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art-now-germany · 5 years ago
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Untitled02, Tanja Hirschfeld
This small paper work is from my series "vanishing". I experimented with skin tones using thin layers of oil colours.
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playlossless · 7 years ago
Untitled02 - Free Music Download
Blindman-Untitled02 https://www.playlossless.com/singles/45379.html
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sepji · 5 years ago
It was like a dream.
something that battles between imaginary and reality
we were always 5 cm apart,
near each other leaning closely
and suddenly you bridged that gap;
arms interlocking, your hand in mine.
I wish this moment to never end.
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daofeibutdead · 6 years ago
"levi is bad"
-Saffronia, jihyun's milky tits, untitled02
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immaterialforever · 7 years ago
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untitled02 2018
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exulansis · 7 years ago
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Alright! If you’re seeing this, it means I’ve officially hit the 1,000 mark and I’m doing one of those stupid follow forevers because that’s what you do I guess? So! Thank you all to everyone, I get a huge kick out of seeing numbers go up. It lets me pretend people like me a little. I dunno how to break these up but I’m surprised it only took like an hour to edit it all. 
  A bunch of Super Super Cool People: @pocaphrodite   @vietgirl @squirrelkinds @dayna-kiryu People I’ve Messaged or who have Messaged Me here at Least Once: @novice-heartbreaker​   @mcsmexyburger​   @eberronguy​   @mysteryrose1 @kurenai   @starqt​   @totokoyowai​  @tsumtsum  @maetcha  @mmmedic  @misogynistic   @aoizaizen  @rat-bf  @anxxietydog  @faline @ byakurenhiziri  @transnasa   @jiangshi  @oceanman666​  @softkid  @fclicia  @blackqueenary  @heyguysitsfii @ast-risk​   @camhasham​  0-9: @00-101   @05   @10secondsworld   @126hp   @1981polybius   @1pfrance @2-bae   @2000kids   @20andsweaty   @2hu8   @2no   @3000s   @3dsxs @4728483958928   @778mimikyu   @8-9am   @86bit   @880yen
A-B: @abnormalize   @abracababra   @aceprides   @adventure-time-extreme@adventure-timelodge   @adventurefander  @afreakwhosearchotherfreaks@agentpapillon   @ailurophilexe   @ainswife  @akabane-karma@alainsycamore   @aloha-venus   @amaneh   @angel-babez   @angelcadet @angeliebeann   @antilewd   @aph-americo@aph-chicken  @aph-ghoul   @aph-huttriver   @aphnerdtrash  @aplatonichillary  @apparentlyprincess   @aptaleon   @aquaticus  @armorpacks   @aromatic-shitposts   @astronautwiki   @athinachan @atramentous-eyes  @aw-oo  @babyfacekawaii   @bakugousbf  @beneathling   @betray-dol  @birdmetropolis   @bitterbloomed   @bladeofolympus  @blinkerstone  @blockyz   @bluedotexe @bluefellowss   @bokutoowlking  @boy6   @broodal  @bubblegumsneakers  @bubbleman360   @bunnyqueens  @buzztedandblue  @bwcartoon   @bwoof  @bysealight
C-D: @cactusvpn   @camhasham   @celadriel   @centromar   @charac  @cherubunny   @chestbursters   @chestbursters   @chreubic  @churchbasements   @cityruins   @clawmachine   @clefairysoup  @clover999s @colecionador-de-historias   @conjunxs   @consolegenji   @conversation-is-cocaine   @cookierun-ovenbreak   @coolrhomulusus   @coralreefcreature  @cosmic-dictator   @cronchyroll   @cryognic   @cryptidencounter   @ctq6 @cultofchucky   @cupidmutual   @cureaphrodite   @cutestruler   @cutie-tabootie   @cutiekawa2   @cwona   @cypherblades  @daitokujis​  @darkstalkersresurrection​   @dataterminals   @datingsimm   @daybreak-towns  @de-pressivou   @deadblogxddd   @debt-riddenchef  @decodever  @deepseaz   @defeatedyou   @deltafaux   @dependentxxx  @despairinyourhand   @deungulbreaker   @devilgoth   @devils-war-zone  @dewpider   @diofictive   @diovalo   @displaypicture   @distort   @divineluck  @diyamin   @doce-kaka   @dojutsu   @dollar30   @dollfactory   @donutan @dormir   @dq8angelo   @dr3-aiko   @drawingcity   @dreamskitty  @dustpocket
