#upgrade yourself to being a physical support and envelop him in warm hugs >:)
seelestia · 2 years
as albedo's *ahem* emotional support /j /lh. i can confirm he definitely doesn't wear as many layers like ayato! anyways, i've been meaning to send an ask but uh. i was kind of shy. anyways! pleased to meet you, i'm one of rin's anons! feel free to call me any nicknames ^^ ~Lycoris
oml, hiii! i've seen you around before, it is an honor to have you here~ and thank you for confirming that fact because it just proves that ayato prioritizes his regal appearance over his body temperature. i love him sm for it, altho i worry for his white clothes during the rain. (/lh) OH AND ty for overcoming your shyness to come talk to me! i only bite people in a /aff way like how you'd gently bite down on a mochi, hehe.
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levi-inthesun · 7 years
Do You Trust Me? Chapter Two
Peter x OC Colette 
A/N: sorry It’s been a hot minute since my last update, but here we go! Chapter three will be up in the next few days, and I am currently writing chapter 4!
Tags: @dungeons-and-awkwarddragons @bigexplodingstar
“Alrighty then!” Tony exclaimed as you walked in for another day of testing “Lets get this started shall we?” he had a glint of… something in his eyes. Like he was planning something and you weren’t’ sure if it was making you feel nervous or excited. Over the past few days you had loads of blood drawn, different types of scans and x rays, and they even took a sample of your cartilage (which somehow did not hurt as much as you anticipated). In addition you  had gotten an upgrade you that could have only dreamt up to your mobility aids (Your wheelchair could change between a sitting or standing position, but it had an option to FREAKING LEVITATE. You were pretty pumped about that. And then they gave you a new, much sleeker looking cane which took the pressure off of your wrist),. Today, you saw various types of workout equipment scattered across the lab connected to different machines with various wires hanging off of them.
Swallowing loudly, you turned to face the small group of people who formed your ‘team’ “I have to workout today, don’t I?”
“If by work out you mean use the equipment so we can monitor you, then yes, you get to work out today.” Dr. Banner picked up a clipboard before walking over to you. “We need to see how different parts of your nervous system are reacting to different kinds of movement, this way we can see what triggers you’ll want to avoid. Before we get started, is there anything you know already that makes you feel worse in any way?”
“Running… I can’t-” Your mom interrupted you before you could go any further, thankfully stopping the emotions that started bubbling up in your throat.
“Coco used to run track and cross country in high school, that’s how we found out about the Osteoarthritis, it’s really bad in her knees.” Your mom knows what a sensitive subject running is for you. It had been your ‘thing’. You were one of the fastest kids in your school until the excruciating pain started.
“That reminds me!” Tony practically yelled before he ran off. Coming back not even a minute later with a few odd looking cuffs. “Tony, I already told you those don’t help me. I have tried wearing knee, elbow and wrist supports. They do nothing.”
The smile on his face didn’t fade, much to your surprise.
“These aren’t ordinary braces or supports kid. Actually, Peter! Get your spidey-ass over here!” Tony called to the room he had just came out of. Peter slowly emerged from the room looking a little caught off guard. “Uh yeah Mr. Stark, what do you need? Are they not working??” looking worried until he saw they were still in Tony’s hands.
“Peter here helped me make these. Underoos, why don’t you explain to Colette what they’ll do?”
“Yeah! Okay sure! So Colette, we used some of the same technology as Mr. Stark’s Iron Man suit, but with a bit more tinkering. They should completely take any pressure off of your joints. Making it less painful for you… You could probably even run again!” he said with a huge smile on his face.
“Oh! Wait… are you serious?” Wide eyed from the possibility of running and moving without pain made you act without thinking. You walked over to where Peter was standing and enveloped him in a huge hug. Once you realized what you were doing you pulled back quickly, both of your faces reddening.
“Alright, well if you two are done flirting with each other, and might I add, quite awkwardly, let’s get started!” Tony eyed the two of you before raising his eyebrow at the boy before handing you a small stack of clothes, if you could call them that.
They had you change into a pair of spandex shorts and a sports bra, both with a small version of the stark industries symbol on them. You swiftly realized that this way they could connect a bunch of wires to you, without having to tuck underneath more clothing. It also made it easier for the braces to be placed properly.
“Hey Peter, why don’t you show Colette how to adjust the braces while Jolly Green and I get everything else set up?”
