#unfortunately you underestimate the power of my neurodivergence
vyeoh · 5 months
Sometimes I think about how when I first went to the pre law advisor to switch from pre med to pre law, she asked me why I wanted to switch, took one look at me and was really condescending like "oh it's because you're into social justice isn't it" and then I was like "no actually I just enjoy reading court documents and am one of like the 20 people that watch cspan". We've been chill ever since but everytime I see her I think about how I convinced her I was committed by how insanely boring my hobbies and interests are
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gureishi · 3 years
I have seen a lot of headcannons regarding Yoosung's insecurity regarding his manliness, but the one I made kind of makes sense to me because as far as I have seen in the game, he was mostly insecure about it because he wants to be loved and respected by his friends and MC and not be underestimated
So here comes my headcannon
He became insecure about his "manliness" is because he is more emotionally sensitive than most others and his mom was very bad at handling him when he cried so his mom often told him that "no one loves a crying unmanly child" and that still kind of haunts him. He is also very likely to be a neurodivergent person
You know, I've never really thought about how much of Yoosung's insecurity might come from his mother—but you're totally right, many of the things we worry about later in life stem from offhand comments made by adults when we were growing up.
We know that Yoosung's mom loves him a lot, but she's also fairly stern and traditional. It's also unfortunately not uncommon for little boys to be told to cry less, as if having feelings is somehow gendered and not just a universal human experience.
So I could certainly see Yoosung being told to be less sensitive as a little kid—and how that experience could feed into his insecurity as he gets older. I agree that he just wants to be taken seriously. He wants to do good in the world. He wants to mean something.
And all of this is wrapped up in this fear he has that he's somehow weaker or less than the people around him. Your love will help him see himself more clearly, of course—but it's also important that he gets there on his own.
He's strong. Gender has nothing to do with it—and I think over time, he'll realize that. He's got a big heart and a powerful soul, and those are the things that matter most.
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alittleoptimistic · 6 years
Favorite Character Tropes as Wish Fulfillment?
I wrote that title after I analyzed this stuff because I realized a thing about myself I was unaware of. I always get attached to the Same Character. Like, they are literally the same person in different stories. And I want to know why. So I did a little digging and thinking and all that good, good stuff. 
Here are a few examples of my typical favorite character
Charlie from Lost
Virgil from Sanders Sides
Philip from Travelers
the Doctor from Doctor Who (specifically 10)
Klaus from Umbrella Academy
Stiles from Teen Wolf
Riley from Sense 8
Cisco from Flash
Peter Pan from any version of this story
Jim from the Office
Peter from Heroes
Merlin from Merlin
Will from Hannibal
Felix from Orphan Black
Chuck from Chuck
Josh (the werewolf ) from Being Human
Jessica from Jessica Jones
Castiel from Supernatural
Loki from Marvel
Skylar from Heroes
Sherlock from Sherlock
Zuko from The Last Airbender
Killian from Once Upon a Time
I could probably find more but you get the idea
General similarities seem to be:
out of 23
21 are male?
15 have some type of addiction/problem they have difficulty controlling? (drugs, attention, adventure, eating people, killing people, ya know, etc)
17 have a secret
‘neuro-divergent’ in some way? (ADD, PTSD anxiety, depression, something? the kids are not alright)
All 23 have grey morals (probably chaotic good-ish? they all would break the rules for a good reason or get what they want)
19 have a crappy homelife/large tragedy in the past
20 have ‘superpowers/special ability’
18 are physically weak in appearance
18 are Underdogs, underestimated but actually powerful/very intelligent?
7 have a redemption arch
17 have dark hair lol
18 have a sarcastic, sense of humor
14 talk too much
mostly white in one form or another :/
So... why?? Why do I tend to like these characters more than others?
male. I am female and there are a few female characters that I LOVE. They happen, but, in all honesty, they are far and few in between. Wonder Woman, Jessica Jones, Hermione, Rey, Riley, Rory (Gilmore girls) Perhaps it is the way girls are often written? I like Jessica Jones because she is a hilarious mess and I relate. Same with... all of the ones I like, actually. They have that grey-moral vibe of real people, but lack the sexy Cat Woman, I’m-so-bad-I-can-kill-you-with-my-massive-butt-and-boobs?? Thing?? yeah? how unfortunate. They are small breasted or, at least, that is not drawn attention to too much. Could it be. holy moly, ya’ll. could it be I like women characters when they’re written... like people? like. like, as if girls are screwed up humans! not objects?? isn’t that incredible.
srry but not srry
an addiction. now, why do I tend to go here? Its a kind of a painful trope. They always go back, and back and back again to what we know is horrible for them. Perhaps there is enjoyment in watching the struggle and seeing them inevitably win their struggle, whatever it is? The strength to conquer the darkness within themselves and do the right thing. It might just make you think you can conquer your own battles?? Maybe I feel like I can relate in some sort of way, going back to old habits, struggling to be the person I want to be. Year after year of the same new year goals...
a secret. This is honestly just a nice trope and its neat, fun writing. Creates tension, and it is usually connected to the addiction. You get invested in this secret!!! It builds up to the inevitable discovery of that secret and the aftermath and all the reactions of their friends. (merlin, Will graham, chuck, etc.)
