#unity-rogue sequel XD
teecupangel · 1 year
Hello! I just discovered you recently, dived headfirst into several your fics and am so in love with them. I'm also incredibly grateful because I'm in the middle of putting a house on the market and your fics are saving my sanity. My most recent read is 'Ouverture', and I love bitter, slightly elitist and secretly disdainful Desmond. Now I have so many questions about Unity cannon (that you've cannonballed) if you wouldn't mind just head cannoning some future what if answers?
Does Arno return to France and get caught up in the revolution? Does Des come with and keep out of sight? IS Des considered a traitor by the Paris Assassins? Arno have an opinion on the Parisian Brotherhood? Does he have better Eagle vision since Des trained him? Do Paris Assassins read blue or white to him? Does he meet Elise again? What has become of the de la Serre family?
The French Revolution:
*random rooftop after absurdly flashy physics breaking move that avoided the lookout of five Paris Assassins*
Pierre: "Pisspot."
*arrogant eyebrow game at max and full permission from Des to be an asshole*
Arno: "0uncle Pierre."
Pierre. "Figured. Only one other who could hold eagle vision that easily to evade everyone with that stunt without breaking his neck. He would have kicked me as he flipped over my head."
Much love and thanks! And sorry for the long submission!
Hello! I’m so happy my fics were able to help you during such a hard time and please don't apologize. I love getting submissions and asks, no matter how long or short they are (although I am quite late in answering them TTATT). I hope selling your home is going well!
Okay, so let’s talk about the possible future of Ouverture and A New Way To Do Things in relation to Arno.
Arno will, of course, grow up in the homestead in this one. Unity officially starts 5 years after the end of AC3 when Arno is around 21 years old. Arno returns to France because he actually followed Desmond back to France (while Ratonhnhaké:ton and Clay had to stay behind for the Brotherhood and tells Desmond that they’ll catch up to him instead). Desmond returns because Lafayette requested their aid (he and Lafayette talked a lot during the American Revolutions as two French dudes doing whatever they can) and Desmond agreed to help his ‘motherland’.
This means that Desmond and Arno went back to France without the Parisian Brotherhood’s ‘approval’ so they’re going rogue (although Charlotte gets a visit and she cries because of how much Arno has grown).
Arno now calls Desmond ‘dad’ in this one too although he still calls Charles Dorian ‘father’ and they become embroiled in AC Unity’s plot as well, with Desmond having bad feelings because there’s something in Paris that just makes his skin crawl.
Desmond is sorta in a very precarious position in the Parisian Brotherhood, especially now that Sophie Trenet is a council member. A lot of the council members have a more forgiving stance on Desmond, especially after they hear how he helped Ratonhnhaké:ton take back the ‘colonies’ from the Templars but they’re not necessarily happy that he’s back. Sophie’s the one who is pushing for him to regain his old rank (not that Desmond wants it) though because she remembers him as being a good man and a great Assassin.
Desmond and Arno actually visits Bellec in prison and that’s how they reunite. Well…
That and the cannonball that ‘started’ the prison break…
Arno is officially a member of the American Brotherhood of Assassins (like Desmond) so he’s not thought of as a traitor but more like an outsider. Arno doesn’t mind though because his memory of France felt more like a distant dream. He doesn’t like to go to Versailles though.
Arno’s opinion of the Parisian Brotherhood is pretty much nonexistent. Desmond doesn’t like to talk about them, not even to complain about them. Other than say their ranking system is ridiculously long but Arno is pretty sure Desmond was being sarcastic (he was not).
Because of this, the Parisian Assassins appear as either blue (Bellec and Sophie) or white to him. They’re polite to him but also sorta cagey because he is not one of them as far as the Brotherhood is concern.
He does have a better Eagle Vision, one of the more advanced ones, actually, considering Desmond, Clay and Ratonhnhaké:ton trained him (and that means his Assassin style is a combination of his three instructors). The whole “I see their memories” thing Arno is also theorized by Clay as being a mutation caused by Arno’s close proximity to whatever Charles Dorian was carrying with him before he handed it off to another Assassin then returned to France to get his next (and last) mission. Clay believes that it’s some kind of POE and that it sorta mutated Arno’s Isu genes to be more prevalent in this case because he was still young when he was in it’s area of ‘influence’. Of course, that’s all guesswork and Arno just uses it to get more information.
Arno does meet Élise once more and it’s… well… it’s complicated.
While it’s highly possible that Arno would still hold a torch for Élise during that time, it is also highly possible that she would just be a distant memory, the kind girl whose parents may have had a hand on the death of his father (or so Desmond believed). Hell, if you want to add more drama in that front, it could be that Élise and Arno sees each other as ‘enemies’ this time around, their childhood memories being nothing more than the innocence of children that they could no longer go back to (especially with them no longer having any long history with one another so Arno sees Élise as a Templar gone rogue and Élise sees Arno as just another Assassin). (If you want to make it hurt, have Élise be the one to actually carry a torch for Arno while Arno had already fallen in love or may have already gotten married by the time he returns to Paris. To who? Ellen’s daughter Maria who becomes Arno’s childhood friend in the Davenport Homestead). Also, he’s seen as the older brother of Ratonhnhaké:ton’s children as well so, in many ways, Arno feels more at home at Davenport than he is in Paris while Élise’s father died because he couldn’t get the letter meant to warn him in time and she’s just full of anger and the burning desire for vengeance right now, with no one she can trust at all.
