#unikitty ash
sitta6 · 3 months
Even though I loved you meme
FT.RiN sAn
You can visit her YouTube CHANNEL (it's me)
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askthechronoverse · 6 months
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"This is QUNI Radio! It's 8:00 am and it's going to be a beautiful day here in the Unicapital!" A rich and slightly obnoxious voice cut through the darkness as a yellow hand reached out to silence it. A gray hand gently stopped the other as the voice started to talk about the weather forecast.
"Babe… just five more minutes." A gruff voice muttered as he tried once again to hit snooze. He purred as the other man kissed his neck.
"No. It's your turn to take Catherine to school." The man with the gray hand placed that hand on his partner's unshaven face. "You also have to be at work early, remember? Come on, Jay. You need to get up."
"Oh, fine. But only because I love you." RJ flipped around lazily to kiss his husband’s forehead before sluggishly getting out of bed and opening the curtains.
The morning sun quickly ate the darkness to reveal the large bedroom. A very unabashedly 90's feeling pop song started playing, having been announced prior as a re-released song off a lost album from the early days of Old Bricksburg played as Richard floated out of bed and began to make it look neat again. The room had a slanted ceiling, a fan at the center of the intersection of the two slants. It was decorated tastefully, the dark pink wood of the furniture matching the floor perfectly.
"Wonder how they got Lucy to agree to release that? She always hated that part of her life." RJ mostly said this to himself as he threw on a random shirt, vest, and pants he pulled from an older looking set of drawers before stretching with a loud yawn.
"You say that every single time this song plays on the radio and it always amazes me that it amazes you that someone so tough could have come from a pop band like this." Richard shook his head softly as he started to get dressed as well, his movements far more intentional and refined. "I suppose my question is more why she left the band in the first place."
"I may have to ask her when I see her next. She hates talkin' about her backstory, so I probably won't get anywhere." Tweed covered arms wrapped around RJ as another kiss landed on his neck. This caused a soft smile to stretch over the rough man's face.
"Unlike someone else I could name. Some of us have nothing to hide. Right, my beloved?" Richard chuckled, letting go of his husband to finally silence the alarm clock.
"I know, I know. It just… it helps to be open about where you came from. At least it did for me." He followed Richard with his eyes as he disappeared down the stairs to start breakfast.
It was the smell of bacon and slightly burnt toaster waffles that finally summoned RJ downstairs. He snatched a full coffee mug that proclaimed that the person who owned the mug was the world's best dad, though the word best was crossed out and replaced with the word okayest off of the bar that separated the kitchen from the living room. He headed for a door that was close to the back of the cabin that was covered in cute and glittery stickers of cartoon characters and baked goods with faces. RJ opened the door and the light that leaked out from behind him caused a swift movement of blankets being thrown over a child’s head.
"Five more minutes, Daddy. Pleeeeeeeease?" The child moaned as RJ slid into the room and pulled the blanket down to reveal the child's face. She looked up at him with watery eyes and a quivering lower lip.
"As your dad, I am immune to that look." RJ shook his head softly as he planted a kiss on her forehead. "Come on, kiddo. We gotta do stuff today." The girl moaned and slid out of bed. As she got ready, RJ left the room to help his husband finish prepping breakfast by setting the bar with mismatched utensils. He didn't turn when his husband addressed him.
"As a reminder: I have a meeting today to discuss the current status of Master Doom and the other Doom Lords with Queen Wa'nabi and her officials. I will be coming home late tonight, so you need to pick Catherine up from school and most likely put her to bed." Richard finished putting all of the food on plates and placed two of them on the bar. "We may end up talking about you as well, my love." He sighed sadly, brows furrowed as he picked at a strip of bacon.
RJ silently waved the concerns off with a flick of his hand as he sat at the bar to eat. “That… that all happened a long time ago." He practically muttered to himself.
"I'm worried that won't matter. Since Unitron took over interplanetary crimes, they've been going over older reports. There's a very good chance they might take you away from us for at the very least a trial if Queen Wa'nabi can't hold them back." The nervousness didn't abait. “I'm worried things will end poorly."
“Please do what ya gotta ta make sure it doesn't." The fear RJ was feeling was tangible until a mumbled good morning behind him made both men go silent.
"Good morning, Catherine." Richard's monotone was soft and calm as he slid a plate closer to the child. "Please eat as quickly as you can. You and your father are going to be late. Don't eat too fast, however. You'll get hungry sooner." He turned back to the kitchen and began to prepare Kit’s lunch.
"Thanks, Papa." Kit didn't seem to be enthusiastic as she ate a bite of black toast slowly. She suddenly turned to RJ and bounced a little on her stool. "So are we walking to school today, Daddy? Is that why we're up early?"
"Nah. I'm takin' ya in the truck. I got things ta do at the office, so I leave when you do." He frowned slightly at this daughter's readable disappointment. "Hey, guess what?"
"What?" She asked as she adjusted the sky blue horn headband on her head. RJ pushed the horn just in front of her heart shaped cowlick.
"It's only you an' me tonight." He saw the words light up Kit's eyes and let his smile turn to a grin.
"Awesome!" She jumped down from the stool and rushed to grab her glittery unicorn backpack, in which Richard had shoved a matching unicorn lunch box. Kit grabbed this bag and rushed off to her bedroom.
