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All #Muslim #Unity #Conference held in #Pakistan ----------------------------------- 1st April 2017, A conference of All #Islamic #scholars from all Muslim Schools of thought held a in #Jamiat AL Kausar. And the conference was organized and supervised by The Allama Sayed Sajid Ali Naqvi. Many scholars from all schools of thought lighten the unity of all Muslims. They promise to work together for #Islam and #Muslims. They said it is our important responsibility to unite the Muslim #ummah under the banner of Islam. They said if right now Muslims are suffering #problems and #oppression from some ignorant Muslims & Non Muslim enemies everywhere is because of #Disunity in the Muslim Ummah. They said problems in #Syria, #Pakistan, #Kashmir, #Palestine, #Iraq, #Yemen, #Bahrain, #Burma, #Libya etc. Is all because of Enemies of Islam and Muslims who always divide us and rule over us and crush and destroy us after dividing us in Sects...They said America and Israel and Britain played a main role in destruction and destabilization in All Muslim Countries. #IslamicUnity #MuslimUnity #unityofmuslims #unityofIslam #Iran #Leader.ir #Pakistan #Kashmir #Muslims
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[HEADLINE NEWS] IIF 2015---> Rangkaian acara keislaman tahunan yang selalu berhasil menyedot perhatian pemuda islam IPB maupun luar IPB setiap tahunnya. Berbekal semangat pemuda islam dalam mewarnai perjalanannya dgn karya, maka pada tahun ini, LDK Al Hurriyyah kembali mempersembahkan: 😎IPB Islamic Festival (IIF) 2015 🔥 Menghadirkan: ☝Sesi 1: 📡Keynote speaker: Hidayat Nur Wahid (Wakil Ketua MPR RI) Tema: Build the Unity of Islam✊ ✌🏻Sesi 2 🎬 Bedah Film "Bulan terbelah di langit Amerika" (Sequel Film "99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa") 🖖Sesi 3 (Membangun Persatuan Pemuda islam) 👳Pembicara : *Ridwansyah Yusuf Achmad (Ketua PPI Belanda Tahun 2012-2013) 👱Dimoderatori oleh Mogi Bian Darmawan (Wapresma KM IPB 2015 - 2016) 📺Konser Amal For Palestine 🎤 Guest star : Fadly "Padi". Please save the date! 📆 Ahad, 06 Desember 2015 ⌛ 07.30 - 14.45 WIB 🏡 Gedung Graha Widya Wisuda, IPB 💰 HTM: 🙇Single: 25.000 👬Couple: 40.000 👪 Group (5 org) : 90.000 🔛On The Spot : 30.000 🔋 Fasilitas: Snack, Lunch, Pin, Sertifikat dan Ilmu bermanfaat dunia akhirat. Waww😳, 3 Rangkaian Acara yg Dahsyat bisa kamu dapatkan dengan Harga yang Bersahabat 👍So, lets Join Us. Caranya : Ketik : Nama_IPB/Umum_Institusi_Paket_No Hp lalu kirim ke 081289519642 (Ade) Untuk yg IPB, silakan datang ke stand kami jika telah konfirmasi mendaftar untuk pengambilan tiket. Nah, untuk Umum silakan transfer ke rekening BNI : 0346777483 atas nama Ade Gusalinda dan konfirmasi transfer ke nomor pendaftaran awal (Ade). Ayoo tunggu Apalagi, jadilah Saksi Di Acara Dahsyat Ini 😎🔥💥 Feel free to ask: 📞 +62 89606055497 (Ikhwan) 📞 085694588677 (Akhwat) #IIF2015 #LDKALHURRIYYAH #UNITYOFISLAM
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All #Muslim #Unity #Conference held in #Pakistan ----------------------------------- 1st April 2017, A conference of All #Islamic #scholars from all Muslim Schools of thought held a in #Jamiat AL Kausar. And the conference was organized and supervised by The #Allama #Sayed #Sajid #Ali #Naqvi. Many scholars from all schools of thought lighten the unity of all Muslims. They promise to work together for #Islam and #Muslims. They said it is our important responsibility to unite the Muslim #ummah under the banner of Islam. They said if right now Muslims are suffering #problems and #oppression from some ignorant Muslims & Non Muslim enemies everywhere is because of #Disunity in the Muslim Ummah. They said problems in #Syria, #Pakistan, #Kashmir, #Palestine, #Iraq, #Yemen, #Bahrain, #Burma, #Libya etc. Is all because of Enemies of Islam and Muslims who always divide us and rule over us and crush and destroy us after dividing us in Sects... #IslamicUnity #MuslimUnity #unityofmuslims #unityofIslam #Iran #Leader.ir #Pakistan #Kashmir #Muslims
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