#unles my mans wants to have the babys
pinkiepiebones · 8 months
What? I wrote a fic about Renfield and his wife for Valentine's day???? A fic in which I clearly expose my lack of understanding of Victorian life??? Well why not
-many, many, many... many years ago-
Elizabeth Renfield stared at the ceiling. She was on her back, the only position in which she was at all comfortable as of late. She spread a pale hand over her middle. The pregnancy was going along swimmingly, the doctor assured her and her husband. She had the belly now. People would ask her and her husband when it was due. They would ask, have you picked a name yet. They would offer unsolicited advice about what to wear or what to eat. The women would tell Elizabeth at great length about their pregnancies and the men would shake her husband's hand and congratulate him.
Elizabeth shook her head a little. There was nothing to congratulate. Neither of them really wanted to be with child. But they were supposed to have one. That is how it was done- men would marry women, and women would bear children.
Her quiet thoughts drifted away when her husband entered their bedroom. Robert Renfield, real estate lawyer. Elizabeth waved at him from the bed. He made a startled noise and rushed to the bedside, taking her hand in his.
Before he could speak Elizabeth sighed. "I am alright. Just tired."
Robert squeezed her hand in relief. Then he said, "well, you are caring for two bodies now. That sounds tiring." He seemed to doubt himself and added, "but you look lovely, even in, um, repose, like this."
Elizabeth turned her head to look at him. He was a sweet man, of that she had no doubt. They had been introduced by their fathers and married shortly thereafter, and Elizabeth became pregnant shortly after that, as it was supposed to happen. The two were still getting to know each other. She had come to know Robert's soft smile and summer sky eyes and there was a wit to him, too. Probably too much for a lawyer.
And, of course, he had his secret desires. She had them, too, and both of them kept those secrets locked tightly in black boxes in the bottom of their hearts.
Elizabeth parted her lips. "You look so nice right now."
Robert quirked an eyebrow. "Right now? Not all the time?"
Elizabeth smirked. "I mean, in that position. You look nice on your knees."
Robert's face reddened and he stood and muttered something about his tie as he moved to their closet. Elizabeth smiled a little. Then, with a great effort, she sat up. She moved to stand and staggered, suddenly dizzy. Robert returned to her side at once and eased her back down so she was sitting on the bed again.
Elizabeth closed her eyes tight in frustration. "I'm alright," Elizabeth insisted. When she opened her eyes again, Robert was on his knees again, looking up at her with a peculiar adoration.
She smiled.
"You shouldn't get used to sitting like that," Elizabeth tried to scold as she stroked Robert's hair. "Imagine the things people might say."
Robert shrugged. "Who would ever find out?"
Robert leaned into his wife's touch. "Besides, I quite like the view from down here. You're quite radiant."
Elizabeth shook her head, smiling. "Well, this 'radiant one' would like very much to go downstairs and see to supper, if she can stand."
"Allow me the pleasure of carrying my radiant one down the stairs" Robert asked as he clambered to his feet.
Elizabeth giggled and Robert scooped her up. She put her arms around his neck. Quickly, secretly, the two imagined one another as someone else. He thought briefly of how it would be to carry a man in such a way. She thought briefly about how it might feel to be carried by a woman. Those thoughts were just as quickly stuffed into the boxes in their hearts.
Robert set Elizabeth at their small dining table and set about cooking, listening to Elizabeth's directions and her worries about him doing her duty.
"Well, I ought to learn to cook," Robert said as he chopped things. "When the baby's born you'll be in no state to do this, and we can't hire on a caretaker unless I start getting more work..."
Elizabeth said nothing else on the matter. It was something else she had learned about her husband- when he set his mind on something he would do his damnedest to see it through.
It was an admirable trait.
They ate together in relative silence and Robert tidied the dishes away and carried Elizabeth back to their bedroom. He helped her change into her bedclothes, brushed her hair, and gently set her on their bed and sank to his knees once more, looking at her with wide blue eyes.
"I told you, I like the view from down here."
Elizabeth shook her head. "You are an odd man, Mister Renfield." She closed her eyes to sleep, but reached out to stroke his hair once more.
"I quite like that about you."
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temptingempress · 2 years
Man in the Woods ( Hoseok Smut )
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Summary: A couple gets lost in the woods, and to their luck, they find a nice house in the woods owned by a mysterious, handsome man. As they delve deeper into the strange man, they find out all his dirty twisted secrets he tries not to unleash.
Rated: 18+
Words: 1,375
(Notes: there are no warnings for this chapter. Its pretty safe. Its just a chapter to set everything up! Trust me.. you dont wanna miss out on this one.)
This was day 3 of the never-ending woods.
3 days ago, Jungkook and Areum got lost in the vast, never-ending woods. Ever since they've decided to somewhat "run away" from their home lifes and start new ones. "Like Gale and Katniss should've done," Jungkook exclaims, but he didn't expect it to go this far into the endless woods. When they were walking to carelessly, talking about the meaningless things, they forgot all about the trail signs warning them of danger close by.
Jungkook owned his own sneaker company named 'POWER'. He designed trendy yet high-end sneakers that took off on day one, just three days ago he was kissing his follower's goodbye and promising them he'd get back to them but now, here he was, with no signal. "It's like a social retreat!" He said at first, but when a couple hours came around, he was flinging his phone in the air, trying to at least get one bar of data.
Areum on the other hand, owned a whole ass daycare in her house, and today was probably Monday, which means her clients would be driving their kids to her house, thinking she's there yet she is not! Which is going to be very terrible on her business. She could only imagine how many bad reviews she's going to get on her website called 'dependablesunshinedaycare.com' the next day!
"If you didn't take the wrong freaking turn, we wouldn't be here right now!" Areum huffed as she lunged over a big boulder blocking their way "We've been walking forever Rexx! I'm tired"
Jungkook brushed the leaves that suddenly smacked his face. "I don't want to spend another night here Areum and what's done is done! You should've spoken up if you knew we were going the wrong way."
"I did!" her voice slowly raises."I told you we had to go the other way to get to your damn jeep!" she then closed her eyes and calmed down taking a deep breath and clasping her hands together. "I don't even know this part of the woods. We're stranded."
"We're not ashore, so technically we're not stranded" Jungkook looked at Areum.
"Well, you get my point!" she sighed loudly "okay okay, we have to mark our path. I'll collect rocks on the way and lay them down at every point we step. If we dont get anywhere by sundown, we'll go the other way tomorrow."
"that's a stupid plan."
"Well, Jungkook, it's my only plan unles. You have some ideas! It's not like we have a freaking flare to shoot off to let people know we're lost."
"Hey hey hey." Jungkook walked up to Areum, taking her hand and smiling. "Areum, when have I not saved us from our problems." He looked into her frustrated eyes with calm meek ones
"That time you broke under the pressure and tattled to us to my mom that we ate all her deviled eggs."
"Okay, okay, after that! Remember when I saved you from your professor by saying I broke up with you, or that one time where I saved us from that aggressive dog, oh! oh, you have to remember that onee time! You broke your mother's favorite vase, and I covered for you and said I broke it, and we both know oh" he laughs "we both know your mom i from the gates of hell."
"Jungkook..." She rolled her eye and tried to suppress her smile. This was a very serious moment
"What I'm just saying! If I can save us from your mother this would be a piece of cake baby gorilla!"
She couldn't take it and let out a tiny laugh "Fine fine, whatever you say. I'm still going to lay rocks, though." Everything will be fine...
Five hours passed, and they were both tired and decided to settle down for the night. The sun was setting, and the breeze was brutal. Winter had just begun. Usually, Areum would be loving this breeze when she was tidied up in blankets, hugged by her close family, and sharing stories and smores by the fire that reached the night sky but not tonight. Tonight was different. She was in nothing than just a t shirt and pants. She didn't think she'd stay in the woods for long, so he didn't think it was necessary to dress up. She was so cold that she could feel her hands go numb and her ears go solid.
The air that was once filled with laughter and jokes from Kook, but now it was stone cold. Just silent. If you spoke, the condensation of your breath would coat your already cold face. There they were, just sitting on a log waiting for the sun to come out, and that wouldn't be for another what 7 hours.
Areum looked over to Kook, he looked miserable. It was as if the situation they're in really hit him and it hurt Areum's heart to see. Jungkook had finally broke the ice "I'm sorry I let you down."
Areum scoots closer to him and gently hugs him. "You know, even though we're literally freezing to death... I think.. I'm happy still. Happy with you." she wipes her nose and smiled at him. Resting her chin on his shoulder. If they were going to die tomorrow, now was the time to confess their thoughts, and Areum's thoughts about Jungkook had only grown stronger over the past years she knew him. "Im really happy with you, Jungkook..."
Kook gave Areum a slight smile and hugs her back. He spoke calmly. "I'm happy with you too... I wish... I wish before I left I shouldv'e confessed. I've been wanting to confess for a while, but I guess if any time is the best time, it's now."
Areum's heart started beating from inside her chest, getting the slightest warmth on her cheeks. She was silent as she listened to him. His glossy eyes looked her in the soul. Was this the moment the moment he'd pour out his heart to her. Saying that he loved her from day one? That she was always his special girl... if it was, she'd be able to freeze to death peacefully...
"I like your sister.. I should've confessed that to her."
"Yeah... if one of us makes it out alive she has to know. Hold up. I got a good idea. I've been using the power bank to charge my phone. I think it's full." He pulls the powerbank out. The little red light one the power bank indicating the power bank is dead, but his phone is at 100 bars. Sweet,
He holds on the camera towards them and presses the recording button. "Hello guys, if anyone stumbles upon this video, it means I didn't make it.. We didn't make it. I just wanted to say thank you so much for your support... i ate all the granola bars and drubk all the water, so yeah, we're basically done"
As he rambles on, Areum stood there in disbelief. There were so many things that went wrong in that situation. One, he loves her sister, not her, two, he used their power bank just so he could make a video for his followers and 3 he ate up all their resources. The light redness on her face spread like a wild fire.. She was about to let her heart shout, but what Kook said next interrupted her thoughts.
"Wait... what's that." He turned his camera to what seemed to be a fire and smoke in the distance. "We might be dying of heat instead of cold."
"Wait.." Areum smelled the air, it smelt like... pig. Someone was smoking something. Areum quickly stood up and jogged toward the fairy lights that lit up she didn't care if she tripped at this point she could see hope. If she was gonna die, she didn't want to die with him. Well, not anymore.
"Areum wait!" Kook followed her after and they ran for what seemed like a mile, tripping on dirt on the way.
"AH!" Areum could feel her pants being ripped at her hip by a tough tree trunk, but that didn't stop her from running. Finally, they saw what looked like heaven to them.
Chapter 2 out now!
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lone-parent · 2 years
So let’s get into this healing journey. Hardest shit ever. Healing from childhood trauma, mid life trauma and adult trauma at age 31 is the worst. It is hard to do when you have held on to trauma for so many years. It is hard when you have let your trauma fester and in turn affect your soul negatively. It is sad to say that when I am happy , it is uncomfortable for me but when I am depressed, anxious or angry, that feels normal for me. My soul is tarnished.
Let’s get into this last relationship with my son’s father. I wouldnt say it was the worse. I mean I did get gifts, he took care of me when I was sick one time, claim he wanted a family but for some reason he always had wandering eyes since the beginning. Wandering eyes are ok until those wandering eyes turn into secret relationships, secret dates, secret emotional attachments making me look like a fool and making me honestly just detach myself emotionally from the relationship or so I thought. I tried to end it from the beginning by pushing him away but he always came back. I felt as though as I was in a deep peaceful state of healing before him but he interrupted that and I am now worse than ever. I would say I dont react well to certain situations. You can buy me whatever but if I dont feel secure with you or feel like I am the only one, then I am no good to you. I was always upset, always angry, I never felt GOOD around him, I stopped wanting to have sex with him, I felt UGLY (which honesty I had never felt before). I felt fat even before I had our son and gained 80 pounds because everyone he talked to while we were together was mad skinny. My intuition was right though. He didnt love me, I was NOT the one for him and he HAS moved on to a skinny chick that wears make up, eye lashes, shake her ass on social media and materialistic. He went for everything he did not want me to be. He advised ME to stop wearing make up, and weaves but is now in love with someone who does all that. I dont understand. And even though I checked out a long time ago (as we both did obviously), I went crazy after he started disrespecting me. At first he was still playing both sides when he was with her but when I stopped giving in to him , he really started showing another side and disrespecting me! I mean I have a way with words but he was just too much...too much to even discuss.
I am healing from my mother who was an awesome mom my younger years however from end of middle school up into late adulthood, I did not get the best version of her. Ive always felt like a disappointment to her. She always frowns at me. I rarely see a smile . She has just recently started hugging me which I cannot accept because I am not used to that affection. I have been talked about behind my back by her. I feel like she has ruined alot of good things for me because she didnt like my decisions (they were not up to  par for HER). I have had to deal with demeaning messages from my mother. She has always been too deep into my business. Words are spells which alot of people dont understand and her words have been nothing but hurtful. Another example of spoiling by materials. Call me a fat bitch at a young age and buy me a barbie doll because adults know psychology with kids. I longed for a normal relationship with my mother especially because I did not have a father.  We have so many unhealed adults raising kids and it sucks. 
I have to say I am now an unhealed parent raising two kids. I am trying to be the best person I can be. I am trying to be better than how I was raised. I am trying to be a great parent, a great partner for my next man, a great employee , a great everyting but it is hard. It is a struggle for me right now. I saw a life with one partner however now I did not get it right twice and have two baby fathers that absolutely hate me. Most people have the strength to brush off words or negativity. I do not. It feeds my soul. Its really werid. Im so used to negativity and being cussed out or talked down to or unliked by those closest to me that it is normal for me .
I am trying .
I am trying to heal my soul.
I am trying to heal that inner child.
