#up board 12 result 2020
qqueenofhades · 3 months
do you have any suggestions for organizations or groups or something that are doing any kind of voting campaign/vote dem campaign? i remember in 2020 there was a huge push to do phone banking in swing states, but im seeing almost none of that now, and its making me a bit nervous about the outcome of the election
Sure! Here are some ideas:
Find your state Democratic party for specific networking/volunteering/connecting opportunities in your city or region:
Or volunteer for the national party:
Volunteer for the Biden-Harris campaign! Apparently, regardless of whatever media bullshit it set off, the debate DID result in a huge surge of campaign volunteers in swing states especially, so this is a great time to sign up:
Write postcards for Democratic voters!
Or postcards especially for Democratic voters in swing states:
Have the spoons to make phone calls for Democrats? Do it here:
Read Hopium Chronicles: it is a much-needed antidote to media doomerism and it gives lots of daily volunteering/donating/action tips to Do More, Worry Less:
Give money to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris:
Give to 12 Democrats running in highly flippable House races:
Give or volunteer for a Democratic Senate (ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT if we're going to flip SCOTUS and the map is very hairy this year):
Doing even a bit of this will help you feel better than sitting and worrying. Good luck and go get 'em!
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simply-ivanka · 1 month
How the Biden-Harris Economy Left Most Americans Behind
A government spending boom fueled inflation that has crushed real average incomes.
By The Editorial Board -- Wall Street Journal
Kamala Harris plans to roll out her economic priorities in a speech on Friday, though leaks to the press say not to expect much different than the last four years. That’s bad news because the Biden-Harris economic record has left most Americans worse off than they were four years ago. The evidence is indisputable.
President Biden claims that he inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression, but this isn’t close to true. The economy in January 2021 was fast recovering from the pandemic as vaccines rolled out and state lockdowns eased. GDP grew 34.8% in the third quarter of 2020, 4.2% in the fourth, and 5.2% in the first quarter of 2021. By the end of that first quarter, real GDP had returned to its pre-pandemic high. All Mr. Biden had to do was let the recovery unfold.
Instead, Democrats in March 2021 used Covid relief as a pretext to pass $1.9 trillion in new spending. This was more than double Barack Obama’s 2009 spending bonanza. State and local governments were the biggest beneficiaries, receiving $350 billion in direct aid, $122 billion for K-12 schools and $30 billion for mass transit. Insolvent union pension funds received a $86 billion rescue.
The rest was mostly transfer payments to individuals, including a five-month extension of enhanced unemployment benefits, a $3,600 fully refundable child tax credit, $1,400 stimulus payments per person, sweetened Affordable Care Act subsidies, an increased earned income tax credit including for folks who didn’t work, housing subsidies and so much more.
The handouts discouraged the unemployed from returning to work and fueled consumer spending, which was already primed to surge owing to pent-up savings from the Covid lockdowns and spending under Donald Trump. By mid-2021, Americans had $2.3 trillion in “excess savings” relative to pre-pandemic levels—equivalent to roughly 12.5% of disposable income.
So much money chasing too few goods fueled inflation, which was supercharged by the Federal Reserve’s accommodative policy. Historically low mortgage rates drove up housing prices. The White House blamed “corporate greed” for inflation that peaked at 9.1% in June 2022, even as the spending party in Washington continued.
In November 2021, Congress passed a $1 trillion bill full of green pork and more money for states. Then came the $280 billion Chips Act and Mr. Biden’s Green New Deal—aka the Inflation Reduction Act—which Goldman Sachs estimates will cost $1.2 trillion over a decade. Such heaps of government spending have distorted private investment.
While investment in new factories has grown, spending on research and development and new equipment has slowed. Overall private fixed investment has grown at roughly half the rate under Mr. Biden as it did under Mr. Trump. Manufacturing output remains lower than before the pandemic.
Magnifying market misallocations, the Administration conditioned subsidies on businesses advancing its priorities such as paying union-level wages and providing child care to workers. It also boosted food stamps, expanded eligibility for ObamaCare subsidies and waved away hundreds of billions of dollars in student debt. The result: $5.8 trillion in deficits during Mr. Biden’s first three years—about twice as much as during Donald Trump’s—and the highest inflation in four decades.
Prices have increased by nearly 20% since January 2021, compared to 7.8% during the Trump Presidency. Inflation-adjusted average weekly earnings are down 3.9% since Mr. Biden entered office, compared to an increase of 2.6% during Mr. Trump’s first three years. (Real wages increased much more in 2020, but partly owing to statistical artifacts.)
Higher interest rates are finally bringing inflation under control, which is allowing real wages to rise again. But the Federal Reserve had to raise rates higher than it otherwise would have to offset the monetary and fiscal gusher. The higher rates have pushed up mortgage costs for new home buyers.
Three years of inflation and higher interest rates are stretching American pocketbooks, especially for lower income workers. Seriously delinquent auto loans and credit cards are higher than any time since the immediate aftermath of the 2008-09 recession.
Ms. Harris boasts that the economy has added nearly 16 million jobs during the Biden Presidency—compared to about 6.4 million during Mr. Trump’s first three years. But most of these “new” jobs are backfilling losses from the pandemic lockdowns. The U.S. has fewer jobs than it was on track to add before the pandemic.
What’s more, all the Biden-Harris spending has yielded little economic bang for the taxpayer buck. Washington has borrowed more than $400,000 for every additional job added under Mr. Biden compared to Mr. Trump’s first three years. Most new jobs are concentrated in government, healthcare and social assistance—60% of new jobs in the last year.
Administrative agencies are also creating uncertainty by blitzing businesses with costly regulations—for instance, expanding overtime pay, restricting independent contractors, setting stricter emissions limits on power plants and factories, micro-managing broadband buildout and requiring CO2 emissions calculations in environmental reviews.
The economy is still expanding, but business investment has slowed. And although the affluent are doing relatively well because of buoyant asset prices, surveys show that most Americans feel financially insecure. Thus another political paradox of the Biden-Harris years: Socioeconomic disparities have increased.
Ms. Harris is promising the same economic policies with a shinier countenance. Don’t expect better results.
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book--brackets · 2 months
The Liveship Traders by Robin Hobb (1998-2000)
Wizardwood, a sentient wood. The most precious commodity in the world. Like many other legendary wares, it comes only from the Rain River Wilds.
But how can one trade with the Rain Wilders, when only a liveship fashioned from wizardwood can negotiate the perilous waters of the Rain River? Rare and valuable a liveship will quicken only when three members, from successive generations, have died on board. The liveship Vivacia is about to undergo her quickening as Althea Vestrit’s father is carried on deck in his death-throes. Althea waits for the ship that she loves more than anything else in the world to awaken. Only to discover that the Vivacia has been signed away in her father’s will to her brutal brother-in-law, Kyle Haven...
Others plot to win or steal a liveship. The Paragon, known by many as the Pariah, went mad, turned turtle, and drowned his crew. Now he lies blind, lonely, and broken on a deserted beach. But greedy men have designs to restore him, to sail the waters of the Rain Wild River once more.
Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke (1997-2021)
With lonely Ben aboard, brave dragon Firedrake seeks mythical place where silver dragons can live in peace. Over moonlit lands and sparkling seas, they meet fantastic creatures, summon up surprising courage - and cross a ruthless villain with an ancient grudge determined to end their quest. Only a secret destiny can save the dragons and bring them the true meaning of home.
The Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow (2020)
In 1893, there's no such thing as witches. There used to be, in the wild, dark days before the burnings began, but now witching is nothing but tidy charms and nursery rhymes. If the modern woman wants any measure of power, she must find it at the ballot box.
But when the Eastwood sisters -- James Juniper, Agnes Amaranth, and Beatrice Belladonna -- join the suffragists of New Salem, they begin to pursue the forgotten words and ways that might turn the women's movement into the witch's movement. Stalked by shadows and sickness, hunted by forces who will not suffer a witch to vote -- and perhaps not even to live -- the sisters will need to delve into the oldest magics, draw new alliances, and heal the bond between them if they want to survive.
There's no such thing as witches. But there will be.
The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon (2013-present)
In 2059, Scion has taken over most of the world's cities, promising safety for all the citizens it deems worthy and wiping out clairvoyants wherever it can find them. 
Paige Mahoney, though, is a clairvoyant--and a criminal just for existing. Paige is determined to fight Scion's power, and as part of the Seven Seals, Paige has found a use for her powers: she scouts for information by breaking into others' minds as they dream. 
But when Paige is captured and arrested, she encounters a power more sinister even than Scion. The voyant prison is a separate city, controlled by a powerful, otherworldly race. These creatures, the Rephaim, value the voyants highly--as soldiers in their army. 
Paige is assigned to a Rephaite keeper, Warden, who will be in charge of her care and training. He is her master. Her natural enemy. But if she wants to regain her freedom, Paige will have to learn something of his mind and his own mysterious motives.
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao (2021-present)
The boys of Huaxia dream of pairing up with girls to pilot Chrysalises, giant transforming robots that can battle the mecha aliens that lurk beyond the Great Wall. It doesn’t matter that the girls often die from the mental strain.
When 18-year-old Zetian offers herself up as a concubine-pilot, it’s to assassinate the ace male pilot responsible for her sister’s death. But she gets her vengeance in a way nobody expected—she kills him through the psychic link between pilots and emerges from the cockpit unscathed. She is labeled an Iron Widow, a much-feared and much-silenced kind of female pilot who can sacrifice boys to power up Chrysalises instead.​
To tame her unnerving yet invaluable mental strength, she is paired up with Li Shimin, the strongest and most controversial male pilot in Huaxia​. But now that Zetian has had a taste of power, she will not cower so easily. She will miss no opportunity to leverage their combined might and infamy to survive attempt after attempt on her life, until she can figure out exactly why the pilot system works in its misogynist way—and stop more girls from being sacrificed.
Kushiel's Legacy by Jacqueline Carey (2001-2003)
The land of Terre d'Ange is a place of unsurpassing beauty and grace. It is said that angels found the land and saw it was good...and the ensuing race that rose from the seed of angels and men live by one simple rule: Love as thou wilt.
Phèdre nó Delaunay is a young woman who was born with a scarlet mote in her left eye. Sold into indentured servitude as a child, her bond is purchased by Anafiel Delaunay, a nobleman with very a special mission...and the first one to recognize who and what she is: one pricked by Kushiel's Dart, chosen to forever experience pain and pleasure as one.
Phèdre is trained equally in the courtly arts and the talents of the bedchamber, but, above all, the ability to observe, remember, and analyze. Almost as talented a spy as she is courtesan, Phèdre stumbles upon a plot that threatens the very foundations of her homeland. Treachery sets her on her path; love and honor goad her further. And in the doing, it will take her to the edge of despair...and beyond. Hateful friend, loving enemy, beloved assassin; they can all wear the same glittering mask in this world, and Phèdre will get but one chance to save all that she holds dear.
Beauty by Robin McKinley (1978)
Beauty has never liked her nickname. She is thin and awkward; it is her two sisters who are the beautiful ones. But what she lacks in appearance, she can perhaps make up for in courage. When her father comes home with a tale of an enchanted castle in the forest and the terrible promise he had to make to the Beast who lives there, Beauty knows she must travel to the castle, a prisoner of her own free will. Her father insists that he will not let her go, but she responds, "Cannot a Beast be tamed?"
The Immortals Quartet by Tamora Pierce (1992-1996)
Thirteen-year-old Daine has always had a special connection with animals, but only when she's forced to leave home does she realize it's more than a knack--it's magic. With this wild magic, not only can Daine speak to animals, but she can also make them obey her. Daine takes a job handling horses for the Queen's Riders, where she meets the master mage Numair and becomes his student. 
Under Numair's guidance, Daine explores the scope of her magic. But she encounters other beings, too, who are not so gentle. These terrifying creatures, called Immortals, have been imprisoned in the Divine Realms for the past four hundred years--but now someone has broken the barrier. And it's up to Daine and her friends to defend their world from an Immortal attack.
The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander (1964-1968)
Taran wanted to be a hero, and looking after a pig wasn't exactly heroic, even though Hen Wen was an oracular pig. But the day that Hen Wen vanished, Taran was led into an enchanting and perilous world. With his band of followers, he confronted the Horned King and his terrible Cauldron-Born. These were the forces of evil, and only Hen Wen knew the secret of keeping the kingdom of Prydain safe from them. But who would find her first?
Seven Realms by Cinda Williams Chima (2009-2012)
Times are hard in the mountain city of Fellsmarch. Reformed thief Han Alister will do almost anything to eke out a living for his family. The only thing of value he has is something he can't sell—the thick silver cuffs he's worn since birth. They're clearly magicked—as he grows, they grow, and he's never been able to get them off.
One day, Han and his clan friend, Dancer, confront three young wizards setting fire to the sacred mountain of Hanalea. Han takes an amulet from Micah Bayar, son of the High Wizard, to keep him from using it against them. Soon Han learns that the amulet has an evil history—it once belonged to the Demon King, the wizard who nearly destroyed the world a millennium ago. With a magical piece that powerful at stake, Han knows that the Bayars will stop at nothing to get it back.
Meanwhile, Raisa ana'Marianna, princess heir of the Fells, has her own battles to fight. She's just returned to court after three years of freedom in the mountains—riding, hunting, and working the famous clan markets. Raisa wants to be more than an ornament in a glittering cage. She aspires to be like Hanalea—the legendary warrior queen who killed the Demon King and saved the world. But her mother has other plans for her...
The Seven Realms tremble when the lives of Hans and Raisa collide, fanning the flames of the smoldering war between clans and wizards.
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mariacallous · 23 days
K-12 education has captured its share of headlines over the last few years. Schools—and, specifically, local school boards—became a lightning rod for anger about the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. From the first weeks of the pandemic, Republicans accused Democratic leaders of being too slow to reopen schools. That accusation gained potency as evidence mounted that schools hadn’t been the vectors of COVID-19 transmission that experts initially feared. Sensing vulnerability, Democrats became reluctant to engage on K-12 issues, and Republicans such as Glenn Youngkin showed that Democrats wouldn’t put up much of a fight if education became a battlefield for culture war conflicts. The result was a dizzying, maddening stretch where schools were embroiled in controversies over critical race theory and transgender students’ rights when education leaders needed to focus on pandemic recovery.