"That doesn't mean that you can skip your homework, Catherine. I do expect you to do your assignments before I return tomorrow morning." Richard didn't raise his voice higher than someone would in a loud room. When Kit nodded, he went back to eating his breakfast. He turned to RJ. "Please make sure she does her assignments. She has a project coming up for history class that needs to be finished and turned in by the end of the week." Richard kissed RJ's lips softly. "I know you will do that, right?"
"Yeah. Of course. What is she supposed to be doing?" RJ grabbed both Kit’s and his plate, putting them in the sink.
"It's just a basic family tree. I'm sure her friends are going to be a little jealous that she's somewhat related to Unikitty and Puppycorn." Richard leaned into RJ, who put an arm around him.
"I think most people know that, R. That won't be a shock." RJ let go of Rick to run his fingers through his salt and pepper hair. He watched Kit rush over to the counter, where she waited earnestly. "You set ta samba, kiddo?" She adjusted the strap on a beaten up brown canvas and leather messenger bag that was adorned with patches with both cute slogans and local attractions.
"Yeah!" Kit hugged Richard tightly. "Love you, Papa! Have a good day at work!" She ran toward the garage and RJ's truck. RJ gave his husband a long, soft kiss. Richard pulled away, the artificial light in the kitchen showing his age way more than he probably would have liked.
"Go. I know you're the boss but it's unbecoming of the commander of the Royal Chrononauts to be late for an all hands meeting." Richard brushed the back of his hand against RJ's cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow morning, my beloved. Remember that I will love you, forever and always."
"Richard, I love you too. You made me a better man than I could have ever been." One last kiss, then RJ joined Kit in his beat up red pick up truck.
"So, did you finish saying goodbye to Papa?" Kit giggled as RJ started the car. Her unicorn backpack was not in the cab, but her canvas bag was on her lap. "How many times did he kiss you?" A few hearts popped up over her head as she spoke, clearly enamored by how romantic it all was.
"Enough, Kitten. But at the same time, not enough." He chuckled deeply as he started to head into town after some minor protest from the vehicle’s engine.
It took a while for the forest to transition into the bustling city, but when it did it felt like it hit like an ocean wave in a storm. There wasn't too much in the way of vehicle traffic, but bicycles filled the roadways. Sure, the occasional car was seen parallel parked by the sidewalks and safely nestled in small parking areas, but it was a less common sight on the road. He drove until he reached a building that looked like it fell from somewhere outside of time. The architecture was old but the actual building looked like it had just been built. A banner with a happy cartoon almiraj in a bowtie cheerfully stated that the school hoped the students would have a good summer.
"Can't believe summer is almost here." RJ sighed softly, glancing at his child bouncing in her seat anxiously.
"I just want it to come already!" Kit moaned.
"Can't wait to get started on some fun?” RJ said while trying to suppress a yawn.
"I thought I was gonna work with you this year?" This was spoken with a flutter of her eyelashes.
"I was hoping you'd work with your father this year, if you wanted to go that route. Your father and I agree that what I do is a bit too dangerous for you right now. Time travel isn't something to play with and I don't want you to get hurt." He ruffled Kit's dark gray hair, then bellowed at the sound of a fist pounding hard on his truck door. The two humans turned to the driver's side window to see a being with bee wings whose eyes were covered by a dense cluster of leaves. The only feature that could be seen on their face with any sort of consistency was a hawk like beak that was currently turned up into a Jack O'Lantern like grin.
"Mornin', Mr. B." The chimera bowed as they rushed to the passenger side of the car to open the door for Kit. They helped the human down from the seat as her bag fell back into its place on her side.
"Ya gotta stop givin' me a fright, Bellamy." RJ shook his head as he got out of the truck. He passed his daughter her backpack, which he grabbed from the truck bed as he walked toward them.
"That just means ya aren't bein' vigilant enough, Mr. B. I thought dad taught ya better than that." Once Kit was given her backpack, Bellamy folded her arms. "You're free to go. Kit'll be safe with me, as always."
"I think your dad taught you too well. Kitten, have a good day at school, OK? Ya can walk with Bellamy after school and meet me at my office. I'll see you later." RJ got back into the truck and drove off as Kit waved goodbye.
"Alright, Kay. We've got today an' tomorrow left before we're free for the summer. You get Mr. B to agree to letcha work with him at his office?" Bellamy kept their arms folded as they turned towards the school.
"No. I think, if I'm doing anything like that, I'm going with Papa. Boring… boring Papa." Kit let out a deep breath that was full of disappointment. "I love Papa, but I don't get to do anything Dad does."
"I'm glad your parents said no, though. Boring is safe. Ya know, I can't be your bodyguard when you grow up if you don't grow up." Bellamy’s arms now down and swinging slightly. "Mr. B and Mama do all that experimental stuff.” They stuck their tongue out slightly. “I can defend myself from what they do because of my dad's training. I could ask Dad to train you some basic fighting tricks.”
"Dad has been trying to teach me his special punch and other stuff he thinks I should know. I haven't been able to do any of it that well, but he says he's happy I can't. I think he's hiding some disappointment with that." Kit adjusted her horn as the two walked towards the school. "I just don't want to disappoint him."
"Somethin' tells me ya can't disappoint Mr. B." The chimera swished their fluffy bee-like tail, causing a few people behind her to move back. "When are ya gonna shadow Queen Unikitty?"
