wakeupzuzi · 11 months
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Solange (2008)
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gilliatt83 · 2 years
Rethinking the Prime Directive of 'Star Trek'
Long a trope of the Star Trek multiverse, the Prime Directive was created from a place of empathy to protect vulnerable societies. But, what if it is actually continuing an outdated, damaging philosophy?
“The Prime Directive is an antiquated piece of Western thinking. FUCK colonialism,”
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obrienpolycule · 9 months
Every day I think about how the Prime Directive is based on inherently racist and now outdated ideas of unilineal sociocultural evolution and this is only addressed less than a handful of times in the show
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anthronewb · 10 months
Anthropology is a reflection of the Prominant Political/social beliefs of the time
Anthropology is the study of what makes us human. Anthropologists study various cultures (past to present) to better understand them, and the data collected is used to develop anthropological theories. Despite claims of the research/findings being unbiased, factors such as the prominent political and social beliefs of the time influence the anthropologist's research (unintentionally or intentionally). Due to these factors, it is important to examine the prominent political and social beliefs of the time when reexamining anthropological theories.
When you create a timeline of anthropological theories alongside the political and social beliefs of the time, it's clear to see the influences.
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18th century
Anthropological theory
Unilineal Evolution: Presented the e idea that there was a sequence of stages that all cultures would go through (Long & Chakov, 2017). Those cultures may not necessarily go through the stages at the same time or pace but would go through the same developmental stages. This would be most popularly become known as the Three Age system. The categories being; THe Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age. Each indicative of the stage of development through technology
Physical Anthropology: “scientific” approach to study the development of different racial groups. Studies humans through their biological and physiological characteristics to study human development.
Cephalic index: calculations from the measurement taken of the skull. It measured the breadth and length of the skull, which would be then used for the classification of racial groups.
Samuel Morton, a physician furthered this research and linked cranial capacity with moral and intellectual endowments and assembled a cultural ranking scheme that placed large-brained Caucasoid at the pinnacle
 Anatomist and natural historian Johan Friedrich Blumenbach believed racial differences were due to adaptation to different environments
 Social and Political Beliefs of the time
Enlightenment period: The biggest influence on the formation of scientific development. There was a push away from the religious doctrine, in favor of a more science-based view of society.
There was also an increase in encounters with non-Europeans with the emergence of the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade.
These factors combined to develop an interest in the scientific notion of race
Despite the push away from religious doctrine, scientific thought was still developed based on religious knowledge.
E.g. the Bible story Adam & Eve
They were believed to be Caucasian, making Caucasians the ‘superior’ race, and thus anyone else was inferior.
The main takeaway is that Caucasians were the Superior Race (more specifically Germanic) and all other races delineate from them making them inferior.
These ideas of racial superiority/inferiority would be used to support racist ideologies. Nazis would use this to support their movement.
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Boasian Anthropology: A theory developed by Franz Boas, who is considered the “Father of American anthropology”
These consisted of Boas’s theories on culture and its development.
Cultural Relativism: We must make evaluations based on other cultures rules/beliefs and not our own. Using our own culture as a basis for analyzing other cultures results in biased research.
Boas would argue that “classificatory schemes of evolutionary theory dividing the world into “savage”  "barbarian," and "civilized" peoples were "artificial," their pretensions to universal, scientific validity marred by their grounding in Western values.
He would ignore the predominant theories in favor of conducting research.
 Social and Political Beliefs of the time
There wasn’t much change in political and social beliefs of the time, but much of the research was influenced by the cultures that were studied. The idea of cultural relativism was influenced by the cultures that boas studied, specifically his study of the Inuit people.
Boas would study under ethnologist Adolf Bastian, a person who believed in “psychic unity of mankind” (idea that all humans held the same intellectual capacity and all cultures were based on the same mental principles)
This would cause a shift in Boas’s approach to his study of the Inuit people.He wanted to understand Inuits as they understood themselves, rather than through his lens
Boas would influence anthropological theory into the mid-twentieth century as evidenced by his students like Zora Neale Hurston
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Mid-20th century to the Present 
There was a push for a more scientific-backed discipline. Processualism as it would later be classified as was first introduced by Lewis Binford. He believed that there was a certain way that anthropological research should be conducted. His main goal was to develop the
field into a “hard science” by using the scientific method. His focus was on the sub-category, archaeology and how the material evidence was identified.
