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blogaccio · 2 months ago
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lospeakerscorner · 1 year ago
Federico II nello Spazio
L’Università Federico II nello Spazio:  partecipa all’esperimento ESA per il volo parabolico col Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, dei Materiali e della Produzione Industriale realizzando Low-G Emulsions All’esperimento ESA per il volo parabolico partecipa anche la Federico II. Nella campagna dell’Agenzia spaziale europea, in corso da mesi sulla Stazione spaziale internazionale in orbita…
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robotnikholmescomicblog · 2 years ago
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Now is when Unina realizes the downside to joining with pirates for free rides: they might not always have her best interests at heart. The lengths Captain Shellbreaker would go to finally get back at Abyss, to the point that he’s willing to go further and affect the world at large with the promise of power, shows that he’s truly an untrustworthy villain beneath his otterly calm exterior!
God damn it, now he’s got me doing it
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sbircialanotiziamagazine · 2 months ago
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stranotizie · 6 months ago
Al Graduation Day, 'credere a queste iniziative che possono fare molto per il territorio’ "Napoli si riconferma città capofila nella ricerca, questa è una delle accademie forse più specialistiche che abbiamo, che riguarda il futuro. Di questi temi", come Rna e terapia genica, "non si parlava prima del Covid, quindi è veramente una novità che riguarda il mondo del lavoro, le opportunità di lavoro e la salute pubblica". Lo ha detto Matteo Lorito, rettore dell'Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, intervenendo oggi nel capoluogo partenopeo in occasione della cerimonia di consegna dei diplomi agli allievi della Pharmatech Academy, il primo corso di studi italiano dedicato al pharma dell'Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, nato per volontà e sostegno del Centro nazionale di ricerca sviluppo di terapia genica e farmaci con tecnologia Rna (Cn Rna & Gene Therapy), con i fondi del Pnrr. "Ci sono tre importanti sfide: la nuova Academy, la sfida del Pnrr e la sfida di Scampia. Oggi a questo primo Graduation Day, che per noi è un momento importante - continua Lorito - c'è ovviamente una profonda tristezza nel dover ricordare una delle nostre allieve che purtroppo ha subito una sorte veramente brutta" - Cristina Frazzica, deceduta in un incidente stradale - ma "dobbiamo andare avanti e credere a queste iniziative. Questa formazione può fare molto anche per il territorio, per Scampia, per la Federico II. E' importante ricordare che la scelta dell'Academy a Napoli - conclude - è un segnale importante". Fonte
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sono-la-sad-bitch · 6 months ago
Vuo’ cchiù a’ntrà quest rave stasera? ( ho provato a scrivere in napoletano 😁😁)
( un ragazzo di UNINA spotted)
Iammeeee bbell lmaooo scrivimi per info
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444names · 1 year ago
Names derived from the Ayleidoon language dictionary
Abands Abary Abeids Abrily Abutwylle Acheadows Actions Adder Adeposs Aderceyoku Adorigrando Afrobilets Agranection Aladiarms Alatard Alathengua Alhor Alipta Alles Almedia Almend Almory Alphanscas Amathingral Ambeth Aming Amrigraed Andawnever Andeferan's Anoutworan Anscom Anyav Areme Aremer Aressely Arkendis Arlata's Arloardar Arlorbil Arnac Asing Astancia Astresel Athated Athint Ationt Attle Aunend Authinda Auths Auvanack Auvwxyz Avarfal...
