#until after he died my mom finally defended herself because she didn't want me to hate my dad while he was alive
xxxemilyg1996 · 14 hours
Happy dead dad day!
#my dad died 3 years ago today#I have a lot of complicated thoughts about my dad and have spent the past year very angry at him#but i miss him so much and not a day goes by that i don't wish he was still here#part of grief is allowing yourself to feel everything you feel about the person you've lost#my dad did a lot of shitty things and let me believe horrible things about my mother for 11 years#until after he died my mom finally defended herself because she didn't want me to hate my dad while he was alive#and i don't hate him. ive never hated him#but i think back on my childhood and the trauma his untreated mental illness inflicted on all of us#that no one outside of our house knew about#he was bipolar and had DID and was probably also autistic#i was terrified of my father until i was about 16. but i love him and loved him then#the amount of shit he put us all through and especially my mother. who stayed with him because he was her soulmate and also#would likely have killed himself if she left. he threatened to kill her on multiple occasions#we weren't allowed to walk home after school even though it's only about a mile to the school from my house#i realized after he died that its because my mother did not trust him to be home alone with us for our safety#all the adults in our life thought we were just lazy fat kids who couldn't walk a mile#and i think thats the hardest#people thought so negatively about is because they didn't know what we went through on a daily basis#his own family has his memory on a pedestal when they didn't even live with him during childhood#he lived with his grandma and they all lived with their mom#and they get mad if we say ANYTHING negative about him#YOU DIDN'T KNOW HIM YOU DON'T EVEN BELIEVE HE SUFFERED FROM D.I.D. EVEN THOUGH IT WAS DIAGNOSED!#anyways rest in peace to my chevy impala that the transmission died while driving from the hospital to see him#because he was in a coma. for the 3rd time that year#dead dad club#parental loss#grief
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morguebabii · 2 years
Reposting this from my main page
Alright I’m boutta make a long ass post you can read it if you want or not I don’t really care.
But basically this post is just to sum up the struggles I’ve had for the past few years.
So first we start off in may 2019. I graduated. My parents were still together at this point.
About 2 months after that, skip to the 4th of July. We’re in Ohio. My mom, dad, sisters, we went to go meet my grandpa and aunt and cousins.
About that time we head back to florida my parents are arguing. We get back to florida. They’re arguing for a few months.
October rolls around. My dad filed divorce papers and regrets it so he assaults my mom.
My mom defends herself and gets a domestic charge doing so. (Fuck you florida, for arresting the victim and not the aggressor.)
Anyways, so they split up finally. My mom is doing better and is much happier without him.
My sisters are staying at my moms and my dads. They both have half and half custody since they’re fighting for the kids. (My mom deserves them, let me say that right off the bat).
I stay with my dad when they split up cause I knew the kids were gonna go with my mom.
My dad decides to kick me out, the only kid who did stay out of the kindness of their heart.
But so he kicks me out. I go to stay with my aunt in Ohio. DEA raids her place so I leave cause I’m not trying to be watched by police.
I go to stay with my grandpa for a little bit. Had the best time of my life on the road trucking with him. I was the happiest I could’ve possibly been.
Until my friend died. That’s when I went back to florida and everything really took a turn for the worst.
I went to go stay at a friends house. (I forgot why I originally quit staying there, honestly) I think cause there wasn’t really any room to start with. Idk.
But so anyways I leave there and then I go to my moms for a bit ( I make 🌶🍜 ) and so I did a photo set while I was over there. No, the kids weren’t there, they were actually at my dads.
So as you, the reader know, I’m going on about my business doing my normal work as usual.
MY DAD DECIDES it would be cool and funny to pretend to be some random guy so he can buy the photo set!! Guess what he did with it! Used it against my mom in court to get custody of my sisters! And because my dad has family with retirement funds and white privilege, it was gonna go his way regardless! Especially seeing as my mom couldn’t even get a lawyer cause she’s not even from this country (yes she’s here legally)
But anyways that’s not the point. So now my dad has my sisters and I’m here house hopping cause I want my mom to be able to have my sisters back. That’s all she wants. So I’m not going to go and ruin that for her. My sisters aren’t even allowed to talk about me during visitation. But so I’m house hopping. I get used and abused by like 90% of the roommates I had. Some used the rent money I gave them for alcohol. We got served eviction notice. So we hit the road for a little while we’re all homeless, fine and dandy. Then I go to stay at another persons place. Which they just straight up treated everyone in that apartment like a tyrant. So I stood up for myself and left and my roommate didn’t like that. Get offered a place to stay at this dudes place. He just wanted to fuck but I didn’t realize that. But he’d ask me for extra money and extra greens and was so damn entitled.
And so I left there because I got tired of being treated once again like I was supposed to obey a tyrant. So I left. And now I am here in indiana.