Archaeological data would be classified into either Technomic (technology/tools, socio-technic (social/relation to social subsystems), and ideo-technic (ideological/ rationalizations in social system)
There was a push for reflection of traditional anthropological research- especially that of the study of race/racism.
Tody anthropological theory mostly focuses on the reflection of traditional anthropological theories
A launch of a public initiative titled, “Race: Are We So Different?” by the American Anthropological Association (AAA)”
 Social and Political Beliefs of the time
There was a rise in criticisms and challenging of early anthropological theories. This was due to the rise in the fight for equality by several groups (women, gays and lesbians, African Americans, and Native Americans) with The Civil Rights movement being one of the largest movements. 
This was evident by the rise in more people of color entering the discipline.
Processualism as a whole was mostly influenced by the academic community and trying to make it into a scientific discipline. A byproduct of this was ignoring the racist ideologies of past anthropological theories
There was a continued push for reflection and change in the academic community following the Civil Rights Movement.
Anthropology not influenced by society?-Counter
With the use of science, there was this idea that it created an unbiased way of interpreting information, and the outside factor was irrelevant. While it is true that science can be objective, scientists aren’t. Scientists choose what they study and can interpret data in different ways. Due to this, science will only ever offer a glimpse of objectivity. Physical anthropology used a scientific justification with the use of the cephalic index and the systems created based on the data collected for racial classifications. It is important to recognize that just because something claims a scientific basis, doesn’t make it so.
What does it mean when there is anthropological theories developed counte the predominant anthropological theory? Anthropologist like Gordon V. Childe was heavily influenced by Marxist theories. He developed/presented his theories during a time in which Marxism was heavily criticized. While he was still able to publish his works, it was much harder and prevented him for being recognized for his contributions to the field. 
Just because there are examples of anthropologists developing theories counter to the prominent political and social beliefs of the time, it doesn’t mean that there can't be a relationship between the two. Rarely in life do you see everybody agree on a single thing. Take “4 out of 5 dentists recommend (blank) toothpaste” for example. The overall opinion of the toothpaste doesn’t change if one disagrees. In the case of anthropological thought/theory, anthropologists remained influenced by political/social beliefs.
While these are good reasons to dispute my claims, there isn’t enough data to support this claim.
The evidence supports the idea of the inter-connected relationship between prominent social/political beliefs and anthropological thought/theory. From the foundation of early anthropological theories in the eighteenth century to the present, anthropology has been formed and reformed by the ideological movements of its time. Creating a lens through which anthropologists can view and interpret cultures, reflecting the wider societal mindset, and forming a dynamic relationship between Academic research and the cultures it seeks to understand
Much of early anthropological thought/theory was rooted in the personal biases of the anthropologists conducting research. They would use religion and “science” (what we would call today pseudoscience) as justification for their beliefs. Franz Boas would become one of the first anthropologists to question this idea as his research found that the earlier thought/theory didn’t reflect his findings. This would later be called Boasian anthropology (named after its creator). This would be the driving belief into the 1960s, where anthropology would then focus on the criticism of early anthropological thought/theory and processualism which was influenced by the many movements pushing for equality. More anthropologists of color and more research on black culture were conducted. Today we still reflect on and criticize early modes of anthropological thought with the continued push for equality.
In conclusion, some may try and argue that there is a distinction between predominant social/political beliefs and anthropological thought/theory, its relationship is undeniable. To study anthropology is not to view it statically but dynamically. It is important to recognize that anthropology isn’t just a story about a culture it studies, but also about the anthropologist’s narrative and how it is influenced by society.
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dailyanarchistposts · 6 months
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Chapter 8. The Future
We are fighting for our own lives, but also for a world we might never get to see.
Won’t the state just reemerge over time?
