#unfortunately when u become homeless u get a lot of offers of help from ppl who are simply opportunistic rather than genuinely kind.
horce-divorce · 3 months
It has been 0 days since the last "old man leaves blood tracked around the entire house and goes on with his day UNbothered" incident....
I cannot fucking verbalize how disturbing this shit is... I literally can't get up at 7am to take a sleep-drunken piss without having to wake up fully and fucking bleach the floor because I look down at my shoes and realize I'm STEPPING in someone else's BLOOD. AGAIN!!@!!@!!!!!!!!!!!
same guy that leaves food out for the mice, puts his used dirty dry ass dentures flat on the kitchen counter, leaves bloodied bandages on the TABLE!!!!!!
and every time you try to have a conversation with him he goes "oh haha!" and trundles off, absolutely utterly regardless of what the topic is. Period. Always. Once during a fucking tornado he sat upstairs watching TV, chuckled at us rushing to the basement as the sirens wailed, I informed him "we already lost everything once, we don't need to do it again" and he said "ha ha ha" and went and sat in front of the TV again.
Once he said "I wonder why the mice keep coming back in the summer?" And Bel looked him in the eyes and said "you! It's because you leave them full course meals every day, you should scrape your plate off into the garbage when you're done with it :)" he said "oh haha!" Wandered off and then never once cleaned his plate, continuing to leave full plates out overnight (im talking 3 corn cobs biscuits and gravy), and "thawing" ALREADY THAWED MEAT on the counter for upwards of 10 hours before just... sticking it back in the fridge???
He is literally not even on this plane of existence. To the point where he refuses to use his cane and yet falls down multiple times per day. I don't understand how he continues to live. Fucking energy vampire. Literally!who needs a cane! he just asks us to help him up off the floor! then refuses said help while we stand there and watch him struggle. he has THE most weaponized incompetence i have EVER encountered. He literally just likes an audience!!!! That's all he wants and he gets it for free every day!!!! Every day he lives one day longer and Thorin, Bel and I feel years age off our fucking lives in exchange!!!!!
Hot tip: if you become homeless DONT just take the first offer of a roof over your head IF you can absolutely help it at all, ESPECIALLY if you became homeless due to fleeing abusive family. You will very likely just end up with someone else's abusive dad instead :) repeatedly :)))
#me#his foot js literally festering and falling OFF and bleeds nonstop and he changes his bandage like..... maybe once every 24hrs. maybe.#the fact that he bleeds on the bathroom floor DAILY is bc he just puts a sock on it and goes to bed#then bleeds thru his entire sock by like 1am#'hes giving you a place to stay be nice' the TOLL it takes is PSYCHOLOGICAL!!!!!#our friend (his kid) invited us here. not him. he literally doesnt even remember we are here lmao.#he likes having other ppl here to torment besides his own family#unfortunately when u become homeless u get a lot of offers of help from ppl who are simply opportunistic rather than genuinely kind.#pat falls solidly into this category.#i think his wife is slightly more kind than neutral but she makes constant excuses for him#even when there's 4! other witnesses and beer cans all over the house she doesnt beleive hes drinking!#so maybe she cares more but she likewise doesnt do anything about any of it. ever. she just lets him fuck up whatever he wants.#theres a REASON why so many homeless people would rather be the on the fucking street than take any random offer of housing.#even from a housing commission. bc it is likewise staffed by people and people are opportunistic fucks.#a lot of ppl want to THINK of themsleves as someone who would help a homeless friend in a pinch#w/o actually realizing what that entails#then when you (the person in need) say 'actually i need a different thing instead bc what you gave me isnt all that helpful'#suddenly your 'friend' of many years is calling you the ugliest words youve ever fucking heard#saying you took advantage and that youre ungrateful and that youre not trying and you dont want help.#its very easy for everyone to believed the housed person in that scenario.#they have all the power. they control the narrative.#prsnl
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goldenscript · 7 years
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author’s note: this is in the same universe as neighbor!monsta x <3
the friend crush (turned actual crush) candidate neighbor
in other words, she’s that girl you’re dying to befriend and to get to know and all that wonder stuff
she’s pretty, sweet from what you can see in your comfortable nook beside her home, and she definitely sounds like a blast to be around
