#unmv an
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Fankidtober Day 2*: Akito (hoennshipping) and Vince (sweetvictoryshipping)
I realized i forgot to put anything actually about the kid in my first fankidtober post welp. Anyway moving forward!
Their families frequently hung out together for play dates and they're been friends since they were toddlers.
Akito is a huge nerd and especially loves to dabble in little experiments in chemistry and physics. He also loves space and wants to be an astronaut, so he's taken to learning astrophysics as well. Took a while to convince him to go on a journey to challenge the league as he's not really that interested, despite his mother being famous as Hoenn's youngest Champion and currently an E4 member.
Vince is a Coordinator, and he channels his (usually hidden love) for ninjas in his performances. He's been mostly self taught, finding it surprisingly easy to pick up on the techniques after learning about them once, but knows he'd need more training to perfect them. Like Akito he also has little interest in the Pokemon League and doesn't pay attention to people's expectations of him as the son of the current champion.
They travel with Vince's second cousin Weldon, who is incredibly frustrated at how both of them practically refuse to have any Family Hangups because of their parents' fame and rep.
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 4 years
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'Choose me, or the fire'
Yay it's finally done I'm so excited!
I hope no one is offended by Nightmare using the term Gy*** it's a direct quote from the movie and I mean nothing bad by it. I hope that is OK with you guys. It's not considered a slur in my country anyway.
Now that I've got that out of the way. This was super fun! I am so proud of the fire. Thank you all for all your support.
Based of the art work by @zu-is-here . Thanks for all the support @zu-is-here ! This is fun.
Original dream, nightmare and cross belong to jakei95 and jokublog
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palankaonline · 7 years
ЗНАКОВИ ПОРЕД СРПСКОГ ПУТА ЗНАКОВИ ПОРЕД СРПСКОГ ПУТА Високи старт Патријарх Иринеј: ”Србији треба краљ”. Размотриће се, када се потроше све...
, via Милан «Паланка на вези» Милошевић - Google+ Posts
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Fankidtober #4: Ren, Cedric, and Joy!
My darling clingyshipping kids that I need to work on more as individuals beyond their sibling dynamics.
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Fankidtober post #3: Pixel!
Yes she's been renamed and slightly redesigned. And maybe had a few more ideas about her changed ie in addition to making sentient AI she has a focus on e-textiles and wearable tech! Already had her making some for her friends and family before so it not a huge change really.
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Fankidtober Day 1 (for me i know im late): Chase and Moxie!
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Chase is Red and Green's adopted son in this au and I thought I could at least make him also look slightly different from the default LGPE protag appearance.
Moxie likes to introduce himself under different aliases, most commonly "Braze" and "Moxie" (the latter one ill be using for tagging bc im proud of it okay its based on the 'mokusei' part in both 金木犀 and 銀木犀 (Japanese words for the orange- and white- flowered varieties of Osmanthus fragrans))
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Discount twins aka alternate universe counterparts kinda count as twins.
Seeing so many submas mostly emmet kids for fankidtober made me want to work on my own again, so first up is Enid, my Emmet/Evelyn daughter! Or to be more specific, Enid Whyte and Enid Bijeux. I used Evelyn's pose as base for both of them.
Left is the og with some minor redesign (and bonus in proper uniform in the bottom pic). She ends up working at the Gear Station but as regular staff and not on the Battle Subway since she...isn't exactly battle inclined.
Right is also Enid but in an au where Ingo does go missing courtesy of PLA plot. She lives in Kalos and takes over the Battle Maison by herself instead of taking over as champion. Eventually comes to regret this and feels kinda trapped but also doesn't want to disappoint her family by quitting, plus she isn't entirely sure what she'd like to do once she's "free".
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Please read the warnings at the start! I like the glitch effect too much sorry.
Original song: https://youtu.be/YCGITkHaEg4
Eric gets a bit of a redesign (that you only see half of oops). Super late for their bday but also early halloween!
