#unfortunately I will no longer be in AZ during the elections so I cannot help make this place more liberal
ckameley · 7 months
I'm looking at the campaign websites for these candidates listed on my Democratic presidential ballot and just based on their websites Marianne Williamson has proposed policies that most align with my interests and I never thought I'd say that...
Frankie Lozada - policy goals aren't specific enough for me to get a sense of what actions he'll pursue
Gabriel Cornejo - he lost me with his proposed immigration policy. I'm not someone who wants a wall constructed on the southern US border, and while I agree that it should fall on employers to not hire undocumented workers, I don't want some e-verify system in place spreading my government info just to verify that I can work here legally. Plus, I don't think undocumented people who are in the US should be punished for trying to exist by preventing them from working. I just think there are greater social/economic issues to focus on than undocumented migrants coming here and taking up jobs (though I guess that comes from my privilege as someone whose job doesn't feel threatened by undocumented migrants, and my bias as someone who's a first-generation American)
Jason Michael Palmer - seems to want to run the US like a business, which alarms me in and of itself cause I'm not enthused by (medium/large) business-owners. I also do not know how adding more tech to the federal government will specifically help improve my life (or the lives of my community) in a way that investing in the community and setting federal standards/protections hopefully would
Stephen Lyons - he's the reason I'm making this post cause this guy is a Republican with a poor blue coat trying to "disguise" him as a Democrat. The man's site is a mess and feels like a blog where he's just saying whatever comes to his mind with no regard for optics. He is what those "(white) America first before anyone else" people would vote for if they didn't want to vote Republican. WHY did he write this on his site:
"I always noticed when sh*t hits the fan, it’s the mothers the women stepping in first to intervene and jump between! These ladies are the first ones to protect all kids including other’s children. Hell, I would take these women to war with me because of their actions their dedication to protect and willing to fight for what is right."
I cannot with this man
Dean Phillips - I didn't give him the energy I gave the others but his website says he supports giving funding to the police for recruiting the best candidates and that's a no for me. Reconfigure how they use the funding they already get if you're not willing to defund them
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