#upi in other countries
livemintvideos · 2 years
How UPI works for NRIs | Now NRIs Can Set Up UPI | Mint Primer | Mint
On 10 January, India’s retail payments umbrella body The National Payments Corp. of India (NPCI) issued a circular that paved the way for wider adoption of homegrown payments platform UPI. So far, only Indian phone numbers were allowed on UPI, leaving out non-resident bank accounts linked to their phone numbers abroad. In the first phase, phone numbers from 10 countries including Singapore, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Oman, Qatar, the US, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and the UK have been allowed to be used on UPI.
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sanhatipal · 5 months
Figure Sculpting Commissions
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I've been wanting to do this for a long time,now it's finally possible. I'll do mini chibi figures of characters,like the ones above! 25-35 USD + shipping depending on complexity, ToS under the cut
For more examples of my sculpting skills(but I won't do scales because it's too much work), here's some Pandora Hearts merch I've made,and some other sculptures:
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The figures will be tiny, around the same size as Nendoroid Petites, which is half of regular Nendoroids (4-6cm).
References are always appreciated
Will be made of resin,air dry clay,and sometimes pieces of plastic or wood. Predominantly resin and clay.
There's the option for proportions between 1 and 2. Flandre Nendoroid is for size comparison only. No price difference.
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I'll add a stand to make sure the figure can stand properly,but it won't be removable.
No LED parts (though I'd love to, the post office told me it might get rejected at customs)
Price depends on complexity of the character. I'll give you a price (+ shipping estimate for your country) after looking at the character, and you can decide whether you want it or not,and I'll start working on it. I'll send you WIP shots occasionally.
Payment after the figure is made or almost finished,and before shipping.
Making time is 7-14 days, hopefully,but may be more because I have a volatile schedule. I'll definitely let you know and keep you updated though.
Making these take time,so if you want to pay after a few weeks,you can give me a character to start making,and pay when you're ready. I'll hold onto it for a month.
Shipping is combined for multiple figures. If you want to add another figure after I've started, or even finished, making the first, that's fine, I'll ship it together.
Shipping will be through tracked international parcel post, takes 2-4 weeks, but duration not in my hands. Domestically,speed post, takes 3-5 days.
Payment via PayPal, or GPay/UPI if in India
I can add a fuzzy Luna or crimson moon vampire like this,or anything similar if you want, for 5 usd.
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I can only work on 2-3 figures at max at a time,so if I get more requests, I'll reserve a slot,and contact you when I'm ready to start
I hold the right to turn down an offer for whatever reason.
And questions,feel free to ask on DMs. I'm also active on Discord nowadays, Flameheart3794 ,but Tumblr DMs are always open for queries!
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
Aug. 7 (UPI) -- British authorities were gearing up for a wave of riots across England with reports of at least 30 planned for Wednesday night amid fears the offices of law firms that represent immigrants and asylum seekers could be potential targets.
A "standing army" of 6,000 police was mobilized after far-right groups circulated a list of 39 immigration lawyers, charities and groups that provide services to migrants and refugees on social media and 500 prison spaces had been freed up as public prosecutors threatened swingeing justice for those participating in or organizing violent disorder.
"All of us are concerned that a list is being circulated online," Communities Minister Jim McMahon told BBC Radio.
"We at this point don't know if those will transpire to be protests in the way that we've seen in other places. Or whether it's a list that's intended just to cause alarm and distress, or even to provoke.
"But to be clear we are absolutely prepared in terms of our policing response, our prosecutor response and also our court response," said McMahon.
The country's top prosecutor said at least one rioter had been charged with terror offenses and warned his office would consider the same where organized groups were planning "really serious disruption to advance an ideology."
Director of Public Prosecutions Stephen Parkinson said his officials would deploy every legal means available to put people behind the disorder behind bars and that anti-terrorism laws were being used in one ongoing prosecution.
Police also said they were confident they would be able to maintain control.
The Law Society said it had "serious concerns for the safety and wellbeing" of its members with at least one immigration advice center boarding up its windows and doors in anticipation of trouble.
"A direct assault on our legal profession is a direct assault on our democratic values and we are supporting our members who are being targeted," the society's president, Nick Emmerson, said in a post on X.
He added that he had written to Prime Minister Keir Starmer asking that the threats against the profession be treated with the "utmost seriousness."
The non-profit advocacy group Hope Not Hate warned the list was an aspirational "hit list" that called for action, "up to and including terrorism" against the targets named at 8 p.m. local time, circulated by an anonymous individual who it said was also involved in instigating anti-Muslim violence in Southport and Liverpool over the past week.
"This actor, who has also called for the assassinations of public figures, must be brought to justice and face the full force of the law," HNH said in a news release.
The group said the purpose of the list was to spread fear and uncertainty as it was impossible to predict whether and where attacks might materialize and therefore "any and all services should be on high alert."
HNH said it was also monitoring a number of other far-right demonstrations planned for the days ahead which it said were emerging "more organically" and so may attract larger numbers of protesters.
The developments came after a night of relative calm with police in Liverpool and Durham tamping down tensions with the use of dispersal orders that give them powers to order people to leave the area.
The coroner was due to open inquests Wednesday morning in the Liverpool suburb of Sefton into the killings of Bebe King, 6, Alice Dasilva Aguiar, 9, and Elsie Dot Stancombe, 7, in nearby Southport on July 29.
The last of the eight other children and two adults injured in the stabbing spree at a dance studio -- triggering a week of unrest across England and Wales -- were discharged from hospital.
Axel Muganwa Rudakubana,17, of Banks in Lancashire, was charged July 31 with three counts of murder, 10 counts of attempted murder and possession of a bladed weapon.
On Wednesday, the first rioters were also sent to prison with a judge at Liverpool Crown Court sentencing one man to three years for taking part in violent disorder in Southport last week when a mob hijacked a vigil for the slain girls, injuring dozens of police and attacking police vehicles and a mosque.
The man received a concurrent two-month sentence for assaulting a police officer.
Another man was sentenced to 28 months in prison for violent disorder and torching a police vehicle in Liverpool plus two months for perpetrating "malicious communication."
A third man was sent to prison for 18 months plus two months for a "racially aggravated element" of the offense.
The first significant prison sentences follow the jailing of an 18-year-old man sent to prison Tuesday for two months after pleading guilty to criminal damage charges following a riot near Manchester on Sunday.
About 100 among the more than 400 people arrested across the country since rioting erupted a day after the July 29 killings in Southport pleaded not guilty to various charges but, unusually, were refused bail pending trial.
Juveniles, however, continue to be bailed in line with standard policy.
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cdd-media-share · 5 days
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Multiple Personality Disorder More Accepted. Schenectady Gazette, Aug. 1, 1987.
AKRON, Ohio (UPI) - "The Minds of Billy Milligan," "Sybil" and "The Three Faces of Eve" are books about only three people, but they contains details of myriad personalities.
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The things in this article might not reflect current-day understandings of DID.
I am simply sharing this for archival purposes, and to generally share some old, neat things related to CDDs. I'm just sharing for fun and out of interest.
Content warnings: This can be uncomfortable to read, to be quite honest. It talks about DID being this horrid disease that needs to be cured and the cure being to integrate (fuse) all of the (alters).
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While the works have done much to publicize the existence of multiple personality disorder, the syndrome went virtually unrecognized until the last quarter-century and still is challenged in the medical profession.
There is an increasing acceptance, however, according to Dr. Moshe Torem, head of the University of Akron's psychiatry and behavioral sciences department.
The cause of the disorder is believed to be child abuse, particularly sexual abuse
Recent studies, when averaged, show that at least 25 percent of all adult women and 10 percent of the men in this country experienced some form of sexual abuse as children, Torem said.
About 4 percent of such victims may suffer repeated abuse during crucial developmental stages and fall prey to MPD, experts say, although this may be an underestimate.
