acollectionofsterek · 5 years
Did a post a while back about not being dead and trying to get back into postning and keeping the page alive.
Yeah so LIFE ™ happened and I had neither time or energy to even try and get back into it.
I'm not sure I will be able to this time either but I want to give it a go.
So an update on what's been going on, I'm pregnant(found out almost halfway through) and we'll have a baby at the latest at the end of February - there's a long story about this that I don't have energy to type via my phone at 9pm this Friday (my gynecologist reaction when I had tested positive was something along the line of "but you can't get pregnant").
We're living with HS parents, we (me, HS and our son D) are sharing a 3.5mX3.5m room and now we'll be another child in this tiny room. We're searching for our own place but because our old place took forever to be sold we have just been able to start searching properly.
This pregnancy has caused me a lot of issues as well as make already there issues worse (constipation for instance). I've been at the hospital several times, two weeks ago I was hospitalised to be treated to not give birth early. I got home 5 days later. I get about an average of 3 hours of rest a day so I have barely any energy but because of my condition I can't take any of my regular meds that helps with day-to-day life.
So despite all the lack of energy and everything else going on I want to come back to this page. It's entirely just for me, to give myself something to do that I can somewhat still do even if it's a bad day and I can barely make it to and from the bathroom.
Hopefully you'll "see" more of me again.
With all the love
Your fellow fandom friend Sam
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welshwoman1988 · 6 years
Your Blood In My Veins - Just a taste...
Yay! A title!
The second part of @acollectionofsterek (aka @unelore aka Une!)‘s birthday gift! First part here!
Derek’s eyes narrowed at the pair in front of him, of the pain that he could practically taste in the air around them, Peter’s injury a faint undertone that he chooses to ignore for the time being…
The male’s offhand remark, complete with a smile that had barely any time to form before he was wincing in pain, had his companion shaking her head even as her body leaned closer to his and she barely flinched when Cora came up behind her on not-as-silent-as-they-could-be paws.
The man’s breath rattled in his lungs as he no doubt was going to launch into a long-winded explanation of why he and his companion were in their territory, but Derek interrupted him before he could get a word out with a brisk, “Do you need medical attention?”
Brown eyes blinked slowly at him before the man oh-so-eloquently muttered, “What?”
Derek frowns, not liking the time that elapsed between him asking the question and the answer he received. Yes, he could tell that the pair were supernatural, but not everything had the healing capacity that he and his kind did, and there were ways of keeping even their kind from healing fully.
Derek was well aware of the ways to draw out pain and the love of torture certain Hunters had, even though he was wary of whether these two would spell trouble for his pack later…
“You’re barely standing, even though there has been ample time for you to heal since we drove off the Hunters chasing you. Do you need any assistance purging your systems from whatever it was that is keeping you from healing?”
In response to his question, he gets a pair of incredulous stares pointed at him and uneasy rumblings from the rest of his pack. Granted, he is offering aid to unknown entities – one of which had already attacked one of them (then again, it was Peter, so she got a bit of a pass on that) – but something in his gut told him that these two needed his protection.
Needed him.
“No, we don’t need anything taken out… that’s part of the funny part…” The girl makes some sort of noise, a signal for her pair to stop stalling because the next thing Derek knows is that he’s now looking to a pair of red eyes – a slightly different shade than his own – and a pair of sharp fangs grinning at him.
“You’re vampires.”
His statement causes another rumble to travel through his pack, even as the woman glares at him and snaps, “Yes, and you’re all werewolves. Now that we’ve established our supernatural affiliations, can we get to the part where you tell us whether you’re going to rip our heads off or not?”
The male’s soft, “Lydia…” is almost lost to the answering snarls her demand stirs up, Cora being suspiciously silent behind her, and it takes Derek growling out a short, “Enough!” to get everyone to calm down.
“You have yet to tell me why you were being chased by Hunters. That will be the deciding factor on whether or not there will be any head ripping.”
There’s a snort behind him, probably from Erica, even as the male shakes his head and meets Derek’s gaze, teeth gone back to their human shape.
“It’s like you said, Alpha. We’re vampires. They didn’t need another reason.”
Derek frowns, eyes catching the way that the man in front of him seems to be swaying a little. “The Hunters in these parts have a Code-”
The female – Lydia – huffs at that, her white-knuckled grip on her companion the only thing that seems to be keeping her upright. “Yes, a Code that says to torture and maim all supernaturals, no matter if they haven’t done anything wrong, the disgusting, worthless-”
This time, it’s Scott that cuts her off, with an angry growl and a move like he’s going to attack her before Derek cuts him off with a harsh snap of his teeth. It doesn’t stop Lydia from crouching into a defensive stance, amber eyes glowing and fangs dropped as she snarls back, though.