Before giving him time to react he shoved Peter towards where you were sitting trying to figure out how to get them on. Peter audibly gulped before walking the rest of the way over. You hadn’t been self conscious about being in so little clothing up until Peter was sitting in front of you.
“Here, let me help” Peter took the knee brace from you, opened it up and attached it around your knee, having a cuff below and above your joint. After helping with the other one he looked back up at you staring slightly before you cleared your throat, bringing him back into reality. He had been kneeling in front of you and was very close to your face.
“Uh, here is how you turn it on and this button will adjust how much pressure is left on your actual joint.” he quickly got up and walked away, leaving you to play with the new tech on your legs, and watched from a few feet away while you put the different cuffs on your other joints. After finishing adjusting the cuffs so that they felt more comfortable, you gave yourself a once over, realizing your shorts had buttons similar to the cuffs on your joints.
“Hey Tony, are these shorts-” “Yes! The kid didn’t tell you? Those shorts are a little more advanced than your other support cuffs, it will automatically adjust so all you have to do is turn them on. It may be a little uncomfortable at first, but you should find it’s easier and less painful to move your hips.” Tony swayed his hips at you since, well, Tony is just a little bit extra.
Peter and Tony wanted you to try running first, since that was one of your favorite pre-illness activities.
Nervously, you stepped up onto the treadmill as Dr. Cho hooked up a couple wires to different spots on your chest, abdomen and then up your spine.
“Okay kid, whenever you’re ready.” Dr. Banner said as he and Dr. Cho turned to watch the machine you were plugged into.
You decided you should start slowly since your body wasn’t used to running anymore. You turned the treadmill on and walked for a few minutes, leaning down a little to adjust your knee cuffs a little bit more. Once you realized you weren’t in pain, you hit the accelerator button a few times, and then a few more, and for the first time in 4 years, you were running. Looking to the others in your excitement, you saw them smiling and taking notes. Your mom was in the corner, watching with tears in her eyes. Spotting her put you over the edge, tears spilling from you eyes as she came over to you. You hit the “STOP” button, hopped off and embraced her. You both fell to the floor, as you both started sobbing uncontrollably.
After a few minutes passed and your tears started to subside, you remembered you had an audience. Giving your mom another hearty squeeze you both got up. You were still out of breath from running (and sobbing your eyes out), but you managed to let out a small thank you. Looking up you saw your ‘team’ with tears in their eyes too. Except Peter, who was nowhere to be seen.
After composing yourself you continued on with the different tests. Your mom had to leave about thirty minutes later for work, so now it was just you, Dr. Banner and Dr. Cho. Tony had left to work on some of his other inventions.
You were pleasantly surprised with your physical ability now that you didn’t have pain in your joints. You weren’t strong by any means, you could barely bench the empty press. By about 2 pm however, you were more than worn out and your nerve pain was starting to kick it up a few more notches. In addition to this, you were nearing the emotional stage of exhaustion. Once Banner noticed your current state he decided that what you had done was more than enough for one day. After changing back into your clothes and taking the braces off, you sat yourself in your wheelchair and made your way back to your room.
“FRIDAY, could you order me some take out from that Thai place down the street?”
“Of course Coco, would you like your usual?” FRIDAY asked in response.
“Yup! Thanks FRIDAY!”
You took a shower while you waited for your food, letting the warm water envelope your sore and tired body until you remembered you were waiting for some food. Pulling on your favorite pair of sweatpants and an old t shirt, you sat on your bed and pulled out your music collection. You decided on a mix you had made of your favorite songs by Birdy. Two songs later you heard a knock on your door. Forgetting your pain for a minute, you jumped up to open it where you saw Peter with an expanse of take out food.
“I made FRIDAY let me know when you wanted food, I thought maybe we could eat together?… sorry… I realize that’s probably weird… I can just leave these here for you.”
“Nonsense, that is actually really sweet of you Peter.” you smiled sweetly at him and let him in
“Oh, yeah, okay, no problem!” He started setting out all the food and told you what everything was.
Once the two of you had settled into eating he noticed you staring at him.
“Oh no, is there something on my face? I’ve been told I am not the cleanest eater” he said, wiping his face off with a napkin.
“No, you’re face is fine... I was… I was just wondering where you disappeared off too earlier?”
“Oh, um, I just… I had something I had to go do?”
“Are you actually asking me or are you trying to make something up?”