William Milligan, who has been diagnosed as having 24 personalities, says he himself was a victim of rape as a child.
Milligan was committed to state custody in 1978 after being found innocent by reason of insanity of raping three women abducted near the Ohio State University campus in Columbus.
During medical therapy, court hearings and interviews, Milligan told of repeated sexual abuse by his father, who allegedly forced the youth to dig his own grave and buried him alive. Milligan said his father threatened to return him to the ground and leave him to die if the youth ever told anyone of the abuse.
His father has denied the accusations.
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Doctors say Milligan coped with the abuse and his disjointed life by relegating pain to part of his mind, in a personality known as David. Other abuse was handled by lesbian Adalana, and deaf Shawn endured beatings in silence.
Dr. Cornelia Wilbur of Lexington, Ky., one of nine psychiatrists who have confirmed Milligan's multiple personality disorder, also fused the 16 personalities of a patient known as Sybil, later the subject of a book and television play.
Doctors say Sybil was also the victim of sexual torture as a child.
Chris Sizemore, subject of "The Three Faces of Eve" (1957), was diagnosed as having 22 personalities. She was traumatized as a child by witnessing a series of violent, bloody events.
Sizemore was successfully treated, has written a book, "I Am Eve," and is working on another. She attended an April conference on MPD hosted by Torem and Akron General Medical Center.
"She is living testimony that the disease can be completely cured," Torem said. "Sybil also is testimony."
Milligan remains in state custody after nearly 10 years, though he freed himself for about five months by escaping last July 4 from the Central Ohio Psychiatric Hospital in Columbus.
Milligan has been under the supervision of a hospital administrator, who has said publicly he does not believe in multiple personalities.
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"It's not a matter of believing or disbelieving, that's for religion," Torem said. "This is science. This is a matter of looking at the facts and forming your conclusions using a scientific method."
Torem, who attended medical school in the 1960s and performed his residency in the mid 1970s, is not surprised by the lack of recognition accorded MPD. He feels he may have overlooked incidences of multiple personality disorder before he diagnosed his first case in 1980.
"In school I was told, "This disease is so rare that you will never see a case in the whole lifetime of your career, so it would be a waste of time to study it," he said.
Misunderstanding may have led some people to confuse MPD with schizophrenia - "two totally different disease," he said.
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Schizophrenics sometimes are known as "split personalities." People with MPD can have a multitude of personalities, with the average being nine or 10, experts say.
Schizophrenia can be treated with antipsychotic drugs. While some types of medicine can be helpful in treating MPD, the disorder does not respond to anti-psychotic drugs. Treatment generally is psychotherapy used in conjunction with hypnosis, Moshe said.
MPD is caused by child abuse, schizophrenia is inherited.
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"Schizophrenia can happen in the best of families, even if you had all the loving care in the world," Torem said. "Schizophrenia is a genetically inherited disease of the brain. It runs in families, like diabetes."
Another distinction, Torem said, is that schizophrenics often believe they hear voices coming from outside their heads, while victims of MPD usually hear voices within their minds.
While schizophrenics can be managed with medication, they cannot be cured, Torem said. MPD, on the other hand, "has an excellent prognosis, with many cases where full integration (of personalities) and cures are achieved."
Skepticism continues, however, partly because of the public's interpretation of the label "multiple personality disorder."
To many people, Torem said, the name evokes an unbelievable, fairy-tale image of several people existing in one body, rather than the very real situation of several personalities struggling within one mind.
Public acceptance of the disorder might be increase, he said, if people realized it is a form of post-traumatic stress disorder, which is best known as an affliction suffered by some Vietnam War veterans.
The stigma attached to both child abuse and the Vietnam War compels victims to hide their problem, complicating it further.
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"A child suffered repetitive abuse. He couldn't run away, couldn't fight it or flee from it, so he floated with it; he used internal escape. Part of his personality shut off to deal with the depression, pain, hurt, and another part of the child went on as if nothing has happened," Torem said.
"If (trauma) happens early in life and continues through crucial developmental stages, you have split ego states that develop in a parallel track and they don't communicate with each other. You have a barrier of amnesia between these states
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Dr. Bill Smith, chief clinical psychologist at the Menninger Foundation in Topeka, Kansas, said the mechanism behind MPD is the same as the one that gives creative writers a basis for developing unusual characters.
"Most who develop this disorder are bright and highly creative. The figures they come up with are often creative and highly embellished," he said.
"Multiple personality is sort of a caricature of the normal process where individuals have a repertoire of selves," Smith said. "We all have sort of an angry self that we keep under control, and maybe a rebellious self, a more flamboyant, exhibitionistic self.
"Sometimes these 'selves' will come out more under the influence of drugs or alcohol, perhaps at a party. They are different sides of us that get activated under certain circumstances, but we still know it's us.
"The multiple personality is so extreme that the selves have no knowledge of the existence of the others," he said.
Smith said most MPD victims develop more than four personalities and average anywhere from nine to 13. The process becomes self-perpetuating, he said, as a victim learns to hide "undesirable" traits, such as anger, greed, or promiscuity outside his or her central personality.
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"It continues with anger, greed, and so on, as more unacceptable parts of the person - or parts of the person the parents cannot tolerate - all get channeled off into fantasy-created, submerged selves.
"In a family where literacy and academic achievement are actually discouraged, the person may develop a highly intelligent, highly literate personality" that is kept hidden from critical parents, he said.
Smith said psychologists find a much higher incidence of multiple personality disorder among females than males.
"Little girls are more likely to be abused and be victims of incest than are little boys," he said. "Also, since MPD almost always involves an antisocial side, males multiples end up in prison, while female multiples end up in hospitals, because society still is much less likely to prosecute females.
"Unfortunately, if we can't always adequately diagnosis MPD in mental hospitals, it certainly isn't going to be diagnosed in prisons."
If victims are good enough at hiding abusive family lives and the ensuing problems, their reward may be accusations that their disorder is really a hoax. Even "believers" often doubt whether the condition can be cured. In Milligan's case, doctors' efforts to gain his freedom caused public outrage and fears that his violent behavior would recur.
Torem said problems are possible, but such fears are irrational. Even if they do have a relapse, people with MPD "at least know that they need to get help to cope."
The Ohio Legislature is debating a bill that would abolish the plea used by Milligan, innocent by reason of insanity, and replace it with "guilty but mentally ill."
Some people advocate that offenders who use the new plea should be forced to serve time in prison after they are treated for their mental illness.