Unfortunately, this has the side effect of her pair losing whatever it was that was keeping him upright, something that he makes known with a muttered, “Oh shit.” as he pitches forward.
Lydia makes to catch him, but her weakness makes itself known in the way that she stumbles and is too slow to halt her pair’s descent.
Derek, however, is not.
He isn’t even really thinking as he reaches out and catches Stiles – trying to ignore the part of him that is grateful the strange word that Lydia muttered when he showed up had been a name and not a curse - ending up with his arms around the man’s shoulders and Stiles’ face pressed into his neck.
There is a sudden inhalation from almost the entirety of those in the clearing and then a swift, shuddering silence.
Stiles doesn’t seem to notice how tense it has become around him, or the fact that his fingers have clawed into Derek’s back almost as soon as he caught him. All he seems to be interested in rubbing his nose along the column of the neck in front of him and whispering, “You… you smell really good…”
Derek chances a quick look at Lydia, his grip reflexively tightening when he sees the despair in her eyes and the way she looks as if she wants to rip Stiles from Derek’s grasp. It’s a little surprising to also see that she has a hand gripped in Cora’s coat, but he doubts either of them are really in a state to notice right now…
“It’s been ages, hasn’t it, Lydia?” Stiles’ words are muffled, pressed into Derek’s skin with little licks and open-mouthed kisses, something that would be much more intimate in a different situation. “They used to tease us, offering an arm or a cut palm, just to see us writhe and scream…”
“This is another trick, Stiles.” Lydia’s voice is firm, and Derek would be pissed at what she’s insinuating if he couldn’t feel the graze of fangs against his neck at the next pass that Stiles takes. “You do this, and we’re both dead.”
“But he smells so good, Lyds. Like… like…”
“Please.” Derek startles a little when it becomes apparent that Lydia is talking to him now. “He was captured for longer than I was, he was protecting me, he doesn’t… please.”
It takes a moment to realize what she’s asking, but when he does, Derek has to fight off a shudder that he tells himself is revulsion, not anything else.
“I am not a meal to be handed out-”
“No, you don’t understand what this is at all!” Lydia’s gaze is furious, and it soothes something in Derek that this isn’t something to be taken lightly, or that Stiles was reacting like this because Derek just reminded him of a particularly juicy steak. “Think for a moment. Think if you had been cut off from the moon for days, months, even! Think of how you would feel to go from a darkened, bricked up dungeon room and then suddenly be thrown into a wide-open forest with a clear sky! What would you do?!?”
Derek swallows as Stiles’ actions are thrown into terrifying clarity for him, but he still pushes the man’s face away from his neck despite his protests.
That spot is too intimate, too much after a single meeting. He can’t allow that now, but he still needs to figure out who these two really are and what happened that drove them onto his land.
And if what they were saying about the Hunters was true, well…
It’s been a while since Derek himself really hunted anything.
Derek had pushed Stiles’ face away from him by pressing his hand against it, given how the other man had yet to release him, and he’s not sure which of them he surprises more when he says, “Bite me.” at the first tentative touch of Stiles’ tongue to his palm.
There is a sharp hiss somewhere as Stiles freezes, no doubt reminded of the times that he spoke of, of how this was a constant game with the Hunters that had them, but Derek hopes that it is different enough that he doesn’t refuse… although, a part of him is screaming that Stiles should refuse, that what he’s doing is crazy, that they don’t even know these people…
Derek mentally tells that part of himself to take a hike as Stiles finally releases him, only to grab ahold of Derek’s hand like he’s afraid Derek is going to rip it away from him and bring it up to his lips.
Just before he’s about to bite down, Stiles stops himself, body starting to tremble as he mutters, “Don’t hurt her. If... if this is a trick, it’s my fault. You- you can’t hurt her…”
Lydia makes a pained noise and tries to move forward again, only to completely lose her balance and practically collapse onto Cora’s form, his sister making a slight woof of discomfort before shifting her weight so that she’s completely supporting the other girl.
Taking a quick look around the clearing, Derek can see that most of his pack is still on the defensive, but not looking like they’re about to just up and attack the two of them anymore… Although Peter is managing to convey how he thinks that this is a stupid idea, even in wolf form.
Derek decides to just ignore him for now.
