#until he ends up on sakurai’s couch and never leaves
handsmotif · 6 months
sakurai and koyama are never fucking saying “i love you” or doing any cheesy shit they don’t care abt all that. moreover they don’t Need to. just the fact that they’ve been bonded for life like a pair of feisty shelter kittens is enough they both know the other isn’t going anywhere any time soon.
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drawthemfatter · 6 months
Clean Your Plate - Sakurai - Knb
His grandmother always insisted he have seconds because he was a “growing boy,” and leaving a single bite on the plate was inexcusable. He stuffed himself every meal, never noticing that his belly wasn’t the only thing growing. The portions were too. When the plates were too full, she bought bigger ones. When those were full, she would plop the leftovers on his plate or serve them later to “avoid waste.” He learned to wear an elastic waistband to meals, but those still left angry red marks and ripped sometimes. Every meal left him too sleepy and full to leave the table, so he often dozed and rubbed his protruding belly, which kept swallowing more and more of his lap. When he woke up after breakfast, he’d slowly lift his body up and force it into his school uniform. Every so often, he noticed his clothes stopped trying to squeeze him to death. He figured his grandmother bought him new ones. She had, and it made it easier for him to ignore his growth. She drove him to school too, since walking all that distance tired him out. After his after-lunch or dinner nap, he lumbered to the couch or his room to watch tv or study. His grandmother always brought soda, milk, or heavy cream and a plate of sweets, despite the fact he already had dessert. He usually kept a bag of chips in his room too. The snacks were the only thing keeping him awake enough to study. His belly pleaded with him to stop eating, but grades were important. When he finished, he laid down and rubbed it until he fell asleep. It had no choice but to grow bigger and heavier. Getting up became a tiring task. He paused several times on the stairs at school to catch his breath and wipe the sweat from his forehead. P.E. was impossible. Just walking a lap made him look and sound like he’d just run five miles. The teacher usually sent him to get water and sit down, worried what would happen if he didn’t let the boy rest. After class, the teacher would pull him aside sometimes and grab his fat or poke it, lecturing him about health and weight. Sakurai ignored it and went to get his snack. Bullies sometimes forced him to eat or drink weird things like the time a kid stole sticks of butter from the kitchen and made him eat it. Sometimes he ended up in the nurses office with a stomach ache and nausea. She too lectured him endlessly. But when he got home, he ate his after school snack, dinner, dessert, and evening snack like always and watched his belly swell with tons of unneeded calories.
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The rain, Akaashi Keiji part two
I'm sorry it's been such a long time I've just had some stuff going on but here it is, part two. I also think @bakudummy asked to be tagged, if you didn't ask me to I'm sorry please tell me I'll take it off anyway enjoy! Akaashi was currently locked in a debate between himself and himself. While one side was telling him that it would be fine if he visited [Name] and Takahashi in normal clothing while the other was telling him that they weren’t close enough and that he was required to wear a three-piece suit. The first side then argued back that they might think he’s rude if he showed up for a cup of hot chocolate in formal wear. In the end, he decided that after picking [Name] and her cake off the street and getting her to Takahashi’s apartment, what he wore probably mattered the least to either of them right now and settled on a cotton T-shirt. He made his way out of his apartment and knocked on the door to his right, which was opened by Takahashi. He hadn’t usually seen her like this. She had changed out of the pencil skirt she so usually wore to work and was currently in a sweater and leggings. She also looked surprised to see Akaashi in anything but his work wear. She let him in and went back to the stove, where the milk for the hot chocolate was bubbling on the stove. He saw [Name] spread out on an armchair, now changed out of her wet clothes. She saw him and immediately perked up, changing her position to see him better. He took a seat on the couch across from her. She gave him a smile and immediately began speaking to him.
“Stoneface-san! Feeling better?”
“Yes, much better. How about you?”
She smiled. “I’m doing great! I got my cake, I got to meet you, I got to see Yo-chan, and now she’s making me hot chocolate!”