E-G: @ebvardh   @ecemkayali   @elafia   @electromyography @eleqhantseal   @elevenirl   @elinciariddellcrimea   @ellsworld   @emooji​ @endiviies   @energy   @ep64   @etoilecat   @exorvixen   @fairygrass @fairywind   @fakersystem   @fakesysdef   @fancore   @fangxie @fatmothman @faun   @fe4s   @feheroez   @felicutie @findingsollace   @flutespell @fnaftse   @foxmoony   @foxmutual   @freeforall @frostcastle   @futurehalf   @gamedoll   @gaybajoran   @gayparamore​ @gemsoft   @ghostaxolotl   @ghostderes   @gigipnn   @girlicard   @gladiollus @glam-n-classy   @glowjellies   @goddammitchris   @godphobe   @gothsirens​ @grandala   @gravqty   @grovyletempurl111  @gunshhots   @gushsick @guts6   @guu
 H-J:  @hackerbf   @hajisarashi   @halloqueen   @halloweensyo   @halloweentownz  @hamiltonphobe   @hanamxru   @hannah-bee-marie   @hauntedmutual  @heavy-prada   @hellowari  @hetare-hetalia  @hierophantenthusiast  @hildaofficial   @hoaxlover   @holiestwings  @holkefolk   @horncannon  @hospitalmutual   @hospitalstay   @hpgain  @hypercam   @i-am-not-a-dora   @i-love-freedom-i-am-freedom @ianwaszelewski  @idoldate   @idontknowuarecrazy   @ihatedonlothario  @iidekus   @ikemenvampire   @ilovechiakimorisawathemost   @ilyena-rose  @ilysms   @impossiblyfuturisticlion   @inb4   @infatuates   @inkwelllhell  @inpraesentia   @ireallylovehalloween   @irlarmin   @irlsyake   @irltoes @irohino   @ironsword   @isenulf   @itsbulgariangirl   @izayakun @jadinas @jaeger-jpg   @jaibo   @jarsofbees   @jeevas   @jem4   @jigens @jiminsgoddess   @jinta   @joestarmansion   @jokerjpeg   @judeharley  @judyhopps   @junkenstien   @justarandomphotoblog
L-M: @l0vel3tter   @labyrinthine-leidenschaft   @lailah   @laiuz   @languorwine @lapiislazuli2   @lcvedrugs   @lcvemail   @legendaryskins   @lemonlime @lesbian-jacket   @lesbiansongs   @lesboleo   @lesbully   @leshbian @lijiangtower   @littlespacegirl   @lovdion   @loveboyfriend   @lovehours @lovelotteries   @lovepires   @lovmails   @lukeskywalkershusband   @lunarre @lvel10   @magicalmeds   @magicmirai   @magicravenight   @maianhs @mapaache   @marerei   @mcnamawyerz   @mediscreppy @meebelnacht  @meeedi   @melisadelarge   @meloncloud  @meltedheartthrob   @memoryfog  @meowsnotthetimeforjokes  @mercenaries @meteormash   @mienfoo   @miiyupanda   @mikemunroe  @milkangel @millionpictureblog   @mimidreams   @mindgames   @minetaphobe  @minimiwashere   @ministryofglitter   @miringadventure-time   @misao @miwasiba   @mixedboy   @mjdford​  @mochihiro  @monokoh  @montyhill  @mortafuorivivadentro   @mouthydoll @mybf   @mymelibe   @mypenicillin   @myworldmeujeito
N-O: @naariel   @naboomoharuya   @namazuos   @ndrv3   @necrofriend  @necrosexuals   @neinen   @nemesisfang   @nheidahdzc   @nier-mutual @nightmareinspector   @nixiforov   @nnyas   @nochebuenas   @nomorefratu @norwaypda   @notwinged​  @novoselik  @nursesef​  @nyawoos   @nyello    @ocekitty   @octojerks  @offhooks​   @officialtabitha  @ohsnapitzmoony  @onlyadventure-time   @oragala​  @otarlettes   @our-redamancy  @outlastrinity
P-R: @p0wercores   @pantalonesleg   @parfait-en-rose   @pastel-ponies  @pastelasian   @pastryshop   @pdaful   @peachykeen-sunday   @peachytwink @pearlcatch   @pegastym   @pekonyama2   @pen15s   @pepsibot  @phantom-wings   @phantomfists   @pheromosa   @pigeonkid   @piinterest @pillowhugs   @pinkestwings   @pinkglitterandanastacia   @pisspatrol @pittypat   @plahnt-child  @pocket-tord   @porrlm  @positively-pink  @priestress   @princessaspien   @promisedraijinto  @proxvirjosh  @ps1games @ps2games   @ps2ss   @pubgub  @punkrockclassic  @pupnareff@purrsenic   @pwurp   @pyromance  @quarkflavor  @qwertyuiop01293  @qxit@qxq   @r8n   @rabbitcast   @rabbitgutz  @rabichao   @radwimpz  @rainbowfruitpastilles   @rcyalpeach   @realsadii  @renbuns  @rhymeofsugar   @rinsbloodyknife   @rivaltrainer   @rlvis  @robinhail  @robotmomma   @rohsa   @rosakun   @rosefacada  @rosespoise  @rosey-red16   @rosezone   @rosieposeys @rosu  @rydehn  @ryoumahoshi
