#untamedshe / 01
wickedlehane · 4 years
@untamedshe​ {Buffy}
“C’mon, B. I promise, it’ll be the most fun you’ve ever had patrolling. With two Slayers, we’re twice as efficient. Simple mathematics.”
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Faith tugged at the blonde slayer’s wrist with an impish smile on her face. The sun was starting to set, but there was no harm in starting the rounds early, right? So many times they’d done this the Sunnydale way, Buffy’s way. But sooner or later, the Scoobies were going to have to admit that Faith’s slightly more excitable method worked just as well- she hadn’t died yet, had she?
“B’sides, with my plan we’ll be so efficient that our new Watcher can sleep soundly tonight- he’s bound to be wicked jetlagged,” she shrugged. Faith wasn’t exactly keen on the new guy- she could tell he thought he was a James Bond type, but he read to her more like stereo instructions with too many ‘u’s in his words. This was a fun chance for her and Buffy to really cut loose. Remind the vamps who owned this Hellmouth town.
“So, whaddya say?”
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rexquondcm · 4 years
♖ 「@untamedshe​  /  MORGANA. 」→   continued
𝐀𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐓 𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐒, so too does he feel the start of his undoing. Bones splintered & organs wilted ; the bind of his ligaments unravelling with the flame. Grief & rage become an infestation, lungs brimming aconite until each inhalation is akin to warfare ( he looks at her & it is sun-drenched afternoons, the taste of summer berries & watered-down wine ; memories of a vernal youth they no longer possess ).
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❛ I have not forgotten, nor can I explain his actions. But I am not my father. ❜   Eyes reminiscent of a storm, mouth contorts around his sorrow.   ❛ It does not have to be this way, Morgana. ❜ 
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horrorempathy · 4 years
@untamedshe​ :      i wish i could take the pain away. / for gabs, from xena ➜           ACCEPTING   /    miscellaneous  angst .
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knees  digging  into  the  dirt,   branch  snapped  underneath,   head  towards  the  heavens,   green  eyes  squeeze  shut.     dirty  hands,   specks  of  blood  littered  across  fingers,  crust  in  fingernails;     gabrielle’s  hands  jump  to  her  face,   palms  spread  over  eyes,  fingertips  curling  into  skin.    gabrielle  knows  in  all  her  rage  that  the  very  reason  she  separates  herself  from  xena  when  she’s  feeling  this  very  particular  emotion  is  because  xena  can  talk  her  down.    already  is,    all  xena  needs  to  do  is  keep  talking.   she  never  goes  far   &   it’s  never  hard  for  xena  to  find  her,   such  is  the  way  it  SHOULD  be.    gabrielle  sighs,   it’s  heavy,   even  the  heavens  themselves  shudder.    gabrielle  feels  each  emotion  just  as  passionately  as  the  other:    happiness,   love,   sadness   &   anger  included.    it’s  a  unique  quality,   why  so  many  people  try  to  fall  in  love  with  her.    she  creates  a  wholeness  unlike  anything  ever  encountered  before,   but  she  is  never  whole  herself  without  xena.    IT’S  SEALED.    her  fingers  angrily  push  through  her  blonde  hair.
“don’t  xena,   please.”     an  urgent  whisper,   sounds  much  like  a  prayer.
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horrorempathy · 4 years
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edits  /  mini  playlist  from  here  ft.   @untamedshe . YOU  GAVE  MY  LIFE  MEANING  AND  JOY.
01.      [  the  reason  /  hoobastank  ]     ...    i’ve  found  a  reason  for  me  to  change  who  i  used  to  be.    a  reason  to  start  over  and  that  reason  is  you.   i’ve  found  a  reason  to  show  a  side  of  me  you  didn’t  know.    a  reason  for  all  i  do.
02.      [  sanctuary  /  aly  &  aj  ]     ...    you’re  my  north  star.    i’m  gonna  follow  you  to  take  me  home.    when  the  sky  is  getting  dark ,    i  know  you’ll  be  my  shelter  from  the  storm.    you  deserve  all  my  love.
03.     [  crosses  /   josé gonzález  ]     ...    don’t  you  know  that  i’ll  be  around  to  guide  you  through  your  weakest  moments  to  leave  them  behind  you.    returning  nightmares ,   only  shadows.    we’ll  cast  some  light  and  you’ll  be  alright.
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