Akaashi smiled at the childlike elation she had at the situation she was in. She was an optimist to the bone.
He was a bit jealous of her, though he didn’t realize it. He was jealous of people like her. They didn’t have a care in the world, complete confidence in themselves. And people like him or Takahashi were following them around making sure nothing happened to them because, jaded and anxious as they were, they didn’t want that optimism to fade. It gave them strength too. It reminded him of the former captain of his high school volleyball team. Bokuto-san’s confidence was a force to be reckoned with and now there he was, playing professionally on a world stage.
Takahashi walked over with two mugs of hot chocolate, setting them on the coffee table that separated him and [Name]. [Name]’s smile grew wider upon seeing the drink and she happily picked it up and immediately took a big sip.
Immediately she started coughing.
“Ah barned mah tahnge.” She said, with her tongue hanging out.
Takahashi and Akaashi started laughing in unison as [Name] also began laughing with her tongue still hanging out.
“Why are you laughing? You burned your tongue?” Akaashi asked through chuckles.
“It is funny,” [Name] said through sips of cold water to soothe her tongue.
Time was spent happily drinking hot chocolate while [Name] told them jokes and stories.
Putting down his mug, Akaashi looked at [Name].
“[Name]-san, I’ve been meaning to ask your full name, as I didn’t get it when I met you.”
[Name] smiled. “[Last Name] [Name]”
Akaashi did a double take. “I’ve been calling you by your first name this whole time? That’s incredibly disrespectful as we don’t know each other well”
“It’s fine, Stoneface-san. I’ve never liked using my surname as it puts a formality barrier between me and who I’m talking to. Please use my first name.”
Akaashi nodded in acceptance. “So [Name], what do you do for work?”
She winked. “If I told you it would be no fun. It’s your job to guess. Your hint is that I’m in the creative field.” After many consecutive wrong guesses, [Name] changed the subject and started telling them what had happened to her at the train station that morning. As they laughed, Akaashi began to realize how much fun he was having.
It had been a long time since he had done anything like this. He maintained a strictly professional relationship with his coworkers and Bokuto-san was not free most of the time with having gone professional. He would come by and have a drink with Akaashi ever so often, but Bokuto-san usually found himself leaving early to spend more time with Shoyo. Akaashi didn’t mind that he was branching out and he knew that their adult life was definitely going to impact their friendship. However, it was not after he lost them that he realized just how much he cherished the carefree days on the volleyball team, how he would chase Bokuto-san around with an umbrella to stop him from getting wet in the rain.
It was probably why he spent so many late nights at work, trying to quiet his mind by occupying it. His high school friends were all busy with their own lives, he felt he should be as well.
“Stoneface-san?” He heard
He snapped out of his daze and saw [Name] staring at him, slightly concerned.
“Are you okay? Your stare was really blank and you didn’t laugh when I told you about when I threw a squid tentacle at the guy who came to collect my taxes.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I guess I’m just feeling a bit tired. I also have some work due tomorrow, so do you mind if I take my leave?”
Takahashi looked at him, obviously concerned, but trying to hide it. “Yes of course, I’ll show you to the door.”
She walked him over to the door of the apartment and opened it, letting him go through.
“Thank you for looking after [Name] today, I’m sorry if she was a bit of an inconvenience. It was nice to have you both over, we should do it again sometime.”
Akaashi nodded, thanked her, and went inside his own apartment.
He didn’t mean to leave so abruptly, but he wasn’t lying, he did have work.
He made his way to the small desk by the window of his apartment and sat down, picking up the large, stapled sheet of paper by his window.
Today, his work was a bit more enjoyable than usual. He was editing one of his more favorite comics that was published in his magazine. Asuma no Sekai was a comic set in a demon world, with the main character being an incredibly lazy demon who preferred eating cake to doing her job. The crazy schemes she pulled to get out of doing her job were sometimes more work than doing the actual job and always made the reader laugh. Editing it was a more favorable part of Akaashi’s week and it never failed to lift his mood. The author was Sakurai Daisuke. He had never met the author in person as he usually sent someone else to pick up his manuscript, but he looked forward to meeting someone who was such a good mangaka.