S: @saenyang  @safficore   @sakunya   @sali0rs   @sardonate   @saturation-ii @scarlettav   @sconesandtea100   @scpfwiki   @seatea   @securely @selvanaa00   @sempre-dele   @setsujo   @sheephorns   @shinesprite @shingans   @shiqeokageyama   @shiures   @shizu   @shores-that-cure @showsbyrock   @shslrobo   @sil3nc3d   @sippinlife   @sithphobic   @sizurp @skagboyz   @skdjfghoepsmfopswrk   @sleepytsun   @sleeqover   @snailsnart @sneer   @sodapickles   @softedwing   @softflavours   @softyama @sohryu   @solarroyal   @solevans   @spained-ankle   @sparkpluq @spazztastic-loser   @spookybraginsky   @spookyeddie   @spookysniper @spookyumbreon   @sportsy   @spowoky   @stardwn  @starfemmes  @starfucker   @starlect  @starry-eyedprincxss​   @starwand  @staryard  @stephenmerchant  @strawberrytorte   @sugamancy​ @sugarghosts  @sugarmami587   @suger-san   @suicidebaiter  @suicidemousedotavi   @suncenteredhalo   @super-spectacular-rini-things  @supermbgalaxy   @swellowrjkemdk   @syakesal  @sylveondex
T: @t-owl   @taejoonchoi   @tailesscat   @takama   @teashoppes   @teaveetime @terrrorcon   @teshoin   @tetohina   @that-random-dinosaur   @the-cosmicheart   @the-great-shadow-ash   @the-paulywog   @theawesomelepa @thebiggestfaggotintheland   @thegaynative   @theholyvirgindarline  @thelittlegiraffi   @theluckyzombiefart   @theshoujomassacre  @thinkanamelater   @thisisourendlesswar   @thuguke   @thundurus    @thyonaide   @timesquads   @tmntmutual   @tmqi   @todomatsuu   @tohaka @tordies   @totallymainstreamin   @towu   @toykis   @tqw @trainerhex   @trainersred   @transsety   @travelingdorks @triumphant   @tropicalparty   @tsumugiinuzuka   @tsunderecult @tsunu   @ttakumi   @twdrg   @twiinleaf-town   @twindrillz   @twinflowshot
U-W: @uchihamutual   @uindi   @ulquihimemutual   @ultmechanic  @umathermometer   @undergroundberlin  @underta1e   @unicoranglais @untitled02   @urkisses   @uvhm   @v-a-s-e   @valleyliily   @vampcores  @vampygoth   @vawid   @vectorz   @venomsthetic   @victoriaaleon @videogamejunk   @viewpassword   @violetpandorabox  @virgocore  @voidsexual   @vovaline   @vulcandigby   @vulcaniq  @waifuswithguns  @wanwon   @waspinat0r   @watchdogz   @wateforkate @wbkinz   @weepastavee   @werewolfkrone   @wetsnail   @wiiu   @wiltkings @wlwkatrielle   @wlwkiba   @wolfinss   @wolfiverse   @wordsofsound  @wormiez
X-Z: @xestilli   @xkeybladex   @xtransceiver   @yonbi   @youjinshands @youtubecore   @yuissamidare   @yuragiii   @yuriosbf   @yyorha   @z--yx @zeclover   @zerocheshirecat   @zombietots   @zorasdomain   @zosii   @ztd
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dledt · 5 years ago
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art-now-poland · 5 years ago
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untitled02, Daria Magda Błażek
free gestures,abstract,nonabstract,cardboard,red, picture of nothing and very like everything
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watersignwisdom-blog · 6 years ago
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ainoitamii · 7 years ago
   It was the middle of the summer, she was sure of this. The breeze that captured strawberry strands was warm enough that had it not been present, this trembling girl would be sweating. So why did she shake the way she did? Despite the sun blaring down on her bare shoulders, she could not shake the chill she had, staring at the door before her. This trembling girl, clutching a letter as if her whole life depended on each letter scribbled on the now tattered paper. She took in the details of this door, one which she passed through many times. The peeling paint that she in fact, helped apply in the first place-- years before this very moment. The letter she held so close to her small frame, carried the wait of this memory, along with all the others. Years' worth of emotions, words she wish she could have said sooner, ones she wished she never said at all. Here in front of this door that lead to her past, she shook violently.