“Dang ok. I just. Please don’t think I am weird… actually you probably already think I am. That’s fine just. Um. Look, Colette-” “Please call me Coco” you said setting your hand on his “I already convinced FRIDAY too”.
“Yeah, okay, Coco” he smiled as the nickname left his lips. Feeling Peter’s hand move under yours (and realizing you were still holding his hand) you started to move it back onto your lap, until you saw he was turning his hand to play with yours as he started talking.
“Coco. I was honestly floored that the cuffs Mr. Stark and I had made were working. We had them tested way more that necessary because we didn’t want them to end up hurting you instead of helping. And when I saw them working, I couldn’t contain my excitement. When you broke down however, I honestly thought you were in pain and let me tell you, I was crushed just like that. I snuck out because I… well… I couldn’t stand seeing that I had caused you so much pain, I just couldn’t handle it… Tony had found me later telling me that that wasn’t the case, which I am so glad, you have no idea how relieved I was.” Peter turned his body so that he was facing you, still playing with your hand. “The other reason I left was, well, I was scared I had given you false hope about running again… and… and I knew that if that had been the case, you wouldn’t want to be around me, which would suck because I honestly think you’re the coolest person I have ever met.” At that he looked back up to you, shocked to see a giant smile on your face as you stared at his hands holding yours.
“Coco, what?” “I uh, I think you’re really cool too Peter” you looked up, meeting his eyes “I uh, I never got to thank you for the work you did on the cuffs, so… thank you” you whispered as you leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Ducking your head away as quickly as your lips had met his face, you pulled your hand back and continued eating the food in front of you. If you hadn’t looked away so fast, you would have seen Peter staring at you with wide eyes, mouth open, his hand touching the place on his cheek that you had just kissed. Peter could feel his heart racing and was positive you could hear it too.
Standing up abruptly, Peter made an excuse about leaving as he ran out of your room, shutting the door behind him.
Once Peter had made it safely to his room, he shut his door and leaned up against it for a moment, almost in a trance before he started dancing around the room as if he had won the lottery, practically singing the words “she liiiiiiiiikes me!!!!!! I think she likes! Me! AHH!” before plopping down on his bed.
After Peter left, you started to worry you crossed a line. Dang it! I shouldn’t have done that! You internally screamed at yourself. You liked Peter, obviously. Why did you have to go and ruin everything like that? He probably just saw you as a friend.
Once cleaning up the leftovers was finished you plopped down on your bed, remembering the events of the day, you were ready to sleep. You couldn’t get your anxiety about Peter to wind down, but you did eventually fall asleep.
Around 2 am, Peter heard you screaming from his room, which was just around the corner from yours. Thinking the worst, he jumped out of bed and rushed down the hallway, throwing your door open.
Seeing you thrashing around your bed, your blankets thrown everywhere. He happened to see your pj’s, and realized you were only wearing a tanktop and some short shorts. Your screaming and panicking brought him back to the issue at hand, and away from how cute you looked in your little pajamas.
Kneeling down next to you, he tried shaking you awake.
“Coco! Wake up! It’s okay, it’s just me, it’s Peter” he continued shaking you and calling to you. After a few minutes he realized that it wasn’t getting you anywhere, he called your mom, knowing she would know what to do.
“Hello?” your mother answered the phone “who is this?” “Uh, Ms. Barton, So sorry to call so late, it’s Peter, uh, Peter Parker” “What’s wrong is everything okay???” When she heard you in the background she asked again, more sternly this time. “Is Colette okay Peter?!”
“Ms. Barton, Coco is having a nightmare, I think. I can’t wake her up. She keeps thrashing and screaming and I don’t know what to do!” Peter responded in a panicked voice.
“Okay, okay, this happens often. If you stroke/play with her hair it will help her calm down. It’s what I would do to get her to wake up.” she said hurriedly. “I am on my way, okay?”
“Okay, thank you Ms. Barton! I will see what I can do until you get here!”
After hanging up with your mom, he tentatively placed a hand on your head. Once he started playing with your hair and talking to you in a hushed tone, you started to calm down. Finally your eyes shot open in a panic.
“Colette! It’s okay, its just me.”
Looking over to the voice, you instantly relaxed.
“Peter, what are you doing in here?” you asked with shaky breaths.
“I heard you screaming. Your mom is on her way over to make sure you’re okay” he was looking at you tenderly as he continued to play with your hair. “Do you get dreams like that a lot?”