Now, as memories of the pandemic recede, the politics of education are changing. Democrats are talking more about schools, emboldened by the selection of a former schoolteacher, Tim Walz, as Vice President Harris’s running mate. Republicans, for their part, have harnessed discontent with public schools into an aggressive push for private school voucher programs that threaten America’s public education systems.
The platforms of the Democratic and Republican parties, along with the education-related portions of Project 2025, provide a glimpse of where K-12 education might be headed.
The Democratic platform
The Democrats’ 2024 platform is light on specifics, with more attention to the current administration’s accomplishments and the would-be Harris administration’s support for some broadly defined goals (e.g., reducing chronic absenteeism). To some extent, the lack of specifics stands in contrast to both the Democrats’ 2020 platform—which, for example, pledged a tripling of Title I funds for high-needs schools—and more detailed 2024 proposals for early childhood education (e.g., free, universal pre-K) and higher education (e.g., free community college). 
The 2024 platform does contain relevant, specific ideas outside of its “Education” section. For example, Democrats propose rebates for school districts that purchase electric school buses—an idea grounded in research on the harms of students’ exposure to toxins. They also offer specific proposals to reduce gun violence (amid a scourge of school shootings) and to strengthen civil rights protections for LGBTQ+ children and students of color (frequent targets of culture war attacks).
Notably, some of the platform’s clearest statements on education describe what Democrats oppose. That includes private-school voucher plans and policies hostile to transgender youth that have become increasingly popular among Republican leaders.  
The Republican platform
Republicans’ 2024 platform is also light on policy specifics. The platform has a few ideas that have long been cornerstones of GOP education politics. That includes ending teacher tenure—an idea that would require local or state action and confront fierce opposition from teachers’ unions.
The platform has language about resisting political indoctrination in schools—while seeming to propose some indoctrination of its own. This includes proposals to “support schools that teach America’s Founding Principles and Western Civilization” and “promote Fair and Patriotic Civics Education.” Along similar lines, former President Trump recently described a bewildering plan to create a credentialing body to “certify teachers who embrace patriotic values, support our way of life, and understand that their job is not to indoctrinate children.”
Substantively, the most important part of the Republican education platform might be its support for universal school choice. In about a dozen states, Republicans have recently created or expanded education savings account (ESA) programs that make public funds available to pay for private school or other educational expenses. Critics of these programs—myself included—argue that they violate our basic traditions, benefit the wealthy at the expense of others, and are not well supported by research.
Project 2025
If the Republican platform is light on policy proposals, Project 2025 certainly is not.
Along with my colleagues Rachel Perera and Katharine Meyer, I recently wrote a more detailed piece that analyzes Project 2025’s education proposals. Project 2025 proposes severe cuts to the resources and protections available to the country’s poorest, most marginalized children. For example, it proposes to eliminate the Head Start program (for young children in poverty), discontinue federal Title I funding (for schools that serve low-income children), and kneecap IDEA (federal legislation that supports students with disabilities). It’s especially harsh on transgender children, with proposals aimed at reorienting civil rights enforcement around “rejecting gender ideology and critical race theory” and stripping Title IX protections from transgender students.
In other words, Project 2025 sets its sights on the programs that serve America’s neediest students. It would essentially terminate the federal government’s long-running role in addressing inequities that arise in locally governed school systems.
Notably, many key Project 2025 proposals would require an unlikely degree of congressional cooperation. This includes some of the highest-profile proposals, such as eliminating the U.S. Department of Education (a vaguely defined idea that’s unlikely to materialize in its most extreme form). Still, a second Trump administration could enact some Project 2025 proposals unilaterally. That includes rolling back civil rights protections and replacing civil servants in the U.S. Department of Education with political appointees after reinstating Schedule F.
Taking stock
It’s fair to say that Democrats’ plans for federal education policy are modest. Democrats aren’t proposing a markedly stronger role for the federal government. On K-12 education, Democrats remain in a mostly defensive posture as they offer a more “conservative” agenda that protects against the GOP’s increasingly radical efforts.
Just what those GOP plans might be—and just how radical they are—depends on whether the true Trump administration plan is the Republican platform, Project 2025, or some combination of the two. That remains to be seen.
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gallawitchxx · 1 year
tag game tuesday: wednesday edition 🤘🏼
pals, i love you all so much & thank you to @celestialmickey @energievie @metalheadmickey @whatwouldmickeydo @thisdivorce @juliakayyy @palepinkgoat @xninetiestrendx @crossmydna & @francesrose3 for tagging me to play! i ran out of time yesterday, but there's always today 😌
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name: bee bee eight 🖤
when is your birthday? soon! july 7th <- same beecy same 🦀
favorite social media platform outside of tumblr? instagram! i love it, i hate it, i can't get enough of it. (also if discord counts, then discord) 📸
do you wear makeup? i haven't really worn make-up since the move tbh... but when i do it's just light foundation, mascara & the occasional eyeliner wing 💃🏼
favorite board game? maybe scrabble?! we love board games in this house. it might be easier to answer what is the board game most likely to result in a fight? aka sorry! alskghalfkh a children's game & my wife & i always lose our minds.