I am trying to be a better person.
All while being a full time mom, full time employee, trying to keep peace between me and my kids’ fathers (which is not going well) , trying to take my beatings in silence, trying to start a business and remain focused and it is fucking hard.
Please pray for me. 
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warren-lauren · 4 years
Taylor!Daughter x Ben Hardy part 7
Roger and Sarina babysit their grandson whilst the reader and Ben are on their honeymoon.
FYI - no, they’re not spelling mistakes when it’s Roger’s grandson talking!
Roger groaned tiredly as he rolled over in bed, the sound of his grandson running down the hallway and shouting, waking him a lot quicker than he was used to. Before he had time to sit up, Buddy had jumped up onto his bed and tackled him in a big hug (or as big of a hug a 3-year-old can) as he giggled.
“Morning, mate,” Roger chuckled as he held his grandson so he didn’t fall. “What’s got you so full of beans?”
Buddy sat up with a confused look. “I’m no’ full of beans.”
Roger shook his head with a chuckle. “It doesn’t matter, love. So, why are you excited?”
“Nanina made bancakes! Come on!”
Sarina walked into find her grandson running circles around Roger, jumping up and down on the bed excited, making her grin. “Alright, Bud, let Grandpa get up before you start tiring him out.” She made grabby hands for him to jump into her arms from the bed.
Buddy jumped into Sarina’s hands giggling, “Okay. Hurry up, Grandba. Or I’ll ask Grandba Bri cho cheach me.” He grinned cheekily at Roger as Sarina began to leave, laughing at her grandson’s cheekiness. Just like, Roger.
Roger was thrilled to be looking after his grandson whilst you and Ben were on your honeymoon. He loved spending time with his grandson, it filled him with so much light and love to be around the cheeky little boy. He reminded Roger so much of himself, and you at that age.
“Where is he?” Roger asked as he walked into the kitchen once he was dressed for the day.
“You’ll see.” Sarina smiled to herself as she plated breakfast up.
Roger frowned as he sat at the table, confused by his wife’s behavior.
“Grandba?” Buddy called out as he walked into the kitchen, clutching a pile of picture frames in his arms as he walked towards Roger.
Roger raised his eyebrow, “What have you got there, Bud?” He reached down and took the picture frames from his grandson’s arms.
“Nanina said ‘ha’s mummy.” He asked his grandad, pointing at a picture of you when you were about thirteen.
You were in your school uniform, stood with Roger’s arm around your shoulders and your mum, grinning at the camera as you held up an award for playing the piano.
Roger nodded before he bent down and picked his grandson up, putting him on his knee. “Bu’, she don’ look like mummy.”
Roger chuckled, “No mate, she doesn’t, but it is.” He smiled. He picked the picture up, remember how proud he was of you, and how happy you were. “Your mum was very good at playing the piano, you know why?” Buddy shook his head quietly as he stared up at Roger. “She wanted to be just like her Uncle Fred.” Roger grinned.
Buddy’s eyes widened and then he threw his arm out towards the backgarden. “'HA’ Unle Fred?” He asked, pointing towards the statue.
Roger nodded, “That one.”
“WOW!” Buddy reached forwards and grabbed another picture frame. “Wha’ abou’ 'is one? Nanina says that mummy and Unle Rusus.” He held the picture up in front of him. “Where his hair?”
Roger laughed, taking the picture from him and nodding. “Well, this was before he grew his beard.”
“Hmm,” Buddy nodded with a slight frown. “Wha’ abou’ 'is one?” He pointed to another one of you.
Roger let out a small sigh as he put the other picture down and grabbed that one. You were a lityle younger in that one. “This is an important picture, Bud. Your mum loves me soooooo much, she didn’t want to be away from me whilst your Grandpa Brian and I went on tour so, that year, she came on tour with us.” He smiled down at his grandson.
Buddy’s eyes widened. “Can I come with you?”
Roger nodded laughing, “Ask your mum, first.”
Buddy nodded before he pointed to another picture of you and Tiger-Lily when you were little. “Will me and new baby look like each ocher, Grandba?”
Roger smiled, “You will a little.”
Buddy sighed a little, his small brow knitting together as he thought about something. “Am I being reblaced?” Buddy looked up to Roger with big blue eyes.
Roger frowned, “Why would you think that, little man?”
Buddy pouted, looking even more like Roger. “Mummy and daddy say, ich migh be… wins, and wins means a coby of new baby. Why need a coby of new baby, when chey have me?” He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest dramatically. Definitely gets that from Roger.
Roger quickly desiphered  what his grandson had just said to him with a soft smile as he pulled him closer to him. “Bud, you’re not being replaced, okay? The new baby might possibly be two babies, which is called twins. That’s what you’re mum and Auntie Tigs are, twins. So, you could be the big brother to not only one, new baby, but two.” Roger smiled, although the idea of two more grandchildren terrified him.
“Oh,” Buddy nodded, “Is ich good?”
Roger nodded. “Oh, yeah, you’ll be able to boss them about all you want.” He chuckled, “If there were three of 'em, you’d be able to be the lead singer of the band.” He tickled his grandson’s belly making him squeal with laughter.
“Sop, Grandba, sop!” Buddy tried to push it Roger’s hands away as he giggled. “I’m gonna’ be a drummer… or guichar!” He giggled loudly.
Roger rolled his eyes, “Bloody Brian’s got to you, hasn’t he.” He continued to tickle Buddy, making him louder and louder.
You and Ben sat on the beach with the sun blaring down on you as you watched the video of your dad and son together, laughing along with them thanks to Sarina’s sneaky recording skills.
“See, love, told you he’d be fine. No need to worry about him.” Ben smiled at you as he lifted your left hand and kissed your knuckles, your wedding band warm against his lips.
You smiled back, “I wasn’t worried about, Buddy, love.” You giggled. “My dad’s not exactly a spring chicken anymore, is he?”
Ben shook his head with a small laugh. “No, I guess not.”
You bit your lip as you looked back at your phone. “I can’t wait to go home.”
Ben nodded, “Me neither, babe. But let’s enjoy this time with just us two… Well, us two and however many are in there.” He pointed with a soft chuckle to your mostly flat stomach.
You rolled your eyes, “Shut up, would ya.”
He grinned cheekily as he leaned forwards to you, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “You love me really, Mrs Hardy.”
You nodded with a soft sigh. “I guess I do.”
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fuzzbuns · 4 years
Can we get your ramblings on comphet Nyaa-chan?
idk why I keep getting anons who wanna open up the Pandora's box that is my mind but like I would literally LOVE to talk about comphet nyaa so I will!!!!
(under a read more tho cuz this is gonna be long once again)
Before I start I just wanna say: I’m a lesbian and I'm gonna be talking about from my own personal perspective/ experience so obviously there is gonna be some bias and projection going on (Also I’m assuming everyone who is reading this knows what comphet means/is but if not comphet stands for compulsory heterosexuality). I don’t think Oso staff was literally making an episode to comment on comphet (I refuse to give Oso staff more credit than they deserve) so this is probably all accidental but I'm obsessed with reading the episode this way because I think it just fits so well and also totonyaa.
So let’s start with when Nyaa notices Oso. When we first see Nyaa interacting with Oso she honestly seems pretty guarded. She is glad that he saved her baby but she quickly pulls her kid away from him and gives him an awkward nod as if she is saying “ok thanks but now you can go”. However, the second her baby seems to show an interest in Oso (reaching out for him because his big brother charm is just so strong...) Nyaa’s reaction shifts. She keeps and eye on Oso while they are at the park and when he leaves she laughs to herself. 
This is the first aspect of comphet I want to dive into. From personal experience, I found that a lot of the “crushes” I developed on men usually stemmed from the thought “omg he is so funny lol”. To this day, the only fictional men I end up interested in are ones that make me laugh. Nyaa seems to be doing something really similar here. When she and Totoko are talking about Osomatsu she says:
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In the beginning the only real opinion she can form about Osomatsu is that he is funny. When Totoko presses her for more Nyaa isn’t able to offer up much other than “you know”. She is interested in him because he is funny and she wants to get to know him more because he is funny. It’s really easy to mistake these feelings of thinking someone’s funny as endearment and attraction even when it isn’t that deep. You can tell it’s not that deep because Nyaa can’t explain to Totoko what about him is so great. And lets be real... its not like Osomatsu is a super hot guy and Nyaa is just being superficial...... she’s not infatuated with him because of looks.... Whatever it is that is attracting her to him has to be his personality but she doesn’t know much about him outside of him being good with kids and funny. She just runs into him now and then and is interested in knowing more.
Totoko goes on to tell Nyaa that he has issues to which Nyaa pretty much responses to with “epic. I like him,”. We end up seeing Nyaa do this a lot. Totoko and the others will point out undesirable things about Osomatsu to which, in response to, Nyaa will just re-affirm that she likes him. We will get into this more later when its more relevant but liking unattainable men is textbook comphet. Also the way she says “I like him” kinda sounds unsure. Like as much as she is trying to convince Totoko, she is also trying to talk herself into it. It’s ok if Osomatsu has issues because she has already decided that he was going to be the guy she likes. 
Totoko goes on warning Nyaa and we see on Nyaas face that she is getting annoyed. If you wanna go full totonyaa here then you could argue its because Nyaa is wondering why Totoko won’t just say “date me instead” but like.......... i would never argue that lol..... me??? no..... haha.........................................unle-
So Nyaa is getting annoyed and starts bickering with Totoko like they usually do and from here on I would argue Nyaa is purposely trying to piss Totoko off. She says she was “just sort of interested in him” and goes on to say you dont know what kind of person they will be unless you date them (not true at all queen). Totoko tells her that’s stupid and this REALLY upsets Nyaa. It almost feels like Nyaa was trying to make an excuse for why she should date Osomatsu even if she wasn’t totally into the idea. Comphet makes you think that maybe if you try hard enough, even if you don’t feel anything now, eventually you’ll have to feel something romantic for a guy. Totoko shooting this idea down is essentially ruining that excuse for Nyaa. So she angrily says: 
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Which......... if I were... like a totonyaa....... enthusiast... I could say like.... This is Nyaa basically doing the classic “why do you care about who I date” thing...... that would be crazy tho haha.............................unles-
I also think Nyaa saying “choose” is interesting (tho I'm aware I'm going off translations and she might not actually be wording it like that) because with comphet you literally are choosing who you fall in love with. 
Totoko responds: 
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And its clear that Nyaa is escalating her attraction to Osomatsu out of no where. In this scene alone we have gone from “he is funny” to “I like him” to “I was just sort of interested” to “love” even tho nothing has happened to change her feelings. She is escalating because Totoko keeps shooting her down and in order to reaffirm her feelings she has to make them more intense. She is also pissing off Totoko in the process. We see it again when she goes:
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I’ve been joking about it but like... totonyaa goggles on... she is clearly doing this to annoy Totoko and get her attention. The way this line is delivered makes it so clear that she is not actually interested in getting Osomatsus number. She wants Totoko’s attention. The next frame is literally her smirking at her phone as Totoko starts panicking. Nyaa likes having Totoko’s attention and the best way to get it is to bicker with her. She is choosing a guy Totoko clearly does not like (I mean I think Totoko and Osomatsu are pals but like she knows he’s a P.O.S) and continues to egg her on about it to keep having Totoko telling her to not date him. Another key aspect of Comphet is trying to constantly get the attention of other girls. Plus, speaking from personal experience, talking about a “crush” you have on a boy with the girl you are actually interested in and having them tell you no feels nice and when I was little and the ceo of comphet I would do it constantly. 
So Totoko gets the brothers involved and Nyaa seems uncomfortable and less into the conversation (probably cuz its no longer just between her and Totoko but that's just me). Her tone is less confrontational and more just confused. It’s almost as if she feels the point of the conversation isn’t there anymore. None of these opinions matter to her. What she said to Choro was harsh but she had a point. She doesn’t know these people!! She wanted to talk with Totoko about this. However, she doesn’t seem to keep that same attitude with Osomatsu? Like what makes Osomatsu any different from Choro? 
She ends up asking everyone to leave and saying:
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Once again she is using the word “chose”. She is stating she loves him despite not knowing anything about him besides his crimes against humanity (Which she agrees to that being vile so????). It really feels like she is just being stubborn. She said she likes him so stop confronting her about it because the more holes you poke in her story the more she has to try and convince herself that she genuinely likes him despite her knowing deep down that she doesn’t.
So fast forward to the night they all get together. That part about her liking a man that is unattainable is showcased here in full force. 
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She loves the idea that he does not give a shit about her. The idea that he isn’t interested just makes her like him more. I can not overstate how textbook comphet this is. When the guy you picked to like turns out to not be interested in you; that is the best scenario a closeted lesbian could imagine. You get to keep “pinning” over a guy and playing the part of a straight girl without the pressure of acting on it. He isn’t interested so you are never put into a situation where you have to prove that you are. All the things he does that show that he isn’t even considering her (like not fixing his bed head and literally going after Totoko instead) are things she loves. The more disinterested he seems, the more perfect he is. This reaches its peak when Oso literally doesn’t even remember her and she says:
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The idea of Osomatsu not even being bothered to remember the moment they met literally has her rolling on the ground lol. 
Osomatsu jokingly askes Nyaa if she is interested in him. She gets really quiet. Obviously this could be read as embarrassment and its probably what was intended. However, continuing with the comphet theme it could also be her realizing that she has to make a choice. She’s interacting with Osomatsu now and he’s (jokingly) flirting with her. She can’t keep acting like he is unattainable at this point so she prepares herself. He jokingly asks her out and she says yes without hesitation, confirming that she would like to date him and even adding a “please”. Because... this is what she wants right? She has been arguing for this the whole time and she was finally given the chance. Why should she say no? This is the beginning of the end.
