#unofficial sda
superdca-au · 3 months
Hello, hello. It's @bigsillyyy !
This is my AU blog (restarted/reset)
Sda is super dca (daycare attendants) au.
Tags: unofficial sda , super sun au , super moon au , super dca au , super y/n au , sda fanart/super dca au fanart.
{Q: Can i draw fanart}
{} A: of course! Draw away! I would LOVE to see fanart! Please use the #super dca fanart tag! {}
{Q: can i use yr art as a pfp ?}
{} A: Absolutely! But please, PLEASE put credits! If it's on Discord, put the credits in your status, yt in the bio, tumblr in your desc, and so on! {}
{Q: is this a ship au?}
{} A: No, there will be no ___ x y/n in this au, since my y/n is aroace. although you can imply romantic, platonic, or whatever else to them. This is supposed to be you afterall. {}
{Q: may i repost your art/trace?}
{} A: You may reblog on tumblr. No other apps, please. As much as I’d love for my project to get attention, i dont want people reposting MY art on any other apps. And if you trace my art, i will find you./neg {}
Refs: (slightly outdated but good enough)
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longhomes · 2 years
Uplink hacker elite themes
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Continued abuse of our services will cause your IP address to be blocked indefinitely. Please fill out the CAPTCHA below and then click the button to indicate that you agree to these terms. If you wish to be unblocked, you must agree that you will take immediate steps to rectify this issue. Your tasks involve hacking into rival computer systems, stealing research data, sabotaging other companies, laundering money, erasing evidence, or framing innocent people. In keeping with the hacking theme, Introversion created an alternate-reality 'treasure hunt' leading up to the release, teasing what Project Nakatomi would be. You play an Uplink Agent who makes a living by performing jobs for major corporations. Project Nakatomi was so named as it was aimed at the 'die hard' fans of Uplink: Hacker Elite (Nakatomi Plaza is the skyscraper setting of the film Die Hard). If you do not understand what is causing this behavior, please contact us here. High tech computer crime and industrial espionage on the Internet of 2010. If you promise to stop (by clicking the Agree button below), we'll unblock your connection for now, but we will immediately re-block it if we detect additional bad behavior. Overusing our search engine with a very large number of searches in a very short amount of time.Using a badly configured (or badly written) browser add-on for blocking content.Running a "scraper" or "downloader" program that either does not identify itself or uses fake headers to elude detection.Using a script or add-on that scans GameFAQs for box and screen images (such as an emulator front-end), while overloading our search engine.There is no official GameFAQs app, and we do not support nor have any contact with the makers of these unofficial apps. You’re a new hacker entering the scene, and the. Continued use of these apps may cause your IP to be blocked indefinitely. Uplink takes place in the dark, distant future of 2010, where corporations regularly purchase the services of cyber mercenaries to trash their competition who are always foolish enough to place their gigaquads of sensitive data on central mainframes accessible directly from the Internet. This triggers our anti-spambot measures, which are designed to stop automated systems from flooding the site with traffic. Some unofficial phone apps appear to be using GameFAQs as a back-end, but they do not behave like a real web browser does.I've been working on stuff for about 15 months, but this particular one took only a few weeks to get down. Author's comments: Hi guys, hope you enjoy my first run on SDA. Available in four versions: low/normal quality DivX, and high/low quality H.264 MPEG-4. Using GameFAQs regularly with these browsers can cause temporary and even permanent IP blocks due to these additional requests. Single-segment speed run of Uplink: Hacker Elite, done on December 7 2007. If you are using Maxthon or Brave as a browser, or have installed the Ghostery add-on, you should know that these programs send extra traffic to our servers for every page on the site that you browse.The most common causes of this issue are: Your IP address has been temporarily blocked due to a large number of HTTP requests.
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mariacallous · 2 years
In Sunday’s elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina, according to unofficial exit polls, moderate Bosniak and Croat leaders were set to win seats on the three-member Bosnian presidency, while Bosnian Serb strong-man Milorad Dodik’s right hand and planned successor for the post of Serbian member of the presidency, Zeljka Cvijanovic, will likely become a first woman member of the presidency. 
Zeljko Komsic, the current Croat member of the presidency, was set to win a new mandate in the collective head of state after winning more than 70 per cent of the votes, well ahead of the next Croat candidate, Borjana Kristo, according to the unofficial results. 
