sielinakyle · 4 years
Hello, Sierra, congratulations! You deserve your followers, and more. Can I ask for a 🖤, please? Have a wonderful time :)
hi! thank you so much.
simple blog rate:
url: 1 2 3 4 5 content: 1 2 3 4 5 icon: 1 2 3 4 5 theme: 1 2 3 4 5 mobile theme: 1 2 3 4 5
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meraudurs · 5 years
Hello, Elena! It's nice to see you again on my dashboard. I hope life isn't cruel to you. Have a wonderful day :)
hi thank you!!! it’s been okay,  i have finals in a month so :// but i’m okay!! i hope you are too :”)
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pomonassprout · 5 years
Hello and congratulations! I'm so happy for you! Also, does surviving another uni week count? It was so intense that I'm so happy it's over (though the next week is going to be even worse 😂). Can I ask for ❀?
surviving another week of uni definitely counts! it’s such a good feeling to reach the end of a tough week, and i am super proud of u for making it♡ keep it up!
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor / Hufflepuff / Slytherin / Ravenclaw
Spell: Lumos / Expecto Patronum / Ascendio / Wingardium Leviosa / Protego Totalum / Expelliarmus / Stupefy / Obliviate / Morsmordre
Era: Founders / Tom Riddle / Marauders / Lightning Era / Next generation
Magic location: Hogwarts / The Three Broomsticks / Diagon Alley / British Ministry of Magic / Durmstrang / The Forbidden Forest / The Shrieking Shack / Honeydukes / Beauxbatons
Class: Astronomy / Charms / Defense Against the Dark Arts / Herbology / History of Magic / Potions / Transfiguration / Care of Magical Creatures / Divination / Ancient runes
Patronus: Horse / Weasel / Cat / Thestral / Snow owl / Stag / Hare / Dog / Goat
Candy/beverage: Gillywater / Chocolate frog / Pumpkin juice / Butterbeer /  Every-Flavour Beans / Sugar quill / Firewhiskey / Ice Mice / Acid Pops
Magical creature: Unicorn / Phoenix / Kneazle / Thestral / Niffler / Dementor / Basilisk / Pixie / Merperson / Chimaera / Norwegian Ridgeback / Hippogriff
Character: Narcissa Malfoy
Am I following you? no sorry, ily tho / f+ / yesss! / always
Join my celebrations!
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fortisfiliae · 6 years
Hello, I wanted to ask you about your favourite character but Vernon Dursley reminded me that there's no post on Sundays, so sadly I can't ask you this today. I forgot that my owl doesn't work on Sundays. He went to meet his friends :/
Oh no! You know, I probably would’ve answered that my favourite characters are Ron Weasley and James Potter because they’re both more or less flawed but have enough guts to apologize and better themselves. And a million more reasons.
Sorry that I couldn’t tell you that, damn Sunday. xx
Come talk
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alansrickman · 5 years
Congratulations! Your blog is great so I'm not surprised ;) Can I ask for 😈 and 👑? I started following you because I was looking for some HP blogs (and I think someone recommended you but don't want to lie) and I liked your blog, so... it was a quick decision to be honest, haha. About the edit... can I ask for Salazar Slytherin? :)
haha thanks! here is your edit ❤
house: gryffindor / slytherin / ravenclaw / hufflepuff
blood status: pure blood / half blood / muggle born
spell: reparo / expelliarmus / avada kedavra / aguamenti / sectumsempra / crucio / alohamora / wingardium leviosa / imperio
era: founders / riddle / marauders / lightning / next gen
trio: golden / silver / bronze
subject: astronomy / charms / defence against the dark arts / herbology / history of magic / muggle studies / potions / transfiguration
profession: auror / curse-breaker / dragonologist / healer / herbologist / potioneer / quidditch player / professor / wandmaker
am i following you?: no, sry! / +follow / yes! / until the very end
celebrate with me (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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scopriusmalfoy · 6 years
unsqeakable replied to your post: Hello, there! I would like to join your fandom...
Thank you so much! :)
you’re so welcome omg (: I am glad some people at least want to join in on the fun and cosiness haha :D
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daphnenott · 6 years
Hello. As far as I know, porn blogs are being deleted and that's why people are losing their followers.
AHH that makes so much sense HAHAH thank god the porn bots are being eradicatedtysm that puts my heart at rest 😂💓
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themandalorlan · 6 years
Happy Birthday to your blog! :) I really like the scene with the troll when the Golden Trio friendship was formed. Or the histories about the Chamber of Secrets and the Lost Diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw (with Helena and Bloody Baron). In fact I would love to learn more about the Founders. I thnk it's fasciating (Founders' Era). Can I ask for both? :)
Thank you!!! The troll scene is one of my faves too, no better way to make friends than facing a troll lol and yessss I want to learn more about the founders I hope jkr can post more on Pottermore abt them soon!