Most of the examples cited in this book no longer exist, and some only lasted a few years. The stateless societies and social experiments were mostly conquered by imperialist powers or repressed by states. But history has also shown that revolution is possible, and that revolutionary struggle does not inevitably lead to authoritarianism. Authoritarian revolutionary ideas such as social democracy or Marxist-Leninism have been discredited the world over. While socialist political parties continue to be parasites sucking at the vital energies of social movements, predictably selling out their constituencies every time they come to power, a diverse mix of horizontalism, indigenism, autonomism, and anarchism have come to the foreground in all the exciting social rebellions of the last decade — the popular uprisings in Algeria, Argentina, Bolivia, and Mexico, the autonomen in Italy, Germany, and Denmark, the students and insurgents in Greece, the farmers’ struggle in Korea, and the antiglobalization movement that united countries around the world. These movements have a chance of abolishing the state and capitalism amidst the crises of the coming years.
But some people fear that even if a global revolution did abolish the state and capitalism, these would inevitably reemerge over time. This is understandable, because statist education has indoctrinated us to believe the myths of progress and unilineal history — the idea that there is only one global narrative and it led inexorably to the ascendancy of Western civilization. In fact, no one knows exactly how the state developed, but it is certain that it was neither an inevitable nor irreversible process. Most societies never voluntarily developed states, and perhaps as many societies developed states and then abandoned them as have kept them. From the perspective of these societies, the state may appear to be a choice or an imposition rather than a natural development. The timeline we use also affects our perspective. For tens of thousands of years humanity had no use for states, and after there are no more states it will be clear that they were an aberration originating in a few parts of the world that temporarily controlled the destiny of everyone on the planet before being cast off again.
Another misconception is that stateless societies are vulnerable to being hijacked by aggressive alpha males who appoint themselves leaders. On the contrary, it seems that the “Big Man” model of a society has never led to a state or even to a chiefdom. Societies that do allow a bossy, more talented or stronger man to have more influence typically ignore him or kill him if he becomes too authoritarian, and the Big Man is unable to extend his influence very far, geographically or temporally. The physical characteristics on which his leadership is based are ephemeral, and he soon fades out or is replaced.[124]
It seems that states developed gradually out of culturally accepted kinship systems that coupled gerontocracy with patriarchy — over a period of generations, older men were accorded more respect and given greater exclusivity as the mediators of disputes and the dispensers of gifts. Not until very late in this process did they possess anything resembling a power to enforce their will. We must remember that as people gradually surrendered more of their responsibilities and afforded certain members of the community more respect, they had no way of knowing the outcomes of their actions — no way of knowing just how bad hierarchical society could become. Once social elites obtained coercive powers, a new dialectic of social development emerged, and at this point the creation of the state was likely, though still not inevitable because the majority remained a social force with the power to dispossess the elite or stop the process.
Modern societies with the collective memory of bureaucratic techniques could redevelop a state much more quickly, but we have the advantage of knowing where that path leads and being aware of the warning signs. After having fought hard to win their freedom people would have plenty of motivation to stop the reemergence of the state if it were occurring anywhere near them.
Fortunately, an anarchist society is its own reward. Many stateless societies, after colonial contact, have had the opportunity to join a hierarchical society and yet continue to resist, such as !Kung who continue to live in the Kalihari desert despite the efforts of the Botswana government to “settle” them.
There are also examples of long-lasting anti-authoritarian social experiments that thrive within statist society. In Gloucestershire, England, Tolstoyan anarchists founded the Whiteway Colony on 40 acres of land in 1898. After they bought the land, they burned the property deed on the end of a pitchfork. Accordingly, they had to build all their houses themselves since they could not obtain mortgages. Over a hundred years later, this pacifist-anarchist commune still exists, and some of the current inhabitants are descendants of the founders. They make decisions in a general assembly and share a number of communal facilities. At times, Whiteway has housed refugees and conscientious objectors. It has also housed a number of cooperative ventures such as a bakery and a handicrafts guild. Despite the external pressures of capitalism and the hierarchical relationships reproduced by statist society, Whiteway remains egalitarian and anti-authoritarian.