"Papa may be having me do that when I get older. Everyone feels that that's gonna be a long time away. I mean, PC is actually next in line and we all just kinda expect Big Sis to be on the throne for a long time." Kit shrugged, her backpack strap falling off her shoulder.
"It's better to be prepared, though. Dad has an Armommageddeon bunker somewhere in the countryside in case something bad happens." Bellamy opened the front door and waited for Kit to go through before she continued speaking. "Bad things happen. I'd rather know the person I will be protecting in the future is ready to take the throne if we need her to, know what I mean?"
"I guess, Ami. I just don't wanna think about that. It's a really sad thought." Kit shuffled her way to her locker, grabbing the sparkle matter above her head that showed her distress.
"Ya already got the "no sad feelings" mentality down." Bellamy opened the locker next to Kit's and shoved her adventurer style bag in as best she could. The two friends walked to their respective classrooms to properly start the day.
The red truck pulled in front of a building with a large satellite on the roof and an emblem with Unikitty's head silhouette that had a clock behind it. The clock disappeared past where the horn was and protruded out on the right side of the head. RJ barely turned the car off and hopped out before he was rushed by a fox in a lab coat.
"RJ! I'm so ecstatic you aren't late for once!" The fox hopped around the human, her tail puffed up. "Please, come with me! I need to show you something!" A large dog with fluffy blue and cream fur bolted after, his tartan scarf fluttering in the wind.
"Yeah! Ya need to see this, RJ!" The dog looked pale, his ears back.
"Scarlett, PC, relax. It probably ain't that serious." As he said this, Puppycorn opened the front door for the two older members of the group to reveal the aftermath of a localized storm in the lobby of an office that, given the damage, looked like it had been abandoned long ago. RJ stood, still as a statue. The only movement he could make was to lift one thick eyebrow on his face, which was glazed over by confusion and anger.
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Here’s our line up guys. 👍
Here is the list right now, there is a lot so they’ll be seperated into 8 groups and then we will go through all of those 8 groups to get to the end.
group 1:
Rom vs Puss in boots 
Alex (stardew) vs Jim Kirk
Roulx Kaard vs Jin Zixuan
Caleb wittebane vs 2bdamned
David Kostyk vs Mirabel’s dad
Kanji tatsumi vs Papyrus
Bob vs weyoun
Donkey vs Duster
Gren vs Janus the silverdeath
Lloyd vs Hannibal lector
Todoroki vs Gajeel redfox
David (lilo) vs link (botw)
Sugawara vs Pixel-Mess
M!Robin vs Stanley pines
Ben Chang vs Quirrel
Saul Goodman vs Will graham
Group 2: 
Kiryu vs Hero
The medic vs Ron
Percy Jackson vs professor Layton 
Neelix vs Iggy frome
King Harrow vs Lucas (Runs factory five)
Yu Narakami vs Elliot (stardew)
Jakob vs Aoi kurashiki 
Sokka vs Moxie
Nightwing vs tatsu
Archer (emiya) vs Master splinter (2018)
Barius vs Forrest
Ryuuji vs Jay walker 
Sanji vs Garmadon
Quark vs Kaito
Fox mulder vs tenma tsukasa
Leon (Pokémon) vs Delbert Doppler
group 3:
Berdly vs Marten Reed
Kai (ninjago) vs James 
Usui vs Gobber
Charlie vs Steve Harrington
Alec lightwood vs kronk
Paper vs Dr octopus
Discord vs Dedue
Arven vs Harvey Dent
Hunter vs Christopher Pike
Narciso vs Kermit
Cletus Jones vs Gomez Addams
Tom vs The king
Klavier Gavin vs Greg Universe
Kamado Tanjiro vs Brock (unikitty)
Ashe vs Louis Moriarty
Sisko vs dale lee
Group 4: 
Trip vs Brady
Franky (one piece) vs Tom Wambsgans
Shinra vs Jaskier
Your father vs Banquo
Silver the hedgehog vs Troy Barnes
Archer vs Space Boyfriend
Donald Duck vs Mr clean
Ren vs Nandor the relentless
Cove Holden vs Magnus Burnside
Bail organa vs Hiccup
Riker vs Corpus
yoo joonghyuck vs Kazuki
Fan vs kunikida doppo
Lazlo cravensworth vs loid forger
Peter b Parker vs Ken
Ryunosuke Naruhodo vs venti
group 5:
Prince Fluff vs Sarek
Nagito vs Zagreus
Macbeth vs Lucas (mother 3)
Stede vs Anakin skywalker
Tack vs Felix Madrigal
Jason mendoza vs N (murder drones)
Ren (oxenfree) vs Soren
Saru vs Kaveh
Castiel vs Yarne
Ivor vs King furgus
Kuboyasu Aren vs James Wilson
Yeza Brenatto vs Kristoff
Makoto Naegi vs Stoick
Tomohisa Kaname vs hunk
Peeta vs Jadzia
Kim Gonja vs Henry clerval
Group 6: 
Ron delite vs wang pangzi
Sam (Sam and max) vs Emmett
Kazuha vs serizawa katsuya
Jayce talis vs Asmodeus (iruma-kun)
Kai satou vs Professor Saguaro
Steve cob vs Minato Namikaze 
Dean Winchester vs Chakotay
Eugene Fitzherbert vs Chat noir
Spitelout vs Spock
Matt hooper vs Childe 
Siegblut vs Worf 
Edric Blight vs Yanki
Control (from southern reach) vs Tuco Salamanca
Seteth vs Louis de pointe du lac
Maes hughes vs Kazuma Asogi
Dr Watson vs Thoma
Group 7: 
Tennisball vs Barry bluejeans 
Luigi vs Hatsuharu
Snotlout vs howl
Jay (ghosts) vs dj Octavio
Gregory house vs Elliot Spencer
The mad hatter vs Joe tazuna
Basil hallward vs Harvey (Stardew)
Ethan winters vs olruggio
Albedo vs pleakly 
The heavy vs Jake English