Balaish Balcon Bamerip Bamplassion Bamria Baragais Baselynays Bastiontry Baviest Beena Befaldia Befexcelke Beidorrees Beinallael Beirolf Beite Belber Belend Beliara Belik Belizes Bellat Belly Belve Betin Byeider Calaration Caselle Casouro Caver Cebossion Celastamm Cenwo Cey's Choria Cialater Cianduum Ciene Ckanutents Clumnalle Comen Comerons Comettave Comma Conal Conen Conte Courn Culas Culdis Cyron Cyrotand Dabol Dagardayea Darcithme Daript Dawelikini Denal Desse Destint Dians Dicarals Dusendray Dusinit Duumbosely Eatcan Ehlnamer Ehlnar Ehlney Ehlnottleit Ehlye Einter Elinar Elledii Elleidedra Emallow Ender Entialeite Evoca Exce-li Faerald Falmereli Finbala Fintiviont Firood Firosignus Flurnacurn Foadowill Fremarly Frotes Gaiallorak Garegon Gattabek Gettlet's Gicham Giont Goret Gracham Graini Grallvend Greceys Grecuselle Guent Habrak Halathilve Hamis Heane Hecey's Herha Herms Hettak Hicka Hingu Holdavoy Horedishout Horting Ilemal Imalang Inagect Ingaia Ingua Inqueedael Inscasmeli Irefal Itticar Jarame Jaress Kiebeis Kielp Kincle Kindiretic Knition Knorsiobsca Knotn Kotion Kyrigua Kyrobles Laedel Lagerener Lagics Laiselias Lallikis Landood Lasil's Latan Latum Lessilessar Liblas Licurn Lifin Lincroset Linknia Lisne Litan Litarad Loranard Lorauta Lorecon Lorinsenals Lotsic Lovigaia Mafer Magodich Magon Malar Malen Malocas Matambees Matarpelly Mateadjects Mated Matern Matheit Mathich Mationumath Medlived Meran Merarlore Merbscoming Miastioble Minguarge Miseperwood Missesend Morauts Mordlyed Moria Moriciese Morielver Moriguldes Moris Mornen Mornens Mostuse Muchalor Mulda Muniar Musets Nacey Nagar Nagarandra Nalang Ndarly Nesell Nifts Ninga Nobarlarmor Noftedo Nostonwood Noted Noter Nourossa Obingua Onya-tres Ortic Oughty Ouglorn Oulda Ourostions Padawn Pagranyon Panda Paragar Parata Parrefiel Partionds Pasel Pel's Pelishamew Pences Peredia Perhood Peruty Phattene Picencia Plar's Platanes Plees Polda Porilie Poring Pormang Poseldo Posmeran Possed Possumatu Postalacon Postercyro Poweld Prect Preculme Premater Prets Pring Prouses Raltion Reade Reaus Recaveas Recourage Redly Renarda Rentect Rible Rimard Robaal Rumala Ruthink Safere's Sagearcanya Salage Sanin Sar's Scremerre's Scres Sectiond Sedraya Selda Seldits Selvel's Sencely Sepeader Sepou Septer Setriale Shalas Shame Shident Shincen Shiptaht Shomer Siblr Siblye Silatheres Sillyn Singair Sionene Siteldis Somia Soripta Sound Soutu Speast Spwil Stack Sticy Straccolat Strun Subjecan Subjeck Suldall Sultivid Sumaff Summus Sunnant Suntsit Suposetry Synong Taberenwood Taburn Tamerem Tansepties Tardiry Tarsitar Tastona Tedis Terfisilvel Terre's Theck Theide Theist's Theline Therold Thijklmnow Thilias Toods Tor's Torcedia Tornemet's Tracu Trancies Treavilve Trendrayle Triangumag Triew's Truin Truistrase Truni Tumermate Twyle Tyerunt Typhronse Uglanclus Umathely Umbectan Ummend Undenta Unemiss Unina Uoldiawily Usetattick Vagich Varagolded Varfincey Varighta Vaspature Velicen Verooly Vight Vseldae Wasom Wathout Weldir Wellvest Welly Wenceli Wendean Wening Weniressel Wevinsit Whamatyed Whanya Winfinsibly Wookent Wooly Woright Wortarlan Wounks Yance Yersaney Yonst Youranuses
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c-r-ash-crash · 2 years ago
Keep The Faith Chapter 26: An Hier
The rest of the day passed in a blur.  There had been a small feast, with tables dragged from houses to the shores of the lake.  All of the food was delicious.  There had been beetroot and potato stew, dozens of baked pastries drizzled in various fruit sauces.  But the main dish had absolutely stolen the show.  It was roast poultry marinated in glowberry sauce and garnished with thin apple slices.  Joey had made a point to grab the recipe from Unina.  After that, there had been dancing and entertainment, stories and songs.
Eventually, though, the festivities had died down.  People were beginning to drift off in twos or threes, but not without bowing to Joey first.  He returned their gesture and thanked them for their trust, promising to do right by them.
Once the last person had drifted off, Joey slumped down in his chair, exhausted.  He fiddled idly with the parrot feathers on his collar.  He was emperor now, really and truly.  Somehow, the weight on his shoulders felt heavier and lighter.  These people, his people trusted him.  He trusted Hade when she told him that he had truly earned it after protecting Zoey.  But there was still so much pressure.  What if he messed everything up and inadvertently betrayed everyone who had put so much trust in him.