do you have any tattoos? i do! i do! i think i have 14? i'm not sure. but i did JUST get one yesterday lmaoooo. it's an eye on the back of my neck 👁🖤
which of the seven deadly sins would you say you struggle with the most? probably lust. like, can i even read something anymore without the promise of smut?! i'm a very cool combination of horny & monogamous at all times 😅
best vacation you’ve ever been on? in january of 2020, the before times, my girlfriend & i went to paris, where we became fiancées! it was the best trip! in my very favorite city! 🇫🇷 🥐 💍
how do you get around town? i was a train babe for the last 12 years in the Big Apple, but now i'm a car girlie! i know that it's very bad for the environment, but i also kind of love it. i just love bopping around & not having to squeeze in with strangers on my way to the grocery store. what a gift! 🚘
describe your vibe in three words: enthusiastic, creative, moody ✌️
share a song rec: "gimme" by ralph 💅
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even though i'm late, i'm gonna tag some pals! @heymrspatel @squidyyy23 @creepkinginc @mishervellous @ian-galagher @deathclassic @howlinchickhowl @iansfreckles @rereadanon @sickness-health-all-that-shit & @tidalrace - but if you don't want to play, then please take this as a consensual internet squeeze! 🥰
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ffloorageorge · 11 months
One quill served as a reservoir for ink inside the other quill. Poverty is concentrated in rural Honduras, a pattern that is reflected throughout Latin America. Lending has likewise been encouraged by the creation of a guarantee fund, which allows banks to issue loans to eligible small- and medium-sized businesses without first requiring a large deposit or other collateral. One of the survivors of the resulting massacre is Henry, the son of a blacksmith. Ancient genomes show social and reproductive behavior of early Upper Paleolithic foragers. These appear to have been either converted Soviet or early production models, or simply cloned from these rifles. Edo first appears in the Azuma Kagami chronicles, that name for the area being probably used since the second half of the Heian period. Sri Lanka once held the highest team score in all three formats of cricket. They will not eat grain, which could be carried on the journey. When they catch up to Desther, he surrenders after a short battle. Despite making enormous progress in reducing the countrywide poverty incidence from 56 percent of the population in 1992 to 24. Street vendors in wheeled carts frequent residential areas or station on busy sidewalks near marketplaces or schools. A debt restructuring plan and the creation of a new currency in 1924 ushered in the Golden Twenties, an era of artistic innovation and liberal cultural life. After 2001, economic, political and geopolitical conditions improved greatly, and Bulgaria achieved high Human Development status in 2003. Romania was forced to cede Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina to the Soviet Union on 26 June 1940, Northern Transylvania to Hungary on 30 August, and Southern Dobruja to Bulgaria in September. Prior to the coming of Oba Ewuare in the mid 15th century, the Ewu community was organized and governed by an ancient gerontocracy where a council of the oldest people called Edion administered the various communities that constituted Ewu, independently. According to figures communicated by the company in July 2018, the bikes are rented up to four times a day, representing 5,000 to 10,000 daily trips. However, the recovery from the plague led to a resurgence of cities, trade, and economy, which allowed the blossoming of Humanism and Renaissance that later spread to Europe. These enhancer regions can activate transcription of Ubx if the right combination of factors is present. In a brothel raid a year later there, a number of girls rescued from the 2003 raid were found to be involved again in sex work. The process, known as Pontypool japan, was first developed in the west by Thomas Allgood of nearby Pontypool and was taken on in Usk in 1763 by his grandsons Thomas and Edward Allgood. In 1974, the Haiti national football team were only the second Caribbean team to make the World Cup. As the existence of superheavy elements is very strongly dependent on stabilizing effects from closed shells, nuclear instability and fission will likely determine the end of the periodic table beyond these islands of stability. The main responsibility of the County Administrative Board is to co-ordinate the development of the county in line with goals set by the Riksdag and Government. Dafydd ap Gwilym is widely regarded as one of the greatest Welsh poets of all time, and amongst the leading European poets of the Middle Ages. The planned Long Thanh International Airport will have an annual service capacity of 100 million passengers once it becomes fully operational in 2025. The latest country Bhutan has established diplomatic relations with is Israel, on 12 December 2020. The latest forced disappearance involves three sisters from Abu Dhabi. These have led to widely applied advances in computer science, especially string searching algorithms, machine learning, and database theory.
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thesaleswhisperer · 9 months
Dre Baldwin on The Sales Podcast
Professional Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast ...
Former professional basketball player
Zig when others zag, which means sending personalized outreach
Do what doesn’t scale
“What is my competition not willing do that I will?”
He’s been making content since 2005
He has a process for researching ideal prospects
Send link to assistant to research
Assistant finds pertinent information and adds it to the CRM
He then makes the video intro
He’ll make 5-6 each day
Do enough that you can handle the replies
Related episodes and posts
Find The Best CRM For Your Team and Budget
Start Your Free 12 Weeks To Peak™
He was always a salesperson at heart but didn’t really realize it
He has a business degree and responded to a bulletin board post “make money”
It was an MLM and after a couple of meetings he learned how to disrupt the negative assumptions about making money, which his college professors never mentioned
He got into personal development
He started selling training products to basketball players who found him on YouTube
He only played one year of high school basketball then D3 basketball and made it to the pros, so people started finding him online for his mindset content
It took a while for him to realize that not everyone thought like he did
He stopped playing ball in 2015 and wanted to get into the professional speaking business
He applied to some TED talks and got accepted
Then he started writing books
Build your own audience and master DTC, direct-to-consumer
His mom was an educator who got her college degree when he was in college
He was not “found” by the pros
When he graduated college in 2004 he worked at Foot Locker store then Bally Total Fitness
He went to an exposure camp for basketball players: you pay to play for two days with 200 other players
Then he cold-called basketball agents, which was a flip in the script
He called about 60 agents and reached 20 and sent them a VHS tape that he recorded and one agent said he’d represent him in late 2005 and got him a job in Lithuania
He was blogging and sharing his videos on YouTube
He got his experience writing then other players had questions on how to play overseas
By 2009, he started thinking about how to leverage this into a business
2015 was his last season and he played with a different team every year
Not a fan of the news
Don’t follow or associate with the negative people
Find your lane in which you can succeed
Principles—never change, Strategies, Tactics—can change daily
Your mandate as an entrepreneur is to make money, which should remain very clear
If you don’t like running ads, don’t run them. Hire someone and keep your eye on them.
You can do this with any aspect of your life.
You can create content like podcasts
Become findable
Be consistent
When it comes to hiring staff, give them the “brief” that needs to be clear and detailed. You need to know what you want.
If you’re an expert, I believe you should be able to produce the results and explain it to me, so here’s $100; go make it happen and explain it to me
He’s not a fan of agencies…they are looking for their next client
Are you—or do you want to be—a top 2% performer? Join his program.
Mindset and strategic tools
His first coaching client was back in 2015 via Periscope
Around 2020, when speaking gigs dried up, he pivoted to more in-house stuff
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Send Drunk Emails: ...that get opened and get you paid!
Phone Burner: work the phone like a machine so you can be a human when you connect.