I posted that ^ months ago on Facebook and since I’m joining tumblr again, I feel like this is a great first post for a page like this.
fast forward to now. it's been a few months since I left Indiana, it didn't take me but 2 months to dip after i realized what was going on. i refused to be taken advantage of again so i left and decided it was time to put myself first. the people i was staying with in indiana ended up getting evicted from the place they were at and funny enough went back to the same exact city my boyfriend and i left from to go to indiana. << (for context, the guy we stayed with was originally friends with my boyfriend and i'm adding that because i don't remember if i put that in this already long post that i originally created months ago.) but i just think it's a bit funny how he told us to come move in with him and his wife up there when they ended up going back to our hometown anyways.. and no i do not talk to them still. i'm at my grandpa's and have been for a few months. i don't mind it here, but i would also like to get my own place although i shouldn't be on my own. i do need someone with me at all times, and i really do mean that. now is a good opportunity for me to get my shit together though and hopefully not need an adult to accompany me later on in life when i have nobody to depend on. because it all happens to us eventually. and i'm afraid of that. i can't fathom living without my mom, my grandma, or my grandpa. they've done so much for me and i love them. i really just wanna be back with my mom. if i can edit this i might come back to it later who knows.
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kiame-sama · 3 years
hello! not really a request, but i was wondering if you have any tips on writing yanderes/your thought process while writing your works? i really love how you write yanderes and don’t know where to really start (^ ◇^;) you can ignore this ask if it’s too much!
My thought process is a strange one, lovie. I'm a maladaptive day dreamer so I often just space out and random thoughts from that usually are how my yandere ideas begin. I have a note app on my phone and it is FILLED with random ideas/ plot points. Some have been there for literal years (a big group of unfinished Selkie fics across multiple fandoms are just hanging out in there)
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If I have a certain yandere in mind with the idea, I put their name at the top and see if I can expand ideas or even fit them together. Like having a pocket full of quotes and seeing which ones fit who. Sometimes I'll get a random idea for a BNH Quirk, or a HxH nen ability, and I'll write it down so I can come back to it later or see which character would be most likely to be interested in a darling with said ability.
Or I think of a character and build from there.
For example:
I want to write something about Sesshomaru.
Ancient japan, but I am a present day human who does NOT live in Japan. Fine, reader becomes transfer student and is shadowing/living with Kagome. Both get pulled into the bone eater's well and are now in ancient Japan.
Yay! But he doesn't like humans other than Rin.
Fine, reader travels with Kagome and is washing her clothes in the river when she hears Rin scream while she is running from demons. Reader goes to help the girl and is attacked, basically sacrificing herself for Rin. This sacrifice (paired with the demon horde) creates a new Shikon Jewel. Rin is understandably upset someone just died for her and cries. Here comes Sesshomaru who mercifully revives reader using Tensaiga.
But wait! Shikon Jewel formed and that took reader's soul!
Fine, reader has no soul and therefore takes a nearby fox demon's soul instead and becomes a half-demon when revived due to demon soul. An empty vessel that now lives. Memories and personality are still there, humanity is mostly gone. Kinda like how Kikyo was a clay vessel until revived with an ounce or two of Kagome's soul. Jewel makes half-demon reader full demon!
Now demon, but what kind? Eh, fox demon soul. Fox demon. Works for me. Nine tail! Big fluffy!
Fox demon revived by Dog demon and encouraged by Rin, join Sesshomaru's party. Jaken complains about a fox in the party but shuts up because Rin is happy. Reader blames Kagome for dragging reader into all of this.
Dramatic questions when they finally meet again!
"You didn't even look for me! Doesn't my family deserve a chance to mourn? To know I died? Doesn't my life matter too?"
Note: Kagome DID go look. Couldn't find reader and blames herself for getting reader dragged to feudal era Japan. Every word is a knife that hurts more as reader speaks and blames Kagome for more.
Inuyasha wants new jewel and Kagome can see/sense it. Oh, but wait, reader is demon now! Lash out foxy-fox! Kagome and friends depart because reader demon abilities are a bit over powered due to new jewel and controlled by reader's angry emotions (instinct comes out in life or death battle, blinded by rage, one can only act on instinct).
Keep traveling with Sesshomaru and become a 'mom' figure for Rin. Sesshomaru is her dad figure, so reader can be mom!
More danger from wolf demons going after the jewel. Wolves are chasing the fox reader, Sesshomaru actually intervenes and saves reader.
"Foolish woman! Don't you know how to defend yourself?"
Angry because scared of losing reader, but will never tell. Reader was scared, not mad, so reader kinda forgot that she is a demon and a scary one at that.
