#until she flies back to england forever *sigh*
sealmaiden2000 · 1 year
i NEVER have the thing where you meet someone and immediately click and start spending all your time together and then start sleeping together and then it turns into a whirlwind fling it simply never happens to me. except for right now apparently! what a novelty
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idjitlili · 4 years
Lurking in the dark.
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Not my gif.
Summary:  Jareth uses a disguise to lurk around you before the Labyrinth like he did with Sarah, as an owl. Until you accidentally wish away your dog.
Warnings:mentions of tight pants. Mentions of feeling lonely.First smut...you’ve been warned, well just oral, and a handjob.
Word count:4325
A/n: low-key based in my home country, ah yes England.
Y/d/n=your dogs name, or change it to cat or fake pet.
Though you weren't 16, like Sarah, being an adult, Jareth felt pulled to you. No, he was not a pervert, times were different.  Maybe it was your love of your dog, maybe it's how lonesome you felt, that dog unknowingly brought hope into your life. Yes you did love your family, but sometimes you just got lonely.
Maybe it was your love of films, you could watch your favourite film a million times, yet feel so invested into watching it again. Maybe it was your stack of books, some you already had ,which were your favourite,but had gotten pocket editions or ones with different covers.
How Jareth had found you, well that was a different question, not him dressing down , changing his hair to place the labyrinth in difference book stores , illegally. Yes, that was how he had found you,when he had done that. Soon he had figured out, you regularly went to the book store, after following you home in his owl form.
This particular day had been most stressful, though the rain was calming, being drenched to the point your underwear were soaked, not like that. Frozen, you just wanted to get to Waterstones before they shut, practically running. Not only wanting to get there but also get home quick too.
Rushing into the store , the door closing behind you, the warm air embracing your freezing body, you just hoped you wouldn't get in trouble for being soaked in here. It wasn't like you were going to wipe your clothes on all the books , ruining them.
Then, of course more problems occurred; you could not for the life of you find a book you desired.  Sighing , you pushed your dripping hair from your face, you could only imagine how bad you looked in that moment.
Yet, you had continued your search, with no luck until a man had cleared his throat from next to you.
His hair clearly blond from his roots, the rest a light red colour almost ginger but not. His eyes bright blue, yet it seemed like he had heterochromia, aswell as larger pupil in his left eye. His cheekbones highly defined, his body skinny, overall the man was very handsome.
Turning to face the man, highly embarrassed by your state. "If you don't mind-" this is when you thought you was going to be asked to leave, your stomach dropped. "-hearing my suggestion." Okay, that still found like he was going to ask you to leave, but his voice wasn't aggressive.  "...okay?" You weren't sure what to say, only letting out a quiet word.
The man had reached up to the shelf above you , pulling down a small red book, so he wasn't kicking you out.  His pale hand gently holding the book in front of you, 'The labyrinth.' You had taken the book from him, to look for a summary , yet there wasn't one, nor a publisher or an author name.
"You take that home,on me, if you don't like bring it back."  
"W-wait, you d-" You didn't know this man, you felt guilty getting it for nothing, but he had interrupted you. "You've had a long day,clearly,  now go get home,y/n"  The man simply placed his hands on his hips waiting, his words followed out like water, turning to go do whatever he was doing.
"W-wait." He had spun around , his eyes looked at you in slight annoyance, hurrying you up. "What's your name?"
"Ziggy." You had looked at you watch at the same time, before looking back at the man- but he was gone. Thus, you left.  Hold on , how did he know your name?
Not spotting the owl, that stood on the lamp post watching you...
You had begun reading the book , as soon as you had gotten out of your soaking clothes , into warm ones. You wondered how Jareth could like a girl with no sense, no you didn't , you thought why she wearing her baby brother hat.
Yet, your dog would not allow you to sit in peace, shoving their toy under the cupboard making you get up and get it otherwise they wouldn't stop crying, or eating all their food and scratching for more. Then, they had knocked your drink everywhere with their toy.
Groaning in annoyance , for the hundredth time. "You know if the Goblin king was real, y/d/n, I'd wish for him to take you for a time out." Of course you handed read that far you didn't know what would really happen to him..
"You know what, I'll just say it, just in case. I wish the goblins would take you away, right now."   A crack of thunder had made you jump out of your skin turning towards it , before turning back hearing scratching on the floor, to see nothing, by this time it's pitch black, only light from a small lamp is seen , your dog is gone.
Suddenly the door crashes open, an owl flies in , before turning into a man. Not that you could see him much. "Uhm, I mean thanks for taking my dog for a time out , but uh thats dognapping, so.." He had only laughed loudly.
From what you you could see his hair was a huge blond mullet, there was glitter everywhere, and those pants...
"What's said is said."
"What the bloody hell does that mean?" That wasn't legal, he had broken into your home and stole your dog.
"I have brought you a gift, it's a crystal, nothing more. but if you turn it this way and look into it, it will show you your dreams. but this is not a gift for an ordinary girl who takes care of the dog.....do you want it? then forget the dog." You had scoffed at him, you could go ebay and get a crystal ball, who was this wannabe Gandalf?
"Sorry, no, I would like my dog." The king, looked disappointed with your answer, did he believe that would really work?
"don't defy me." His voice stern , as he threw a snake at you , but completely missed, coughing out a small laugh, as the man pretended it never happened.
"Y-you're no match for me."
"Stop with all the talk, how can I get y/d/n back?" With that , he had gestured you to come to the window, a huge maze could be seen, well labyrinth, instead of the dark sky. Turning back to Jareth, you realised you were no longer in your room, but outside the labyrinth.
"So, how does this work?"  You could clearly see the man now, known as Jareth , the Goblin king, his eyes seemed very familiar, left pupil bigger than the right.  He had pointed to a 13 hours clock, that had appeared.
"You have 13 hours in which to solve the labyrinth , and reach my castle, before your dog becomes one of us forever, such a pity." And boom he was a gone, not much to work from.
Now finding away into the labyrinth, indeed that seemed easy, of course it wasn't, no entrances , you thought of the only thing you could do... Climb the wall.  By the time you had gotten over , there stood Jareth in the tight pants.
"You know, there was a door. This shall be your only warning." Poof he was gone again, if you continued climbing walls maybe you'd have to compliment his pants. Next time put a bloody door.
Though you had no idea what in gods earth you was doing, you just decided to head straight forward as you could, thus to get to the castle quicker. Not going one away and ending going through the side door out of the labyrinth.
As you could expect, Jareth was not very happy that you were travelling through his labyrinth, like it was your house. In fact, he was angered, so much , that he wanted to pick you up, as if you were a rag doll and dump you to the start. Then again, you’d just go twice as fast through.
So, there sat Jareth on his throne, with your dog upon his lap, his little whip thing in hand. Suit up Jareth, your not Indiana Jones. Staring into the crystal ball, unable to think.
The fact you had gotten passed the sausage dogs without a second thought pushed Jareth over the edge... He had attempted to jump scare you, but of course it had went south. Jareth rarely had anyone not beat the Labyrinth, and honestly you’d think he would’ve improved it.
Jareth hadn’t spoken in your presence, to inform you that he was there, instead he had placed a hand onto your shoulder. What he was not expecting was you to turn around at sonic speed, punching him square in the face.
Stumbling back, him his boots, holding his now bloody nose, he had let out a yelp in surprise. He did not expect that, not at all.
You had reached some sort of lake, with a path down to a small house, when you had punched Jareth anyways.
After you had seen that it was Jareth that you had punched, who else would it be, guilty travelled up your body suffocating you. Almost instantly you had rushed to Jareth, ripping part of the end of your t-shirt, bringing the fabric to his nose. Pulling his bloody hand from his nose, with a harsh grip, since he lead stiff.
Your face was sweating, not only were you scared that he might kill you, but also you had felt bad for him, after the numerous times he had checked up on you. You wondered if he ever spoke to anyone other than the Goblins, you wondered if he could even leave this place without being wished.