We see Totoko and Oso having a drink (and she looks so pretty in this scene I fall to the ground and die). Totoko leaves and her body languages looks so emotionally exhausted. If I were a totonyaa enjoyer I would say “she told Osomatsu that she loves Nyaa but wants to see her happy”............... oso staff DIDN’T PUT ANY DIALOUGE IN SO ITS MY CITY NOW-
We see nyaa excited for her date and picking out clothes because!!! this is what she wanted!!!!! she fell in love and got a date! everything is going perfect!
Then she wakes up.
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She is startled. Whatever she realized in her dream it was a lot to unpack. mayhaps... a dream about toto-
She sits up and you can tell from her body language that she is really reevaluating. Her feelings vanished over night. She can’t shake the feeling that something is missing. Even though everything is going right and she should be excited and happy, she isn’t. Something is wrong. It’s like the second it hit her that she actually has to go on the date and that Osomatsu is showing interest, she loses any interest in him that she had. She liked the idea of going on a date but the second it starts looming in and becoming a reality she can’t do it. 
When Nyaa apologizes and turns Osomatsu down you can tell she is embarrassed. 
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She runs away, unable to face him, knowing that its her fault. See, if she woke up and was like “oh shit he IS a P.O.S” I don't think she would be so apologetic. But she is. She is apologizing for leading him on and knows that she can’t keep up the façade anymore. She knows she caused him a lot of trouble feels miserable.
So to sum it up: Nyaa was in love with the idea of having a guy to pine over. She liked that Osomatsu was an unattainable guy and that being interested in him annoyed Totoko and made her pay attention to her. But the second things got real and she actually had to go out with him, she couldn’t follow through. This can all be explained by comphet and I would even argue its like one of the only explanations for the ending that makes sense but I might just be bias. 
also I think Totoko and Nyaa should just make out...... Happy Valentines day!
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allenizaya · 5 years
Soulmates // Severus Snape O.S.
Summary: Childhood friends, unaware they’re soulmates.
Word Count: 3949
Warnings: Brief descriptions of abuse, mention of death, soulmate au, italics means memories, possible angst
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When witches and wizards turn 18, their soulmate's name show up on their dominant wrist. For the muggle's, they can't lie to their soulmate. This is what defines who or what we are. When people find out who their soulmate is, they tend to drop at their feet and beg to be in their life for both muggles and the ones with magic. I however never got a good look at the name that showed up on my right wrist, only a quick glance at it. When it shows up, it tends to burn and since I wasn't good with pain at that time, I had fallen to the floor with tears rolling down my cheeks and screaming with pain as I held my wrist. What happened next I remember as clear as day...
I walked down into the kitchen to see my boyfriend sitting in the kitchen with a beer in his hand. He's 21 years old with black hair and electric blue eyes, my name was tattooed onto his left wrist - his dominant hand. I was his soulmate and hopefully he was mine. He was a really well built man, he was the star quidditch player before he was kicked out for beating one of the students in Gryffindor half to death, if I remember correctly it was a boy named James Potter. Today was my 18th birthday and I was scared for when the named showed up because I was there when Richard got his and if he winced in pain then I knew I would cry like a baby.
I walked over to Richard and hugged him from behind with a smile on my face which quickly disappeared when he pushed me away mumbling for me to, and I quote, 'get the hell off'. I nodded when I realized what type of mood he was in. I walked over to the fridge and pulled out the eggs.
"Richard, do you want some eggs?" I asked in a meek voice, afraid of making him mad.
"How many times do I have to tell you woman?! It's Dick. NOT Richard. Make me my damn eggs and leave," he was drunk and I knew it too. He rarely ever raised his voice at me and when he did, it doesn't end well for me. I cracked open two eggs and started to make scrambled eggs for him when my wrist started to burn. I dropped to the floor as pain shot up my arm causing my hand to hit the handle of the pan on the stove, the eggs flying everywhere. I screamed and tears started to fall down my cheeks as I sat on the floor holding my hand. It felt like someone stabbed into my arm with a dagger that was just pulled out of a fire pit or someone was branding my wrist like an animal. I looked up when I saw Richard kneeling in front of me. The pain slowly receded, leaving me panting with tears running down my cheeks. I quickly went to look if it was Richard's name and saw the beginning: 'Sev...' I couldn't see the rest because Richard growled and pulled me up.
"Ri-Dick? What are you doing?" I asked cautiously. He slowly lifted his head to look at me, he had anger in his eyes and turned before slamming my wrist on something hot. I screamed and tried to move my wrist from the hot stove as burning skin hit my nose, making me sick to my stomach. Tears ran down my cheeks as I continued trying to pull my arm out of his hand.
"You're mine. Not his. MINE!" he yelled and punched my cheek with so much strength that made me fly across the floor.
"I'm yours! I'm yours," I had cried the rest of night, wondering who's name was on my wrist that had made him do that. The only evidence was the 'Sev...' that I had seen before he burned it.
It's been 12 years since then. A scar covers my soul mates name and Richard had been killed in a robbery that had happened while I went to work at a cafe down the road, he had been to drunk to do anything. Now I'm 30 years old and I work at Hogwarts as the Powers Against the Dark Arts teacher. Since I'm ambidextrous I can use my left hand while my right hand stays hidden inside of my long sleeves. I never use my right hand unless I absolutely need to, which rarely happens. I keep it hidden so no one asks about what happened. No one questions why I don't use my right arm except for my best friend, Professor Snape. We've known each other since school and he was pretty close to Richard so when he died, we were the only ones there for each other and that made us closer. I help him with protecting Harry Potter. Sure he didn't like James Potter but he did happen to like Harry's mom so he tries to protect Harry. Something else I should tell you about, before Richard died I was pregnant. He died a week before she was born. I named her Skyla Jade Harrison and she is now in the Slytherin house and best friends with Draco Malfoy. This is the story of how I found my Soulmate.
I walked down the halls of Hogwarts towards Professor Snape's class. I don't have any classes right now because a different teacher was put there. Dumbledore wanted me to take a break or something so I'm not allowed to teach. Dumbledore is my adoptive father so I guess it makes sense why he treats me better than everyone else. My train of thought was disrupted when I heard two voices coming from around the corner towards Snape's room. I sighed and shook my head as I realized who it was.
"Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley, I expected better from you two," I said as I turned the corner to look straight at the two boys.
"S-sorry Ms. Harrison. We slept in and nobody woke us up s-so we ran a l-little late," Ron stuttered as he looked at me. I smiled and shook my head.
"Don't worry about it. Let's just go. Don't speak unless I say you can, understood?" I speak with a soft but authoritative voice which caused them to nod. I walked up to them and grabbed Harry's shoulder as I walked into the room with a smile on my face. Snape stopped what he was saying as he looked at us, a slight smile slid onto his face when he saw me but then disappeared as he saw the two boys in front of me.
"Hello Ms. Harrison," he spoke and I nodded with acknowledgement, a slight blush on my face - the room was dark enough to hide the red tint on my cheeks. "Potter, Weasley. Why are you late?" He spoke with a coldness in his voice. The boys looked up at me with slight fear in their eyes, thinking I'd rat them out.
"We wer-"
"I had pulled them to the side to speak to them before class began. It's all my fault. My apologies," I said as I tightened my hand that was on Harry's shoulder when he had started to speak. I glanced down at him with a look that told him to shut up.
"Very well. Get to your seats," Snape said and the boys scrambled to their seats. I smiled at Snape and he nodded his head before going back to teaching his class as I took a seat in the back of the room. As Snape was teaching, he kept glancing at me and each time I was looking around the room. I hadn't noticed until I had caught him in the act. Finally classes were over, meaning I get to hang out with Snape. I smiled happily and walked up to his desk that he was sitting at and staring at some papers.
"Snaaaaaaaape," I said in a slightly high pitch tone, wanting to get his attention. When he didn't look at me, I groaned and spoke in an even higher tone, "Snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaape." I giggled when I saw him twitch slightly, as if he was going to look at me before he looked up and around the room like I wasn't right next to him.
"I swear I just heard a dying cat just now - hmm," he said and shrugged his shoulders before looking back down at the paper. I stared at him in slight shock as I realized that he just made a joke. I quickly snapped out of it before moving his papers and sitting on his desk right in front of him, my right leg crossed over my left and put the papers to the side while smirking at him. Now what is he gonna do? "That's strange. I didn't know papers could move by themselves," he said with a smirk on his face. I faked a gasp and hit his shoulder.
"How rude. Here I am, your best friend, and you act like you can’t even see me. That's just cruel," I said and he chuckled slightly. He may seem like a mean guy to others but he has a sweet and caring side, just seems like it's only when I'm around.
"Like that's not a normal thing," he said as he rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair. I shook my head and watched his right hand as he went to grab the papers he had been reading when something on his wrist caught my eye. My hand shot out quicker than the eye can see and grabbed his wrist as I looked him in the eyes. "Nicole?" he spoke with shock evident in his voice. He's never seen me react that fast nor have I ever grabbed his wrist since the night Richard died. I pulled his arm towards me and moved his sleeve further out of the way as Snape tried to pull his arm back, a look of shock and a little bit of worry swirling in his eyes. The name I saw on his wrist made my own eyes widen.
"My name...is on your wrist?" I asked as I looked at him in shock, tears threatening to spill. I jumped off his desk and started to walk away when he grabbed my left wrist.
"Nicki...let me explain, please," he said and I shook my head as I looked back at him.
"You only kept me around because of that. Why didn't you tell me?! Did you want to use me like Richard?!" I cried but froze in my spot when I heard a sweet and quiet voice speak from the doorway.
"Mommy..?" it was Skyla and she was in tears. I roughly took my wrist back from Snape and walked away from him, towards my daughter. I grabbed her hand and smiled at her before looking back at Snape.
"We all have secrets but I wish you had at least told me that," I walked out of the door after finishing the sentence. He continued to stare at the door and eventually walked out a few minutes after I left. I looked down at Skyla who had tears running down her cheeks. "What's wrong sweetie?" I asked and she sniffled before replying.
"I like Draco and he was snogging Pansy," she cried even harder as my eyes widened. I'm going to have to talk to that boy.
"Go clean up and then head to the hall to eat. Stay away from Draco unless he's apologizing," I said and she nodded before running to the closest bathroom. I walked into the hall where all of the students were eating along with the teachers. As I walked in, I felt two pairs of eyes on me and I knew who they were. Dumbledore and Snape. I walked over to the Slytherin table and stopped right by Draco who sat in between Pansy and some other guy. I tapped Pansy's shoulder and waved my hand left to right, telling her to move over and she complied. I smirked and sat down on the seat in a way that my back rested against the table and my legs were still in the walkway area. I turned my head and looked at Draco after looking at Dumbledore and Snape's shocked faces.
"Mrs. Harrison?" Draco asked in shock, I normally come in steal a piece of bread from the Slytherin table then leave; I'm not one for eating with hundreds of people surrounding me.
"Draco," I said in a sickly sweet tone with a matching smile. He looked like he was about to pee his pants. "Now listen and tell me the truth," he nodded slowly, "What do you think of Skyla?"
"S-s-she's a nice g-girl... Why?"
"What do you feel towards her? Friends, more then friends?" I spoke quieter so Pansy couldn't hear me. As I said the second part, his face turned bright red, telling me everything I need to know, "If you care so much then why did you break her heart?" His eyes widened in shock.
"What? I didn't..I didn't do-"
"Don't give me that. If you didn't do anything, then she had no reason to be crying her eyes out. Tell me the truth. What is going on between you and Pansy?" I said and his face turned into one of realization.
"That silly girl. There's nothing going on between me and Pansy. Pansy forced herself onto me," he said with a shake of his head.
"Well you better apologize, or else you’ll never speak to her again," I said and got up. I turned around to Pansy. "Stay away from Draco, we don't allow PDA and he doesn't like you. Thanks," I said and walked away after grabbing a piece of bread. I walked out of the room and sighed before realizing something. I don't even remember Snape's first name. I've called him by his last name for so long that I've forgotten. I smirked before heading back towards his classroom. When I arrived, I was almost done with my piece of bread. I walked in while shoved the last bite in my mouth before heading towards his desk. I sat in his chair and started going through his papers, looking for his name. What? It'd be embarrassing to tell him that I've forgotten his first name. He'd never let me live it down. I opened one of the drawers and pulled out the top paper. I quickly skimmed it but stopped when I read his name. 'Severus Snape. Huh. Interesting name, don’t know how I could’ve forgotten that.' I thought to myself but stopped as I reread his first name. I continued staring at it.
I quickly went to look if it was Richard's name and saw the beginning: 'Sev...' I couldn't see the rest because Richard growled and pulled me up.
I can't believe I didn't realize this sooner. Severus. I could slap myself for not realizing this sooner. I sighed and went to put the paper away before seeing a picture in the same drawer that had been under the paper. I tilted my head slightly in confusion as I picked it up. I smiled slightly when I saw the photo. It was a picture of me, Snape, and Richard. I quickly stood up, closed the drawer, and walked behind a stack of stuff when I heard people walking past the room, not wanting to be caught snooping. As I sat there, I stared at the picture and frowned as I took in the details. Snape had turned 18 the day this picture was taken and he said that his soulmate's name hadn't shown up and we just figured it was because he was a half-blood but now after seeing my name on his wrist and then looking at this photo, I could tell that my name was already there. I was in between them with Richard on my right and Snape on my left. I held up two piece signs and was giving a closed eye smile at the camera while Richard had his arm loosely wrapped around my shoulder and he was looking at a girl that I recognized as Lily, Harry's mom. You could see the lust in his eyes and the smirk on his face. He was leaning away from me and Snape. Snape was crouched down slightly and giving a smile towards the camera with his left hand in a peace sign and his right hidden behind his back but his eyes wasn't towards the camera, they were looking at me. The emotions in his eyes were hard to describe. I could see practically see the happiness, sadness, hurt, and...love. At the time I was dating Richard while Richard was cheating on me with almost every girl in Hogwarts. I continued to stare at the picture as tears started to flow down my cheeks. I hurt Snape and I was cheated on by the man I had loved. Tears rolled down my cheeks, off my chin, and hit the picture as I sobbed quietly.