Bruce Wayne vs Shen wei 
Naven NukNuk vs Dante (mystreet)
Phillip vs bow
Anji Mito vs Fishlegs
Stanford vs Speedwagon
Bariel vs Jesse Pinkman
Group 8: 
Ralsei vs Goofy
Sam (stardew) vs Seymour (little shop of horrors)
Ethari vs Cecil
Fix it Felix vs Kaoru hakaze
Ignus scientia vs Lukas
Majima vs Hercules
Magolor vs Calcelmo
Fred vs Randy Hapukurk
Kurogiri vs The riddler
Declan lynch vs Philza
Jaune vs Sergeant Schultz
Reiji Sakamaki vs Q
Luo Binghe vs King of hearts
Thatcher Davis vs Jonathan buyers
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er1c-c4rtman · 1 year
disclaimer I don't ship all of these (apart from patbob) anymore so IVE CHANGED and I shipped these when I was a dumb young kid
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Allow me to explain my placements starting from the top to the bottom:
I find this ship to be cute plus I like the whole friends to lovers trope thing.
Chica x Foxy and Foxy x mangel:
These were very popular ship in the fnaf community back in 2016 or something. Plus, I share many old memories with these ships.
Also, I used to watch those amvs
Back when I loved Unikitty, I decided to search up fanart of Unikitty on my computer and I also used to watch animation memes based around Unikitty. Soooo one day I stumbled upon this ship and I liked it.
On my first days or months of this site, I searched up SpongeBob to see what's in the tags. I saw some good fanart n' some ships. But when I saw some Spongebob fancomic called "When fools Rush in" I just liked the ship and yeah that is my reason basically.
It was a cannon ship and I was rooting for Hawkodile to confess to Dr Fox
Serena x Ash and Misty x Ash:
Grouping these together for the same reason, they were both females with a male protagonist
Same reason as the last one (female x male protag.)
Sylveon x Umbreon:
Back when I was obsessed with pokemon, I used to watch those flipaclip story videos with the same plot and same ending
Plot if the Umbreon x Sylveon story:
-Sylveon has a crush on Umbreon
-Umbreon doesn't know that
-Eyspeon also has a crush on Umbron
-The physic variant proceeds to gaslight Umbreon into hating Sylveon
-Sylveon is now sad
-She proceeds to fight Eyspeon nearby a river
-The Sylveon wins (of course)
-Eyspeon gets knocked into the water and possibly dies
-Sylveon and Umbreon fall in love and live a happily ever after
Wandering around on an account that was Nicktoons Unite centric then just found a compilation of SpongeBob and Zim acting like or being a couple
Do I need to explain what's wrong with this??? I WAS SHIPPING A MINOR WITH AN ADULT and the reason is the same as spandy (female x male protag.)
Also, back when Sony sketch (rip that app it held so much memories) was a thing I used these shipping bases since it was fun for me. I used adorabat and Mao mao to fill them in; over time I developed a love for that ship.
I used to ship this and it was because I was new to the NU fandom and was looking on an account that has Nicktoons Unite art on it. I thought the ship was cute till I came to my senses and stopped Shipping it.
Again, I watched AMVs
Mikey x Raph (2012)
I was pretty young and had no idea what incest was. I was sitting on my Granny's IPad and watching those amvs. I bet she was wondering why her algorithm was full of Mikey making out with Raph (lol) but I'm gonna assume I liked the tough guy x chill guy (I used to like turtle yaoi lmfao XD)
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anyway so uh. oc voice claims. yay. ik i dont usually tag stuff like this but this post really is NOT screen reader friendly. ill post a plain text version in a minute
Characters I don't have a voice for yet:
glitch the rat
danger and chaos
luna and wendy
i might show them off later today later this week or later this month but i have some new ocs that. obviously i dont have voices for yet
Sonic OCs!
priscilla primrose: mother gothel but like a little bit different
mary-sue the fox: specifically maria robotnik in the snapcube shth dub
ash the rat: well. theyre my sona. take a guess.
i think thats it????
Non-Sonic OCs!
blue pender: like kagamine rin if she were from north england
sam r guy: like gumi if she were from north wales
maddie martin-liches: ok so me? sort of? but if i sounded more like an adult? and theres also an inexplicable difference?
ruby martin-liches: kazumi evans' rouge voice. but not american.
dahlia letterman: sort of like blaze the cat if she had a monotone voice
jj peterson: sean tmf but british
lola b: pre-voice training, andrew horowitz, still unsure for post (although im not sure if she would go through it)
i cant remember who but i swear i had an oc who was meant to sound like dr fox from unikitty
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melodiaemfrp · 2 years
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Hello, Attuned! Thank you for participating in Melodiae’s tenth Activity Check! Listed here are characters that did not pass the check (Five (5) days of activity in-server) for the period from Tuesday January 8th to Sunday, March 12th.