  Weak knees threatened to buckle, tears already falling as she continued to stare. This letter would be the last time, her last chance to say a single word. Her goodbye before all of this, all these memories, all the pain, and her love. Her love that swelled her heart beyond any reason-- it would all disappear behind this door. All she had to do was let go. Let these words, written through tears and a weak hand, slip through the thin slot in his door. The red door with its peeling paint and happy memories. All she had to do was deliver these final words. Her last act of courage. Yet here she stood, cowering before her last chance.
          I wrote this letter for you.           I gave you all I knew how to,           I kept you in my mind and           I just need you to listen.           I miss you every day.           Nothing is ever the same.           Without you I am not me. My soul is empty I feel,
          Everyone is growing,           everyone is coping.           I don't know how to feel.           I don't know to handle this.           Why do I feel so alone?           Why do I feel like I'm always on my own?   All she had to do was take the first step. The concrete under her shoes pulled her down, tugging at her heels to stay where was. She had to fight, each and every step. They felt all the more painful with the closer she got-- and then she was there. Within her grasp was the ability to do one of two things. Knock. This is what her heart screamed. He was home, she knew this. His car was on the street, clearly untouched for what could have been a week. Why hasn’t he left at all? The world goes on despite what she felt, so why had he not left the very place they were last together? No.  She couldn't let herself fall into hope. Everything that they both had said last, it couldn't be taken back. Nothing can go back to they was things were. His smile would never be the same, looking at her at least. There was nothing left but this unbearable pain. There was nothing left.
   Tucking strawberry kissed strands of hair behind her left ear, this trembling, terrified girl sniffled softly. Fighting back from anymore tears falling. This is what had to be done. And so she did. The letter she clutched so desperately, crumpled by her fingers, this letter that was her last cry. She let it go. Pushing it as quietly through the slot of his door, as she could manage. The last bit she saw on the pink envelope was the word kuro. The nickname she had given him years ago, the name she had come to love more than any other. The word that would now cause her breath to catch in her throat any time it was uttered. Just like the letter she let go, the word followed suit.
             She did it.
  She finally did it. She finally did it, but it took every fiber of her being to turn, to run. To get away before he noticed the letter that hand been dropped on the other side of the door. Before he knew she was there, breaking in two, desperate not to do so in front of him. She did run, or at least she tried. She ran the expanse of the hallway of his apartment building, wiping the tears from her eyes as she ran. Desperate. She was hopeless and just wanted for all of this pain to disappear. But the tears kept coming, even when she reached the stairs. They still fell. Stinging her cheeks and they followed the path of her previous ones. She wiped frantically at her eyes as she took two steps at a time, silent sobs turning to cries of agony until she mistook a step, suddenly plunging forward towards the next flight of steps that reached the ground. She was so close to running away, but now she was sure to meet the afterlife.
  Bracing herself for the eminent impact with concrete, she was grabbed from behind. A single arm wrapped around her frame, a familiar warmth that her body knew as home. With wide, red rimmed eyes, she slowly turned to meet the gaze of what she swore to leave behind.  Those grey eyes she loved so deeply that she couldn't stand it. A low, breathy 'Shiro' passed his lips, the man had saved her. His heaving breathing an indication that she was a failure this entire time. He chased after her. He didn't let her make a clean break. He saved her life. But why? Why would he do this, how dare he do this? Her resolve was at its limit and she couldn't stand it any longer. Crumbling into this stupid man's arms, she cried into his chest. Her tears soaking one of the shirts that she had gifted him three birthdays ago. His scent, his warmth, his arms so secure around her frame. How dare he save her once again.  She didn't deserve him, she was nothing-- yet unwavering, he showed her time and time again that she was his everything.
         "How could you, Kuro. You fool. I'm yours forever."
AUTHOR NOTE**** the letter is a song by little bo weep, this was inspired by this song.
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khimage · 7 years ago
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I just added a new piece of art to Saatchi Art! untitled02
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playlossless · 7 years ago
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Untitled02 https://www.playlossless.com/singles/45379.html
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aviale-remade · 6 years ago
cringe tbh
you made me follow pussyworms, shut up
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daofeibutdead · 6 years ago
who is saff
WHAT. are u a new follower. Saff was saffronia but got terminates and went to untitled02 and now is at @cwu shes my friend and a rart
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white2tea · 8 years ago
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Raw #Puer tea in the morning #white2tea #teastilllife #untitled02
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