#uni; mcuni
noireovertures · 3 months
cw: familial, parental vore (as i know that's not everyone's cup of tea)
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what's this? traditional art? yeagh.
meet vala (he/him), my beloved fallen angel demon <3 and by implied extension, his kiddo, spiffy. aka the beast. vala is a very protective person, but especially of his family. storing away his little one is a no-brainer for him, especially since it's not nearly as cumbersome for him as it would be to a mortal (like his best friend, parsil).
may post separately about vala and his family in a bit, since my brain is a lil mushy rn, but hope you like him!
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noireovertures · 4 months
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a pair of doodles from last year that i've had tucked away on a canvas... more of my blasted min/ecrsft ocs, yes. meet samba (he/him) and kirylx (he/they)!
samba's got himself a treat... and kirylx is dealing with a handful of their somewhat unruly servermates
as always for when i properly introduce my ocs to you, extra info about them will be under the cut!
first off, they're both servermates of spark and misaei! fellow catalysts, as the individuals of their group call themselves. kirylx is their admin while samba is one of the resident redstoners.
samba is a nether elf n kirylx is debatably human (his concept n design take inspiration from me/troid, so do with that what you will).
samba does this sorta thing for fun on the regular and usually is more than willing to provide tummy time for anyone who asks. kirylx feeds partially on energy, and as they occasionally forget to look after themself instead of the server, his servermates will occasionally take it upon themselves to make sure he's well fed <3
samba is also very close with three more of his servermates, one of which i'll tell you about very soon (as i have Another doodle of samba). any of them are welcome to turn the tables on him... or snuggle up if they feel cuddly. samba loves affection from people he cares about.
kirylx keeps to themself, but is very fond of their fellow catalysts. he'd do pretty much anything to keep them happy... including indulge their want to be tiny snacks. he does appreciate the extra energy on occasion! however, he's not particularly willing to be a snack himself.
hope you like them! and as before. if you recognize them/me, no you don't <3
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noireovertures · 1 year
for you, my friend
what if i edited an old drabble of misaei and spark. what then??? well i don't know, but i did! and here it is :D
i've got no warnings for this one! it's just some tender soft/safe g/t vore :)
word count: ~700
Spark is always careful with him. 
From the moment he asks her, she makes sure he'll be comfortable and safe. She picks him up and looks him over - fixing his hair, preening his wings if they're messy, dusting him off. How long that takes her usually depends on how small he's feeling that day.
If they're both feeling playful enough, sometimes he'll struggle a little. Never enough to hurt himself (or her), but certainly enough to get Spark to mess with him a tad. She'll tease him with a lick or two and make a comment about his sweetness. Something about him tasting like a blueberry milkshake… And naturally, he'll protest the accusations of sweetness - he might be cute, but he isn't a sweet little dessert (except when he is).
Once they're done messing around, if they did at all, he's gently placed in her mouth. Spark will start to take her time now, especially in cases where he's not exactly bite-sized. 
Her mouth is warm and wet, and he loves to hear the little hum of satisfaction she makes when he hits her tongue. Sometimes, when he's small enough, she'll pin him to the roof of her mouth for a little while. He likes that part a lot, admittedly... The consistent pressure feels genuinely good after a long day. She'll keep him there for a little while, slowly working her way over him with her tongue. Slicking him up with saliva is very important for the next step, after all.
She waits for his signals to continue, gently teasing him if he's being fussy about it. (He's not fussy, though. Don't believe her.) Once he gives it to her, either by an affirmative chirp or a gentle pat on the tongue, she swallows.
The sound of it is thunderous, each gulp heralding a ripple of slick, strong muscle that pulls him deeper into his friend's body. It's like being sandwiched between blocks of slime, the pressure always nearly enough to squeeze the breath out of him, but not quite.
When he's not as small, that part takes much longer. The time between each swallow will vary, Spark having to take the time to slick him up before continuing. Sometimes it's because is Spark slowly dragging her tongue over his feathers, carefully coating them so his wings won't get stuck once they're further inside. Other times she's just pacing herself, trying to get a breath around the rather large lump of him in her throat. The waiting doesn't scare him. She knows what she's doing. He trusts her.
