greenhouse-studies · 1 year
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Day 64 • 100 Days of Productivity
second PSL of the week! this time it’s iced instead of hot but it’s just as delicious! anyway, worked on the graphs of tan, csc, sec, and cot functions in precalc today and did my discussion leader activity for the lottery by shirley jackson for english. spent an hour and a half in the library studying history. i have my first day at my practicum for my foundations of education class at the high school i’ve been paired with tomorrow!
🎶 calm before the storm - fall out boy 🎶
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Scholarship Interview
I got an email saying that for one of the scholarships I applied for they want to do a phone interview! (Since I live in Indiana and the committee is in Missouri.) It's tomorrow afternoon and I'm bouncing with joy! I hope it's a good thing that they want to do a interview with me! I can't wait for tomorrow!
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greenhouse-studies · 1 year
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Day 42 • 100 Days of Productivity
i fucked up my shoulder/upper back this morning. i stretched and somehow pinched a nerve right along my spine so i can’t bend over or move the right side of my body without pain. i still managed to work for 5 hours but i had to stop before i got everything done because i’m just in so much pain. but i DID get a lot of work done and it’s a good start to the week, i just gotta work more than i wanted to tomorrow. anyway! i have a math test this week and i’m kinda nervous even tho it’s open note. i also have my history final on friday and i’m low key nervous even though i literally know the exact questions i’ll be tested on. i think just calling it a final is scaring me, i know i’m prepared! i’ll kick ass!
🎶 kids - orville peck 🎶
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