#unnamed doctor neice of sandstorm
pastelgrungewrecker · 5 years
{Related to/Sequel to This]
The stark realization Whirl couldn’t cry shook the household to it’s foundations. He waved away the concerns, bluntly denying worry until finally he snapped- prosthetic hands curled into fists and molten-gold eye vicious in it’s near-devilish shine.
He wasn’t, but like hell would he admit it.
Perceptor watched, as he always did, while the rest of their odd family unit worried and fretted.
And then, the day came he struck.
“Whirl.”, he called out quietly, “I need a favor.”
“What, shortstack?”
“I have an appointment- it might be a bit of a rough one, and I need someone who’s going to be able to drive if the painkillers don’t wear off in time so that I can be here when the kids get home from school, if it’s no trouble.”
Whirl shrugged, getting to his feet after pulling over his boots and lacing them on, “Sure thing, sweetheart. What kinda appointment is this? It ain’t that hormone doc, is it? I still say they can suck a whole fuck-”
“No, they have since been... handled.”
“...They’re dead ain’t they.”
“Wh-No! I simply transferred my care to a better physician reccomended by Ratchet.”
“...So no one would know if they died, then-”
“Can so. Anyway, what kinda appointment?”
They had argued and bickered the whole way out to the car, already on the way with Perceptor’s occasional direction before Whirl remembered his initial question. Perceptor blinked, before pulling away the patch over his eye and tucking it into his shirtpocket.
“Scar reduction.”
Whirl raised an eyebrow.
“Due to the nature of my previous injuries, sometimes the procedure becomes a touch invasive. They use various methods to reduce the size and discoloration; and in the event of my chest, on occasion must venture beneath the skin to free up my respiratory system.”
“They get the spiderwebs out of my airsacs.”
Whirl snorted, but nodded.
Walking into the hospital made him tense soon after. He stayed close to Perceptor’s shoulder, squinting slightly at the doctor who met them- young, bright, but softspoken.
Perceptor spoke with them in low tones before sighing and unbuttoning his shirt. The doctor looked over to Whirl, and tilted their head with a small smile.
“Are you a friend of the patient?”
The smile never changed, “Oh, excellent. Once today’s procedure is finished I’ll go over the aftercare with you, just in case! I’ve already informed Mister Drift and Doctor Ratchet.”
“Sounds good.”
They turned back to Perceptor, and Whirl’s eye narrowed. He, himself, was covered in scars; probably more that Perceptor given the... surgery he had received in his younger years.
“Mister Whirl? If you have any questions feel free to ask me.”
“Whatcha gonna do to him.”
“Today we are working on evening out the skin over his chest and checking on the healing from the last breathing issue we dealt with. He was having some issues with wheezing and tightness alongside pain and pulling.”
“Mhm, I remember.”
“I’m not sure how much of his history you know-”
“Served with him in the Wreckers, probably know more’n you.”
Something like alarm or relief was suddenly present on their face, “Oh! Oh that is excellent. May I ask you some questions, please?”
The squint continued, “Sure. But if I say I’m not answering, don’t be a shit about it.”
A confused head tilt, before realization and a pleasantly solemn nod, “Of course, sir. Do you know the extent of Mister Perceptor’s torso injuries? Finding any record on it has been... difficult.”
“There isn’t any ‘s why.”, said Whirl easily, “He was his own medic for all of it. If you need details you’ll need to contact Magnus.”
“Oh, wonderful- that will help a LOT in planning further treatment.”
A soft hiss from Perceptor, and they returned their full attention to him. Whirl watched the gentle motions, the careful way they handled Perceptor and his minute pains. And Whirl’s suspicious squint relaxed.
“Also, Mister Whirl- do you know the approximate age of Perceptor’s scarring, by any chance?”
“Kinda. Lessee... It was before Garrus 9, ‘n right after my veto...”