Gripping his sharp jaw to move his face, allowing you to make get a better look at the bleeding, keeping the fabric to his nose, soaking all the blood up. You didn’t even know Faes bled.
“J-Jareth, I’m so sorry! You made me jump, I swear I didn’t do it on purp-“ Jareth liked the contact, the anger he felt before had slipped away, your soft fingers upon his skin, your favourite t-shirt now ruined as you had sacrificed it for his nose. Oh, and he knew that was your favourite shirt.
Your pleading e/c eyes staring into his mismatched ones, made both of your hearts beat fast than moments before. It almost made him forget why you were here; but when he did remember his eyes returned harsh. You only felt bad because you were frightened, he knew you’d leave him soon as you had beaten his labyrinth.
Oh how wrong he was.
Pulling away rudely, using his magic to pull a clock out of no where, using his gloved had to skip it forward three hours, smirking. Fake smirking, the quicker this ends the better, he could not bare to fall in love with a silly human girl again, just to be rejected.
Your eyes widened in confusion, your torn end of your t-shirt still in your hand, bloodied. “W-what?” 6 hours left.
Poof Jareth was gone yet again, oh and how he had some plans for you. Stood in brief shock of what had just occurred, trying to forget the tingles that had erupted down your hand, throughout your whole body, like electric shocks. Shaking it off, like you were about to warm up for pe , just like high school. Ew.
You had continued down the path, to the small house, and within minutes you had reached it. Didn’t seem like there was away around, only way was through.
Thankfully, it was unlocked, allowing you straight in. Only for it to slam close behind you, you didn’t think of anything of it, all you could think about in this moment was how your stomach was growling loudly.
The rag now placed into your back pocket, as you searched the tiny kitchen for anything, coming across an overly large strawberry, you didn’t even think before you had devoured it.
In that moment you heard it the door clicked, you had rushed to it testing it, locked, of course. Your feet now suddenly soaking wet , gulping you had looked down the floor covered in soapy water, rising dangerously. Surely he would not kill you?
All the windows now sealed shut, no upstairs , only the chimney , thankfully wide as. You did the only thing you could, your stomach turning, feeling light headed, the water reaching your knees.
You got in it, but the walls were too slippery so you held your breath just as the water got above your shoulders. Swimming up the chimney with the water, not full breast stroke of course, no room for that. The water pressure building at such a speed you ended up flying out the end of the chimney, no idea how that was even possible.
Then everything went black, soon entering a dream world...well no it wasn’t a dream. Now dressed in gown, at a ball, a masquerade, the room almost packed with guests with goblin like masks., all wearing big expensive gowns, or suite like attire. Loud laughter dimmed out by the loud gently music.. what.
Turning every which way, you felt like you were looking for something, just you could not recall what. A skinny man, with a bo dazzled suite, a long blond mullet with stripes of blue to match his suite, a diamond at his next instead of a tie or bow, frilly shirt. He held a similar goblin mask, only when you caught his eye he had pulled it away.
Only you and him without masks, his eyebrows with no ends, h-his strangely familiar eyes , his thin lips, you felt a strong pull towards him.
“There's such a sad love
Deep in your eyes a kind of pale jewel
Open and closed
Within your eyes
I'll place the sky.”
All you could do is stare at him, as the song began, mouth gapped at him, your dress that before felt heavy no felt like nothing, as he began walking towards you, through the people.
“Within your eyes
There's such a fooled heart
Beatin' so fast”
Trying to get passed the strange people, to get him, he simply danced with other people that already had partners, I mean, like pressed up against the partners.
“In search of new dreams
A love that will last
Within your heart
I'll place the moon
Within your heart
As the pain sweeps through.” He didn’t even try to get to you as you chased after him, these strange people suffocating you, getting in your way on purpose.
“Makes no sense for you
Every thrill is gone.” Then he was gone, your eyes searched the room, not seeing him hidden behind a fan behind you, continued your search. As he smirked behind you, oh how he couldn’t stop feeling the way he did about you, he thought it was funny how now you chased him instead of the other way around.
“Wasn't too much fun at all
But I'll be there for you-ou-ou
As the world falls down.” He had continued making his way through the people, in direct view , as you searched still.
As the world falls down
Falling in love.” Squeezing through the people, feeling panicked, you had no idea what was happening, nor why you felt like this for a strange man, shoving pushed the people that circled you.
“I'll paint you mornings of gold
I'll spin you Valentine evenings though we're strangers 'til now.” You had found him, as a fan moved, he stood sandwiched by two woman.
“We're choosing the path
Between the stars
I'll leave my love
Between the stars” Only then did he come towards you,his face should no emotion, you wondered how you had gotten here. Now with a mans hand out waist and the other in his hand as you danced.
“As the pain sweeps through
Makes no sense for you
Every thrill is gone
Wasn't too much fun at all.” You couldn’t remember knowing how to dance, but you and Jareth done turns in sync with all the other dancers, staring deeply into his mismatched pupils.
“But I'll be there for you-ou-ou
As the world falls down
Falling” Jareth-how did you now know his name, now singing along, wow self loving much , who plays their own music. He had every right. Only then, did you feel yourself leaning to his lips.
“As the world falls down
As the world falls down.”
Jareth had noticed, leaning towards you as well, you felt your lips connect to his soft ones, as your eyes closed. That’s all it took for your remove your hands from his shoulder and hand bringing them up into his blond hair. Pulling his face towards yours, not allowing yourself to disconnect from him, you both had stopped dance at this point.
His arms now around your waist pulling you both closer together again, one of your hand now cupping his cheek, as you both kissed. Pulling away for a second to breathe, before pressing your lips against his again harshly this time, biting his lip hard, he had almost jumped, letting out a yelp, only then were you able insert your tongue into his mouth.
You both had long forgotten the people that surrounded you both. Jareths grip now tightened, your tongue fighting against his. Only until he had pulled your hair, pulling you from him lips, your eyes slammed shut, your hands now against his clothed chest, as he pressed kisses down your bare neck. A small moan had escaped your mouth, your hand travelling down to his pants. “Can I?” Jareth had looked into your eyes, his other pupil now almost reaching the same size as his other, nodding.
You hand cupping, his manhood, his pulse heightened under your touch, Jareth had groaned loudly, his bulging member against your palm, as Jareths hips had pushed against your hand for friction. Jareth now sucking harshly at your neck, rubbing your hand against him.
You had forgotten about the room full off people;but Jareth had definitely not, he did not want to take you in front of them, at this moment he didn’t care, he had not had pleasure in a very long time. Leaving your neck, Jareth had joined your lips again, biting your already swollen bottom lips, returning to sloppy small kisses, you had wished that Jareth had picked a less poofy dress.
Your hands leaving Jareths body, he had let out a small sigh, he had thought you had remembered, especially when you began to lift the bottom the dress. Only then did you notice the people, wide eye, but they were still dancing, even if they were looking, Jareth touch was intoxicating.
Your calf’s now on show, almost touching Jareth again, how starred down at you confused, as you looked up at him with a small grin, lifting your leg up and over hip. Instantly he had gripped the soft skin under your thigh, your dress now bunched up to your waist, as you wrapped your arms around Jareths neck.
Pressing your clothes core against, his bulging, your core soaking through, jumping up, so that both of your legs were now wrapped tightly against Jareth. Your lips on his, his hands travelling up your legs slowly, all the way to your waist again, wet kisses as your hips began to rock against Jareths stone member. Your stomach turning into knots against him.
Your clit pulsating against him, undoubtedly he could feel it too, your speed quickly increase, pushed Jareth over the edge with a loud groan, you were pressed against the stone floor. Still, you grinned harshly against him, his hands now either side of your head, his only your upper back against the floor.