Foxes have heats, dogs do too. Males have ruts. Sesshomaru has a rut when reader goes into heat. Guess it is time for Sesshomaru to claim his mate.
Fox demon? Fox terminology; tod, vixen, skulk, burrow, den.
Bones outline for story, fill in the meat and descriptions, you got yourself a good one! Post and say "screw it!" And hopefully people like it.
That is my usual approach, but sometimes inspiration smacks me like a sack of bricks. I'm maybe/probably gonna write the full story of the word blurb above.
A few Rules I follow;
NEVER use same descriptive word twice in same paragraph or sentence, use another word with similar meaning. (Sad; melancholy, despondent, grief stricken, numb, sorrow, woe)
Dictionary and Thesaurus are friends. (As a kid, I sat and read a dictionary because I could. It has helped amazingly).
Try to not start two sentences in the same paragraph with the same word.
Paragraphs can be one sentence or millions of sentences! Split into new paragraph based off of idea or focus shift.
Purple prose is fine, don't let anyone else tell you it isn't. (Locks of ebony/ waterfall of tears/ waves of emotion) Find descriptive words for colors, even those weird funky colors. Life mimics nature and nature contains life. Immerse yourself and the reader with your words. 5 senses. (Maybe 6 if you want)
"Dialogue chunks should be together, easier than trying to write description between every line of dialogue for every sentence."
Put warnings for content as you write at list up top. Add as needed.
Practice! (Even if it is only in little notes on phone. These can be edited until you are pleased)
Why? Why not. Who will stop you other than you?
Don't follow grammar rules or sentence structure? Go for it! Commit to your style and try new styles. Who are others to tell you not to? It is your work, you decide! People can complain all they want, they are not the author, you are! You make your choices, not them!
If you don't like what you wrote, save to edit but don't beat yourself up for it. Write what you like and what makes you happy. What you didn't like prior may fit beautifully into a different piece.
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Supernatural Novel: Heart of the Dragon
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Welcome to my not-quite review of the fourth Supernatural novel, Heart of the Dragon.
Author: Keith R.A. DeCandido
Timeline: Set after Episode 5.08 Changing Channels
Location: San Francisco, California (Chinatown)
Synopsis: An old foe has come back to terrorize San Francisco, but what is the connection between the Campbells, John Winchester and Sam and Dean? Read to find out!
Warning: Spoilers abound!
Oh, where do I start? Heart of the Dragon has a very different feel to it, one that I'm not entirely on board with. Basically, it's a flashback book that spends the first third on Samuel, Deanna, and Mary Campbell, the second third on John Winchester and the last quarter on Sam and Dean. In fact, out of 28 chapters, Sam and Dean were only featured in about 7 of them. It leaves the book feeling hollow and me, a little meh. But, there are some additional insights into the Winchester family history which I'll try and parse out.
One more thought, I'm glad this is the last book from this particular author. Once again he has utilized a culture/race to tell the story, and not well. When the story is in 1969, he utilizes the world Orientals to explain Japanese and Chinese characters. He might have been trying to use the wording of the day, and that's fine if it's in dialogue, but to use it as a descriptor is problematic, at best. He also plays up multiple stereotypes from the Chinese mob to the Japanese Samurai. I'm hoping this book is the Route 666 of the novels and that they can only get better.
I decided to sort my thoughts within the different timelines, so here we go:
1969: Samuel, Deanna, and Mary Campbell
We open with the family hunting a vampire and Samuel using 15-year-old Mary as willing bait. It turns out to be a nest, but they quickly dispatch them without casualties. Deanna appears to be quite the hunter in her own right (her skill with a Claymore outstanding.) Within this hunt we learn a few things about Mary and the Campbell family.
The Campbells have a strong link to their Scottish heritage.
Samuel hates Christmas
Mary is willful, annoying, and disrespectful, but an amazing hunter who was raised practically from birth to how to hunt and defend herself. (Sam parallels, perhaps?)
Mary learned about monsters at 11 when she saw her parents dispatch an avenging spirit.
Samuel hates the idea of Mary hanging out with any boys, though she has a particular fondness for a John Winchester who works as a local auto-mechanic.
Samuel owns a dry-cleaning business and Deanna substitute teaches to help maintain some kind of income.
Mary often wondered about having a normal life, but would dismiss it knowing she couldn't have that and still know monsters are out there. (Seems like a combination of Sam and Dean here).
Other than that, the hunt they go to San Francisco for seems fairly perfunctory. They do a bunch of research, talk to a few locals. Samuel dons his FBI agent schtick, they locate the source of the problem, and quickly dispatch it. There's nothing too dramatic there, just a lot of backstory.
1989: John Winchester
There's a bit more insight here because now we're getting some insight into Dad John, as well as 6-year-old Sam and 10-year-old Dean. I'll touch on a few points.
