#unpopular opinion but james is even more unhinged than remus and sirius
people on here will be like "omg dark!james 😍😍" and then the stuff he does is not even half as unhinged as what regular canon james potter did in the 2.3 paragraphs he's mentioned in
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soup-of-the-daisies · 3 months
Characters for you soup!!!!!
Sirius and Ron!!!
How I feel about this character:
Sirius — my absolute favourite. I’ve loved him for years and became vaguely intrigued the moment I read Hagrid say his ‘unusual’ name in Philosopher’s Stone (I think I was ten? So 14 years now). He’s a humongous prick he’s highly intelligent he’s hot and uninterested in basically everybody. I need him to be characterised well in fic: far too often he’s written as unhinged in a childish way, which is just Not It. I love it when he makes mistakes in spite of his competency and the mistakes actually make sense (for the situation, his age, his prejudices, etc). He’s so violently his own person and he should be allowed to be.
Ron — Won-Won my beloved. The James to Harry’s Sirius. Ride or die as long as he doesn’t let his insecurities get the better of him. Intelligent little shit who hates studying if he’s not interested in it. Character development King. He’s got so much depth that Ron-bashing fics need to fully mischaracterise him in order to make it viable (and then it still isn’t really). He’s had his bad moments (fourth year and the horcrux hunt comes to mind), but he always comes ‘round again, even if I wish the issues were talked out more. The series wouldn’t be the same without him.
Who I ship romantically with this character:
Sirius — James, obviously. Lily, but usually in a triad with James. Harry, sometimes. Well-written OC’s. Voldemort. Bellatrix, Narcissa. Marlene McKinnon too, though it’s been quite some time since I read any Blackinnon. I like him with Kingsley as well.
Ron — Hermione, Harry, Pansy, Viktor Krum, Lavender. Sometimes an intriguing OC. Draco, when he’s redeemed. I’ve read Ron/Blaise and had a blast.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Sirius — Oh gosh, probably Remus,,, but in a non-romantic Prongsfoot situation it’s James.
Ron — Hermione and Harry 100%… though I love a Ron&Draco (post-war and redeemed) situation, as they tackle the Muggle Household Appliances. Ron and Draco versus The Refrigerator Light.
My unpopular opinion for this character:
Sirius — ig it’s that I don’t think Remus is his soulmate or whatever, or that he’s a whiny twink. He’s incredibly shippable, first of all, and he does give off the vibe (in the books) of being a guy who generally conforms to a Straight Wizard Standard in terms of looks and values. He doesn’t look or act particularly muggle, but he’s fascinated by the culture; he doesn’t regularly paint his nails either I don’t think, and when his nails are painted it’s probably bc he had a tea-party with his (grand)daughter—he’s not scared of displaying femininity, but he’s not actively performing it . I also don’t think he was physically abused by or genuinely hated his parents. A kid doesn’t need to be all but (or literally) tortured physically to run away from home.
Ron — he’s not dim, or obsessed with food, or nothing more than comic relief. He’s a witty tactical genius, the youngest son, who sort of pales in comparison to Literally Survives Anything, The Chosen One Cockroach Harry Potter and Brightest Witch Of Her Age Hermione Granger. But he’s still an integral part of the trio, and he’s an incredible wizard when he applies himself, and he’s funny and logical and emotional. I think him and Hermione are cute together too.
One thing I wish had happened with this character in canon:
Sirius — I wish he’d lived. If not for Harry then for himself. He should’ve grown old, free and happy.
Ron — I think him helping George with WWW is a fun choice, but I think it would’ve been grand if he’d taken over a pub or something. Never starting Auror training, just immediately working at the Hog’s Head or the Three Broomsticks or the Leaky Cauldron and later taking over the place. He seems like the type — warm, funny, sociable — to be around people, listen to their problems, talk to them. An easier, slower life.
character breakdown
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