Looking into his hungry eyes, pleading for him to do something, stopping your hip movements . “J-Jareth, a-are you sure we should do this here? W-with these people?” Jareth had only smirked at you lowering himself to your ear level. “Love, you’ve got nothing to be ashamed about, plus they can only see when I want them too, understand?” Whispering into your ear, that must be why they didn’t even look your way.
“Now, I must ask, do you want this? Definitely?” His face not inches from yours, his eyes searched yours. “Yes, please.” With that Jareth had unwrapped your legs from him, tearing the bottom of the dress, he was a very skinny man, it was a shame ‘twas a lovely dress. Only your underwear covered you bottom half now, your heels now discarded.
Snapping your legs closed in embarrassment, Jareth had lifted your leg by your calf pressed gently pecks all the way up, till he got your thigh, his eyes meeting yours as you sat up on your elbows, you had nodded at him, anyone would’ve been nervous, especially a virgin.
His lips now reattached to your soft skin on your thigh, gently he had pulled your legs apart , your heat had already been dripping from just kissing, but now it was a river. A snap of his fingers and your underwear were gone.
Jareths face now dangerously close, your whole lower parts on show to him, he had grinned up at you, his hot breath on your most sensitive area, sent chills through your core... literally. Jareth had groaned just feeling your thighs shake in his hands, his erection now painfully restricted.
With that he had slid his tongue up your folds one, letting out a gasp, you hadn’t been touched like this ever. He had brought a single figure to plunge into you, swirling it around you for only a second, his other hand now holding your stomach down, from your squirming underneath him. Removing the finger, his eyes locked onto your as he slipped it into his mouth, sucking on it, before pulling his finger out of his mouth with a pop.
His face satisfied with you, whimpering , he had barely touched you, yet you were pooling already, orgasm almost there, “please...” Parting your folds, he had slowly removed eye contact, his tongue now licking you like an icecream cone, your nerves on overdrive, he had plunged his tongue into you, his hand back on your thighs, squeezing as he swirled around in you. Your legs clenching on his head, grinding into his face.
“Jareth!” Considering you were quite shy, with men anyways, the moan of his name, caused Jareth to tighten his grip, tongue from your opening, he rolled your clit gently between his teeth, you hand cried out, your legs thrown over his shoulders, you could feel your orgasm coming. Pulling tightly at his long hair for more, a loud growl had erupted from his mouth, travelling through you, your stomach tightening.
So close to satisfaction, “J-Jareth..” His tongue had attached back onto your clit, bringing his fingers close to you, one of your legs still on his shoulder, the other leg, he had placed against the stone floor, spreading your legs widely, so that he could insert his finger into you. Your back now curved from the floor, adding two more fingers into your wet opening.
Sweat upon your face, like drops of rain water, allowing you a moment to adjust, Jareth had began to his fingers into you, his mouth detached, faster, and faster by the second. Spreading his fingers in you, you couldn’t hang on any longer. Your legs now shaking like hurricane, Jareth knew you was close, your head thrown back, as you finally met your orgasm.
Removing his fingers, as the please hit you like wrecking ball, throughout our lower half, you had let out a loud moan of pleasure. Your hips finally buckled , riding your orgasm in Jareths face. Panting heavily, Jareth had looking up , wiping the remaining of your juices on his palm.
“J-Jareth?” He now laid next to you, how was he still fully clothed? He had hummed in response. “C-can we just start with that for now,” You were worried, that he’d get angry, but instead he had just looked at you with a gently smile. “Of course, love.” Then you noticed, his painfully erected member, bringing your hand to his bulge rubbing him again, groaning in surprise.
“I-I’ve never done anything like this.” Jareth only nodded, as you stroked him through his pants, he wasn’t going to take your virginity not like this. He was a good man- fae sorry, he took all those children from people that didn’t want them. Shouldn’t be thinking about this right now.
Slipping you hand into Jareths pants, you stroked him harshly, rubbing the his tip gently with your thumb when you reached it, before repeating the cycle. Jareths lips upon yours , you could still taste yourself on him. Quickening your pace, soon enough his he had bitten down roughly onto your lip, as he came.
Yet again, you were both laying on the floor, laying your shoulders on his arm, that wrapped around you laying in his chest.
“Can I have my dog back? I mean- if you let me go back, you could come too, o-only if you want to anyways?” You had stuttered out your words , causing Jareth to laugh at you, he had a feeling you still remembered.
“Of course.”
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Blood. Chapter 2. 2.
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Everything Taglist: @gold-dragon-slayer​​ @your-internet-granny​​
@darkwhisperswolf​ @youbloodymadgenius​ @thelastemzy​ @inforapound​ @supermassiveblackhope​ @captstefanbrandt @roonil-wxzlib​  @syreni-dea​ @cynthianokamaria​ @rosiebrosie​ @loliismutt​​ @pinkisokay​ @heavenly1927​
wanna start from the beginning? haven’t read the first part? start here!  Blood 1 Masterlist
Warnings: mentions of death.
(y/n) wipes away her tears with the back of her hand as she makes her way around the camp, calling ivars name.
she had asked around, and some had said that hadn’t seen him. some didn’t answer, some said they seen him up by the cliffs.
which was where she was headed now.
she hissed under her breath as she feels a rock pierce her foot, but she continues on, making sure to watch her step.
the pain in her thigh hadn’t quite healed, it was better, but not by much.
she feels a strange urge to go back, to just forget about talking to him, maybe he needed time alone?.
maybe it was she who needed time alone.
but she pushes those thoughts aside, she had to speak to him sometime. she couldn’t ignore him forever.
she reaches the top, seeing ivar sat right at the edge, overlooking the waters of england with a hood around his head.
she sits down silently beside him, and ivar can’t help but look at her with surprise.
the two look at each other silently, ivar’s hands twitching as he wanted to reach out and just touch her, to see if she’d still even accept his touch.
the feeling is different, but there’s still that underlying love they had for each other, it was just thick with uncomfortability.
“why are you here?” ivar asks, not meaning to sound so cold. he was surprised that she even wanted to speak to him.
she had barely looked at him since that day, the fact that she was even speaking to him.......
it gave him hope that she wasn’t disgusted by him, or feared him, and maybe, if not he and his brothers, he and (y/n) could go on somewhat normally.
she looks over at him, her eyes grazing over each and every feature on his face.
seeing how saddened he truly was, how angry he was, it pained her to see him this way.
she places her palm against his cheek.
“because i love you”.
she means what she says, but she can’t help but feel hurt as she speaks them.
those simple words, those words had ivar in tears once more, he whimpers, lowering his head as he wraps his arms around her, pulling her to him.
“i’m sorry. i’m so sorry”.
“shh, shh, ivar” she coddles him, rocking him back and forth. she could feel his body shaking with cry that ripped from his throat.
he rests his head on her chest, just wanting to hear her familiar heartbeat, the sound that had brought him comfort since he was a child.
“i never wanted him to die” ivar whispers, and (y/n) presses a kiss to his head. running her fingers through his hair.
“i know, ivar” she says, her voice soft and comforting, but her emotions were anything but.
things felt............................different.
this feeling was foreign. something new, and (Y/n) hated it.
in one hand, she’s comforting the man she grew up with, the man she loved so, so much. the man she knew loved her more than anything unconditionally. ivar was a part of her, her other half.
but, on the other hand, she was comforting, holding and loving her brothers killer.
it felt as if she were talking to two different people. touching two different people. speaking to two different people.
her ivar, and this new stranger.
ivar doesn’t feel her stiffness. and if he does, he decides not to remark it.
he look up and into her eyes, and slowly but surely presses a soft kiss to her throat.
the action causes her to pause her movements, a soft un-audible gasp escaping her. 
in all their shared moments together, he’d never done such an intimate action.
she blinks several times, trying to figure out this feeling she received from his kiss.
he says nothing, settling back down upon her breasts, cuddling closer to her.
“i love you, (y/n)”.
she takes in a deep breath, exhaling it shakily.