HP Mini Stories:Blood Status: Muggle Born | Half-Blood | Pure-Blood
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor | Hufflepuff | Ravenclaw | Slytherin
Strongest Core Class: Astronomy | Charms | Defense Against the Dark Arts | Herbology | History of Magic | Potions | Transfiguration
Weakest Core Class: Astronomy | Charms | Defense Against the Dark Arts | Herbology | History of Magic | Potions | Transfiguration
Chosen Elective(s): Alchemy | Arithmancy | Care of Magical Creatures | Divination | Muggle Studies | Study of Ancient Runes
Extra-Curricular Subject(s): Ancient Studies | Art | Frog Choir | Ghoul Studies | Magical Theory | Muggle Art | Music | Muggle Music | Orchestra | Xylomancy
Quidditch Position: Beater | Chaser | Keeper | Seeker 
School Life: Head Boy/Girl | Prefect | Teacher’s Pet | Troublemaker | Quidditch Captain | Quidditch Team Member | No Extra “Titles”
Allegiance: Death Eaters | Order of the Phoenix | Rogue/No Loyalty
Dream Career: Auror | Dragonologist | Entertainer | Healer | Herbologist | Journalist | Magizoologist | Matron (Nurse) | Ministry of Magic Employee | Obliviator | Potioneer | Professor | Quidditch Player | Spell Inventor | Unspeakable | Wandmaker
Blograte Format: Url: Troll | Acceptable | Exceeds Expectations | OutstandingIcon: Troll | Acceptable | Exceeds Expectations | Outstanding Theme:  Troll | Acceptable | Exceeds Expectations | Outstanding Posts:  Troll | Acceptable | Exceeds Expectations | Outstanding Following: No, sorry :( | I am now | Yes! | Until the Very End |
want one? blacklist hp mini stories, if you don’t want to see these. 
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prongsno · 6 years
Hello, I wanted to wish you a good day and hope that all is well :)
thanks sweetie, i hope you’re having a good day too
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lunasravenclaw · 7 years
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Merry Christmas S @unsqeakable! I was your Potter Secret Santa this year, and I’ve truly enjoyed getting to talk to you this month. I think you’re hilarious and I really hope we can become friends after this!
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nerville · 6 years
Hello and congratulations on your followers! Can I ask for a blograte and edit, please? :) 💌🌹
thank you! ill post your edit soon and tag you in it!
come celebrate 3.8k with me!
url: 10/10
icon: 9/10
desktop theme: 5/10
mobile theme: 7/10
original posts: 8/10 (including your writing!)
all posts: 8/10
overall: 8/10
comments: I love your writing so much! you have an amazing way with words and all of your fics are a++ tbh (also your navi page is rly pretty?? I just. love it a lot asfkjg) congrats on 1.2k btw!! you really deserve it :)
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meraudurs · 6 years
Hello, Elena! It's always always a great honour to be on the list of your favourite blogs. Totally unexpected! *grins and vanishes Elena's blackmail box to the safety* Ok, but seriously - thank you. Have a wonderful weekend :)
stOP you know i love you 
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pomonassprout · 6 years
Hello and congratulations! :) I think that my favourite character which appears in the books is Hermione (although I love the Black Sisters and the Black family in general) but Salazar is my absolute fav if we talk about characters which are only mentioned. I don't really watch films/TV series so I'll go with Harry Potter as I can't think of anything else :D
oooh salazar, really? that’s an interesting choice! mind explaining why? also, hermione and the black sisters YESSS♡
url: i don’t get it, sorry / cute! / amazing / how on god’s green earth?! / REMUS LUPIN
theme: cute! / amazing / how on god’s green earth?! / SIRIUS BLACK
mobile theme: cute! / amazing / how on god’s green earth?! / JAMES POTTER
icon: i don’t get it, sorry / cute! / amazing / how on god’s green earth?! / LILY EVANS
title: i don’t get it, sorry / cute! / amazing / how on god’s green earth?! / REGULUS BLACK
content: cute! / amazing / how on god’s green earth?! / HERMIONE GRANGER
overall: cute! / amazing / how on god’s green earth?! / MOLLY WEASLEY
following? no but ily! / f+ / yesss! / forever and ever and ever
comment: your blogs is absolutely beautiful - amazing content, amazing url, and beautiful theme, i love it!!
house: gryffindor / hufflepuff / ravenclaw / slytherin
era: founders era / marauders era / lightning era / next generation
blood status: muggle born / half-blood / pure-blood
class: astronomy / charms / defense against the dark arts / herbology / history of magic / potions / transfiguration / arithmancy / care of magical creatures / divination / muggle studies / ancient runes
magical place: hogsmeade / diagonally / hogwarts / beauxbatons / durmstrang / castelobruxo / ilvermorny / uagadou / mahoutokoro / the leaky cauldron / the british minstry of magic /
magical creature: hippogriff / thestral / niffler / hungarian horntail / chinese fireball / swedish shortsnout / unicorn / kneazle
Want one?
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Character Posters: Tom Riddle | url edit for @txmriddlx
I can make things move without touching them. I can make animals do what I want without training them. I can make bad things happen to people who are mean to me. I can make them hurt, if I want.
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spierfeld · 7 years
🧠 :)
your url is literally adorable and you post really lovely content!!
want one? no more pls bc i posted on literally all of my social media and i have SO MANY responses ad;lfaksdfj
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scopriusmalfoy · 6 years
Hello, there! I would like to join your fandom family as Salazar Slytherin, if that's alright. The word to describe him would be... hm, mystery (or "mysterious" if you prefer). Have a wonderful day :)
yess! welcome! :D
don’t forget to use the tag #lvnalovgoodfandomfamily
join my fandom family
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