#unless you were asking for BW Blackarachnia
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thewiglesswonder · 8 months ago
has anyone asked you to do the character thing for Blackarachnia yet? If not, could I?
How I feel about this character
I have very mixed, complex thoughts on TFA's Blackarachnia. I genuinely do think that she's interesting, she serves some really interesting plots within the show, her voice acting is incredible, but narratively, there are a couple things that chafe for me. Namely, I can understand the "sympathetic villain, tragic backstory" thing they're going for with her, but, my issue is that the show feels like it's pushing really, really hard for audience sympathy for her, while also directing her down a path that's more "unrepentant villain" than anything else. I'd be much, much happier if we went with one or the other, but let it be known that I'm all for evil women doing mad science.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Okay, hear me out on this one: Sentinel. I acknowledge that the show was trying for the "dating Catwoman" angle with her and Optimus, but I strongly feel like Op deserves better than that, and so that leaves her and Sentinel as two heavily damaged/traumatized people that I think would be interesting/horrible to mash together.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I don't know if this is to the letter of the question, but her deep, personalized beef with Blitzwing is so interesting to me. They obviously hate each other. She literally made him into what he is today. He makes a point of calling her gross for being organic solely to spite her specficially. It fascinates me.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I feel like a lot of my points from the first heading count for this. Instead, I'll use this space to again talk about how much I love Cree Summers' voice work for her, especially in hearing the difference between her and Elita-1 in Along Came a Spider. Elita sounds so sweet and peppy in comparison!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
More of her interacting with Decepticon High Command. How did she convince them to take her in. How long did she spend wallowing on Archa VII. How the fuck did she come up with the triple-changer procedure. Let me in. Let me IINNNNN-
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homosexualratchet · 2 years ago
Dinobot & rihnox deserved better and to live, also if they did get revived what do you think their beast modes would look like in Beast machines. Also what’s your opinion on beast machines
rubs my little paws together
Im so glad you asked
For Dinobot its interesting because he would have to have his spark in a new body since Megatron took over his corpse in that episode where he made an amalgamation beast mode using the parts of all dead characters from BW.
I don't remember the time period they were in beast machines so I assume he is unable to obtain a beast mode similar to his old one unless he goes fossil mode, and if he does i think he gets mixed up technoorganically so hes a mix organic fossil reptile and machine and wants his beast mode which is like a fuck you to megatron as well
I also think a harpy eagle or a condor would be a good one as well
It would have been interesting considering how he ended a SECOND time saving Primal, his beast mode being much more robotic and asymmetrical than before. Yes, Ik hes technically not fully dinobot but he is enough of him to care for Primal and the others in the end.
I really love Dinobot II's design.
With Rhinox being Tankor, I think Tankors body suits him fine but I think Rhinox would have an updated, more robotic and stylized rhino beast mode if he so wished to get a beast mode again. Perhaps his horns/tusks are larger too.
As for Beast Machines overall, I LOVE how fucked up and insane Megatron becomes post beast wars, I also love that Strika and Obsidian are the greatest power couple of all time, yes I'm biased bc I love Strika. Theres a ton of little things in beast machines that i love, but theres also a lot I could go into that angers me. I wish jetstorm wasn't silverbolt and that they didnt change ba's character to just moping over silverbolt
Jetstorm was much cooler and his design was top tier only to become an Asian stereotype which i CoulD go into but I won't
Also what about Thrust he lost his boy bestie :(
That being said I actually think the take of Rhinox not going back to the maximals was a fun idea lol i think it could have been done so much better but hey, whatever
Btw i love blackarachnias design, creepy asf and i LOVE IT
Ok enough rambling teehee
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