Across the North Sea, in Appelscha, Friesland, an anarchist village celebrated its 75th year in 2008. Currently composed of caravans, campers, and a few permanent buildings, the Appelscha site has been active in the anarchist and anti-militarist movements since the priest Domela Nieuwenhuis left the church and began preaching atheism and anarchism. A group of workers began gathering there and soon acquired land, on which they have held yearly anarchist gatherings every Pentecost. Hearkening back to the socialist temperance movement, which recognized alcohol as a crippling plague on workers and a form of bondage to employers who sold liquor from company stores, the camp is still alcohol free. In 2008, 500 people from all over the Netherlands as well as Germany and Belgium attended the yearly anarchist gathering at Appelscha. They joined the anarchists who live there year-round for a weekend of workshops and discussions on subjects including pacifism, animal liberation, the anti-fascist struggle, sexism within the movement, mental health, and the campaign that kept the Olympics out of Amsterdam in 1992. There were children’s programs, presentations on the long history of the camp, communal meals, and enough enthusiasm in the air to promise another generation of anarchism in the region.
Other anarchist projects can also survive a hundred years. Specific societies, communities, and organizations need not be set in stone — anarchists do not need to enact restrictive measures to preserve institutions at the expense of their participants. Sometimes the best thing a community or organization can do for its participants is permit them to move on. There are no hereditary privileges or Constitutions that must be handed down or imposed on the future. In allowing more fluidity and change, anarchist societies can last much longer.
The majority of societies throughout human history have been communal and stateless, and many of them lasted for millennia until they were destroyed or conquered by Western civilization. The growth and power of Western civilization were not inevitable but rather the result of specific historic processes arguably dependent on geographic coincidence.[125] The military successes of our civilization might seem to prove its superiority, but even in the absence of resistance, problems endemic to our civilization such as deforestation and climate change may well bring about its demise, revealing it to be an utter failure in terms of sustainability. Other examples of unsustainable hierarchical societies, from Sumer to Easter Island, show how swiftly a society apparently at its pinnacle can collapse.
The idea that the state will inevitably reemerge over time is another of these hopelessly eurocentric fantasies in which Western culture indoctrinates people. Dozens of indigenous societies around the world never developed states, they thrived for thousands of years, they have never surrendered, and when they finally triumph against colonialism they will cast off the impositions of white culture, which includes the state and capitalism, and revitalize their traditional cultures, which they still carry with them. Many indigenous groups have experience going back hundreds or even thousands of years of contact with the state, and at no point have they voluntarily surrendered to state authority. Western anarchists have much to learn from this persistence, and all people from Western society should take the hint: the state is not an inevitable adaptation, it is an imposition, and once we learn how to defeat it for good, we will not let it come back.
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
This is a rather obvious question but did you think about getting into a PIA (Psychatrische Institutsambulanz), it wouldn't be a stay but you are there the whole day. Overfilled as well sadly but in theory they need to have open spots for emergencies by law.
I wish you all the best
I thought about it. And it seems one of the most realistic approaches to start there.
I do not know which clinic I should head to. I would prefer the unilinic in Greifswald, but I do not know if this particular clinic offers emergency things.
I also considered Hamburg as backup plan.
I will communicate with my social worker from dresden the next days who has been helpful in concretizing my plans. Yet, it's difficult to navigate.
My current plan is to speak with my social worker - as much as it's possible, go to dresden for a few days, collect important stuff, prepare plans with my social worker in dresden, call the clinic in Greifswald with myjsocial worker and ask them stuff i want to concretize with myjsocial worker.
Thank you for your message and wishes.
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eusafetyfr · 2 years
Pouvez-vous expliquer ce qu'est une bouée de sauvetage ?
Des dispositifs de prévention des chutes peuvent devoir être construits pour les bâtiments afin de garantir la sécurité des travailleurs sur les terrasses en pente ou Ligne de vie toiture terrasse. Pour la protection contre les chutes, les travailleurs peuvent utiliser un système de ligne de vie, composé d'un câble et d'un harnais ou d'une longe. On les trouve généralement sur les toits des bâtiments et, lorsqu'ils opèrent dans des zones à haut risque, sous les toits (par exemple, camions, réservoirs et machines).