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mitchbeck · 5 months
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Eberle nets game-winner; three multi-point performers shine in win  BY: Mark Binetti, Greenville Swamp Rabbits GREENVILLE, SC—Tanner Eberle broke a deadlock in a wild third period to headline the Greenville Swamp Rabbits' Game 2 win over the Orlando Solar Bears by a 4-2 score on Monday night. The win for the Swamp Rabbits splits the series at 1-1 heading into the next three games in Orlando this weekend. Both teams repeated Game 1 and skated scoreless through 20 minutes of play. Jacob Ingham manned the net again for Greenville and staved away only four shots on the net, while Evan Fitzpatrick turned away 15 in the opening frame. The deadlock was finally broken by the Swamp Rabbits, who jumped out to a 2-0 lead after 40 minutes. Josh McKechney started off the scoring when he slammed a Colton Young effort in close range of the net past Fitzpatrick to push the Swamp Rabbits ahead 1-0 at 2:28 (Young and Quinn Olson assisted, the latter earning his first professional point). Following the goal, the Swamp Rabbits penalty kill was tested, and a five-minute major was needed to kill off due to an elbowing penalty assessed to Bobby Russell. The Swamp Rabbits thwarted the effort and followed it with a power play goal of their own, the only one in the series thus far. With 8:33 left in the second, Carter Souch, on the team's second power play, took a Sam Jardine pass on the left side of the zone and rifled a shot over Fitzpatrick's shoulder to double the Swamp Rabbits lead at 2-0 (Jardine and McKechney assisted). The Solar Bears stormed out of the gate to start the third, tying the game at two in the blink of an eye during a wild scoring exchange. Brayden Low got Orlando on the board when he deflected a Jimmy Mazza shot past Ingham at 2:09 of the third, slashing the Greenville lead to 2-1 (Mazza and Aaron Luchuk assisted). Exactly 1:36 later, Spencer Kersten maneuvered the puck in close range of the Swamp Rabbits' net and redirected it off of his body and by Ingham to square the game at 2-2 at 3:45 of the third (Darik Angeli and Alex Frye assisted). Ingham was replaced in net by Luke Richardson for the Swamp Rabbits, who didn't allow anything behind him for the remainder of the game. The switch kicked the Swamp Rabbits in gear: 51 seconds later, Carter Souch found Tanner Eberle streaking to the back of the net, resulting in a backdoor tap-in for the veteran to put Greenville ahead for good, 3-2 at 4:36 (Souch and Nick Prkusic assisted). Eberle's tally ended a scoring run of three goals between teams over 2:27 of hockey in the third. Adding insurance for Greenville was Quinn Olson, who batted the puck out of mid-air on a skilled maneuver late in the game past Fitzpatrick to push the Swamp Rabbits ahead at 4-2, bringing the game to its final score (Anthony Beauchamp and Josh McKechney assisted). In relief, Luke Richardson picked up his first career postseason win, stopping all 11 shots he saw in 16:15 of work (1-0-0). Jacob Ingham started for Greenville and turned aside 10 of 12 in 43:42 game time. The Swamp Rabbits shift the series to Orlando for Game 3 on Friday night, April 26th. Puck drop at the Kia Center is slated for 7:00 p.m. EST. About the Greenville Swamp Rabbits … Acquired by Spire Sports + Entertainment (SS+E) in 2020, the Greenville Swamp Rabbits hockey team has been providing family-friendly, live entertainment at Bon Secours Wellness Arena since 2010. Formerly, the Greenville Road Warriors and the Swamp Rabbits are the highest-level professional minor league franchise in South Carolina. The Swamp Rabbits are the proud ECHL affiliate of the NHL's Los Angeles Kings and the AHL's Ontario Reign. Greenville is an ECHL Premier ‘ AA’ Hockey League. GREENVILLE SWAMP RABBITS HOWLINGS Read the full article
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arpov-blog-blog · 6 months
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More Bad News for Trump in Primary Results
Digging into the numbers
Ron Filipkowski Meidas Touch Network
Donald Trump's campaign continues to hype his "victories" in Republican primaries despite running unopposed. However, while President Biden consistently wins his primaries in the high 90s, Trump continues to see 15-30% of Republicans voting against him in state after state.
Last night, despite running unopposed, the following percentages of Republicans voted against Trump:
Arizona - 25%
Kansas - 25%
Ohio - 21%
Florida - 19%
Illinois - 19%
These results have been consistent with the previous Republican primaries across the board. There is also another pattern developing - Trump continues to struggle with suburban voters. This is a critical demographic for his campaign. While Trump's results were fairly consistent across every group from 2016-2020, suburban white voters are the reason Trump lost in 2020. He narrowly lost those voters in 2016 to Hillary Clinton, but lost them by a wide margin in 2020 to Biden. That was the difference in the two elections. Those are also the voters who continue to refuse to vote for Trump - even Republicans.
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In previous primaries this year, the Trump campaign spun it that these were not true Republican voters since many of the early primary states were open - allowing Democrats and Independents to vote in them. They argued that most of Nikki Haley's voters were Democrats participating in those Republican primaries against Trump. Although some percentage of her voters were non-Republicans, those voters pushed her up to the 30-40% range. But there was still a solid 15-20% of registered Republicans in those states who voted against Trump.
But that excuse doesn't work for last night's results. Florida is a completely closed primary where only registered Republicans can vote. The other four states are partially closed, with Arizona, Ohio, and Kansas allowing independent voters to participate in their primaries while restricting registered Democrats. Only Illinois is mostly open with anyone able to vote in either party, but a Democrat crossing over will have their party affiliation changed. So these results are either 100% Republican voters or over 90% with some right-leaning independents.
Combative and abrasive Trump Spokesman Steven Cheung, as usual, hurled insults at Republican consultants who sounded alarm bells over the results. MAGA World spin is always that Trump is dominating and winning everywhere. No admission of weakness or problems is ever tolerated - the aura of invincibility must be the party line as pushed by Trump and his acolytes, regardless of results.
Where will these voters go in November? In state after state, exit polls have shown that 10-15% of Republicans say they will not vote for Trump in the general election. I think we are going to see a combination of three things: Some will come home and vote for Trump, some will vote third party, and the rest will either stay home or vote 'None of the Above' in the presidential race. In an election expected to be very close in the dozen or so critical swing states, every vote matters and Trump simply cannot afford to have 10-12% of Republicans leaving the fold."
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genevalentino · 9 months
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krinndnz · 9 months
The Archetypal Injury
This piece is by Phil "Funranium" Broughton, originally written as a New Year's benediction a few years ago, so I thought I'd gently transplant it to Tumblr because safety is everyone's job and it's that time of year again. I applied some very light copyediting in the process. Make it to next year alive, please. <3
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I want to discuss archetypal accidents to try to encourage you to not be the cause/victim of one. There are six big factors.
As we approach New Year's Eve 2020 with restrictions in place and limited staffing, on top of the usual ghost towns that institutions become during the holidays as the older staff members take use-it-or-lose-it vacations, we are particularly vulnerable to the first archetype: Working Alone.
As a general rule, when you are doing particularly nasty things — high power laser alignment, critical lifts, easily dispersible radioactive materials, high voltage, etc. — you don't do them by yourself. The counterpoint is "I always do this by myself, to minimize the number of people exposed to $HAZARD" is valid, but that's more about your hands, up close and personal, on the work. But you aren't alone, someone's in shouting distance. This time of year, you may be the only person in the building. For better or worse, the holidays are when people try to do some of the most hazardous work or long delayed maintenance that makes everything else more dangerous, like repairing fume hood motors, because the number of other people whose work they could impact is reduced. So, those sign in logs you walk past in the lobby? Sign them and sign out when you leave. If you have a status board, update it. Tell the facilities people, WHO YOU REALLY SHOULD BE ON A FIRST NAME BASIS WITH, that you are there. Tell family & friends when you expect to be home. Keep a Zoom meeting open with someone just because.
Because you are there, deciding to do something dangerous without much backup, because of the second archetype: Time Pressure.
If things were going well, this work would be done already and you'd be one of the people on vacation, right? More likely someone more senior assigned you this work and then they went on vacation. Maybe the most recent results weren't great and you've gotta redo it all again because, fuck, that submission deadline for the paper/conference/whatever is coming up. It's crunch time. It's perfectly normal to look at the calendar, feel panic at an impending deadline, and decide "Yes, going into the lab at 10pm on Christmas Day is perfectly reasonable. Gotta get that started so I can come back to check on it at 8am."
I am having minor twinges even typing this.
You can feel the clock ticking, the weight of days falling away as the hours pile up. You need to finish this. Looks like it's gonna be another 12–18 hour work day. You are a caffeine-based lifeform who might have eaten yesterday. YOU MUST BE FASTER & DO MORE!!! This is when you start cutting corners, stop writing things down. When you miss steps because you're going too fast. Measurements get a little sloppy. Grab the wrong chemical or gear… and likely skip PPE entirely.