Leaving his boys with others: We open with John returning to his kids whom he left at Bobby's while he took care of a hunt. He left them long enough that they were enrolled in school and he planned on keeping them there for the fall semester. He felt bad about using Bobby's hospitality for so long.
Training his boys: "John knew his boys would need to be able to defend themselves against whatever was out there - he'd already started that process with Dean... Dean was a crack shot with John's M1911 and could load the shotgun with iron rounds and fire them off in one smooth motion. Eventually he'd need to train Sammy too. But not yet."
Loving his boys: When he arrives at Bobby's, Sam runs out to meet him and wraps his arms around John's legs as he walks in. Sam also tattles on Dean for eating the last donut.
There are also some fun moments between young Sam and Dean, mostly sibling bickering.
Dean and Sam enjoy playing hide-and-seek among Bobby's car on the weekends and Sam enjoys going to school during the week. Dean, not so much.
Sam proudly shares that he's doing 3rd grade work in 1st grade and then teases Dean about also doing 3rd grade work even though he's in 5th grade (Dean then sticks his tongue out at Sam and says "Screw you, Sammy.") At this John calls them out and both boys are chagrined.
Later on, when John calls Bobby for more information, we find Dean holding a pen out of Sam's reach and teasing him with it.
Of course, that call means we also get this heartbreaking line moment from Dean, who wants to talk to his Dad, but can't before John hangs up. Bobby tries to explain: "'Sorry, Dean, he, uh, was on his way out the door. But he told me to tell you both to behave yourselves and do what I tell you. And that he loves you.' Dean: 'Did he really say that?'"
When Bobby presents the next case, John is torn between wanting to spend time with his kids, but going after something that could cause people to burn spontaneously, in the hopes that it might lead him to the demon who killed Mary. I think the book did a good job of capturing John's struggle between revenge and caring for his boys. He's not the abusive, neglectful father people tend to think he is. He's someone struggling to make things right.
"John didn't answer at first. Instead, he looked over at Sam and Dean in the dining room, playing that oh-so-common game of 'I touched you last.'
Christmas was coming up and he did want to spend it with the boys..."
Finally, when John returns and Bobby and the boys meet him at the airport, we get some additional insight into 10-year-old Dean's thoughts regarding his father and his place in the family.
"Waiting there in the airport, he understood how important it was for Dad to be away so much - more than Sammy ever could. Sammy hadn't really known Mom, since he was just a baby when she died. Dean couldn't imagine that his baby brother would ever truly understand what had happened to her.
If he was honest with himself, he didn't really understand it, either. There were some days - though he'd never admit this to anyone - when he couldn't even remember what she looked like.
Some kind of monster had killed Mom, and Dad wouldn't rest until he found that monster and killed it. Along the way, he'd kill any other monsters who tried to kill other people's moms...
Dad still fought the bad guys and saved people, but he also cared about his sons.
Because Dad was a hero, and that was what heroes did."
2009 - Sam and Dean
There isn't much to write about here, because they weren't featured in the book. I will just add a couple of notes.
Dean recognizes Samuel Campbell in a newspaper article about the killings. (He'd already been sent back in time and met his grandfather).
It's seems reasonable to Sam that Mary and her parents were hunters. What freaks him out is that he and Dean were named after their grandparents and John never told them.
Sam's been a nerd about the American Interstate system since he was 10 and loved poring over maps.
Sam feels more guilt from trusting Ruby over Dean than starting the apocalypse.
Final notes:
This book introduces Castiel who brings the case to the boys attention. We get the same stuff in here that you see on screen, he has issues with personal space, comes and goes at will, and Bobby's still mad at him for not being able to heal his paralysis. He's only there for a few pages, and then disappears again.
Bobby gets a bit more screen time, as a pseudo-dad to young Sam and Dean, and later as their resource when researching the case and it's history. Favorite quote: "As he went into the fridge for butter to spread onto the pan, Bobby decided it was the entire Winchester family that was making him bald."
We briefly get Hurt Sam who is punched repeatedly by a hulk of a man, but with no lasting consequences and very little caring Dean.
We find out at the end that Zachariah orchestrated the whole thing by planting the idea in Castiel's head.
So, like I said at the beginning, not my favorite, but hopefully I was able to share some of the more interesting parts. Read at your own risk!
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xeo-kunsatan · 4 years
Beast Choices Chapter 1. Diagnosis
Long time ago in Pacopolis... A Russian/Korean Woman have opened her consultory for the first time, ready to receive her first patient.
Muriel Plizetxki.