“As things stand now, it is quite clear not only who will be in the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also what the government will look like, at least judging by the structure of those elected to the parliaments,” Komsic told media on Sunday evening. 
Denis Becirovic, a candidate of the moderate Social Democratic Party, SDP, was in the lead for the Bosniak post on the presidency. Becirovic, one of three candidates for the post, is in the lead with almost 57 per cent of the votes cast, ahead of the veteran Bosniak leader, Bakir Izetbegovic, candidate of the Party of Democratic Action, SDA.
Since Bosnia gained independence, the SDA has only once not held the Bosniak post on the presidency, in the 2006-10 mandate. 
“How can you expect to win when 11 parties are against you? If there was nine of them, I could easily win, but with 11 I couldn’t,” Izetbegovic said, admitting defeat.
Meanwhile, in a surprise move, made minutes after most polling stations closed, the High Representative to Bosnia, Christian Schmidt, used his executive so-called “Bonn-powers” to impose controversial changes to the country’s election law.
The election law has been a thorn in Bosnia’s side for more than a decade, with dozens rounds of failed consultations.
The new intervention changes the election law by raising the number of representatives in the Federation entity’s House of Peoples and the way they are chosen. The changes also include the deadline for the formation of the government after the election, as well as measures to ensure the functionality of the Bosniak and Croat-dominated Federation entity.
Schmidt, whose task is to oversee implementation of the 1995 peace accords that ended the 1992-95 war, also imposed changes to the Constitution of the Federation entity, ensuring the functionality of its constitutional court and the selection process of the judges.
The US Embassy to Bosnia welcomed Schmidt’s move, saying that it would “bolster the stability and functionality of Bosnia and Herzegovina … This action was both urgent and necessary,” the embassy said.
The British ambassador, Julian Reilly, also supported the OHR’s decision, while saying that “it is a source of regret that the powers of the High Representative continue to be needed in Bosnia and Herzegovina.”
The election process was marred by numerous, minor irregularities. The Coalition for Free and Fair Elections “Pod Lupom”, an umbrella organisation of more than 80 civil society organisations which monitored the elections, recorded 73 breaches of the election law by 4.30 pm.
One voting station in the capital Sarajevo was closed for two hours due to the sudden death of a voter, so will be allowed to stay open to compensate for the lost time.
Another voting station in Hozici, close to Bosanski Novi in the Serb-dominated entity, Republika Srpska, closed after five people were detained, suspected of bringing pre-filled ballots, so elections will be repeated there.
Bosnians are electing a new state parliament, assemblies in the two entities, ten cantonal assemblies within the Federation and the three-member state presidency.
Three seats are up for election on on the state presidency, 42 for the state parliament, 98 for the assembly of the Federation entity, 83 for the assembly of Republika Srpska and three for the president and vice-presidents of Republika Srpska.
Some 3.3 million voters, slightly more than the official number of population, were eligible to vote at the 14th elections since 1996, when the first post-war elections were held. 
However, according to the Central Electoral Commission, CEC, only 50 per cent of Bosnians voted in the 5,904 polling stations. 
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underhermantle · 6 years
I just wanted to let you all know I am taking a break from the extended ‘Deanic Web’ indefinitely. I have ‘unofficially’ done this before but I just wanted to let people know this time why I won’t be around.
The community is changing, not necessarily in a bad way. There is such a huge variety of beliefs now within ‘Deanism’ that I think it’s becoming too broad of an umbrella for me to really relate to. Just like how when I was a Pagan I thought ‘Pagan groups’ where too broad, because Paganism encompasses such a wide variety of faiths. When I first became a Deanist, there were Herthelan Filianists, non-Herthelan/Independent Filianists, Clan Jana, and all of those were relatively the same with some small differences.
Nowadays we have people from various faith traditions identifying as Deanists and I don’t think that is a bad thing at all- but it doesn’t work for me personally, because interacting with other ‘Deanists’ is just the same as me interacting with ‘Pagans’- we all believe very different things to the extent where it just feels like a big mish mashy interfaith group as opposed to a group with many shared beliefs and values, and that definitely works for some people and is inherently a good thing, but I can’t deal with it right now. I have Asperger’s Syndrome and Borderline Personality Disorder, both of which give me a very black and white view of things, and the ‘debating’ doesn’t invogorate me and intriegue me like it does most of you, it just makes me feel tired and sad.
