#unsurprisingly shadowheart has a TON of lines for healing folks
syn0vial · 11 months
Shadowheart Voicelines: Healing/Helping/Buffing
A compilation of Shadowheart’s voicelines when she’s healing a character with a spell, using the “help” action to free them from an immobilized position, or casting a buffing spell.
Healing (Negative Approval)
Come on, no excuses.
Hardly a scratch.
Pull yourself together.
Hardly deserving of this.
A waste of good healing.
A waste of my skills.
Healing (Neutral Approval)
Cast all wounds into darkness.
May pain be forgotten.
Mend all that is broken.
Wounds begone.
Let the pain fade.
Time to undo the damage.
A little soothing's in order.
Healing's on the way.
Injuries begone.
I can tend to this.
I'll fix that.
Back on your feet.
No time for pain.
This'll dampen the pain.
Need everyone alive and fighting.
You need patching up.
Let me see your wounds.
We need everyone alive.
You are not allowed to die.
This'll help with the pain.
You've been in better shape.
Can't afford casualties now.
We need everyone alive.
Wounds'll soon be forgotten.
This'll help.
Let me take the edge off the pain.
This'll make you feel better.
Where does it hurt?
Pain begone.
This'll make it better. Ssh...
Allow me to help.
Need a pick-me-up?
Let me help.
Healing (Positive Approval)
Wounds'll soon be forgotten.
This'll help, friend.
Let me take the edge off the pain.
You'll feel better in no time.
Away with the pain.
Ssh... this'll make it better.
Allow me to help.
Need a pick-me-up?
Let me help.
Back on your feet, friend.
No time for injuries.
This'll dampen the pain.
You're wounded, friend.
Let me see your wounds.
We need everyone alive.
This'll help with the pain.
You're in rough shape.
Can't afford casualties now.
Healing (Romantic Interest)
I'll fix you up.
Don't worry, I'll make it better.
Let me see to those wounds.
It's all right, I'll take care of you.
Don't worry, I'll fix you up.
I'll patch you up.
Helping (Negative Approval)
Stuck? Of course.
You're lucky I'm helping.
Come on.
Worse than a bloody child.
Stuck? Really? Ridiculous.
Ought to just leave you.
Fine, I'll help.
Suppose I'll lend a hand.
Stuck? Of course.
You're lucky I'm even helping.
Useless. Get a grip.
Fine, I'll help.
Helping (Neutral Approval)
Stuck, eh? Hold on.
Better lend a hand.
In a bind? I'll help.
Stuck fast. I'll help.
Can't leave anyone stuck.
Helping (Positive Approval)
Help's on the way.
Hold tight, I'll help.
Don't worry, I'm coming.
I won't leave you behind.
Can't leave a friend stuck.
Can't leave an ally trapped.
I'll fetch you.
I'll help.
It's all right, I'll help.
Hold tight, I'm coming.
Won't leave you stuck.
I'll help.
Helping (Romantic Interest)
It's all right, I'm coming.
Hold on.
Hold tight.
Help's on the way.
I won't leave you behind.
I'll get you.
Don't worry, help's coming.
Of course I'll help.
I'll fetch you.
It'll be all right.
Can't leave you in a bind.
On my way.
Got to help.
Don't worry, I'm coming.
I've got your back.
I'll help you.
Hold tight, I'll get you.
Don't worry, I've got you.
Buffing (Negative Approval)
Come on, stop slacking.
Maybe this'll make you useful.
Try to not waste this.
Need a lot of propping up, don't you?
Waste of my skills.
Why even bother with this one?
Buffing (Neutral Approval)
This'll help.
You need some support.
Allow me.
You need a pick-me-up.
Chin up. This'll help.
Time for a boost.
Buffing (Positive Approval)
This'll help.
Let me help, friend.
Allow me, friend.
You need a pick-me-up.
Chin up. This'll help.
Time for a boost.
Buffing (Romantic Interest)
This'll raise your spirits.
Let me help, please.
Don't worry, I've got you.
This'll boost you.
Anything to help.
You need this.
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