“i love you, ivar”.
many hours later, the sun was just now peeking through the clouds, providing a much needed warmth over (y/n).
ivar had left not too long ago, in need of time alone.
she understood, but she wanted to stay up by the cliffs, she standing, watching as the birds danced above her.
and at that moment, she wishes she were a bird.
carefree, no worries, all the pain left behind as she flies away, to a new life.
but............................her brothers.
bjorn, ubbe, hvitserk, ivar. she loved them, she needed them, without them she’d be lost. without them she feels as if she’d be nothing. 
they gave her purpose.
“hello, little dove”.
she turns and finds floki making his way towards her, a walking stick in his hand, aiding his every step.
she smiles at him, laughing as he ruffles her hair when he stands beside her.
“what were you looking at?” he wonders, trying to find the thing that had her gaze so serious.
she’s leaning against him, silently thanking him for trying to lighten the mood.
he does that everytime, noticing when she was upset or hurt, always going out of his way to make her smile.
she smirks, leaning in as if to whisper something serious.
“my future” she teases, and floki giggles, motioning out towards the wide, vast oceans.
“and? what did you see?”.
“me, a true vicious viking, sailing to the ends of the world with you by my side!, ready for whatever being stands in our way!” she says, sounding just like she did as a child.
floki wraps his arm around her, tugging her into his side. screaming his cheer!.
this is the first she had truly laughed, since her mother, since her father, since helga, since sigurd. 
it felt good, but the moment passes far too quickly.
when they quiet back down, floki looks at her nudging her with his shoulder.
“truly. what did you see?”.
she sighs, her shoulder relaxing, her smile fading the tiniest of bits.
“nothing but the open sky”.
floki hums, nodding.
“it takes practice to see what lies ahead. but, luckily for you, i have already seen your future”.
she rolls her eyes.
“alright, floki. enough playing”.
“i am not playing”.
in his eyes is nothing but honesty. floki was always a mystery to her, and seeing how serious he was, made her wonder if he truly was telling the truth.
“then what have you seen?”.
floki grabs her hand, running his finger along her third one.
“marriage” he says, then he moves lower, laying his hand on her tummy.
he rests his palm on her chest.
“love, forgiveness”.
he then finally lays his hand on her forehead, making her close her eyes.
at his words, (y/n) can’t help but shed a tear. 
she opens her eyes and meets floki’s calm ones, seeing him smiling.
“i hope you are right, floki”.
“when i have not been?”.
he giggles, kissing her forehead and holding her close once more.
“did ivar tell you? about me leaving?”.
(y/n) shakes her head, closing her eyes.
“he didn’t have to. i already knew. and don’t worry, i understand”.
“you always do”.
(y/n) smiles.
“i will miss you terribly”.
floki keeps his eyes trained on the scenery in front of him, not wanting to look at her, in fear of breaking.
“i would suggest you come with me, but i know your place is with your brothers, you need them just as much as they need you”.
she nods, squeezing him tight.
“do not leave without saying goodbye”.
they stay there until the sun sets, being together one last time before he leaves for a new world.
(y/n) can only hope he will return to her someday.
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solesurvivorkat · 4 years
FC5 Deputy GFH Dialogue
(Quickie ‘Katie IRL’ Update: So sorry for lack of writing... to be succinct, I might have a sleep disorder, possibly Sleep Apnea - been very tired/lethargic for several months now, finally have a test scheduled for late August. Will have to ‘make do’/power through fatigue until then. I will do my best to jump-start my writing {and my YT channel} until then!
Also - as for ‘I Need to Tell You’ (FC5 no-cult AU fic) - I don’t think I have a ton of readers for that one, so I’m just gonna stick to the movie-plot where I can & finish it up {the end is nearing!}. If anyone wants to read anything else from that ‘verse, lemme know & I’ll whip something up - otherwise, I’m gonna finish that up & get back to working on ‘The Book of John’ again, which is loooong overdue {poor Sarah’s been in John’s bunker forever, lol!}. THAT said... )
Deputy Sarah Rook
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(NOTE: My apologies if Sarah’s dialogue is similar to anyone else’s OC’s... I promise and swear that if it happens, it’s purely coincidental. I am adamant about not {purposely} stealing anyone else’s creativity! <3  Also, this is quite long... but it’s not everything in FC5, so if you like it & want even more, just lemme know, lol.)
With Fangs for Hire:
Boomer: “Aww, who’s my sweet, brave boy?” (kisses forehead) - “Good boy, Boomer!” - “I know what it’s like to have someone you love taken away from you... but don’t worry boy, you’re not alone. And I’ll do everything I can to make sure you never are again.” - “I won’t let Eden’s Gate use you, I promise.” - “Boomer, go!” - “Rae-Rae won’t have died in vain, I promise you.”
Peaches: “I’m... usually more of a dog person - but as long as I get to keep all my fingers and limbs, I’m satisfied.” - “Peaches, attack!” - “Us girls gotta stick together, right?” - “Hmm... one blue eye, one brown. Unique!” - “Needless to say, a cougar’s a very dangerous pet. Miss Mable never should have tried to raise you in captivity. Still... it can be handy to have a cougar for an ally.” - (gives affectionate pets) “Aww, my sweet little ‘danger kitty’...”
Cheeseburger: “You’re like a... big, dangerous teddy.” (laughs) - “Cheeseburger! How are ya, buddy?” - “Wade was sweet to look after you. I promise I’ll try to do the same.” - “I will not let Jacob take you.” - “Ohh, those big brown eyes of yours...” - “I can’t believe Wade not only found a collar to fit you, but also one that had cheeseburgers on it. Wow.” - “I’m glad you’re on my side, boy.” - “No, I can’t give you any more cheeseburgers. ...Stop looking at me like that, you know they’re not good for you. ...You’re on a diet, remember? ...  (sighs)  .....Okay, ONE burger. Don’t tell anyone.”
With other Guns for Hire:
(serious) “Sharky... just between us... you’re the best friend I’ve ever had.” - “Sharky... never change.” (smiles)
“Sharky, I know fire is your, uh- ‘specialty’, but... you need to try not burning down half the forest with us!” 
“Anything you say, Charlemagne.” 
“You and Hurk are a dangerous duo - in more ways than one.” 
(horrified, after hearing about his mom/parents) “Anyone who'd do that to an innocent baby doesn’t deserve them. You’re better off, Shark.” 
(cheesy grin) “I hope Eden’s Gate stocked up on ‘Shark repellent’!” 
(when fighting together) “Time for a ‘Shark attack’!” - “You’ve got us between a rock and a shark place!” - “Sarah and Shark, makin’ their mark!” - “You might be better off using your gun here, Sharky.”
“Disco, Sharky? Really? (sighs) ...All right, to each his own.”
“Hey Sharky, got a bad joke for ya - what’s a shark’s favorite bible story? ...’Noah’s Shark’!”
“Ride or die, buddy!”
“No matter what, I’ve always got your back, Sharky.”
(chuckles nervously/anxiously after seeing ‘serious/deadpan Grace’) “Sorry, I... joking around is kind of my ‘defense mechanism’...”
“A medal in the Olympics... that’s amazing, Grace. ...Er- no pun intended.”
“For what it’s worth... thank you for your service to our country.”
(after Grace mentions destroying copies of ‘Only You’, Sarah chuckles sadly) “Y’know, it’s funny... I actually used to like that song...”
“I know you want to protect your dad’s grave, I do completely understand... but we also need to help protect innocent people that’re still living too, you know? They need us... need you.”
"Hercules Drubman Junior - as I live and breathe." (smiles)
“Hurk, I... don’t think a rocket launcher is the best weapon to use right now...”
“As... ‘tempting’ as ‘Hurk’s Gate’ sounds, I... don’t think it’s quite for me.”
(at a loss for words) “...Oh Hurk...”
“Y’know Hurk... there is a lot more to life than beer, drugs, and sex...” - (Hurk {looks horrified}: “...Say whaat? What’choo talkin’ ‘bout, Dep??”)