Occasionally, he can feel the esophagus pushing against him from the outside as he travels downward. Spark is tracing his descent with her fingers, patiently waiting for him to arrive at his destination. As he listens to the steady thump of her heartbeat and the great fwooshes of air entering and leaving her lungs, ever so aware of her all around him, he knows she's just as aware of him.
At the end of his descent, he always tumbles a bit. He spills out into her stomach, sometimes splashing into little pools of saliva and acids that luckily he's quite immune to at the moment. His wings flutter as he rights himself, hands grasping for purchase against the walls of the slippery organ. Spark laughs, the sound of it slightly muffled above him. He must be tickling her again.
Once he's comfortably curled up and settled, it isn't long before he'll feel her hand pressing in on him. She wants to check on him, to ask how he's doing. Sometimes he's doing better now that he's with her, other times he's fine to begin with. Right now though, he's content… and a little sleepy. Spark accepts that reply with a chuckle and a "sleep well, Miso".
He thanks her with a small yawn, before curling in on himself a bit more. As he shuts his eyes, he notices the gentle swaying of what is Spark likely walking around and getting ready to head to bed herself.
He appreciates her doing this for him, truly.
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noireovertures · 3 months
cw: familial, parental vore (once again, i know this is not for everyone)
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honestly i have so many doodles i am so very reluctant to share but here's some more beasties. meet ro (he/him) and his adoptive daughter, aimee. and ofc by implication, one of aimee's brothers, safely tucked away. (i believe it would be thane, in this case! thane is aimee's older brother. benji is the youngest of the fox siblings.)
aimee adores ro and there's been many scenarios where if it isn't her turn to be put away, she's content to spend time with ro instead - in this case, letting him put a lil bow in her hair :)
i'll properly speak on ro and his family another time, since it's a large one
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noireovertures · 4 months
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possibly the oldest of what i took the time to crop last night, a sketch of spark showing another friend (coconut) what she can do
(that being eating misaei of course)
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noireovertures · 1 year
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i've been busy so i sorta forgot i wanted to post my backlog of doodles... but here's spark, who i promised i would talk about back when i posted about her friend misaei! (you can find him here)
spark's a very good friend to misaei and is usually more than happy to put him away for a while, so long as she can carry on w/ her day (which typically involves building something or other and scampering about)
like i did w/ my last oc post, you can read a bit more abt spark under the cut if you'd like <3
spark is a moth hybrid obviously, but i was too lazy to detail her wings (or draw them in one case) in all of these - she's a golden sun moth! :D
... so yes, the early bug gets the bird.
she resides on the same server as misaei 90% of the time, so she's one of his favorite people to go to when he wants to get tucked away in a tum. spark has come to enjoy spending time w/ him like this and is always eager to help, even when misaei has sensory troubles and needs a bit more comfort
misaei isn't a regular player - hence the size shifting of sorts (he varies between tiny and more like,, quarter-sized compared to spark here?) and while that has it's benefits, he also has rough days where his body won't cooperate and he feels like he needs to be flattened w/ a rolling pin. spark just happens to be one of the few people he's comfortable admitting that to
i'm sure i'll talk about these two more another time, thanks for reading! and if you recognize them/me, no you don't.
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noireovertures · 2 years
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i've decided to collect up a bunch of my doodles (mostly wips/sketches) from the last year-ish that i've not really done much with and post them! first up are these two sketches of misaei, affectionately known as "miso" to friends. he's an avian who loves mischief and spending time with (... and within) his friends. he's one of many ocs prime and i created for a more game-adjacent mine//craft universe, so i guess it's worth noting he's based on the cyan and gold parrot!
i don't remember why i put him in a jam jar in the first one, but he tastes like blueberries typically so guess he's a berry medley now? the second sketch is older and less refined, but he's probably in his friend spark's mouth (more on her soon). he likes it there.
