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kyung-mp3 · 2 years ago
what happened to unpopular kpop opinions?? do you know?? it seems like most of the other staff have been mostly inactive for the past year or so
we all just...got busy. we're all adults now with 9-5 jobs or school so we just started focusing on those things, even though it was a hard decision for everyone to make to stop posting-- we did all enjoy being apart of uko after all. im sorry that there was never an official post about it.
i hope that helps! i've had a few people ask this and i never got around to replying (': my bad for ghosting yall
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letsbehonestjootnes · 1 year ago
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Ok so I finally gave NCT 2023 a try, first of all the album it’s not bad, just not really my favorite.
Starting with GOLDEN AGE, the song it’s not really that bad the chorus it’s good and the instrumental it’s so nice (some parts) I really liked it, but the verses are a little painful to hear, they did the rap line so bad!! The vocal line carried the song! Sadly it doesn’t help it to be good! 🤷🏽‍♂️
So… BAGGY JEANS… I didn’t like it hahaha, and it’s not because it’s bad, it’s quite catchy. I realized that I just don’t like Ten and Taeyong (hate their solo work so bad) also I hate GOLDEN HOUR, so this song was really not for me, had to admit Doyoung carried the whole song (as expected). Being honest, I was a little angry that t7s unit was the main unit this time instead of a new lineup!
Aside from that I kinda appreciate that a lot of “mistreated” members got to participate on a lot of songs this time, sadly most of the fandom didn't wanted this comeback!
After all the mess that happened this year I’m really not vibing with NCT 2023!
Finally, N.Y.C.T. Was quite disappointing, was expecting something different and it felt so MEH! Really the silence was SO LOUD with this one! NCT LABs are getting so boring! It’s always the same theme for the songs! Give me something new and unique! No other song has been as new and fresh as CHILD!
Also, this is Taeil’s second flop on NCT LAB?!? How?!?! I’m blaming SM for this!
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sunny-fun-fun · 6 years ago
Re: ‘Unpopular Kpop Opinions’ Part 8 (Jin Edition) [I RAGE]
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PPPFFFF - pFF PPfff pPFffpfpfff PFfff (Boring?? bitch whurrr)
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maybe cause your criticisms are shit
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It wasn’t enough for OP to shade Jin- they had to be petty and drag a bunch of other idols as “talentless visuals”; ARMYs’ blood, sweat, and tears weren’t enough to quench OP’s thirst for ~destruction~. And once again, hate/criticism refers to typical traits like visuals and general talent (which just about all Kpop groups are capable of) while ignoring the lovable qualities (of character and inspiration) that matter most. OP, your existence is questionable to me.
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What makes me sad is that supposed fans like you couldn’t see the struggles of confidence and self-love that Seokjin had to go through, especially when being told by antis and “fans” that he’s only around for looks. All these Kpop idols have to train hard and are expected to meet certain criteria of talent, looks, etc. - but that just defines them as performers. These idols aren’t your puppets, they have their own personalities, struggles, and levels of progress; Jin has been constantly improving, working hard, and securing a place within the Bangtan family- but y’all just wanna judge him by how flashy and entertaining he can be for you, as if what he lacks in talent is what defines his worth and value in BTS. What hurts more is that not only does he become an easy target for antis/stans of other groups, but even many ARMYs aren’t there to support/defend him when he gets shit from said antis, akgaes, etc). He constantly has to remind himself that he’s handsome to have acceptance for his damn self especially cause he is left feeling/treated like that’s all he is good for. But these confidence-boosters aren’t just to cope with any insecurities left; they help set an example to many ARMYs to not just love themselves- but to be confident and proud of who they are, something many still need to learn. I don’t care (obviously) whether or not y’all agree with me, Jin IS Bangtan’s idol- one to inspire us all. 
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^(Not necessarily disagreeing with the pic above, just using it as an example)
His priority of Bangtan’s bond and ARMYs’ happiness before himself, ability to flaunt confidence in a joking manner while bringing out confidence in others, and years spent restricted by himself and BigShit (*cough*) to the point where even his personality and thoughts are often unclear/misunderstood (and people like you assume it’s all pure arrogance)- only make us want to cheer for him more. 
Sad that you couldn’t see the real beauty of Kim Seokjin.
Part 1 (Jungkook Edition)
Part 2 (Vocal Line Edition)
Part 3 (Jimin Edition)
Part 4 (Suga Edition)
Part 5 (J-Hope Edition)
Part 6 (V Edition)
Part 7 (RM/Confused Edition)
Part 9 (Final? Edition)
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incorrectk-popquotes · 7 years ago
URL: meh… | good | cool | incredible | omg I love it | asdjeivnd AMAZING
Icon: meh… | good | cool | incredible | omg I love it | asdjeivnd AMAZING
Theme: meh… | good | cool | incredible | omg I love it | asdjeivnd AMAZING
Content: meh… | good | cool | incredible | omg I love it | asdjeivnd AMAZING
Additional Comments: I’m not the biggest fan of unpopular opinion blogs for several reasons that I won’t get into, but this blog is run well and all of the posts are unique and good. If you enjoy unpopular opinion blogs, this is a good blog to check out.