Shifting so that Stiles is practically cradled in his arms, Derek tries to ignore the conflicting feelings that this is evoking in him as he whispers, “No one is going to hurt either of you. This isn’t a trick. You’re safe, I promise.”
Stiles looks up at him at that, eyes a swirling mixture of gold and ember as he seems to search Derek’s face for something – a lie, the truth, something that could give him a clue one way or the other – and Derek tries to stay as still as he can as the minutes tick by.
Finally, after an indeterminate amount of time, Stiles nods once and bites down hard.
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artemis69 · 7 years
unelore replied to your post “So I wanted to write a little bit tonight, because I realized I...”
All of them sounds freaking amazing but as someone that loves LOVES dragons, royalty and arranged marriage and magical Stiles I would love more of that lovely combo <3 that said whatever you do write is gonna be great and go forth and write what you want and be awesome!
You are such a darling :D I was honestly not expecting people to follow me on these, but I’m so glad to see that I have indeed found my people on this website <3
The dragon riders is a short OS but also the one I currently have opened in front of me, so who knows! I adore dragons too (like, an unhealthy lot) and wanted to write some for a long while!
happy new years dear and thank you so much for your support you are lovely <3
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sterek-compliments · 7 years
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pottre-archive-blog · 7 years
Blog rate and advice, please and thank you
sure thing!
url: ?/5
comment/adivice I love your background-it’s not too ‘in your face’ as patterened backgrounds tend to be. I would suggest using a different icon and tagging your posts (tags make viewing/searching blogs so much easier)
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clotpolesonly · 8 years
Hey!! Say five things you like about yourself publicly and send this to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable).
i’ve got good eyelashes, great with decent mascara
i have a glorious mane of hair
i write good, when i can do enough braining to make the words go
i feel like my ability to interact intrapersonally has improved greatly in recent years, i’ve gotten infinitely better at understanding other people and their emotions/motivations/reactions/etc
i am very chill about spoilers and am not affected by drama
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31. 48. "Unusual asks"
31. Three favorite boys’ names?
Not gonna lie, those were just the first names I could think of.
48. Who is your role model?
Speaking of Derek, it’s probably gonna sound stupid, but Derek Hale is one of the biggest role models I’ve ever had. He’s a victim of sexual assault, he’s been through so much tragedy and he never let it make him cruel or any less bighearted so as someone who really identifies with him, especially as a CSA victim myself, he really inspires me.
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exhuastedpigeon · 7 years
Send this to the 12 nicest people who you know or seem to have a good heart. If you get five back then you must be pretty awesome!
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welshwoman1988 · 6 years
Happy birthday, Une!!!
This is a slightly belated birthday present for my darling @acollectionofsterek, also known as @unelore, AKA Une! Sorry, this is late, sweetie!
(Also, this is only the first chapter, because as always, I can’t write a short story to save my life!)
On we go!
Stiles grits his teeth against the pain throbbing in his leg, Lydia’s grasp on his shoulder the only thing keeping him in the here and now as she pushes him forward despite the fact that her own legs are weak and barely supporting her...
He doesn’t know how long they had been imprisoned, how long they had been tortured and played with, but he knows that if either of them goes down now, they aren’t getting back up.
Behind them, Stiles can make out the crowing of the Hunters as a flash of light skips over them before swinging back like the light on a magician at the crest of his latest trick.
Shit, shit, shit, shit!
Stiles echoes Lydia’s grip, pulling her toward him as they stumble through the undergrowth, the sudden snow making their feet slip and slide as they tumble down on embarkment after the other. It’s just another sign of how weak they are that they’re even making tracks this way, and it’s only a matter of time before the Hunters-
Stiles shakes his head and cuts off that thought before it can take root. They’re going to be fine, they only have to stay ahead of them for a few more miles and then they’ll be forced to ask the local law enforcement to play on their land.
And that’s if these are the ones that follow the rules, the Code... The fact that they were imprisoned and tortured despite having done nothing wrong doesn’t really fill Stiles with hope, though. They’ll probably just drive right past the border with nary a care in the world, finished with the little ‘hunt’ they decided on since everything else was so boring now...
Lydia slips, almost drops, and Stiles pulls himself from the morbid turn that his thoughts have taken to steady and support her. It also helps him get his head on straight; he can’t let himself fall into despair now. He needs to help her, strengthen and assist her.
His blood-sister and last bit of family he has left.
Just a few more miles, just a few more...
A sudden howl cuts through the night, making Stiles chuckle darkly at the thought that if the Hunters don't get them, they'll be too weak to keep from being torn apart from feral dogs.