Whirl muttered to himself for a moment, quietly appreciating the patience the doctor showed before he was able to give a fairly close date, “Give or take a month.”
Honest gratitude shone in the doctor’s eyes, “Thank you so much! This explains quite a bit by way of how heavy the scarring is, and how widespread in the chest cavity it’s become. I’ll be sure to notify the head physician about this so we can modify your treatment.”
“Ugh, hopefully I won’t be the frog in the tin again.”
A soft chuckle, “Maybe only once or twice more; we were able to clear out quite a bit.”
“Izzat why you’ve been sleepin’ better Percy?”
“That’s good to hear! I’m sure uncle would be pretty upset if I made his old coworkers TOO uncomfortable.”
Whirl paused, “Uncle?”
A sad smile from the doctor before they bustled over to the small counter, plucking their necessities out of cabinets with some kind of muscle memory, “Yes, my uncle Sandstorm.”
“Sandst- oh. Aw geez, kiddo.”
“It’s alright! No need for the sympathy kiddos.”, they asnwered with a slight tightness in their voice, “But my uncle is why I went for becoming a medic, and went specifically full bore on this. Scars, even if they never really go away, deserve to be taken care of. Otherwise... well.”
A solemn silence fell over the room as Whirl and Perceptor quietly remembered old rules. The three D’s: Death, Dishonorable Discharge, and Dementia.
The third was always the worst, and Sandstorm’s case had been a pinnacle of suffering.
“So, now I’m a doctor- and, to be honest, I prefer to work with Wreckers like Mister Perceptor. Speaking of! You’re good for today, just some minor toning and double checking. Here-”
A small container put in Perceptor’s hand.
“This should help with the roughness of the skin around the scars themselves; and will help if there’s any peeling or inflammation. Keep them clean and use the cream you were prescribed last month and on your next appointment we’ll see how far they went.”
They turned to Whirl, and smiled, “And Mister Whirl? If you’d like my help, Mister Perceptor has all my contact information- unless you’d like me to give it to you for privacy’s sake.”
Whirl paused a moment, thinking. Perceptor seemed to not be paying attention, putting his shirt back on and swearing softly as sore hands rebelled against buttons.
Whirl nodded, and whispered, “If y’could, kiddo.”
A smile, a card slipped into Whirl’s hand, and a gentle squeeze of a steel forearm.
“See you soon, Sir.”
Soon turned out to be, ironically and quietly, the day after Perceptor’s appointment. 
Whirl swallowed hard as he was called back, greeted with the same soft smile and a gentle hand on a steel-plated arm.
“Hello Mister Whirl, it’s good to see you.”, they said with their voice calm and smooth, “Now, let’s see what we’re working with- as much as you are currently comfortable with showing me.”
“There’s. There’s a lot, kiddo.”
“I know. But I promise I’m no wallflower.”
Whirl choked and snorted at the almost kid-like grin, “Proud of that huh?”
“Sure am.”
Whirl shook his head, then began tugging his shirt from his body, up and over his head and set beside him in a mound of rumpled fabric. Some of the scars were raised, keyloidal and gnarled- but most were dips and dents in the skin.
With hands washed and gloves on, the doctor began carefully inspecting each one, asking quiet questions about pain and soreness and time and cause and simply listening- even when Whirl’s memory seemed to glitch, when he could remember the aftermath and not the reason.
“Well, we have a few options with a good majority of them. There’s lasering, which is quickest but can have some side effects and pain, there are topical treatments, various kinds of medicated lotions or creams that can be used.”
“Huh, go figure.”
“My major worry, however- Your arms and your eye.”
“Mister Whirl, I know what they’re from. And even though I will never be able to understand the kind of pain you went through, I do need to be able to see what they left behind; I can’t change the past, I wish I could, but what I can do is make things less painful in the future.”
“....Nothin’ leaves this room, right?”
“Nope. Not even if Doctor Ratchet tried to badger me out of the info. My lips and records are one hundred percent sealed.”