He was pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of Tairon and Hade’s laughter.  He glanced up to see them at one of the other tables.  They were the only ones besides him left at the lakeside.  Tairon had a plate in front of them, finishing up the last of their dessert.  Hade was kneeling in front of a chair currently occupied by a gangly teen.
He was tugging gently at her hair, pulling the parrot feathers out one by one and laying them flat on the table.  The adults seemed to be laughing at something he’d said.  Then, the boy noticed Joey staring, and waved, a happy smile on his face.  After a moment, Joey returned the gesture.
Tairon glanced up, and once she noticed Joey, waved him over.  He hesitated a bit, not wanting to interrupt the moment, but Tairon raised their eyebrow in a clear challenge.
Naturally Joey copied the expression, and the two became locked in a staring contest.  The child was now giggling uncontrollably at the silent battle of wills, enough that Hade herself took notice.  Joey couldn’t tell, but he was sure she rolled her eyes when she said, “Oh my Exor, you two!  We get it.  You’re both incredibly stubborn.  Now Joey, get over here and come say hi!”
Joey and Tairon both laughed, each of them conceding defeat, and Joey stood to join the others.  As he sat down, Hade nodded to him.  The boy made a noise of irritation.  With a smile, she apologized and held her head still so the boy could pick feathers out of her hair.
“Hade,” Joey greeted.  “Tairon.  How was your guy’s food?”  “Oh, it was lovely,” Tairon said.  “It’s been a long time since we’ve had dishes like those, especially on such short notice.  But Unina is a miracle worker.  I don’t know how she manages to make such wonderful dishes each time.”
“I’ll have to give her even more compliments, then,” Joey agreed.  “That roast bird was something else.  What about you, Hade?  You enjoy the food?”  “I did,” she said, sounding more content than he’d ever heard her.  “It’s been a long time since we’ve gotten a chance to celebrate like this.  It’s been nice getting to have festivals more often.  Thank you, Emperor.”
Joey rolled his eyes in faux exasperation.  “You know, this fancy crown doesn’t change the fact that you’re allowed to just call me Joey.”  “I know,” Hade said wryly.  “But most of these celebrations are because you’re simply a wonderful ruler.  Feels right to call you by your proper title when I thank you.”
“Oh, alright, Advisor,” Joey teased.  “I should thank you for all of this, though.  I know you’re the one who organized everything.  So…thank you.”  “Actually, the whole thing was Tairon’s idea,” Hade said with a shrug.  The teen swatted at her lightly for the motion, and she laughed softly.
“Oh, by the way,” Joey said to the boy.  “What’s your name?  I know I’ve seen you around, but I don’t think we’ve ever actually spoken.”  The teen startled, surprised that Joey had spoken to him.  He blushed shyly and began fiddling with the end of one of Hade’s braids.
“It’s okay,” Tairon assured him.  “I promise he’s really nice.  Go ahead and tell him your name, bud.  Sorry, he’s a little bit shy.”  They directed the last sentence towards Joey.  “Oh it’s alright,” Joey said, waving off their concerns.  “I totally get it.”
The boy glanced at them unsure, but then he took in a breath as if he were steeling himself before turning back to face Joey.  “My name’s Amal,” he said.  “Pleased to meet you.”  “I’m Joey.  It’s nice to meet you too.”  
“So you’re my regent, right?” Amal asked, turning his focus back to Hade as he began to unwind the complicated series of braids.
Joey’s brow furrowed and he glanced at Hade.  She nodded, earning another light swat from Amal.  She apologized with a slight smile.  “Yes, Joey’s your regent, sweetheart.”  Then she noticed Joey’s confusion and her expression sobered a bit.  “After the previous emperor and empress passed, I was named temporary regent,” Hade explained.  “It just made the most sense for Tairon and I to take him in.”
“Why didn’t you mention this earlier?” Joey asked, his eyebrows knitting together in curiosity.  “Would have been nice to know.  I mean, at the end of the day, it doesn’t actually make a difference.  But it would have been nice to have met Amal earlier.”
“Hade just wants to keep me safe,” Amal interjected before Hade could say anything.  “Even after she got to know you, she was still worried.  I’ve read enough stories to know that regents can be bad sometimes.  She wanted to make sure you wouldn’t steal anything from me.  You can if you want to, though.  You’ve been a good emperor so far.  You can keep doing it if you want.”
“I don’t want to steal anything from you,” Joey assured the kid quickly.  He gave Hade and Tairon a firm look.  This was one promise he intended to keep.  He would not be stealing anything from a child.  Especially not their birthright.  