After spending a couple hours reading, laughing, and editing the work, Akaashi went to bed as he had work the next morning.
[Name] had left on the first train that morning and though Akaashi was slightly mournful that he didn’t get to say goodbye, he continued on with his day like normal.
As the week went by, [Name] occupied Akaashi’s thoughts slightly more than a normal person would. He would pass by the cake shops in his area and wonder if she would enjoy the one in the display window. He was confused by why he was thinking about her so often, but chalked it up to the fact that there were a lot of cake shops in his area.
Later that week, on an afternoon while he was home, Akaashi got a call from his employee, Okomoto Chiyo. She sounded extremely distressed.
“Akaashi-san! I’m so so sorry to bother you!”
“It’s okay, what do you need?”
“My wife is sick and I’m home taking care of her. I was supposed to pick up Sakurai-san’s manuscript today, but Nanako’s been throwing up all day and I can’t afford to leave her now. Do you mind picking it up?”
Akaashi was slightly annoyed, as he had just gotten home. However, he knew that he couldn’t possibly ask his employee to leave her sick wife.
“It’s completely okay. May I have Sakurai-san’s address? At least I can finally meet him.”
“It’s xxx-xxx on the other side of the city. The train will be able to get you there really fast. Sakurai-san should have completed her manuscript by now.”
“Her?” Akaashi was confused
“Sakurai Daisuke is a pen-name. The author is female. She picked a male name to sound more ambiguous.”
“Oh, that comes as a bit of a surprise.”
“Thank you so much for doing this, Akaashi-san! I am forever grateful to you.”
“It’s no problem.”
Akaashi looked out his window and toward the train station which was a couple blocks away. It was raining.
As he turned, his eyes fell on a now-dry neon yellow umbrella. He must have forgotten to give it back to [Name].
He picked up the umbrella, put on a long brown coat, and ran out his apartment door.
He was able to make it onto the train last minute, sitting on the seat in relief. As the train moved along, he thought about what the author might be like.
Thinking about it now, it was fairly obvious that this author wasn’t like most of the male authors Akaashi’s company had published.
There was barely any fan service in the series and the author made sure to write her female characters just as realistic and flawed as her male characters. Most of the male authors drew one woman with an unrealistic body and made her show up every now and then to rip her clothes off and leave. Sakurai-san’s female characters had personalities and all different body shapes, some bigger or smaller, darker or lighter, more like the women he would see in the real world.
The train announced his stop and he walked out, looking at the paper where he jotted down the address.
He navigated his way through the twists and turns until he finally got to the apartment building.
He entered and went to the specified floor and found the correct door.
As he raised his hand to knock, Akaashi suddenly felt a bit nervous to meet this author who he borderline idolized, especially when he found out he was wrong about her gender the whole time.
Nevertheless, his hand tapped lightly on the door twice and he heard footsteps rush to open it.
What he saw behind the door was definitely not what he expected.
[Name] was peeking out, wearing a large animal onesie, holding a plate of cake with a plastic fork.
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bleedingrose7098 · 5 years
¤ His Silver Kitty ~ Chapter 1 ¤
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(Summary ~ Somehow she reminded him of a rose. She was so delicate and fragile. Her small ears were always pressed down against her silver hair. Someone once told him that roses took a while to bloom but the end result was always worth it. And Taehyung was determined to make this one blossom into the beautiful flower he knew she could be.)
Chapter Title ~ I Believe
Language ~ English
Song reference ~ I Believe By Younha
☆ Taehyung's Point of view ☆
"You idiot! You brought her with you?!" Minho shouted. He looked back and forth between me and (Y/n) repeatedly then back to the road. I sighed and scratched the back of my head sheepishly.