Because this is the infuriating part, the third archetype: Correct PPE Readily Available But Unused.
Because you're alone with no one to yell at you. Because you're speeding and can't spare the precious seconds to put on those goggles or gloves. Or, in the case of more than few laser injuries, you were wearing laser safety eyewear but, buddy c'mon, you stopped working with that wavelength hours ago. Did you forget what colors are!?
If this all sounds like Hell Work this is, perhaps, because you are a bit older and can't physically or mentally pull this shit anymore and you know it. Because the fourth archetype no longer applies to you: Early Career, Age 18-25.
The people we tend to kill and maim with hazardous work done in isolation are our youth. Part of this is their general sense of immortality but it's also that they have the resilience to even begin to think this is a good idea. Their elders take advantage of that to work those apprentices HARD. If you ask me to do this at my advanced age of 45, you're likely to get a response of "Fuck you." Maybe "Fuck you, pay me" if I remotely entertained your request.
But 25 years ago, there's a good chance I would have gone for it, with some blame going to archetype five: Male.
Stupid, suicidal machismo. The arrogance of machismo that says you are *so good* that you don't need that PPE. That you have all the hazards handled because you are IN CONTROL. You aren't gonna get hurt because and if you did, pfft, whatever, you can take it. Scars = cool stories, right?And part of that arrogance comes from archetype six: Approximately One Year of Experience with the Process That Caused the Accident.
So, just long enough to start achieving competence so that you think you know what corners you can cut, and yet a long, long way from mastery.
Those are the Six General Accident Archetypes which make it seem like I'm psychic when I pick up someone's call for an accident report and people start to worry I have spy cameras watching them. For specific kinds of hazards, like lasers, I can add even more archetypes.
But let's review:
Working alone
After hours/long hours/around a holiday or weekend, with a looming deadline
PPE available but unused
Age 18-25
With ~1 year of familiarity with the process that caused the injury
If this sounds like you, please make it to 2021.
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pooma-education · 10 months
The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 is a comprehensive document that outlines the vision and goals of India’s education system for the next decade.
It covers all levels and domains of education, from early childhood to higher education, and from school to vocational education. It also proposes major reforms and innovations to enhance the quality, equity, and accessibility of education in India.
Some of the key features of the NEP 2020 for school education are:
▪️The existing 10+2 structure will be replaced by a new 5+3+3+4 model, covering ages 3-18 years. This means that the initial five years of school, including three years of pre-primary school as well as classes 1 and 2, will be the foundation stage. The next three years, comprising classes 3 to 5, will be the preparatory stage. The middle stage will consist of classes 6 to 8, and the secondary stage will include classes 9 to 12.
▪️The curriculum will be restructured to reduce the load and focus on core concepts and skills. It will also be more holistic and multidisciplinary, integrating arts, languages, sports, and vocational subjects. Students will have more flexibility and choice in selecting their subjects and streams.
▪️The medium of instruction until at least grade 5, and preferably till grade 8 and beyond, will be the home language or the local language or the regional language. Students will also learn at least three languages, with one of them being classical or modern Indian language.
▪️The assessment system will be transformed to test higher-order skills such as analysis, critical thinking, and conceptual clarity. Board exams will be made easier and low-stakes, and students will have multiple attempts to improve their scores. A new National Assessment Centre (PARAKH) will be established to monitor the quality of learning outcomes.
▪️Schools will be grouped into school complexes or clusters to ensure effective management, resource sharing, and collaboration. A separate State School Standards Authority (SSSA) will be set up for each state to regulate the schools and ensure compliance with quality standards.
▪️Teachers will be recruited through transparent and merit-based processes, and will undergo rigorous training and continuous professional development. A new National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education (NCFTE) will be formulated by 20211.
▪️Equity and inclusion will be ensured for all students, especially those from disadvantaged groups such as socio-economically backward, differently-abled, gender minorities, etc. Special education zones (SEZs) will be set up to provide quality education to such groups.
☂️The rules to run a school in India may vary depending on the type of school (government, private, aided, unaided), the board affiliation (CBSE, ICSE, state boards), the location (urban, rural), and the level (primary, secondary, higher secondary). However, some of the common rules that apply to most schools are:
➖The school must have a valid recognition certificate from the state government or the local authority to operate legally.
➖The school must follow the norms and standards prescribed by the Right to Education Act 2009, such as pupil-teacher ratio, infrastructure facilities, working hours, teacher qualifications, etc.
➖The school must comply with the curriculum framework and guidelines issued by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) or the respective board of affiliation.
➖The school must conduct regular assessments and examinations as per the board norms and report the results to the parents and authorities.
➖The school must ensure the safety and security of the students and staff, and implement measures to prevent any kind of abuse, harassment, discrimination, or violence.
➖The school must respect the rights and dignity of all students and staff, and promote values of democracy, secularism, diversity, equality, and social justice.
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sapphirelords · 3 years
Glacial Wars
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Glacial Wars, more commonly referred to in game as GW, is a game mode in Mobile Royale which serves as a simulated form of another war event, Fort Wars.
Here, guilds get to battle each other without any long lasting damage to troops and any loss of resources.
Players remain in the Glacial Island for 2 hours and 55 minutes. Also, both the time slot, and who the opposing guild will be— are randomly selected by the game.
This makes the whole game experience more equal across the board regardless of a player's time zone. This means that either the guilds will experience an intense MMORTS battle when both guilds are active in the given time slot, or— only only one guild shows up resulting in a very boring gameplay harvest game of sorts instead (but this will definitely result in the guild earning more points and Glacial Coins sooooo)
Again, it depends! One guild might get lucky today, but not the next time... you just never know!
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Also, there are 5 forts— Glacial Fort, Glacial Hospital, Glacial War Room, Eclipsa Port, Victor's Barracks— and 4 Mystic Sanctums (Lockdown, Firerain, Ambush, Disrupt, Mob) that guilds can fight over about, apart from the Crystal which you can harvest from! Each building fort/sanctum has its own particular military boost that applies to the whole guild once the guild secures it.
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* Pictured above is the Glacial War Room (L) and the Glacial Hospital (R)
Rewards-wise, both winning and losing GW guarantees a sufficient earning of Glacial Coins which players can use for exchange in the Glacial Shop where rare items such as Specialist Badges available, players can also continue working on unlocking the hero Mizrug, his hero skin Island Warrior, and both 14-day, and a permanent version of the castle skin, The Arctic.
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* Pictured above is Mizrug (L) and Island Warrior (R) with the Glacial Fort acting as backdrop; The Glacial Fort serves as the model for the castle skin, The Arctic.