“Uh, yeah. Sometimes. They started a few years ago.” you said flatly. They were always about the abuse you faced at the hands of your father.
“Do you, do you want to talk about it? I am a very good listener.” He said proudly.
“Not right now, thank you though. I should call my mom to tell her she doesn’t have to come.”
Throughout your phone call with your mom, Peter stayed with you, still running his fingers through your long hair.
You could feel yourself relaxing more and more and Peter continued to touch you comfortingly. When he noticed you started falling back asleep, he slowly got up, not wanting to wake you.
“Hey, Peter?”
Turning back around he responded, “Sorry, I was trying to be quite.”
“No, you’re fine… I was just wondering, if you could stay, until I fall back asleep at least?”
“Yeah, yeah of course.” Peter replied too quickly.
Noting his enthusiasm, you smiled sheepishly at him and moved your blankets so he could get in with you.
“Would you… would you keep playing with my hair?” you asked as he slide in next to you.
“Of course” he whispered as he pulled you over to him.
You both fell asleep quickly.
You woke up sometime after noon. Even though you were still exhausted and not at all rested, you slowly stretched your tired limbs and opened your eyes. When you realized Peter was gone, you let out a disappointed sigh. Then, you saw  a note on your bedside table. Groaning at the movement, you reached over to pick it up.
I was called on a mission and I didn’t want to wake you up. Sorry for falling asleep when you just asked me to stay just until you did. I remembered you like smoothies, so there is one in your fridge waiting for you.
I also was hoping, if you feel up to it I mean, and please don’t feel like you have to say yes… um would you want to go see a movie with me tomorrow night? We don’t have to actually go anywhere, there is a screening room here at the compound.
Anyways, just let me know. I should be back around 3pm tomorrow.
Try and get some rest.
Have a great day! :) Peter Parker
As you read, and reread the note, you felt the familiar butterflies erupting in your stomach and in your heart.
“Aaaaaah!” you scream, falling back onto your bed all while holding the note to your chest.
….Meanwhile on the mission...
“So Web brains, why do you keep avoiding me???” Clint asked over the ear piece as he shot an arrow at a HYDRA agent.
“What? Uh, what are you talking about Mr. Hawkeye?” He said as he swung up onto a building to keep lookout.
“You know exactly what I am talking about kid. Natasha, back me up here?”
“Yeah, you aren’t as sneaky as you think you are” Natasha’s voice came over the comm “listen, we all know you have a HUGE and not so subtle crush on Colette. You might as well man up and face Barton.” Underneath his mask, Peter was turning bright red.
“Wait, that’s what this is about?!” Clint said in surprise “I didn’t even realize… I am a freaking spy and I didn’t realize…..”
Peter didn’t reply until after he took down another agent on the roof he was on.
“Uh yeah… Mr. Hawkeye, I may have asked your niece out on a date for tomorrow night. I hope that is okay…” he said quietly, awaiting his response.
“Look kid” Hawkeye sounded a little exasperated “Coco might as well be my daughter.”
Peter’s heart dropping, assuming he was about to get told off.
“But she is an adult, and very capable of handling herself. That being said, you hurt her and you will find an arrow with your name on it stuck in that pretty little face you’ve got. Got it?”
Once the threat was neutralized, those who weren’t needed any longer went back to the quinjet. Deciding to play some games on his phone to kill time, Peter found he had a text from you.
Coco: (1pm) Hey there Spiderman! I found your note, and the smoothie, it was amazing! And I would love to go out with you tomorrow night :) Be safe!
Peter let out a happy squeal, only to remember he wasn’t alone. Straightening his face back out he shot you a text back
Back at the compound
Since you were wracked with fatigue, you decided to take it easy. You had taken a nice long bath (in the super fancy and HUGE tub you had in your bathroom), taken a 4 hour long nap, and let netflix ask you a few times if you were ‘still watching’ while binging parks and rec for the 10th time in your life.
You heard your phone go off as you were braiding your hair. Picking it up, you smiled to yourself seeing who it was from.
Spiderman: (10:50 pm) Awesome! We just have to get some intel then we will be headed back. I am excited to see you tomorrow :) Goodnight Coco :)
Without a second thought you shot him a text back before turning off the light and climbing into bed.
