#unless its a oneshot where no one really cares or something
jinxedya21 · 20 days
Hanta Sero x Reader Oneshot: Rings
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You listen cluelessly as the people around the table all chat in Spanish. You can pick up little snippets of what they're saying from what you remember of middle and high school Spanish classes- that you passed with a C. Not your proudest moment. You feel a calloused hand rest lightly on your thigh.
As your eyes mect his he smiled, gently squeezing the fat of your thigh, "Sorry, mi cariño. My family doesn't know much English." he whispers under his breath, pressing an apologetic kiss to your temple.
You smile at the kiss, gently leaning on your pro-hero boyfriend's muscular shoulder. "Not your fault, " you mutter. "I wanted to meet your family." You glance around the table. They really were a lively bunch- just like him. "She's a good cook." you mutter, leaning over him to grab a rice ball from his plate. You hear him chuckle as you pop the rice ball in your mouth. He wraps an arm around your shoulder, gently squeezing you against him "too bad I didn't get her cooking stills him?" You scoff remember all the dishes he had burnt. "My life would be much easier if you did, trust me. "you mutter, recalling all the times she'd cleaned up the burnt remnants of his most recent codding failure. "Hmm, you know, I got lucky with her as my mother" uh oh somethings off, he never says 'mother' unless he's mad with her or it's a joke, Its made clear which one as he finishes his sentence, "y'know, maybe someday she'll be your mother-in-law... he mutters in a suggestive tone, putting his arm around your shoulders. You crack a smile and bring a hand up to muffle your giggles, "Why? Planning to gut a riny on my finger?" he hummed playfully. "eager much? Well, one day for sure" he glanced down at you. "I don't even have plans to get a ring yet." he chuckles and flicks your forehead playfully. You pout, unknown to the fact that there was a small velvet box in his bedside table, right next to the bed where you two cuddle and talk in hushed whispers. Though soon, the velvet box will be moved to his pocket as he waits for the perfect moment...
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~Notes from me~
OHHHHH WE NEED MORE SERO ONESHOTS!! This was so fun to write!! Part two anyone??
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
Hi hi! I have a question and I apologise if it's impertinent but I really didn't have anyone else to ask. I'm new to ao3 and I'm still figuring out how it works. The problem is this- when I look up a character x reader, I'll see the tag included in many works that have oneshots but since it's a side character, more often than not the oneshot for the character hasn't been written and the tag has been there for months. Is it okay to do that or is it tagging something incorrectly? They say they'll write one eventually but they never do, y'know? To me it kind of feels like they're just trying to reach a wider audience but because of this I can't even filter tags and I have to manually search through the book to check if the character is included, especially when the chapters are titled only by numbers :')
Is it okay to tag things in advance like that?
Oh boy...
Wattpad refugees do tend to use AO3 "wrong", sometimes in ways that break the rules and sometimes just in ways I find annoying and against typical AO3 culture.
I'm assuming you are coming from Wattpad based on you calling a work or a fic a "book", which is a very, very Wattpad thing to do.
I'm assuming they are coming from Wattpad given the bad behavior you're describing and the fact that they're a x reader writer.
So, here's the thing, if you start writing a fic and there's any amount of the actual fic, even if it's pretty short and bad or in a weird format or whatever, it's still a valid fanwork. Most of the time, AO3 leaves it to the author to decide how to tag (aside from a very few things like death threats in the tags or failing to use the required archive warnings).
AO3 won't stop someone from tagging a future pairing that hasn't appeared yet.
But "books" of "oneshots" are such an obnoxious Wattpad thing. This is a completely stupid use of AO3 from the "Please send me prompts" part that is usually in there to the way that unrelated fics are smashed together.
It's not against the rules, but it's a crappy use of AO3 befitting of n00bs.
Sadly, old hands at AO3 also make shitty works that are unrelated stories mashed together. They're often a whole set of kinktober fics or something where the trope tags and the ship tags are accurate, but you can't tell which ones go with which ones without searching the whole fic.
We regularly complain about that on here.
A much better way to use AO3 is to make a series titled "My x Reader Oneshots" or "All of my kinktober fics" where each separate story is its own work with its own tags.
My assumption is that this person is using the inaccurate tag both to get more eyeballs on their existing work and because they probably take prompts for that ship or something. (I'm basing this on the kinds of things people say on their oneshot books on Wattpad. Maybe they don't actually take prompts since you haven't mentioned it.)
Some people just don't care that they're annoying others and messing up the tags, but I think some actually don't realize how AO3 filtering works and have no idea this behavior is a nuisance.
On a lot of sites, both Wattpad and algorithm-driven social media, unless a post/work is very popular, it disappears out of sight. Even an inaccurate tag doesn't do that much.
On AO3, one is getting a full list of everything with the tag, going back however far. It's a library catalogue for which you should use accurate data. But this writer is probably thinking of tags more as advertising and a way to get their name out there so readers can follow them pre-emptively. They mean to write the ship in the future, so it's not really inaccurate... (And, tbh, if it were a single work and the ship just hadn't appeared yet, I would agree with them even though those are frustrating too.)
So no, they should not do this.
But it's not actually against the rules.
I would mute the annoying people who do this.
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sabo-has-my-heart · 2 years
Hello! I’ve read the rules so i hope i wont mess up :,) (i would want the characters luffy and zoro seperatly for this one if you can only do one then pls luffy)
I would like to know if you could do a one piece angsty oneshot where the boys are in a battle with someone strong and while they were distracted (you can come with something like there was smoke so they couldn’t see or they were thrown into the water) when suddenly they hear s/o scream and when they turn around they see the enemy stabbed s/o in the left side of the chest(thats where the heart is~😙!) so the boys thought s/o died (so they got mad or sad and like suddenly were able to defeat the enemy) and then they walked up to your lying body ready to grief until s/o opens their eyes and be like „wtf?? How“ and says „don’t worry…i have Dextrocardia“ (its when the heart is on the right side) ofc those two/he doesn’t know what that means but hurried to chopper to heal u so later on some comfort since s/o is getting healed and later s/o explains what that means (unless chopper already told) and they are actually insecure about it thats why they never told them.
I totally get it if you decline this request it is kinda complicated lol
If you then thank you i tried my best with my broken english XD
don't worry, your english is great, this was an interesting piece to write, I really enjoyed it. I hope you don't mind Luffy being a little OOC, I see him reacting very badly to an s/o dying.
Warnings: dark!Luffy, mentions of possible death, 
Word Count: 1220
Many of the battles they’d fought were difficult, Luffy ending up unconscious at the end of far too many of them. This one was different though, you couldn’t just punch your way through your opponents this time. They weren’t just stronger, they were smarter, faster, they seemed to know more about the crew than most people you fought, countering attacks, seeming to fall back only to surge forward once they had you where they wanted you, to say nothing of their abilities or weapons. None of you noticed what was happening until you were screaming in pain, staring at the sword protruding from the left side of your chest. Your eyes widened as you began to fall, vision growing blurry as you fell to the ground. You heard Luffy screaming, you could hear the pain in his voice. 
Luffy’s world seemed to stop as he watched you fall to the ground, eyes falling closed. No, no he couldn’t lose you! He’d lost enough already, he couldn’t lose you too! Something in Luffy snapped, the young man’s eyes darkening, a wave seeming to wash over his opponents, many of them foaming at the mouth as they collapsed, unconscious. The young man wasn’t a demon like Zoro or Robin, he wasn’t a ‘monster’ like Sanji. Watching you fall to the ground, Luffy became something far worse. A God of destruction, of death, a force the likes of which the world had never seen as he faced the remaining enemies that were still conscious. Normally he was running into battle, quickly taking down his enemies, but this Luffy, this creature of ruin, walked forward with purpose, a terrifying sense of calm as they began to attack the boy once more, only to be blocked or countered with ease. None of the Straw Hats dared to stop Luffy or get in his way as Chopper rushed over to you. Those who didn’t run were quickly defeated, what state their enemies were in, however, was questionable, but in Luffy’s frame of mind, he couldn’t be bothered to care, the look morphing into one of terror and fear as the last man fell, his mind returning to you. In an instant, Luffy was by your side, Chopper kneeling by your side, the sword that once pierced your chest by your side. Chopper seemed to be applying something to your wound, the blood that should be pouring from the wound seemed to have stopped as Luffy slowly reached out, his hand shaking as he gently caressed your cheek, smearing blood against your skin as tears started to fall. A groan left your lips, your head turning towards Luffy, eyes opening, looking at your lover.
“Y/n…. you…. You…” the tears fell faster as Luffy pulled you close only for you to cry out in pain.
“Careful, Luffy! The stab wound wasn’t fatal yet but she’s still seriously wounded!” Chopper said, reaching out towards you, Luffy nodding as he gently lowered you to the ground, letting Chopper return to tending to your wounds.
“H-how? You were stabbed.” Luffy asked, confused by the pained smile on your lips.
“It’s called Dextrocardia, my heart’s over here.” you said, pointing to the right side of your chest, “They missed anything vital.” you croaked out, still smiling at him.
“It’s a miracle, really. They missed your main arteries, your lungs, everything.” Chopper explained, Luffy nodding as his smile started to return.
“You’ll get better though, right?” Luffy asked hopefully. You wanted to laugh, you really did, but with the pain and the wound, you couldn’t, simply nodding instead.
“It’ll take time for the wound to heal, but she’ll be just fine. We need to get her back to the ship though, we need to be very careful.” Chopper said, though Luffy didn’t hear anything past she’ll be fine. You would be alright, that’s all that mattered.
Zoro hated to be separated from you during battles like this, he couldn’t look out for you. It wasn’t that he didn’t think you couldn't handle yourself, you were a Straw Hat, you were plenty strong, but he preferred to have you where he could protect you in the off chance you needed it. It wasn’t until he heard a cry of pain that he was able to find where you’d gone, his blood running cold. Blood was soaking into your clothes, a bullet wound piercing your chest where your heart should be. Zoro never thought he could feel this much pain as he cried out your name. It couldn’t be, not to you, anybody but you! Swords in hand, he became a demonic whirlwind of blades and fury. Cutting down enemies, he didn’t realize they’d ‘won’ until Luffy was stopping him, letting the remaining opponents run away. Zoro turned to you, his swords dropping to the ground as he fell to his knees. How had this happened to you? Why you? He would have gladly taken your place if it meant you would still be in this world. Your smile brightened his world, without you, could he even continue to chase his dream? Watching on, he saw Chopper ordering the crew around, though what the reindeer was saying, he wasn’t sure. The world around him didn’t seem to register as he stared at your body, only snapping out of it when Sanji carefully picked up your body.
