#unhinges my jaws theme 🦈
caliconimbus · 11 months
Figure I’m due for a pinned post, so here we go:
As seen in my blog description, I’m Nimbus, I use he and she, and this blog is nsfw. You’ll be seeing a bunch of scantily clad big bara men by being here
Bonus details: I’m in my 20s, I’m still pretty new to being openly a furry, and if you’re nice to me I will love you forever
Organizational tags! I typically tag things as their media source if I know it (Pokémon, Beastars, Echo vn, etc), but that’s not especially consistent. I do however have tags I consistently use to denote different kinds of beastmen. This list is naturally evolving, and new tags may crop up sporadically
#rawr means I love you in dinosaur 😘 covers dinos, dragons, gators, and anything else that has dino vibes
#putting the awoo in AWOOGA 😍 has wolves, werewolves, dogs, and potentially other canines
#I’m a cat. I’m a kitty cat 😸 is anything that goes meowmeowmeow <3
#I wanna talk about bird lube. NOW 😤 catches our avian friends
#pics that make me go zug zug 😳 holds big beautiful orcs
#unhinges my Jaws theme 🦈 is for sharks
#fine fine bovines caprines and equines 🤠 has just about anything hooved/horned
#caress that carapace 🪳 covers pretty much all insects
#more than I can bear 🐻 has bearish bears
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