Surprise Delayed!!!! Re-Delayed
As of 1/19/2018.... Happy New Year! Unfortunately I had to post pone my comic and the little Christmas/New Years Surprise due to unforeseen family emergencys. One of which sadly included my ‘Baby Girl’ having to go to the vet and be watched for over a week.... Long story short she has Renal Kidney Failure... And right now and during the time of New Years (when I happened to get sick myself) With this happening I had to post pone even further. It was difficult convincing myself to stay up and work on the comic for a while. Although I’d stay up and waste time watching YouTube. I just couldn't bring myself to face my surprise and comic and get them ready for posting. What’s real important to me is making sure from here my baby girl has has as long of a life as God will allow her (Which I pray is still many-many years). And making all the time I can around her the happiest she can have. While keeping my Pup Pup happy as can be to, and hopefully all the more healthy :D... Here’s to preying for all the best of health for them both and the rest of my family :) However, good-news As of this night I have begun to work again on the comic. I didn’t get as much work as I’d have hoped done. But after this long month ;D It’s definitely progress. I worked more on a rough draft of a page in the first chapter. Rather then the surprise. Regardless, my plan is still to post the surprise first.
I hope everyone can understand. The reasons I decided not to make a separate post, was due to the fact that this was more of an update on what forced this delay message to be posted in the first place. So yeah... I can’t promise it will be out next week. But I’ll have it down soon. Probably by a months time. I just hope everything works out. Secondly, I’ve been busy elsewhere in life, I’m a full-time college student, in a opera production, and work on top of that. Not including being my families personal assistant/nurse/whatever they need. So I can be busy. To add to this, something that actually lifted my spirits this last week and brought me to actually update you and update my work was something that’s going to keep me busy for the next few months. One of my Oldest friends, and one of the best, just called me up needing a Bridesmaid as her fiance was adding a few groomsmen more then she had planned. She’s having a DIY type wedding in only a few months. Knowing I have a history with art and other things I’ve offered my free time and skills to her. Considering this, and seeing how much she admitted to me we need to get done. I’m going to be busy Bridesmaiding (LOL :D is that even a word ;) ;D LOL oh well I like making them up when I can in conversations) Just if I don’t update frequently. These things are probably why and keeping me from doing so. Though I’m so stoked to be a bridesmaid in another good friends wedding... :D
Anyways, if it takes long... I’ll make a new update. If I do however. I’ll add something to spoil you with another sneak peak to the comic... Probably another static art. Just cause I don’t want to spoil to much...
Also, in the future look to my updates to be finally shorter in words, and comic style. I’ve found inspiration in many of my favorite Webtoon comic artists, and I feel its a perfect thing between updates. I also feel it’s a fun way for me to make a little fun comment to separate the ends of page/chapter updates. Anyways...
Always With <3 <3 <3 LOVES, Your CGSweetHeart BlurrsGirl Blaze
..... Hey everyone,
So remember how I promised you a nice little Christmas present wrapped up with a bow that would be posted by January 1st, 2018 (which was the actual date I set for myself)...  Well unfortunately I’ll have to push that date back by another week.  You see at the theater I work and within the last three weeks since Star Wars came out, my coworkers have been spreading a not so friendly wonderful bug around as a Christmas Gift ;(
Well guess who though sick all last Christmas break, was trying her hardest not to get sick again (cause that stupid bugger from last year ruined my immune system for about a year till I could properly rest). The same person who unfortunately still caught the f’ing little monster.... YEP THAT’S RIGHT ME!!!! Thank you for the Lovely New Years Present work, I really appreciate it (Please note I’m just being dramatic here, I don’t hate anyone at work even for giving me this stupid thing. It’s just annoying to have it is all). Seriously. I was going to work when it hit me... Not the funnest moment I might add. Anyways, with that said, though I was putting last minute changes and finishing touches to the small present of a comic to get you hyped for the upcoming one.... I decided, rather then chance it with being sick. To postpone it a week or so. That way I can better work out kinks and won’t ruin it by doing something stupid while being sick... Though this wasn’t the way I hoped to spend my New Years Eve (trust me if I had a say I wouldn’t have to work or be stuck at home, but at my friends place partying since I was invited there...) Huh, sadly life threw me a curve again... Hopefully this doesn’t wack out my immune system or last so freaking long. (I doubt it, it’s just a stomach bug... But now a days I feel like I never know anymore). I hope you guys can understand my reason for pushing back and making a delay on the present. But hopefully I’ll be well enough to work on it and just get it out to you. With all my love, I wish you all a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Sincerely, Blaze/SweetHeart<3  P.S. Also note, I was originally going to have a holiday themed present released to you. But in the midst of preparing it. I felt it was to complex even when I tired a simpler idea of the same concept. I kept adding to many complex ideas (otherwise backgrounds too it, like the actual comic) where I originally had hopes for a plane background so it would be a quick comic. So mid creation I put that one (and the idea, the original complex christmas one) one hold for a later time, either this next Christmas in 2018, or during the year like Christmas in July or something fun like that. (which would be nice since I could have more of the comic out with the characters more flushed out in a sense). But with that in mind I took a thought I was thinking of postpoing for a specific chapter that never really fit, or at least will help lead into it when the time comes. I felt this helps explain where we are at in the story and lead into questions that will be raised through out. I realized through I still made it complex, it was an easier concept in the long run to keep simple and get to you faster. So though set in a darker less whimsical tone then I previously had hoped. This is the one I’m creating for the present... So when it comes out. I really hope you enjoy. I have had so much fun drawing and creating it for you.
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