“Don’t you touch her!” Zoro shouted, rushing forward, only to have dozens of hands holding him back, Robin stopping him from moving forward.
“He needs to get her back to the ship quickly before she dies, Zoro!” Robin said, drawing Zoro’s attention, the man looking rather shocked. You were alive? But he’d seen it, the bullet went right through your heart, you should be dead. Still, Robin wouldn’t lie about this, could you really still be alive?
Time seemed to pass by in a blur as he sat by your side, begging for you to live. Chopper had told him how you’d survived. Dextrocardia, your heart wasn’t where it should be. The bullet had missed, it had pierced a lung, but according to Chopper, that would heal. Seeing your eyes flutter open, Zoro’s world seem to brighten before blurring with tears. He wanted to pull you into his arms, wanted to hold you, the only thing stopping him being Chopper’s warning of how much pain you’d be in.
“You’re awake.” he stated, smiling at you, brushing some hair back.
“I think death would hurt less.” you joked, smiling at him, the man chuckling in response.
“Why didn’t you tell me your heart was on the right?” Zoro asked, not sure what else to say.
“It wasn’t important, so my heart isn’t where it’s supposed to be, it doesn’t affect my ability to love you or my ability to be a straw hat.” you said, trying to shrug, only to wince in pain. Zoro’s eyes widened slightly, worried about your well being.
“You… you shouldn’t move, you’re still healing.” Zoro said, taking your hand in his, his thumb rubbing the back of your hand, “I’ll take care of you until you’re better though. Just don’t scare me like that again.” Zoro said, making you smile and nod. You wouldn’t leave him, you couldn’t leave him, you loved him too much to leave such a reckless man alone.
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celestie0 · 4 months
Hello!! I wanted to ask some advice 😞 I have a fic idea but I've never posted any writing before and its like a very very specific band au and I'm scared no one will care to read it because of how much music context it requires 😭 I really admire your writing so like...what do you suggest...
(Also super excited for next kickoff ! I've never been this invested in a fic)
hii my love!! omg a band au sounds like so much funnn are you kiddinggg i would eat that UPPP. my advice would be to just go ahead n write it!!! it's super nervewracking to share work, especially if you've never shared before, so for the time being you can just write w the idea that no one else will read it except for yourself! that'll help you establish a healthy relationship w your writing & your hobby in general even before you post should you choose to post
as for the specificity n music context, i personally think thats SO FUCKIN RAD!!! i love a story where i can enjoy a romance but also have aspects outside of it that i can learn something new from or take something away from. i have read some pretty incredible fics & books, but the ones that have always had a lasting impact on me are the ones i went into knowing nothign ab a specific something, but then i leave it feeling like i've learned something i wouldn't have ever known before!!
it's a totally valid feeling though, esp in fanfiction where you might think readers want to read ab only their fave characters or specifically romance. i felt this way a lot with including the film major & photography aspect to kickoff, i feared readers would find it boring and would just want to read ab gojo x reader. i think in ch9, gojo only had like 40% of the chapter screentime and didn't even make his first appearance until like 5k words into the chapter, but i'm still really happy w the chapter and the response i got was great too. i see some of my writer mutuals break the norms n experiments w their stories all the time too, and honestly, i think that makes for some of the BEST and most MEMORABLE stories :)
as for fears that people may not see your story, i totally get that. keep in mind, i think the jjk fandom specifically doesn't really have too many long fics, at least compared to what i've seen in other fandoms, n tends to steer towards oneshot content (i could be wrong ab this but it's just what i've noticed! at least on tumblr. long fics always get lots of love on ao3 tho) so don't worry too much if you're not getting as many notes or reblogs etc as some other authors, bc if you choose to post series content, then you'll technically be in a niche category for this specific fandom. BUT i have noticed that the quality of interactions w longer stories is very amazing and totally worth being a part of this writing community for that reason!!
when i first started posting, i really didn't know what to expect since the last time i had a fanfic blog was for like two months when i was 12 on deviantart LOL. and now i'm just extremely blown away n humbled by the support. but that's the thing- you'll never ever know unless you try! again, just write and picture it that you're the only one that's going to read it, so put all that juicy music context in there n really write w that passion in mind!! (i'm assuming you're into music or bands n that's your inspiration? don't be afraid to let that interest show!!) and that's really the only thing you need to get started, after that it's just simply copy pasting n then posting :)
if you do get around to posting or sharing it then feel free to tag me bb!! i'd love to read it n support you. good luck to u n much love!! <33 i hope this helps in anyway
and thank you for looking forward to kickoff :)
ps. in case you want any specific writing advice i have some on my page here (sorry bb i just realized i wasn't sure if you were asking for actual concrete writing advice haha my bad if i misinterpreted)
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Hi! I really liked your Nectar of the God’s oneshot with Wesker. Could you write Wesker with a buff reader, who’s surprisingly reserved and kind of shy while in his presence?
A/n: of course, hun. And I'm happy to hear you liked 'Nectar of the Gods'. Thank you so much. This is going to be strictly SFW since you requested it anonymously, so I hope you don't mind. Please enjoy.
Warning(s): slight manipulation, buff reader, RE4 remake Wesker, SFW, anxiety, gender-neutral reader.  
No Minors Allowed!!
The second the news reaches your desk, in the form of a time-sensitive email, you are quickly moved to a new location; all the while your nerves are eating at you. It's not every day, Albert Wesker requests your help. 
As you pass your peers heading to the elevator, all eyes are on you. It isn't the first time their stares unnerve you. Honestly, you should be used to it given your buff stature, but this time is different. 
People, men and women alike treat you as if you are the most intimidating creature on the planet. Their hushed whispers are infuriating at times, but at the moment you don't care. Because you are about to be in the presence of the one man who makes you nervous as hell. 
Taking the elevator to the upper floor where you have no jurisdiction, you are taken to a dark room with several large screens. In a chair in front of them is the man in question. 
"You asked for me, sir," you state softly as you hesitantly approach Wesker. 
He motions you to his side and briefly glances at you before he averts his attention again; you aren't sure where however as he's wearing his sunglasses. It seems like every time you see him, he has them on.
"From now on you are going to be assisting me in whatever I need," he explains. 
You nod sheepishly. 
"Y-yes sir."
But why does he need your assistance? Hundreds of others can do the same job. Perhaps he can sense how nervous you are around him. You've never spoken to him the few times you've seen him, choosing to stay out of his business. Though you have to admit, he is the most gorgeous man you've ever seen. 
"Do you find me intimidating?" Wesker asks suddenly. 
"It's not my place to say," you admit.
He doesn't seem to like this answer, tightening his jaw. 
"Very well."
For the next few days, you work side by side with Wesker, patching in calls and getting him coffee whenever he needs it. You don't speak unless spoken to, which seems to please him, but sometimes it feels like he tries to unnerve you, asking personal questions about yourself. It's not relevant to the job, but he knows about your interest in working out and keeping a healthy body. 
The chats are brief, but you find that you somewhat enjoy them. It's not until the job is over do you see him in a darker light. 
Hearing a loud crash, you rush into the surveillance room which Wesker often inhabits to see one of the screens cracked; the keyboard is in pieces on the floor a few inches away and Wesker is clutching his fists in rage. 
You've never seen him mad before. His temper is usually masked with an air of superiority that at times frightens you.
Standing at the back of the room in silence, you watch him hover over the desk in front of the broken screen. Its flashing light casts an eerie yet beautiful halo around the devious man. You have no idea what warranted this. 
When he stands and fixes his disheveled hair, he seems to notice you.
"Your services are no longer required," he mentions. 
Sauntering toward the door, he pauses a moment and then glances at you again. 
"Do you take pride in your career here? Of being a dog on a leash?"
"As much as everyone else, sir," you utter.
It's a lie, but considering who Wesker is, it's best to make him believe you do. However, the grin on his face tells you that he knows the truth. Your face turns red as he approaches you. 
"Then perhaps we can work something out," he states. 
You hum. What does he mean? 
Tracing his warm fingers up your bicep, you shiver from his touch. He's gentle with you when he doesn't have to be. 
"I asked before if you found me intimidating," Wesker mentions. "And you refused to answer me."
Of course, you did. For obvious reasons. 
"It's not my–"
Wesker interrupts you with his finger, pressing it against your lips. 
"Do you…find me intimidating?"
Removing his finger, he leans forward and gives you a brief kiss that makes your body grow tense. You aren't sure what to do, so you close your eyes and press your lips against his.
Wesker parts first and hums. 
"Your innocence is intoxicating," he utters.
With a satisfied look, he saunters toward the door, but your broken voice stops him. 
"I do," you mention, regarding his question. 
"Don't," Wesker orders. "Or else working with me shortly is going to become unbearable."
Your face heats up in response. It's a terrible idea to continue working for him, whatever his plans are, but so far, your career choice hasn't been too good either, so what harm can it do? 
"Yes sir."
Wesker grins.
Is this a mistake? Only the future will tell. 
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This oneshot was originally posted on my second wattpad account and I wanna post them here instead because I know ppl will see them
Cat Paradise
Genshin Impact one-shot
{xiao x fem!reader}
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"Hehe, I am never leaving!" You exclaimed, petting and giving all your attention that you could give to the cats that surrounded you.
You were visiting Liyue as you always did when you weren't busy with knight stuff. As a knight to the Knights of Favonius well a captain, you have a lot of duties on your plate and you can get them done with ease but that doesn't mean you overwork yourself with knightly stuff. You have a great relationship with work and play, taking care of yourself to keep yourself sane.
You decided to take leave for a bit with Master Jean's permission of course and used your time off to see Xiao in Liyue. You and the Mighty Yaksha had a strange relationship, you came to Liyue for the first time and you ran into the a Ruin Guard, you don't have a vision so you're lacking in that sort of power that's when Xiao came into the picture, saving you from the Ruin Guard.
The adeptus really intrigued you and being a curious knight you asked many questions and I mean a lot of questions. You didn't leave him alone and the small male found you annoying but you oddly fascinated him. So most of the time you spent in Liyue, you spent with Xiao.
And today was on of those days. One of the first times you and Xiao spent together you told him about your love for cats and you don't see too many in Mondstadt unless you went to the Cat's Tail which you don't go often since you usually don't have time to. So, Xiao decided to do something nice and took you to a place in Liyue where all the cats hang out.
Xiao has a weird habit of trying to make you smile. It made his heart beat quickly when you would but honestly he'd lie though his teeth when you ask him if he did this for you. Xiao would get embarrassed and tell you off saying "Of course not, mortal." But in reality he did.