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libertariantaoist · 1 year
News Roundup 6/7/2023 | The Libertarian Institute
Here is your daily roundup of today's news:
News Roundup 6/7/2023
by Kyle Anzalone
US News
The State Department has falsely accused rock legend, Roger Waters, a co-founder of Pink Floyd, of antisemitism over a recent performance in Germany. AWC
The Treasury Department announced sanctions on two members of a Mexican cartel. UPI
The New York Times reported Tuesday that the Biden administration has “shrugged off” Ukrainian attacks inside Russia as US officials are no longer as concerned about escalation as they were earlier in the war. AWC
Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo said Monday that his government is asking Ukraine if Belgian rifles were used by pro-Kyiv fighters in a recent attack on Russia’s Belgorod region. AWC
US officials confirmed to The Washington Post that US and other NATO equipment was used in a cross-border attack in Russia’s Belgorod region that was launched on May 22. AWC
On Monday, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley said Ukraine was “well prepared” to launch a counteroffensive against Russian forces thanks to the support the US and NATO have provided. AWC
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told The Wall Street Journal in an interview published Saturday that his country will sit out the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius this July if Kyiv is not given a “signal” toward full membership in the alliance. AWC
The Washington Post reported Tuesday that the US received intelligence in June 2022 about a Ukrainian plot to bomb the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline that connects Russia to Germany. AWC
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Monday that Moscow must keep in mind that American-made F-16 fighter jets are capable of carrying nuclear weapons. AWC
CIA Director William Burns held “clandestine” meetings with Chinese intel agencies during an unannounced trip to Beijing last month, US officials told the Financial Times, suggesting the visit was intended to “stabilize” deteriorating relations with the People’s Republic. The Institute
The White House on Monday accused the Chinese military of being more “aggressive” in waters near China’s coast following two encounters between the US and Chinese militaries in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait. AWC
French President Emmanuel Macron objects to NATO’s plans to open a liaison office in Japan and thinks the alliance should stay in the North Atlantic, Financial Times reported on Monday. AWC
The US, Japan and Australia announced a joint plan to build undersea cables. The project will cost about $100 million and viewed by the nations as a counter to China. Fox News
Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL), chair of the House Armed Services Committee, said Tuesday that he wants Congress to pass a supplemental spending bill this year to address so-called threats from China, Defense News reported. AWC
The commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command, Admiral John Aquilino, highlighted the military’s threatening posture towards China, speaking at the annual meeting of the National Committee on US-China Relations last month. The group is known for encouraging engagement between the world’s two largest economies. The Institute
Middle East
Secretary of State Antony Blinken addressed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee Policy Summit on Monday and pledged Washington’s “ironclad” support for Tel Aviv. Part of the White House’s plan to strengthen Israel’s security would be to push Saudi Arabia into a normalization agreement with Israel. The Institute
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ramped up his threats of war against Iran and slammed the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the UN nuclear watchdog, for cooperating with Tehran on Sunday. The Institute
On Tuesday, Iran reopened its embassy in Saudi Arabia after a seven-year closure, the result of the normalization deal between Tehran and Riyadh that was brokered by China. AWC
The Treasury Department placed sanctions on seven people and six entities for supporting Iran missile program. UPI
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hopeonmyphone · 1 year
BTS J-Hope's enlistment, ABC, BBC, Egypt TV, etc. 300 overseas media coverage "World attention"
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Jhope joined the 36th Army Recruit Training Center in Wonju, Gangwon-do on the 18th, and more than 300 media outlets around the world reported on it and showed great interest. .
The world's three major news agencies, the AP of the US , Reuters of the UK, and AFP of France, introduced that "BTS has become a global cultural phenomenon by contributing billions of dollars to the Korean economy and building an international fan base "
Special exemption from military service is provided to traditional musicians, ballet and other dancers if they have won a top prize in a particular competition and are judged to have increased national prestige, but K-pop stars and other entertainers are not subject to the privilege.” ABC , CBS , NBC , Fox News, and UPI, the three major American terrestrial broadcasters , also reported on the enlistment news. NBC and CBS also reported on entertainment news programs such as Access Hollywood and Entertainment Tonight.
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CNN reported on the news of their enlistment, saying, " BTS have become global superstars, such as being nominated for a Grammy, and with sales of $4.9 billion in 2019, they account for 0.3% of the country's gross domestic product and have become an important part of the Korean economy."
Major media such as Time, Forbes, Washington Times, Washington Post, USA Today, People, Variety, music media such as Billboard, Rolling Stone, Consequence of Sound, American Songwriter, radio networks such as iHeartRadio and Ohda, and entertainment Tonight, Teen Vogue, EFE , and IBTIMES also reported the news.
In the United States, even local media such as New York Daily News, SCNOW , Gadget Times, Montana Standard, laprensalatina , Fox LA , and Massachusetts Radio joined the ranks of reporting and showed keen interest. Canada's ET Canada also broke the news.
Brazil's OFuxico , Mexico's daily Diario de Yucatan , la verdad noticias, Peruvian daily la republica , Aristegui Noticias , news es euro , TV channel latina pe , and Chilean publimetro , etc.
Britain's public broadcaster BBC reported on the situation in South Korean politics, saying, "There has been discussion for years about whether BTS should serve compulsory service or whether they should be exempted for their contribution to the arts, but the Ministry of Defense has ruled that they must serve . " "When J-Hope released a photo of his shaved head, fans cheered by clicking more than 8 million likes," the report said.
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Daily Mail, a daily newspaper in the UK, NME , a music media outlet , Metro Entertainment, and Forcenet, which delivers news related to defense around the world, also reported news.
In France, news of J-Hope's enlistment was reported by 24-hour news channel BFM TV , state-run international news TV network France 24, and weekly news magazine Paris Match.
Germany's wochenschau , Italy's TV news channel Sky TG24 , Netherlands' TV channel RTL Boulevard , Spain's national daily sports newspaper Marca, Portugal's national newspaper publico , and Russia's Orsk Today also joined in the reporting.
In Africa, Egyptian TV channel Sada El Balad , Egyptian radio channel Nile FM , Nigerian news agency Peoples Gazette , and Jordanian mediaAl Bawaba et al reported. UAE daily Khalij Times and Gulf News reported the news.
In India, many media such as The Telegraph, India TV , NDTV , Hindustan Times, East Mojo, Fun Times, Delhi Times, Glasham, and Bangalore Times showed interest.
Japan's Oricon News, Billboard Japan, The Japan News, Hong Kong's South China Morning Post Lifestyle Asia, Singapore's Straits Times, Philippine daily Inquirer, CNN Philippines Philstar, ABS-CBN, Indonesia 's CNN Indonesia , Thailand 's Reports from Asian countries followed, including thethaiger daily , Malaysian Insight, Pakistan's Global Village Space , and Vietnam's daily thanh nien .
It is estimated that hundreds of millions of viewers and readers around the world heard the news of J-Hope's enlistment through such news reports. Meanwhile, J-Hope performed ' HUH', a song from Suga's solo album released on the 21st.?!' as a lyricist/composer and featured in the song, giving fans a song gift. J-Hope's scheduled discharge date is October 17, 2024.
Source: Herald Economy
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upismediacenter · 2 years
UPIS shifts to mandatory and increased frequency of face-to-face classes
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MORE FACE-TO-FACE CLASSES. The 2nd floor lobby of the 7-12 building is filled with students, as the building re-opens and classes have been mandatory, with an increase in frequency of days.|| Photo courtesy of Andre Panopio.
The University of the Philippines Integrated School (UPIS) shifts to mandatory and increased frequency of face-to-face classes for the second semester of Academic Year 2022-2023, as health protocols have eased throughout the Philippines.
According to Prof. Dian Caluag, the Assistant Principal for Academic Programs, the increased frequency of onsite classes to two and three days a week is mainly because of the country's improving situation. The loosening of Covid-19 restrictions successfully permitted the students to access onsite and academic assistance from the teachers. “Nakita natin na nag-iimprove na yung [We saw the improvement of the] pandemic situation, meaning more people have been vaccinated [with boosters]. UP has also advised its units to increase the number of face-to-face classes.”
In addition, Prof. Caluag added that the teachers, students, and parents requested an increase in in-person contact and on-site classes. Remote learning led to academic loss which resulted in fewer classroom activities and lack of direct interactions between students, she said. Without these interactions, the students faced challenges in interpersonal relationships with parents, teachers, and peers.
She also explained that there is an idea that we will not get to the routines that we used to do before the pandemic, such as doing flag ceremonies every week, having club meetings, and celebrating UPIS week. To this, she responded, “It’s more of moving forward, we’re learning from what we experienced in the past three years, and the idea is that we’re not going back to how things were before. We’re banking on what we learned and moving forward.”