Neurodivergent. I think this is just me relating to these people. I have bouts of depression and anxiety and am currently researching the possibility of having ADD (thats a whole new weird thing idek) so this is just something that I think I see in myself.
Grey-morals. Again. This is my moral alignment, shocker. So, again, me relating to the characters. Also, characters that obviously have flaws are just well-written, well-rounded characters? No one is actually Clark Kent. characters that seem perfect either come off as plastic and fake because real people do not act like that, or they come off as kind of creepy?? because they must have some darkness lurking beneath the surface (when this is done on purpose, i actually like this quite a lot. Rose Quartz is an example of a character who seemed perfect on the surface, but as the show moved on, is revealed to be a Real Disaster Queen. she isn’t evil, just kind of a brat, but that redeemed what seemed to be sloppy storytelling because it was realistic)
Tragic past. This is just something that authors give to Disaster People to justify their screwed-up-ness. Course, not all of them had tragic pasts, but something bad happened to all of them (except Jim from the Office I think??, but then again, that is a sitcom...)
Special Ability Again, wish fulfillment. Not even gonna lie. I often feel powerless and out of control, this Freaks Me Out. I think there is comfort in seeing the ‘little guy’ (aka le me) having with a BAMF hashtag
 Weak And once more on Relatable-Station. This is in connection with relating to feeling and looking powerless, but finding comfort in the secret strength these characters have whether through supernatural means, superior intelligence, biting humor, a quick tongue, etc.
Underestimated the cap on this trio. The last 3 points could be summed up as one thing. A weak, underestimated person actually has some secret strength. These characters might just be a coping mechanism I have to deal with feeling weak and overlooked and powerless, whether or not those feelings accurately portray reality. I wonder where those feelings came from in the first place.
A redemption arch This trope is often a result of having grey morals. These also help deal with feelings of inadequacy or guilt in the reader?? It makes you think, if they can be loved, surely I can. (i am really dragging myself in this post, which was not the plan lol but here we are) 
Dark hair/brown hair. I have dark hair, I also wanted black hair as a child and found it very beautiful. Also, I think the dark hair goes with the personality trope as a Screw Up. Not gonna lie, messy brown/black hair on boys and girls, honestly, but the short messy thing, is great. and when they go evil for a bit and the hair gets Extra Messy?? That. That’s. Good. (for reference see: Stiles, Killian, Peter, Virgil, Loki)
Sarcastic my flavor of humor. this is turning into the realization that we do, in fact, like characters we relate to the most. I thought that might be far fetched because I’m ‘nothing like’ these characters, but let's get real. They’re me but as a cute boy or girl.
Talk too much This isn’t me. but This is who I want to be, I think. I’ve always struggled with anxiety about being the quiet one while my brother was so much better at talking, making friends, etc. so this is, again, wish fulfillment. i swear i didn’t think this was going to be this self-indulgent but i obviously was wrong
White They aren’t all white. Zuko is Asian. Cisco’s actor is Columbian American. But that’s... thats a really small amount of diversity. Like, I’m concerned. (when i say white btw, I don’t mean just American or British or whatever, because there are characters on here that are from all over. I just mean overall white-looking for the sake of this analysis) 
So, First Hypothesis: prejudice is very ingrained and even with good intentions, i could be subconsciously avoiding characters that are POC??? If this is all a ‘projecting myself’ thing, then I relate to white people the most? Im sure im screwing this up, but i’m not gonna chicken out and avoid this because thats what I’d usually do to keep from dumbly saying something offensive, but if I dont address a problem, then no one is getting anywhere 
Second Hypothesis: Its been known the fiction industry as a whole has a problem with representation,,, I don’t want to discount me being white, but I don’t think this is just me and my tiny entitled butt. There probably isn’t as much access to that type of character for POC. How often do creators have well-rounded, stick-around-for-a-long-time, flawed, funny, sometimes-problematic-but-well-meaning characters that are also POC? not often enough. Maybe it’s not always on purpose. But because of ‘Diversity Points’, character development might get pushed aside, and then the character’s personality becomes Their Race, which is... a crappy way to build a character? The industry has a hard enough time with diversity in general. Maybe people just don't write POC as that type of character. Which makes characters like Cisco unique. I’ve never even thought about that... Good on you, Flash writer crew.
let's fix this??
need more Ciscos???
 if any POC feels inclined to call me out on my bull or give their insight (only if you want to, of course), pls do.
In conclusion: this was interesting, and it makes sense, I guess, why people like different types of characters if their favorite characters are projections in one way or another of them. I’m not saying that we all relate to our favorite characters, but me, because I have this weird, dozen or more of the same type of character that I love, it might be reasonable to assume there’s something about that character I see in myself or wish I saw in myself? Anyway, an interesting thought. What do you guys think? Do you see yourself in your favorite characters?
This has been an honest essay that got too long. I wish I was as invested in writing school essays as I am in Tumblr posts.
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