Age: 21 years
Gender: Female
Birthday: April 4th
Sign: Aries ♈
Race: Purple Sphere-Russian/Korean
Blood type: B+
From her office's door, her First patient have arrived.. It was a insecure and tired white orb next to his mother wich was speaking with Muriel about her son's bad behavior, wishing Muriel would make him change into a perfect boy, to then left him in the office.
Betrayus Spheros
Age: 18 Years
Gender: Male
Birthday: October 28th
Sign: Scorpio ♏
Race: White Sphere-American
Blood type: A-.
–Remember Miss in 2 months of therapy i will give you his Diagnosis–
Muriel said trying to be professional.
–I hope you can handle him, he is sooo complicated... Well see ya Tray Tray, be good– Said the old woman before leaving the office.
–Wow.. what a nice woman..– Muriel said sarcastically.. –Y-Yeah... I guess..– he said with a notable uncomfortably.
The ambient was quiet for a moment, but Muriel started speaking.
–Welcome to this office Mr Spheros, or how can I refer myself to you?– –B-Betrayus.. just Betrayus
--Said bashful the white guy..
--Alright Betrayus, so.. Tell me... What are your problems?
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Betrayus was quiet and nervous but he took a break and started narrating..
–Well.. Doctor.. My problems started literally since I born,.. my Dad died when i born... So my mother andmy brother.. they saw me as the guilty of his death and a black sheep...i Dunno if my older sister thinks the same of me....
He was narrating while Muriel was taking notes of his testimony.–
–I didn't knew how my father was, when i tried to ask my mom about him...she just avoid that topic and told me a "shut up" instead, My sister isn't in home for almost all the day because of her work, when i saw her, we just have a short conversations about future stuff and what places we want to visit so i forgot to ask that to her.. and my brother.. he just avoids me with Mom's same behavior.. i think i partly know why he is Mom's favorite..
–Because he is the same shit as her?–
Muriel commented in a jocking way.
–Heheh.. Exactly– He Chuckled
–Is that all, or there's is more you want to share?.. Like.. your childhood?– she said interested while she was still taking notes.
–Well.. about my childhood..it was hard too, i went to the same school as my brother, he was the brilliant Student of the class, he was the best in Chess, math, history, lenguage, football, swimming, golf and hockey. How I'm not like him, for a weird reason classmates sees me as a
Mr no One or a freak, some of them used to bully me....– He added
–Uhuh..– Muriel Answered while she was writting in a new paper
Betrayus seemed a little mad at Muriel's dry attitude, like thinking she wasn't giving a care about his feelings.
– Agh... you know, whatever, that's not important.. you're were just paid to control me
Betrayus's mad expression changed in a melancholic one, something Muriel noticed quickly, then she said him with a warm voice tone and a clumsy smile.
–Don't worry, i will not judge you, even when my work is hear your problems and understand you to then give you dry advices, i really want to help you, i know so well how do you feel, I'm sorry if I sounded like i didn't care, Heh.. This is my first work day and you my first patient, hehe–
Betrayus was embarrassed but relieved at the same time –R-Really?, Oh dang I'm really sorry, i didn't know..–
–No no no, it's okay, it was my fault– Muriel was still with a dummy smile, something that Betrayus saw with tenderness
–Heh at least that confirms me that you're really interested in help me–
She chuckled –Yeah i guess, hehehe
And we'll continuing this, tell me what are the things wich makes you shine?–
–Things wich makes me shine?– he asked confused
–You know, your skills, in what things you are good for– she answered chuckling
–Ooh!, I get it, heh.. well I'm good in lenguage, History, Gambling, Pac pong...well.. uhm.. I don't like it anymore... Also literature and writing, I'm kinda freaky with that..–
Suddenly Betrayus noticed a familiar book from the mini library behind Muriel's.
–Is that?.. No way! Is that the Divine Comedy book!?– He said on a impressed and kinda freaky tone.
–Y-yeah wow I thought I was the only weirdo by reading that book– she was impressed as well.
–Same old, Girl!
Both started sharing their tastes having the surprise that their tastes were the same as each other while they were yelling as bakudeku fangirls.
The hours have passed and Rotunda went to take Betrayus to home.
–Im back, Im sorry if he caused you problems– Rotunda said trying to be nice.
–Ohh Miss he wasn't giving me problems, he behaved really good– She answered keeping herself as professional
Rotunda just paid the date to Muriel and left with Betrayus.
Muriel just sighs of satisfaction at watching his first patient smiling before Left.
"He has a really precious smile".
Muriel have attended another 3 patients more until the day ended, she just left the building of her office to then left to a Cabaret club where she worked to pay her career and getting psychiatrist title, work wich still he is having for actually any Monday night. Sometimes to strip or filming adult movies, Always wearing a wolf mask to hide her identity as well keeping her work as psychiatrist. It's almost hard to say if she hated her job in that Cabaret.