I walked back into my classroom to see it exactly how I had left it. I started to head over to my desk when I noticed something on the floor. I knelt down and picked some of it up. Crumbs. Bread crumbs. I chuckled softly and shook my head as I realized that Nicole had eaten in here. I walked over to my desk and picked up a piece of paper, looking over it before signing it. I went to pick up another one but stopped when I heard someone sniffling behind a stack of boxes I had in a corner of my room. I got up quietly and slowly walked over when I heard someone hiccup and sniffle again before they choked out a sob. As I rounded the corner I froze, my eyes widening. Nicole sat in a corner, she was bent over to where her forehead touched the floor. As I stepped closer I could see tear after tear running down her cheeks and hitting the floor. The sight broke my heart. I blinked before clearing my throat slightly, trying to get her attention. That's when I heard her mumbling to herself. Slowly the mumbling became yelling.
"He cheated... He cheated... H-he cheated on... HE CHEATED ON ME!" she yelled and shook her head quickly before hitting it off of the floor. "Why? Why me? Am I that bad of a girlfriend? I HATE HIM! I HATE MEN!" she yelled and my heart shattered. She went to hit her head off the floor again but I sat beside her and grabbed her head quickly, bringing it to my chest as she screamed for me to let go.
"I can't do that Nicki," I said and she tensed up, her screaming stopped but her tears and heavy breathing did not. That's when I saw the paper she was holding in her hands. "Nicki..." I said and she sniffled before breaking down again. She dropped the paper and threw both of her arms around my chest and buried her head into my cloak, sobbing. I picked up the paper and looked at it just to throw it to the side as I saw the tear markings on the picture. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly. She continued to cry as I picked her up bridal style and headed towards my separate dorm. On the way there Nicole had fallen asleep in my arms. I smiled at her and walked into my room. I walked over to the bed and laid her down and headed to sleep on the couch but her grip on my cloak tightened and her eyes cracked open.
"Stay with me..." she begged and I nodded before removing my top cloak and get in next the her. I paid on my side so I was facing away from her as my cheeks heated up slightly. I tensed as I felt her come closer to me and she cuddled into my back. My face turned bright red and she giggled from behind me before her breathing slowed, showing she was asleep. I slowly relax and feel asleep with the love of my life next to me.
I woke up and kept my eyes shut, not wanting to really wake up. If I don't open my eyes, I'm not technically awake..right? Eh who knows. I cuddled closer to my pillow when it suddenly chuckled. Wait...pillows don't chuckle. My eyes popped open to see Snape laying under me, my head was on his chest and our legs were tangled together. I look up to see him already looking down at me. I smiled slightly as my face became bright red. I sat up and stood.
"Sorry about that," I said and went to walk away when he stopped me.
"Don't apologize. It was nice to see you show some type of emotion besides a fake smile," he said and I looked at him over my shoulder. He chuckled and pulled me back onto the bed, pulling me closer to his chest. "I'm sorry you think that I was just hanging around you because your name was on my wrist. In fact, the reason I did keep you around was because you were my only friend and my first crush. Hell, I haven't met anyone better," he said and my face turned bright red as he continued talking. "I still like you to this day. You're my real soulmate. No one else can replace you. Not even Nicole Smith. Never felt the same affection that I have for you for her. You are the one," he said and I felt him tense up. "I understand that you don't want to love me. I mean, who would. It's doubtful that my name's on your wrist anyway," I sighed and sat up. He stared at the back of my head as I slowly took off my top shirts, leaving on my tank-top. I turned around while looking down at the bad.
"I don't know who is on my wrist," I said and looked at him through my bangs to see his eyes widen. I slowly moved my arm towards him and showed him the scar that rested there. "Richard burned it off when I first got it..." I said and tears started to flow down my cheeks as he held my arm in his hand and rubbed his fingers against it.
"Did you at least get to see the first few letters," he spoke quietly as his eyes traveled to my own. His eyes were soft and caring, unlike Richard's ever were.
"Sev. That's all I saw," I said and looked at him, my tears coming to a stop as his eyes widen when he realized what I figured out while snooping around his room. "I'm pretty sure it's you. I mean, I haven't found anyone else who's name starts with Sev," I paused before continuing, "Besides, I seem to have fallen for you." I finished while looking down. Not even a few seconds later, I feel his hand cupping my chin and see him looking me in the eyes. I open my mouth to say something but stop as his lips hit mine.
That was the start of a beautiful relationship. Nowadays I'm known as Nicole Snape. We also have two kids together. Johanna Snape and her twin brother, John Snape. Along with their older half-sister, Skyla Harrison.
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f4liveblogarchives · 4 years
Fantastic Four Vol. 1 Annual 1979
Thu Sep 12 2019 [09:09 PM] Wack'd: That's right, 1979, even though it's 1980 [09:09 PM] Umbramatic: THE 80S [09:09 PM] Wack'd: Marvel Wiki kinda has to cram these things back into canon whenever there's a break in the action [09:10 PM] maxwellelvis: Which there wasn't really for any of 1979, it seems [09:10 PM] Wack'd: Yeah [09:10 PM] Umbramatic: i would make an 80s joke but that was before my time [09:10 PM] maxwellelvis: Was that the longest arc they've had so far? The space adventure [09:11 PM] Wack'd: I don't know why this couldn't have happened before that but whatever. The alternative is that I create my own timeline and the team is excruciating [09:11 PM] Wack'd: The space adventure was pretty hecking long, yeah [09:12 PM] Wack'd: So we open in media res, with a Sandman fight. Resolved by Sue force-fielding him and Johnny using his fire to freeze him into crystal [09:12 PM] Wack'd: Which I'm pretty sure should kill him but whatever [09:13 PM] Wack'd: He'll be fine [09:13 PM] Umbramatic: sandman: "this is fine" [09:13 PM] maxwellelvis: Really shows the differing level of threat Sandman provokes between Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four [09:14 PM] Wack'd: The president of the bank Sandman was robbing gives the Four a reward: [09:14 PM] Wack'd: A cat calendar [09:14 PM] Umbramatic: cats [09:15 PM] Wack'd: This is canon forever now
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[09:15 PM] Umbramatic: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [09:15 PM] maxwellelvis: It's priceless! Literally worthless! [09:15 PM] maxwellelvis: Oh, Ben likes it. I can't make fun of it anymore. [09:16 PM] Umbramatic: i love ben [09:16 PM] Wack'd: Also: Franklin wants to join the Four! Reed says maybe when he's older, as though that's a real thing that will someday really happens [09:16 PM] maxwellelvis: lmao [09:17 PM] Umbramatic: don't worry it'll happen once ash ketchum turns 11 [09:17 PM] Wack'd: Agatha has come up from Whisper Hill to invite the Four and Franklin to vacation with her to New Salem! I'm sure this can only go well [09:18 PM] maxwellelvis: We're only going on vacation to the haunted town we barely got out of last time with our skins, in a double-length issue. [09:18 PM] maxwellelvis: What could possibly go wrong? [09:19 PM] Wack'd: An interesting device that's been happening over the past four pages is that at the bottom of each page there's been a horizontal-one-panel cutaway to an occult ritual happening. [09:19 PM] Wack'd: I can't really screenshot that but it's really neat [09:20 PM] Umbramatic: oooooh [09:20 PM] Wack'd: Hahahhaahaa
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[09:21 PM] Umbramatic: rip ben [09:21 PM] Umbramatic: he just wants to go to disney world [09:22 PM] Wack'd: So they land at the airport, rent a car, and drive to New Salem. But Ben has trouble finding it, naturally [09:23 PM] Wack'd: Oh look, I found Waldo
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[09:23 PM] Umbramatic: but did you find his girlfriend carmen sandiego [09:25 PM] maxwellelvis: Dear lord, we've stumbled into a Renaissance faire! Everyone run! [09:25 PM] Wack'd: Some real good layouts here. George Pérez: great at his job
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[09:25 PM] Wack'd: Also: Johnny nearly gets his soul sucked out [09:26 PM] Bocaj: It Happens [09:26 PM] maxwellelvis: Gordon and Susan from Sesame Street have joined Agatha's coven, apparently. [09:26 PM] Wack'd: Well, they're the baddies [09:26 PM] Wack'd: So that stinks [09:26 PM] maxwellelvis: Never trust people who hang out with puppets. [09:27 PM] maxwellelvis: Who know what all the people in your neighborhood do. [09:27 PM] Wack'd: Also if you notice from the two-page spread, apparently the only black people in town 😬 [09:28 PM] Umbramatic: oh [09:28 PM] Bocaj: Bad show, comic [09:29 PM] Wack'd: So the Ceremony of Renewal happens. And what is supposed to be a remembrance ceremony for people killed in the witch hunts and a way to re-energize all of the townsfolks gets hijacked by those guys from the blue panels, who steal all the magical energies to bring back...this dingus.
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[09:30 PM] Wack'd: Of all of the things you could've possibly done with unlimited magic energy, really? This guy? [09:30 PM] Umbramatic: dingus [09:30 PM] Wack'd: Oh right the blue panel guys were his henchmen. His impossibly dumb-looking henchmen
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[09:31 PM] Wack'd: Was the one third from the right always so...Marge Simpson? [09:31 PM] maxwellelvis: FEED ME EGGS, HOMER [09:32 PM] Bocaj: oh hey i recognize some of these dinguses from the scarlet witch vision miniseries [09:32 PM] Bocaj: When Vision dryhumped babies into Wanda [09:32 PM] maxwellelvis: Somebody brought them back again?! [09:32 PM] Bocaj: 'pparently [09:33 PM] Wack'd: Fight fight fight [09:34 PM] Wack'd: Marv Wolfman: A Man Who Knows A Lot About Gazelles
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[09:37 PM] Wack'd: Reed, shattering or otherwise bypassing force fields is a fucking gimme power for your villains. You say you want to fight the Fantastic Four and you get "ignoring force fields" in your complimentary gift bag
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[09:37 PM] Bocaj: Reed is dumb [09:38 PM] Wack'd: So the Four get their asses thoroughly kicked [09:39 PM] Wack'd: Normally this would be the part where we cut away, and they all wake up in a prison cell which they break out of, and the plot proceeds [09:39 PM] Wack'd: But this time is different [09:39 PM] Wack'd: And Marv Wolfman is not going to just ignore the fact that this small child has just seen his entire family get beat unconscious [09:40 PM] Wack'd:
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[09:42 PM] Wack'd: Franklin uses the power of inconsolable sadness and fear [09:42 PM] Wack'd: It's...*sniff*...it's super-effective [09:43 PM] Bocaj: huh [09:43 PM] Wack'd: Seriously. I like this scene a lot [09:43 PM] Umbramatic: awwwwww [09:44 PM] Wack'd: I like that we're being forced to reckon with the danger Franklin is regularly in. And the fact that he's just a kid. And that for him to use powers he doesn't know he has--for him to be the deus ex machina we routinely mock--he has to be in a real dark place [09:44 PM] Wack'd: And I like Agatha acknowledging that this is hard for him and comforting him [09:46 PM] Wack'd: So uh. Meanwhile. The Salem Seven are conducting a ritual on the roof of the Baxter Building to destroy the Four and give Nick Scratch corporeal form [09:47 PM] Wack'd: This for some reason involves generating a massive force field, gradually pushing all the people of Manhattan back as it encompasses the city [09:48 PM] Wack'd: Spider-Man, the Avengers, and the Defenders all try to break through, but fail [09:49 PM] Wack'd: Only Agatha and Franklin can break through--after all, Agatha's more powerful than her son. (The comic takes this as a given, despite Franklin's existence. Maybe it's a magic thing) [09:49 PM] maxwellelvis: It's gotta be the combined power of the entire Salem Seven that's locked Dr. Strange and Silver Surfer out of the bubble. [09:50 PM] maxwellelvis: Fewer than that and either of them could have broken through no prob, assuming that's the Defenders line-up we're talking about [09:50 PM] maxwellelvis: the Dr. Strange, Silver Surfer, Hulk, and Namor team [09:50 PM] Wack'd: It's not. [09:50 PM] maxwellelvis: Oh [09:51 PM] Wack'd: There's whoever the fuck this is
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[09:52 PM] maxwellelvis: I know that guy but I can't remember his name. [09:52 PM] maxwellelvis: Oh, it says right there, Nighthawk [09:52 PM] Wack'd: So forgettable I forgot his name moments after reading it [09:53 PM] Wack'd: Anyway, the Salem Seven's spells are easily deflected. So are the ghostly Nick's attempts to stop her with hail, fire, and lightning [09:53 PM] Bocaj: Nighthawk: strong as two strong guys at night. Owns a jetpack. Is Batman but Somehow Worse. [09:54 PM] Wack'd:
Nick: Why won't you die, blast you?! Agatha: Because I am your mother, Nicholas.
