#unityversehq: event
thedavidfinlay 1 year
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How cool is it that now both Bullet Club and UnityVerse have reached 10 years? Excited to celebrate after this past month of sacrificing my life for the cutest little girl in the world. You're welcome.
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theaceaustin 1 year
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Partying for myself and @dashingchrisbey is as easy as ABC, 鈽濔煆烩湆馃徎馃馃徎
Of course we brought all of our tag gold with us! This party was just TOO SWEET!
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banksmone 1 year
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UnityVerse 10-Year Party was MON脡 馃挵
I still can't believe we've reached 10 whole years. I remember coming here a little shy and insecure, but I learned more and met so many great people and I learned to love this place. Like I've said, this year was all about self-love and self-discovery for me. I banked on mon茅 and had the best times of my career. My mission as a leader has always been to inspire others to be the best versions of themselves that they can be. That's what I love about UnityVerse, everyone should care for each other no matter what. Exploring the beautiful city of Chicago from Night 1 to a fun gaming experience on Night 2, I'm so happy everyone enjoyed. Can't wait for y'all to see what else we have in store! Happy 10 years 馃帀馃挄
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kennyomegamanx 1 year
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UnityVerse - One Decade:
I am so appreciative of the fact that UnityVerse has made it this far with 250 citizens. I am sure ten years is something a lot of people wouldn't have expected, but alas here we are. I have been in UnityVerse for almost six of those ten years, and I can proudly say that being a part of UnityVerse is an honor that everyone should take with pride. I always dreamt of making a difference in UnityVerse, and I can happily say that I've done that with seven other wonderful people. Being able to lead for half of this decade is incredible too. Thank you all. We have so much more in store this summer, please stay tuned!
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bexplexes 1 year
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UnityVerse 10-Year Anniversary Party!
Day One on the left, Day Two on the right.
UnityVerse reaching this kind of milestone is something I would've never imagined. I still remember arriving here as an Irish tap dancer, and now look where I am. I'm a UnityVerse Leader. I know the party wasn't the way we expected, but I'm so glad all of you enjoyed. We still have many fun activities to show you! Thanks for supporting us for 10 whole years. Much love. 馃А
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johnnygargano 1 year
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A whole decade of UnityVerse!
Everyone knows I just had to bring the whole family with me for this journey. We had such a fantastic time exploring Lake Geneva and Chicago, and I even snapped a quick picture of @pintsizepoison showing Quill the fireworks at Navy Pier! Dexter, Indi, and Candice all have done so much for me inside and outside the ring, and I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate our beautiful family with this party. UnityVerse hitting 10 years is the coolest thing, and I'm thankful that I get to be a leader and work with such great people to make UnityVerse the place to be. Thanks for 10 years, everyone! Love y'all! 馃
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american-nightmare 1 year
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10 Years of UnityVerse!
I am currently the only leader that's been here for the full 10 years and I can't even begin to tell you all how much this milestone means. 10 years of growth, change, evolution, community, family, love, and so much more. We have so much more in store for you this year but I am beyond elated to know that everyone had a wonderful time. Even though the job has its highs and lows, being a leader is something I have always loved and I feel that I was meant to do. Continuing to create these unforgettable memories for everyone fills me with so much joy, and I hope it is everlasting for everyone. Thank you all for coming on this journey with us! Happy 10 Year Anniversary. 鉂わ笍
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flynnagin-11 1 year
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10 whole years of UnityVerse. Holy shit.
I loved the celebration this year. The cruise was pretty much my favorite part. Lake Geneva is so beautiful and it was so fun to go there with everyone in UnityVerse. My UnityVerse journey has had its ups and downs, but I'm so thankful to be here today. Proud of everyone always.
B 馃拫
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nickjacksonyb 1 year
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At the start of the year, @superkickclub and I won the MVPs of 2022 Award for UnityVerse. Now, we're at 10 years of this place. So cool how timing works, right? Thanks for all the love and support UnityVerse.
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decoderyuta 1 year
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Three tickets to the Strawberry Festival please. (One for @bryanldanielson too actually!)
10 Years of UnityVerse is awesome. While I haven't experienced the full ten, guys like @themoxicity, @bryanldanielson and @csroclaudio have. They've taught me everything about this place, and the one thing I've learned is that UnityVerse perseveres. Congratulations to all!
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switchbladenz 1 year
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Had to remind UnityVerse who's era it still is. Guns Up 馃憜
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headbangaelp 1 year
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UnityVerse's 10 Year Decade was this weekend! I had so much fun. I haven't been here for this long but UnityVerse always knows how to make people feel welcome. And pets too of course! 馃惥
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starkmanjones 1 year
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Being able to celebrate my 3 year AEW debut and 10 years of UnityVerse still blows my mind. I'm a star wherever I go 猸愶笍 Happy 10 Years y'all
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tmtmtmx 1 year
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10 Years of UnityVerse - A Reflection:
Every year that we have these anniversary parties, I always like to take time and reflect on the theme of each party. In 2021, the 8-Year Party was about healing from painful times. In 2022, the 9-Year Party was about relying on each other and forming strong connections. Now, this 10-Year Party is about recognizing the history of this place and how far it has come. I am so grateful for UnityVerse and its people. I am also thankful to be a leader of this place and represent STARDOM the best way I can. Being a double champion and a leader is a dream come true. Continue to believe in us! Mwah! 鉂わ笍馃
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brutalriptide 1 year
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UnityVerse - 10 Years
What better way to celebrate a decade than to have multiple parties?! I gotta say, this was probably the best one yet. I had a great time representing the Judgement Day and being a leader. My UnityVerse career may not be the longest but I feel that I've been through so much since the start. My look has definitely changed, and I've met so many great people too. Being a leader was so nerve-wrecking for me at first but now it's like second nature! Thanks for 10 years everyone, and remember I'm your MAMI 馃槇鈿栵笍馃枻
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dunkzillasdavis 1 year
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your favorite tag team dressed to impress at the 10 year party this year 馃憫馃挌馃挍 CROWNS UP
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