2020-05-30 Still familiarizing... 2020-06-23 We might have lost... but I ranked third in the guild? 2020-08-01 My first sanctum... and it's Lockdown Sanctum! 2020-08-26 Getting a hang of this game! 2020-10-21 My first fort... Eclipsa! 2020-11-20 A learning experience
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2021-01-16 An easy win! 2021-02-08 No battle info (Plentiful Treasures) 2021-04-13 My name is on the list! 2021-05-12 The grind 2021-05-20 Trying to be more on the offensive this time... 2021-07-27 Harvest Queen 2021-11-05 Glacial War Room 2021-12-18 No battle info (Christmas City)
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* Pictured above is the Glacial Fort (L) and a Mystic Sanctum (R)
2022-01-27 No battle info (Pirate Haven) 2022-05-24 Horror-ween Night and the Disrupt Sanctum 2022-06-02 Totem Tribe and the Mob Sanctum 2022-06-24 When luck is on your side 2022-09-15 When you're all glammed up but nobody came 2022-10-06 No battle info (Tengu Castle) 2022-12-07 No battle info (Infernal Realm)
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* Of victory and defeat!
2023-03-23 No battle info (Steampunk Automation) 2023-04-13 The grind and the Fireworks Factory 2023-06-14 No battle info (Futuristic Megapolis) 2023-10-19 Eclipsa and the Blade Sanctum 2023-11-08 Glacial Wars, indeed 2023-12-21 Victor's Barracks and The Arctic 2024-04-04 We lost but at least I got to have titles for a bit?
PS. I only use castle skins during GW. And while I do not always blog about the last GW, I always blog about the castle skin I used. Therefore, not being mentioned above— meaning there were no castle skin pictures during GW itself— does not necessarily mean I did not participate in the GW! For completeness, here is the castle skin master list.
PPS. Go back to the main Mobile Royale post here.
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newsworld-nw · 11 months
Former Vice President Mike Pence has dropped out of the US presidential race
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Former US Vice President Mike Pence has bid farewell to the Republican Jewish Alliance after saying he's withdrawing from the presidential race.Caroline Brehman (EFE)The Republican race for the White Home is narrowing. Mike Pence, the previous vp of Donald Trump's administration, introduced Saturday that he's leaving the conservative main. The Indiana governor is the primary high-profile politician to drop out of the race. After six months of campaigning, he selected the Republican Jewish Alliance's annual conference. The group, one of many nation's strongest pro-Israel lobbies, known as on rivals preventing to win the nomination within the 2024 presidential election. The primary-minute chief is Donald Trump, who now has seven challengers.“In June I introduced my intention to hunt the Republican nomination for president as a result of I imagine there are various issues on this nation. I used to be raised that to whom a lot is given, a lot is required. And with every part our nation is dealing with, I could not go up the chance. However the Bible teaches us that there's a time for each objective, and now I clearly know that this isn't my time," stated Pence, 64. He introduced his spouse Karen, a Christian college trainer, on stage to say goodbye.The Indiana governor suspended his marketing campaign instantly and can return to his state together with his household. "I all the time knew this battle could be uphill, however I've no regrets," he added. Pence threw within the towel months earlier than the primary caucus was held on Jan. 15 in Iowa, a state that sometimes treats essentially the most conservative candidates nicely, however the place Pence's efficiency was unsure.Whereas saying his departure, midway via his speech, Pence drew a loud gasp of shock from the viewers. His message broke the impasse of the conference, which started at 9 within the morning with a program that will give a discussion board to the eight folks preventing for the nomination. One after the other, beginning with Trumpist businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, they paraded themselves earlier than potential donors by denouncing Hamas's actions within the Center East and Israel's proper to make use of power."Biden should finish any message asking Israel to restrict the usage of power," Pence famous minutes earlier than saying his resignation. "America should assist Israel unconditionally and chorus from sending humanitarian help to Gaza till all these kidnapped by Hamas are launched," stated the previous vp, who's amongst those that have publicly acknowledged that Trump has misplaced the 2020 election. And was in favor of handing over energy to Biden.Final 12 months, Pence attended the identical annual conference in Las Vegas to current his autobiography, So God assist me The phrase with which officers shut the oath of service. The e-book chronicles her expertise within the Trump White Home, whom she didn't immediately criticize on the marketing campaign path regardless of threats from supporters throughout the January 6, 2021 assault on the Capitol.In a latest survey performed by the newspaper, Dr USA At the moment, Pence was on the backside of the race with 1% desire amongst Republicans. Regardless of being a part of Washington's management, the Christian politician was on the backside of the favorites together with North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, weighing in on the favorites to be the one one. Who vocally criticizes Trump.Together with his departure, Pence agreed with quite a few voices inside the celebration who known as for Trump to depart the race and not using a likelihood to shut the hole. It was one of many sizzling subjects after the second Republican debate in California, which misplaced to Asha Hutchinson as a result of she did not meet the minimal polling necessities to get a seat on the discussion board. Now Pence, who has by no means reached double-digit favorites, is spared the embarrassment of dropping out of the third assembly, which will likely be held in Miami on November 8. One of many sponsors of that debate is the Republican Jewish Coalition.Regardless of his lengthy expertise in politics and his sympathy with evangelical voters, Pence has had bother elevating cash, a power that each candidate for the White Home should present within the race. As of September, Pence had $1.1 million within the financial institution and about $620,000 in debt. Different candidates, akin to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley, who was Trump's ambassador to the United Nations and who's battling DeSantis for second place. This Saturday, Haley was the one candidate to dedicate a message to Pence following his departure. "He is an excellent public servant who has defended this nation and fought for Israel, we owe it to him," Haley stated. Neither DeSantis nor Trump devoted a phrase to Pence.Comply with all worldwide data Fb And Xor between Our weekly e-newsletter. #Vice #President #Mike #Pence #dropped #presidential #race Read the full article
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qtfnews · 1 year
2023 All HSC Update News Today
The present refreshed data about HSC 2023 examination is that the HSC examination will be held in the period of August. For every one of you who needs to take part in HSC test 2023, I might want to let you know that HSC test 2023 update news has been delivered. As per distributed update news, HSC 2023 test will be held in the long stretch of August-September.
Wannabes who need to show up for the HSC test 2023 don't have a lot of time left. Many may not realize about the test update news yet. So for those of you who don't know about the 2023 HSC test, I might want to say that the likely date of your test has been educated by the Service regarding Schooling and Leading group of Optional and Higher Auxiliary Training Dhaka.
Delay don't as well and begin your HSC Test 2023 arrangement now. Those of you who need to gather refreshed news about HSC Test 2023 continue to peruse our present article cautiously. We will talk more about your HSC Test 2023 in our present article.
So immediately how about we begin?
HSC Test Exam 2023
HSC understudies you are mindful that the SSC and HSC test 2022 has been delayed because of the crown pandemic period. Nonetheless, the Service of Schooling and Leading group of Optional and Higher Auxiliary Training, Dhaka specialists have proactively informed that the 2023 SSC and HSC examinations will be hung on time.
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The specialists of the Leading Group of Auxiliary and Higher Optional Training, Dhaka have reported the inexact date of the HSC examination. As per them, there is a high chance that the HSC examination 2023 will be held in the long stretch of June. Since the SSC test 2023 will begin in Spring or April.
So for those of you who are pondering when the HSC test will be held, I might want to say that the response to the inquiry is that your HSC test 2023 will be held in the period of June.