[09:54 PM] Bocaj: Hah [09:54 PM] Mousa The 14: Damn [09:55 PM] Mousa The 14: Someone call the cops, I’d like to report a familicide [09:55 PM] Umbramatic: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [09:55 PM] Mousa The 14: This woman completely obliterated her son [09:55 PM] maxwellelvis: Oh snap [09:55 PM] Mousa The 14: Yes he deserved it, just figured you’d all wanna know [09:55 PM] Wack'd: Agatha and Franklin make their way into the Baxter Building where a brainwashed Fantastic Four are waiting. [09:56 PM] Wack'd: Franklin 🥺
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[09:57 PM] Mousa The 14: This is legitimately genuinely terrifying [09:57 PM] Mousa The 14: Like, jesus christ that's horrifying [09:57 PM] Umbramatic: y i p e [09:57 PM] Mousa The 14: Like this big friendly ol' teddy bear unle Ben Grimm crushing a child to death [09:57 PM] maxwellelvis: "Thank you, Nicholas Scratch, I feel much better now" [09:57 PM] Mousa The 14: has to be one of the most horryfing ideas in my mind right now [09:58 PM] Wack'd: Fortunately, Franklin manages to break their mind control with the power of love. Also being a god [09:58 PM] Umbramatic: Jesus Christ, how horrifying! [09:58 PM] Bocaj: Unleash your annihilation of love [09:59 PM] Wack'd: And Agatha sets right what has once gone wrong
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[10:01 PM] Wack'd: And so the story ends with...Ben complaining there's no reward? I guess?
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[10:02 PM] Wack'd: Probably should've ended on a more Franklin centered note [10:02 PM] Wack'd: But overall I like this one a lot [10:02 PM] maxwellelvis: Agatha erased the cat poster from his memory, I assume [10:02 PM] Mousa The 14: I can’t believe we let this woman fall into lost history, she should be in every F4 adaptation [10:03 PM] Wack'd: She's great, yeah
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thotticus---prime · 6 years
In a Heartbeat
Peter wasn’t a baby. He didn’t need to be coddled and taken care of like a child. He was Spider-Man! And Spider-Man wasn’t afraid of something as trivial as the quiet dark. Mr. Stark has insisted that Peter and Aunt May stay in the tower in an effort to keep all the people he cared about close to him and safe. It wasn’t a bad thing of course! He enjoyed living and working closely with Mr. Stark. In fact, he saw the man as a father figure over anything else. The only problem was, he didn’t want to be seen as the puny little teenager who needed someone to hold his hand. And being surrounded by Earth’s mightiest heroes just confirmed that he was exactly that when he got upset over the silent darkness in his room at night.
It wasn’t that bad at first. He was able to hide his drowsiness by saying that he had a lot of homework and studying. That excuse lasted about a week before the other Avengers noticed him almost falling asleep at the dinner table. Peter couldn’t just ask them for help without risking looking like a baby to them. They probably aren’t scared of anything, he thought ruefully. As a superhero, he wasn’t supposed to have any weaknesses. But, how could he be better like Mr. Stark wanted if he couldn’t even get to sleep at night? Patrolling was a good excuse, but he could only patrol as much as Aunt May would let him, and that certainly wasn’t every night.
The first to notice was, surprisingly, Natasha and Bucky. They offered to stay in his room with him until he was asleep, but all that did was make him feel like more of a kid than a part of the team. He declined politely around a lump in his throat before retreating into his room again. The second to notice was Tony, and that was a disaster to say the least. He had noticed when Peter almost fell asleep during a lab day after school. Normally he assumed that Pete was just up late patrolling, but he knew that the spiderling hadn’t gone on patrol the night before. “Hey Pete?” He asked casually, hands busy fiddling with the Iron Spider suit.
Peter looked up from his web repulsors before answering tiredly. “Yes Mr. Stark?”
“Well, first of all I thought we were on a first name basis buddy. Second of all, when’s the last time you got enough sleep”
“Sorry Mr-Tony, Tony. And I’ve just been really busy with patrolling you know? Can’t be your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man if you’re not out in the neighborhood,” he explained with a nervous laugh as he went back to working.
“Don’t try to pull a fast one on me Spider-Man, both Karen and Friday know your vitals and guys who they report to? Me. Now, I’m going to ask again. Why aren’t you sleeping well bambino?”
It was the Italian that really got Peter to pause and put his repulsors down on the table. Rubbing his eyes, he sighed and leaned back. “It’s just...hard to sleep. Everytime I close my eyes it gets even darker than before and I just can’t sleep. It’s just frustrating to be seen as a baby by everyone on the team. It’s even worse that I’m the youngest and everyone already thinks that. I’m supposed to be Spider-Man. I’m not supposed to be scared of anything,” he muttered as he ran a hand through his curls.
There was a pause, then “You know it’s okay to be scared of something, right Pete? All of the Avengers are scared of something. Bruce is scared of himself, Cap is scared of losing loved ones, even I’m scared of things. Things. Plural, as in more than one. And most of the things I’m scared of revolve around you bambino. I’m scared of you dying again, or disappearing, even I’m scared of the dark sometimes.” Peter looked to Tony tentatively then opened his mouth. “Really?”
“Really kid, now how about you take a quick nap. The lights are going to be on the entire time and I’ll be right here working.” Peter had an uneasy expression, but Tony wasn’t taking no for an answer and lead Peter to the couch in the corner of the lab. He stubbornly tucked the kid in before returning to his lab table. Peter was awake for a while, but he could relax knowing that the lights were on and he could hear the slowly steady rhythm of Tony’s heart under the sounds of tinkering as he drifted off into sleep.
Soon, that was the only way he could go to sleep peacefully. All of the other times he could sleep was plagued by nightmares, even if he left the light on. Tony had made a nightlight for him in the shape of the arc reactor. It helped a bit, but it was still too quiet. Too quiet to sleep without thinking of the quiet as he was dusted out of existence. He couldn’t handle it, and soon it was affecting everything he did. Peter ran into a door one, mistakenly walked up a wall twice, and nearly fell asleep as he was swinging building to building a number of times. All he wanted was to peacefully sleep. Finally, he tried to do something about it.
Peter didn’t want to bother his father figure more than he already had, it had been months since he had gotten the night light. He thought that would help. He thought that that would be the end of it and he’d be okay. But he wasn’t. He couldn’t sleep fitfully at all, but he knew what would help at least. It was another lab day, almost nearing the end when he set his suit down and looked to Tony. “Dad? Can I ask a favor?” He asked tentatively as he leaned back in his chair, twirling his phone absentmindedly in his hand.
“Sure kiddie, what is it?” Tony asked, not looking up from Cap’s shield.
“Can I maybe record your heartbeat? It’s that only thing that really settles me enough to be able to sleep and I know it’s probably a stupid thing to ask, but it would really help and I’m just so tired that I thought that this would help and I just-“ he was cut off with a wave of the hand by Tony who was looking at him with an unbelievable expression.
“You want me to record my heartbeat?” He asked in disbelief before looking to the ceiling with the dorkiest smile Peter had seen since the snap. “Of course I’ll do that bambino. In fact, I think Friday can do that for you.” He carefully made his way over to the anxious teen and wrapped him in a hug. For the first time in a while, Peter knew that he’d be able to sleep. That night, he was able to sleep solely because of the arc reactor light and the quiet heartbeat filtering through the speakers in his room.
Okay so this is based off of a lil chit chat I sent @keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars which was basically what if Peter couldn’t sleep unles he was listening to Tony’s heartbeat? This is the first time I’ve written in maybe a year? So please be kind
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buffalostorm · 7 years
a text exchange is implied between the Havenfall crew and I decided to write it
Set in Mackenzie’s route
occurs somewhere during Season 2 Episode 7, in the time gap between the two
MacMommy has come online
JuniorLucifer69 is online
MM: Can we talk
MM: Im not accusing you of anything
MM: JD you arent in trouble or anything
JL: sherif
MM: Im texting as Mac right now
JL: cul i like mac beter
JL: since ur mac can this wait for a sec im in the midle of sum stuf
MM: Does the bowling alley have some customers
JL: nah
JL: its crime stuf
MM: what
MM: Im the Sheriff now
MM: JD I will call Razi right now
JL: jk wat up
MM: Are you doing crimes
JL: not unles eatin froot loops is a crime
MM: its 9 PM
MM: and arent you at the bowling alley?
JL: yeh an i wanted froot loops
JL: i knew i would want froot loops so i took some froot loops in a plastic bag
JL: who made u the sherif of fud time
MM: weve gotten off track
JL: never knew what the trac was
MM: I wanted to ask for advice
JL: im literaly the person with their life the least put together
JL: the only thing im qualified to give advice about is precisely how much shit u can do and not get actualy punished for
MM: How about dating
MM: like asking someone out
JL: y do u need advice
JL: u 2 made out in front of the entire town
JL: not much of a feat
JL: the in front of the entire town part
JL: the making out was a biger thing
MM: Weve done more than that
JL: u 2 are together right
MM: We are together yeah
MM: We havent been on a proper date yet though
JL: havent u asked some1 out before
JL: wait
JL: uve done more than that
MM: I shouldnt have said that
JL: did u 2 do it
MM: …
MM: Im just here for advice I dont need anything else
JL: OK but whether or not u 2 have screwed does change my answer
MM: I dont see how that has anything to do with it
JL: it absolutely does
MM: Im not answering that
JL: cool so u 2 absolutely did do it
JL: nah its cool im happy for u and all but le
MM: Are you there.
MM: JD you need to finish that sentence
JL: This is Razi. JD was texting on the job and they tell me I’m texting Sheriff Hunt.
MM: yeah this is Mac
JL: If I may ask, what did JD do?
MM: Nothing this is an informal conversation
JL: JD is telling me to scroll up.
MM: Please dont
MM: Razi
MM: Razi
MM: Razi you better be typing a very long message because I dont like this one bit
JL: jd back on the mic
MM: What happened
JL:  razi read through the rest of the conversation and started crying from laughter
JL: i swiped my phone back
MM: Do u remember when things like this stayed private
JL: pepperridge farm remembers
MM: Good times
JL: update razi is still laughing
JL: he has done the dad thing where he chuckles and shakes his head
JL: he mumbled something
MM: I dont need the play by play
JL: im more of a color commentator
MM: Can you bring him back in
MM: I could use the help
JL: ill help him get on
MM: Ill be waiting
JL: hes almost on
JL: hes trying to compose himself
MM: Does he need any help
JL: still trying to compose himself
JL: he has stopped giggling and put on a Serious Face
Guest42251413 has come online
Guest: Hello, this is Razi.
JL: henwo
MM: Welcome Razi
Guest: Why do you guys have initials and I don’t?
JL: u have to register
Guest: OK, how do I do that?
MM: JD can you help him
Guest 42251413 has registered as Razi420
MM: Did you choose the name
Razi420: JD helped me. I tried to register as Razi, but the system said, “Username taken,” so I tried Razi1 at the behest of JD. That too was taken, so then JD informed me that Razi420 was open so I took it.
Razi420: Wait, I don’t have initials.
MM: JD can you help him
JL: i dont know its just so difficult
JL: itll take 10 hours
JL: i remember when i changed my intials i had to fill out all sorts of forms
JL: it was such a hassle
JL: and you wouldnt make little old me go through that again.
MM: OK you dont have to help Razi
Razi420: I guess that an old man like me wouldn’t understand it.
JL: ill get diego on the line 2
Razi420: You know computers are so hard for people like me
JL: mac how much experience do you have with dating
MM: I havent asked anyone out in my life
JL: not even for a sadie hawkins
Razi420: The other day I learned about emojis.
MM: I went to a small high school no one else was out
JL: so is it a confidence thing or a what do i say sort of thing or whats a good thing to do kind of thing or what
DrEscalonaMDPHDBS has come online
Razi420: See, Diego knows what it’s like, you don’t know how to do anything, you don’t know the lingo, you don’t know how to get initials for your messages.
DE: What?
DE: What did you guys need me for?
JL: i just heard razi sigh from the arcade
DE: So what was going on around here.
MM: I need some advice
DE: mhm, and what for?
MM: Asking someone out
DE: You two are definitely together, is that correct? I remember you two sharing a ,ah, intimate moment together.
JL: theyve “done more than that”
MM: JD dont you dare
DE: I’m going to need you to be more specific, JD.
MM: You better not
MM: JD I swear on my mothers hashbrown casserole if you dare say a word that is off task I will smash your stupid John Lennon sunglasses on the ground
Razi420: Part 1: I’ve tasted that casserole, this is very serious. Part 2: I will not say a word about that. I will hold that as a secret to be divulged at your discretion.
MM: Thank you Razi
DE: All of that aside, this is a date between you and our friend.
MM: Yes
DE: Just making certain everything is clear.
Razi420: In addition, Mackenzie has never asked anyone out on a date.
MM: Most of my past relationships we just kinda ended up in the same place
DE: Coworkers?
MM: Yeah basically
DE: My experience may seem a little old and not suit your personal flair, but I will offer my advice
MM: Are you done?
JL: not yet
JL: macken-ZAY has gotten biz-ZAY
JL: They have shagged, baby
JL: ok im done
DE: I see
MM: I want merely two things in the world
JL: is one of those a piece of that ass
MM: I just want to take my girlfriend out on a nice date
JL: im a prophet
MM: And a device where I can punch JD in the face whenever I want
MM: not too hard
MM: not hard enough to cause damage
MM: but hard enough to make them stop
MM: Is that too much to ask
JL: yknow not wanting to damage me is probably the sweetest thing u ever said to me
JL: also mac you can break my “john lennon sunglasses” i have 50 backup pairs.
MM: Just please tell me how to ask out a girl
DE: When you say date, do you mean “let’s go out to lunch on Friday,” or “Come follow me, I have a surprise for you.”
MM: The surprise one
DE: Is the surprise time bound or can the surprise come at any time?
MM: Its time bound
DE: How much planning went into this?
MM: A lot
DE: Please be specific
MM: I rented out the drive in theater for an exclusive showing
DE: That’s extensive.
DE: Are you certain she doesn’t have any commitments?
MM: …
MM: no
JL: doc were in havenfall the only other possible commitments u can have is harvesting corn or very specifics times for rituals
JL: those r the only 2
DE: Still, for future reference, it is polite to make certain there are no other commitments.
DE: So, the basic message is, come with me to the movies.