“Hurk, just... be careful.”
(stares blankly, then slowly raises an eyebrow) “...Monkey... King/God??”
“No offense dude, but... if your dad doesn’t stop talking I may have to ‘accidentally’ shoot him.”
(sneaking around) “You’re not exactly the ‘king of stealth’. Why don’t... you hang back here for a minute? I’ll signal you or call out if I need you.”
“To each their own, but ‘partying’ is... not really my thing.”
(pointing in turn to Sharky, Hurk, then Addie, during ‘tongue-in-cheek’ suggestions for Sarah) “No, no, and HELL no.”
(Addie: "Punch it Chewie! ...Bet you got a kick out of that, you fuckin’ nerd.") “Hey- I love the reference, and I’m proud of who I am. ...Mostly.” (smiles)
“Addie, for the last time - no, I did not inspect John's underwear drawer when I was at Seed Ranch. I was a little occupied at the time.” (turns bright red as Addie looks thrilled) “...That- that’s not what I meant!”
(reluctantly) “Addie? I kind of need some... ‘womanly advice’.” - (Addie, eyebrows raised: “And you came to me?? Oh hunny...”)
“While I appreciate your... ‘openness’, no - I do not need ‘tips’ from you and Xander about ‘positions’.”
“Addie... ‘showing more cleavage’ is not going to help me with the Seed brothers or Eden’s Gate, despite your insistence.”
“...I am not playing ‘Fuck, Marry, Kill’...”
(after flying Carmina - and puking once landed) “Nick... if you ever make me do that again... I don’t know what I’ll do, but it’ll be bad.”
“Flying may be great for you, but I’m much happier with my feet on the ground.”
“I’ll protect you and your family as much as I can - that’s a promise.”
“Defending your business, plane, home, family, and friends like you have been... I’m sure your family would be very proud of you.”
“There he is, ‘King of the Skies’!”
“You and Kim... you’re lucky to have each other. I kind of envy that.”
“Rook and Rye - on land and in the sky!“
“I know fighting Eden’s Gate is important, but... don’t forget to be there for Kim too. We’ve [the Resistance] got this... Kim and your baby need you more.” 
(After Carmina's born) "How's Kim and the baby? You'd better be taking good care of my goddaughter!"
“I know we grew up in very different ‘environments’, but... I also know what it’s like to feel alone for a long time. No pressure, but... I’m here if you ever need someone to lend an ear.”
(re: Jess’s insane survival skills) “...You’ve got to teach me that/how to do that sometime.”
“You’re related to Dutch? Wow, that’s... kinda cool.”
“I thought I swore a lot, but... wow.”
“Yeah... I’m not one for small talk, either.”
In Combat
(to herself, stressed) “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph...”
“Aw shit...”
“Fucking Peggies!”
(to herself, quickly and quietly) “You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day...”
“Let’s kick some Peggie ass!”
(to herself) “I can do all things through him who strengthens me...”
“May God have mercy on you.”
“I don’t think my soul is the one that needs saving!”
(hears ‘Oh John’ on the radio & starts humming along. After a couple seconds, realizes what she’s doing and shakes her head, murmuring to herself) “...Damnit...”
“I’m driving? If you say so.”
“ ‘Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need... roads.’ “ (smug grin)
“I used to like driving. Found it kind of relaxing, most of the time. ...That was before I started having to get used to being pursued and chased down by Eden’s Gate trucks.”
“Time for... LUDICROUS SPEED!”
“Fasten your seatbelts... it’s going to be a bumpy ride!”
“Everything okay? Do you need a break?”
“I don’t know if you’re aware, but I spent most of my life in New England - Connecticut, actually. Born and raised. I moved out to Hope County only a few years ago, when the Deputy job opened up. Thought it’d be... a ‘fresh start’. ...Definitely didn’t expect anything like all this to happen.”
“I used to roll my eyes - or want to - every time the Sheriff and the other Deps called me ‘Rookie’. They thought it was so funny, on account of my last name and all, and me being the newest addition to the department. Now that we’re all spread out and fighting against the cult... I think I kind of miss it.”
“Some of the most horrible things imaginable... have been done by people who claim they had ‘good reasons’ behind their actions.”
“There’s an old proverb that states, ‘Hell is full of good meanings, but heaven is full of good works’. ...There’s a lot of wisdom in that.”
“God has a reason for everything, even if we don’t always understand why...”
“The right thing to do is not always the easy thing to do...”
“Faith is believing in things when common sense tell you not to.“
“Imagine the things we could accomplish... if we would just try.”
“ ‘Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.’ ...Make fun of me all you want, but it’s true.”
“I do love nature. ...You know... when it’s not being interrupted by religious idiots.”
“Courage isn’t the absence of fear... it’s deciding that something is more important than fear.”
“I’ll do everything I can... you can count on it.”
“Good to see you again.”
“Let’s do this.”
“Stronger together!”
“Until we meet again - stay safe.”
“Call me if you need me.”
“Done already? Aww, you’re killin’ me, Smalls.”
“God damnit... not yet...”
“This can’t be it...”
“I’m sorry... I tried...”
“I need some help!”
“Thanks... now let’s teach these assholes a lesson they won’t soon forget.”
“Never tell me the odds!”
“Never give up, never surrender!”
“Thanks for the help!”
“Thanks... our work’s not done yet!”
“Shh... ‘silence is golden’, remember?“
“Keep a low profile!”
“Be cautious...”
“Don’t let ‘em see you comin’...”
“ ‘Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise...’ ”
Being aimed at
“Watch where you’re pointing that.”
“I’m a much better shot than I let on. Just remember that.”
“Two hits - me hitting you, and you hitting the ground. I suggest you aim elsewhere.”
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
By any body of water: “When I lived in Connecticut, I loved seeing the ocean. The lakes in Montana can be beautiful, but... it’s not quite the same.”
The Henbane: “Freakin’ Bliss.” / “Please promise me... that you’ll never, ever let me end up like one of Faith’s Angels.” / “Exploiting people’s weaknesses and fears to get them to do what you want... it’s wrong on so many levels.” / “Rachel Jessop wasn’t the first, or even the second ‘Faith Seed’... I wonder if she’s ever afraid of ending up like them.” / “God wants people to follow him willingly, to choose to do good - not be forced into it with trickery and fear. Even if - in an insane world - Joseph was right, it doesn’t excuse the things that Eden’s Gate has done. If they have a message to spread, this isn’t the way to do it.”
Holland Valley: “Saying ‘Yes’ to everything doesn’t make you a better person.” /  “Many people know the seven deadly sins... but few people can name - let alone even know about - the 'seven virtues': chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility. ...But you don’t see John tattooing those on people.” / John is... he’s done some horrible things. Committed heinous acts. But knowing the life he had to endure as a child when the Duncans adopted him... I hate so many of the things he’s done, but... part of me can’t help feeling sorry for him, too.” / “Underneath all those layers of ‘jackass’, way, waaaay deep down... I think there’s a lot of hurt and pain in John.”
The Whitetails: “Jacob acts like having feelings, friends, caring for things and people makes you weak. It’s just the opposite... having things to fight for - people to fight for - is a strength. More than just a ‘purpose’ - it’s a blessing.” / (angry) Jacob turning me into a weapon of destruction... he’s going to pay for that. / Forcing Bliss on animals to turn them into Judges... it’s wrong on multiple levels. / “I’m ‘weak’, Jacob? I’ll show you what a ‘weak’ person can do.”
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thatshithurted8 · 5 years
First Love//Tom Holland
Summary: Tom runs into his first love Y/N and realises how much he misses her, but an unexpected discovery makes Tom wonder what if things were different? What if things worked out?
Warnings: none
Length: 1,316
Tom is back home in England and he couldn’t be happier to be home and be with his loved ones. However, once Tom got home Nikki asked Tom to quickly stop by Ridley’s superfood to get eggs and milk.