I finally managed to capture the exact vibe George has lmao I've only ever drawn him as innocent and unassuming. Honestly Allister probably could exorcise George out of Eric but by the time they realized he's an actual dangerous parasitic curse and not just an imaginary friend, the two of them already bonded. Best bros for life and beyond. It all works out in the end though!
a couple of the pics i used
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Picrew links! (1)(2)
Playing w design ideas in picrew feat. Nicolette Quatrèfle, though they mostly go by Nocturne (pronoun preferences are she/they!)
Silently cut my one other Evelyn kid but now I'm bringing her back because I liked the idea of them existing still in the alt as another doublebattle kid and as that verse's Enid's foil. She's still gonna be Evelyn's kid as single mom in main though.
The vague base idea for her in both verses is that she has wise older sibling/mysterious traveling musician vibes. Free spirit going wherever the hell she wants. Pops up out of nowhere and peaces out just as suddenly. If you hear a harmonica out of the blue don't be scared that just means they're nearby.
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Very small change. 
An’s full name is now Cardinal Anastasia Harmonia Greyhound and yes I know its a mouthful but thats part of the charm for me. Anyway she’s still called An for simplicity’s sake so this is just a very small thing.
A little backstory for this undercut
In my verse Touya isnt exactly the best giver of names and they weren’t too sure with N’s naming sense, so their family and friends made a list of nice sounding names to give the baby they just adopted, working around the nickname Touya had already given her which was ‘An’
While ‘Cardinal’ was unexpected it sounded pretty good, but Touko still insisted the two go over the list. They did and both found ‘Anastasia’ as a nice sounding name, so they all thought that was that. Little did they know what they actually wrote down on the birth certificate until it was already done. 
They didn’t bother pushing for them to change it anymore though, and by that point everyone had been too used to her nickname already. Full names don’t really come up in casual conversation much anyway.
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Successfully did a birthday sketch for once!
This is Briar Ragdoll-Ironsteed, eldest daughter of Rosa and Curtis. She’s the one who takes on the Unova Pokemon League since An (Touya/N’s daughter) doesn’t like battling. Briar’s much more assertive and uh...loud compared to her companion, but they both get along well for the most part (mostly because An has a helluva lot of patience). She also kinda-sorta gets Scarlet to coach her with her training, which means Scarlet travels with the two for a while.
Her starter is Snivy and she has a phobia of Bug-type pokemon. By the start of her journey she has a pretty strained relationship with her mother, but near the end of her journey and afterward they both begin talking more and trying to fix things between them.
Her other major defining traits are how she sets high standards for herself, is fairly obsessed with doing things “the right way”, and almost always believing herself to be right. She’s still open to others having their own opinions and knowing better than her as long as she is sure they are better at that specific subject, like how she trusts An knows better on how to properly get along with pokemon or other veteran trainers since they would have more experience than her.
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This was originally the name of An’s granddaughter but I’ve scrapped those ideas, but might still use the names of some. I liked this one especially because
it ties in to N’s name being ‘Natural’ which may also refers to natural numbers. Afaik cardinal numbers are a thing in mathematics 
besides the bird there also happens to be a plant called the cardinal flower
the name also refers to the title of a high ranking official in the Catholic Church which kind ties in to the vaguely cult-ish/Crusade vibes of the original Team Plasma
its a shade of red
In-universe Touya mostly picks the name because of the last reason. Because An has red hair. N goes along with it because of the first reason. 
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I decided to answer no. 7 as a ‘both of them’ sort of thing since essentially/technically they share the one major scandal that anyone who knows of their family knows about.
5. What is a secret that they have?
Enid isn’t the type to keep secrets for long unless she really feels the need to keep it secret. The one she did keep for a long time that troubled her a lot was the fact that, despite being dead in her verse, she couldn’t help but feel complicated towards her extended family, particularly Tristan. At some point in her teens she was able to piece together that she was meant to replace her deceased cousin, and this just really made her uneasy and insecure. She knows its dumb and its not like Ingo or Emmet ever compare her to him so she just kept those feelings to herself for the most part. It helps that neither of her dads try to bring up the subject of their dead family members to her much.