On the other hand, Aileen Dimaculangan, the school’s nurse, declared that the same process of filling out health declaration forms would continue on a weekly basis rather than daily. The school also had a revision of quarantine and isolation protocols with the help of the University Health Services (UHS). Reminding students to fill up the health declaration forms honestly, Nurse Aileen reiterates the appropriate observation of conforming to minimum health protocols, such as wearing a face mask, being knowledgeable about proper hygiene practices, and eating the right diet. Nurse Aileen also added, “I think kung ano na-start na rin natin (following minimum health protocols and keeping yourself clean) kailangan lang natin i-continue ito, pati na rin sa personal [hygiene] natin kasi magiging malaking tulong para safe ang lahat.” [I think that we should continue what we have started (following minimum health protocols and keeping yourself clean), as well as maintaining our personal [hygiene], as it is a big help in keeping everyone safe.]
Reactions of students
UPIS students also had reactions to the shift made by the school. Cilque Casis, a Grade 12 student, says she feels great about having more days of classes. “Face-to-face classes allow me to focus on the subject matter more, compared to online classes where I’m mostly just staring at the screen. I [also] like the fact that you can ask teachers directly in person, and if you have other questions after class, you can just visit them in the faculty room.” Zerah Ballarta, a grade 11 student, was also delighted about the shift, as she is able to step foot into UPIS again after months of isolation, and finally seeing friends she used to bond with.
The students also expressed the challenges that they encountered along with the benefits. According to Zerah, "Nahirapan ako bumalik sa dating gawi ko kasi hindi na ako sanay gumising nang maaga at mag-ayos for school." [“It was hard for me to go back to my old routine because I’m not used to waking up early and getting ready for school anymore.”] Meanwhile, Cilque was concerned about the amount of groupworks and coordination between classes. “My concern is just with the amount of groupworks that we have, sometimes it is hard to coordinate with other classes, especially with other interest courses,” she stated.
When asked about possible additions to the current health protocols, Cilque proposed that in the health declaration form, there should be an option where you could specify if your symptoms were allergy-related. “We have a lot of people who have allergies, but if they answered the form truthfully, they might not be allowed to school even though it’s already been dealt with or they were taking allergy medication.” As for Zerah, she suggested that more alcohol stations should be placed in school, along with a station that provides face masks in case the students forget to bring extras.
Other changes that can be seen in the rules and regulations included the canteen being fully operational once again and adopting the schedule used in online classes, which starts at 8:00 am and ends at 2:30 pm. Temperature checks can also be seen in the school’s entrances, as well as alcohol dispensers for each classroom and restroom.
UPIS hopes that these new protocols will help students learn better at school while ensuring everyone’s safety. “The characteristic of the transition is that it’s gradual, and that transition will lead us to the new normal,” Prof. Caluag stated. //by Monique Gervacio and Andre Panopio
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indiaandforeignaid · 7 days
India’s Impact on Financial Inclusion in Developing Asian Economies Through Digital Payment Apps 
In recent years, India has transformed its digital landscape, particularly in the realm of financial inclusion, through widespread adoption of digital payment apps like Paytm, PhonePe, and the government-led Unified Payments Interface (UPI). These innovations have not only revolutionized India's own financial ecosystem but have also set a powerful example for developing Asian economies. By facilitating access to banking services for previously underserved populations, India’s digital payment revolution is paving the way for greater economic participation across the region.
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India’s digital transformation can be traced back to the launch of the Jan Dhan Yojana in 2014, aimed at expanding access to financial services for the unbanked. This initiative was a game-changer, opening millions of bank accounts across the country. However, it was the integration of digital payment platforms like UPI/ BHART PAY that accelerated the inclusion of these newly banked individuals into the formal financial system. 
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UPI's key innovation was its ability to bypass the need for traditional card infrastructure, making transactions seamless, secure, and cost-effective, even for people with basic smartphones. UPI’s growth has been staggering. As of 2023, India’s UPI processed over 9 billion transactions monthly, valued at trillions of rupees. With nearly half of these transactions initiated by users in rural areas, this reflects the platform’s role in reducing the urban-rural financial gap.
Several developing Asian economies face challenges similar to those India encountered a decade ago like, vast rural populations, low levels of financial literacy, and limited access to banking infrastructure. India’s success with UPI and other digital payment apps has attracted attention from governments and financial institutions across Asia.
Bhutan, with its limited financial infrastructure and small population, was quick to realize the potential of India's UPI system. In 2021, Bhutan became the first country to adopt UPI as a cross-border payment solution. This allowed seamless transactions between Indian tourists and Bhutanese merchants, boosting local commerce and encouraging Bhutanese citizens to adopt digital payments. Bhutan’s early integration with UPI reflects how India’s innovations can be adapted for smaller developing economies with limited financial infrastructure.
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Nepal followed in 2022, adopting India’s UPI platform to enhance its own digital financial ecosystem. For a country where cash still dominates, UPI integration provides a robust, cost-effective solution for both small and large transactions. This has helped improve financial inclusion, especially in rural areas where traditional banking services were scarce. Nepal’s adoption of UPI is an excellent example of how developing economies can skip outdated financial systems and leapfrog directly to advanced digital solutions.
India’s digital payment platforms have played a crucial role in fostering financial inclusion by offering innovative services that extend beyond traditional banking. For instance, these platforms have introduced microcredit services that enable individuals and small businesses to access short-term loans with minimal paperwork. This development is particularly significant in regions where formal credit markets are underdeveloped, providing a vital financial resource for many. Additionally, digital wallets have empowered users to save small amounts of money, gradually increasing their engagement with the formal economy. This trend of increased savings and investment can be replicated in other developing Asian economies where people may be hesitant to interact with traditional financial institutions.
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Remittances also play a crucial role in many developing Asian economies, and India’s digital apps like Paytm and PhonePe offer efficient, low-cost solutions for sending and receiving money. As neighboring countries such as Bangladesh and Sri Lanka seek to modernize their remittance services, India’s approach provides a valuable model for success. Moreover, India’s push towards digital payments has been complemented by efforts to enhance financial literacy, making technology more accessible and user-friendly. Other developing Asian countries can benefit from this approach by combining digital tools with financial education to accelerate economic empowerment.
However, India’s digital payment revolution has not been without its challenges. One major issue has been data privacy and security. The rise of cyber frauds has revealed gaps in India’s regulatory frameworks, which have struggled to keep pace with the rapidly evolving digital economy. For other developing Asian countries looking to adopt similar models, it is essential to implement robust regulatory measures to safeguard users. Additionally, connectivity remains a significant barrier. While digital payments have flourished in urban areas, rural regions with limited internet infrastructure have been slower to adopt these technologies. Countries like Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar, with low internet penetration, need to focus on building the necessary infrastructure to support digital financial services.
India’s success in digital payment apps has provided a powerful tool for financial inclusion and has inspired other Asian economies to explore similar models. Nonetheless, the path to success lies in adapting India’s approach to address each country’s unique challenges. Whether it is overcoming a lack of internet infrastructure, improving financial literacy, or transitioning from cash reliance, each nation must tailor the approach to fit its specific needs. If you are from a developing economy, consider what challenges you face in accessing financial services. Does your country utilize digital payment systems like UPI, or is cash still the primary method of transaction?
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xtruss · 19 days
Russia, Trade Partners Build Alternative Payments Systems Circumventing US Dollar
New Currencies And Financial Systems Are being Built To Circumvent Western Economic Pressure on Moscow.
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© Sputnik/Alexandr Demyanchuk/Go to the Mediabank
Russia and various trade partners are working to strengthen alternative currencies and payments systems, reducing global reliance on the US dollar and Western-based financial networks.
“Moscow keeps finding ways to keep the country's economy going,” writes business reporter Huileng Tan, describing Russia’s response to Western sanctions imposed after the launch of its special military operation against Ukraine in 2022. “Russia's trade partners, too, are looking for ways to continue doing business with the country via alternative systems to rival the Western-led, US dollar-dominated global financial order.”
Moscow has been adapting to Western financial pressure since 2014 when trade restrictions were imposed after Russia's reunification with Crimea.