minus the times where you can practically hear her and her screeching at each other for only god knows what
last you remembered it was over the last eggo waffle but you’re not gonna judge bc waffles are pretty damn good
you know she’s also a very attentive roommate to her roomie considering she’s always buying groceries and staying up to wait for her roomie too
which also brings up the mention that the walls between the apartment spaces are so damn thin, you can literally hear everything so it’s no brainer than you’ve learned all these things abt jennie by observation than actual talking
ofc you’d love to talk to her!!! you’ve been dying to for so damn long that it actually feels painful whenever you see chances to bc you don’t take them
your friend taehyung’s been nagging you to do it and even your roommate jiwoo who’s been nothing but an observer of you observing jennie and to say the least the two of them just want you to come out of your shell just to say hey bc that doesn’t hurt
well it doesn’t but it does hurt ur pride when jiwoo purposefully locks you out of the apartment for reasons unbeknownst to you (lmao lbr u kno why but ur in denial bC YOUR ROOMIE WOULDN’T DO THT TO U RIGHT?????,,,,,,,,,,,,,)
absolutely, postively incorrect
bc she does and ur stuck in the hallway wondering if she’s actually asleep or if she’s punking you bc you forgot milk tht one time sophomore year (mind you, y’all are third years rn n you rlly wouldn’t b surprised if jiwoo did that ‘cuz of milk tbh she’s that typa person)
and you’re abt to call taehyung and ask if you can stay at his place when you hear a voice that isn’t warbled from a thin wall and is actually directed at u
“ummmm,,, are u ok?”
you actually fumble with ur phone and that causes her to giggle and wow it just sounds so freakin’ nice but holy shit is she really talking to you rn??? is that really happening???????
you’re absolutely baffled but u manage to nod and tell her that your roommate locked u out and she actually pouts on ur behalf and ur actually starstruck a lil’
it’s one thing to hear and observe these actions from jennie but it’s a complete game changer when she’s performing such actions,,,in front,,, of you,,,, and ,,,, for,,, u,,,,,,,,,,,,, FOR YOU
all u can focus on is ur heart pounding incessantly and u swear it’s ur nerves bc hey friend crushes can still make u nervous y’know n ur so engrossed in this tht u don’t even notice that jennie’s grabbed a hold of ur hand and is leading u back to her place
aND UR BRAIIN IS SUDDENLY LIKE !!! bc holy fuck is that really happening???
you squeak out a ,,, “what”
and she just giggles at you n says “it’s no biggie, my roomie’s out with her bf n i can’t just leave a pretty face like yours out! someone might snatch u y’know??”
“t-thank u,,,,”
“jennie” she smiles tho u kno her name n u kno it well tht it actually makes u super happy that she even knows urs bc after u say it she just grins at u and says “i know”
and basically at her apartment, u see how neat and nice it is with all the black and pink decor on her end w/ roses n these really gnarly looking motorcycles tht she winks at u abt bc her baby’s still in the shop rn and she even offers to take u on a joyride somewhere bc you’ve never once been on a motorcycle but u wouldn’t mind going on one
it’s a first for her but it actually makes her light up to see someone showing interest in something that she adores!!!
u eventually find out tht next to motorcycles she actually rlly loves event planning n that’s why she’s doing communications as a major bc one day she’d like to be in her own pr firm n showcase new and vibrant things that’ll benefit others bc next tht she loves helping others so if what she does can helps others then she’ll feel fulfilled in life
it explains a lot considering she’s always helping people,,, like always
from making sure her roomie’s fed to volunteering at homeless shelters to even tutoring young children, she’s even trying to get into a peer mentor program at the local middle school (a lot of it happens at different times in the year but she has no issues with any of it bc it makes her happy)
srsly she works to the point of overwork and even her roomie has to drag her out by the ear just to get the girl to relax
and evidently this is one of those days where she is relaxing (by helping u lolol) but also she rlly appreciates the attention and attentiveness you’re showing her bc you love listening to her talk and explain what certain things are and it makes her so so so so happy ok
at first it’s miniscule things that make her happy from those little hang outs you two will do now that the ice has been broken to even the times you’ll actually accompany her to a few of her volunteering tasks and she’s so certain she’s found a great new friend, a wonderful friend even tho u can honestly say that the friend crush has become more bc holy shit ??? jennie’s amazing how could u not see her as something more y’know?