MM: Id like it to be a surprise but yeah
DE: mhm
JL: ok so for a surprise you gotta give enough to peak their interest
Razi420: pique
JL: idea lee u keep them guessing until u finally get to the location of the surprise
Razi420: ideally
JL: if u wanna go the extra mile leave a red earring  so they think ur gonna go someplace else
Razi420: red herring
JL: plant a piece of evy dance that suggests a bar crawl instead of a camping trip or whatever but be careful
Razi420: evidence
JL: u dont want to accidentally pull a bateman switch
Razi420: bait and switch
JL: no im pretty sure its bateman switch
Razi420: bait and switch
JL: its like when ur watching an episode of arrested development and then u realize that the entire time jason bateman was just a cgi clone and not the real jason bateman and then ur just like aaaaaaahhh man i wanted to see jason bateman and now i get this
JL: thats a bateman switch
Razi420: That doesn’t happen.
DE: That seems rather con fluted.
Razi420: convoluted
JL: so if ur seeing a drivein movie ur bringing blankets and other stuff right
MM: yeah blankets pillows and popcorn
JL: so thats pretty obvious
DE: It’s been so strange to see popcorn grow as a foodstuff.
JL: doc please dont weve wasted enough time as it is
Razi420: I’ve seen it too, it’s very strange how we’ve all decided it is only for movies and baseball.
JL: dont start this old man
Razi420: I remember when growing popcorn was the livelihood of some people.
JL: razi i will go over to the jukebox and play neil young right now if u dont stop
MM: JD youre wasting time yourself now
JL: right right
JL: so u arent going to be able to trick her into thinking u 2 are going somewhere else but
JL: but
MM: JD Ive never asked anyone out before Im not ready for advanced tactics here
JL: ok fine but never say where ur going
JL: keep it a mystery
JL: the idea is shes concerned with the mystery and when she solves it shes all like booyah and it makes the date better. so u gotta make sure shes gonna solve that mystery
JL: whats new scooby doo and all that
MM: and if she guesses the mystery
JL: just be noncommittal if she guesses right
JL: give a flat no to any incorrect answer and then give a maybe or an i dont know if she guesses right
JL: the maybe and the i dont know are in That tone of voice
MM: yeah I know That tone of voice
Razi420: I don’t mean to jinx it but I think this is the longest JD has a gone without making a joke.
DE: Wait, Razi, you, as a djinn, believe in jinxes?
JL: u might want to text her because if u build up the anticipation the payoff will be greater.
MM: JD I shouldnt text her I dont like personal conversations not in person
Razi420: Jinxes are a legitimate concept. I have plenty of data to back it up.
MM: but Im not even sure how to even start the conversation and get it leading up to asking her out
JL: mac ill let u in on a secret
JL: being smooth is 70% luck
JL: u gotta have quick thinking and all that
JL: but sometimes the right opportunity doesnt present itself and then u just gotta have an awkward transition
DE: Razi, jinxes are just coincidental, you point out something because it’s rare or you assume an unlikely outcome will happen, and when it falls through. You just say, “Oh, I jinxed it.”
JL: so mac, be ready to just go out and say would u like to go out on a date tonight
JL: i know that its not like that in the movies but thats closer to real life
MM: I cant work with “just do it” my brain doesnt like it
JL: u just gotta lean on ur natural charms
JL: ur going to feel really nervous so just lean into it
JL: be cute nervous
JL: she will love u cute nervous, mac
Razi420: Jinxes are like reverse wishes, someone says something and then the opposite effect occurs. The same powers are at work, but the etiquette of wish making isn’t followed, so the reverse effect occurs.
MM: I guess Im just worried she’ll say no
JL: shes not going to say no
JL: like i said theres nothing to do in this town
JL: but more importantly
DE: Mac, if all else fails I will help you out in anyway I can, you have my word. 
MM: Thanks Diego
JL: but more importantly you two love each other. shes going to be glad to talk to u no matter the outcome
DE:  And, Razi, when you grant a wish it tires you out, right? It drains some of your power.
Razi420: Yes, it does drain some of my power, but what does it have to do with jinxes?
JL: mac just remember that its going to go a whole lot better than you think it is going to go
JL: brains are just like that
JL: they tell u everythings gonna suck but surprise it rules
DE: The point that I’m getting at is that for a jinx to work, someone has to spend some power, so where does it come from, does it come from the wood that you must knock upon?
Razi420: …
Razi420: JD, you’ve been quite unlike yourself.
DE: No.
MM: I appreciate it JD
DE: Razi, you’re not getting away with it that easily.
MM: If Im being honest I expected to have to work hard to get info from you
DE: Razi, you can’t just deflect like that.
JL: im surprised that we didnt start a whole tangent on arrested development or something dumb
Razi420: Jinxes are caused by the stars, OK.
MM: you mean a tangent that everyone is involved in
DE: THats ridcuuloos
DE: *That’s ridiculous
JL: yeah
JL: but seriously
JL: I’m going to use grammatically correct sentences to express how much sincerity I have.
Razi420: I’m a djinn who’s friends with a vampire, a devil, and a werewolf who happens to be the sheriff of a town. We are not good judges of ridiculous.
JL: I just want you two to have a good time. You are coming to us for advice and I know that’s hard for you. You are making yourself vulnerable. I’m really proud of you.
MM: ... 
MM: Thanks
MM: It means a lot to me
DE: Why does JD get to be the one to say they’re proud of you?
DE: Shouldn’t that be for the person with seniority here.
JL: thats where ur wrong bucko
JL: the question here is one of gayness
JL: i am more dimensions of gay than u can possibly imagine
JL: thus i am the one whomst is allowed to delegate pride
DE: Also Razi, if it is stars, how does knocking on wood do shit.
JL: oh dam
MM: Now we know what gets Diego worked up enough to swear
Razi420: Photosynthesis uses light from stars, photosynthesis makes wood. Wood is directly related to starlight.
MM: But anyway thanks for the advice
DE: And here is the part where JD asks for a favor.
DE: Any minute now
DE: Also Razi, that is so patently ridiculous that I’m not going to debate about it anymore.
JL: Mac, you don’t owe me anything, just you two have a good time. If you two are happy, then I’m happy. That’s all..
JL: Also, if you claim I was helpful in anyway, shape, or form, I will deny it immediately.
MM: I expect nothing less
JL: i got a wild child image to keep up cant have this sincerity bullshit
JL: cool people dont have feelings right
JL: we just have leather jackets cool shades and smirks plastered on our faces
Razi420: Diego, if you refuse to debate about it, that means I win.
DE: iifwood is sending these tsingnals that means the signals would have to ravel fsaster than light to reach the starts and back with enough time to actually effet change
Razi420: Oooo, someone’s misspelling words, that means they’re angry.
JL: since everyone is here i think this is a good opportunity to do something ive always wanted to do
DE: The nearest star is over 4 light years away, how does it affect change on Earth.
JL: they use waves made of bofa rather than light
DE: You can’t get me, JD.
DE: I know this.
Razi420: what is bofa?
Several people are typing…
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mildlymaddy · 7 years
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Ask and you shall receive I guess. ;)
Lilo future!fic, in which both are single, Liam’s got two kids, and I end up calling Liam’s first-born “James” because the fucker still hasn’t shared his actual baby’s name with us.
Liam was in over his head. He knew it, and it only served to annoy him further. This was stupid. He was a grown-ass man. He had kids for Christ’s sake!
 There was absolutely no reason for him to angst over the meaning of a bloody text message.
 Especially not one that said, Im not gonna comment until Ive tried it myself.
 Louis had added the sunglasses emoji at the end, which was nice but didn’t help Liam figure out whether he was serious or not.
 And knowing whether Louis was serious or not felt quite bloody important, considering the message Liam had sent him right before had been: Then she said i was lousy in bed, like, can you believe?!
 Liam took a deep breath and closed his eyes.
The thing was, lately, there’d been quite a few of these messages from Louis. Like, Liam didn’t want to jump to conclusions or anything, but ever since Louis had come back to L.A., single and determined to take over the world with Liam (there’d never been any question of whether Liam might have other plans, but then again he’d only been too happy to join in. Endless touring was less appealing at 38 than it had been at 23, and writing for others with Louis had always been part of his dreams), they'd gotten… close.
 And they'd always been close, obviously, even once time and distance had made their friendship more quiet and soft, had turned cuddles and pranks into yearly birthday messages and dinners that had to be planned months in advance, but even in their hay days it had never been… it’d never been like this.
 Or maybe Liam was just too old to remember exactly how flirty Louis used to be. But he'd watched some old 1d interviews, just to see, and while Louis teased him a lot and touched him even more… it just wasn't the same. Liam was sure of it.
 Except, of course, for all the moments when he wasn't.
 He started typing a reply, then deleted it, staring at the blinking cursor on his screen with increasing desperation. It had been 10 minutes since Louis had sent his message and the longer Liam waited, the more awkward his reply would be, no matter what.
 “Daaad, can you stop jiggling your leg? I’m trying to watch my show!”
 Liam looked up from his phone to find his daughter glaring at him from behind her fringe, earbuds plugged firmly in her ears to listen to whatever she was watching on her phone, curled up on the other side of the couch. He wasn’t sure how him jiggling his leg two seats over was disrupting her focus, but clearly it was, and she huffed again before turning her attention back to her show, mumbling something Liam couldn’t make out but which was most probably along the lines of “grown-ups suck.”
 He’d never realized, back when he’d started a family, that that meant dealing with moody teenagers down the line, and not just adorable babies and cute 8-year-old kids. The wake-up call had been brutal (and his mother’s amused look the first time he’d complained to her about the ungratefulness of teens a little uncalled for). The fact that he only had them one month out of two since his divorce didn’t help things any.
 “Sorry, sorry,” he mumbled, leaving the living room to go lock himself in the first floor bathroom, phone clutched in one sweaty hand.
 He sat on the edge of the bathtub, legs resuming their nervous jiggling, and felt his heart doing a sickly somersault when he saw the notifications telling him Louis had sent another string of messages. That was it; he’d missed his shot by waiting too long. Louis had moved on to another subject and-
 That was a comeon, in case you cant tell.
I mean unles you CAN tell and yure not interested.
Which wouls explain why you havent written in 15mn i guess i should take the hint
Fuck thiss awkward forget i said anything.
 Liam read the words over and over again, just in case they’d morph into some inane discussion about playing dog sitter for Louis or setting up a writing session, but they remained the same.
 Louis had been hitting on him?
 Louis had been hitting on him.
 For all that Liam had been convinced something was going on, getting actual confirmation of it felt like taking a deep breath under water.
 “Fuck,” he muttered, desperately trying to keep his breathing under control.
 It wasn't until moving dots popped up on his screen to show Louis was writing yet another message that Liam finally sprung to action, clumsily typing his reply and sending it before he could second-guess himself, typos and all.
 I wqsnt sure yu were skirting
 He blinked at his screen. Fuck. Stupid predictive text. When had he even ever written the word “skirting”?!
 I meant flirtng*
 Liam groaned. Maybe if he chucked his phone into the toilets he could pretend that those last messages had been a bug.
 He'd always thought this kind of thing would get easier with age (well mostly he'd thought he would get married and live happily ever after...), but if anything, this felt worse than he remembered. How did anyone ever hook up with anyone without keeling over from the stress of it all?!
 The cheerful “blip!” of a new message brought his attention back to the screen.
 Does that mean you dont midn?
 Liam swallowed around the lump in his throat. He was pretty sure he was supposed to feel relief but for some reason all he could feel right now was rising panic. Surely this was a mistake, his brain pointed out. This was all a misunderstanding. He was getting Louis’s meaning completely wrong.
 Still, he made himself write back, I def dont mind. Imall for flirting.
 Dots came and went on Louis's side of the chat for quite a long time after that, leaving Liam ample time to worry about the ways in which he could have misunderstood Louis's messages (admittedly, he couldn't think of one, but that's how it worked, right? That’s the reason people felt so mortified afterwards), until finally Louis's answer popped up on his screen.
 Im gonna be horribly blunt here im sorry but i wanna make sure. So if i drop by your house tonight with two bottles of wine and push you against tye wall and snog you senseless youre ok with that right?
 The relieved laughter that burst out of Liam’s mouth surprised even him, and he let himself slide to the tiled ground, his heartbeat going wild with happiness as he tremblingly typed back, ive got the kids so might be best not to but i woudlnr say no to some snogging on the weekend?
 He pressed Send and rested his chin on his bent knees, staring at his phone like a lovesick teenager, which is exactly how he felt right now. This was ridiculous. It was also the best Liam had felt in months.
 A shriek coming from the ground floor dragged him out of his bubble and he struggled back to his feet, frowning, but the stomping of feet on the stairs and the vengeful “Emma I'll punch your teeth in!!” made him reconsider. Possibly staying in the bathroom was safest for now.
 A door slammed down the corridor, then he heard Emma yelling back, “I'll fucking tell mum, you tosser!” before another door slammed shut, a little closer.
 He really wished she’d stop using the mum card. First because that was unfair for Cheryl, and second because… well, he could be fearsome too, damnit. He wasn’t just the “hot, goofy dad” (as amusing as having Emma’s friends mooning at him was, mostly because his 20-year-old self had forever been preserved online).
 He had to go talk to them both, but a glance at his phone showed him Louis had sent another message.
 I dont know if ill still want to snog you then, payno. 3 days is a long time.
 Liam grinned. Far away from fighting teenagers, something warm was unfurling in his veins, spreading through his body, carrying with it a faint thrilling note, just enough to make his heartbeat a little irregular in the nicest of ways.
 Ill make it worth the wait, he typed back, biting his bottom lip around a smile. His heart was heavy with happiness in his chest and he never wanted the feeling to go away again.
 He’d never considered the possibility of falling for someone he’d known since he was a teenager, but now that he was, he was starting to wonder how it hadn’t happened earlier. How he’d gone without.
 I expect you to, Louis sent back.
 Count on it.