Also, also… Desmond has a reunion of his own to rival Arno’s Templar-connection past.
His aunt…
Madame Flavigny.
(Yeah, that’s right. The only person who knew Desmond as Antoine Faroy and his only living blood relative is a Templar, to be more exact, a Templar from the Radical Faction.)
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whatthefuckisasweep · 3 years
(@/larosaescarlata's main here!) 2, 7, 27 and 31 for the assassin ask!!
Hello beloved mutual! Thank you for asking me :)
2: Favorite playable character
Connor/Ratonhnhake:ton all the way in terms of story and character! He's what I think is the embodiment of a true assassin, a kind soul, and great representation. He's just my favorite AC character overall. In other words, please feel free to talk to me about Connor Kenway at all times. I will go off if allowed xD
7: OTP?
Altmalmar, Altmar, Altmal! I don't really ship much things that hard in AC, but I really like them. I also love a lot of Jacob ships like Fryeddy and RothFrye (don't get mad at me for this, I like the potential of their dynamic and I don't claim it to be healthy). EzioLeo and HayZiio are also really cute too!
27: A game that deserves a sequel?
AC III / Rogue / Unity, easy. I mean, come on. Arno and Connor should have teamed up at some point, and maybe Shay could cameo. I want to see them in old age and their dynamic, even though it will never happen. : (
31: If you were given the chance, whose memories would you explore in the Animus?
Honestly... My own ancestors? I think it'd be sick to see where my ancestors were and what they did. I'm Chinese, so already that'd be a lot of rich history that I could see and go through.
Thank you for askin' again : ) anyone else wanna askie the post is here
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lockescoles · 6 years
Video Game Meme
Tagged by @sabriel, thank you :D
Favorite game from the last 5 years?  ‒ Final Fantasy XV
Most nostalgic game? ‒ Final Fantasy VI
Game that deserves a sequel?  ‒ Mass Effect Andromeda (yes, I’m always gonna be salty about this)
Game that deserves a remaster?  ‒ Final Fantasy VI deserves an entire remake and not just a remaster, but if we’re talking about a remaster, I would go with Dragon Age Origins, with real voices for the Warden please. 
Favorite game series?  ‒ Final Fantasy
Favorite genre?  ‒ RPGs
Least favorite genre?  ‒ Multiplayer
Favorite song from a game?  ‒ It’s so hard to choose only one ?? But I’ll go with A Fleeting Dream from Final Fantasy X. 
Favorite character from a game?  ‒ Locke Cole from Final Fantasy VI and Noctis Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV, I just can’t choose. 
Favorite ship from a game?  ‒ Kaidan/Shepard from Mass Effect Trilogy, Hawke/Fenris from Dragon Age 2 and Locke/Celes from Final Fantasy VI. 
Favorite voice actor from a game?  ‒ Ray Chase as Noctis Lucis Caelum in Final Fantasy XV. 
Favorite cutscene?  ‒ Celes’ suicide attempt and the events that follow in Final Fantasy VI. 
Favorite boss?  ‒ I don’t know ??
First console?  ‒ NES, but the first one I really remember playing is the SNES. 
Current console or consoles?  ‒ PS4, PS3, Switch, Wii U, 3DS and PC. 
Console you want?  ‒ I have all the ones I want so :P but I want a better PC to be able to play more games on my PC (I want FFXV for my PC too xD)
Place from a game that you’d like to visit?  ‒ Macalania Woods in Final Fantasy X
Place from a game that you’d like to live in?  ‒ Insomnia in Final Fantasy X
Ridiculous crossover that would never happen but would be super fun?  ‒  I can’t think of something :P
Book that would make a good game?  ‒ I usually don’t like when a book is adapted to video game xD Harry Potter could have been fun, but I didn’t enjoy them ??
Show/movie that would make a good game?  ‒  I think the same as I think for the books, but I already mention Harry Potter so I’m gonna try Shadowhunters. 
Games you want to play?  ‒ The Assassins’s Creed games I haven’t played yet (Rogue, Unity, Syndicate, and also the ones who aren’t on the PS4) 
Have you gotten 100% completion in a game?  ‒ YEP :D but I have to really love a game for doing so!
Have you cried over a game?  ‒ Of course”
What power-up or ability would you want in real life?  ‒ Let me be a dragoon LOL ;D
Tagging: @fieryfantasy @mikia87 @mistress-light @lyssala @placeofmemory @iures @thefantasyhasnolimits & YOU ;D
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