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La sécurité du travail en hauteur peut dépendre de l'installation d'un système antichute à câble, tel que le 3M RoofSafe, une ligne de vie de 8 mm ou un système Uniline, qui maintient les travailleurs solidement liés. Les systèmes de garde-corps et autres formes de dispositifs de protection collective peuvent être préférables aux systèmes de lignes de vie horizontales dans certaines situations. Vous devriez être bien guidé avant de faire installer un système sur votre toit, car chacun a ses propres avantages.
Lignes de vie horizontales pour les applications de toiture
Pour prévenir les accidents impliquant des chutes, les travailleurs installent souvent des lignes de vie horizontales, constituées de câbles, sur les toits. Avec vous, nos experts en sécurité peuvent concevoir, construire et installer un système de ligne de vie horizontale de façon permanente sur votre toit, qu'il soit plat ou en pente, en métal, en membrane de caoutchouc, en béton ou maçonné. Les lignes de vie horizontales de toit, y compris la technologie de poteau basculant robuste et non invasive, sont conçues et installées par Diversified Fall Protection. Il peut sembler écrasant d'essayer de donner un sens à toutes les options disponibles. Pour cette raison, notre équipe technique se rend chez vous pour déterminer la meilleure méthode de protection contre les chutes pour vos besoins spécifiques.
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businessindustry · 1 month
Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) Crown Molding Market Industry Report, Growth by 2032
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The Reports and Insights, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) Crown Molding Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2032.” The study provides a detailed analysis of the industry, including the global Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) Crown Molding Market share, size, trends, and growth forecasts. The report also includes competitor and regional analysis and highlights the latest advancements in the market.
Report Highlights:
How big is the Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) Crown Molding Market?
The global medium density fiberboard (MDF) crown molding market size reached US$ 4.8 million in 2023. Looking forward, Reports and Insights expects the market to reach US$ 178.9 million in 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 4.4% during 2024-2032.
What are Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) Crown Molding?                                                                                                                                                                            
Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) crown molding is a decorative trim that provides an elegant transition between the wall and ceiling, enhancing a room's visual appeal. Constructed from compressed wood fibers and adhesive, MDF crown molding is appreciated for its smooth surface and ease of installation. It is a cost-effective option, known for its consistent quality and suitability for painting or staining to complement various interior designs. MDF crown molding is favored for its durability and resistance to warping or cracking compared to solid wood alternatives.
Request for a sample copy with detail analysis: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/sample-request/1912
What are the growth prospects and trends in the Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) Crown Molding industry?
The medium density fiberboard (MDF) crown molding market growth is driven by various factors and trends. The market for medium density fiberboard (MDF) crown molding is expanding, driven by its cost-effectiveness, versatility, and ease of installation, which make it a favored option for both residential and commercial interiors. MDF crown molding is an affordable alternative to solid wood, offering a smooth finish and the flexibility to be easily painted or stained. Growing demand for stylish and customizable interior trim, coupled with increased home renovation and remodeling activities, is fueling market growth. Additionally, advancements in MDF manufacturing and design are supporting the market's expansion by meeting diverse aesthetic and functional requirements. Hence, all these factors contribute to medium density fiberboard (MDF) crown molding market growth.
What is included in market segmentation?
The report has segmented the market into the following categories:
By Material Type:
Wood Fiber
By Application:
By Distribution Channel:
Market Segmentation by Region:
North America:
United States
The U.K.
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific:
South Korea
New Zealand
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America:
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa:
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
South Africa
Rest of MEA.
Who are the key players operating in the industry?
The report covers the major market players including:
Egger Group
Weyerhaeuser Company
Louisiana-Pacific Corporation
Norbord Inc.
Georgia-Pacific LLC
Masisa S.A.
Dongwha Malaysia
Duratex S.A.
Pfleiderer AG
Sonae Industria
View Full Report: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/report/Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) Crown Molding-market
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
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Our offerings include comprehensive market intelligence in the form of research reports, production cost reports, feasibility studies, and consulting services. Our team, which includes experienced researchers and analysts from various industries, is dedicated to providing high-quality data and insights to our clientele, ranging from small and medium businesses to Fortune 1000 corporations.