 There was renewed stomping in the corridor, then the noise of a door banging open and a shout. Liam sighed.
 Gotta mke sure the kids dont kill each othr. Talk later?
 He stared at the dots as Louis typed his answer, unwilling to get out into the fray just yet, unwilling to let go of his own slice of teenagehood. He couldn’t make out the words that were being yelled down in James’s room, but they clearly weren’t anything he could tolerate. He really needed to step in.
Oh god pretend i dind’t sent that.
You know what screw it.
Liam beamed down at his phone, sent a heart back (or ten), and stepped out of the bathroom.
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loseitall-ff · 7 years
28. Part 3
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Chris is not happy at all, he is not happy staying here and he wants to leave so the doctor is here again “Christopher, you listen to me now you have to stay. You just said you have a headache” Joyce spoke up, he won’t listen to a fucking doctor and I am not saying much because I have a headache my damn self “but mom, I am fine. Look at me” Chris half shouted “lower your toner! You’re staying” Joyce actually telling Chris what to do, I know he will not like this at all “Mr Brown we will be doing a CT scan on your head in the morning, you could be saying it’s nothing but what if something has happened and we don’t notice. We want to make sure you are ok, you need to rest. I can’t stress enough that not resting is the reason it happened was because of the lack of rest, lack of food and nutrients” shaking my head lightly “but I can do this but not here, I will come back for the scan” he is really being annoying “Chris, please listen to me. You’re staying, that is it” Chris mean mugged me “just ignore him, he will be fine” Chris did say to me earlier that to listen and watch him get out of it but not on my watch, I want him better.
“So sweetie, do you want to stay with him?” Joyce asked, nodding my head “please look after Liana for me, bring her in the morning” I bet Liana is having a meltdown “that is fine I will, I will be back in the morning Chris. You just sleep now and I love you so much” Joyce walked around his bed, pressing a kiss to his cheek “look at your face, sleep please” Mel snorted “what’s funny?” Chris asked “just your face, you are such a baby. Just grow up and we will see you in the morning nigga” Chris is a baby, look at him pouting “whatever, y’all get to leave and I am stuck here” furrowing my eyebrows “with me baby, you got me” I grinned “you ever had sex in a hospital bed? We can try it” my face turned red “Chris, your mother is there!” he is so embarrassing “she didn’t say no Chris, notice that!” Mel pointed out as she walked to the door “Mel, how about you go away. I am saying no, he knows I won’t do that” Chris is about to drive me up the wall now because he has to stay here, he will annoy me.
The chair is so uncomfortable, my ass is going to hurt on this. Chris’ hand came out of nowhere and snatched my phone from me “Chris!” I spat, reaching over to grab it back “give me attention” Chris said smiling “I will, just give my phone back. The doctor said rest, not fuck around with your woman” getting up from the chair “come on, give it” I said, Chris raised an eyebrow “ohhhh who you texting?” here he goes “you can see, go on. I don’t care but I just want to finish the text” Chris bought the phone down to look at “texting Jen about Liana, why can’t she be here? She is more fun than you” he held my phone out to me “fun? Chris, I have had nothing but heartache, I don’t need anything else. I am tired and just want to make sure you’re ok” taking the phone from him as I sat back down, my phone started vibrated in my hand. My manager, Chris don’t know about his manager so I don’t want to speak to him yet until Chris knows.
The nurse walked in with another female nurse, who is this other nurse “how is everyone?” Nadia asked “tired” I spoke “she really is not asking you, I am the person in the bed. I am ok, I feel uncomfortable though. Like I need another pillow” look at him, he thinks these nurses are slaves for him “we can get you that Chris, I just want to let you know I will be going home and leaving you with Lailah” I really wish Nadia stayed, that other nurse is pretty “oh” I said tilting my head “change over crew that is all, I will get you the pillow but if you need anything please. Just let her know” Chris smiled “oh I will” he said, my hand met his arm out of nowhere, it was a reaction I couldn’t stop “Robyn, come on. I am not well” I wish I didn’t stay now “what a beautiful name you have Lailah, I like it” I gritted my teeth as she touched Chris’ shoulder “just lift yourself up so I can put this behind your back” I feel like Chris is loving this “of course” Chris smiled, I am over it and I am over him.
Since that bitch has left I have not spoken to Chris “Robyn, come on” Chris reached over and touched my leg, pushing the chair back “do not touch me, don’t you dare!” I pointed, how can he just sit there and smile at that bitch and not think I will not be jealous, he openly loved it and smiled and flirted. Does he not have any respect “you taking this to heart, I was only smiling and you got upset. I am only annoying you, baby please” staring at the wall, I don’t wish to speak to him. The door opened and I was so glad to see Damian “Rihanna, Lee is here to speak to you” getting up from the chair, Chris reached over to grab my hand “go away, I am glad you’re stuck there” snatching my hand away, walking around the bed “what has he done now?” Damian asked me “ask him yourself” waving Damian off “she is just being dramatic” oh of course I was dramatic or stupid, stepping outside and seeing Lee stood staring at me. I sighed out as she looked at me in sadness “why did you never tell me” I forgot Lee was there when I said all of that to them “to not feel ashamed” Lee looked down “I have been balling my eyes out, I am so sorry” shaking my head “don’t, its fine” wrapping my arms around Lee.
Before I go back into that room I am going to ring my publicist because fuck his people, they are full of shit “Jen, are you with Joyce?” I said down the phone, I don’t know how Chris will feel about this but I am his wife now “yes, she has just got on the bus” I can hear Liana in the background, she is so loud “why is my daughter awake? It’s late, how is she?” she has had candy, I can tell “Rih, your daughter talked me into giving her things” of course she did “but other than that she is ok, she misses you both” I will leave Joyce to this “please give Joyce the phone and do not give that girl anymore candy” Jen chuckled “how can I tell her no when she said she loves auntie G” a smile formed on my face “she is like her father, he gets into my panties by just talking to me. Just do not let Liana get her way” they can’t let her keep getting her way “and we know how many times Chris gets into those” smiling as I shook my head “fuck you and give the phone” the line went silent and I can hear Jen telling Joyce “is everything ok?” Joyce asked “all good but I need you to text me who is Chris’ publicist is” the line went silent “why?” she said a little shocked “time for me to get my man the best, I am taking over his things” Joyce let out an oh “well you will be married to him so why not” damn right, I can’t wait to be his wife.
I finally called my publicist, Lee stared at me as I paced the room “Rihanna, so nice to speak to you. How are things” Chloe said down the phone “great, I am sure you have had heard things” they are the first ones to know “we did, we declined to comment. It is not on us, but is everything ok with him?” wait till she hears this “he is fine, trust me. More than fine, he is annoying me so I know he is fine” Chloe laughed out “sounds like the usual” she has been my publicist since forever but I know Chris is a pain, I am not like Chris that has a track record with everything bad “with him yes, I mean I guess you have heard that I am marrying him” she sighed out “do you know how many people want an exclusive interview, they was like Chris is speaking on it and I said that Rihanna doesn’t want too but of course I know. I am happy for you, it’s been a long time coming” I don’t feel like I need to be doing any exclusive about me being engaged “thank you, I appreciate you so much. I did call you for a reason, that reason is for the man I am marrying” the line went silent “you know I like a closed circle, I am wanting to bring my husband into this closed circle. His circle is not mine, clearly. I want you to be his publicist” closing my eyes hoping she says yes, I want her not the other workers of that company because she knows me “oh wow, are you trying to make me actually work? Oh god, Chris Brown” she blew out “oh god, I always say to my colleague. I feel sorry for any person that is his publicist. The man has a story for every movement” poking my lips out “but he is with me now, he is calm” which he is “oh Rihanna, if you believe in him then who am I to judge. I will take him on” thank you god.
That is my first step “so Chris is the real deal then?” Lee said, locking my phone “I am marrying him Lee, he saved me. He is the love of my life, he is the real deal” placing my phone in my pocket “bringing him in your circle is scary, if anything goes wrong then a lot of connections will get broken. He best not fuck up” I believe in Chris “he won’t, he could have ran away a long time ago. Trust me Lee, I told him to go. I have told him to leave me because I am used but he didn’t, I have pushed him away. I love him and I can’t wait for our future” Lee smiled at me “I am happy for you both, you deserve it Robyn and he deserves a break. He needs to have good people that will look after him” that is what I am trying to do but I need to actually tell him, I hope he is not annoyed but he has no choice “thank you, I just want people happy for us. We have so much hate that it’s overbearing” I better go back to him, he will be up to something.
Silently walking back into his room, not saying a word to him because why should I “you’re mean” he said to me, moving the chair back a little more before sitting down “I am sorry, she is not even that cute. Her ass is flat” glaring at Chris “so you looked at her ass?” Chris opened his mouth but no words left it “well, sorry. Robyn, I don’t mean it” shaking my head, crossing my left leg over my right “I mean I am nothing compared to some girl that is young, glowing, fresh faced. I look awful so I get it” this is on him, I am feeling like this because if him “I am getting out of bed so I can hold you” Chris pushed the blankets back “don’t you dare! The doctor said no! Unless you need the bathroom, no sudden movements” I pointed at him “then please touch me, I want you” waving him off “just be quiet and stay there. Do something you hate and be silent” this silence won’t last long with Chris.
I am now getting bored of the silence, there is only so much I can stare at here. I have stared at the wall for far too long now, my phone buzzed. Looking over at the lit screen and seeing Chris has tagged me in something on Instagram, looking up at Chris on his mobile, how did he even get his phone. Unlocking my phone, pulling down my notifications and tapping the Instagram tag. Patiently waiting for it to load, my mouth fell open seeing the picture of me sat in this char “really!?” I spat, looking down at the caption ‘She won’t speak to me :(‘ looking over at Chris “I am sorry” his stupid face, his stupid cute face “how did you even get your phone?” Chris grinned “I am using Damian’, are we friends again?” he asked, I shrugged not giving into him. The door opened and that stupid nurse is back “Lailah, do you have a chapel here?” he is so random “we do Chris, is this something you want to go and visit?” Chris cleared his throat “you think I can get married in there? I want to marry Rihanna now” the nurse stared at Chris “oh wow, I don’t think you can do this right now” Chris groaned out “we can’t get married right now, you know I would. Lailah she is mad at me, I did a bad thing. I looked at your butt and now she is angry with me” my eyes bulged out, what is he doing “she won’t speak to me either, I love her too much that even if I did look there it meant nothing” rubbing my face “oh wow, I don’t know what to say but you’re clearly sorry” Lailah said, Chris pointed at her and looked at me “it meant nothing, so please speak to me” I sighed shaking my head as a smiled played on my face.
Looking down at my nails “I want a big wedding, well not big, just nice and big” Chris giggled, it is the ugliest thing I have heard “where did that come from?” looking away from my nails “you’re speaking to me, I am happy. I am legit sorry, you know I love you baby” he may annoy me so much but I know he loves me a lot “tell me more, you never really tell me anything. What would you like? Whatever you desire I will make happen” I am actually happy now, wedding talk “well I want it to be nice, big but small” Chris pulled a face “how does that even work?” crossing my legs Indian style “well I mean, big with how beautiful it will look. I don’t care for the people but I want it in Virginia” Chris’ face dropped “Virginia? What the hell? You said beautiful, that is not it” smiling holding my hands up “just hear me out, I want to use the land you have at your home there. You have a lot of land, we can get that transformed. You know a beautiful marquee we can have, I have seen some beautiful ones. I just want it to be a calm experience, I don’t want no trouble and LA is trouble and in New York it is not private. Just think about how we can party in peace, nobody leaking pictures. Just family and some friends” I have thought long and hard about this “what about a nice private island?” he said, shaking my head “just no, so we can have stupid paparazzi hiding in every bush. Just no, trust me on this. I want it to be there and you said whatever I desire” he rolled his eyes “I did say that but ok, I will leave it to you. I believe in you” clapping my hands together “don’t look at me crazy but I want our honeymoon in New York” Chris scoffed “really!?” he eyeballed me “Chris, that city has been so lucky for us. It bought us together and it keeps on doing that even when we split, we can go somewhere nice after with Liana?” I don’t know why Chris is fighting me on this, it will happen.
“I was just thinking how beautiful you will look. I honestly think I am going to cry, I don’t think I could see myself marrying any other woman. Those girls were just girls, I hated to feel lonely so I needed to fill that void. I have never felt so happy, I know you said I saved you but you also saved me. You saved me from myself, from becoming that lost guy. I have never felt this happy for a while, I look happy and healthy. To just imagine you in your dress walking to me, I will be crying. I have already wrote a song for you” I gasped “what song? Tell me!?” he is keeping things away from me “oh no, you keep your ass over there, you didn’t want to speak to me and sat all the way there” getting up from my chair and pulling it closer to the bed “tell me!?” Chris shook his head “I wrote it for our wedding day, our first dance. You will love it” I cooed out, placing my hand over my heart “you are so cute, when I think you’re not doing anything for the wedding, you actually are” I just love him so damn much.
I think I should tell Chris about his manager now “Chris” sitting back in the chair “I did some things while you was in this bed and I was out there” Chris blinked at me several times waiting for what I am about to say “stop looking at me like that, I get all nervous” I hope he doesn’t get angry at me “then tell me baby” he said, I need to suck it up “I fired your manager and got you a new publicist” I said ever so quickly, placing my hand over my mouth “you what?” Chris chuckled “you forreal?” nodding my head “you fired my manager? What am I going to do? What about the tour?” moving my hand away from my mouth “I already got you a new publicist, it’s mine. And manager wise. I know someone that is good, he is good friends with Jay Brown” Chris gawked at me “your people hate me though, Robyn what the hell” Chris rubbed his head “the reason why you’re here is because of him, he doesn’t know how to set a fucking tour up Chris. I don’t care if you do not agree with it” Chris reached over touching my arm “I didn’t say I didn’t agree with it but your people don’t like me, I don’t have a manager now though” he don’t seem upset “you got me” Chris let out low chuckle “you want to be my manager?” nodding my head “I want to look after you so let me, I want us to work together anyways baby. We are a team” Chris shrugged “ok manager Robyn, can you give me a kiss and tell me how much you love me. That is all I want from you right now” he is not mad at me, getting up from the chair to kiss my baby.
