thenightfearer-blog · 8 years
thank you, #horror fam
I finally feel like writing again.
2016 was an awful, awful year. Not just in general with all the global/national shit happening, but in my personal life as well. I was getting over the loss of my best friend and trying to build up my confidence after she convinced me I was the scum of the earth. I was relishing in a new relationship before it all came crashing down. I was dealing with the grief of losing a close family member to cancer. I was struggling to define my identity and accept that it’s okay to be who I am, even if my whole family hates people like me and would disown me if I ever showed my real self.
In 2016, I was lonely, terribly lonely. Even with one or two close friends, (whom I love and thank for their continuing support) I felt distant and empty and hollow. Some of that leaked into the beginning of this year, and I still feel the residual sting.
But in October of 2016, I made this blog. I had been reading the works of my horror idols on tumblr for a while, but finally stepped up and took part in the “community,” even if I didn’t post stories. I made new friends with people I never thought I’d even be acknowledged by. I laughed at shitposts, cried at beautifully written prose, and tried to help others deal with the disbelief that hate and prejudice had won.
And all of this has helped me rekindle my interest for writing. In 2016, I finished one chapter of a story I’d been writing since 2015, and wrote nothing for the novel I’ve been working on since 2013.
But I feel like that’s about to change.
Thanks to the #horror fam and many others, I’ve really gotten back into my favorite hobby. This little family has done wonders in the small amount of time I’ve been in it. And I just want to thank everyone from the bottom of my beaten-up heart for accepting me and lifting my spirits when they were at their lowest.
I might post original content soon. I might change my URL. I don’t really know what’s in the future for unsettling-fans but you bet your ass I’m still going to support the writers and artists of this family.
I don’t think I can ever say it enough, but thank you. @decomprosed @unsettlingstories @formallyfreya @darylsdckson @ezmisery @evanthenerd83 @proxypunch @underskellington (if I miss anyone please tell me, my memory is the absolute worst)
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thenightfearer-blog · 8 years
Augh I'm sorry I disappeared for a bit! Was going through a tough time. Queue should be back up soon!!!! Love you horror fam
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thenightfearer-blog · 8 years
Sorry I haven’t been very active recently, everyone. School got ahead of me :/ but soon we’ll be back to your regularly scheduled horror fam obsessing :)
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thenightfearer-blog · 8 years
okay can we talk about how I just got reblogged several times in a row by my two writing role models I'm dead guys bye see ya later
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thenightfearer-blog · 8 years
Hey! This is mod Elliot, the only mod for this blog so far haha. I'll be tracking the tag #unsettlingfans so if you want me to see something but can't submit, put it there! This blog is mainly for reblogging fanart and fanfiction for the works of @unsettlingstories. I might be doing reviews of some of my favorite stories. Feel free to submit reviews too or just put them in the tag! I'm excited to create a good fandom for an amazing author. Keep reading -- Mod Elliot
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