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homeandkitchenparts · 3 months
Robertshaw 710-502 7000Mvrlc Gas Valve Milivolt | HnKParts
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Manufacturer Name: ROBERTSHAW CONTROLS/UNILINE Product Number: 710-502 OEM Part Number: 710-502 Product Description: 7000Mvrlc Gas Valve Millivolt
Looking for the best prices on OEM/Replacement Part# 710-502, 7000Mvrlc Gas Valve Milivolt for ROBERTSHAW CONTROLS/UNILINE? You've come to the right place. Shop at HNKParts with same-day shipping and a 100% satisfaction guarantee!
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trinitydigest · 4 months
New Wall Art by Uniline Highlights Iconic University Skylines
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thealphareporter · 4 months
New Wall Art by Uniline Highlights Iconic University Skylines
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columbianewsupdates · 4 months
New Wall Art by Uniline Highlights Iconic University Skylines
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newsheadlinesnow · 4 months
New Wall Art by Uniline Highlights Iconic University Skylines
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Cell Therapy Bioprocessing Market: Analyzing the Cell Therapy Pipeline
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The global cell therapy bioprocessing market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 13.01% between 2024 to 2032, as per Inkwood Research. Cell therapy involves utilizing human cells to treat diseases and repair damaged tissues. As cell therapies continue to show promise for treating cancer, neurological conditions, and musculoskeletal disorders, optimizing bioprocessing techniques is crucial forscale-up and affordability.
Rapid progress in cell biology, gene editing tools like CRISPR, and single-cell analysis are opening new possibilities. Furthermore, automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and advanced analytical methods are also transforming cell therapy manufacturing. 
Cell therapy bioprocessing is complex, with living cells highly sensitive to environmental fluctuations. Maintaining aseptic conditions and consistent quality at scale is challenging. In this regard, companies are implementing innovative techniques to enhance process outputs.
Cell Therapy Bioprocessing Market | Driving Efficiencies Through Optimized Processes
Cell therapy bioprocessing is complex, with living cells highly sensitive to environmental fluctuations. Maintaining aseptic conditions and consistent quality at scale is challenging. Companies are implementing innovative techniques to enhance process outputs. 
As per a senior executive at Miltenyi Biotec, adopting the MACS GMP Prodigy for automated cell separation reduced processing time from 12 hours to just 90 minutes, allowing us to manufacture up to 12 patient doses per day. Closed, automated systems like this enhance standardization, minimize contamination risks, reduce labor needs, and enable reliable scale-up.
Companies are also implementing single-use technologies, which improve flexibility and reduce validation and cleaning requirements, versus stainless steel equipment. According to BioPlan Associates, over 90% of cell therapy developers use single-use equipment, especially for upstream processes like cell culture. Improving cell stability and optimizing media, buffer and reagent formulations enhances cell viability and process yields. 
Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Advanced Analytical Tools for Quality Control 
Rigorous quality control testing is mandatory during cell therapy manufacturing to ensure safety, identity, purity and potency. Developers are implementing advanced analytical methods like spectroscopy, chromatography, PCR, and flow cytometry for in-process monitoring and release testing. 
UniLine Automated Solution from Sartorius enables automated at-line sampling of bioreactors with biocontainer-sensor assemblies for Real-Time Cell Culture Monitoring (RT-CCM) and process optimization. As per Sartorius, with UniLine’s Vi-CELL BLU Cell density and viability data is automatically gathered every 20 minutes, enabling tight process control.
Companies like Berkeley Lights (United States) are also leveraging optofluidic technology and machine learning for cell line development and antibody discovery – analyzing thousands of single cells and selecting high-performing clones with optimized workflows. 
End-to-End Quality in Cell Therapy Logistics: Navigating Supply Chain Hurdles
As cell therapies approach commercialization, developers encounter challenges in establishing scaled-up supply chains that span from raw material sourcing to final dose delivery. The limited shelf lives of living cell products, stringent cold chain requirements, logistics, traceability, and specialized handling/transport are key considerations in this process. In this regard, supply chain digitization and predictive analytics can help mitigate risks of temperature excursions or delays.
Two key examples are stated below– 
Cryoport, through its C3 platform, provides optimized end-to-end cold chain logistics solutions for cell therapy delivery using cloud-based monitoring and tracking. 
Savsu offers innovative EVO smart passive shipping containers enabling remote temperature monitoring. 