“Mom I just got home I’m so jet lagged can Sam or Harry go?” Tom objects.
“Sam is sick and Harry is out. Please Tom it won’t take you long and I really need eggs and milk for the yorkshire pudding I’m making”
Tom sighs and picks up his keys. “Of course mum.”
“Thank you! You’re a life savour.” Nikki says before retreating back into the kitchen.
Tom walks out of the house despite Tessa’s dismay and gets into his black car. Within ten minutes Tom reaches the supermarket and sighs in delight to see the parking lot is quite empty. He was not in the mood to be noticed. Don’t get him wrong, Tom loves his fans unconditionally, but he feels like he can pass out at any moment, he’s so exhausted.
The curly haired man puts on a pair of sun glasses despite it being gloomy and puts on his hood. He locks his car after getting out and walks into the large building.
Tom walks in and walks straight to the frozen section. He wanted to be in and out in the matter of a few minutes. The young actor picks up an egg carton and inspects the contents inside and makes sure none are cracked.
After picking up a good carton of eggs Tom walks over to the milk section. He was about to open the door to the fridge that held the milk when he felt a tug on his grey sweatpants. He turns around and looks down with a confused expression. His face softens when he sees a little girl looking back up at him with big eyes.
“Hello.” Tom says, but the little girls lip starts to quiver.
Tom quickly bends down with the eggs still in his hands to her height. “Hey what’s wrong don’t cry.”
“You’re not daddy.” She says with tears welling up in her eyes, and that’s when it clicked. This little girl is lost. Just as Tom asks if she’s lost he hears a woman gasp.
“Mallory that’s where you are!” The little girl looks over to the owner of the voice and runs over, “Mommy!”
Tom stands back up and looks over at Mallory’s mother. He almost dropped the eggs when he saw you. You were too concerned with the little girl in your arms, your daughter to notice Tom standing a few feet away.
“Y/N?” Tom asks. You instantly look up and gasp as your hand flies up to cover your mouth.
“Tom? How are you?” You ask with a smile while putting Mallory back onto the ground and holding her hand.
Tom walks over to you with a big smile on his face. He hasn’t seen you in years and you look so different. A good type of different though, you grew into your features, you seem happier and overall you have this glow and Tom can’t figure out where it’s coming from. “I’m doing good I actually just got back from New York. How are you?”
“I’m doing good. I’m so much happier than I was when I last saw you. Oh my gosh that sounded so rude that’s not what I meant at all.” You say with wide eyes while covering your mouth with your free hand.
Tom laughs, he always thought it was adorable how you never wanted to hurt someone’s feelings. “No no it’s okay. After all the last time I saw you you weren’t doing that well.”
“Well you, my first love were leaving to go to a new country to be a big time actor and my dog died.” Y/N says with a pout.
Tom would be lying to himself if his heart didn’t drop when you pouted. When you two were dating you would always pout and do puppy dog eyes to get what you wanted. And it’s not like Tom could’ve resisted, he was madly in love with you after all and he wanted to make you happy. Leaving you the way he did was the hardest thing Tom had to ever do and he wishes he did it differently. The memory of you clutching your pillow with tears running down your cheeks and your skin becoming blotchy will forever be imprinted in his mind.
“Mommy where’s daddy?”
“He’s at home baby.” You say to the little girl in a softer tone than normal. Y/N looks back up at Tom and her eyes widen.
“How could I forget!” You exclaim while picking up Mallory.
“Tom, this is my daughter Mallory.” Tom didn’t know what to do. He knew you had a child from the little girl calling you mommy, but it didn’t hit him until you said so. Just then he realised how much the little girl in your arms looks like you. She has your nose, lips and complexion.
“Hi.” Mallory says to Tom while burrowing her face in her mother’s neck out of shyness.
“Hi.” Tom says back, but it was barely audible. At the moment he was in a state of complete shock. 
After a few seconds of Tom looking at Mallory his eyes look into yours and he swears he feels his stomach do flips. “H-ow old is she?” he stutters.
“She just turned three two months ago.” You say while Mallory plays with the chain of your necklace.
Tom let’s out a deep breath, “wow it feels just like yesterday that we were dating.” 
“I would say the same, but with a toddler I can’t even remember what I did yesterday.” You say causing Tom to smile, but it was a pained smile. 
Mallory whispers something in your ear and as you and your daughter have a short conversation Tom glances around, that’s when his eyes fall upon something in your trolley. 
A pregnancy test. 
He could feel his heart drop. 
“Hey Y/N, I need to get going hopefully we can see each other again.” Tom says suddenly before walking away just with the eggs, leaving you standing there watching him walk away dumbfounded. 
As he walked further and further away tears welled up in his eyes. Tom doesn’t know why he’s feeling the way he does, but he knew one thing for certain. 
He wanted what you had, he wanted a family, he wanted kids, and most importantly he wanted you. But he knew he lost you the moment he told you he was leaving last minute. 
At the time Tom thought it was the right thing to do. Maybe if he didn’t tell you that he was leaving you wouldn’t be sad while Tom was still there. It was selfish really, Tom didn’t want to see you upset and he wanted to cherish the time he had left with you with you both being happy rather than you being heartbroken. 
After he left all Tom could think about was the image of you sobbing on your bed with a pillow clutched to you. When he tried to comfort you you pushed him away and told him to leave. So that’s what he did and you haven’t seen each other until now.
Tom’s actions have haunted him ever since even if he didn’t know it. Every time he tried to initiate a new relationship his mind would always wonder back to you and the last memory you two created together. 
Now, his actions caught up to him again. If only he told you sooner. Maybe things would have worked out with a long distance relationship. Maybe you two could have started a family of your own. 
Tom will forever blame himself and his actions for letting you go.
And the worst part is he can’t get you back.
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therake-1996-blog · 6 years
Sooo it’s gonna be full-fledged project. *yay!* I will warn you now tho, I am a scatter-brain garbage monster so sometimes the chapters will be a little bit spaced out, but I WILL try to post chapters as they are completed! Thank you for your support, and I love you all sooo much!!!
PS. Yes, I know her name is Eden like in my other story, but I just can’t have a possible Ziggy-OC romance story without my OC’s name being Eden. I’m sorry!
MC Name- Eden
Eden POV
Chapter 1- The Garden of Eden
I sit in my cell, like I do day after day, month after month, year after year. I read all the books I had been given…I don’t even remember how many years ago, and I’ve read them again, many to the point that they’ve fallen apart.
I’m a vampire. Born in 1330 or 1331—time wasn’t kept accurately for peasants, you see—in Whitechapel, London, England, to peasant parents who already had ten other children. My father was a blacksmith and my mother was a seamstress. My older siblings, all brothers, would help father, and I, mother.
Mother told me I was named for the garden of Eden, because when I was born, I was the most beautiful baby she and my father had ever seen. She had also prayed every day for a little girl, and believed that my being a girl was God’s answer to her.
And life was difficult, like it was for every peasant family, but we were content, happy. It’s funny how one little rat can ruin everything. In the winter of my seventeenth or eighteenth age, the Black Death, otherwise known as the Bubonic Plague, had spread to Europe, and people were dropping like flies. If only we had known to bathe, to wash our hands, not to share dirty bath water, to wash our fruits and vegetables…it’s quite disgusting when you think of how humans lived back then, but I digress.
My family and I all got sick. In the span of several days, it was down to just me and my parents. I remember my brothers just lying in their beds, not moving, flies buzzing around their open eyes and mouths, and those damnable rats scurrying along the floors.
My father prayed nonstop, begging God to at least spare his only daughter. Mother just slept in fitful spells and coughed. I had given up on any deity. If God did exist, why would He let us suffer in such a way? Why rip beloved families apart? What had we done?  
That’s when a plague doctor came. He tallied the bodies of my once rowdy brothers, prayed with my father, and held my mother’s hand until she passed.