She ended and Left safety to her department to just feed her wolfdog Yūu, take a bath and fall sleep cuddling with Yūu waiting for the next day.
In the timelapse of the days Muriel and Betrayus continued their meetings, sometimes with Muriel taking Yūu to the meetings to give a fluffy support to Betrayus, Muriel became into a big emotional support to Betrayus as well her best friend. Something big was growing up between them.
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The 2 months have passed so Muriel will give Rotunda the Diagnosis of Betrayus.
Betrayus: hehe then i told her.. Don't move, and she moved and fell from the stairs.
Muriel: Unholy Satan hahahaha... Heheh.. Hey, did anyone told you that you have a beautiful smile?
Betrayus: R-really?.. thank you..*Blushes* no one told me that before...
Muriel: they lost it. *Smiles too*
Betrayus: you know.. you have a beautiful smile too Muriel.
She blushes as well.
Muriel: i want to see you smile Betrayus..
Betrayus: me too
The door was knocked, It was Rotunda and Stratos to take Betrayus to home as well to know the final diagnosis of Betrayus.
Muriel:*opens the door* come in.
Rotunda: thanks to take me Stratos sweetie.
Stratos: always for you Mom.
Rotunda: Tray Tray, wait outside, we have something important to tell with the doctor.
Betrayus: I'm not a child mom...
Betrayus goes outside and sits in the waiting room, near to the door to hear the conversation, suddenly Yūu appears in front him and gives him warm company.
Meanwhile Rotunda and Stratos were waiting for Betrayus's Diagnosis.
Rotunda: Tell me Doctor, what's the problem with my son, did he behaved bad?
Muriel: Oh no, he is a really nice guy but there's the problem.. he has light Depression attacks but it's not too serious in his case, he doesn't need medicine or something... But the only thing he needs is real attention and affection, something wich you clearly don't give him.
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Rotunda: Aghh that's fake!
Stratos: but that's not right, it's just a bratty of him.
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Muriel: and... Have you asked it what's the origin of his "Bratty"?.
Stratos: well uhh...
Rotunda: uhmm... Because yes?..
Muriel: *she is mad but keeping herself professional* that doesn't have a sense, no one can have a problem or issue because yes, there always a why, the reason of your son's "Bratty" it's because of the rejection and contempt you give him because of something is not his fault, like the death of your husband, being born after the death of your husband doesn't make him a curse, he is a gift your husband left you before his death, but you prefer to see him in that way, as your husband would liked you to do that to his son.
Rotunda was completely mad so she answered that by slapping Muriel, Stratos was shocked as well Betrayus wich was hugging Yūu stoping her to attack Rotunda.
Stratos: M-Mom..
Rotunda: don't talk about my husband!! you can't tell me how to rise my children, you're not a mother to know that!!.
Muriel:... Maybe I'm not a mother, if i were one i will not treat my children as a bullshit, i would treat them with love.. as my mother used to do
Rotunda: Arrgghh... This is a Nonesense... Stratos take me home..
Stratos: y-yes Mom..
Rotunda have left the office just to meet up with a angry Yūu, Muriel noticed that and ran off the office to calm down Yūu.
Muriel: Yūu-Min No! Calm down Girl, calm down...
Yūu calms down and looks at Betrayus worried.
Stratos;*sneezes* Wolf!!...
Rotunda: Ahh! Beast!!
Muriel;*lies* its actually, an Malamute Alaskan.
Betrayus: i heard everything... Mom.. it's not my fault my dad died, and you know what? I'm tired of you and your bullshit about me!!
Stratos: Betrayus don't speak in that tone to our mother!!!.
Betrayus: *mocks* don't speak in that tone to our mother.. you are just defending her because "you are his favorite child"...
Rotunda: that's it! Betrayus you better take your stuff and leave the house!
Betrayus: in that it's the only thing I can agree with you, mother.
Rotunda: hah, i doubt you can live without me.
Muriel: well, he can live in my department, i have a extra room there.
Betrayus: R-really Muriel? Can I?.
Muriel: Sure.
Rotunda: Fine! Go with your Slut, if she can bear with you.
Muriel: at least bear with me "a slut" it's better to bear with a witch like you.
Stratos: that's enough! Mom... Let's go..
Stratos have left with Rotunda.
Muriel: uff finally...
Betrayus:*hugs her tightly* .. thank you.. Thank you so much Muriel.
Muriel: *hugs back* your welcome...
After that Betrayus started living with Muriel in her apartment as her Roommate, Betrayus find a work as pizza Delivery guy.
Where their story started and their relationship evolved into real love.
To be continued...
Muriel and Betrayus have left a bakery with a box of chocolate donuts.
Bully1: hey Babe, what if you leave this white loser and come with a real man~?.