As cell therapies move from promise to reality, innovations in bioprocessing are critical to overcoming the distinct manufacturing challenges these products pose. By investing in scalable and flexible solutions, automating & standardizing processes, and strengthening supply chains, the potential of engineered cell therapies can progress from lab to clinic and, subsequently, to patients in need. Though hurdles remain, continued progress and collaboration across this sphere can further accelerate the expansion of the global cell therapy bioprocessing market.
What are the key growth drivers of the global cell therapy bioprocessing market?
The global cell therapy bioprocessing market’s growth is accredited to increased research and development in cell-based therapies, advancements in biotechnology, the rising prevalence of chronic diseases, and supportive regulatory environments.
What are the challenges and opportunities in the cell therapy bioprocessing market?
Challenges in the cell therapy bioprocessing market include complexities in manufacturing consistent cell therapies, high research costs, stringent regulations, and logistical hurdles. On the other hand, market opportunities include developing better manufacturing techniques, exploring new therapeutic applications, and expanding into emerging sectors, leading to innovation and industry growth.
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celette · 6 months
Celette AI Webtools empower collision repair by proposing AI software
In the fast evolving automotive industry, Celette has long been at the forefront of collision repair equipment. Today we're excited to introduce a ground breaking advancement, the Celette AI webtools. This innovative AI system leverages our extensive data, making it compatible with a wide range of systems and tools. Our Celette webtools seamlessly integrate with all existing Celette equipment including the versatile Cameleon, the precise Naja 3D and the fast and affordable Eagle. This means enhanced efficiency and reliability for your bodyshop operations, regardless of the Celette tools you already rely on. Understanding the diverse needs of body shops, we've developed a software solution for tracking gauge usage. It's designed to be compatible with any tracking gauge, providing valuable insights whether you are an independent bodyshop or a long standing Celette customer. Moreover, the Celette AI web tools extend their versatility to equipment using non metric systems such as Car-o-liner, Uniliner, Unoliner, Primacy, Chisum, and Doocar benches. With a simple adapter and our trusted universal jig system Cameleon, integration is effortless. Celette continues to innovate developing AI software for other metric benches. At Celette, our mission extends beyond technology. Our goal is to ensure all body shops can harness the power of AI and access accurate data revolutionizing collision repair technology. By utilizing only the Celette AI web tools alongside Celette's comprehensive data, we're setting a new standard in collision repair technology. Celette AI web tools, empowering your bodyshop with the future of collision repair technology today.
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nexusups · 6 months
Top 10 Online UPS Manufacturers in India
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For connecting, all around the clock, with the customers and clients, any organizations requires uninterrupted power supply. The worldwide demand for reaching the customers, in this digital world, has hard- pressed the need of UPS (uninterruptible power supply) manufacturers.
It must be noted that the rise of UPS manufacturers market can be accredited to the development need of zero power downtime. Additionally, the increasing need for scalable and superfluous power systems has assisted in achieving huge inflow of capital in the market. As well the scalable dependency on the hyperscale data centers and cloud technology is going to upscale the market. Today, in this blog, we will discuss the top ten Online UPS Manufacturers Companies in India:
Nexus UPS
Nexus is a trusted brand with many industry firsts to its credit and over 30 years of extensive experience in the power conditioning industry. One of the top online UPS manufacturers in India, and they are only the first manufacturer in India to manufacture 4KVA Line Interactive UPS.
Nexus was also the first company to introduce a ferroresonant type online UPS system with a CVCC charger in 1989. Nexus is also India’s first and only manufacturer to design a 10 Watt power capacity line interactive UPS system for an OEM. Nexus is the most popular option for protecting sensitive electronic and electrical hardware, as well as data, against power outages and fluctuations all over the world.
Powergen Micro Systems
“Powergen Micro Systems,” founded in 1993 in Faridabad (Haryana, India), manufactures and trades high-quality goods such as Online UPS and other power conditioning systems.
Their online UPS are in high demand in a variety of sectors due to characteristics such as excellent finish, high durability, ease of operation, sturdiness, dimensional correctness, and extended service life. Furthermore, they also provide their product line with various specifications to meet their client’s demands.