So I might want to tell every one of the understudies that you ought to study and retain the recommended example without burning through any additional time. Time to watch will expire and perusing time won't be accessible. Contrasted with the SSC test, the HSC test is relatively harder, you ought to rehearse every one of the subjects that you have not dominated as expected from here onward.
2023 HSC Test 
HSC Test Date 2023 Delivered The Branch of Auxiliary and Higher Optional Training has informed us that the HSC Test 2023 will be held on 17 August. The country's nine General Schooling Sheets and Specialized and Madrasa Training Sheets HSC and identical tests 2023 will be held all the while the nation over in June.
Consistently around 12 to 15 lakh understudies from everywhere Bangladesh partake in the HSC examination. Competitors partake in the Overall Schooling Board and Specialized Instruction Board and Madrasa Training Leading group of the country. As far as applicants, the quantity of up-and-comers of the General Schooling Board is somewhat high and as far as result rate, the passing pace of the General Training Board is higher than other instruction sheets.
So HSC Test Date Bangladesh 2023 Delivered. You can gather all the data connected with the distributed examination from the authority site of the Leading group of Optional and Higher Auxiliary Schooling, Dhaka. Likewise, you can visit the authority site of the Leading group of Optional and Higher Auxiliary Instruction Dhaka for more data about the HSC test 2023.
HSC 2023 Instruction Board Notice
As to the HSC test 2023, Training Priest Dr Dipu Moni said that the HSC and comparable tests will be held in the long stretch of August and classes for HSC understudies will go on till Walk 2023. Anyway in 2020 SSC and HSC tests were hung on short prospectus because of Karna Pandemic. Be that as it may, the current year's HSC test will be held in full schedule and 100 imprints test will be held. For this situation, no test will be held in the short prospectus.
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So I would agree with HSC understudies you don't have a lot of time. From now you continue reconsidering your understanding more. Particularly for understudies of the science division, I might want to say that inquiries of the science office in HSC are moderately troublesome. The current year's HSC test will be hung on the old schedule. So understudies ought to dominate every one of their reading material particularly board books well. So they can accomplish great outcomes in their tests.
HSC Routine 2023
As in the past two years, the short schedule of the HSC test won't be held for the current year. Instruction Pastor Dr Dipu Moni said that the HSC test 2023 will be hung on the full schedule. Understudies are encouraged to plan for the test from every one of their books. No Short Schedule of HSC Test 2023 has been distributed by the Leading body of Auxiliary & Higher Optional Instruction, Dhaka.
Science division understudies will be analyzed in the full schedule of the subjects covered by their science office. Other than ICT and climate and topography tests will be hung on a full schedule. Similarly, the understudies of the humanities division will be analyzed in the full schedule of the people who have the subjects of the humanities division as well as the obligatory subjects.
Essentially, Specialized and Madrasa Training Board HSC and identical examination 2023 will be held in full prospectus. So need to tell understudies of all sheets that their HSC test 2023 will be held in the full schedule. In this situation, they do have does not have a great explanation to stress.
There is no great explanation to get confounded by the thing being referenced on different web-based entertainment. Since it has been educated by the Service regarding Schooling that the HSC test 2023 will be held in a full schedule and no short prospectus will be ready for this situation.
At last, I might want to tell every one of the understudies that there isn't a lot of time before your HSC test 2023 beginnings. Inside this brief time frame, you need to finish all the book amendments. So you can come by a great outcome in the HSC test. There is no viable alternative for examining to accomplish great outcomes.
Accomplishing great outcomes in the examination by some other means is unimaginable. Since your test time has been reported, I genuinely want to believe that you won't burn through any additional time and complete your examinations on time by utilizing the time in order to obtain great outcomes in the test.
Ideally from our article today, you have replied to all your HSC test-related questions. In the event that you like our article, you can bookmark our site to get HSC Test Normal and other test data in future. Also, obviously remember to impart to your companions. Many thanks, everybody.
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godsnameisjoy · 1 year
Date: 11 June 2023
Duration: 39 minutes at 12:15 AM
As a result of last night’s meditation, I find myself looking up two things via google this morning.
One is the exact words that make for the perfect quote that I chanced on yesterday. And the other is about ‘ticking sounds in meditation’.
The quote I chanced on while reading about ‘pineal gland’ by Wikipedia is by Rene Descartes. He is a French mathematician who lived between 1596 and 1650. He was also a scientist and philosopher but given my relation with Maths, I choose to describe him as a mathematician only. He is a mathematician who described the pineal gland in the brain as ‘principal seat of the soul’.
Oh! My eyes had teared up when I read that description of the pineal gland. And why was I reading up about the pineal gland? I have been hearing sounds, loud and soft, that resemble the striking of a war drum. The sounds are coming from within my head during my meditations for the last week or two.
I have also been shaking involuntarily during my meditations since year 2020, month March. The energy that moves me during meditation runs like a stream in my spine. My spine can’t always contain the flow, specially during meditation. Surplus energy is lost via spinal shakes.
Meditation freed life energies have found a way inside my head many months back. The flow was initially a trickle. Over weeks and months, the trickle turned into a flood of Peace. And now, as recently as 3 to 4 weeks back, my spinal neck seems to have widened to be able to carry even greater energy to my head.
Some brain cell clusters are surely being supplied with life energies. The result is me hearing stuff that, I am willing to bet, no one else is hearing. There was the sound of a war drum coming from the base of my spinal neck that I have described in my blog for the 4th of June.
The sound has moved up in subsequent meditations since the 4th of June. It has turned softer than before. And it sounds more and more like as if a bunch of closely placed brain cells readjusted to their original position.
I am simply going to describe yet again my experience of Swami Vivekananda’s words in English about ‘oil in the ears’. As a child I got nauseous over the sound of chalk scratching on the black board. What does a sound have anything to do with the stomach?
Similarly, I experienced a purely mind generated sensation of my ears being oily when I had put my mentally uttered mantra in a perfect mental groove. If your meditation technique involves a mantra that you are expected to set into your mental machinery of chanting, then achieving the goal of setting the chant in a groove might give you the feeling of oily ears. A word uttered without being jerked with distractions and without using too much will power to turn the wheel of repeating the word can give the sensation of oil. ‘Hope I made sense.
The sounds I heard last night were percussion like single strokes rather than unbroken melodies from any wind/string instruments. The war drum like striking sound has changed to something else since 4th June. I’ll write about the best analogy I can think of from our shared world.
When we had box shaped televisions, the plastic body would expand with heat when the television was on. When the television was switched off, it seemed like the plastic body returned to its original shape at room temperature. The change could be heard with the plastic contracting in a clicking (soft) or clacking (loud) sound.
It’s the best I can come up with today. Having heard the sounds that I did last night, the TV 📺 analogy is the best I can come up with. The sounds I have heard seem to have their source deep inside my brain. Like as if they all came from their slightly changing positions but from the centre of my bulbous brain.
I am so tempted to say that my rice grain sized pineal gland in the head has changed direction ever so slightly. The change was made evident to me with sounds for my ears only.
Googled articles on the human brain are far more useful to me right now than anything there is on the second highest chakra within the realm of chakra meditation literature.
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