Father begged. He begged the doctor to save me, said he’d give anything, even his soul to the devil, if I would live. The doctor told him that wouldn’t be necessary, that I would live, and my father, in peace—false peace, I’d believed—passed.
The doctor removed his macabre mask and looked at me, still alive, dying in my bed, and smiled, showing me a pair of sharp, pointed canines.
“I made a promise.”
Was all he said before making me what I am.
I scoff to myself.
It wasn’t long before these so-called ‘gods’ captured me and threw me in here, only a couple hundred years. I don’t recall having done anything wrong, I was only going about my business, and I didn’t kill for fun. I didn’t even kill when I fed! I’m sure there are others of my kind more deserving of being locked in here for eternity.
Like him.
It’s boring in this cell. That’s my chief complaint. It’s dark—even though I can see in the dark—it’s small, it’s quiet, and it’s boring. If I could die from boredom, I’d have been dead centuries ago.
I twiddle a small rock in between my index and middle fingers for a few minutes, then crush it as easily as if it were butter.
Let me out in the forest somewhere. Just for an hour or two. Let me run, let me jump, let me bound and climb and leap and sprint. Vampires were made for that.
My door opens, and my eyes shoot up in surprise. A light flickers on, but my eyes don’t need time to adjust.
Standing in the doorway are two men in uniforms I don’t recognize, one in black and one in gold. They don’t look happy.
A god who works in this department flutters nervously behind them, his thick, round glasses magnifying his flat black eyes.
“U-um…E-Eden…t-this is…”
“My name is Leon,” The man in the gold uniform interrupts impatiently, his voice low and musical. His hair is a rich shade of golden-brown, and messy, falling to his chin, and his face is beautiful, slender, his eyes narrowed in irritation and his mouth set in a straight line.
“Scorpio.” The one in black says, his voice just as deep, with a hint of venom in it. He has jet black hair that flops over his right eye, his one visible eye a stormy grey color. His skin is fair, is features neatly and attractively arranged, but there’s an indentation above his left eye, telling me he, too, is agitated.
I remain where I sit, staring unblinking at the two gods.
“Okay,” I reply, hearing my own voice for the first time in what feels like forever. “What does that mean to me?”
Leon’s eyes, matching the color of his hair, narrow, his expression becoming even more displeased.
“You would be wise not to speak to us like that,” He warns.
“What do you want with me?” I say anyway. “No one ever comes into a vampire’s containment cell. We’re…taint-ed.”
I sound the word out syllable by syllable, mimicking the words their king told me when I was sentenced to be locked in here for the rest of my days.
“We need you,” Scorpio says, looking my dead in the eye.
“For what? What could you possibly need me for?”
Scorpio stomps over to me and leans down to grab me around my arm.
“N-no! You can’t…g-grab her like that!”
Scorpio ignores the other god’s cries and tries to yank me to my feet, but I refuse to budge. I just stare at him, expressionless.
“Get up!” He snarls.
“Why?” I reply flatly.
“Because, you annoying girl, if you don’t help us…!”
“Everyone, including you, is doomed.” Leon cuts Scorpio, who is getting more and more excited, off.
My eyes flit over to him, and I can feel my expression shift.
“Doomed?” I repeat.
“Just come with us!”
Scorpio yanks again, pulling as hard as he can, so much so that he’s rocking back onto his heels. I don’t move.
“The minister of Punishments is dying,” Leon explains while Scorpio yanks and pulls. “And only you can help him. Will you please…come with us?”
I can tell he’s making himself be polite with me while his friend tries to manhandle me, but I sigh, resigned, and unlock my body.
Scorpio loses his balance and topples backward; if it weren’t for his grip on my arm, he’d have sprawled to the stone floor.
“Jesus, woman! Don’t just do that! How the hell are you so strong, anyway?”
“I’m a vampire,” I say, uninterested. “We’re strong.”
Leon lifts his hand and snaps his fingers, and I feel a sudden, warm sensation on the side of my neck. My shoulders jolt, and a hand flies to the warm spot, where my fingers feel lines marking my skin.
“That is your chain,” Leon tells me. “If you try to escape from us, you’ll immediately be teleported back here. Is that clear?”
I stare at him blankly, my hand falling to my side.
“There’s no need to chain me. Just going outside is…” I trail off, deciding it’s not worth the effort to explain, and instead say, “It’s clear.”
“Good. Now, come on.”
When the sun hits my face for the first time in literally centuries, I feel like I could cry. My eyes prickle, the old human reaction rising up inside of me, but my body being mostly unable to do so. I close my eyes and lift my face, feeling the warmth of the sun’s rays against my cheeks as I follow Leon, Scorpio behind me. I smile in spite of myself as the gentle breeze rustles my hair, loose around my shoulders, and I shiver pleasantly.
“Is this really that nice?” Scorpio asks, staring at me like I have a third eye. I open my eyes and look over at him. He looks at my eyes, blinks, then flinches away from me.
“Oh. Oops, sorry, I forgot.” I mutter.
I forgot that when a vampire is in direct sunlight, our eyes shift from their natural color to red. The sun reveals what we truly are, and that’s the reason we don’t go out during the day.
No, it doesn’t kill us.
“But yes, it is really that nice,” I continue, staring at the vibrant grass under my feet. Their soft blades feel like satin against my skin. “I haven’t been outside in god knows how many years. The sun and the breeze feels good.”
“Well if you succeed in saving Zyglavis, you won’t go back to that cell.” Leon says. I look up at him.
“What?” I breathe.
“You heard me. Save Zyglavis, and you get your freedom. Fail, and you get thrown back down there.”
I taste the familiar, metallic twinge of the venom as it fills my mouth, my mind and body wanting to respond to that threat with a snarl, but I hold myself back. I swallow thickly and remain silent as we walk to the large, sprawling palace in the distance.
When we enter, I get all kinds of looks.
It’s easy to tell I’m no goddess, especially by the way I’m dressed.
Bare feet, simple, dingy white day dress (that I’ve had on for years), slightly tangled hair, and abnormally pale skin…this must be a sight for these so-called noble gods.
I look around as we walk, at the high walls, intricately decorated, at the exquisite paintings and vases…even the doors are delicate and ornate. As I stare at the grandure of my surroundings, it occurs to me that these gods must truly be desperate. So desperate as to come to me, a vampire, a creature they so blatantly loathe, and ask...well, demand, for my help. I look to Leon.
“What happened to him?” I ask.
“Be silent,” Leon says, his voice low. “We’ll tell you when we get there.”
People whisper to each other as we pass, thinking I can’t hear them.
“Who is that ragity looking girl?”
“She’s not a goddess, is she?”
“Impossible! Look at her!”
“Why would they let such filth into the palace?”
Without me realizing it, a small growl slips, the sound like a threatened cat.
“Hey!” Scorpio hisses.
“Sorry…” I mumble.
“He’s through here,” Leon says as we come to a door covered by curtains. I frown.
“Why the curtains?”
“To prevent unwanted guests.”
He pulls back the curtains and twists the golden door handle, opening one of the doors, and looks to me. I glance back at Scorpio, who jabs his chin toward the room, and, with a sigh, I enter.
Once the three of us are in, Scorpio closes the door quietly behind him.
There are three other men in the room, plus one lying on the couch, covered by a blanket. The two standing by the window turn to the sound of the door closing, and the other looks up from his book when he sees us.
But my eyes are glued to the man on the couch, my jaw dropping when I see the state he’s in. He moves his tired eyes, lined with dark purple circles, to look at me. My body freezes, unwilling to move. It’s like the rest of the world melts away, like a sword just pierced my already dead heart, sending an unplesant sensation like icy needles through my veins.
“Eden,” Leon says as he comes to stand beside me. “This is Zyglavis, the Minister of the Department of Punishments.”