"Xiao!" The yaksha had his arms crossed over his chest when turned his head to look at you when you called for him.
"What is it?" He asked.
"You did this for me, didn't you?" You asked with a smirk, having a cat in your arms
Xiao blushed red turning his head away from you smirking face. "Of course not, mortal. Don't be ridiculous." He growled.
"Sure. You totally don't listen to me when I talk." You said rolling your eyes with smile patting another cat on the head.
Xiao looked back at you as you sat in the middle a swarm of cats, giving them your undivided attention which made the adeptus slightly jealous and honestly he felt a little silly for feeling that way they're just cats not people, but that's another story.
The Mighty Yaksha scowled and he walked over towards you making the cats around you scatter as Xiao sat himself beside you. Both of your knees brushed against each other's and your shoulders side by side. You widened your eyes seeing Xiao sitting beside you a bit too close, it was a bit out of character for him and honestly you didn't mind.
Xiao's heartbeat quickened since you haven't said anything to him. He was relieved and scared at the same time.
"Xiao." He perked up at his name leaving your lips. He quickly looked over at you, your eyes meet, the next thing Xiao knew you picked up a cat near his face, making the cat's wet nose lightly press against his cheek. Xiao blushed as you pulled the cat away, a smile making its way onto your face.
"Thanks for taking me to a cat paradise." You said with the same smile on your face.
Xiao blinked a bit before a small smile appeared on his face. "Anytime."
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kivaember · 6 months
👀!! but also, 🎯?
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
Interestingly, not many people have made in depth guesses about major major plot points for APV! I am curious to hear people's theories though, if only to see if the foreshadowing I lay down it getting picked up...
Otherwise, on my P5 fic To Know Your Target, quite a few people correctly guessed major plot points, which I found really cool! I like it when people can sorta guess where the story is heading, bc it means I'm building it in a coherent kind of way. There's no better feeling for when you guess something will happen and it does!
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
Oh man I have so many!!! Okay, I have one wip that's like two thirds done... it's a oneshot (a big one rip) that's post LoR. It follows 621 hunting amongst the wreckage of the Xylem for Walter's AC, mostly because he's kinda lost on what to do with himself and also bc he wants to give it a funeral. Rusty, still horribly injured from his fall fromthe Xylem, hijacks an RLF MT and follows him there...
The fic's most about discussing 621 and Rusty's different approaches to grief and moving on and the like... and hilariously, as I was writing it, 621 ended up being a lot more emotionally intelligent than Rusty was...
Have a snippet :) as a treat!
He rounded a collapsed pile of masonry and shattered glass, some sort of towering roof structure that had caved in on the deck below. STALKER was standing in the near distance on the very edge of the deck, staring at the slowly approaching supercell. 
Carefully, Rusty piloted his MT to stand beside STALKER, and directed his visual sensors towards the incoming storm. His wipers were going a little crazy now, frantically whipping back and forth to try and outpace the heavy downpour. Beside him, STALKER moved fractionally, its half-rusted joints creaking loudly. 
“...hey,” Rusty murmured. “Aren’t you tired, Raven?”
STALKER’s head angled towards him. 
«Aren’t you tired, Rusty?»
Rusty felt his mouth quirk into a smile. A response, even if it was a mocking (he assumed). He’d take it. “Yeah. I’m pretty exhausted, to be honest.” 
«…then why are you here.»
“Like I said, I came to get you. You’ve been out here for two days. Uncle was getting worried.”
Raven took his time in replying and Rusty patiently waited, ignoring the various aches and pains lancing through his body like razor sharp glass. It was fine. So long as he didn’t bust the stitches from his spleen repair surgery, he should be okay. 
«I’m fine.»
“Sure,” Rusty said. “Just like I’m fine.”
«I wasn’t in a coma for two days after breaking half my bones.»
no, you were just tortured for weeks on end instead, Rusty did not say with some effort. “You still need to eat, right? You’re augmented, but you’re still human.”
Raven didn’t seem to have a ready response for that, so he just didn’t say anything.
“...what’re you even out here for anyways?” Rusty asked, genuinely curious. The Xylem was a marvel of Institute tech, yeah, but most of it was completely ruined from its violent re-entry. Aside from getting blown up and ransacked by invading corporate and Liberation Front forces alike, the seawater filling up half the ship would’ve eaten away at most of the technology by now. 
«…I’m looking for something.» 
“Well… if you’re looking so hard for it, I guess it must be important…” Rusty said slowly. “Maybe I can help?”
«You’re injured and should be resting.»
“You’re injured too.” Rusty’s tone grew solemn. “I know what they do in those re-education camps, Raven.” 
“You’ve been flat out since you escaped,” Rusty said softly. “Uncle said you only swung by for a day at our base before running off again. If you don’t stop to rest, your body’s just going to give out on you. It’s a pointless way to go.” 
“Unless that’s what you want?” Rusty asked, and made sure his voice was dispassionately blunt when he added: “Are you just waiting to die?”
The question lingered between them like an ominous shroud. The supercell moved close enough that its thick cloud wall blocked out the sun, dousing them in deep, dark shadow. 
Raven paused, and STALKER kept shifting its weight back and forth, rusted joints screeching and groaning, the AC not built to spend so much time along the seashore, getting sprayed with saltwater and blasted with coastal gusts. It looked like a corpse just barely moving, skeletal, where chunks of its ablative armour had been stripped off from its own re-entry, and the inner hull torn from the tremendous forces it had been under (had never been designed to endure, but had endured anyways). 
There was even a gaping crack in the Core, a sliver where Rusty could peer past the protective armour and see a bit of the Core block that contained the pilot’s cockpit. Red-tinged rainwater was collecting in that crack, pouring out of it like a miniature stream.
«I don’t know what to do.»
It was unexpectedly honest. Vulnerable. Completely out of nowhere. 
“What do you mean?”  
«Before everything went wrong in Institute City, Handler Walter told me what to do. I knew what to expect with each day. I knew what my objectives were. Now, I know nothing. I’m a mercenary with no money or clients, and I have no idea how to get those things myself. I got my life back, like Walter wanted, but there’s nothing in it.»
STALKER’s head bowed. 
«…I have nothing.»
“That’s not true, Raven,” Rusty said gently, taken aback by Raven’s raw honesty, and cursing the awkwardness of having this talk while they were in two separate mechs. Raven was as expressionless as they came, but he could still gauge his human face better than just staring at the side of STALKER’s cracked Core. 
“After saving Rubicon, you’ve definitely got the Liberation Front on your side,” he continued. “And, for what it’s worth, I’ve got your back too. I know you won’t trust that, considering what happened before Institute City but, I mean it. I was-”
He drew in a slow breath, before admitting quietly: “I was wrong about you. You weren’t a threat to be eliminated, and I acted too hastily in my judgement of you. I’m sorry.”
«It’s fine. You weren’t exactly wrong. I was a threat.»
“...? What do you-”
A flash of scarlet lightning lit up the horizon, followed by a booming thunder that rattled Rusty’s very bones and briefly deafened him. He couldn’t help but wince. 
«I’m looking for Walter,» Raven said in an unexpected non-sequitur, forcibly dropping the last topic. «His corpse is on this ship somewhere.»
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number1villainstan · 3 months
Hello I have never written anything decent before and I need to script an entire DnD session by Thursday (vanargand help me) so do you have any writing tips for someone who has…no idea what they’re doing?
(I actually did get relatively far but then I hit a road block so :/)
As someone who has very little experience with DnD, I'm not sure I'll be much help, especially cuz it seems way different to regular prose writing, but I'll try to lay out some stuff:
I've played like one session of DnD, which was a oneshot, which seems like the kind of thing you're doing?
Okay so remember: the players are going to be what's driving the action and making decisions, not the Game Master. That being said, the script *can* point them/railroad them into a certain path, which is good for if you're aiming for something that's not as character-developing
I would aim for something straightforward like that for your first campaign
The one DnD session (which was a oneshot) that I've played was centered in a single town and had a pretty straightforward plot with one or two twists. Using that as a guide, stick to one general location (which will probably have several sub-locations) with a simple plot that has one or two twists
Seeing that, focus on worldbuilding the Plot that your players are going to play, whether it's a monster to track down and defeat in the wild, or a corrupt mayor to overthrow, or an artifact to return to its rightful place.
Also, your players are going to do dumb shit. Do keep them on track, but don't keep them from adopting the talking skull (actual thing that happened during that oneshot).
You mentioned getting pretty far already and hitting a roadblock--I can't really help much unless I get specifics on where you are and what the roadblock is.
As a final note: I've read/heard a lot about how the culture of DnD places an unfair amount of labor on the GM, so be careful plz
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forabeatofadrum · 5 months
an ask game for writers to procrastinate working on your WIP(s)
Thanks for tagging me @wellbelesbian! Better late than never, eh?
1. 🦈Tell us the name of your/ one of your WIP(s):
Just Some Guy and Ljubili se. Those are my "active" WIPs now, because if I had to list all of them... oh boy. Although I'm working on Just Some Guy more.
2. 🍄Describe your WIP/one of your WIP(s) in the format of “___ + ___ =___”
Outsider POV + Chosen One shit = disinterest
Queer journey + long distance = chaos (I think???)
3. 🌍What tags or warnings will one of your WIP(s) need if you intend to share it?
For these two, none. I know Matt is MCD, but it stands for Matt Christopher Davis.
4. 🧭An alternative title to one of your WIP(s)?
I don't really have alternative titles, but they do have nicknames. I call Just Some Guy "MCD" because it's just funny to me and Ljubili se "Klaine in Ljubljana 2" which is ridiculous cause they're no longer in Ljubljana.
5. ⚠️Which WIP your most likely to finish or update next?
Just Some Guy. I only need to finish one more chapter and I've been updating it weekly.
6. 💾What is your document of your WIP/ a WIP called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as)
Ljubili se is in "drabbles and oneshots" and Just Some Guy in "Non-glee drabbles and oneshots" because I am chaotic and put all my writing in those two docs, unless something becomes too big, then it gets its own doc.
7. 🖍Post Any sentence(s) from your WIP.
I’ve heard stories of physical fights between them, but I kind of don’t care. Just let me play chess in peace. If they want to knock each other’s brains out, be my guest. One time I walked to class and Simon almost shoved Baz against the wall in anger, and I just passed them. I think more students are kind of used to their escalations. So, no, I don’t care. Arnold says it’s rude of me to think that way, but it’s not out of malice. It’s out of disinterest. “Really, I don’t get politics,” I sigh.
8. ♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP.