I need to focus on my own relationship with Dea and sadly that means isolating myself from the community/just discussing faith with other Filianists. I know that is very isolationist and many of you may be offended by that, but it’s nothing against any of you at all. I think you’re all wonderful. I think diversity is the spice of life, but for religion? It just doesn’t work for me. Not when peoples’ ideas about the nature of God fundamentally are at odds with mine in a community I thought had mostly shared values. It just doesn’t work for me, and the way my brain works. Even if you had a gathering of Christians in such a close-knit community of various denominations (Catholic, Orthodox, Evangelical, Liberal Protestant, Mormon, JW, SDA) it wouldn’t really work. All of those groups have radically different beliefs and it seems that these days Deanists do, too.
I love you all. If any of you need me you can find me on Chelouranya’s Shining Room (if I can remember my login on there, lol) and I will still reply to messages on here when I get the chance. 
- Sorella Guinevere.
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datamattsson · 4 years
Mirroring your OpenZFS pools of Ubuntu 20.04 onto a set of new drives
I've blogged about my HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen10+ in the past. As boot drive, I put in a SK Hynix Gold S31 SSD in one of the 3.5" slots using an adapter. The remaining three disk slots are used for my spinning media OpenZFS pool. Two problems presented themselves, one I could predict, the other a bit unexpectedly. The former problem is that I have my home directory on the spinning media OpenZFS pool, this, by today's standards, is quite dreadfully slow, given I serve my home directory over NFS in certain situation. It's like being back at the late nineties. I'm not a huge fan of keeping this data on a single drive either, as I had planned to move my home directory over to the SSD and just keep copies of the home directory on the spinning media pool. Unless, the unexpected problem, the SSD comes to a screeching halt at times, for no apparent reason. Sometimes it performs well and sometimes it's single digit throughput (MB/s). Unusable. I opened a support case with SK Hynix who got back to me with the very unexpected response that I should install Windows. Bye-bye, SK Hynix, you are the absolute worst.
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So, here I am.
Problem solving mode
Since I don't have two 2.5" slots to spare for mirrored boot and home directory, I needed to get creative. External drives? USB? eSATA? SAS? Thanks to the extremely well done research by Serve The Home, I did not have to look far. Since the Gen10+ has a spare PCIe slog, it's possible to put two NVMe drives using a PCIe to M.2 adapter card. Said and done, I picked up the StarTech PEX8M2E2 adapter along with two 1TB WD Blue SN550 M.2 2280 NVMe drives.
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Edit: As snarled at on reddit, bifurcation is not needed with the StarTech card.
Surgery options
The next decision I had to make was if I had to reinstall the system on these drives. If so, would I install on a RAID1 or try cobble the disks together with OpenZFS pre- or post-install? (Ubuntu installer does not yet support any advanced OpenZFS pool schemes, AFAIK). Friends don't let friends to OpenZFS on RAID, so I would end up doing post-install surgery and I simply took the challenge of doing in-place replacement of the SSD onto a NVMe drive and make the OpenZFS pools mirrored (there's one boot pool and one system pool with the default Ubuntu install). My Google Fu completely failed me and I could only find obscenely written guides or vague evidence on how to do this and I decided to DIY since my situation was fairly unique. Going from single SSD to two NVMe drives in one swift stroke.
I hereby present the 100% unofficial guide on how to transfer a Ubuntu 20.04 installation from a single device to two devices, mirrored.
A few pointers.
Keep backups of your data
What works on my computer might not work on yours
What will happen in subsequent updates of Ubuntu if packages touches /boot/efi is unknown at this time
The copy & paste verbiage below is from a VM I practiced on
The practice VM could successfully boot from a single drive if there was a failure
Let's get to it.
Device and partition duplication
As mentioned above, these steps were performed on a VM, not an actual Gen10+. Device names, partition schemes, size and who knows what, WILL differ on your system. Use these steps as guidance, not a copy & and paste template.
Note: All commands below are executed as root.