“And I’m honored that you think I’m a good emperor,” he said, returning his attention back to Amal.  “But part of being a good emperor is making sure I’m doing what’s best for the people.  And that means making you emperor once you’re an adult.”  Amal just shrugged in response.
Finally, he unwound the last of Hade’s braids, letting her hair spill over her shoulders.  “Zoey told me about the wolf yesterday,” Amal said.  “Oh?” Hade asked, climbing to her feet.  
“Yeah,” Amal nodded.  “She told me about how big it was, and how dark its fur was.”  Hade scooped Amal up and resettled him on her lap as she reclaimed her chair.  “Zoey told me that its eyes were red?  Were her eyes red, Mr. Joey?”  Joey nodded.  “It did have red eyes.  And its fur was really dark black, and it was massive.  Honestly, I was pretty scared.  I’m just glad Zoey is okay.”
“Me too,” Amal said, seemingly lost in thought.  They sat in silence for a moment, enjoying the sounds of birds in the trees and fish in the lake.  Eventually, though, Tairon stood and brushed the crumbs off their skirt.  “I have some work to get done back home.  The world doesn’t stop just because of some pomp and ceremony.”
“I’ll go with you,” Hade offered.  “I need to inform the other kingdoms about the coronation anyways.  Ugh, that’s going to take so much paperwork.”  She glanced down at the teen in her lap.  “Would you like to hang out with Joey, Amal?”  The teen glanced up at her.  Then he nodded and stood.  He and Joey watched as Hade and Tairon disappeared into the jungle, in the direction of the village.
“So…” Joey said after a minute.  “What do you wanna do?”  “Dunno,” Amal said with a shrug.  “What do you wanna do?”  “I dunno.”
The two sat in awkward silence for another minute.  “So, what kinds of things do you like to do?” Joey asked.  “I like to read,” Amal offered.  “But I don’t think we can really do that together.  Besides, you don’t look like someone who likes reading.”  
Joey pressed his hand to his chest in mock offense.  “Why, how dare you?” he exclaimed in the most faux-regal voice he could muster.  “You are right, of course, absolutely right, but how dare you insult an emperor that way!”   Amal grinned slightly at the melodramatic display.  “I like to walk around the jungle,” he said.  “But I’m not allowed to go once the sun starts setting, just in case I get lost.”
“Yeah,” Joey said sympathetically.  “Hade gave me the same rule.  Anything else you can think of?”  “Well…” Amal mused.  “Maybe we could hang out in that garden area Hade said you were building?  I mean, that can’t be very far from the village right?  She and Tairon would probably be okay with that.”
“Probably,” Joey said.  “I do need to start putting up the fencing.  You wanna go work on it?”  Amal nodded, and hopped off the seat, leading the way into the jungle confidently.
The two had settled in relatively quickly once Joey had set up a small table to craft blocks on.  It had taken him an embarrassingly long time to realize that anything bigger than what he could hold in his hands needed the special tool to be made.  Amal was sitting on one of the fence posts while Joey lined the perimeter of the garden with the sturdy wood.
They stood in comfortable silence for a while.  After about twenty minutes though, Joey said, “You good just sitting up on that fence?  Or do you want something to do?”  Amal shrugged.  “I guess.”
“You wanna rake up the last of these roots?” Joey suggested, gesturing vaguely towards the piles of roots that had been gathered up the other day.  Amal stared at him, shock etched into his face.  “What’s wrong, buddy?” Joey asked, glancing over his shoulder just in case.  “There something on my face?”
“No, I just…” Amal began.  “I’ve never been allowed to work.  My parents didn’t let me.  They said it was because I was a prince.  So I had to make other people work for me.  And even with the chores Hade and Tairon make me do, no one’s offered to let me work in the dirt like that.  My parents told me it would be…unbecoming.”  Amal pronounced the word slowly, the distaste in his voice obvious
“Well, that’s just ridiculous,” Joey said without thinking.  “I mean, I’m an emperor, which is way more stately than a prince and I’ve been working in the dirt for days now.  It’s not unbecoming for me.  And if an emperor can do it, surely a prince can too.  Besides, I think it makes me look better than avoiding it would.  It’s my job to make things better for everyone in the jungle.  And that takes a lot of work.  So I do the work because it’s my job.  And people appreciate that.”
Amal hummed in agreement.  “That’s what I always thought.  But Mom and Dad told me I was wrong.  I’ll help if you think I can, though.”  Then, he grabbed the rake and began pulling the roots towards the base of the trees at the edge of the clearing.