I scrapped two scenes in Just Some Guy. The whole premise of the fic is that Matt honestly doesn't care that much about what the fuck is going in with Simon Snow and entourage. Originally, the kidnapping of the Mage in the 6th year had an entire scene where he, Leslie and John discuss it. And in the 8th year, there was an entire scene where Matt and his dad learn about the Mage's death, because once again, John and Leslie show up to discuss it. But in the end, I realised that Matt just... doesn't care. And those two scenes therefore felt very forced and it dragged the chapters down. The snippets aren't bad. They're just woefully unnecessary. I was like "I need Matt to acknowledge this" and I realised I didn't. I put both of them under the cut at the end of this post.
Hey, it ain't spoilers, cause everyone who's read Carry On knows what happens to good ole Davy.
9. 🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
Unfortunately for me, my mind's already started planning for this year's Klaine Advent/December Fanworks Challenge. Why is this unfortunate? Well, I still have to finish the 2023 one, Ljubili se.
But this idea is pretty neat. It's inspired by J.M. Frey's Accidental Turn series. That's all I'm sayin.
10. 🤡How many WIPS are you actively working on?
Actively, 2. Maybe 3, since bamboo ceiling is rotating in my brain. Don't ask me about the others in my WIP Hospital.
11. 🛠Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
12. ❤️Not a question, just a second Kudos to send.
Kudos back!
I think this post has been passed around in the Snowbaz fandom, so I am passing it to the Gleeks: @thnxforknowingme @caramelcoffeeaddict @coffeegleek @quizasvivamos @bitbybitwrites @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion @rockitmans @special-bc-ur-part-of-it and whoever else!
Year 6: Mage's kidnapping
When I come home from Christmas break, something is definitely up.
“Did I miss anything?” I whisper to Leslie. We’re walking towards the Dining Hall to meet up with the others.
Leslie looks around.
“I heard this from John,” she leans in, “that the Mage got kidnapped over Christmas.”
“What?!” I exclaim.
“Shut it,” Leslie hisses. Some people are indeed staring at us. “The Coven is keeping it quiet at the Mage’s request. He cannot afford to look weak in front of the Old Families and the Dark Creatures.”
“Then how does John know?” I ask, but I think I already know the answer. John just knows stuff. And so far he’s always right. Maybe he’s a Seer, or something. Not that those are real, but damn, John is a strong contender.
And yes, Leslie tells me that John just knows.
Leslie and I enter the Dining Hall and John waves. Everyone’s already here. I look to Leslie to say something about it, but she’s already run to Sam to catch up. I shrug. Leslie can be mysterious as well.
I sit next to John and I inquire about the Mage’s disappearance.
“Yeah, Simon Snow saved him and all that jazz,” John says quietly.
“Shouldn’t the Mage be the one protecting him, not the other way around?”
“You’d think, huh?” John sighs.
I look around. I assume others know as well, but no one discusses it openly. Even the Old Family kids don’t taunt Simon Snow about his mentor allegedly being kidnapped.
“Why did you tell Leslie?” I ask.
“Because I knew she’d tell you.”
“Why is it important that I know?” I ask, “You know I don’t care about Chosen One stuff.”
I care more about the pudding that’s in front of me. Fuck yeah, pudding. Both my mum and my dad are decent cooks, but they have nothing on cook Pritchard.
John shrugs.
“I needed you to react to it for story reasons,” he says.
“… Okay,” I say and I scoop some pudding on my plate, “Did it work?”
John nods with a smile.
“Yes, it did.”
Year 8: Mage's death
“Okay, so, the Humdrum attacked the Pitch Manor, where Simon Snow so happened to be. The day after, it attacks Watford. Simon and the Mage are there. Simon defeats the Humdrum and lost his magic. He kills the Mage. Is that… all?”
“In a nutshell,” Leslie says.
“Why would Simon Snow kill the Mage?” my dad wonders out loud. That is indeed the most surprising part, not even the fact that the Mage killed Ebb, the goatherd.
“The investigation is still in its beginning phase,” John says, “But it sounds like the Mage maybe wasn’t a good man after all.”
“Huh,” my dad says. That’s all. But it summarises it perfectly. Look, my dad and I are just some guys. We don’t have big opinions on the status quo, so we never really questioned how things are.
“So, what now?” I ask.
“There will be an inquiry into the Mage’s death,” Leslie explains, “Mitali Bunce is interim headmistress. Rumour has it that Simon Snow’s magic hasn’t returned, so who knows if he’ll come back to school.”
This dude just saved the world, and he has to think about school?
I mean, I do too, but I am no Chosen One.
Bruh, it must suck to be Simon Snow
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bleachbleachbleach · 2 years
This is a TYBW post but is mostly about the Third Captain Amagai Arc somehow
I enjoyed the TYBW ep! My primary takeaways were that Ichigo is very cool and that I have unresolved stolen bankai trauma I was not previously aware I had, because the second half of that ep was pure anxiety. 😩 After watching the ep we immediately resumed our regularly scheduled Bleach rewatch, so TYBW paired with the very beginning of the Third Captain Amagai arc. This is not a TYBW reaction but MAN I AM PISSED THAT AMAGAI KILLED THE DANGAI CLEANER. If all those Hollows you went to go kill were just going to get eaten by the cleaner anyway, then it’s your fault for not... being better at monitoring the dangai cleaner’s personal schedule. Like, damn, he’s just tryna exist in his natural microhabitat!! ToT 
Experiencing all points in canon simultaneously is very much a defining feature of my Bleach experience, so I feel like the juxtaposition TYBW and Third Captain Amagai here was very fitting. It also threw into harsh relief was how unexpected my emotional reaction to the TYBW credits and its OG anime montage was. Because boy howdy it gave me ALL of the nostalgia feels, which was clearly its purpose, but also... Nostalgia is actually not how I typically relate to Bleach and like, we JUST watched all those scenes. They were not tapping some memory I had from ten years ago. Like, son, we watched all this last month. XDD
Sure, the reason we ended up back in Bleach was pandemic/nostalgia-driven, for sure, but unlike series I loved when I was 12 and had no life outside of, like Inuyasha, for which I feel a lot of nostalgia, I have exceedingly few genuine memories of how I experienced Bleach as a teenager, because idk, Life had a lot going on! It’s all a blur! Maybe I was never a teenager and was actually a robot!! My faves then are my faves now and that’s all I got. 
And at the end of the day, I’m a pretty monogamous media consumer. If I like something then that’s the Thing I Like and it’s what I’m going to watch over and over and over again in a space that exists outside of the flow of time. Which makes me garbage to talk to at parties because I haven’t seen anything except This One Thing that means so much to me I absolutely will not bring it up in conversation to the uninitiated, but also means that This One Thing exists always in the present and I don’t really care if there’s new content for it or not (except that new content often stresses me out because I do not know where to put it in the conveyor belt of experiences that make up continually re-experiencing Bleach). We did not know there was going to be a Hell oneshot or a TYBW anime adaptation, that was not part of the plan--
Like, I’ve mentioned this before on this blog, but I love the way the Bleach filler arcs slot in (or don’t) into the main storyline. Our three filler arcs that exist in universes adjacent to the Hueco Mundo/Fake Karakura Arcs? I absolutely love that the narrative explanation for that is that there isn’t one. There are just multiverses and what’re you going to do about it, Ichigo?--but it’s not even like they’re separate universes. They’re not only adjacent they’re also overlapping and we’re supposed to accept that these things are happening simultaneously to characters who are not discrete versions of themselves existing in other universes but are in fact the same characters experiencing timelines multiply (same goes for the omake arcs) and I love that for them. I feel like Bleach filler’s whole deal feels very true to my experience of Bleach as a whole, where all the arcs exist in the present all at once and time isn’t real. Bleach filler 🤝 me 
To come back around here, that Bleach ED was some powerful, powerful drugs because it felt SO intensely, beautifully nostalgic, as God intended, even though, like I said, we literally watched those episodes like, last week, and they did not feel nostalgic then because all of Bleach just exists at all times forever to me.
(Unless you count the square-formatted eps and at the beginning the fact that the subs were hard-coded onto the video files, in which case, yes, that was technologically very nostalgic. But that’s paratext.)
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soapisahimbo · 2 years
Love.. your portrayal of Simon in your NSFW ABC??? I ADORE IT. HIM. This is the perfect Ghost!! We can see his sharp edges, how military has left its mark on how he sees things and what is his behaviour under different circumstances. How he perceive his feelings towards someone who is willing to be there for him! Could I ask you to maybe write something? Of course, only if you have time and it will be ok with you - where Simon finds himself falling for a woman (not from military world) whom is petite and has a quite delicate physique and caring personality? Not silly or naive though. And in many times he just doesn’t know how to behave when being with her. He’s probably surprised that a little one like her, can make his heart beat so fast. Thank you!!
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Good god, anon, you're so SWEET! Thank you so much for your comment, this makes me so happy!
I would LOVE to write that for you! I'll probably write as like a headcanon list if that's ok with you, unless you really want like a oneshot because then of course I'll do my best with that! I'll add it to my little list!
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flora-jimin · 6 years
Seeing the sheer chaos my work causes is so rewarding in a weird way. Like, on one hand I always feel super bad when I read the comments on chapters and people are like "😦😦 nooo why??i just wanted uwus 😰😰😰" but at the same time, as someone who's been writing since 6th grade, the fact that i can write a story that makes you feel more emotions than the instant satisfaction of fluff or smut is something i take pride in. (Not to say I dont write either of those, but if you read anything i write thats a chapter story, i don't just slap sex in the second chapter and go here without establishing characters)
I don't want to sound narcissistic, but the thing I do best is tell a story. If there's pain, apprehension, fear, rage, love, admiration, jealousy, whatever else thats part of it, you bet your ass I'm gonna write it. I want people to leave my chapters with smiles, in tears, blushing, laughing, angry, and if I do, I consider it a success.
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papikakashikahn · 3 years
THROUGH HER EYES - Battinson x Reader Oneshot
Requests are open via messaging for Battinson
My Masterlist for Battinson x Reader here
Warnings: Angst, Victim Blaming, Nonconsenual encounter
Word Count: 4,000 words (ik but its a slow burn)
Summary : Bruce sends Y/N into the Iceberg Lounge for some information watching through her camera eye contact lenses but quickly regrets his neglect of her after a certain client cuffs Y/N to him in an attempt to make a pass at her. This results in a jealous Bruce who has yet to assert himself romantically with Y/N.