First, get an idea of what your partition layout looks like on your system with lsblk.
lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT loop0 7:0 0 255.6M 1 loop /snap/gnome-3-34-1804/36 loop1 7:1 0 55.3M 1 loop /snap/core18/1885 loop2 7:2 0 49.8M 1 loop /snap/snap-store/467 loop3 7:3 0 62.1M 1 loop /snap/gtk-common-themes/1506 loop4 7:4 0 29.9M 1 loop /snap/snapd/8790 sda 8:0 0 20G 0 disk ├─sda1 8:1 0 512M 0 part /boot/efi ├─sda2 8:2 0 923M 0 part [SWAP] ├─sda3 8:3 0 998M 0 part └─sda4 8:4 0 17.6G 0 part sdb 8:16 0 20G 0 disk sdc 8:32 0 20G 0 disk sr0 11:0 1 2.6G 0 rom /media/mmattsson/Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS amd64
The drive of interest here is sda. Dump the partition table to a file.
sfdisk -d /dev/sda > layout-sdb
Your layout-sdb file will initially look something like this.
label: gpt label-id: 0A00C51C-DF26-4237-90F2-28D80EB7542F device: /dev/sda unit: sectors first-lba: 34 last-lba: 41943006 /dev/sda1 : start= 2048, size= 1048576, type=C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B, uuid=427FBDD1-8CEF-4E2B-9BE1-837BBB3CC087, name="EFI System Partition" /dev/sda2 : start= 1050624, size= 1890304, type=0657FD6D-A4AB-43C4-84E5-0933C84B4F4F, uuid=165B2B55-3BC1-B345-B3EC-5285EBF368BA /dev/sda3 : start= 2940928, size= 2043904, type=6A82CB45-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631, uuid=E43AE096-6764-1245-A9A7-FA091DE6FAEE /dev/sda4 : start= 4984832, size= 36958175, type=6A85CF4D-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631, uuid=8850142A-8094-9B47-88EA-F1ECDB45C4AE
Edit the layout and have these steps in mind: - Change the label-id, I simply decreased the last hex value by one for each disk - Change the source device name to the destination device name - Remove the UUIDs (new ones will be generated)
The results should look like this:
label: gpt label-id: 0A00C51C-DF26-4237-90F2-28D80EB7542E device: /dev/sdb unit: sectors first-lba: 34 last-lba: 41943006 /dev/sdb1 : start= 2048, size= 1048576, type=C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B, name="EFI System Partition" /dev/sdb2 : start= 1050624, size= 1890304, type=0657FD6D-A4AB-43C4-84E5-0933C84B4F4F /dev/sdb3 : start= 2940928, size= 2043904, type=6A82CB45-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631 /dev/sdb4 : start= 4984832, size= 36958175, type=6A85CF4D-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631
Next, copy the edited layout to your next "disk".
cp layout-sdb layout-sdc
Change the values you just changed (decrease the label-id) to the new disk name. The result should look like this.
label: gpt label-id: 0A00C51C-DF26-4237-90F2-28D80EB7542D device: /dev/sdc unit: sectors first-lba: 34 last-lba: 41943006 /dev/sdc1 : start= 2048, size= 1048576, type=C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B, name="EFI System Partition" /dev/sdc2 : start= 1050624, size= 1890304, type=0657FD6D-A4AB-43C4-84E5-0933C84B4F4F /dev/sdc3 : start= 2940928, size= 2043904, type=6A82CB45-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631 /dev/sdc4 : start= 4984832, size= 36958175, type=6A85CF4D-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631
Next, "apply" the new partition tables onto your new disks.
sfdisk /dev/sdb ../../sda3 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Aug 16 12:36 8850142a-8094-9b47-88ea-f1ecdb45c4ae -> ../../sda4 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Aug 16 12:36 165b2b55-3bc1-b345-b3ec-5285ebf368ba -> ../../sda2 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Aug 16 12:36 427fbdd1-8cef-4e2b-9be1-837bbb3cc087 -> ../../sda1 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Aug 16 12:44 e3115c86-4bc9-b14a-ab62-90efdb67a5af -> ../../sdb3 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Aug 16 12:44 edde5235-ceac-f54b-b9cd-279b46c0a996 -> ../../sdb4 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Aug 16 12:45 a749fd64-615e-da4b-9ba4-86023a5d7542 -> ../../sdc3 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Aug 16 12:45 581ed7e7-1d93-0c4b-b9ce-b690763b0b38 -> ../../sdc4 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Aug 16 12:56 183e59f6-84af-124a-9904-07a824ece292 -> ../../sdb1 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Aug 16 12:56 f8c90bc4-0a48-094b-8967-46f8e65fde03 -> ../../sdc1 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Aug 16 12:56 693f6ba7-499f-d841-9631-2a3d089e602f -> ../../sdb2 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Aug 16 12:56 3ab0018f-ba13-6f40-905a-af49456f6788 -> ../../sdc2
In the output above we can see that the UUID maps to sda3. The next set of UUIDs that matter is the ones that use sdb3 and sdc3, as these correspond to the partition UUIDs on our new drives.