Send us a blog, and we will rate it! Game is now OVER.
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shadowofmytime · 3 years ago
Unpopular BTS/Kpop Opinion
I’m coming on here to say this because it’s less intimating than twitter TT
I’ve been an army since 2017 before the LY series began and watched bts’s success grow and their popularity rise with my own eyes. So I get the passion fans have for wanting them to break all records, win all awards, and be properly recognized for their artistry. But as today’s Grammy nominations came out and seeing the discourse around it Ive come to the realization that I’m becoming kinda “done” with some behaviors and mindsets. BTS and their team have every right to receive awards for their work but I don’t think it means that no matter what BTS does and releases they and their work is automatically better than western/other k pop groups simply because they are BTS.
I feel like there’s a lot of people who have a blind support for the boys and while that is thoughtful it is also at times closed minded. I often see people say that they only support bts, no other kpop groups, no western artists… I don’t think I’m alone in saying this but as an army I love bts’s music but I also love music in general. I enjoy listening to what other artists are putting out and showing support for their creativity. There’s often times I enjoy new music from other groups over the new works of the boys. Lil Nas for example is an artist whom I’ve enjoyed listening to and supporting. I admire his boldness, creativity and unapologetic authenticity while facing adversity. I also really love his music and love that a young queer black man is becoming successful in the industry.
These happen right also be some similar reasons why I love BTS. But by supporting another artist doesn’t mean I love or support bts any less so its unfair for fans to look down upon other fans for not conforming their preference in music every time something new is released. This mindset on looking down on people who recognize and enjoy other music is not necessary. The Grammys is a corrupt organization that fans should take with a grain of salt. If bts win, they win and its another step towards a positive direction. If they lose it’s not a reflection of them or their ability nor is it a setback in their career. It’s just a corrupt system that leans in the direction of money and secrets. Or quite possibly another factor that also doesn’t inherently mean anything negative towards bts, the academy/whomever may simply like another song, video, album, etc more. I personally have enjoyed other music this year besides PTD/Butter and I nor anyone else should be condemned or have our army card revoked for enjoying a broader selection of music.
Take one look at any of the members Spotify playlist and you’ll see that they don’t even have this singular passion for one group or genre so I’m not concerned bts will look down upon any army for listening/supporting other artist. In my eyes as long as you are not a solo/saseang/dangerous person and you continue to show bts support and love while also enjoying other music there’s no issue. How can BTS pave the way for other POC artists and yet armys are restricted to only supporting BTS? Now I’m not saying all armys have this mindset, honestly probably only a small amount do, but those people also seem to be the loudest in my ears. I just don’t want any army to feel guilty when they enjoy other avenues of music.
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jaehyunsbreadbasket · 4 years ago
Just heard Paint Me Naked for the first time and honestly I didn't like it much 🙈
The outfits were great and Ten looked like he was having fun but the lyrics of the song were kind of random and awkward to me idk.
Maybe it'll grow on me or maybe I'll just forget about it's existence.
Regardless, I'm glad Ten got this chance to express himself and hopefully he's proud of the work he's done.
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yeehaw-yibo · 4 years ago
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I have zero time and patience for nctzens who, apparently, don’t like half of NCT or something. Also people who don’t want more members??? I’m literally seeing people saying shit like “they won’t feel like they’re part of NCT” “it will destroy the dynamic that the already established members have” “I don’t want to stan more people” “I only care about the current members/xyz members”. Let me just say this: if their current concept model didn’t exist Johnny wouldn’t be in NCT at all (remember, he wasn’t added until Limitless!), Doyoung wouldn’t be in 127, Lucas? Kun? Jungwoo? yeah, they wouldn’t have been added, WayV? probably wouldn’t exist, Haechan wouldn’t be in U.
If you want a stuffy and rigid group concept, go stan like...anybody else.
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ijustlovethemx · 4 years ago
louder than bombs deserved better and yall dont deserve that masterpiece
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laurvae · 4 years ago
unpopular kpop opinion: STOP THE HATE. EDUCATE!
i RARELY post anything on any of my social media and this time it’s because I’m fed up
I noticed that lately, not only knetizens but also international fans are getting so easily offended over the things idols did that they think are “wrong”. I have read so many hate comments that I just got fed up. Y’all know that they’re people too, right? They make mistakes. I’m not saying that everyone should just pardon their mistakes and call it a day. What I’m saying is that don’t y’all think that instead of spreading more hate and make these people feel bad about themselves, that we should at least try to educate them? Make them realize that what they did was wrong and that in the process they offended a certain group of people? We are all aware that South Korea is a very conservative country, and can be close-minded at times (especially knetizens). And the idols’ popularity overseas would be overwhelming for them. They are placed in a pedestal by both knetz and international fans, especting them to be aware of all the issues the entire world.