The two of them fell back into silence, Amal not having anything to say, and Joey not knowing what to say to keep a conversation going.  Eventually, all the roots had been cleared away, and Joey had told Amal to start putting little rows in the dirt where they could plant seeds later.  Finally, Joey layed down the last piece of fencing, and began to work on crafting the much more intricate gate pieces.
He had quickly found that the normal player crafted gates could only be opened by a player.  While that might be useful for some kind of defense purpose, it defeated the point of fencing in livestock for his people, or building a communal garden.  He’d figured out a way to combine the design of non-player gates with the sturdiness of player fences, but the hinges were complex, and required active concentration, unlike most of the builds he’d gotten used to making.
About halfway through making the gates, however, his concentration was interrupted by Amal.  “Did that wolf really have red eyes?” the teen asked.  Joey began to nod, slightly irritated that his focus had been broken, but then he paused as he registered the apprehension in Amal’s voice.  Somehow, Joey didn’t think he was the cause of it.
He glanced up, scanning the boy’s face.  The teen’s brow was pinched, and his lips were pressed together.  His hands were shaking on the edge of the rake.  “Yes,” Joey said slowly, his work now completely forgotten.  “The wolf did have red eyes.  Would you like to tell me why that scares you so much?”
“Mom and Dad’s eyes turned red before they died,” Amal said, pulling into himself.  “The…the doctor from The Crystal Cliffs said it was called Corruption Sickness.  Apparently it spreads really slowly, but it’s always deadly.  I-I don’t want it to come back.  I don't want to lose Hade or Tairon either.”
Silence sat heavy in the air.  Joey opened his mouth, grasping for something to say.  Nothing came out.  Finally, he knelt down beside Amal and looked him straight in the eyes as he said, “That Corruption Sickness isn’t ever going to come back.  You’re not going to lose Hade and Tairon.  I’m not going to let that happen.”  Then he spread his arms out, and Amal fell into the hug without hesitation.
Eventually, the teen pulled away, and murmured something about Joey finishing his gate.  “Oh, I can do it tomorrow,” Joey said with a wave of his hand.  “But if you want to stay here for a little while we can.”
Amal shook his head.  “I think I want to go home now.  Besides, it’s dark out.  I should be getting back anyways.”  “Okay,” Joey smiled gently.  “Want me to walk you back?”  Amal nodded.  “Don't want to see any wolves,” he muttered.
Joey nodded in understanding.  Quickly, Joey dumped the pieces of his half finished gate into his inventory and Amal set the rake against the trunk of a nearby tree.  Then, the two of them followed the glowing torchlight back into the village.
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italianxehanort · 6 years ago
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lospeakerscorner · 1 year ago
UniNa Corse Days
Università Federico II: verso gli 800 anni accende i motori delle sue auto da corsa nel villaggio UniNa Corse CITTÀ METROPOLITANA DI NAPOLI – È partito dal lungomare Caracciolo con il racing team e le auto di Unina Corse il countdown in attesa dell’inaugurazione dell’anno accademico 2023-2024 che segnerà l’inizio delle celebrazioni per gli 8 secoli dell’istituzione dell’Università laica più…
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annarchblr · 6 years ago
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Rewriting my architecture history notes
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cmatain · 3 years ago
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#Nápoles (#Italia), Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli (Sala Lucchese Palli), esta mañana. Congreso Internacional «La burla en el Siglo de Oro: teatro, literatura y artes», coorganizado por el Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici de la Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (#UNINA) y el Grupo de Investigación Siglo de Oro (GRISO) de la Universidad de Navarra (#UNAV). Con el Dr. Jesús M. Usunáriz, compañero del GRISO (y un par de máscaras teatrales). #SiglodeOro #Literatura #Teatro #Artes #Burla #ProyectoBurla2 #GRISO_UNAV https://www.instagram.com/p/CVtqMCGjwDU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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weeklymer · 7 years ago
tanta pioggia, tanto vento
tanto studio
tante voci
il cuore in silenzio
la testa che scoppia
ho male alla testa
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lucidiparigi · 7 years ago
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Policlinico Federico II. Napoli.
19 Ottobre 2017.
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antoniopescape · 6 years ago
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Qui è quando è domenica di primavera nell’Università più antica del mondo @uninait #fotobanali #unina https://www.instagram.com/p/BwPLcjznr2O/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dti79raf4fm9
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rottedistratte · 8 years ago
L’unico del corso a dare il secondo esame. 
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