Betrayus; Aghh.. not him..
Muriel: Tray Tray.. hold my donuts *give him the box of donuts*
Betrayus: Muriel?...
Muriel starts beating up the guy to make him Run.
Betrayus:... She is a real lady~♥
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Truth or Dare | Kim Seungmin
Genre: fluff
Word count: 1.9k
A/n: hi I did this instead of everything else I was supposed to do and I think it's really cute and I love Seungmin and I hope you like it
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"Cmon y/n, when will you confess to Seungmin?" Your friend, Kate taunted you again. She has been on your case ever since you filled her in on your little crush. She only knows that you've liked him since freshman year, but really it's been since like 7th grade. "It's senior year, what's the worst that could happen if you confess? You move away in a few months and never have to experience the awkwardness of seeing each other everyday? How awful." You don't laugh at her joke, so Kate takes that as a sign that it's time to change the subject. "Well, yknow how my birthday is in like 2 weeks. My mom is letting me have a party with my friends and she won't even have to be there to supervise. Since I'll be an adult and all!" She emphasizes adult as if being 18 suddenly makes her mature.
"Sounds great, Kate," you rhyme. You're hardly paying attention because something, or rather someone, caught your attention. "I'll see you after class," and then you're off to math while Kate had biology. She definitely noticed how hard you were staring at Seungmin while she was talking with you. Of course, you know nothing of what's to come.
"Hey! Felix!"
"What's up, Kate?" Felix was friends with Seungmin and some other boys. He also tended to be seen with Kate. Most people just assumed they were dating, and maybe they were, not even they know for sure.
"I'm having a birthday party next weekend and you and your friends are invited! Especially Seungmin." She adds a wink with the last statement.
"Will Miss y/n be there?"
"Of course. Why do you think I'm specifying for Seungmin?"
"It's so painfully obvious that he likes her so why can't he make a move already?!"
"Y/n is no different," Kate admits. "That's why I have a plan."
"H-hey y/n, " Seungmin stutters as he sits in his seat next to you.
"Oh, hi," you manage to reply, blush evident throughout your face.
"Um, did you get number 27 on the homework? I was super confused."
"Yeah, the equation for that one is different than the others because..." you explained the concept to Seungmin while he stared at your face unbeknownst to you. "Does that make sense?"
"Yes. I get it now!" He smiles and you actually die. You caught a glance at his homework to see number 27 done correctly but you were to affected by his smile to put two and two together.
All the days seemed to be same, passing by until it was finally Kate's birthday party. Obviously you went super early to help her set up. There was no alcohol allowed since her mom said she would let her throw it all by herself under that one condition, not that Kate would ever underage drink anyway we are good children here.
Kate left to answer the door as you pulled some cookies out of the oven. "Kate! Happy birthday!" You heard Felix's voice ring through the entryway. You weren't surprised she invited him, but then you heard more voices.
"Your house looks really nice."
"Happy birthday, Kate."
"Where should I put this gift?" Your eyes widened. You could recognize that voice anywhere.
"Kate! Can you come here for a moment?" You shouted for her.
"What's up, buttercup? Are the cookies okay?"
"I can't believe you invited Seungmin. Bro, I thought we were cool." You overreacted.
"Chill, y/n, all his friends are here, along with our friends. There's so many people, don't even worry about it." She tries to reassure you.
"Well... do I at least look okay?" You ask shyly.
"Look fine to me." You jump at the boy's voice. "But I suppose I'm not the one you want to look good for."
"Jisung, you scared the crap out of me," Kate smiles as you nearly died of embarrassment. Had he heard your whole conversation?
"No. Only the last part." He answers. It's only then that you realize you asked that out loud. You face palmed with bright red cheeks as more boys filed into the kitchen.
"Now that everyone is here, let's get this party started!" Kate announces as she turns on some speakers and blasts some upbeat music. She and Felix dance on the coffee table while everyone else is jumping around on the couches and dancing on the floor. The mess of people was starting to become overwhelming when you felt someone push you from behind. Unluckily, you fell directly into Seungmin's arms.
"Wow. Falling for me this early in the night. I hate to say I'm not surprised, y/n," Seungmin says in a low tone. "I'm just kidding," he quickly adds when he sees your eyes bulging out of your head.
"Oh, yeah. Right! Haha! So sorry I fell into you. There are so many people."
"Since I have you here, wanna dance?" He smiles again. How could anyone say no to his perfect smile?
"I'm sorry what was that?" He looks confused, like a puppy.
"I said yes!" You lie trying to cover up your thoughts that you must've spoken out loud, again. You and Seungmin begin to jump around, laughing. Kate gives you a knowing look which you return with a glare. Little did you know Felix and Seungmin were in the same boat.
"What else do you have planned?" Felix asks sounding very rehearsed.