When we got the UUIDs, attach the new devices to the current device (this will effectively mirror them).
zpool attach bpool e43ae096-6764-1245-a9a7-fa091de6faee e3115c86-4bc9-b14a-ab62-90efdb67a5af zpool attach bpool e43ae096-6764-1245-a9a7-fa091de6faee a749fd64-615e-da4b-9ba4-86023a5d7542
Checking the status of the pool, we should observe a three=way mirror.
zpool status bpool pool: bpool state: ONLINE scan: resilvered 92.3M in 0 days 00:00:01 with 0 errors on Sun Aug 16 13:05:13 2020 config: NAME STATE READ WRITE CKSUM bpool ONLINE 0 0 0 mirror-0 ONLINE 0 0 0 e43ae096-6764-1245-a9a7-fa091de6faee ONLINE 0 0 0 e3115c86-4bc9-b14a-ab62-90efdb67a5af ONLINE 0 0 0 a749fd64-615e-da4b-9ba4-86023a5d7542 ONLINE 0 0 0 errors: No known data errors
It's now safe to remove the old device from the pool.
zpool detach bpool e43ae096-6764-1245-a9a7-fa091de6faee
Now bpool is done. Repeat the exact same procedure for rpool. Once that is done, power off the system, remove the old disk, make sure the boot order is correct in the BIOS and boot into the new system. Grub will throw an exclamation upon boot saying that it's falling back to defaults, this seems to be what should be happening as the system will come up and behave just fine on subsequent boots.
Do not try this without understanding how to help yourself to back out of the situation and do not perform any of these procedures on devices where you care about the data (have backups if you do).
My Gen10+ ended up with bpool and rpool looking like this after first boot.
zpool status pool: bpool state: ONLINE scan: resilvered 937M in 0 days 00:00:01 with 0 errors on Sun Aug 16 13:39:05 2020 config: NAME STATE READ WRITE CKSUM bpool ONLINE 0 0 0 mirror-0 ONLINE 0 0 0 nvme0n1p3 ONLINE 0 0 0 nvme1n1p3 ONLINE 0 0 0 errors: No known data errors pool: rpool state: ONLINE scan: resilvered 24.3G in 0 days 00:00:41 with 0 errors on Sun Aug 16 13:41:43 2020 config: NAME STATE READ WRITE CKSUM rpool ONLINE 0 0 0 mirror-0 ONLINE 0 0 0 nvme0n1p4 ONLINE 0 0 0 nvme1n1p4 ONLINE 0 0 0 errors: No known data errors
I also snapped a picture of the snug fit with the StarTech NVMe card in the Gen10+
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Until next time, happy tinkering!
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engsinanalani · 6 years
The Syrian pound has appreciated around 10 percent against the US dollar in recent days, as rebel fighters quit their final stronghold of Eastern Ghouta on the edges of the capital. The unofficial exchange rate in the capital was at 430 Syrian pounds per dollar on Wednesday, compared with 460 pounds the previous week. When Syria's conflict first erupted in 2011, the currency was valued at 48 Syrian pounds per dollar but it has depreciated dramatically since then.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2IxSt6p
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glyw · 7 years
A little history
1827-1915-Assisted by the prophetic ministry of EGW (never ordained, carried 3 min. lic.