A/N: I knew I wasn’t alone after watching The Batman with Robert Pattinson and I couldn’t stop think about it in the two weeks since I saw it. Gonna see it again this weekend, but chile anyways he was just such a sexy mf that it got me literally feral. I was looking on tumblr for some x reader oneshots for late night reading but I couldn’t find any? Thus, this is for the rest of you who are in need for some angst in this unfortunate drought. This one shot is based around the eye contact lenses Batman used with Selena. Reminder: this is an x reader but also this takes inspiration from Selena’s work at the club in the movie. (ALSO: I made this an x fem reader but please replace her/she with whatever you want in your mind) Enjoy :)
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“Stop touching them” he commanded Y/N.
She shut her eyes tightly and blinked repeatedly thinking it would alleviate the uncomfortable feeling the contact lenses left her eyes feeling, almost as if she had an eyelash stuck in it. 
“Are you sure no one can see them!?” she whined.
“Not unless you keep twitching like that” he replied dryly.
“Well they’re hurting me already, how am I supposed to last the night?” she snapped in frustration, leaning over the table.
“Look at me” he called, nudging her chin with his fingers to move her face towards him. 
She complied begrudgingly in letting him lift her chin up, however, she tried anything to avoid making eye contact because if she did she wouldn’t be able to keep down a blush. 
It didn’t last long though. Maybe in being in such close proximity to him, with the heat of his eyes lingering on her face. Or maybe it was his cologne which she didn’t really notice he had on until now… but either way, she couldn’t help but flash her eyes to him as he wanted. 
The way he looked down at her through his cowl with hooded eyes shrouded in black is what made her tense up. 
He looked so good like that
Her acknowledgment of that fact alone is what made it even even worse as that above all is what caused all the blood to rush to her face. Meeting his eyes, Y/N grit her teeth in hopes that it could potentially save her face from becoming red, but to no avail. His normally dead eyes had something else in them when looking at her like this, almost as if he was entertained. Observing this, Y/N wondered if it was seeing her face red like this that was making his eyes light up. On the other hand, his lips didn’t give any impression that he was feeling one way or another. 
‘He probably gets off at seeing me so moldable under his touch like this’ Y/N she thought to herself. But that thought too caused her face to turn evidently redder.
“Looks good” he muttered, dropping her chin from his touch without care. Y/N turned her head to the ground trying to save her the embarrassment of blushing.
He had a habit of doing things like that which always left her confused. She just couldn’t get a read on him nor tell what he was thinking. On the other hand, it felt like every time he looked at her he could read her like a book. It was unfair and frustrating
As Bruce turned coldly towards the computer where he would be watching this whole ordeal, she bit her lip looking down as if to swallow her pride.
Y/N strutted through the club after exiting the elevator. 
“You’re doing good, I’m getting a lot of names” Bruce praised into Y/N’s ear.
“If you hadn’t noticed it’s because they’re already staring at me Vengeance. But one glance from me however, and they’re in your register” she replied through her forced smile that she presented to club guests.
Who could blame them really with her looking like that?
Y/N continued on through the crowd with her signature strut that was making the men snap their necks.
“On your right, who is that…?” Bruce questioned Y/N. 
“I don’t know… but he’s staring offly hard, maybe it’s because he looks like he hasn’t felt a woman’s touch before in his life…” she muttered back to Bruce after passing the guy a short glance.
“Y/N-” Bruce groaned.
“What? Did that hit too close to home?” she smirked to herself at the comment. 
“You looked away too soon, look back,” he continued, ignoring her jokes. 
Y/N clenched her jaw in annoyance.
“If I look back now he’s going to make a pass on me, is that what you want?” she puffed in annoyance.
“I need the ID Y/N” he insisted, avoiding her comments. 
At this reply she rolled her eyes, agitated at what he was making her do behind the safety of the computer. He seemed to have no problem putting her into situations like this where she was bound to be sexually harrassed.
“I can tell you just rolled your eyes Y/N” Bruce complained in her ear. Y/N tensed as her face went red once again.
“Shut up” she muttered as she looked back over to the guy like he had asked.
“Happy now?” she asked through clenched teeth as she gave the man a light wave, staring him down.
“That’s Gil Colson the D.A” Bruce announced to Y/N. However, amidst Colson’s shock that anyone like her was even remotely looking in his direction, Y/N felt a tight clasp around her raised.
Y/N looked over to her right and saw a flash of silver.
They were handcuffs.
She twisted around to the guy who handcuffed the other half to his own wrist. He certainly wasn’t bad looking by any means. The young man was rather good looking. However, he just wasn’t her type, especially for a guy who just goes around handcuffing himself to women.
“He’s a detective for the GPD, Cameron Dennis, don’t panic” Bruce stated into Y/N’s ear.
“Hi…” Y/N began acting as if this was a normal night in the club for her… men handcuffing themselves to her like this.
“Hi,” he greeted back with a playful smile. After a moment of smiling blankly at each other, Y/N decided to ask about the elephant in the room.
“Am I under arrest?” Y/N asked, lifting up her end of the cuffs and passing them a glance.
He smiled brightly at her noticing this. 
“Well you’re just so bad I couldn’t help but cuff you” he explained nonchalantly. After tilting her head in confusion he let out a stifled laugh.
“I’m Cam-” “Cameron Dennis, I know” Y/N interrupted confidently. He titled his head intrigued at how she knew this.
“What are you doing Y/N?” Bruce asked, also intrigued. She ignored him as she didn't really have the opportunity to respond.
“I’m sorry… have we met before-?” Cameron questioned, leaning down into her. 
“You don’t remember me from your dream last night?” Y/N flirted innocently.
He smiled, looking down and then back up at her. 
“Listen…I’ll let you have this…” Cameron began as he raised a key with his other hand “...if you spend 15 minutes with me and my friends in our section” he finished.
“Sit with them... he might tell you something.” Bruce commanded into Y/N’s ear. 
It’s not like she really had a choice however.
“I promise I'll make it worth your while…” Cameron chided.
Y/N pulled her half of the cuffs away from her body, forcing Mr.Dennis onto her as she stood still, now close to his ear.
“15 minuets with me and you’ll be begging for that key” she purred into his ear. “You’d be surprised how long I can last honey” he replied. Y/N was slightly intrigued at this guy's attitude as he pulled her back to his section. 
Y/N often liked the feeling that she had such control over men. It felt powerful and satisfying. However, it could quickly turn scary when that power was lost and it was the man who was toying her around. That wasn’t as fun. She couldn’t help but think of Bruce. He had this virgin energy about him that made him even more attractive. Although she had known him to be closed off and cold, there was another side to him that was vulnerable and which she knew cared for her at the end of the day. She had a habit of toying with Bruce. He didn't seem to mind her touch, but those moments seemed to have an inverse effect than intended as they made her develop a stronger crush on him while he remained uninterested.
But yet again, there were moments like today where he did show some sort of romantic interest, especially in the rare occasions that he did touch her (which he may or may have not known would have such a profound effect). But Bruce would drop it almost as soon as he started it. Maybe watching first hand a man like Mr. Cameron Dennis here taking initiative would light a fire under his ass.
Dennis abruptly pulled Y/N into the spot next to him and proceeded to introduce her to the friends around him. “That’s Herald Jacobs, Louis Keffer, Bobbie Turner, his friend Gina, and Gil Colson” Cameron introduced. “Guys, this is... i’m sorry sweetie what was your name again?” Cameron asked, turning back to Y/N. She forced a smile. “Y/N!” she shouted, over the music. “Right... Y/N! This is Y/N everyone!” Cameron announced, holding up their cuffed hands for everybody to see and laugh.
“Wow Cam you really cuffed her didn’t you?” Louis laughed. 
“Well I couldn't let her get away…” He snickered. 
Y/N bit her tongue at how uncomfortable it was for her lack of freedom was turned into being a trophy for Cameron.
“Mr.Colson I think I've seen you on TV, you’re the D.A right?!” she asked. “Yes!” he nodded excitedly. After all, this might possibly be the first time anyone like her seemed to notice his existence.
“We’re all from the GPD actually!” Colson exclaimed, pointing around the section. 
“Why so many cops?” Y/N questioned, leaning into Cameron. “Well we’re investigating how this club has so many gorgeous women like yourself working here” he smiled at her. “Oh...” Y/N nodded sarcastically. 
“In reality it’s because we have sort of free admission thanks to the deal that went down between the GPD and an inside informant…” he explained to Y/N after pouring a shot of liquor into a glass. 
“What deal?” Bruce groaned into Y/N’s ear. Y/N repeated the question aloud to Cameron.
Cameron took a moment to glance at Y/N before continuing which made her tense under his stare.
‘Was she asking too many questions?’ She thought to herself .
“Take a shot with me and I'll go on…” he stated, jeering the shot glass to her. 
“Y/N don’t drink that” Bruce urged.
Y/N ignored his advice before taking the shot out of Cameron’s hand and taking it down.
“Y/N?” Bruce questioned in her ear, shocked that she was veering from his desired script.
Y/N tried to hold back her reaction to the liquor by pressing her tongue to the roof of her mouth. When she looked back over to Cameron who had also taken a shot, seemingly without as much blow back as her, he was simply staring at her.
“The Maroni deal, you might have heard about it on the news” he stated before pouring another two shots.
“What about it?” Y/N questioned after suppressing her vomit from the last shot.
“Say ‘ahh’ baby” Cameron demanded without answering her question. Slightly confused, Y/N let Cameron tilt her head back with his hand and pour a shot into her gaping mouth. It reminded her of earlier in the evening, but he lacked the cold yet tender touch Vengeance had. Nevertheless, the shot left just as much of a bad taste in her mouth.
“Y/N!” Bruce shouted in her ear which reminded her that he was even seeing this in the first place. Nevertheless, he wanted information and she was doing whatever she could do in her means to get it. Also, although she didn’t really care for liquor, hearing the sweet sounds of Bruce's frustration with her was making this situation all the better.
“Good girl. Well anyways… the GPD got a lot of money from the Maroni deal due to an inside informant, but for a lot of people, it wasn’t enough. They wanted more benefits, access to this club for example” he explained.
“You included I suppose?” Y/N added.
“Me included” he pressed his lips while lifting another shot for her to take.
“What did I just say Y/N?” Bruce scolded her ear.
Y/N leaned into Cameron’s ear. “Why are you telling me so much?”  she cooed innocently. He smirked at her in return.
“Because I know I'll be able to make you forget it by tomorrow morning” he practically growled in her ear as he squeezed her thigh with his free hand which she made a point to glance down at for Bruce's viewing pleasure… or displeasure preferably. 
Nevertheless, Bruce remained silent although he most certainly saw it. The advance was not welcomed, but this was a part of Y/N’s nightly routine in the iceberg lounge and so it didn’t come as much of a surprise anymore.