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jeichanhaka · 6 years
If Any Would Avenge: 27
Chapter 27: Dilemma
Lying on a cold, rough floor reminiscent of a dungeon, Killian's eyes shot open. His brain foggy, it took him a few moments and the soreness of his gut to remember about the cloaked woman and where she'd brought him. His stomach twisted and he lifted himself to his feet, while bracing himself against the pain from his gut. The air around him was cold and stale, tinged with a musty stench of mold. The walls damp, their gray cement hue only dimly discernible beneath the sparse electric ceiling light.
'I'm still in Storybrooke.' He muttered, glancing over the cement walls and electric lights. 'Or at least in The Land Without Magic.'
Glancing down the dimly lit corridor, he started walking forward, his eyes and ears alert for movement. The pain across his abdomen was already subsiding to a numb throb, only to instead fill with dread. It gnawed at him and at the lingering fog around his memory. There was something. Something he was forgetting. Something important.
Killian shook his head and pressed on, unwilling to spend the time trying to remember what he'd forgot. Not when he knew, sensed in his bones that those he loved were in danger. "I need to get to Emma and Sadie. That cloaked…." He groaned and nearly stumbled, his head throbbing as he tried to remember the cloaked woman's face. Her voice. It blurred the more he tried focusing on it, as though it was forbidden.
-"I've waited so long for this."-
A voice hissed in the pirate's head, the words distant like an echo of a memory hidden deep away. Killian gritted his teeth, ignoring the voice and the burning pain it triggered across his gut.
-"...didn't travel...years to...slip by me."-
The pirate drew in a deep breath, bracing himself using the wall as his gut roiled, the burning sensation stronger. It felt as though someone had repeatedly cut into his skin, not too deep but enough to make moving around a bitch. "...fuck." He swore and paused a moment, slipping his hand beneath his leather vest.
The moment he touched his stomach, he flinched, not just from the sharp pain as he touched his skin, but from the feeling of dried blood. He couldn't see them, but he felt the wounds on his stomach, crusted over with dried blood and pus.
"Bloody hell…." Killian groaned, his head throbbing.
"The Savior's…? You want Emma's daughter?" Gold gawked at the young man, surprised by the latter's demand. "Why? What could you possibly need with a newborn baby?" He asked, already thinking about all the various dark spells requiring a newborn or parts of one. His brown eyes narrowed, wondering which of such dark spells, if any, the youth sought to cast.
"That is my business. Mine alone." The youth replied brusquely, catching the furrow forming in the Dark One's brow and the glint of trepidation in his eyes. "Or are you having doubts about our deal already?"
"Of course not." Gold snapped, scowling at the young man. "I'm simply curious as to your reasons to want Emma's baby, or any baby. Certainly the child couldn't be much use to you, at least not enough for you to give up possession of the Dark One dagger so easily."
Listening to Gold, the youth tapped his lips, partly obscuring the gleeful smirk forming there. It widened as the Dark One's furrowed brow deepened and his eyes filled with suspicion. "...so you assume. But this child, Sadie, is special."
"Special? How so?" Gold inquired, curious. But to the Dark One's dismay the youth simply shook his head and placed his forefinger to his lips. Seconds after the gesture a cloud of dust surrounded the youth, obscuring him completely, and when it cleared he had vanished. Leaving behind nothing but silence and a single ebony feather.
Standing across from Emma and Killian's place, hidden by the shadows on the empty porch of what was William Kidd's house, Gold glowered silently. His eyes narrowed, many thoughts rushing through his head: some dealing with the 'coincidence' of Kidd's house being right across from the hook-handed pirate's, others with how he would manage to take Sadie. Hopefully without bringing suspicion upon himself - at least not until he had his dagger back and could leave for the Enchanted Forest with his full power.
But more than anything Gold thought about what his unwritten son had said. That Sadie was special. That something about her, something she possessed - magic or destiny or something - was worth the young man giving up the Dark One dagger. Worth surrendering his control over Gold, and his chance to take all the power of the Dark One for himself. Even now it chilled Gold thinking about how close he was to dying at his unwritten son's hand. Not since the first time he'd seen Gideon, grown up in Belle's dreams when he was trying to wake her from the sleeping curse, did he feel so horrified. And frustrated. The idea of his son not just hating him, but wanting to kill him, chilled him.
And despite denying and refusing to believe it every second of their earlier conversation, Gold knew the youth spoke the truth. The young man was his son from Isaac's book. A son whose personality was much like his own, cunning and thirsting for power. The only things missing was fear and a soft spot for loved-ones. Which only solidified his familial connection to Gold, as more than himself, the youth reminded him of his father. Peter Pan.
The youth was just as cold as the man-child. If the young man's chin and eye shape hadn't reminded him of Belle, Gold would've suspected he was some kind of trick thought of by the bastard who'd abandoned him. Now it was simply proof that the youth was the unwritten child.
His unwritten child, who wanted to kill him. Who relished the thought of killing him and taking his power. Gold wondered for a second if his own father had ever felt what he felt now. Knowing your own son wanted to kill you…it…. He shook his head, dispelling the idea that his father Peter Pan had ever felt similar to him now. The bastard who'd abandoned him had never wanted him, so it was unlikely he'd have been affected at all by Gold despising him.
Gold though wanted his sons. Always. Even the one Isaac had wrote for him in the book. The erased one. It mattered little that the young man's existence wasn't through natural means, he was his son. And the only child of his that was still alive. The only one he still had a chance to be a family with.
'But you do realize, don't you, who else he is?' His Dark One consciousness prodded, repeating its question despite his efforts to ignore it. 'His name. The name he took, it's echoed in your head since the moment you two spoke.' His imp voice crooned, appearing beside him as an hallucination. Chuckling coldly. 'Nemesis.'
Gold tensed, his jaw clenching at his Dark One's subconscious' words.
'That means, dearie, that he's the one who ordered Gideon's….'
"Shut up." Gold growled, stuffing away the thought firmly inside the deepest recesses of his brain. The idea the most unbearable. The most horrible.
'Fine. But it makes one wonder, doesn't it? If he can do that to his own blood, what will he do to Sadie? It's not like her young age will protect her.' His subconscious chided. 'You don't even know what he wants her for. Not to mention how it will affect your future plans.'
Gold flashed an angry scowl at the imp hallucination, his eyes gleaming with frustration and a tad bit of wariness.
'Come on, dearie. You can't hide the truth from me.' His imp form tittered, drawing up to him so that he was a mere inch or so away. 'You still want to corrupt the pirate's daughter. You still want to turn her dark for revenge. And for more than just Hook failing to protect Gideon.'
Gold sunk more firmly into the shadows of the porch, chilled but also lulled by his Dark One subconscious.
'You want him to pay for every transgression against you and yours.' The imp continued, his words followed by a mad giggle. 'Every. Single. One.'
Listening to his Dark One subconscious, Gold averted his gaze from the house, thinking about his plan and his premonition concerning Sadie. If Nemesis' plan for the newborn was deadly, if it risked the baby's life...that vision, that future revenge of his would be nonexistent. Worse, it would be his unwritten son who'd go dark, ur, darker, and yet another child would lose its life. For what?
"What does he want with her?" Gold muttered, glowering as he thought, trying to understand his would-be son. To imagine what the youth wanted. What, if anything, would be important to someone like Nemesis? Someone with the power to jump in at any point of time. Someone outside the story. Someone….
His narrowed eyes twitched, his scowling lips a thin line as the idea flashed through his thoughts, as clear and sure as one of his visions. Though it simply increased his befuddlement over Nemesis' actions. "Is that what he wants…to be rewritten into the story? But...why not just go to the Author? Surely Henry would've been able to write him back in. Why…?"
'Dearie, do you seriously have to ask why?' His imp self goaded, making a tsking sound before chuckling. 'Isaac wrote him to take after you. Ergo, he'd want what you would.'
Gold sucked in a breath and scowled at the floor of the porch without noticing it, realizing what Nemesis wanted. Or rather didn't want. "He doesn't want to lose his power. His ability to transverse to anywhere or when in the story. He wants to be returned to the story, but with his power intact."
'Hee hee. Right you are.' The tittering imp spoke, making a few grandiose gestures before cozying up close to him. 'And there's only one way he can accomplish that.'
"A powerful reversal spell. One cast on his page from Isaac's book." Gold muttered, his knowledge from his centuries of living and from being the Dark One meshing with his cleverness. "But that doesn't explain why he needs the pirate's daughter..." His eyes widened and he glanced back at the window leading to Sadie's nursery, a sickening feeling sinking in his stomach. "Unless…." Filled with curiosity, and with dread gnawing at his gut, he teleported himself into the baby's room, taking only the briefest of moments to check that no one else was around.
Appearing just a foot away from the crib, Gold peered down at the newborn and visibly relaxed upon noticing she was asleep. He still remembered how quickly he warmed to her earlier in the sheriff station, moved by his grief and paternal desire. Something he couldn't afford happening now, especially if his suspicion was correct.
"Now, now, dearie." He muttered, studying the newborn and debating how to proceed - to prove if his suspicion was right or not, he had to know what kind of magic Sadie had. Something more readily determined by seeing it in practice or testing a strand of hair - neither of which were feasible with the newborn. Babies seldom could use magic even when born with it, and like many newborns Sadie had little hair to speak of. "How to do…."
"Gah….Bhhr." Having woken up seconds after Gold started muttering, Sadie gurgled. Her wide blue eyes, filled with innocence, curiosity, and trust, gazed up at the Dark One. She smiled, reaching out for Gold, not at all afraid - far too young and innocent to know she should be wary. It nearly caused the Dark One to falter and teleport away to figure out some loophole to get his dagger back instead. Nearly.
"Shh. I…." Gold whispered, raising his hand in order to cast a sleeping spell on Sadie, lest she start bawling like the newborn she was.
It was in that moment that he froze and a strange feeling passed over his body. One quite like the times he crossed the town-line into the Land Without Magic. His eyes widened as he gawked at his hand, struggling to use magic but unable. His first thought was that Nemesis must have gotten hold of the chest and took the dagger back, but he quickly dismissed it. He wasn't being controlled, his magic was simply...gone.
"No…." He muttered, nearly giving into panic, until he realized his limp too was gone. His leg felt whole, strong, like it did before the Ogres War. Yet that wasn't…. Realizing the truth before even noticing that Sadie had managed to grab hold of his sleeve, he backed away quickly. The moment the newborn's tiny hand let go, he felt his magic flood back and his leg return to its crippled, but magically supported, state. Staring at the newborn, Gold's heart raced, horrified.
'Seems Nemesis was right, dearie.' His Dark One subconscious blurted, excited and amused. 'Sadie is special.' The imp paused, walking to the other side of the newborn's crib, and chuckling. 'This means your suspicion is on the nose as well. Nemesis….'
"No…." Gold shook his head, his stomach in knots.
'...is going to steal Sadie's magic and use it to renew his story.' The imp tittered, goading Gold. 'You'll once more have a son to dote on, dearie.' There was a pause, the manifestation of his Dark One subconscious leaning over the crib and flashing a heartless grin before continuing. 'There's just the one thing...this tiny, precious baby….' Another pause while the imp manifestation glanced down at Sadie, eyeing her emotionlessly except for an echo of his heartless grin twitching at his lips. '...will have to die.'
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pjscribble · 8 years
I read it in a book I seen the pictures..to be led.. social.. hell I woke up in the library.. about at about 6 one time.. about 1-2 am.. all alone.. I knew they showed me everything.. I thought about so many things.. I thought that after twenty minutes I would look where they would come in.. . I looked where I seen them appear and disappear. the older ones.. I longed for social contact ... it was everyone do it all the time.. I giggled inside... everyone doing it.. but I was honest.. I just wanted to talk and to have better social contact they all did it.. led.. me unled I could like pop out of the car... and know that today.. I was alone.. there were weirdos and plants and every sort of thing to try.. but you know... everyone do it all the time.. they made it happen.. I remember coming home from the hospital they accepted anything  mostly the father the mother a midget was not present ever.. only at meals to feed herself I presumed from answering on the extension and listening ...they were older.. but they had a notion.... they stuck to it after another baby was given... we all could not have come from the same mother and father.. it was blatantly obvious. an autistic midget the oldest a nasty girl 8.. not desirable.. more like a man...a tall dark microdick  five years ahead..of my age..used..... they made it happen.. I said nothing they all just knew what I had said... those were all gone like a little after I was 10 some died.. some moved away. the two oldest.. contrived nonsense found their way elsewhere.. the boy died while I was in university.. the autistic midget omg.. made her way back to be a fixture.. it disgusted me.. I imagined it had a dick.. holidays the screaming and the jockeying for attention...  they were out what are they doing back.. .. I meant the ones that made the calls in the morning... if they had not already gone..one died.. the grandmother it was a man... no question.. come over leave her.. bring something.... and some  other obscene stuff.... .. like who was already there and.. what they were going to do.. I was like 2 or 3 I had some experience.. with myself.. I understood some of it.. and sometimes they would pop in and get things.. the other house was at an angle with my home.. they would get high heels that was an easy one.. and sometimes personal stuff.. and sometimes other stuff.. I tried to follow it when it happened soon after I was popping out myself.. to try to find something social.. I got some crazy stuff.. I like would say I would like to meet you do you have time to talk or the best I could learn politeness.. they showed up from the other house instantly... it seemed no one was suppose to talk to me.. I questioned it.. don't talk to her? I was a little angry....
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