(This finally comes up once she meets Tristan and his universe’s version of her dads. Awkward times ahoy)  
14. What is something that never fails to make them excited?
Traveling! She likes going to new places especially, meeting new people and pokemon and seeing new sights! It probably started around the first time she visited her “aunt” Evelyn and her family in Kalos. While she loves the Battle Subway and Nimbasa City as a whole, she’s always up for the chance to visit another city or even region.
24. What do they think they’re good at, but aren’t? 
Hiding her feelings. 
Specifically, when she’s at work and faced with very rude or difficult to handle people she tries to keep on the “Friendly and Helpful” image even when she’s clearly agitated / frustrated / uncomfortable. Her smile becomes more stiff and forced and there’s a change in her tone of voice. Its not that it looks like she could cry or snap in a few more seconds, it just looks like she’s become more ‘robotic’ to most onlookers. Its clearly obvious to her co-workers though that she is Not Handling It Well and they would step in, but she herself doesn’t realize any of this.
28. When left to their own devices, how would they spend a free day?
Enid likes to go out around the city and visit shops, maybe find some new ones, and buy at least one thing from each one. Going around for some casual trainer battles or even trying out a new sport or activity are also good.
Generally though she doesn’t really mind what to do on a free day so much as getting to spend it with the people she likes. Those people being her dads, her close friend Rinne, and possibly some other acquaintances or friends she might have (that I haven’t developed at this point). Scarlet is at the bottom of the list of people she would willingly spend a free day with though. Alone at least, she would probably not mind as much if Briar or An or even Denis were there since then Scarlet would have others to annoy tease pay attention to.
28. When left to their own devices, how would they spend a free day?
Tristan is the type of person you have to force to take a break because otherwise he’d just use the free day to get “other work” done. Though he does have some activities he prefers to do once he gets barred from working. 
He likes going to crowded areas, places where a lot of activity goes on, and just doing his own thing while life goes on around him. Would spend hours on one of the tables of the outdoor dining area of a cafe or small restaurant in a busy area, heck even just sitting at a public bench would do as well. He likes the feeling of many people just going about doing their own thing while still in the same space for a relatively brief period of time (just like in the subway). 
If for some reason he can’t go out he’d either try drawing the inner workings and machinery of some trains or try sketching out a new design that would come to mind. He isn’t the type to go and work on a new idea on his own but he would show it to Rinne if she asks and she would try to build a small scale version of it when she has her own free day.
And now the fun part
7. Any family scandals? Does your character know about them?
Well the most obvious one is Ingo and Emmet’s relationship. No matter the verse those two are way closer than is normal for twin brothers, and people will notice and will talk. 
Enid deals with more of it though, being their daughter and all. Even though biologically she’s not an actual incest baby, the fact she’s being raised by twin brothers who are both alphas and who are mated to each other just makes things equally scandalous. She definitely had some trouble in school because of the whole situation, but for the most part she tried to not let it get to her and Rinne was there to curb most instances of bullying. 
There’s also the whole drama that lead up to her being born in the first place, but the public doesn’t know that and neither does she at first. It’s more of a scandal for the families involved (the SubMas twins and the Chatelaine sisters) and absolutely no one wants to bring it up to any of the kids. She does eventually figure out some of it on her own though and keeps it to herself.
Tristan only has to deal with the rumors since his uncles aren’t together like that, really. His main way of dealing with it is just ignoring what the people say, unless someone tries to actually publish something on it then you can bet he’ll desperately try to stop them. Later on its one of the few reasons he’s grateful for meeting Scarlet; she’s not afraid to take more extreme and probably illegal measures if needed. His personal feelings on the matter, though? He’s in denial, but he knows deep down his uncles are really dangerously toeing the line with their relationship. He would still accept and love them, if they ever do cross it, but they don’t.
Besides that, anything that Alvert (Tristan’s dad) might have done that might have been considered scandalous were all Dealt With and unlikely to ever come up. Tristan’s...heritage...from his other parent might also be big deal if people found out but like, none of them even knew anything about that for most of Tristan’s life. Said parent is long gone by the time they do find out (plus genuinely didn’t know at the time either because of deliberate, self-inflicted amnesia and all that). They only find out because Siegfried ends up befriending and later dating Tristan, and while he didn’t mind how “off” Tristan’s aura was everyone else he knew that had something to do with the supernatural Very Much Minded. They all agree to keep it just within their circle though so it doesn’t become too big of a deal.