As the night went on, it was clear Cameron was becoming more and more drunk which was starting to make Y/N’s stomach turn. Of course she had seen countless men in her work here get shitfaced, however, she was never once handcuffed to one. He seemed to have no problem toying Y/N around, and it was getting crystal clear that would become a problem. As Cameron tried to maintain a conversation with his friends, under the table he was dragging his cuffed wrist over to his right, which consequently was dragging Y/N’s too. Looking down, Y/N eventually realized what he was trying to do here, until with one swift movement Cameron tried to pull his hand quickly to the right in an attempt to get Y/N’s hand on his crotch. Y/N pulled her hand away with a contrasting force to prevent it which caused Cameron to be interrupted in his conversation.
“You and I have had enough Y/N, get the key and leave” Bruce complained.
“It’s not that easy” she responded aloud.
“What’d you just say?” Cameron questioned with furrowed eyebrows thinking that the response was aimed at him.
“That’ll cost you baby” she added in relation to what he was trying to pull there just a second ago. 
“I thought it was included in our 15?” he queried innocently. She narrowed her eyes at him, tired of the antics.
“Speaking of which, those are over.” She responded in a dead tone voice.
“Shut up” he laughed it off, pouring another shot, but this time, ripping off the seal to one of the drop packets on the table and pouring it into the shot. He then proceeded to grab her face roughly.
“Y/N!!!” Bruce yelled in her ear
Cameron then proceeded to force his thumb into Y/N’s mouth and tried to open it enough to pour the shot in again.
“Don’t you dare swallow that!” Bruce barked out .
Forcing the shot into her mouth, he then wrapped his hand around her face. “You’ll get used to swallowing with me” Cameron smirked, admiring her.
Y/N let it sit in her mouth until at once she spit it onto him.
“I’m more of a spit type of gal…” she smirked in response. He looked down shocked , causing her to then tense seeing he was visibly furious.
“What about choking?” he growled, reaching his hand forward as if to grab her throat. Y/N ducked her head down in an attempt to shield her neck as she flinched. 
“I’m gonna kill him!” she heard Bruce pipe. 
“Fine” Cameron continued, without grabbing Y/N. He reached under his thigh to reveal the key to the handcuffs.
 “Is this what you want this Y/N?” he questioned, holding it up to her. 
She pressed her lips together refusing to respond. “The bigger question is, what are you going to do to get it?” he teased, practically pushing it in her face.
Annoyed, as soon as Y/N reached to grab the key in front of her, he yanked it over his head which she straddled over him for. Although she knew everyone in the section was looking at her and furthermore her coworkers throughout the club, she was desperate for the whole thing to end.
“Kiss me and I'll give it back Y/N” he offered, still holding the key out of reach.
“Grab it and go!” Vengeance begged in her ear.
“Just one” Cameron pleaded, propping himself up from laying somewhat down on the coach to meet her half way for said kiss.
“Y/N!” Bruce panicked.
 Y/N didn’t find the situation funny anymore and she was too confused as to what she would do next. Slowly however, she leaned into Cameron thinking she could just grab the key at the last second and figure out the rest from there. However, she wasn’t allotted much time to close the gap as Cameron proceeded to grab her hair from the back of her head and force her onto his lips, even slipping his tongue into her mouth for the moment.
In shock, Y/N pushed herself off of him quickly, got up, and left considering he unlocked the handcuffs during the forced kiss.
Wiping her mouth she rushed to the bathroom where she felt like throwing up. What was more embarrassing than the fact that that section of the club was staring at her for putting up a fight with a client was that furthermore Bruce had seen the whole thing.
The music of the club was barely audible inside the cruddy bathroom that she managed to escape to and barley audible above the ringing in Y/N’s ears. She leaned over the bathroom sink trying to catch her breath.
“What the hell was that?” Bruce questioned Y/N in a raised voice. Y/N snapped her head up at the mirror.
“I don’t fucking know, you tell me! You’re the one who makes me do this shit for your sick hobbies” she protested in response.
“I asked for a simple ID not for you to fuck him!” he chimed.
Y/N never heard him curse let alone raise his voice at her, but above all her frustration was at the fact that Bruce was acting like he didn’t just see the guy force her onto him.
“Really Bruce?!” she gawked.
“Don’t yell my name Y/N!” he snapped.
“How fucking dare you, I bet its easy sitting behind a computer screen just to fucking judge me! I deal with this bullshit every night! I can’t fucking believe you…” she cried in shock. The next thing Bruce saw was Y/N reaching into her eyes for the contacts to take them out, which would leave him in the dark.
“Don’t hang up on me Y/N-!” Bruce exclaimed, but the voice connection also ended from Y/N
After the video call had ended from Y/N’s part, Bruce found himself replaying the video over and over of the guy forcing shots down her mouth, forcing Y/N onto him. He knew he was putting her through situations like this for his benefit which was wrong, and he knew she wasn’t trying to play into the guy. But it was in rewatching the video, the way she sweet talked into his ear made him see red. Although it all made him sick watching it the first time, it made him even more upset watching it a second, and then a third, and then a fourth…
The video was played on a continuous loop until the entrance of the batcave opened to abruptly interrupt him. Bruce quickly closed out of the file and turned around to find Y/N strutting over to him, clearly upset. Bruce tried to evade looking at her as a means to prevent from lashing out, deciding to instead look at the floor.
Y/N slammed the lens pack on the table beside him, causing Bruce to snap his eyes up at her, opening his mouth ready to say something but his brain didn’t catch up quite as quick to figure out what. Her eyes lingered on his with a fire in them before turning away to leave. Bruce rolled his tongue over his teeth before leaping to his feet.
“Come here!” he demanded.
“Fuck you!” she spat without giving him a second glance as she headed for the door.
“Y/N!” he exclaimed, grabbing her and pinning her to the wall without much force.
She didn’t even flinch at this.
“Let go of me!” she spat. The tone and level of her voice even made Bruce drop his grip immediately as it was so startling. 
He held his tongue to the roof of his mouth, regretting being so forceful with her after tonight. He’s never done that to her before, and she certainly hasn’t done it to him. 
Y/N didn’t hold back from meeting Bruce’s eye contact, but the intensity of her anger sort of threw Bruce off. He was lost in what he was doing at the moment.
Y/N turned to leave but instead of grabbing her again (as he was slightly scared of doing so with her previous reaction), instead Bruce put up his arm in the way to block her from leaving.
“I want to talk about it!” he roared
“Well I don’t!” she retorted trying to evade him the other way until he put his arm up on the left to box her in.
She tilted her head back against the wall in frustration.
 “Why did you let him do all that to you?” “What do you mean let!? You’re acting like it was consensual”
“To a certain point - you leaned into him to kiss him and let him pour drinks down your mouth? What the fuck was that about Y/N?”
“I leaned in to get the key back , and what does it matter to you anyways, I'm just the bait for information that you’ll let anyone sexual harrass in order to get ID’s out of” she intoned.
“Well you sure don’t seem to mind the attention!” he barked back without much thought.
She rolled her eyes and shook her head in disbelief.
“Fuck you Bruce, you probably liked watching it” she sneered
“I fucking hated it actually” “Oh really?” “Yeah” “Well why’s that Bruce, did you wish that was you???” “What?” he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “Do you wish you had enough balls to come onto me like that?” she stated so confidently although inside she was too nervous to hear his response.
He continued to furrow his eyebrows at this notion and this is where Y/N felt like she was in too deep.
“Why? Is that what you like Y/N? Is that why you work there…? You liked to be toyed around by random men in the club? Is that it?” Bruce tested
“No?!” Y/N contested
“Then what is it Y/N?”
“Not any man, yo-” she choked on the last word emitting out her throat.
Silence consumed the two after that last word that had barley lingered on her lips as Bruce caught on even through Y/N’s embarrassment. His arms loosened a little at the thought.  
“Is that what you want from me Y/N? For me to act like that? Come onto you like that?” he questioned.
“Maybe!?” she asserted confidently but nevertheless unsure.
“Fine then” he muttered before crashing his lips onto hers.
Y/N was taken aback by this but being that she was waiting for this moment for such a long time she certainly wasn’t disappointed.
In the first few seconds Bruce seemed unsure of what he was doing and whether he was doing it right at that… however… Y/N was pleasantly surprised that Bruce’s seemed to know how to kiss although he was initially apprehensive in even approaching her after all this time.
Y/N she tried to slip her tongue in, but he stepped back from her abruptly.
“Better?” he postulated, unsure of how he was doing.
“No” she groaned before pulling him back onto her desperately for more. And so they continued with Bruce pressing her harder against the wall. This still didn’t feel close enough for Y/N, however, who wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders.
Naturally, Bruce hoisted her higher against the wall to which Y/N proceeded to wrap her legs around his torso, clinging to the broad shoulders masked under his armor.
“I’m sorry Y/N” Bruce muttered through the exchange of saliva. “It wasn’t your fault… I just hated what he was doing” he whispered against her ear.
This was possibly the most talking Bruce ever did before.
Nevertheless, one good thing about Bruce was that he was always mature enough to admit when he was wrong.
“Make it up to me” she whined in his ear.
 Bruce titled his head slightly as if to ask how as he looked down in her eyes through that hooded eye look of his.
He loved to communicate through his eyes, and that's possibly what made him hotter.
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kltira · 2 years
┊₊˚{☁️} “I'll always protect you”₊˚꒦。
ꔫ Fandom꒱꒱ Genshin Impact
ꔫ Your vision ꒱꒱ Anemo : You're a catalyst user. You can create anemo shields for you and anyone nearby that shields and heals at the same time. You are mostly a support and not the combat type, but as your base attack you create small tornados that ricochet off objects and cause anemo damage.
ꔫ Genre꒱꒱ Fluff (100% sfw)
ꔫ Type and pairing꒱꒱ Oneshot (Venti x Reader)
ꔫ Pronouns꒱꒱ They/Them, GN reader
ꔫ Content Warning(s)꒱꒱ Kissing, pet names, Genshin spoilers
ꔫ Summary꒱꒱ You and Venti go on a picnic date, it goes smoothly until being the fearful and fragile person you are; you get scared of a single pyro slime and hide behind your boyfriend clinging onto him in fear.
ꔫ Author note(s)꒱꒱ VENTI MY BELOVED! <333 He is one of my major comfort characters, he makes me way too happy. Enjoy this fic idea I had that I think is super cute!