“There are risks in using the global financial networks,” said Russian central bank governor Elvira Nabiullina in 2018. “Therefore, since back in 2014 we have been developing our own systems.”
Western economic aggression intensified in 2022, causing Moscow to increasingly make use of its System for Transfer of Financial Messages (SPFS). The financial messaging system is used in place of SWIFT, the Western system that has traditionally served as the de-facto global standard. SPFS is reportedly used by 556 organizations in 20 countries, with foreign organizations’ use of the system more than doubling after 2022.
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Euro's Share in SWIFT Transactions Hits Historic Low in March! The share of the euro in international payments via SWIFT in March dropped to an all-time low of 21.93%, according to the global payment system's data. Photo: © iStock/Gaffera
The proportion of global transactions involving Europe's common currency fell by 1.32 percentage points month-on-month.
Meanwhile, the US dollar strengthened its position last month, gaining 0.81 percentage points from February to reach 47.37%, which is its highest level since December 2023, the data showed.
Russia has also made efforts to integrate its financial system with that of Iran, with Moscow’s Mir card payment platform now working with Tehran’s Shetab system.
Meanwhile, banking and messaging systems developed by China and India, two major global economic powers in their own right, have seen increasing use in financial transactions involving Russian entities. China's Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS) processed more than 6.6 million transactions last year amounting to $17.3 trillion. India’s Unified Payments Interface (UPI) has also expanded rapidly, threatening to pose a significant challenge to SWIFT’s dominance.
“It is significant that UPI can also be used to bypass the SWIFT banking system, enabling payments with sanctioned countries such as Russia, thereby weakening US financial hegemony,” wrote international relations analyst Evan Freidin earlier this year.
Central bank currencies and cryptocurrencies round out the selection of financial innovations utilized by Russia to maintain its robust and growing economy, with both technologies threatening to further undermine the US dollar’s global reserve currency status.
One last strategy can be revived from the Soviet era as Russia looks into economic barter with China and other countries. The direct exchange of quantities of one commodity for another cuts out the need for a currency entirely, harkening back to the days of the socialist-aligned Comecon economic organization. The tactic has been employed by various countries subjected to Western sanctions such as Cuba and Venezuela, which engage in barter with several Latin American neighbors via the ALBA–TCP bloc.
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Iran's Proposal to Set Up SWIFT Analogue Added to BRICS Agenda! The BRICS leadership has put on the agenda the Iranian central bank's proposal to set up the group's own equivalent to the SWIFT payment system and create an organization to fight money laundering and terrorist financing that would be similar to the intergovernmental Financial Action Task Force (FATF). Photo: © Sputnik/Mikhail Kutusov/Go to the Mediabank
"The proposals of the Iranian central bank on the creation of a system for exchanging financial messages between members of the organization [similar to SWIFT], combating money laundering and financing of terrorism [similar to FATF] and international credit rating institutions for BRICS members were accepted by the organization on the agenda," Deputy Head of Iranian Central Bank Mohsen Karimi was quoted as saying by the IRNA news agency.
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beardedmrbean · 1 month
Aug. 16 (UPI) -- The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control Friday released a risk assessment and updated guidance for mpox in Europe after one case of MPXV clade Ib was reported Thursday.
The ECDC said more cases are likely to occur in Europe but the likelihood of EU/EEA general population infection is very low.
EU/EEA is the European Union plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway who are part of the EU market area.
"The likelihood of infection in the general population in the EU/EEA is assessed as very low, provided that imported cases are diagnosed promptly and control measures are implemented," the ECDC said in a statement. "In the event of more sporadic importations of the MPXV clade I in the EU/EEA, the likelihood of infection for close contacts of possible or confirmed imported cases is assessed high."
The ECDC said for Europeans traveling to or living in nations most affected by mpox in Africa, the chances of infection when in close contact with affected communities is high, but the risk is low when such contact is avoided.
The ECDC statement said the risk is high for "EU/EEA citizens traveling to the affected countries and having close contact (healthcare workers, household or other close contact and/or multiple sexual contacts) with affected communities or living in the affected countries."
Guidance published by the ECDC Friday said working to detect cases and prevent secondary transmission is vital.
Recommendations to public health authorities included following ECDC guidelines for case detection and investigation; implementing effective surveillance; rapidly isolating any suspected cases until proven negative and, if positive, until symptom resolution; and doing contact tracing and testing of close contacts of confirmed cases following the ECDC testing protocols.
No special recommendations were made for the general public.
The first case of the newer and more dangerous mpox strain Clade I was detected in Sweden, the first time it's been discovered outside of continental Africa.
The Swedish patient was infected by mpox Clade I during a stay in Africa. That strain is linked to a higher risk of more severe effects and higher mortality.
The World Health Organization Wednesday declared mpox a global public health emergency.
In a statement the WHO said, "WHO is committed in the days and weeks ahead to coordinate the global response, working closely with each of the affected countries, and leveraging our on-the-ground presence, to prevent transmission, treat those infected, and save lives."
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insuremileblog-blog · 20 days
Scooter Insurance Renewal Made Simple
In today's fast-paced world, having the right insurance for your scooter is not just a necessity but a smart decision. With Insuremile, renewing your scooter insurance is a hassle-free process, ensuring continuous protection for your two-wheeler. Whether you're renewing your existing policy or switching from another provider, Insuremile makes it easy to keep your scooter insured and ready for the road.
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Understanding the Importance of Scooter Insurance
Scooters are a popular mode of transportation, especially in urban areas, due to their convenience and fuel efficiency. However, like any vehicle, they are exposed to risks such as accidents, theft, and natural disasters. Scooter Insurance provides financial protection against these risks, covering the cost of repairs, medical expenses, and even third-party liabilities.
In many countries, including India, scooter insurance is mandatory by law. Failing to have valid insurance can result in hefty fines, and in the event of an accident, you could be left with significant out-of-pocket expenses. Therefore, renewing your scooter insurance on time is crucial to avoid legal complications and ensure peace of mind.
Why Choose Insuremile for Your Scooter Insurance?
Insuremile stands out as a trusted partner for scooter insurance and renewal for several reasons:
Easy Renewal Process: Insuremile offers a seamless online renewal process, allowing you to renew your policy from the comfort of your home. With just a few clicks, you can ensure your scooter remains protected without any interruptions.
Comprehensive Coverage: Insuremile provides a range of coverage options to suit different needs. Whether you need basic third-party liability coverage or a comprehensive policy that includes personal accident cover, Insuremile has you covered.
Competitive Premiums: Insuremile offers competitive premiums, ensuring you get the best value for your money. Their transparent pricing and no hidden charges make it easy to understand what you're paying for.
24/7 Customer Support: Insuremile's dedicated customer support team is available round the clock to assist with any queries or issues related to your scooter insurance. Whether you need help with the renewal process or have questions about your policy, their team is just a call or click away.
Quick Claim Settlement: In the unfortunate event of an accident, Insuremile ensures quick and hassle-free claim settlement, helping you get back on the road as soon as possible.
Steps to Renew Your Scooter Insurance with Insuremile
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Renewing your scooter insurance with Insuremile is a straightforward process. Here's how you can do it:
Visit the Insuremile Website: Go to the Insuremile website and navigate to the Scooter Insurance Renewal section.
Enter Your Details: Provide your policy number, registration number, and other required details to retrieve your policy information.
Review Your Policy: Review your existing coverage and make any necessary changes. You can choose to add or remove riders, adjust the coverage amount, or update your personal details.
Make Payment: Once you're satisfied with your policy details, proceed to make the payment. Insuremile offers various payment options, including credit/debit cards, net banking, and UPI.
Receive Confirmation: After the payment is processed, you'll receive a confirmation email with your renewed policy document. You can also download and print the document for your records.