"I didn't want to leave her alone." I reasoned, looking back at (Y/n) who huddled herself into a small ball on the backseats of Minho's car.
The window was open on her side and one of her hands were hanging out of it to feel the rain. She gazed out of the window blankly.
"She attempted to commit suicide Taehyung! You don't know that she won't do it again!" He said to me. I rolled my eyes a nudged him.
"Don't be so loud. She might hear you." I said to him. He laughed at me. He laughed hard.
"You really are an idiot. She's a hybrid Taehyung! She would be able to hear you breathing even when you try to hold your breath." He laughed.
"And you want to actually take care of her? You know nothing about hybrids!" He continued.
I groaned and covered my face with my hands.
"No! I don't know the first thing about hybrids but i can damn well try!" I yelled out in frustration. Minho hit his lip then sighed.
"Fine. Fine. Okay. First you'll need to officially register her as your hybrid. I'll take you to the agency." He agreed. I smiled brightly at him, showing him my famous boxy smile.
"Thank you hyung. I really appreciate it." I thanked. He rolled his eyes and continued driving.
I took my phone out of my pocket and pressed the home button to check my notifications.
Jin Hyung 33 Missed calls and 42 Missed messages
Jungkook 12 Missed messages
Jimin 8 Missed calls
Namjoon 1 Missed message and 1 Missed call
I laughed and turned off my phone once again and shoved it into my pocket. Unbelievable.
They can't just act like they care when they realise they need me. It dosen't work like that.
☆ (Y/n)'s Point of view ☆
We were in Minho's car driving to the agency. Minho was apart of the boygroup Shinee. I usually watched him on tv when my old owner payed the electricity bill.
I only realised Taehyung was famous too when he was rushing me towards the bus stop where Minho's car was waiting and billions of girls were screaming, "Taehyung oppa!" And, "V oppa!"
Only then i realised what he was dragging me into.
The car was now silent. We drove through the streets with the radio on, playing quietly as the rain now was heavier and louder then the noices coming from the speakers.
The agency of hybrid adoption was a place I've been to many times. It was a quick process of signing a single form which they then photocopied and faxed to the main office. After this was done you could take the hybrid home after purchasing an earring set or a collar. I've always gotten collars because my owners could never afford to pierce my ears since it cost alot more for hybrids.
The car finally pulled up the the agency. There was writing at the front that i was never able to read since i haven't been taught to read or write. The engine stopped after Minho took his car key out of the slot. Taehyung opened his door and walked over to my door to open it for me.
I looked up at him blankly as he held out his hand for me to grab. I put my hand in his and let him pull me up from my seat. He closed the car door after i got out then put his arm around my neck and hung it loosely. He smiled at me comfortingly as he led me inside. He looked up at the security guard who's face i knew all too well and started to speak.
"I would like to sign a fo--"
"God you're back here again?! How much times are you going to get adopted?" The man laughed.
"Hey Seoho! The silver head's back! You owe me some money!" The man called out to the open door that was at the back of the room. Taehyung eyebrows furrowed in anger
"Excuse me?! You were betting on her not having an owner again?! That is so sick!" Taehyung growled. He pushed past the guard and marched over to the front desk with my wrist tightly clutched in his hand. The guard snickered as i walked past him. My face has no emotion as i followed Taehyung's lead. Minho wait inside his car whilst playing a game in his phone to cure his boredem.
"I need to sign an adoption form please." Taehyung said the the old woman at the desk. Without looking up, she grabbed a form and slid it over to Taehyung and chucked a pen to him. He caught it before it rolled off of the table with a glare on his face. He muttered an annoyed thanks before taking the papers to the seating area.
He sat down first then patted the space next to him for me to sit down also. I crawled onto the couch and sat on it with my knees to me chest and feet off of the floor. Taehyung noticed my weird habit but didn't say anyting about it. He saw that I've done this before in the car and thought that maybe it felt more comfortable for my tail this way.