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“My little Cecelia, wake up~ I got everything for our picnic ready!” Venti shook you gently. You must have fallen asleep on the couch after you got back home from helping the traveler with gathering herbs. You rubbed your eye sleepily while getting up to greet your anemo archon lover. You peered up at him with your big (E/C) eyes and smiled. He looked just so adorable with his green overalls with a huge big bow around the neck. He had the hat he ordinarily wears on top of a flower crown you made him earlier that week. You had an outfit that matched Venti’s on too, as Venti insisted you should match with him to show everyone that you were his. How could you say no to that sweet face? “Awe, you looked just so cute. C’mon my love, I picked the perfect spot for us to have our picnic. The wind blows wonderfully there.” he stated as he put his hand out for you to grab, and you tenderly did getting up and clinging to him close, excitement being seen precisely on your face to spend time with your beloved.
You both walk to the spot Venti picked, as he carries a picnic basket in one hand and holds your small, fragile hand in the other. You end up near Starsnatch Cliff. Under a tree, Venti lays down the picnic blanket and basket. The spot easily was perfect as the wind blew your hair, refreshing you. Venti sat down on the blanket as he grabs two sandwiches perfectly cut just the way you like out and placed it on a plate on your side of the blanket. You smiled and sat down happily across from your loving boyfriend. “Awe Venti!!! This looks so nice. You didn’t have to do all this!” you blurted, while joy twinkles in your eyes. You grab the well-made sandwich and take a bite, savoring each tasty crumb. “It’s really the least I can do for my precious windblume.” he said, smiling and tilting his head to the side before he crawled over to you and pat your head while you munched on the sandwich. You looked at him innocently, a few bread crumbs on the side of your cheek as Venti chuckled lightly to himself before taking his finger and brushing it off to the side, before putting his face closer to yours as your cheeks went hot red. Venti’s lips placed onto yours, kissing you with passion and care while you melted into him gently.
When you ultimately pulled away to catch your breath, both of your faces were as red as Diluc’s hair. “I love you…” you mumbled, pushing your body lazily onto his, snuggling your head into Venti’s chest, hiding your blushed over face. Venti pat your hair gently, snickering to himself on how simple touch from his made you bright red. You both were in pure bliss at this moment. Nothing could ruin the butterflies fluttering in your stomach ..Well until something started bouncing on by. A pyro slime leading a small trail of fire on the grass hops near where the picnic was set up. In Teyvat, slimes were more of an annoyance than a tremendous threat or something to fear unless there were many around at once. This was just one little pyro slime minding its own business. Though, being you, once you saw it, you jumped up to hide behind your boyfriend, clinging onto him for dear life as you squealed. Soon enough, you used your vision to shield both you and Venti out of fright. The pyro slime seemed alerted by this now. Venti taking a second to put two and two together, hugged you tighter to him, trying to cheer you up. “My pretty Cecelia, no need to be so scared. I’m here to protect you, okay?” he smiled, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. You looked up in fear and also in embarrassment. You didn’t want venti; the anemo archon to think you’re weak, even though in reality he would never think such a thing. As your anemo shield faded away, venti took out his crossbow as you hid behind him still, peeking over his shoulder to see what he was about to do. Venti aimed at the flaming slime and shot his arrow as it created a wind spiral on the ground; soon making the pyro slime pop and disappear.
You looked amazed at your boyfriend’s abilities. You knew since he was a god, a puny pyro slime wouldn’t be much of a challenge at all for him; but no matter what he does, it amazes you more each time. You couldn’t ask for a better protector. The bard looked at you, making sure that the fear in your eyes was gone. Venti smiled, holding your hand and kissing your forehead gently, making you all flustered once again. “As I said, I’ll always be here to protect you.” he whispered sweetly in your ear as you latched back onto him in embarrassment, hiding your face. Venti giggled, holding you closer to him, only focusing his gaze on you at this point. “My pretty little flower…” he mumbled in your ear as you fall asleep on him from his calming words.
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szallejhscorner · 2 years
Like my Father
Second commissioned oneshot for Mel_Mio! This one is based on the song “Like my Father” by Jax.
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You had always experienced the Chishiya family as cold, condescending people who only have their own career and profit in mind. Mr. Chishiya, the famous surgeon who abandoned his only son for studies and work and who had been left by his wife while little Shuntarou had only been a few years old, because she couldn’t stand the cold atmosphere. The aunts and uncles you had met so far had been the same; only talking about money and status and whatnot.
Chishiya Shuntarou, the mysterious blonde you had met in the Borderlands, had seemed to be the same at first. A condescending, manipulating man who never cared about the lives of others unless they were of any use for him. He had convinced people to die in those deadly games simply so he could live, and he never even twitched upon seeing the misery of others.
This coldness had been one of many reasons why you found him so interesting, and it had taken you much longer to realize that this wasn’t the only aspect about him. Chishiya Shuntarou seemed like an uncaring person simply because of his past and what he had went through as a child, but with you, his heart had gotten a chance to warm up. You had fallen in love in the Borderlands, had both been at the brink of death yet survived, and had found each other in the real world once you were allowed to return. And then, slowly but steadily, he allowed you to see who he really was.
It started with little notes, on the fridge, on the table, under your keys. Notes giving you strength for exams, reminding you of important appointments, or telling you to take a sweater with you because there would be rain later that day.
These notes became more personal with time, stating that you should come to a certain restaurant after work or that you should take a look into the bathroom, where he had prepared everything for a nice hot bath right before heading to work just so you could relax. It was something Chishiya wouldn’t talk about; if you had told your friends, probably he would have denied it with his typical smirk. But these little gestures didn’t need any words at all, the fact that they were there was more than enough to you.
One would think that such romantic gestures – and for a Chishiya, those certainly counted as romantic – would fade with years going by. But when the children came and everything changed, his love and hidden signs of affection stayed the same. While you struggled with a body that had to cope with pregnancy, Chishiya would slander about all the perfectly shaped women crossing the street and make subtle compliments about the things you still liked about yourself. He helped you feel better in so many ways simply by being himself and showing that no matter how much your appearance would change, his feelings would stay the same.
He was the one to open your door of the car so casually as if it was the most natural thing on this planet, and he tended to hand you your jacket while pulling on his own. Tiny gestures, but after so many years, they still counted.
When your favorite song was running, he’d turn the volume up and throw a side-grin to you just to see if you were dancing to it. He wouldn’t dance with you of course, since it was still Chishiya Shuntarou, but he’d make sure you enjoyed it.
It wasn’t always easy, of course. With his difficult past, Chishiya wasn’t always able to be the father others would describe as “perfect”, and there would be more than just one argument. But after decades of being married and still waking up or coming home to post-its on the fridge or a hot pizza on the table because he knew you would be too tired to cook, those arguments weighted little.
With Chishiya Shuntarou, you realized that true love doesn’t have to be princesses and princes, pink dresses and white horses. True love hides in the little things, words and gestures, especially with a man who rarely shows emotion to anything else. But you – you were always worth a smile or a firm touch of his hand, until his very last breath. And until you took yours, you’d hold that love so tight nothing would ever be able to replace it.
Being a Chishiya comes with many burdens. People all over Japan know that name and associate it with the most famous people: surgeons, lawyers, bankers. Chishiyas have been everywhere, always at the top. Therefore it wasn’t easy for me growing up with that name. I am just a normal human being, no one who’s known all over the country. The decency most likely comes from my mother’s side, since she was a normal human as well. And still… she married Chishiya Shuntarou, a surgeon even more famous than his father before him. A man who fascinates me even after I’ve lived with him for so many years, after he raised me up.
He isn’t that fascinating because he was famous, no. It is because of the way he treated my mom. I know that my father has been a difficult person, cold and condescending to most others, always knowing everything better and quite hard to read. But when it came to my mom, there would be this warm spark in his eyes that never left. A slight twitch of his lips, not yet daring to turn into a smile, whenever he saw her. This is the love I want to experience myself: true and genuine.
More than once, I have caught him writing those little notes to my mom, saying the most absurd things: Bring a sweater with you, or don’t choose the white shoes today. They felt so weird to me at first, but now I understand. Mom needed that sweater because a rainstorm was happening later that day, and the white shoes would have gotten completely dirty in the mud, which would have angered mom a lot.
Dad talked down a lot of people, and yet I’ve never heard a single bad word about mom coming out of his mouth. Sure, he’d tell her to do this thing better next time or correct her when she said something wrong; he’d give her a raised brow when they were in an argument she couldn’t win. Sometimes he’d simply shut up and let things be, although I know how hard it must have been for him not to have the last word while knowing full well that he’s on the right side, or to let her win in a game he could have easily won (which happened very, very rarely. But it happened).
He has done many things he would never have done if it wasn’t for my mom.
I remember one evening especially – mom’s favorite song has been playing on the radio, a terribly old piece of music that always made me question why she liked it – and dad had turned the radio up, like he always does with that song although he dislikes it as much as I do. Mom, who instantly was happy to hear it, has begun to slow dance in the living room, forcing my dad to dance with her. He didn’t want to, rolled his eyes and had plenty of arguments why he shouldn’t do this, but in the end, he let her win. Because he loved her.
Yes, my family and my parents were far from perfect. No one is, right? No family ever does all things right, there are always dark times, troubles, arguments… and still, I’ve seen many families fall apart after a decade or so simply because the feelings weren’t there anymore. Because the love wasn’t there anymore. Couples got a divorce to discover new happiness with new people, which seemed to become a trend with all the patchwork families around me.
And then, there were Chishiya Shuntarou and my mom. Still writing silly little notes, still opening the car door for the other after thirty years of being married. My mother never had to wear a crown to feel like a queen. She didn’t need an expensive bouquet of flowers to feel special. No extra kilogram, no pimple could make her feel bad because my dad would be there, loving her just the way she was (if one ignores the half-hearted suggestions of making more sport and using a better skin cleaner).
This is the love everyone wants to experience in their life. And especially the love I need.
I need a man who loves me…
… like my father loved my mom.
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softxsuki · 3 years
Hey I saw your requests open and that you do emergency requests? Idk if this counts but if it doesn't make you uncomfortable I'd appreciate it.
This is a little hard to write about so please excuse me if its hard to understand. My ex was very toxic and emotionally abusive, manipulative, compulsive liar, petty, violent (he never hurt me on purpose I think but in retrospect I'm not sure). It took me years to get away from him because I was terrified of him. He never cared about my needs and forced me into a lot of sexual things I didn't want but pretended to. I guess it was unwilling consent? I don't want to say rape but maybe? Idk. I lost all my friends and demolished my relationships with my family. They didn't like him from the beginning but I was obstinate and didn't listen. I've kinda repaired the relationship with my parents but I still freak out when thinking of dating someone new. But I'm a hopeless romantic and I really want to find love but I'm afraid. I think I'm ready to start socializing again.