"Hmm. Why don't we play truth or dare?!" Kate suggests. That was not on the schedule you had for the night's events. You knew something bad was going to happen when Kate smiled your way.
Everyone sat criss cross applesauce in a circle and Jisung volunteered to start. "Minho, truth or dare?"
"Dare." The boy responds with a brave look in his eye.
"I dare you to," he pauses, thinking of something good, "do a sexy dance for everyone."
"Pff. Okay." Minho continues to grind on the ground, not minding the looks he's getting at all. In fact, Jisung had to stop him, because it was getting too out of hand too quickly.
"I didn't dare you to strip, MinHOE!"
"Whatever, you know you liked it," he teased back. "Hmm let's see. Kate, truth or dare?"
"Uh, I'll pick truth."
"Do you like Felix?"
She furrows her eyebrows together, looking confused. "Felix and I are dating. So, to clarify, yes I like him very much." Everyone is so lost as to how they hadn't known that the two were official. I mean, y'all obviously could see that they liked each other duh. "Felix, truth or dare?"
"Dare." He adds a wink to Kate.
"I dare you to kiss me." The crowd shouts a bunch of ews and grosses as Felix briefly pecks Kate's lips.
He turns to Seungmin with a devilish look. "Seungmin, truth or dare?"
He must not have been paying attention yeah cuz he was admiring you face again whore because he is completely oblivious to the grin on Felix's face right now. "Why not? Dare."
"I dare you to kiss y/n" Felix sticks his tongue out at Seungmin as everyone turns to look at you. You tried so hard to keep your face from looking like a tomato but you knew it was no use. Seungmin gulped as he stared at you.
"I- I can't." His words made you frown without thinking. "Y/n, should have a say in this too. I can't just kiss her without her consent," he elaborates.
"Fine then," Felix speaks again. "I dare you to go up to Kate's room alone with y/n. Anything you two might do in there is all up to both of your consents." Felix smirks at you and then back to Seungmin. You both kept eye contact as you stood to head to your friend's bedroom. There were lots of hoots and hollers following you two as you made your way up the stairs with faces painted with crimson shades.
You both sat on Kate's bed. You face was on fire even more now because he was so close. When I mean close,, like your legs were nearly /touching/. And you can't handle being so /close/ to your big phat crush. However, the feeling seemed somewhat mutual for Seungmin.
"Do you like me?" You squeaked out. It was completely random and Seungmin even flinched slightly at the sound of your voice.
"..." the boy stayed silent and you refused to meet his gaze.
"ohmygosh that was so rude of me to just ask. I'm sorry. Just forget I said anything." You began to get up to walk away when he grabbed your wrist.
"Do you- like me?"
"..." it was your turn to mimick the silence you'd not heard moments earlier.
"Did we both not say anything for the same reason?" You opened your mouth to respond when the door opened, revealing Jeongin.
"I was told to come make sure you two weren't doing anything," he narrows his eyes on Seungmin, "gross." You both sat there like deer in head lights. Jeongin looked at your hand and then back at Seungmin. You hadn't noticed that Seungmin's and your pinkies had been laced until Jeongin's judgy stare pointed it out. "Also, you are both welcome to rejoin the party." The younger boy smiled and walked back down the stairs without a care in the world.
"Wow look who's back," Jisung announced. "You two didn't have too much fun did you?"
"Don't be icky!" Jeongin defended you. "They weren't even talking to one another when I walked in. But- they were basically holding hands!"
"Not true! He's lying!" Seungmin shouts back. You laugh, looking down to see that you, in fact still had your pinkies intertwined. You broke away and returned to your seat to continue the game.
"Anyway, it's my turn," Hyunjin claims. "Seungmin, truth or dare?"
"Me already again?" He looks a bit freaked out before taking a breath and choosing, "truth."
"Wrong choice, buddy. Do you like y/n?"
He makes deliberate eye contact with you as he answers the question. "Yes. Y/n, pick truth."
"Truth." Everything was happening so quick, you didn't have time to react to what Seungmin was even saying before you responded.
"Do I have your consent this time?" It took a moment for you to figure out what he meant. When you put together that he was asking if he could kiss you, you shook your head quickly. He wasted no time before softly pressing his lips to yours. They were sweet like honey and warm and soft and you thought you could get lost in the moment forever. That is, until he pulled away. It was much to soon for your liking, until you remembered where you were. You both looked around to see everyone's jaws dropped in shock. You timidly smiled and your friends began to cheer. They were soon followed by Seungmin's friends screaming, Jeongin in particular.
Needless to say, you remember very little of what happened after that moment at the party. All you do know is that your friends set you up and Seungmin's friends set him up and now you two are in love. Senior year sure was going to be interesting.
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