Coco: (10:52 pm) Glad to hear it :) Goodnight Peter :)
The next day, you went to see if Natasha or Wanda happened to be home. After no luck, you wandered over to the lab, knowing that Dr. Banner hadn’t gone on the mission yesterday. He wasn’t your first choice in having someone help you get ready for your date, but he was someone, and the two of you had grown closer recently. You felt like he was family, a second uncle, actually.
“Uh, hey Dr. Banner” you said as he looked up from where he was working “I need a favor…”
After explaining the situation, Bruce sighed before answering. “Really? Is Wanda or Natasha not here? What about your mom?” he said in an almost panicked voice.
“Nope, they’re on a mission, and my mom couldn’t get any time off today…” looking at the ground, you shuffled your feet uncomfortably.
“Okay.” he groaned “Fine. I will help you. You should know this is not my area of expertise.”
Looking back up to him, you jumped up to give him a big hug “Thank you sooo so much! I promise I will make it up to you!” you said excitedly as he gave you an awkward pat on the back.
Soon, you and Bruce Banner, the freaking Hulk, were out at a shopping mall. Banner was looking only slightly uncomfortable as the two of you looked through the racks of clothes.
“What do you think of this?” You asked, showing him a cute, short dress.
“No way Coco, your uncle would KILL me if I let you go on a date in that”.
You purse your lips and nodded in agreement, putting it back
After going back and forth showing each other different pieces of clothes, Bruce was the one to find you the perfect outfit for your date. It was a fitted green tee shirt dress, paired with a cream colored crochet cardigan with fringe on the bottom hem.
After trying it on, and finding some cute but comfortable shoes, you guys were headed back to the compound.
After about ten minutes of comfortable silence, you realized you hadn’t ever been on a date.
“Uh, Dr. Banner?” “Kid, we just went shopping together, I think we are on a first name basis by now. What’s up?” “Okay… Bruce? Um… I feel a little weird asking you this, but uh… I haven’t ever been on a date before…. I was pulled out of school before I could really get into all that.”
“Oh” he replied. “Well, what questions do you have… I may be able to answer them…. Actually couldn’t you just call your mom?” he looked at you with a worried expression.
“No, she has a major project she is working on… Please Uncle Bruce?”
At hearing you call him your uncle, he automatically melted, realizing you could ask him to do just about anything and he would do it for you.
“Alright, hit me.”
The two of you talked the whole rest of the ride back to the compound, and the ride back up the elevator.
Once the elevator doors opened to the residential floor, you remembered one last thing. You quickly turned around and put your arm in the way of the closing doors.
“WAIT! Before you go…. What do I do if he... Uh, you know… tries to kiss me?” you asked, face bright red.
“Well” Bruce stopped, scratching the back of his neck, obviously uncomfortable, “If you want to kiss him, kiss him back? BUT if you don’t want to, don’t. Okay? And if he tries to kiss you even if you tell him not to, kick him where it hurts and call me and a certain unfriendly green giant will deal with the kid. I’ve got to go work on somethings now, bye Coco.” You let the elevator doors close and you made your way to your room.
This might be your first date, but you had seen plenty of rom-coms to know the best way to get ready for one was to blast your favorite music.
Knowing that the artificial intelligence had a better sound set up than you, and knowing you had the residential floor all to yourself, you decided FRIDAY was the best option to get you geared up for your date.
“Hey, FRIDAY? Could you play anything by the band Haim?” “Of course, Coco” the AI responded. Soon you heard the first beats to ‘falling’ one of your favorite songs by them.
You danced around a little as you got ready, putting on some light makeup, and taking your hair out of the braids you had put them in after your shower the day before. You threw your outfit on, and ran your fingers through your hair a few more times.
Spiderman: (3:20 pm)  Hey Coco! Sorry. We are just getting back and I need a shower. I seriously don’t think I have smelled this bad in a loooong time. I’ll be ready to go around 4 if that works for you???
Spiderman: (3:20 pm) Uh tmi… sorry!!!!!!
Not a minute later he got a text back
Coco: (3:21 pm) Sounds good to me! Glad you got back safely :)
Spiderman: (3:21 pm) Thanks Coco :) I’ll see you in a bit!!!! :)
Peter made it to your room at exactly 3:59. He had rushed through his shower and tried on at least 5 different outfits, making sure he looked perfect. He was all done by about 3:45 and had been talking aloud to himself for the last 15 minutes, trying to hype himself up to go knock on your door.