If you believe your muse(s) are listed here by mistake, you may reach out to the Masterlist on or before Friday, March 17th. All characters that do not have activity accounted for by 11:59 PM EST on this date will be removed from the server by the next inbox run (Saturday, March 18th).
If you did not pass the check, you also have until Friday, March 17th to reapp your muse(s) by sending an ask to the Masterlist indicating your intent to reapp the character. You DO NOT have to resubmit the whole application; simply provide your name, the character’s name & series, your OOC contact, and the date in an ask. Muses marked with an asterisk (*) have failed two consecutive checks, and are ineligible to be reapped this way unless they are an OC. These muses must wait one full week, and may resubmit their entire application on or after Friday, March 24th.
Muses that are not reapped by 11:59pm EST on Friday, March 17th will be removed from the server by our inbox run on Saturday, March 18th.
Thank you for your continued interest in Melodiae!
- The Melodiae Team
Kazuma Asougi (Kyuu)
Amiya (Mikey)
Elysium (Hika)
Ifrit (Spica)
Specter (Owl)
Thorns (Rosel)
Yukichi Fukuzawa (Rosel)
Aichi Sendou (Isu)
Lillium White (Myco)
Iris Black (Kendal)*
Mollymauk Tealeaf (Myco)
Heiji Hattori (Kyuu)
Hibiki Kuze (Lucien)
Tomix Danao (Birb)
Gap (Dani)
Celty Sturluson (Ashely)
Shinra Kishitani (Gabby)
Mikado Ryuugamine (Gabby)
Arashi Narukami (Aster)
Eichi Tenshouin (Alice)
Mayoi Ayase (Billie)
Rinne Amagi (Tech)
Cloud Strife (Aria)
A'ciel Solesc (WOL GNB) (Mikey)
Lahabrea (Corvo)
Moren (Vitya)
Tacita oen Ignatius (Xeno)
Zero (Myco)
Ignis Scientia (Cyan)
Seliph Baldos Chalphy (Emil)
Marth Lowell (Lucien)
Inigo (Isu)
Tiki (Mikey)
Eponine (Nina) (Alice)
Joker (Corvo)
Leo (Myco)
Ashe Ubert (Satsujin)
Alear (F) (Mikey)
Haruka Nijo (Isu)
Scaramouche (Noct)
Venti (Barbatos) (Noct)*
Kratos (Stan)
Fei Rune (Lottie/Vivi)
Mahito (Spica)
Bruno Buccellati (Cyan)
Ermes Costello (Cyan)
Inui Takumi (Rosemary)
Gentaro Kisaragi (Ami)
Ryusei Sakuta (Jet)
Heart (Dani)
Ukiyo Ace (Ruki)
Sana Futaba (Cue/Queen)
Yozakura Mutsumi (Ruki)
Christina Jules (Isu)
Marie/”Kamui”) (Bambie)
Nikon "Niko" Mstislav Alkaev (Sitri)*
Rovaniemi, Lapland (KB)
The Calid Saint (KB)
Alice Baskerville (Ruki)
Naoto Shirogane (Lune)
Yu Narukami (Owl)
Angela (Freya)*
Angelica (Freya)*
Hatsune Miku (Mikey)
Mafuyu Asahina (Vitya)
Bradley Bain (Sitri)*
Mithra (Corvo)
Murr Hart (Laur)
Anthy Himemiya (Cecil)*
Albireo Cross (Jun)
Elster (Cyan)*
Reki Kyan (Lune)
Annabelle Cane (Myco)
Gerard Keay (Kendal)*
Michael (Myco)
Brian (The Prethinker) (Eddie)
Graham Ness Payser (Caspian)
Higekiri (Nils)
Mikazuki Munechika (Laila)
Azul Ashengrotto (Aria)
Leona Kingscholar (Aster)
Silver (Jin2)
Master Frown (Rascal)
Noah (Delta)
Aki Maeno (Krypto)
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moodboards4u · 6 years
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Moodboard of UniKitty X Gingy for anon.
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sitta6 · 4 months
Those are the children in unikitty the next generation,I hope you enjoy it lol
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Roommates, Dates, and Kisses [Pt. 12]
Frown had lost track of where he was. His sorrow and guilt consumed him in the moment. Once he was less tearful, Frown looked up and around. He was in the sand of the mid-lands. Not in the UniKingdom. Not in Frown Town. It would probably be better if he went to one of the later two.
He followed along the side of the dirt road, wondering which place he would end up at. It took very little time for Frown to realize that he was only a mile from Frown Town. Despite his better judgment, he continued on since it appeared to not be burning anymore.
Brock had been worryingly calling for Frown for the past hour all throughout the UniKingdom. Frown usually came home soon after a walk, even when he was sad. He asked Unikitty, Dr. Fox, Hawodile, Puppycorn, Feebee, Toast, Bagel, Toaster, Batty, Bim-bom, and even more people that were strangers to him if they had seen Frown. The only person he had yet to ask was Richard. He already asked Richard’s girlfriend for goodness sake!
”Richard, I can't find Master Frown anywhere, have you seen him?!” Brock questioned frantically.