Whirl chuckled. He knew Ratchet would never try such a thing but... For some reason, the promise helped.
“Watch how I detach the left, so you can help with the right, okay?”
“Yes sir.”
First, he removed the patch from his eye. He winced softly, the sudden chill of the air biting against skin normally covered. The doctor’s eyes widened, and they got to their feet to scurry over to.. the thermostat?
“I’m so sorry! I should’ve turned the heat up a little when you walked in- temperature can sometimes cause soreness in scars usually covered.”
“That why I swell up in the chilly months?”
“It can be a factor, yes.”, they said in concern, “But it can also be a sign of scar tissue reaching far deeper than it should, which is worrying.”
“Well, full eye gouging, so...”
“Mhm, that’d do it.”
Next, the arms- high tech prosthetics developed by Brainstorm in a fit of anger at the status quo. First the left, and then he nodded for help with the right. There was no pity in the doctor’s eyes, simply concern and calculation.
“...This isn’t a good look.”, was the flat answer.
“Y’don’t say.”
“See how the scarring has lumped up here, and here? And calloused over here? That will have to be dealt with or we could be dealing with some sticky problems.”
“Sticky how?”
“Sticky like pus pocket under the skin.”
“Gross- Perce has that issue with his eye socket once, some kinda skin infection.”
“Exactly. Scar tissue is just skin, but.. bassboosted.”
“...You sound like my kid.”
“Well, its a good way of putting it.”, they said with a shrug, “The thickness and uneven development is worrying to say the least- do you have any cushioning in your prosthetics?”
“May I look at them?”
“Sure, you’re the doc after all. My husband developed them- Not Perce. Brainstorm.”
The doctor began to meticulously inspect the prosthetics, “I see- would it be alright for me to contact him? The cushioning seems to be slightly breaking down, and I’d like to give him the contact of our prosthetics department to see if there are other materials available.”
“Er, I s’pose. His number’s in my phone- but after I got my arms back on, maybe.”
“Good idea.”
Brainstorm was startled by Whirl’s sudden homecoming near dinner-hour; raising his eyebrows at the sneaky behavior his husband was exhibiting. Beating down his natural anxious reaction, he crept after him and peered around a doorframe into the... bathroom.
“Now, lessee... She said this one was for-”
“She who?”
Whirl shrieked. Brainstorm crossed his arms, hip cocked and expression flat.
“She who, Whirl.”
“My doc.”
“...Your what?”
“Perce introduced me to the doc who helps with his uh. His scars. She’ll be callin’ you, actually. About my arms. Somethin’ about the cushioning in the prosthetics, and gettin’ you in contact with a buncha medics who had other materials or whatever.”
Brainstorm’s eyes lit up, “Oh, oh really! Excellent, absolutely excellent- It was touch and go with the internal padding, I was terrified of what would happen if it broke down too far-”
Whirl blinked, hanging a towel over the bathroom mirror as he always did, “Huh, really?”
Brainstorm rolled his eyes, “Yes, dork. I love you and don’t want you in pain or sore all the time just to have the ability to flip the bird.”
Whirl fell quiet, humming his acknowledgement before pulling the patch off his eye and tucking it into a drawer, “Also, ‘M not s’posed to wear my patch all the time. Worried about temperature sensitivity and swellin’ and stuff. And they ave me some weird shit to put on the old scars on my stomach and stuff. Said it’ll help with evenin’ them out.”
“Good, you’re always in hell when winter hits and you know it. I’m glad you went and saw a doctor, Whirl.”
Brainstorm snuck in, standing on tiptoe to press a kiss to Whirl’s jaw before the phone in his back pocket trilled angrily, “Ah, what do you know- a mysterious caller!”
Whirl watched as Brainstorm answered, chatting animatedly about “developmental roadblocks” and “possible consultancy”. He shook his head, turning back to try and read the tiny print on the container in his hand..
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