#unintentionalky sympathetic
tumblunni · 6 years
I'm honestly kinda sick of seeing 'creepy monster child' played unsympathetically in media.
Like i mean Selim Bradley from FMA would be SO much more interesting if he actually did have some affection for the human woman who adopted him. FMA really kinda dropped the ball with the homunculi, aside from Greed they all have no real reason why theyre evil or any sort of apparant emotions at all. They try and make you feel sad for some of them at the last minute but its like there was no evidence of it shown ever before?? Just randomly say that Selim and King Bradley both secretly loved their adoptive human family on their deathbed BUT they never showed it before and never trusted her and repeatedly put her in harm's way and never cared about her enough to not destroy the damn world. And WHY do they want to do it? Also at the last minute envy apparantly envies humans and its all sad yet NEVER SAW THAT BEFORE and this trait was never reflected in any sort of doubt about all the evil actions and also why even do those evil actions. And even their BOSS has no damn motivation or personality, he's just Bad Wrong Mc Evildude. He was literally born evil and Hoenheim was wrong to treat him like a human beibg because he abused that trust and became evil as soon as he escaped the lab. And why does he want to eat god and rule the world and shit?? Like if his motive was to become human why did he make this new plan after he achieved it?? Why does he just hide out in a cave and ramble about hating humans, when his motovation in his introductionary chapter was to escape the lab and become real? He like never explored the outside world AT ALL? And why even want to look like a human if you never interact with humans? AND WHY DID YOU WANT TO BECOME A GODDAMN GOD??? He's such a bad villain of such a great show...
Oh well anyway that went a lil bit offtopic, i just tangeanted off cos man its weird that Father is a bigger example of the bad Born Evil Child Character than the actual villain who looks like a child...
Anyway a better example of what i mean is Evelyn from Resident Evil 7. She's a biological weapon made by some assholes, but seriously she's just a goddamn kid! The only thing we really know about her is that she's extremely innocent and keeps mistaking the lab technicians and soldiers for the parents she doesnt have. And she's spent her entire life in a cage only hearing about a normal childhood from picture books. And like she's fuckin already dying already?? The whole big twist is that she was actually the emancipated old woman you saw early on, because her lifespan is extremely limited without regular doses of the virus, and she rapidly aged in literally only a few months. She cant even fuckin MOVE, she's just this poor confused child trapped inside a nigh corpselike husk, trying to play make believe cos those stories are the only frame of reference she has for a happy ending. All the spooky virus monsters are like her 'imaginary friends' and she only attacks humans because she wants to take them home and have them be her mom and dad. How in the FUCK do you write this premise and not expect her to be sympathetic????
Seriousky the first time i saw the game i actually had a way higher opinion of it cos i THOUGHT she was meant to be sympathetic! I was so on edge excited to find out the next plot twist that a lot of stuff flew over my head. Like i only realized we were supposed to cheer for our hero to kill her when he actually did. And then going back its easy to see how she was constantly written as scary and eeeevil and like.. God. Like seriousky yes she is dangerous but she's not evil! She doesnt know what she's doing! She doesnt understand that turning people into thibgs like her makes them go insane and murderous, she's just sitting there crying that her 'family' wont act the way theyre supposed to, and looking for more replacements whenever they go wrong. She doesnt even fuckin know that she's dying, dear god this poor kid! She was literally designed to be innocent, its not her goddamn fault. Its literally right there in the text! They made her look like a child so she could be smuggled into highly populated areas without arousing suspicion and then remotely detonated by invoking a stress response to make her use her powers. And somehow when they were deisgning this literal baby shaped bomb they never once thought 'hey maybe she'll wonder where her mom and dad are?' No lets just portray her as big scary evil and technically make the goddamn scientists RIGHT by showing her only escaping because they showed her a taste of the outside world, and her wanting a family literally causing mass murder and a fungus hell house. Gee all that would have been solved if she just didnt want that gosh darn family!
Where is my hug evelyn dlc.
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