”I have,” Richard droned, “He looked like he was going in the direction of the sand lands between the main kingdoms. Well, places, Frown Town is actually a town...”
“Thank you, Rick, gotta go!”
“Good luck.”
Frown stood at front of the old apartment. It had seen much better days and was burnt in some places, but it was stable and standing. Lucky me, I suppose... He hesitantly opened the door. Frown saw some parts that were as black as a void and others as familiar as they were before the whole incident. The kitchen was the most flawless room of them all, so he and Brock would have some pots, pans, and stuff as such.
He went into the living room and pulled box off a shelf. Most of the living room was ash and the box was almost in the same state. As carefully as he could, he peeled the top off to see a photo album, still intact, though damaged. He took out the photos that were unharmed and held them to his heart.
Brock was walking through Frown with thoughts swirling in his head. Pudding, what has gotten into your head? He saw the apartment and ran up, picking up a stepped on letter. He was certain Frown was inside and he was the minimal amount of curious about the letter.
Frown dropped a few photos as the door opened. He nearly got knocked over as Brock embraced him.
"Oh, I'm so glad you're okay!" Brock started, "I should have looked for you sooner and I’m so sorry, but I’m just glad you’re here...”
”You’re supposed to be resting your arms,” Frown murmured, slightly sad.
”I know, I was just nervous, pudding. I love you.”
Frown laughed quietly, his eyes a little watery. Brock held him close and Frown pecked his lips.
”I love you, too, Brocky.”
Brock softly kissed Frown back with a small grin and wiped his boyfriend’s tears away. Frown smiled at him gratefully and snuggled into him.
”Let’s go home,” Brock whispered.
Frown only nodded and held his companion's hand.
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moonflower-pies · 4 years
fictional crushes?
(( Hoo boy, here we go--- ))
Izuku Midoriya from My Hero Academia
Thomas the Tank Engine (I kid you not, and now I am not embarrassed to say this anymore)
Grell and Sebastian from Black Butler
Alucard from Hellsing/Hellsing: Ultimate
Betrayus from Pac Man and The Ghostly Adventures
Wheatley and Glados from Portal
Ash Ketchum from Pokémon
Mugman from Cuphead
Monokuma and Junko from Danganronpa
Haida and Fenneko from Aggretsuko
Lemmy Koopa from the Mario series
Hatsune Miku from Vocaloid
Sans and Flowey from Undertale
The Purple Guy from FNAF
Black Hat from Villainous
Kenma from Haikyuu!!
Tamaki Suoh and Mitskuni Haninozuka from Ouran High School Host Club
Usagi from Sailor Moon
Madoka from Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Spinel from Steven Universe
Master Frown from Unikitty
(( Yeah, yeah, you can roast me, but I don't care. To be honest, I want to see if people will roast me. I would've added photos, but my phone sucks ))
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Happy 9th year anniversary to Ninjago!!!
Here's my first build of the year! I think Ultra-katty goes perfectly with Kai and Nya since Movie!Nya looks up to Unikitty as a hero while Kai is the Master of fire.
You'd never know these pictures were taken just before a volcano erupted nearby IRL and covered the whole area in ash.
But we're okay now.
On a random note, I'll try to be more productive with my fanfic Project Rebuild this year. For those interested, here's the latest chapter. I'd really appreciate any feedback coz I haven't gotten any reviews for chapter 18 yet.
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isolaradiale · 4 years
Lost in Space 18
Hello, Isolans! We have conducted an activity check for the month of March!
If your character isn’t on this list, make sure to check this page to see how many stars that character has earned this month! Stars can be used for purchases at the marketplace.
The blogs that were removed from the Isola Radiale masterlist are under the cut. Note that both blogs with broken links and deactivated accounts will be included both at the top of this list and in their proper categories.
If you were removed in error, please simply send a re-application message. Several different people work on the activity checks, so it’s possible there are mistakes! If this happens to you, you will be able to keep everything you previously had, you just may be placed in a different residence.
Our general activity rules regarding checks are as follows:
Make at least three in-character posts during a calendar month (for instance, if the activity check is for January, have three in-character posts between the 1st and 31st of January).
Only one drabble and/or meme response of 300+ words counts as activity.
One-liners or minis not tagged #isola mini also do not count.
Please Note: Anyone removed during the activity check will have a 12-hour window from the time of posting to re-claim their character. Any character not reclaimed during that period will be open to the community at large.
Please send in your reapplications from the account of the character that was removed.