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noireovertures · 6 months
it's been a couple years since i made the original pinned, so... here's a new one :D
hi there, i'm noire and welcome to my blog! i'm only really semi-active at the moment, but i really enjoy being here.
the content you will find here will mostly consist of giant/tiny and nonsexual vore (primarily soft and safe). most of it will be original content related to my ocs, but there may be the occasional fandom post as well.
i also frequently will mention my best friend in relation to a lot of my projects/ocs as we do a lot of creative work together. (seeing the names 'moth' or 'prime' means i'm talking about him!)
important notes about the blog and blogger:
my work on this blog is all intended to be nonsexual! i am aroace and prefer g/t and vore as narrative tools and a comfort, especially in the case of the latter. i politely ask that if you aren't going to interact w/ my work in a nonsexual manner, that you simply do not interact with me.
i didn't make this blog until i was 18, but i've lurked and had an interest in its subject matter for roughly 12-13 years. i've seen a lot of great and terrible things! my work is rated 16+, but otherwise, you are free to interact with it as you wish. i hope to make the kind of content i wish had been easier to find when i was younger.
above points clarified, i want to also add that my favorite stories to tell are often centered around platonic and queerplatonic relationships. this will include familial or quasi-familial relationships as well and i'm aware that isn't everyone's cup of tea. i'll point out such things at the top of related posts, but if you're uncomfortable with that sorta content in general, my work isn't for you!
lastly, this is a sideblog and as a result, i interact from my main. if you like me here, feel free to bug me over there too. i'm the same weird bird, just a bit more edgy <3
tags + projects under the cut
current tags
noirenoises -- textposts
noirecollects -- reblogs
noiredoodles -- my art! (which, coincidentally, is mostly doodles)
noirewrites -- my writing
noirebox -- answered asks (it's a play on 'blackbox'!)
voreposting -- catchall tag for vore and adjacent content
noire reads gid -- liveblogging tag for my reading of the series getting in deep!
ocs will have tags that start with "oc;" followed by their name (ex: "oc; holland")
universes/plots will have tags starting with "uni;" followed by the name of it or an abbreviation (ex: "uni; another twist" or "uni; mcuni")
[seeing ** by the name means they're worked on with prime!]
hdc (home distress call)** -- being reworked, hopefully will post about it again soon!
(in general i am working on refining stuff abt my mc ocs for posting as well. slowly.)
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noireovertures · 3 years
hello!!! i’m noire and welcome to my blog! i'm not usually very active, but i sometimes want to be, so i thought i’d do some updates to this post and the blog in general.
the main types of content present on this blog will be giant/tiny and nonsexual soft vore. most of it will be my own original stuff, but i may reblog or rarely post fandom-related content as well.
i make a lot of my posts surrounding projects/ocs i’ve made with my best friend, @golden-primeline <3
some important notes about this blog:
all of my work is nonsexual because i am aroace and prefer g/t and vore as narrative tools and a comfort chiefly. i solely view said things as nonsexual, too. i hope those facts can be respected. i will politely request that blogs w/ sexual content as their main focus do not interact with my stuff, as it would make me very uncomfortable.
while i did not make this blog until i was 18, i’ve had these interests since i was below double digits. and yes, this is reflected in my ideas and works. i am fine with minors interacting w/ my work, since it’s pretty much all an ongoing care package for my younger self.
above statements in mind... one: my work often contains characters who are comfortable w/ one another. platonic and queerplatonic relationships are my cup of tea. i also have lots of "found family" dynamics amongst my characters ranging from friends who are family to characters who follow actual family structures. simply put, i enjoy exploring my ocs' familial bonds. two: because the majority of my time with this interest was spent as a minor, i still have many ocs who are minors, and they have friends & family who are not. if these things make you uncomfortable for any reason, you will not enjoy my work. this is your warning.
i interact from my main, because this is a sideblog. if you know me from there, or are a friend who i didn’t tell about this - oops, hi! i promise i’m a normal person. and yes i like being called colors. sue me.
lastly, a disclaimer that this blog was originally made when there was a more active mcyt g/t community on here, which i wanted to be part of, but i’ve mostly lost interest. saying this, there may still be rare occasions you might see such adjacent content on here. yes, it will be tagged. if you have a problem with this, though, i apologize.
current tags can be found under the cut
main tags
noirenoises -- textposts
noirecollects -- reblogs
noiredoodles -- art tag
noirewrites -- writing tag
noirebox -- answered asks
ocs have tags that start w/ “oc;” followed by their name (eg: “oc; holland”)
universes have tags that start w/ "uni;" followed by its name or abbreviation (eg: "uni; another twist" or "uni; mcuni")
mothposting -- posts mentioning prime’s sona, moth
[the ‘**’ means that they’re worked on w/ prime! discontinued projects still have a tag, but those are not accessible from this post.]
i do not currently have any named projects :’D
discontinued projects: detective soot (mcyt/sbi), home distress call (mcyt/sbi)
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