Benefits of Renewing Your Scooter Insurance on Time
Renewing your scooter insurance on time has several benefits:
Avoid Policy Lapse: Renewing your policy before it expires ensures that there is no gap in coverage. A lapsed policy can leave you vulnerable to risks and may result in higher premiums when you renew.
Maintain No-Claim Bonus (NCB): If you haven't made any claims during the policy period, you're eligible for a No-Claim Bonus (NCB) on renewal. This discount can significantly reduce your premium amount.
Stay Compliant with the Law: As mentioned earlier, having valid scooter insurance is a legal requirement. Timely renewal ensures that you remain compliant with the law and avoid penalties.
Peace of Mind: Knowing that your scooter is insured gives you peace of mind, allowing you to ride confidently without worrying about unexpected expenses.
Scooter insurance is an essential part of responsible ownership. With Insuremile, renewing your scooter insurance is a quick and easy process that ensures continuous protection for your vehicle. Whether you're renewing your policy or exploring new coverage options, Insuremile offers a range of solutions to meet your needs. Don't wait until it's too late – renew your scooter insurance with Insuremile today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing you're protected.
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aman1236 · 25 days
Tiranga Apps In: Empowering India Through Technology
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Understanding the Concept of Tiranga Apps In
Tiranga Apps are a collective of mobile and web applications developed within India, aimed at fostering digital independence and security. The term gained prominence after the government of India began to emphasize the importance of creating and using Indian-made apps, particularly in the context of the “Aatmanirbhar Bharat” (Self-Reliant India) initiative. These apps cover a wide range of functionalities, from social media and communication to financial services, e-governance, and education. The idea is to reduce dependency on foreign applications, which may pose risks to data security and national sovereignty, and instead, promote apps that are designed, developed, and managed by Indian enterprises.
The rise of Tiranga Apps in the Indian market has been a strategic move to not only safeguard the country’s digital infrastructure but also to encourage homegrown talent and innovation. By investing in the development of these apps, India is paving the way for a more robust and secure digital ecosystem that aligns with its cultural and economic goals.
Key Sectors Impacted by Tiranga Apps In
1. Communication and Social Media
One of the most significant impacts of Tiranga Apps in has been observed in the communication and social media sector. With the growing concerns over data privacy and security, particularly with foreign-owned platforms, India has seen a surge in the development and adoption of indigenous communication apps. Platforms like Koo, an Indian alternative to Twitter, have gained popularity, offering users a localized experience that respects Indian values and legal frameworks.
Koo allows users to express themselves in multiple Indian languages, making it accessible to a broader audience across the country. This is a crucial aspect of Tiranga Apps in, as they are designed to cater to the diverse linguistic and cultural fabric of India. By providing a platform that is tailored to Indian users, these apps are fostering a sense of community and belonging, which is often missing in globalized platforms.
Additionally, messaging apps like Sandes, developed by the National Informatics Centre (NIC), provide a secure and government-approved alternative to popular foreign messaging services. Sandes is particularly important for government officials and agencies that require a reliable and secure communication channel within the country.
2. Financial Services and Digital Payments
The financial services sector has also witnessed a significant transformation with the advent of Tiranga Apps in. The Unified Payments Interface (UPI), developed by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), is a prime example of how a homegrown digital payment system can revolutionize an entire industry. UPI has made digital transactions seamless and accessible to millions of Indians, contributing to the rapid adoption of cashless payments across the country.
Apps like BHIM (Bharat Interface for Money) have become household names, allowing users to send and receive money instantly using their mobile phones. These apps are designed with a focus on simplicity and security, ensuring that even those with limited technical knowledge can use them with ease. The success of UPI and related apps has not only strengthened India’s financial infrastructure but also showcased the potential of Tiranga Apps in driving financial inclusion.
Moreover, the Indian government’s emphasis on digital financial services has led to the development of several other Tiranga Apps in the fintech space, including apps for insurance, investment, and banking. These apps are helping to democratize financial services, making them accessible to people in even the most remote parts of the country.
3. E-Governance and Public Services
Another critical area where Tiranga Apps in have made a significant impact is in e-governance and public services. The Indian government has been actively promoting the use of digital platforms to improve the efficiency and accessibility of public services. Apps like UMANG (Unified Mobile Application for New-age Governance) bring various government services under one roof, allowing citizens to access services like paying utility bills, filing taxes, and applying for government schemes from the convenience of their mobile phones.
These e-governance apps have been instrumental in bridging the gap between the government and citizens, especially in rural and remote areas where access to physical government offices may be limited. By digitizing public services, Tiranga Apps in are helping to reduce corruption, improve transparency, and ensure that benefits reach the intended recipients more efficiently.
In addition to UMANG, there are several other Tiranga Apps in the e-governance space, such as Aarogya Setu, which played a crucial role during the COVID-19 pandemic by enabling contact tracing and providing real-time information on the spread of the virus. These apps are examples of how technology can be leveraged to address pressing public health and governance challenges.
4. Education and E-Learning
The education sector in India has also been transformed by Tiranga Apps in, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, which necessitated a rapid shift to online learning. Apps like DIKSHA (Digital Infrastructure for Knowledge Sharing) and ePathshala have become essential tools for students and teachers, offering a wide range of digital resources and interactive learning materials.
These educational apps are designed to cater to students across different age groups and educational levels, providing content in multiple languages and formats. By making high-quality educational resources accessible to students across the country, Tiranga Apps in are playing a vital role in bridging the digital divide and ensuring that every child has the opportunity to learn and grow.
In addition to government-backed platforms, there are several privately developed Tiranga Apps in the edtech space, such as Byju’s and Unacademy, which have gained international recognition for their innovative approaches to online learning. These apps are not only enhancing the learning experience for students in India but also positioning the country as a leader in the global edtech industry.
The Future of Tiranga Apps In India
The future of Tiranga Apps in India looks promising as more sectors recognize the value of homegrown digital solutions. With continued government support and increasing awareness among consumers, the adoption of Tiranga Apps is likely to grow further, making India more self-reliant in the digital domain. As these apps evolve, they will continue to play a crucial role in shaping India’s digital future, promoting innovation, and ensuring that the country remains at the forefront of technological advancement.
Moreover, the success of Tiranga Apps in has the potential to inspire other countries to develop their digital ecosystems, leading to a more decentralized and secure global digital landscape. By prioritizing national interests and supporting local innovation, Tiranga Apps in can serve as a model for other nations seeking to enhance their digital sovereignty.
Tiranga Apps in represent a significant step towards achieving digital self-reliance in India. By focusing on the development and adoption of indigenous apps across various sectors, India is not only enhancing its digital infrastructure but also fostering innovation and security. From communication and social media to financial services, e-governance, and education, Tiranga Apps in are making a profound impact on the lives of millions of Indians.
As we move forward, it is crucial to continue supporting and promoting Tiranga Apps in to ensure that India remains a leader in the global digital arena. We invite you to share your thoughts on Tiranga Apps in the comments section below. Have you used any of these apps? What has been your experience? Let’s continue the conversation and explore how these apps can further contribute to India’s growth and development.
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railrecipee · 27 days
Order Tasty Food on Trains Online
Ordering food in a train at New Delhi Railway Station has become an incredibly convenient and enjoyable experience for passengers. As one of the busiest railway stations in India, New Delhi Railway Station caters to thousands of travelers daily, making it a crucial hub for those traveling across the country. With modern food delivery services now available, passengers can easily access a wide variety of delicious meals, delivered right to their seats, ensuring a comfortable and satisfying journey.
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The Importance of Food in Train
Traveling by train is a common mode of transport in India, especially for long journeys. During these trips, having access to good quality food is essential. Whether you're on a short commute or a long-distance journey, having a tasty and nutritious meal can make all the difference. Traditionally, passengers relied on pantry car services or station vendors for their meals, but these options often lacked variety and freshness. This is where ordering food in a train has become a game-changer.