1827-1915-Assisted by the prophetic ministry of EGW (never ordained, carried 3 min. lic.)Also 30 other Adventist women “licensed to preach during this time 1870-EGW granted ministerial credentials 1878- in the Signs of the Times, J. H. Waggoner published an article on “Woman’s Place in the Gospel” declaring that, according to Paul, women can labor for the Lord by prophesying, edifying, exhorting, and comforting. But they are not allowed to perform “all the duties of business meetings, which were probably conducted by men, or all the duties of ruling elders, and pastors” 1881-GC session, discussed women’s ordination 1884- EGW listed as ordained minister in first SDA yearbook 1904-LuLu Wightman’s husband (a minister) appealed to NY Conference to ordain his wife-Denied. However she is listed in 1908 Yearbook among ministers, yet this is regarded as a mistake in the yearbook. 1915-EW dies 1964-Equal Employment Opportunity- American Civil Rights Act 1968- Finland Union forwarded a request to ordain women into gospel ministry- not answered            b/c of WWII they placed some women into pastoral positions1972- Josephine Benton ordained in Washington, DC by Potomac Conference, becoming FIRST                  female local elder 1973-“     “ became associate pastor at Sligo Church 1973-Camp Mohaven Meetings Council on the Role of Women in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, convened in Camp Mohaven, Danville, Ohio, September 16- 19, 1973. Gathered 14 women and 13 men. (1)-Equality of believers established by creations (2)- No theological objection to ordination of women’s church ministries(3)-submitted pilot program for women in pastoral and evangelistic roles  (2 years) and report should be given  at 1974 annual council 1974- Camp Mohaven 1974 Council denied the ordination of women to the gospel ministry because the Seventh-day Adventist Church is a world church which includes in its fellowship peoples of all nations and cultures, and because a survey of its world divisions reveals that the time is not ripe nor opportune, therefore, in the interest of the world unity of the church, no move be made in the direction of ordaining women to the gospel ministry. 1976- La Vonne Neff printed 2 part series “The Ordination of Women” pointed out that some denominations did and some did not ordain women 1976- John Beach’s book noted that women in SDA have held every administrative position except president and ordained minister1984-Columia Union Conference Committee requested the North American Division (1) to authorize ordained church elders to perform baptismal ceremonies even “in the presence of an ordained minister”   In response each division was allowed to decide whether to elect and ordain women as local church elders within its own territory. y a male elder.”58 The second action (of October 15) requested the Potomac Conference Executive Committee “to keep tabled the issues of ministerial licenses for women and baptism by women who are in full-time pastoral work, and who are also local church elders, until the larger issue of women in the gospel ministry is decided by the Church.” Decision of 1985 should be respected 1985- At the 1985 Spring Council, the General Conference President Neal C. Wilson presented the resolutions of the committee, including the decision (1) “to take no definitive action at this time regarding the ordination of women to the gospel ministry”; (2) “to maintain the church’s present position on this matter”1987- Adventists Affirm. This unofficial Adventist periodical became, since its first issue, an influential resource in opposition to the pro-women’s ordination movement. In 1994 Adventists Affirm also began to publish some of the most widely distributed anti-women’s ordination books.1989-Cohutta Springs Meetings The document concluded that (1) “a decision to ordain women as pastors would not be welcomed or meet with approval in most of the world church”; and (2) “the provisions of the Church Manual and the General Conference Working Policy which allow only for ordination to the gospel ministry on a world-wide (universal) basis have strong support by the divisions 1990- Indianapolis General Conference Session-a decision to ordain women as pastors would not be welcomed or meet with approval in most of the world church. In addition to voting not to ordain women to the gospel ministry, the 1990 General Conference made a few significant changes in the Church Manual, saying that the declaration of marriage are given only by an ordained minister except in those areas where division committees have taken action to approve that selected licensed or commissioned ministers who have been ordained as local elders may perform the marriage ceremony.1990- Favoring women’s ordination- Loma Linda University Press published the work of V. Norskov Olsen on Myths and Truth about Church, Priesthood and Ordination, written from a biblical-historical perspective. Various other books were published between 1990-95 in favor of women’s ordination. 1995- Utrecht General Conference Session- North America Division decided to request special permission from the worldwide church to ordain women just for its own territory. It ended up being rejected by 1,481 votes against the proposal to 673 in favor. 1995- In the post Utrecht period several local Adventist churches in North America ordained women pastors. Sligo Church ordained three women to the gospel ministry. “it was the first time in the Adventist church that a local church conducted an ordination to the gospel ministry.” LASU also ordained two women. 