Broken URLs:
Roman Sionis (Black Mask) (DC COMICS)
Berserker (Minamoto no Raikou) (FATE)
Tifa Lockhart (FINAL FANTASY)
Saeyoung Choi (707) (MYSTIC MESSENGER)
Hera Syndulla (STAR WARS)
Zeed Toven (APARTMENT 313)
Roswell (HOUSE 134)
Shinah (APARTMENT 307)
Silence (HOUSE 147)
Atom (Astro) (CONDO 415)
Sayo Hikawa (CONDO 447)
Haru (APARTMENT 335)
Jack (CONDO 430)
Subject Delta (TOWNHOUSE 226)
Hazama (APARTMENT 336)
Jubei (TOWNHOUSE 205)
Nine the Phantom (APARTMENT 334)
Noel Vermillion (TOWNHOUSE 218)
Nu-13 (TOWNHOUSE 247)
Gaige (APARTMENT 312)
Handsome Jack (HOUSE 113)
Chuuya Nakahara (TOWNHOUSE 205)
Sakura Kinomoto (HOUSE 116)
Toshiki Kai (Aichi's House [Cotes])
Priscilla (APARTMENT 317)
Vicious (CONDO 407)
Nina Cortex (HOUSE 129)
Fire Keeper (APARTMENT 315)
Barbara Gordon (Oracle) (APARTMENT 336)
Bart Allen (Impulse) (HOUSE 124)
Clark Kent (Superman) (CONDO 427)
Rogue (HOUSE 144)
Roman Sionis (Black Mask) (CONDO 418) *BROKEN URL
Kazuo Yashiki (HOUSE 125)
Light Yagami (HOUSE 172)
Misa Amane (APARTMENT 365)
Laharl (APARTMENT 336)
Prince Edward (CONDO 419)
Prince Hans (TOWNHOUSE 217)
Veronica (HOUSE 104)
Izaya Orihara (CONDO 467)
Eichi Tenshouin (CONDO 415)
Leo Tsukinaga (CONDO 408)
Rei Sakuma (HOUSE 175)
Alter Ego (Mecha Eli-Chan) (HOUSE 135)
Alter Ego (Meltryllis) (CONDO 441)
Archer (Emiya) (HOUSE 104)
Avenger (Antonio Salieri) (APARTMENT 332)
Berserker (Minamoto no Raikou) (TOWNHOUSE 227) *BROKEN URL
Berserker of El Dorado (Penthesilea) (CONDO 428)
Rider (Mandricardo) (HOUSE 113)
Rider of Red (Achilles) (APARTMENT 316)
Saber (Arturia Pendragon Alter) (HOUSE 141)
Saber (Charlemagne) (CONDO 403)
Aerith Gainsborough (CONDO 431)
Alisaie Leveilleur (HOUSE 137)
Cloud Strife (APARTMENT 306)
Garnet Til Alexandros XVII (HOUSE 115)
Livia sas Junius (HOUSE 139)
Nero tol Scaeva (HOUSE 118)
Tifa Lockhart (CONDO 416) *BROKEN URL
Warrior of Light (Scholar - Stolas Malqir) (APARTMENT 328)
Panne (APARTMENT 306)
Zero (Niles) (CONDO 401)
Drang (HOUSE 127)
Lowain (TOWNHOUSE 208)
You (HOUSE 130)
Stanford Pines (CONDO 435)
Baiken (TOWNHOUSE 219)
Faust (HOUSE 107)
Vivaldi (APARTMENT 324)
Nico di Angelo (HOUSE 116)
Percy Jackson (APARTMENT 315)
Chixie Roixmr (APARTMENT 314)
Jade Harley (APARTMENT 317)
Remele Namaaq (CONDO 436)
Aloy (TOWNHOUSE 206)
Garry (APARTMENT 336)
Charlie Kelly (APARTMENT 344)
Giorno Giovanna (APARTMENT 353)
Trish Una (HOUSE 123)
Akaza (APARTMENT 367)
Inosuke Hashibira (CONDO 421)
Sabito (TOWNHOUSE 255)
Tanjiro Kamado (TOWNHOUSE 210)
Kirby (HOUSE 109)
Klaus (TOWNHOUSE 216)
Ellie WIlliams (APARTMENT 337)
Crystal (CONDO 407)
Kindred (HOUSE 120)
Neeko (CONDO 432)
Link and Ezlo (Minish Cap) (CONDO 467)
Red Link (APARTMENT 313)
Unikitty (TOWNHOUSE 201)
Switch (APARTMENT 321)
Sean Diaz (APARTMENT 324)
Der Freischutz (CONDO 429)
Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary (APARTMENT 318)
Persephone (CONDO 418)
Lucian (TOWNHOUSE 202)
Mega Man (APARTMENT 368)
Saeyoung Choi (707) (APARTMENT 367) *BROKEN URL
Naruto Uzumaki (Sasuke's House [Cotes])
Sasuke Uchiha (Sasuke's House [Cotes])
Henry Cooldown (TOWNHOUSE 268)
Shion (TOWNHOUSE 231)
Belphegor (TOWNHOUSE 203)
Oswald (TOWNHOUSE 216)
Sugar (CONDO 423)
Zacharie (HOUSE 142)
Demyan Reyes (TOWNHOUSE 226)
Eris Kihara (APARTMENT 315)
Jem Silver (TOWNHOUSE 219)
Liu Canglong (CONDO 420)
Locke (War) (TOWNHOUSE 221)
Magistrate (CONDO 436)
Pomuri (APARTMENT 315)
Promosis (HOUSE 138)
Seiji Kazama (APARTMENT 314)
Siren (HOUSE 104)
Vic (CONDO 449)
Zack Ledger (Zack's House [Golden])
Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe (CONDO 423)
Jesse McCree (TOWNHOUSE 216)
Reinhardt Wilhelm (CONDO 470)
Morgana (CONDO 448)
Theodore (HOUSE 130)
Yusuke Kitagawa (APARTMENT 331)
Bede (CONDO 418)
Mewtwo (CONDO 419)
Raihan (HOUSE 143)
Yamper (APARTMENT 321)
Shut (APARTMENT 316)
Dr. Bartholomew Oobleck (HOUSE 145)
Oscar Pine (CONDO 403)
Penny Polendina (CONDO 406)
Robyn Hill (TOWNHOUSE 219)
Salem (CONDO 415)
Summer Rose (CONDO 465)
Pisces Aphrodite (APARTMENT 333)
Sal Fisher (HOUSE 119)
Licht Todoroki (HOUSE 114)
Catra (HOUSE 115)
Propeller Knight (APARTMENT 307)
Shield Knight (APARTMENT 308)
Pearl (CONDO 451)
Anya Folger (APARTMENT 324)
Hamegg (TOWNHOUSE 204)
Hera Syndulla (APARTMENT 318) *BROKEN URL
Kylo Ren (HOUSE 144)
Sabine Wren (TOWNHOUSE 215)
Peridot (Marceline's House [Cotes])
Keras Selyrian (APARTMENT 305)
Mikleo (TOWNHOUSE 224)
Yuan Ka-Fai (HOUSE 112)
The Sniper (CONDO 468)
Ichigo Momomiya (HOUSE 122)
Remilia Scarlet (HOUSE 131)
Rinnosuke Morichika (HOUSE 102)
Youmu Konpaku (HOUSE 129)
Chromie (TOWNHOUSE 205)
Zeno (CONDO 462)
Yuuri Katsuki (APARTMENT 336)
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so, if you're the future top supervillain, who's your nemesis? or is that to be determined?