ADS POWER SYSTEM (P) LTD. (Best Online UPS Manufacturers in India) was founded in 1992 and is an ISO 9001:2015 certified firm with over 40 years of expertise in electronics. ADS POWER SYSTEM (P) LTD. specializes in creating (manufacturing) and distributing various electronic components throughout the country.
Situated in Delhi, they are one of the top online UPS manufacturers and suppliers, and we service customers all over India as the “best Online UPS provider.” At an inexpensive price, we manufacture and provide a wide range of power electronic products such as UPS, solar ups systems, inverters, Servo Stabilizers, Solar inverters, AC/DC converters, and Battery chargers. Their UPS System ranges from 600va to 300 KVA.
Ads Automation and Control Systems
Ads Automation and Control Systems Offers Industrial Online UPS Solutions with Highly Efficient and High-End Technology Products in Pan India. As the name implies, the facility Remains Constant within the Appliances During the cut. This indicates that the facility Cut Doesn’t Affect the Operating of the Appliances. Because there is no switch over time during load shedding, online UPS are often recommended for use on critical applications and devices such as medical and processing industries, printing, and so on.
Uniline Energy India
Uniline Energy India provides next-generation energy solutions for commercial enterprises, infrastructure, industrial, and residential sectors. We are India’s top UPS manufacturer, power conditioning, energy management, and design solutions firm, with three decades of experience handling Indian power circumstances. We assist you in staying linked on real-time delivery, increasing your efficiency and dependability.
They are an ISO 9001:2008 certified manufacturing and exporting enterprise with ambitions and high-quality standards that only the best may strive for. In search of professionalism and excellence, CONVERGENCE POWER SYSTEMS PVT LTD has been marked by a never-ending pursuit of innovation and an emphasis on cultivating an eternal consumer base. We provide high-quality power products for both domestic and international markets. Quality control is managed and regulated by skilled management who have acquired tremendous product knowledge from more than 30 years of experience in the industry and are capable of bringing in solutions to any limitation of the constantly demanding client.
Best Power Equipments (India) Private Limited
They are a renowned Indian company that offers complete strategic power solutions for the most essential applications. More than two decades of manufacturing expertise, creativity, and in-depth understanding of energy conversion enable us to discover new and better methods to provide clean and dependable electricity to our valued clients. BPE offers a full range of power management systems, including as uninterruptible power supply (UPS), customized smart rack solutions, and solar inverters.
BPE, with its headquarters in Noida, India, was founded in the year 2000 and has been steadily increasing since then. Over the years, the company has strategically expanded by providing power solutions for IT, Industrial, Health Care, Telecom, and Data Centers. The company has expanded footprints in Singapore, Philippines, UAE, Turkey, Malaysia, and other countries around the world, bringing it even closer to customers.
Genus Power
Genus Power Infrastructures Limited is a Kailash Group firm that is ISO 9001 and 14001 accredited. Genus Power Infrastructures Limited is an ISO 9001 and 14001 accredited part of the Kailash Group. Genus Power stands out on this list because it has a staff capable of executing highly high-level and complex R&D, which has also been approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Genus Power also makes the finest UPS for PC in addition to the online UPS system (Desktop & Computer).
Microtek Internatonal Pvt Ltd
Microtek is a well-known company in India’s power product business. It is India’s most trusted and preferred brand. It’s no surprise that the company’s best-in-class products have helped it become India’s most trusted and preferred brand. Microtek stands tall as an epitome in the space as a technology innovator and pioneer in the power backup industry of India, including its functionality of making the appropriate and latest innovation fully integrated products that are well accepted and appreciated by domestic consumers and the industrial sector worldwide.
Delta Power Solutions India Pvt Ltd
Delta Power is a fully-owned subsidiary of Delta Electronics (Thailand) PLC, a Delta Group group business. Delta has a strong presence in India, with over eight regional offices and over 100 channel partners. Underwriters’ Laboratories, USA has given the firm ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:2004, and OHSAS 18001:1999 certifications. Two manufacturing facilities are in Rudrapur and Gurgaon, while two R&D centres are in Bangalore and Gurgaon.
Source : https://timesofrising.com/top-10-online-ups-manufacturers-in-india/
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