03 Yet, the worldwide church did not recognize such local church ordinations to pastoral ministry. Furthermore, many church members expressed their concerns about this new ordination trend.1998- Andrews University Press published a work of 439 pages and 20 chapters under the title, Women in Ministry: Biblical & Historical Perspectives. The work represented a strong prowomen’s ordination emphasis.2005- Other significant anti-women’s ordination appeals appeared in 20052010 At the General Conference Spring Meeting (on April 6, 2010), Paulsen reported to the delegates that only three of the 13 divisions “responded by saying either they were ready to affirm women in ministry by the process of ordination, or significant parts of their division would do it.” Eight of the divisions “said they would not ordain women, and the people in their part of the world would be negatively affected. … [It would] seriously undermine the unity [of the church].” Consequently, according to Paulsen, the issue of women’s ordination would not be part of the agenda at the 2010 Atlanta General Conference Session.2011-Jan Paulson- Admitting that the ordination of women to the ministry may split the church, Paulsen added that “not ordaining women may be every bit as likely to split the church.” 2012- An Appeal for Unity in Respect to Ministerial Ordination Practices. That your union continues to operate in harmony with the global decisions and global decision-making processes of the Church. That until such time as the Church decides otherwise, your union refrains from taking any action to implement ministerial ordination practices that are contrary to the 1990 and 1995 General Conference Session actions.2012- Despite the written “Appeal” from the General Conference, the Columbia Union Conference held its “special constituency meeting” on July 29, 2012. With 209 in favor, 51 opposed, and nine abstentions, the delegates of that constituency meeting voted, “That the Columbia Union Conference authorize ordination to the gospel ministry without regard to gender.” 2012-General Conference Issued Statement- “The action taken by the Columbia Union Conference represents a serious threat to the unity of the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church”)                   Also 30 other Adventist women “licensed to preach during this time 1870-EGW granted ministerial credentials 1878- in the Signs of the Times, J. H. Waggoner published an article on “Woman’s Place in the Gospel” declaring that, according to Paul, women can labor for the Lord by prophesying, edifying, exhorting, and comforting. But they are not allowed to perform “all the duties of business meetings, which were probably conducted by men, or all the duties of ruling elders, and pastors” 1881-GC session, discussed women’s ordination 1884- EGW listed as ordained minister in first SDA yearbook 1904-LuLu Wightman’s husband (a minister) appealed to NY Conference to ordain his wife-Denied. However she is listed in 1908 Yearbook among ministers, yet this is regarded as a mistake in the yearbook. 1915-EW dies 1964-Equal Employment Opportunity- American Civil Rights Act 1968- Finland Union forwarded a request to ordain women into gospel ministry- not answered            b/c of WWII they placed some women into pastoral positions
1972- Josephine Benton ordained in Washington, DC by Potomac Conference, becoming FIRST                  female local elder 1973-“     “ became associate pastor at Sligo Church 1973-Camp Mohaven Meetings Council on the Role of Women in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, convened in Camp Mohaven, Danville, Ohio, September 16- 19, 1973. Gathered 14 women and 13 men. (1)-Equality of believers established by creations (2)- No theological objection to ordination of women’s church ministries
(3)-submitted pilot program for women in pastoral and evangelistic roles  (2 years) and report should be given  at 1974 annual council 1974- Camp Mohaven 1974 Council denied the ordination of women to the gospel ministry because the Seventh-day Adventist Church is a world church which includes in its fellowship peoples of all nations and cultures, and because a survey of its world divisions reveals that the time is not ripe nor opportune, therefore, in the interest of the world unity of the church, no move be made in the direction of ordaining women to the gospel ministry. 1976- La Vonne Neff printed 2 part series “The Ordination of Women” pointed out that some denominations did and some did not ordain women 1976- John Beach’s book noted that women in SDA have held every administrative position except president and ordained minister
1984-Columia Union Conference Committee requested the North American Division (1) to authorize ordained church elders to perform baptismal ceremonies even “in the presence of an ordained minister”   In response each division was allowed to decide whether to elect and ordain women as local church elders within its own territory. y a male elder.”58 The second action (of October 15) requested the Potomac Conference Executive Committee “to keep tabled the issues of ministerial licenses for women and baptism by women who are in full-time pastoral work, and who are also local church elders, until the larger issue of women in the gospel ministry is decided by the Church.” Decision of 1985 should be respected 1985- At the 1985 Spring Council, the General Conference President Neal C. Wilson presented the resolutions of the committee, including the decision (1) “to take no definitive action at this time regarding the ordination of women to the gospel ministry”; (2) “to maintain the church’s present position on this matter”
1987- Adventists Affirm. This unofficial Adventist periodical became, since its first issue, an influential resource in opposition to the pro-women’s ordination movement. In 1994 Adventists Affirm also began to publish some of the most widely distributed anti-women’s ordination books.