“Oh, let’s see, here…” You can see the gears grinding in his head as he wracks his memory for a list of names. Listing comes naturally to him; in fact, it’s a calming thing for him to do. But, of course, it’s not as easy when his memory is a pile of ash with barely any glowing embers left amidst it. 
His eyes lighten up with a dark kind of glee as he remembers. He begins to condescendingly count on his hands as he lists.
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“Wyldstyle, Unikitty-Girl, Captain Roboto, Rocket Man, the prissy little rich man funding them all….”
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eliza-art-stuff · 5 years
Meet lysandra
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Lysandra Felicty Hertils
Likes~Desinging,Baking,Learning French and Dutch,Posture&Manners,Her friends,Betty Her Pet,Cookies,Singing,Winter!,
Flowers,Animals!,Making Lanterns or Lamp,
Dislikes~Hurt Creatures and People,Being Annoyed,Scary Stuff,
Nicknames~Ly,Cassandra,Animal Pet,Little lys,Brown Girl, Brownie,(By lily) Anne Wierd(By Ash)
Magic-She is A Siren,Has The Element of Water,
Others-Ice skate,The winter season,Singing,A Guitar Girl,Her adroable Mouse (That Lily Gave her),
Family~Jane Hertils(Mother), Ron Hertils(Father),
Lilyanna Cannary-(Belongs to @webby-dings )
Arthur,Ariel,Jay,-(Belongs to @webby-dings-reblogs )
Faith/Ash/Bella-(Belongs to @creative-reblogs & @webby-dings & @brooke-quackery-draws )
The Vila Group-/Archie/-(Belongs to @webby-dings) /Athena/mr.Fluffytail,
Comming soon
-She Has Pet Owl,Dog,Mouse,(Kiara,Lisa,Celena),That she Ofthen keeps It inside her bag,
-She learned how to Ice Skate When she Was at the age of 5,
-Has a Amazing Words and speech that she can use for Anything
-loves writing Story's,And Poems
-Was The Head Cheerleader of her school
-She Graceful Dance like a swan When she is in the water,
-Has Been Chosen To be the leader of the Club Called P.T.S&WC,
-The First ever Girl in the Junior woodchuck,
-Very Felixble and Is Into Science,
-Her hair style is Ponytail,Braid,Let lose,
-A Sea Creature&Animal lover,
-A Great Planner
-Is into Mischevious Stuff,that includes Mischief
-An Outgoing Girl with Big adventures and A Creative Mind.
-Is Knon As Anne shirley,(Cuz she loves Dramatic poem,Storys etc.)
-Has The diamond Sowrd stone That Was kept From her mother!,More about that later!.
-Keeps A Photo of Her and her mother.
-A Locket That Conatins More Seacrets About Lysandra's Father and Her family.
-Is Very Good At Matchmaking people.(She and Ariel are The two Matchmaking Duo),
-She is Not close to Ash, Pfft, because he keeps calling her weird names.But she is close to Arthur,Selene,&lily,
-Mostly Consider Herself to Be name Anne,
Head Canon Voice!
Unikitty from (Unikitty!) ✨
I Hope you Guys love her!<3, she Belongs to my little sister So She Jus asked me If i could make her!, So did!, Enjoy this little sweetheart!.
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Welcome to Twinkle’s Blog! 
Hi there! Im prince Twinkle! Son of Queen Unikitty and Frown the Doom Lord. Sandly my parents aren’t married , but dad always come to us and stayed in Unikingdom for 3 months!
I live with my mom ‘cuz dad is too afraid stay in his town.
I have a lots of friends , but my best dudes are : Ash (Foxdile’s fan kid) and his siblings and my step lil sis - Britney! (frock’s fan kid)
I hope you’ll ejoy me here! BaI!!
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hihicecil · 6 years
unikitti replied to your post: fat pikachu should be a regional. Kanto should...
Ash’s pikachu needs to be ripped. He needs a 6 pack.
ash’s pikachu has been on pure protein for 23 years he’s shredded
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