#update I’m told it’s goldenheart
cyle-stuff · 1 year
Here take some gays:
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Imprisoned: Underfoe--Claustrophobia p. V: Planning on a Chance
     You plant your feet and concentrate.
     How to go about this... You focus on Toriel, and everything about her--the motherly smiles she always cast over her shoulder, her offhand comments about snails, the constant cinnamon-butterscotch smell that trailed her, the way her face shone orange by the light of her fiery attacks.
     A screen appears before you. On it, Toriel is in her kitchen, searing a blackened pot with fire magic.
     No! Frisk, Frisk, Frisk, what is the matter with you? You can't use the same summoning method you use for light screens and anticipate a different result. You shake your head desperately to clear it. How in the world are you supposed to do this without any idea how? You get the sense that spying on Mystery Man any longer will be counter-productive--you can't expect to strike information gold twice.
     Perhaps, since image projection is the practical opposite of screen summoning, you need to use an opposite train of thought. You focus on yourself and your appearance--your not-quite-short, not-quite-long hair, your yellowish skin that never looked quite healthy, your hands that are always still no matter what stress you're under, your unintimidating height that always made people think you a year younger. And you imagine yourself in Toriel's home. That clean, cozy, wonderful place fit for two but inhabited by one most of the time. You imagine your hand against that mirror that hung in the hallway.
     You open your eyes to see nothing but blackness and the light screen.
     Grr! You're surely running out of time and you must save Toriel. How can you do this without messing everything up like you always do?
     You stamp your foot in anger. The light screen moves down ever so slightly, reacting to your movement.
     And suddenly you've got it.
     The light screen ability came from within, in a moment of intense emotion. So will the projection ability. All you have to do is let your brain do its thing--act on instinct and intuition alone. Then and only then will the power reveal itself.
     So you close your eyes and fill your mind with ambition. You must warn Toriel. You must warn Toriel. That is all that matters right now, and that is what you have to do. You call to the power you know is inside you. You know who you are, and you know where you need to be.
     And your hands know what to do.
     They reach out to the screen and beckon for it to come near. It comes. You know it comes not because you see it, but because that is what you told it to do. You control the power; it does not control itself.
     Your palms latch onto the screen and move apart, deconstructing the scene painted onto its surface. You know exactly what is going on inside the screen without looking--Toriel is stirring a great pot of snail stew as it comes to a boil. You can see her focused expression as if she is right in front of you. Your hands pull the screen closer, and you are more and more sure of what to do...
     And Toriel suddenly leaps back.
     "Ch... Child? Where did you come from?"
Author’s Note:
And that’s the story of how Frisk knew they belonged on Team Instinct. 
Haha, jk. They’re about as Mystic as it gets. But anyway.
Let me first address the elephant in the room--the question you’re probably all thinking right now. How did Frisk just pull a Rey and suddenly have all the power? Shouldn’t it have taken Frisk a while to figure out exactly how to project their image onto the Earthly side? Well, I have a reason for writing it this way. The Force takes training and hard work to master, hence why I cited Rey as the rule breaking example. But magic is not the Force. Magic comes naturally to all beings in this world--even humans, to some extremely small degree in some extremely special cases. In these aus, monsters are birthed already knowing how to perform magic. it just takes practice to learn how to control it, use it, and grow its power. Like any other skill. Frisk is not a monster, but what they’re doing is still clearly magic. Here, let me put it this way: people are born knowing how to learn, and they do it constantly without trying, because that’s how we evolved and that’s how our species survives. So we can all learn instinctively. Magic is no different. Frisk has always had this magic inside their soul, as does every human ever, but the Void did something to release it. What I mean by that will remain a secret, but the point is that magic is something inside everyone in this universe, and Frisk is merely tapping into a long-blocked ability.
So now that that’s cleared up, let me address the other elephant in the room--Extras With Goldenheart. I was home on Tuesday, but I didn’t post for two reasons. 1. I had no idea what to write, and 2. I was busy working on another huge project I have in the works right now (a musical completely unrelated to Undertale or this blog). I’ve kind of run out of steam for Extras. I’ve still got that same fire for Imprisoned, so don’t worry about that, but I’m just not feeling motivated to do Extras With Goldenheart that much anymore. So I’m changing the schedule for Extras to “whenever I feel like it”. I just feel like I should be free to write what I want, ya know? Also it’ll free up time for me to work on my nameless musical brainchild >:)
So yeah. Posts are back to normal at last. Get hype! And also please ask me lore questions or whatever, I would be happy to answer them!
Me: *reads through update* By jove, I think they’ve got it!
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