And the idols should also atleast try to educate themselves. If not for their own sake, at leaat for the sake of their fans.
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tae-lili · 5 years ago
unpopular straight girl’s opinion: girl groups are hotter than boy groups
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jamariaaaa · 4 years ago
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Unpopular opinion !
Even though Seventeen is my ult group, Left and Right is a song I can’t listen to after three days.. it got boring.
BTS music is not my style anymore. Since 2019 and their entire concept change. Boy with luv did not sit right with me, and after a year it’s still not sitting with me, neither is On or Dynamite.
I really like foreigner members more than Koreans.. they’re just much more funnier than actually Koreans.
EXO needs a comeback, Obsession was that album.
5HINee.... b sided songs are literally the best!! (I recommend love sick, from their odd album)
Dating bans are stupid. Jeez let the idol have their freedom you’re already over working them.
Mark Lee is known by every planet.. that’s how much he’s over worked.
I need siblings and relative idol interactions ASAP!
Fat shaming makes so sense, like if they have a bit of meat on them, that’s good! She’s eating correctly! (I say she because of double standards.)
Kids under the age of 18 shouldn’t diet, they’re too young! You’re risking their life.
Nct need to have less sub unit groups and more nct as a whole, I would love to see more chaos from NCT.. :)
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timcanpew · 5 years ago
i was kinda hoping yoongi would speak up about the whole sample thing on his vlive today, now i feel a bit let down. i don’t really blame him, i mean i get that they didn’t know who j*m j*nes is but carelessly using a sample without looking up the speaker really ain’t it, so as a yoongi-stan i‘m kinda dissapointed now idk
[i loved that jungkook spoke up tho; i mean he didn’t really do anything wrong as they don’t have the same lockdown rules as they do in other places, but in his position he kind of acts like a role model, so it’s nice of him to acknowledge the importance of social distancing and what not doing it could lead to i hope he isn’t being to hard on himself tho]
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sunny-fun-fun · 6 years ago
Re: ‘Unpopular Kpop Opinions’ Part 6 (V Edition)  WARNING: EXTRA STUPID
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Yeah… you really don’t know much about him :/ (Has OP never heard of stage presence or big dick energy? smh)
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Who wrote this? I just wanna talk~🕶️🍾 🚬 Just wanna talllkkkk~~ ⚙️⛓️ mhmhmhmm~ 🔪 Seems like neither of these anons are BTS fans, which is fine, but they ought to get their eyes checked and their prescription refilled. OPs are literally judging Tae by his appearance, degrading both his character and visuals over absolutely nothing? Disgraceful.
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Part 1 (Jungkook Edition)
Part 2 (Vocal Line Edition)
Part 3 (Jimin Edition)
Part 4 (Suga Edition)
Part 5 (J-Hope Edition)
Part 7 (RM/Confused Edition)
Part 8 (Jin Edition)
Part 9 (Final? Edition)
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chans-dimples · 6 years ago
About the Seonghwa Oppa Issue
I know I've already made a post about it, but seeing all this shit on social media makes me sick.
First of all none of us knows for sure, if this really is a "kink" or not. You can't just assume stuff like that and shitpost about it if there isn't even evidence for it!? Remember that he's the youngest in his family? Maybe he just enjoys not being the youngest for once, also Oppa is a pretty normal thing in korea isn't it?
And even if he has a "oppa kink", do you think it's nice to lowkey make fun of it? Imagine all your friends are clowning you for a kink you have, wouldn't be nice right?
But what annoys me the most, is the fact is that the topic is FUCKING EVERYWHERE. I'm sure they're aware of what their fans, which they love so much, are posting on social media. It's ridiculous ffs. This is lowkey comparable to Chan and the "babygirl and daddy" topic. It's stupid please stop it. Are you also going to comment "seonghwa oppa" or sth realted to your made up "oppa kink" on their vlives?
Just think about what you're saying before thirsting over it.
Seonghwa is such a nice person and doesn't deserve all this, so please calm your tiddies.
Thank you for listening to my Ted talk
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jvnhow · 6 years ago
Unpopular opinion: i don't understand/like when people say "*name* is going to be the next Gdragon" or "*name* is the female Gdragon"
I think that each artist has their own style and i find it somehow disrespectful to call them "next" or "female" Gdragon
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utopiajeon · 6 years ago
I literally read someone being pissed at AAA awards and Monsta X for winning Artist of the Year. BTS deserve all the awards in this world and it’s okay for not winning one award. Stop making excuses that the awards are boring because BTS didn’t win one award.
Other groups deserve awards and work as hard as BTS. The least you can do is congratulate Monsta X because they’re doing amazing this year. And this is coming from a ARMY, who also is a Monbebe, igot7, carat, etc.
Congratulations Monsta X, you deserve the award.
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