Then he started to fill out the form with a pen in his hand.
"What's you full name?" He asked.
"Sakurai (Y/n)." I whispered.
"Sakurai? That sounds like a Japanese family name?" Taehyung noticed. I nodded and kept quiet. He sighed but didn't continue to pry.
"Date of birth?" He asked.
"1998. May."
"May what?" He questioned. I shrugged my shoulders and closed my eyes, resting them against my knees.
"How many times have you been adopted?" He asked. This time he listened closely, he was obviously curious about this one.
"5." I said simply. His eyes widened slightly but he didn't comment on it. Even though i know he wanted to.
"Okay the rest is for me to fill out." He said as he started to write in the boxes. I nodded and waited silently for him to finish so we could leave. This place made me feel anxious. I guess it showed by the way my foot kept tapping impatienly on the sofa, shaking my whole body it the process.
"HOLY SHIT! IT'S TRUE! THE SILVER HEAD IS BACK!" A guard shouted. I tucked my head further into my knees and tried to block at out the noise. The guard walked towards me and picked up some of my hair and started twirling it between his fingers.
"What did you do this time, Silver?" He asked with a smirk. I ignored him, trying to close my eyes and wish for everything to dissapear.
Then he tugged on my hair hard causing me to sqeak. Taehyung looked up from the paper and furrowed his brows in confusion. That was untill he saw the man holding my hair in a tight grip. His look went from confusion to anger.
"Answer me, Silver." The guard said through gritted teeth. Taehyung stood up suddenly then walked towards the guard. He pushed him backwards with force, making the man stumble backwards amd let go of my hair. My breath hitched. I watched as Taehyung kept pushing the man backwards, taking out his anger on him.
No. This isn't what i wanted. I hated humans. But i hated violence more.
"Stop." I whispered as tears clouded my vision. Taehyung couldn't hear my quiet voice over his yelling.
"What gives you the right to touch her?!" He growled. The volume of his voice making me press my ears further into my hair then they already were.
"Please." I whispered again. Nobody payed any mind to me. After all, i was just a hybrid. Me being a crying hybrid didn't make any difference to them.
My breathing got heavier and heavier as i noticed it started to get hard for me to breathe. I gasped in for air but i felt as if nothing was being inhaled.
A panic attack? Not now. I can't deal with passing out now. I can't do this again here.
"You were clearly bothering her! Right, (Y/n)?!" Taehyung yelled, whipping his head back to me to listen for an answer. His face dropped, seeing me in tears sliding down to the floor, clawing at my chest in hopes to give me some air.
Taehyung was by my side in a second. He kneeled to the floor and took my face into his hands. He made me look him in the eyes. That was when i noticed his sparking blue contacts and how they complimented him so well.
This wasn't the time to be admiring him.
"Breathe." He said simply. He rubbed my cheeks and my tears away in the process. He breathed in slowly to demonstrate to me and asked me to copy. I did as he asked and started breathing in. Air filled my lungs slowly as i started to get back to the normal pace of breathing.
I was shocked. He stopped my panic attack. That has never happened to me before. I've always had one then passed out from lack of oxygen. One of the many things wrong with me which made my owners think twice before purchasing me. The only reason they have was because i was a rare breed of cat hybrids. The Siberian cat. Also known as the silver haired beauties. At least that was what i was told by my mother before i was sold to a buyer back in Tokyo.
Taehyung then brought me to his chest and hugged me.
"I gave you a panic attack... I'm sorry." He mumbled into my hair. I breathed in his scent over and over again, almost smiling as i smelt the smell of home. My eyes were closed as i started to relax into his hold. I could feel myself difting off in a sleep.
"I'll do better from now on. I promise. I'll protect you..."
I believe you...
(Author-Nim ~ Hey Mochies! Did you enjoy?! Please comment what you thought! I read every comment! Ask some questions if you'd like! Don't be a shy reader! ILY Mochies!)
(Read Chapter 2 Next on my profile)
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