“Okay Peter, you are Spiderman. An Avenger!!!!! You have fought tons of bad guys. Hell, you’ve stolen Captain America’s shield from him! YOU CAN DO THIS.”
Finally, seeing that it was about 4, he quickly checked his reflection one last time before running out the door.
You had jumped the gun and was ready by the time Peter had texted you. This had given you too much time and spent it sitting around, playing with your hair, fidgeting with your dress, and second guessed your outfit about 10 times already. When you finally heard a knock on your door, you jumped up immediately. You threw the door open, and saw Peter standing there, looking amazing. His brown hair was in it’s normal messy curls. He was wearing a fitted red short sleeved, printed button up and dark fitted jeans. You could have sworn your heart had leapt out of your chest when he finally looked up at you, a huge smile playing on his lips as he checked you out.
“Um, hey Peter” you said shyly as you tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.
“Hey Coco, you uh, you look incredible” he said quietly before giving you his arm “you ready to go?”
Looping your arm in his you nodded as he led you out of the hallway.
Of course though, you lived with a bunch of extremely protective people who considered the both of you family, so everyone, and I mean EVERYONE was gathered in the living room.
You heard Peter curse quietly under his breath before giving you an apologetic look. “Um, everyone sort of berated me for details of this evening… sorry.”
“It’s okay Peter, I assumed this would happen” you both took a deep breath before continuing on.
“Ah! There they are!” Tony said, announcing your presence.
“Didn’t think you could sneak away without saying goodbye to us first did you?” Steve said before giving Peter a pat on the back.
“Okay guys move out of the way!” you heard your mom from the back of the group “Oh baby you looks so beautiful! When did you get that dress???”
“Oh uh, actually I made Uncle Bruce take me shopping earlier.” you said, giving Bruce an apologetic look.
“BRUCE? Really?” Natasha said as she stared wide eyed at the scientist.
“Dang it Coco, I knew I should have sworn you to secrecy, I am never going to hear the end of this…” he said with a sigh as he glared at Natasha and Wanda who were in a fit of laughter at the idea of Bruce helping you shop.
“Well, thank you for helping her pick out some clothes. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you earlier, but looks like you were in good hands!” your mom said before kissing your temple. “Okay kids, get together! I have to get some photos!” She said excitedly.
You just groaned, looking up at Peter, mouthing the word ‘sorry’ as you two posed for some pictures.
You let your mom fuss over you for a few more minutes, surprised when not only your Uncle Clint, but Steve and Bucky fussed over you as well.
“Now Peter, you're alright and all, but if you hurt or even disappoint our Coco, we will have no choice but to murder you.” Bucky said as he glared down at the fidgeting boy, behind him Steve was standing with his arms crossed, making him look even larger than he already was. “We know where you sleep” Steve said, both of them backing up as they continued to glare.
Finally you guys made it out and away from the mass of your protectors. You had decided to get out of the compound for the evening, realizing having a private date would be virtually impossible with everyone you guys lived with. You were nervous enough without having everyone around to watch.
Once you guys made it to the car lot, Peter went to open your door.
“Colette, you really do look beautiful” he said as he let you into one of Tony’s more inconspicuous cars.
“Thank you” you said, barely above a whisper.
Peter bit his bottom lip as he grinned widely, running around the car to get in.
He put the car in gear and started heading out to the street.
“So Spiderman, where are we going?” you said as you fiddled with the radio, stopping once you found your favorite oldies station.
“Well, I figured we could go get something to eat, and then I promised you a movie, didn’t I?”
He pulled the car into the parking lot for an old-fashioned looking diner.
You fidgeted with your dress again and adjusted the cuffs you were wearing on your knees as Peter ran around the car to get your door.
The diner was mostly empty, so you guys picked a booth near the back, next to the jukebox.
The two of you talked all through dinner and continued way past the time you were supposed to head out for the movie, but neither of you noticed.
You loved talking to Peter. You loved how excited he got about seemingly small things, and you loved how comfortable you felt with him. Yeah you were nervous and awkward, but that was simply because this was all new to you.
Little did you know, Peter was absolutely infatuated with you. Everything you did he noticed. Like how you would perk up when he asked you about something you really enjoyed or were passionate about. Or how when you were feeling especially nervous you would bite your bottom lip and play with a few stubborn strands of hair that kept hanging in front of your face.
“Wait a second. You can dance?! How come this didn’t come up earlier??”