Why Order Food in Train at New Delhi Railway Station?
New Delhi Railway Station serves as a gateway to various parts of India, making it a key stop for many trains. The station's strategic location means that it has a vast number of food outlets catering to different tastes and preferences. By ordering food in a train at New Delhi Railway Station, passengers can choose from an extensive menu that includes local North Indian delicacies, popular dishes from other regions, and even international cuisines.
One of the main reasons passengers prefer ordering food in a train is the convenience it offers. Instead of relying on limited and sometimes subpar food options available at the station, passengers can now enjoy freshly prepared meals from well-known and trusted restaurants. This not only enhances the quality of their journey but also ensures that they have access to hygienic and safe food.
How to Order Food in Train
The process of order food in a train at New Delhi Railway Station is simple and user-friendly. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Choose a Food Delivery Platform: Several online platforms specialize in delivering food to train passengers. Apps like RailRecipe have become popular due to their ease of use and wide range of options.
Enter Your PNR Number: The PNR (Passenger Name Record) number is a unique identifier for your train journey. By entering this number on the app or website, the platform can track your train’s progress and schedule the delivery accordingly.
Browse the Menu: Once your PNR is entered, you can explore a variety of restaurants and their menus. Whether you’re craving a hearty North Indian meal like Butter Chicken or Rajma Chawal, or something lighter like a sandwich or salad, you’ll find plenty of options to choose from.
Place Your Order: After selecting your meal, proceed to checkout. Most platforms offer various payment methods, including online payments through credit/debit cards, UPI, and cash on delivery.
Delivery to Your Seat: Your food will be delivered to your seat as your train approaches New Delhi Railway Station. The delivery personnel ensure that the meal is fresh, hot, and ready for you to enjoy.
Variety and Quality of Food
One of the biggest advantages of ordering food in a train at New Delhi Railway Station is the variety of options available. From traditional North Indian dishes like Cholle Bhature and Paneer Butter Masala to South Indian favorites like Dosa and Idli, there’s something for everyone. Additionally, passengers can also choose from a selection of international dishes such as pizzas, burgers, and Chinese food.
The quality of the food is another crucial aspect. The food delivery services partner with FSSAI-approved restaurants, ensuring that the meals are prepared in hygienic conditions. This attention to quality and safety means that passengers can enjoy their meals without worrying about the risks often associated with food from unknown sources.
Positive Passenger Experiences
Many passengers who have used these services have shared positive reviews, highlighting the convenience, variety, and quality of the food. Having a freshly prepared meal delivered right to their seat has made their train journeys more enjoyable and stress-free. Whether traveling alone, with family, or for business, the option to order food in train adds a level of comfort that enhances the overall travel experience.
Ordering food in a train at New Delhi Railway Station offers passengers a convenient, reliable, and enjoyable way to enjoy a meal during their journey. With a wide variety of food options, easy ordering processes, and a focus on hygiene and quality, it’s no wonder that more travelers are opting for this service. Next time you’re at New Delhi Railway Station, take advantage of this opportunity and treat yourself to a delicious meal delivered right to your seat. Enjoy your journey with the comfort of knowing that a satisfying meal is just a few clicks away!
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xettle-technologies · 30 days
What is the Process for Sending Money Within India?
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In India, sending money domestically is a streamlined process thanks to the country’s robust financial infrastructure and advanced technology. Various methods and channels are available for domestic money transfer, each catering to different needs and preferences. Here, we will explore the process of sending money within India, highlighting key methods, steps, and considerations.
1. Bank Transfers
One of the most common methods for domestic money transfer in India is through bank transfers. This process involves transferring funds directly from one bank account to another. Here’s how it typically works:
Initiation: The sender logs into their online banking account via a bank’s website or mobile app. Alternatively, they can visit a branch or use an ATM to initiate the transfer.
Details Entry: The sender enters the recipient's bank account number, branch details, and the amount to be transferred. For online transactions, they may also need to provide the recipient's IFSC (Indian Financial System Code) code, which identifies the specific branch of the bank.
Verification: The sender may be required to enter a transaction password or OTP (One-Time Password) sent to their mobile number for verification.
Processing: Once verified, the bank processes the transaction, which typically completes within a few hours or the same day, depending on the type of transfer (e.g., NEFT, RTGS, IMPS).
2. National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT)
NEFT is a widely used method for domestic money transfers in India. It is managed by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and allows for secure, electronic transfers between banks.
Batch Processing: NEFT operates in batches, with transactions being processed in hourly intervals. This means that transfers are not instantaneous but are completed in the batch cycle.
Limitations: NEFT does not have any minimum or maximum limit, making it suitable for both small and large transactions.
Availability: NEFT is available 24x7, including weekends and holidays, providing flexibility for users.
3. Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)
RTGS is designed for high-value transactions and is ideal for urgent and time-sensitive transfers. Here’s how RTGS operates:
Immediate Settlement: Unlike NEFT, RTGS processes transactions in real time, ensuring that the funds are transferred instantly between banks.
Minimum Limit: RTGS transactions usually have a minimum limit (e.g., ₹2 lakhs) and no upper limit, making it suitable for large-value transfers.
Availability: RTGS is available during banking hours and is generally used for transactions requiring immediate settlement.
4. Immediate Payment Service (IMPS)
IMPS offers a fast and convenient way to transfer money instantly, 24x7. It is managed by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) and operates through various channels.
Instant Transfer: IMPS allows for immediate fund transfers between bank accounts, making it ideal for urgent transactions.
Accessibility: Users can access IMPS through mobile banking apps, internet banking, and even ATMs.
Limits: IMPS typically has transaction limits set by individual banks, which can vary.
5. Mobile Wallets and Payment Apps
The rise of digital wallets and payment apps has revolutionized domestic money transfers. Apps like Paytm, Google Pay, PhonePe, and others offer a user-friendly interface for sending money quickly.
Linking Accounts: To use these apps, users need to link their bank accounts or credit/debit cards to their digital wallet.
Sending Money: Users can transfer money by entering the recipient's mobile number or UPI (Unified Payments Interface) ID. The process is generally straightforward and involves entering the amount and authorizing the transaction with a PIN or biometric verification.
Instant Transactions: Transfers using these apps are usually instant, providing immediate credit to the recipient’s account.
Considerations and Security
When sending money domestically within India, there are several important considerations:
Transaction Fees: While some methods like NEFT and IMPS may have minimal or no fees, others like RTGS or certain payment apps may charge fees depending on the amount and frequency of transactions.
Security: Ensure that you use secure and verified channels for transactions. Avoid sharing sensitive information and use strong passwords and two-factor authentication to protect your financial data.
Recipient Details: Double-check the recipient’s details before confirming the transaction to avoid errors and potential loss of funds.
The process of sending money within India is versatile and efficient, offering various methods to suit different needs. Whether using traditional bank transfers, NEFT, RTGS, IMPS, or modern mobile wallets and payment apps, users have access to a range of options that ensure swift and secure domestic money transfers. Understanding each method’s features and selecting the appropriate one based on the transaction’s urgency, amount, and convenience can enhance the overall experience and effectiveness of money transfers in India.
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upismediacenter · 2 years
OPINION: “UP Budget Pababa, Pababa nang Pababa”
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Photo credit: Rachelle Baldelomar
Get, get, aw!