and even tho ur certain she doesn’t feel the same and jiwoo calls bullshit like every chance she gets with u, the ultimate game changer happens,,, The Sludge
so two doors down are Changkyun and Jooheon, the resident rappers who have had the notoriety of suffering from the horrific gross substance tht no one can rlly label to a T but to say the least it’s Terrible and Nasty and just N O
so even tho those two were struck with it bc of their lack of pay in the water bills, that gross stuff is just traveling all around the floor - even kihyun and hyunwoo and other residents have suffered thru it so on a very unfortunate day it struck jennie and her roomie’s
fortunately her roomie got a place with changkyun meanwhile jennie was kinda left without,,,, n on tht day u actually see her outside of ur apartment door looking v torn n ur like “jennie???”
her eyes go wide and she manages a wave n u ask what happened n she just deadpans n says “The Sludge” so you understand
and instead of waiting for her to ask bc you kno a part of her wants to but the other part that hates being a burden is lingering so you just invite her to stay n u give jiwoo a heads up and tht blonde roomie of urs is like “w/e she’s staying in ur room”
which she does cuz u force her to bc it won’t hurt u to stay on the couch esp when there’s a guest
she’s pretty begrudging abt it but she manages to deal n she actually enjoys the way you’ve decorated everything and notes just how nice it all is and ngl but she doesn’t miss the photo of u n her on ur bulletin board of ppl you care abt n it makes her feels so warm and touched,,,, it’s like the first instance of her becoming certain of her feelings for u
it’s all small ofc but the more she stays with u, the more ur on her mind n the more she enjoys her times at ur place (which ur loving btw bc she’s a wonderful roommate who will help cook n does grocery shopping bc the damn Sludge is still infesting their apartment)
she does what she can to help and jiwoo loves it and you love having her around so much
in this close proximity you’re able to really see those little things abt jennie like how she loves milk ice cream, how she’s very meticulous in the way things are placed, and how she copes with her stress by organizing even if it can be a bit of an issue
like lisa and jisoo have had their entire desktops cleaned n organized to an utter t after jennie’s done with it (jisoo: “there’s srsly never a simple sleepover with her man”)
but for some reason, she won’t do that to your stuff? like ok she doesn’t organize stuff just cuz she wants t disrespect the owner; most of the time it’s ‘cuz they gave her permission but with you??? she’s not sure and she hasn’t asked
it’s different cuz with her friends they let anyone touch their stuff
but you?? she doesn’t wanna just be anyone to you anymore
she wants to go on motorcycles rides with you and take you to her favorite beach when everything’s too much
she wants to take care of you and show you how much she cares and how much she loves those little things abt u even if u hate those beauty marks and “blemishes” and all that other stuff
she wants to hear you talk about ur favorite book and why then watch the movies to talk abt how lame they were or how you loved a movie and why
she just wants to do anything and everything with you and it’s really just eating at her bc this isn’t another event to plan or really something she can just organize away
hell she can’t even ride her motorcycle away bc all she can think abt is the way you practically lit up when she offered to give u a ride n she decides to just take a risk and stop you after one of your classes
you’re a little confused but you go with it bc she seems pretty distracted by something n u need a break from stats anyway so when she hands u her helmet u take it and watch her put on her space
she tells u to hold on and u do for dear life even if ur screaming at ur heart to shut up bc this is the first time you’ve been this close to her and it makes u tighten ur grip bc you dont want her to disappear
funnily enough, she doesn’t want u to either and she just relishes in ur touch
and so you both wind up at that beach and it’s so beautiful n ur in awe bc holy fuck tht ride was amazing and this,,, T H I S is amazing!!!!
she finds you so adorable and she’s just like “yeah,,, yeah this is.....”
n you look at her in confusion, sitting beside her on the shore even if the cool sand clings to ur legs, “what’s wrong? you seem off lately?”
and she shrugs, looking torn once again bc she’s thinking back to how you accepted her in, always offered a hand to her whenever she needed it whether it was helping her carry a box of event programs or even tutoring her in a class, like,,,, she never realized how much she enjoyed you taking care of her bc she’s constantly taking care of others
so she just blurts out “i like you” she goes for it bc why the hell not??? it’s better to get an answer this way
you’re shocked ofc but eventually you’re like “fuck, me too”
bc having her there? so goddamn close???? those feelings really bloomed and it’s silly and cliche but you can’t help but smile and say “jennie i like you too”
and lemme tell ya rn, she couldn’t be happier,,,,even when you both later find out that the Sludge was fixed nearly two weeks ago bc her roomie promised she’d get her back ,,,,, she just brings u close into her arms and u two watch the waves in ease and in this nice mutual satisfaction and rlly that’s all you both could ever ask for~
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