1989-Cohutta Springs Meetings The document concluded that (1) “a decision to ordain women as pastors would not be welcomed or meet with approval in most of the world church”; and (2) “the provisions of the Church Manual and the General Conference Working Policy which allow only for ordination to the gospel ministry on a world-wide (universal) basis have strong support by the divisions 1990- Indianapolis General Conference Session-a decision to ordain women as pastors would not be welcomed or meet with approval in most of the world church. In addition to voting not to ordain women to the gospel ministry, the 1990 General Conference made a few significant changes in the Church Manual, saying that the declaration of marriage are given only by an ordained minister except in those areas where division committees have taken action to approve that selected licensed or commissioned ministers who have been ordained as local elders may perform the marriage ceremony.
1990- Favoring women’s ordination- Loma Linda University Press published the work of V. Norskov Olsen on Myths and Truth about Church, Priesthood and Ordination, written from a biblical-historical perspective. Various other books were published between 1990-95 in favor of women’s ordination.
1995- Utrecht General Conference Session- North America Division decided to request special permission from the worldwide church to ordain women just for its own territory. It ended up being rejected by 1,481 votes against the proposal to 673 in favor.
1995- In the post Utrecht period several local Adventist churches in North America ordained women pastors. Sligo Church ordained three women to the gospel ministry. “it was the first time in the Adventist church that a local church conducted an ordination to the gospel ministry.” LASU also ordained two women. 03 Yet, the worldwide church did not recognize such local church ordinations to pastoral ministry. Furthermore, many church members expressed their concerns about this new ordination trend.
1998- Andrews University Press published a work of 439 pages and 20 chapters under the title, Women in Ministry: Biblical & Historical Perspectives. The work represented a strong prowomen’s ordination emphasis.
2005- Other significant anti-women’s ordination appeals appeared in 2005
2010 At the General Conference Spring Meeting (on April 6, 2010), Paulsen reported to the delegates that only three of the 13 divisions “responded by saying either they were ready to affirm women in ministry by the process of ordination, or significant parts of their division would do it.” Eight of the divisions “said they would not ordain women, and the people in their part of the world would be negatively affected. … [It would] seriously undermine the unity [of the church].” Consequently, according to Paulsen, the issue of women’s ordination would not be part of the agenda at the 2010 Atlanta General Conference Session.
2011-Jan Paulson- Admitting that the ordination of women to the ministry may split the church, Paulsen added that “not ordaining women may be every bit as likely to split the church.”
2012- An Appeal for Unity in Respect to Ministerial Ordination Practices. That your union continues to operate in harmony with the global decisions and global decision-making processes of the Church. That until such time as the Church decides otherwise, your union refrains from taking any action to implement ministerial ordination practices that are contrary to the 1990 and 1995 General Conference Session actions.
2012- Despite the written “Appeal” from the General Conference, the Columbia Union Conference held its “special constituency meeting” on July 29, 2012. With 209 in favor, 51 opposed, and nine abstentions, the delegates of that constituency meeting voted, “That the Columbia Union Conference authorize ordination to the gospel ministry without regard to gender.” 2012-General Conference Issued Statement- “The action taken by the Columbia Union Conference represents a serious threat to the unity of the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church”
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engsinanalani · 7 years
Three Indian soldiers were killed in Kashmir along the unofficial border with Pakistan Saturday, Indian police said, in the latest skirmish between the bitter rivals in the disputed Himalayan territory. The soldiers were killed in the Rajouri sector of Indian-administered Kashmir after Pakistani troops started firing across the border, said Shesh Paul Vaid, the director general of police in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.
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