#upm plays pl4
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ultra-puzzlemaster · 1 year ago
I'm currently replaying the Last Specter, so for the 4th November have some quotes that I like:
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
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Emmy what does that even mean
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Ah yes, the secret hint coins that are absolutely everywhere and that anyone can tell you about
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Me next time someone asks a question I don't wanna answer
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I love how she's taking notes on this :')
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I wish I knew what's going on in this man's head. Is he extremely confident or extremely tired?
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This is how you welcome a true gentleman
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Descole it's midday Come on man I know you can find a better excuse
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Wise words from a ten years old
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Luke, how dare you insult the Laytonmobile like that?
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No thought, head empty
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There is no war in Ba sing se and there are no mice in Misthallery
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Descole my man do you need a break?
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Emmy I need a word with the person who raised you. And you need therapy.
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I haven't finished my current playthrough yet so that's all for now. I may make more posts like this is people are interested, so tell me in the notes if you want to see more of my silly comments.
Edit: I definitely made more posts :') Next part
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ultra-puzzlemaster · 1 year ago
Part 4 of my favorite LS moments!
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
Now to ask Clark about his 'good friend' Evan Barbe in case he forgot to tell us something about what was definitely not an affair:
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Sh*t what can I say that will not anger the insane man living under our roof
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I have other friends but they're all stupid
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Clark how can you ask this to the professor Layton?
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Don't mind me I'm just a butler doing butler things, hope I'm not interrupting anything important haha that'd be so unfortunate.
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Oh Triton, you should not have done that.
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Is it okay if I stay here and make sure you don't notice anything suspicious? I can also give you misleading information if you'd like.
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Actually answers the question AND flatters AND leads Layton in the completely wrong direction Damn this man is good
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Can y'all get the f out of my basement please ^^
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Oh please, thank me after you see my big finale, I'm preparing a grandiose event just for you ^_^
Something I find interesting: later, when Layton realizes someone is manipulating information, Luke says the only one capable of this is Jakes, to which Layton agrees. However, what he writes in this notes is… slightly different:
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It might be a translation error. It might not. 👀
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DUDE THIS IS WHY YOU NEED LAYTON'S HELP ALL THE TIME (also what the hell is an "American attitude"? Using guns??)
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He is many things
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A good question you probably should have asked before you hired her. But hey don't worry I'm sure it won't ever be relevant whatsoever.
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Layton please
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Oh really? Well then where can I read this book, uh? For science, you know.
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Layton I think you forgot to say something about being a gentleman
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Hahahaha that's cute
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!!! 👀
We will never know...
Until the next part, that is. Thanks for reading! o/
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ultra-puzzlemaster · 1 year ago
Part 3 of my favorite Last Specter/Spectre's Call moments o/
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
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… It's not like I can relate or anything…
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When you're an introvert but people talk to you :/
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No offense ma'am but I think I see why you're the sole member
Useless info: in the French version the name of the fan-club was changed to "Clampettes", and I don't think the translator got paid enough for dealing with this :')
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Don't worry Luke, the roads may be dangerous for people but Emmy is even more dangerous for the roads. And the people on the roads. Have I told you about that time she tried to crash in my car? It was yesterday. She was saying hello.
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… Probably not.
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Definitely not :/
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Old man talking about the police
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Oh they must have been such good friends, for Barde to give absolutely everything he owned to Clark!!! I bet Brenda left because she feared she couldn't compete with such powerful friendship!!!
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Er... are you sure you wanna know, sir?
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Emmy, you know you're in Layton's office, right?
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She is so done with his mess :')
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Meow to you too, sir.
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Luke, you're 10 years old, are you seriously planning to illegally break into the police headquarters? Aww I'm so proud of you my boy ❤
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Changing the subject and insulting, eh? I hope he wasn't trying to avoid suspicion :/
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Couldn't have said it better myself
And that's it for now, hope you liked it o/ Next part should be in less than a month this time :')
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ultra-puzzlemaster · 1 year ago
A while ago I made a post with silly comments on my current Last Specter playthrough, and since you guys seemed to like it here's the second part!
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
On my way to Arianna's house! The place people tell me not to go to because it's supposed to be dangerous!
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She has good taste
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I speak like an adult! Because! I am! Definitely an adult!!!
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That sounds illegal. Let's do it.
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I am very glad those two are here to tell me things I wouldn't have noticed otherwise.
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Luke are you okay?
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How did I get this action after solving a puzzle that was on a lock. Luke what did you do.
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Great job Layton, now Emmy's broken :/
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Ok maybe I shouldn't look for hint coins in the candles, but in my defense they're shiny
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Abled people when they meet someone with an invisible disability
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Bucky is on his way to world domination, I'm telling you
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I wish we'd see this guy try this on Descole Level-5, in nwos please?
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This woman truly understands the importance of The Hat. She has earned my respect.
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There is ONE person in town who gets what's going on and it's Mimi. Hey Layton maybe you should have asked her for information instead of her grumpy husband who just wants to prove he has a bigger dic--tionary than Clark.
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I'm sorry Aunt Taffy but I need you to give candies to Emmy before she loses control and goes on a murder rampage
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Are... are we dealing drugs or…?
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I had to test this option IT WAS FOR SCIENCE OKAY?
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I'm trying the wrong options to see the dialogue and now Layton is disappointed in me :(
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Emmy, I get you don't suspect the "Seamus is actually Tony in disguise" because it's your first Layton adventure but... We heard that a boy came to the market and bought all the candy Then we saw a witch's mark with a candy wrapper next to it Come on Emmy, you can figure at least this part out
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"Nothing could ever make me break a promise. No matter the danger, no matter the mystery, I always keep my word and be a true gentleman." "But if this orphan girl with abandonment issues ask me to stay with her I'll just run away the first chance I get."
Aaaand I've reached Tumblr's picture limit so that's all for now, I hope you liked it!
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ultra-puzzlemaster · 1 year ago
Part 5 of my favorite LS moments
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
Layton Emmy and Luke have been arrested by the police! What should they do now?
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Remember kids, violence is not an answer. It's the answer.
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I wanted to explore the town but now he's insulting me :(
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Thanks little guy I'll try this next time I meet new people 👍
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DO hurt him, Emmy!
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Descole, rude :/ I know you're very busy with destroying the town and all, but it's no excuse to be impolite to your neighbors!
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This guy scares me 😨
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I swear I have nothing to do with it this time. Pretty sure Clark is just mad at Jakes for locking up his 10 years old son without telling him.
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I don't know what we'd do without Layton's observation skills.
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(she's actually not an adult but shhh that's a secret 🤫)
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Welcome to my world, kid
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Please Level-5, let Rosa have a break, she deserves it
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People playing a Layton game for the first time. Or anytime, really.
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Descole, if you really want the police to keep people away from your illegal stuff, the least you can do is NOT make their work harder!
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Luke, if you want to keep following the professor, you're gonna have to learn a few things. One: there is no situation that would require Layton to take off his hat. Two: you do not suggest he takes off his hat. Ever.
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Yeah go girl! \o/
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OMG they foreshadowed New World of Steam! 🤯
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Luke, could you stop insulting cars please?
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Sorry Beth they're busy outside accusing an innocent girl, they won't come back until I reveal their scheme to the whole town. One of them may not come back at all actually. But don't worry I'm sure they left you behind for very good reasons not related to your gender.
That's all for today, next part will be the last o/
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