Basically I wanted to request a one-shot or whatever works for you. My comfort character isn't on your list (Iwaizumi) but his bestie is. If I could get an Oikawa x Reader where she is part of the Seijoh 4 friend group who didn't abandon her even though her ex was trash. And now that its been some time Oikawa confesses to her but she's scared to ruin things and he will hate her because there's some stuff she hadn't told them happened. And she tells him (you don't have to describe that you can just skip over it cuz I know its dark and uncomfortable) after he coaxes it out of her that he will still love her. He comforts her and tells her how amazing she is and is totally worth it and not garbage or used or whatever. (I totally feel like used goods not worth even recycling some days). They end up together?
I'm so sorry this was long and I'm about ready to delete it but I've been typing for over half an hour so I might at well submit and if you delete it thats ok.
Oikawa With Reader Who Has A Toxic Ex-Relationship
Pairings: Oikawa x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of manipulation, verbal/physical/sexual abuse, toxic relationships with an ex (lemme know if I missed anything)
Genre: Angst to fluff(ish), comfort, Friends to Lovers AU
Post-Type: Oneshot
Word Count: 1.8k
Summary: In which time as passed since your toxic relationship with your ex ended and your friend, Oikawa suddenly confesses to you. (Horrible summary. Are we surprised? Probably not :3)
[A/N: Hello anon! I'm glad you felt comfortable coming to me with your urgent request. I never turn down urgent requests/any request in general, unless I don't know enough about the requested topic, which could have me writing inaccurate information or portrayals which could offend someone, and I don't want to do that. Toxic exes are something I've frequently read about in books and heard about from friends and acquaintances, so I felt like I could write this for you. (Lemme be honest here, I've never been in a relationship, but 90% of my content is about a romance with someone so...JNEKANF I can get creative ig). I'm so sorry to hear about what you went through with your toxic ex. No one should ever have to experience something like that when they were getting into a relationship where they thought they'd be loved. Thankfully not all men are like that; there are plenty of good men out there who would treat you like a queen, which you deserve! I hope you get to live out your romantic fantasies one day with someone who will treat you like the queen that you are. I hope I did your request justice ;-; and hopefully it provides you with some comfort. Also sorry about not writing for Iwaizumi. I do plan on writing for him eventually one day! I'm just still stuck on season 2 of Haikyuu!! so I don't know that much about him yet. Oikawa was one of the characters that stuck out to me and they even gave a little info about his past, so I feel like I understand him better as a character. Once I learn more about Iwaizumi though, I will definitely add him as a character I write for :) sorry about that, but hopefully Oikawa pulls through and comforts you in this oneshot. Enjoy <3]
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“Hey Y/N, wait up!” you hear a voice yell out behind you.
You stop in your tracks and turn around to see one of your friends, Oikawa, running towards you.
“Tooru?” you question with the tilt of your head, “What are you doing here?”
He came to a stop in front of you, out of breath from running, “I just got out of practice, the guys said they had to go, but I saw you pass by so I thought I’d call out for you. You walk pretty fast though. Did you know that?”
You shrug your shoulders, “Now I do.”
He throws a hand onto your head and the two of you begin to walk side by side.
“So what’s up? I’m just heading home and you don’t live this way so…” you trail off.
“Don’t worry about it, let’s just keep walking for a second,” he replies absentmindedly, one hand still on your head as the other was stuffed in his pocket.
You don’t question it though. Oikawa was the type to do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. You figured he’d eventually part from you and go his own way when he was nearing his own destination, but that didn’t happen.
Your walk with him was uncharacteristically silent, only the sound of your shoes meeting the pavement could be heard. You look over at your friend and notice the empty expression on his face as his mind travels elsewhere; his mouth set in a line as he looks up at the sky.
“Okay well I’m home. I’ll see you around?”
“Huh? No, wait!” he grabs your wrist gently to keep you from moving away from him, pausing your movement.
He drops your wrist as quickly as he held it and takes a step back, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Tooru, what is it?” you ask, confused as to why he was acting off.
“Look, the thing is, I talked to Iwa-Chan about this and the other guys as well, and they all said I should just go for it, but I know your past and I don’t want to rush things or anything, but…” he averts his eyes from yours, taking in a deep breath before speaking again. “I like you. Actually at this point it’s beyond liking you…I love you Y/N. I can’t remember the moment it happened, but it just did. It hit me fast and I couldn’t stop it from progressing this far.”
You take a step back, your heart racing not only from the shock of having him confess to you so suddenly, but also from fear. Fear of being loved again. Fear of loving someone again. It was apparent that Oikawa was handsome; the tons of fangirls he had chasing after him was proof enough. Though you had a bad past with your relationship with your toxic ex, you knew Oikawa was nothing like him. In fact Seijoh 4 had stuck by your side when your other friends all left you when you were together with your ex.
“Tooru…” you say in a wary tone, “You know I-”
“I know. I know you don’t have the greatest history with men because of your scumbag of an ex. You don’t have to answer me now anyway, I just wanted to get it out in the open because it’s been hanging over me for a while now. I’ll wait for as long as you need though,” he smiles cheerfully at you.
“It’s not that. I- I think you’re handsome and you’re an amazing friend, no doubt you’d make a great boyfriend as well,” you swallow hard, getting ready to say something you had been ashamed of since you ended things with your ex, “I didn’t tell you or the rest of the guys everything that happened during the time I was together with my ex. I’m sure if you knew the truth, you’d take back your declaration of love for me.”
And it was true. Oikawa didn’t know the real ugliness of your previous relationship. He didn’t know the full extent of the toxicity that came with your ex. The manipulation, the verbal and physical abuse, not even the absolute fear you had for your ex that prolonged your relationship with him because you couldn’t build the courage to end things, in fear that he’d hurt you or do something even worse to you. He didn’t know anything. All he knew was that your ex was a piece of garbage and didn’t treat you the way a man should treat a woman.
“Please don’t cry,” you hear Oikawa say, bringing you back from your thoughts as you suddenly feel his hands cup your face.
You reach up and wipe your eyes and sure enough, your fingers are wet with your tears. Tears you hadn’t even realized were falling as you thought about your past with your ex.
“Nothing you say could ever make me think any differently of you,” his fingers replace yours in wiping your tears away softly with the utmost of care, “I’m sure there were things you wanted to keep to yourself, but if it’s eating away at you like this and preventing you from moving forward, possibly with me, then I wouldn’t mind hearing it. I promise I’ll still be here, feelings unchanged for you until the end. Don’t feel pressured to tell me though, I don’t want to force you if you’re not comfortable.”
His hands mov from your face down to your hands where he reaches forward and intertwines his fingers with yours, trying to show you his love in a way that wouldn’t have you running for the hills.
You thought about it for a while, enjoying the warmth his hand transferred to your own. You were a hopeless romantic; a sucker for cheesy pick-up lines and acts of chivalry that most women would probably gag at. You had desired a relationship where the man you were with would love you–actually love you. But that small voice inside you was against the idea completely. Putting horrible thoughts that a new relationship with a man could end up just like your last one. Oikawa was different though, you knew that. You could see the patience he had as he waited for you to decide what you wanted to do, love seeping from his eyes at you. You wanted that. You wanted to feel his love for you.
“Okay,” you finally say after going through the pros and cons of telling him the dark secrets of your ex that you kept hidden away, “I’ll tell you.”
He nods understandingly and you both take a seat on the steps outside your house as you prepare to share with him what went down behind closed doors that you couldn’t tell him at the time. You wanted to trust him and tell him so that if he stuck around till the end and still cared for you, then maybe you could both move forward together. Maybe you could feel a love that you felt you didn’t deserve. Maybe.
So you told him everything. Every tiny, ugly detail–you let it all out. And he listened patiently to every word. Whenever you’d stumble over your words or pause to collect yourself, he’d pat you on the back and tell you it’s okay. Whenever you’d shed a tear from reliving those traumatic, painful memories, he’d wipe them away for you and tell you that you could stop if you wanted, but you couldn’t. It was your chance to finally be free from the weight of your past that you were holding onto. Oikawa was a new ray of hope that appeared in your life; he was your chance to start new.
When you finish telling him everything, you look down at the ground, feeling ashamed of your past. There was no way he would accept you after hearing everything. You felt like you weren’t worthy of his love anymore.
“Hey,” he says softly, leaning down a little so he could see your face, but you turn away from him, scared that he’d leave you and you’d lose not only his friendship, but the new opportunity to become something more with him.
“I know exactly what’s going through your mind right now and I want to make it clear that you’re wrong. I still love you.”
Those four words had your heartbeat echoing in your ears. The hope inside you that was beginning to die out was set ablaze and you finally looked up at him. He gave you a smile and reached for your hand again.
“Mhm, really,” he smiles at you, “I don’t blame you for anything that happened, so you shouldn’t either. I understand why you felt scared of your ex and why you felt like you couldn’t leave him. Frankly, I’m just upset at him even more than I already was. I can’t understand how a man can treat the woman he’s supposed to love like that. It’s disgusting. You’re an amazing, strong woman for making it through that. I’m proud of you for making it this far and I know there are so many wonderful things waiting for you in the future. You deserve every great thing headed your way, so don’t hold yourself back.”
“Thank you. I really needed to hear that. I can’t put into words how relieved I am and thankful I am for having you here, listening to me and understanding me without judgment. I’m sorry that I kept it from you for so long.”
“It’s okay. I don’t blame you for keeping it to yourself, but I’m glad you shared it with me. I feel like I just got a little closer to you, emotionally,” he squeezes your hand.
You scoot closer to him, feeling your heart hammer in your chest, but the fear that was once there is gone. You could only feel excitement and anticipation for what was to come.
“I think I’d like to give this a chance. I know you wouldn’t treat me like my ex did and I’d love to see where this could take us,” you mumble bashfully.
“Really?” He beams, looking at you like a child on Christmas morning, eyes wide with a huge smile plastered on his face.
“Yeah,” you smile at him, “But could we take things slow? If that’s okay with you?”
“Of course! Yes! A million times yes! We can take it at your pace, however slow you want to take this. Whatever you’re comfortable with.”
“Thank you,” you say, this time you’re the one squeezing his hand.
“I love you.”
There it was. The words that made you feel good inside, yet still made you wince slightly at the possibilities of where they would take you both moving forward. But you weren't scared, not with Oikawa.
“Thank you for loving me,” you whisper, leaning your head on his shoulder.
It was all you could muster as a response to his love, but you knew one day you’d both be exchanging those beautiful words to one another.
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Posted 12/24/2021
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