“I dunno. Can you dance?” he asked
“Nope. I have two left feet” you laughed to yourself, remembering the last time you had actually danced with  someone had been back in the 7th grade.
“Well, how about I be the judge of that!” Peter stood up, holding his hand out to you, wiggling his eyebrows.
“No... no way! I really don’t need to embarrass myself like THAT. You already have a lot of knowledge you could use against me!” He let his hand fall with a scowl on his face. You thought you were gonna get away with this, but instead, Peter sauntered over to the jukebox, hitting a few buttons before he dance-walked over to you as he started singing along to Be My Baby by the Ronettes, pretending to hold a microphone in his hand.
“The night we met I knew I needed you so!”
“Oh no!” you gasped hiding your face in your hands.
“And if I had the chance I  wouldn’t let you go!” He fell onto his knees in front of you dramatically as he continued, a little louder this time.
“So won’t you say you love me! I’ll make you so proud of me. We’ll make them turn their heads, every place we go!”
He took your hands, and swiftly pulled the both of you to your feet.
“SO WON’T YOU PLEASE! BE MY LITTLE BABY!” the song continued in the background and his lips were next to your ear “don’t be nervous” he whispered, “you could do anything and I’d think you were amazing”.
You bit your lip (for like the 100th time that night) and finally let Peter swing you around a small area the had staff cleared once they realized what Peter was up to. Soon ‘My Girl’ was playing and you finally let loose and was singing along as Peter continued to spin you around the restaurant. A few songs went by and you guys were still dancing and giggling and smiling widely at each other. Soon you heard ‘Dream a Little Dream of Me’ come on and Peter drew you in closer.  He quietly hummed along as you guys swayed to the song.
Much to your dismay, the song ended, and a gentle quietness grew as you took a step back to look at Peter. He was smiling down at you, his eyes flicking between your eyes and your lips. Feeling a little braver than normal, you took a small step forward. You felt your heart flutter as you both  leaned in to the other. Your eyes closed as you felt his lips brush gently on your own. Once his lips leave yours Peter pulled you in to a close warm hug with you smiling into the superheroes chest.
Soon sound of an upbeat song pulled you both out of the trance you had found yourselves in. Uprooting yourself out of his embrace, you smiled shyly towards the ground and sat back at your booth, him following your lead.
After a moment the waitress who had helped you guys made her way back to your table with the check. Come to find out, the diner was supposed to close about 10 minutes ago, but didn’t want to interrupt the two of you. In addition, the diner owner had been there and gave you guys a discount because you two had been ‘so damn cute’.
Once the bill was paid and you guys were on the road again, you finally saw the time. You guys had spent the whole evening at the little diner.
“So, uh, looks like we are a little late for our movie” you glanced at Peter, who still had the biggest smile on his handsome face, causing him to look even more attractive than you thought humanly possible. You made a mental note to try to make him smile more often.
“Yeah, wow. We sure did lose track of time didn’t we?” Noticing he was driving back to the compound, you couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.
“Tonight isn’t over quite yet Coco, don’t worry.” He said, grabbing your hand to leave a chaste kiss, bringing back the smile he loved so much.
“Care to let me in on what’s coming next?”
“Well, I promised you a movie didn’t I?” “That you did.” “I cannot break my promise, especially without the threats Bucky and Steve gave hanging over me!” at that you laughed. You had been surprised at the Winter Soldiers protectiveness.
Once you guys had made it back to the compound, Peter parked in an odd spot. The oddness continued when he walked with you around the back of the building.
“Now, I know how good the security system of this place is, but I made a deal with Tony so that no one will bug us…. Do you trust me Colette?”
“”What?” you asked, having an odd sense of deja vu.
“Do you trust me?” “Yes.”
Peter pulled you into him, “hold on tight” he whispered. This time, you realized what was going to happen and soon the two of you were flying through the air, with you were clinging onto Peter tightly.
Once you felt solid ground beneath your feet, you let your grip loosen and let out the breath you didn’t realize you had been holding.
“Ah, I was wondering if you two would ever show up” Tony said nonchalantly. “Everything's all ready for ya kid.”
Before completely leaving the two of you alone he added “be a gentleman, or I will not hesitate to let Bucky and Steve know what happened. FRIDAY will be watching.” He  winked at you and walked off.
Peter grabbed your hand, bringing you in through the patio door and down the hallway. Soon you found yourself in a giant room, filled with large plush chairs and an even bigger screen up front.
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