The University of the Philippines is faced with another budget cut for the Fiscal Year of 2023. The budget the University originally proposed was 44.1 billion pesos, however the budget that the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) proposed for FY 2023 is 21.8 billion pesos (Castillo-Llaneta, 2022). This shows a 2.5 billion-peso cut from last year’s budget of 25.6 billion (Domingo, 2022; Lalu, 2022), which, in itself, is already very low. What does this mean? The most noticeable effect the general public outside the university will face is a lower budget for the Philippine General Hospital, as it may spell lower quality services and facilities. Its budget has decreased from 6.305 billion pesos in 2022 to just 5.412 billion pesos in 2023. This means that around 893 million pesos has been cut from the budget of the hospital (Lalu, 2022; Diaz, 2022). Considering that PGH was the premiere COVID-19 referral hospital throughout the pandemic (Castillo-Llaneta, 2020), this is a slap in the face to the frontliners who have sacrificed their lives at the brink of the pandemic.
Another matter complicated by the budget cut is UP’s proposal to begin full face-to-face classes for all undergraduate courses by the 2nd Semester of AY 2022-2023 (UP Media and Public Relations Office, 2022). This decision requires careful planning, and a budget set aside for retrofitting of physical facilities and buildings. In the context of UPIS, the UPIS 7-12 building has been unusable this past semester, as the braille walls of the school are at risk of detaching from the building. This is already somewhat a concern even in this current setup of blended learning, as students are not able to use the appropriate facilities for activities that require other special or larger classrooms such as laboratories. Such a scarcity prevents the school from holding a higher number of face to face classes a week, as the 3-6 building can only accommodate a small number of students per day in accordance with health and safety protocols. Sure, UP only proposes full face-to-face for undergraduate courses, but UPIS will have to follow suit sooner or later. In order for UPIS to keep up with the entire university, a higher budget is required to be able to execute the necessary repairs for the 7-12 Building, as well as to provide better and safer educational experiences for students.
Such consequences beg the question - where are these budget cuts reallocated to? Why are they being put into place? According to the DBM, the on-going reconstruction projects in PGH do not need re-purchasing of one-time use capitals like machines and equipment. Hence, they deem it proper to remove the budget previously allotted for these needs. However, for years, PGH has been vying for a larger budget to broaden its projects dedicated to servicing the indigent members of the country. Thus, what the PGH needs is reallocation, not budget cuts. The DBM has also failed to consider the cost of retrofitting and preparing campuses of the state university for the gradual return of face-to-face classes. As cited in the previous paragraph, the UPIS 7-12 building has yet to undergo repairs in order for the entire building to be fit for face-to-face classes. We have not yet taken into account other projects, restorations, and repairs other campuses may propose. Moreover, the basic health protocols demanded by local government units are expected to require significant costs that may put pressure to the already slashed allocation. In the end, the budget cut not only threatens the quality of education, but it also threatens the lives of the students.
If education and healthcare is truly valued, we urge the administration to give proper funding for the institutions that serve and cater to it. This may serve as a warning for what’s to come for our education system. Let us not forget that the pandemic is not over, and transparency and accountability is paramount in times like this in order for us to be able to fully recover from our situation. //by Apollo Tumaliuan
Castillo-Llaneta, C. (2022, August 31). UP faces a P22.295B budget cut for FY 2023. University of the Philippines. https://up.edu.ph/up-faces-a-p22-295b-budget-cut-for-fy-2023/
Domingo, K. (2022, August 31). DBM explains budget for UP, PGH in 2023 spending plan. https://news.abs-cbn.com/news/08/31/22/dbm-explains-dip-in-budget-for-up-in-2023
Lalu, G. (2022, August 22). UP system faces P2.5-B cut in proposed 2023 budget; P893-M slashed from PGH. Inquirer.net. https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1651156/up-system-gets-p2-5-b-cut-in-proposed-2023-budget-p893-m-slashed-from-pgh
Diaz, C. (2022, August 26). Restore P3.4-B UP, PGH budget cut. Manila Times. https://www.manilatimes.net/2022/08/26/news/regions/restore-p34-b-up-pgh-budget-cut/1856003
Castillo-Llaneta, C. (2020, April 1). UP-PGH begins operating as COVID-19 referral center. University of the Philippines. https://up.edu.ph/up-pgh-begins-operating-as-covid-19-referral-center/
UP Media and Public Relations Office. UP to allow 100% face-to-face classes in undergraduate courses in the second semester. University of the Philippines. https://up.edu.ph/up-to-allow-100-face-to-face-classes-in-undergraduate-courses-in-the-second-semester/
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ireedacademy · 1 month
Foreign Direct Investment Surge: Unprecedented Transformation
India, blending ancient heritage with vibrant dynamism, stands as the world's largest democracy and has witnessed extraordinary economic growth. Having reached a $1 trillion economy in 2010, India has surged to a $3 trillion economy in just over a decade. This remarkable progression highlights the "Foreign Direct Investment Surge: Unprecedented Transformation" occurring in the country.
Economic Changes in India
India has experienced significant economic shifts recently. Real GDP has surged, reflecting a boost in consumption and overall economic strength. Currently, India’s GDP surpasses that of countries like Russia, Italy, Brazil, France, and the UK. The middle class, representing 31% of the population in 2021, is anticipated to expand to about 60% by 2047. Enhanced banking access and digital payment systems, including 10.24 billion transactions via the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) annually, have allowed for more effective fiscal policies.
India’s technological infrastructure, characterized by open standards and minimal reliance on any single technology stack, supports its inclusive growth model. With domestic consumption driving two-thirds of GDP, India boasts a robust consumer market.
Impact of the Foreign Direct Investment Surge on the Economy
The "Foreign Direct Investment Surge: Unprecedented Transformation" has been crucial in India's rapid economic ascent. Since independence, India has secured $950 billion in FDI, with over half of this amount coming in the past 90 months. This influx is both significant and swift.
FDI has flowed from 162 countries into 61 sectors, with 93% processed through the automatic route. Sectors open to foreign investment include agriculture, infrastructure, manufacturing, mining, e-commerce, and pharmaceuticals. However, there are restrictions in sectors such as atomic energy, lottery businesses, gambling, and certain real estate activities.
Effects of FDI on Real Estate
Property Value Increase: Foreign investment tends to elevate demand for property, particularly in major urban areas, leading to higher real estate prices. High-end properties, in particular, see significant value increases due to international interest.
Economic Benefits: Investment in real estate drives construction activity, creating jobs and stimulating local economies. Increased property values also boost tax revenues, enabling greater government investment in public services. For instance, India’s gross tax revenue grew by 10.4% to ₹27.58 trillion in 2023.
Currency Impact: Variations in foreign currency values compared to the local currency can affect investment patterns. Favorable exchange rates often attract more foreign investors and buyers.
Market Stability: FDI aids in stabilizing markets by diversifying the investor base and mitigating reliance on local economic conditions.
Demographic Changes: The influx of foreign investment can alter the demographic makeup of neighborhoods, reflecting broader economic trends.
Reasons for the Surge in FDI
Skilled Workforce: India is projected to account for 21% of the global workforce by 2047. Rapid urbanization, with 30 people moving to cities every minute, combined with a steady supply of skilled labor, especially in IT, enhances India's appeal as an investment destination. Foreign remittances totaled $125 billion in 2023, underscoring India’s significant global economic ties.
Government Reforms: Several key reforms have bolstered the FDI surge:
RERA: The Real Estate Regulatory Authority, established in 2016, fosters transparency and accountability in real estate. New FDI regulations now allow 100% foreign investment in construction and affordable housing projects.
REITs: Real Estate Investment Trusts facilitate large-scale investments in income-generating properties, broadening investment opportunities.
Expanding Markets: The luxury market alone is projected to grow by $85 billion by 2023, with other sectors such as software, construction, and telecommunications also experiencing rapid growth.
Conclusion The "Foreign Direct Investment Surge: Unprecedented Transformation" represents a pivotal era in India’s economic evolution. As one of the world’s most open economies, India offers unparalleled opportunities for both domestic and international investors. Driven by a dynamic market, a skilled workforce, and progressive reforms, India is poised for continued growth and advancement, marking the beginning of an exciting phase with vast potential.
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