F/?igshid=1o41du675f7dl
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defensoresdelafe · 5 years
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Yes, it's a fail! Does this remind you of some church organization's District Board of Directors? (Note: Honorary, non-voting members DO NOT count towards diversity). Just saying... #OneFlesh #AllNations #UponAllFlesh #Spiritchosen #Spiritdriven #UPCI #Pentecostal #Joel2_28 #Pentecost https://www.instagram.com/p/B323U0wARyF/?igshid=xzv1pg19lzbi
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