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highqueen · 8 years
Giantslayer (pt. 1) [Edmund Pevensie]
Summary: When you enter Narnia, your only companions are a Gentle Giant and a ginger cat. After hearing about four human Kings and Queens of Narnia, you decide to pay them a visit. You never expected for them to take a strong liking to you, especially a certain dark-haired king. Requested by @abbeylou7
Word Count: 1,563
Note: Ahh, this took forever, I am so sorry! I plan on making this a two part or three part imagine so the prompts you requested should come in then.
Warnings: None.
One and ½ Years Ago. Earth.
Clouds drift across the azure sky as you lay on a grassy hill, far away from home, the cause of many problems in your life.
Your parents want you to go to college and follow in their footsteps, while you want to do what you want to do.
“Why do they have to decide for me?” you mutter to yourself. “I wish I could go someplace where I can be whatever I want. A doctor, a lawyer, a defender of justice. I wish I could...I could run away.”
The idea starts to take root in your mind and you sit up. Something sparks in your eyes and you push yourself to your feet. Cupping your hands around your mouth, you shout at the view below you. “I will run away! I will do what I want! My parents won’t be able to stop me!”
You start to march down the hill, fists clenched and chin up, telling yourself that you will do this.
But then the strangest thing happens. As you stomp, you find yourself moving higher and higher, the forest below you getting smaller and smaller. Looking down at your feet, you scream as you see that there is nothing beneath you. It is impossi–
And then you plummet.
The ground rushes up towards you, wind whistles past your ears, you hear screaming and realize that it is coming from you.
“Help! Someone, help!”
You stop.
Inches above the ground, about to break every bone in your body, you jolt to a stop.
You stay there, hovering in mid-air, taking shallow breaths as you try to wrap your mind around everything that just happened.
You only fell when you thought that it was impossible. But it really is happening, no question about it. Your mind, although highly creative, could never conjure up anything as real as this. The fear, the panic, the quick beats of your heart proves that it is quite real.
With that thought, you start rising again, this time without you moving your feet.
As you get higher into the sky, you expect it to be cold, but not this cold. You enter into a layer of clouds and you start to feel wetness on your skin. The dampness combined with the cold makes you lose all feeling in your twenty digits. Shivers move throughout your body and your teeth chatter.
It is then that you realize you are no longer moving.
Three weeks ago. Wild Lands of the North.
The sound of your sword sliding into its sheathe fills the quiet, night air. You look up at the fourteen feet tall Gentle Giant before you, Rowanweaver. He is one of the few giants who don’t eat humans, and for that you are eternally grateful. It was Rowanweaver who found you in the snow a year and a half ago, it was he who rescued you from freezing to death.
He and a talking ginger cat named Patrick have been your only companions since you arrived in the Far North, the northernmost lands of what you would call a continent.
“Are you done?” Patrick, who goes by Trick, slinks out of the shadows cast by the tall trees.
Rowanweaver nods. “We are finished, Trick. It is time for us to return to our home.”
You and Trick sit on Rowanweaver’s shoulder as he walks towards your home—a set of caverns in the side of the mountains.
“How has that country been?” you ask.
“Narnia?” Trick waits for you to confirm before replying. “Last I heard, the White Witch is dead and there are four rulers of the country. They’re supposed to be related by blood.”
“Siblings, then,” Rowanweaver says.
“Yes.” Trick pauses before turning to look at you, amber eyes glowing in the dark. “And there’s something else.”
You sit up straighter at this. “What is it?”
“I’ve heard that they’re like you.”
Trick licks a paw before nodding at you. “If that’s what you call yourself, yes.”
You are about to speak when Rowanweaver’s deep voice fills the air. “We already know you want to see them,” he says.
Trick grins, white teeth showing as he jumps off Rowanweaver’s shoulder. As usual, he lands paws first. The cat pads into the caves you now call home. His voice bounces off the stone walls as he says, “It’s about time we paid respect to the Kings and Queens of Narnia.”
Present Day. Narnia.
As Edmund ducks under the centaur’s sword, his eyes dart to the side to Mr. Beaver.
“Yeah?” He says, grunting as he swings his sword at the centaur.
Beaver eyes the metal blades warily even though he is standing a safe distance away. “You and your siblings have three visitors. Peter would like you to go to the throne room as soon as possible.”
Edmund quickly maneuvers his sword to block the centaur’s swing and pushes back before twisting his wrist. The centaur’s weapon flies through the air and clatters against the stone floor, landing a few inches from Mr. Beaver’s feet.
“Changed?” Edmund asks.
“No. These visitors have come from far away. Peter doesn’t want to keep them waiting.”
Sighing, Edmund sheathes his sword. He wipes off his sweat with his shirt and walks towards the throne room with Mr. Beaver.
On the way, he asks, “Where exactly are the visitors coming from?”
“Your brother did not say,” Mr. Beaver replies.
Edmund walks into the Great Hall and makes his way to his siblings who are already sitting on their thrones. He unhooks his sword from his belt and leans it against his own throne before taking a seat.
“Where are the visitors coming from?” Edmund asks Peter.
“Very far north. They’re close to Harfang–”
“They’re giants?” Lucy asks. “But aren’t they usually man-eating ones?”
“Not all of them.” Peter gives his siblings a small smile before turning his attention to the entrance of the Great Hall. The large wooden doors slowly swing open and Peter says, “You’ll see.”
The floor vibrates with each step the giant takes. Edmund studies the giant and notices a girl about his age sitting on the giant’s shoulder. A ginger cat sits on the giant’s other shoulder. The three of them look tired and dirty. As the giant walks closer, Edmund sees red dots on the giant and girl’s clothes—definitely blood. He shares a look with Lucy before returning his gaze to the giant.
Roanweaver bows before the Kings and Queens. You jump off his shoulder and bow too. Trick does the same, bowing as well as a cat can bow.
“Rise,” says the blond King, the one who Trick had told you was High King Peter.
“Welcome to Narnia. We are very honored to have you all visiting from so far away,” the eldest Queen says.
“Your Highnesses,” Trick says, “It is an honor for you to accept us here.”
You watch the dark haired King—King Edmund—look you up and down. You know the three of you didn’t look the best, having fought multiple giants on the way down to Narnia.
“It looks like you got into a little trouble on the way here,” Edmund says.
Grinning, you finger the hilt of your sword. “They look worse than we do, Your Highness.”
As Edmund opens his mouth to speak, Susan cuts him off. “I assume you will be staying for a few days and you all look tired from your journey. We can prepare some rooms for you to stay in.”
“Excuse me, Your Highness, but Trick and I think this one,” here, Rowanweaver gestures to you, “might have to stay here longer. She’s human, you see, and came to this world over a year ago.”
Peter’s eyes grow wide and Susan gasps a little.
“You’re from Earth too?” Lucy asks.
“Yes, from England,” you reply.
“Oh! What a coincidence! We’re from Finchley. Have you heard of it?” Susan asks.
You nod, recalling things you heard about Finchley back on Earth.
“Since you’re from Earth too, I suppose you should stay longer. Besides, the Wild Lands of the North isn’t known for being very hospitable, especially towards humans,” Peter says.
The seven of you converse a bit more until a fawn enters the Great Hall and announces that the rooms are ready.
As you, Rowanweaver, and Trick leave the Great Hall, King Edmund’s voice stops you for a few seconds.
“You never did tell us your name,” he calls from across the hall.
You say nothing until you are almost out of the hall. It is only as you pass the large doors do you toss your first name over your shoulder, right before the doors close behind you with a bang.
“She’s interesting, Peter,” Susan says.
“Did you see her sword?” Lucy asks, “It looked really heavy.”
Edmund thinks of the large sword you carried. “It probably was used to harm giants more than to do close combat like we do. When you’re slaying giants, you want to be able to slash and chop things pretty well.”
“Our swords aren’t good for that. We’re better at agility than pure force,” Peter comments.
“Hm… That’s true. I would like to fight her someday.”
Susan looks at Edmund, curious at his interest in the girl. “You’ll have all the time in the world, Ed. She’ll be staying here for a while.”
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