Also both Tristan and Enid have to deal with a Scarlet that keeps doing things to try and start drama, especially flirting with people older than her, which include them. 
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Unova Story 2029: Character-driven coming-of-age story. The focus is on An, Briar, and Scarlet’s character development. 
Only Briar is actually doing the League Challenge though, and Scarlet doesn’t stay with the two for most of the story but does become a major influence/kickstarts their character growth. Scarlet’s own character arc will focus on her remembering her past life and how she deals with that and coming to terms with who she was and who she is. 
As per typical Pokemon formula Briar and An do get dragged into a crime gang’s shenanigans but its easily dealt with, sort of. 
Definitively the ending to this story is Briar and An challenging Temporary Subway Boss Scarlet on a special 2v1 battle.
Unova Story 2033: (less developed rip)
Focus is on 6 kids here and they’re all technically competing in the League Challenge but they also end up travelling together. Most likely would need them all to act as foils to each other but only Vivi and Skipper are sorta fleshed out at this point. They’re all at least gonna be a bit more normal in presentation compared to the Galar Sequel Squad. 
Typical Pokemon formula of evil organization popping up and they all get caught up in it, but its a lot less personal than the one that goes down in Galar. Also the ‘’final battle’’ against them would technically be occurring before they even qualify to challenge the Elite Four and Champion (aka still only got 6 or 7 badges), meanwhile the Galar Trio’s story would be at its end at that point.
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Back on my picrew nonsense. Link here!
Anastasia “An” Harmonia Greyhound, Touya/N’s only daughter. Briar’s traveling companion and closest friend. Later becomes Scarlet’s “student”
Chill 80% of the time. Doesn’t like forcing Pokemon to fight but if they’re okay with it then she’s okay with it. Also knows how to fight on her own so her Pokemon won’t have to if they don’t want to or can’t. Kinda sucks at arguments and debates, but is a decent mediator. 
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This gets its own post because it got too damn long. 
[vague, after an intense battle scenario where An, Briar, and Scarlet were at the thick of it all. The girls rested for the night at some hotel or inn idk, there weren’t Pokemon Centers nearby. Tristan insisted on separate rooms for himself and the girls because it would be very awkward and improper for a man in his 20s to sleep in the same room as a bunch of teenaged girls]
> Tristan’s Xtransceiver rings as he just got to the girls’ room with the food. A video call from Emmet (who is currently in Galar)
> Tristan answers and the call starts out as normal, until a still half asleep Scarlet shows up in the back, yawning on her way to the bathroom. She looks disheveled, but more than that she has what is very clearly Tristan’s jacket draped around her shoulders. (He left it on her since there weren’t enough blankets)
>Tristan is mortified because he knows the implications of that but before he can even say anything Briar’s grouchy, just-woke-up voice come’s from the bedroom yelling “I CANT BELIEVE YOU LET ME SLEEP WITH MY HAIR STILL TIED UGH”
>Then as she sorta quiets down to just a barely audible rant, An comes out, just as half-asleep as Scarlet. Except her hair is a mess (it naturally is) and she’s dressed in only an oversized shirt and boxer shorts (its her regular sleeping clothes). She rummages through the food Tristan brought completely oblivious to the fact he’s in the middle of a call, gets some cereal bars and heads back to the bedroom
>Tristan, internally: *endless loop of ‘shit shit shit’ and ‘why why why’*
>meanwhile Emmet, internally: !?,!?!?,,two?,,,! THREE?! GIRLS??!?!?!!?!???!!?
>luckily for Tristan after a beat of awkward silence Emmet asks him to explain and Tristan is SO RELIEVED
>”Ah, please don’t tell uncle Ingo about this whole...thing” “Don’t worry, I won’t tell him what I saw”
>Emmet instead sends a message to Ingo (who is currently in Kalos) that says “Our nephew still hasn’t realized that he’s gay and that we know he’s gay”
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