"Stiles!" Lydia hisses, letting him know that his thoughts have pulled him away for too long. "Stiles, listen."
Another howl floats through the air and Stiles makes to ask what, exactly, Lydia wanted him to hear when the sudden silence answers that question for him:
The Hunters have stopped.
Laughing, moving, even the light that was highlighting where Stiles and Lydia were going is gone.
Like it never was to begin with...
Lydia's hands are like talons in his arm now, her breathing harsh and sharp in his ear as one howl suddenly transforms into two, to three, to a symphony...
Only to cease, an unnatural quiet falling over the woods as the creatures that were making the howls step forward to reveal themselves.
Wolves. Big, beautiful, majestic wolves. With a shine to their eyes that let Stiles know these are just simple beasts...
They slip from the trees like shadows, floating over the ground in a way that Stiles remembers and envies, even as he tries not to give any of them his back... A feat that requires quite a bit of skill as their number seems to multiply each time he turns around.
After a while, one of them apparently decides that it doesn’t want to wait for whatever signal that they’re all waiting for and darts for Lydia, teeth bared in a false mockery of a smile.
Stiles barely has time to move, but Lydia has one last bit of strength in her and claws across the wolf’s snout before it even comes close, making it hit the ground with a yelp.
The rest of the wolves make rumbling noises at this, whether they are laughing at the wolf or gearing up to follow it’s lead, Stiles doesn’t know; he’s too busy watching as Lydia looks at the blood on her fingertips consideringly, stick one in her mouth to suck the blood off before making a face and spitting it out.
Stiles is once more in awe of her, both at the insult and the power of will it took to do that. Even now, he fights the urge to lick up the traces of viscera she’s wiping off in the snow...
His attention is captured by a low rumble echoing through the clearing; this, apparently, is the signal the wolves were waiting for, as they all tense up as soon as they hear it and one last form emerges from the treeline.
It’s another wolf, of course, a midnight black that almost swallows him up in the darkness. If not for their advanced eyesight, Stiles was sure that they wouldn’t see it, and can only stare at it prowling past the other wolves like a king in a court.
A pair of glowing red eyes a moment later shows that this is these wolves’ king. Their Alpha, at least.
Stiles tries not to react when, between one step and the other, the wolf transforms into a man with ebony hair as dark as his fur and the same lean body, steam seems to rise from his body with every step he takes.
The sharp “Stiles!” that Lydia hisses in his ear tells him that he wasn’t very successful and he also mentally shakes his head sharply in an effort to get his thoughts in order. Now really isn’t the best time to be appreciative of the other man’s form...
A man who is either uncaring or unconcerned with the cold as he comes to a stop before them and snaps, “I am Derek Hale, Alpha of these lands. Who are you and why have you brought Hunters to my door?”
Stiles swallows hard, fighting down the need to feed for a little while longer as he tries on his most winning smile.
“Actually, that’s a bit of a funny story...”
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Any A/U Sterek fics set in collage or high school where Derek is a jock and likes Stiles?
Here’s some pining jock Derek! - Alex
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It Ebbs and Flows by redeyedwrath
(1/1 | 1,477 | General)
“New kid is called Stiles, apparently, and Derek tries his best not to shape his mouth around the sound, not to write it down in his head and repeat it over and over again.”
In which, Stiles is new in Beacon Hills and Derek’s in love with him
All I Wanted was You by dobrien
(1/1 | 2,035 | General)
High School AU based on this tumblr post in which Stiles is a nerd and Derek is a jock with a little crush.
Parallels by inatshej
(1/1 | 21,299 | Explicit)
Stiles slowly pulls in a mouthful of curly fries, dumbly focused on the task.“It’s weirdly homoerotic how you do this,” muses Derek, eyeing him.Stiles chokes and Derek’s lips curl up into an almost smile. It’s so easy to get the reaction he wants from Stiles.“Yeah, it’s disgusting, Stilinski,” says Jackson, looking at the boy with distaste.Derek turns to him, letting his eyebrows rise. “And who asked you, Whittemore?”Jackson glances at him, surprised. “I’ve just agreed with y-”“No one cares,” Derek interrupts him. “Fuck off.”
A Cunning Plan by yodasyoyo
(17/17 | 32,737 | Teen)
Stiles has a plan to get Lydia Martin to notice him. Derek is not impressed.
We Move to the Same Rhythm by samann98
(16/16 | 54,263 | Explicit)
Derek is the cocky captain of the basketball team with a not-so-secret love of dance and Stiles is the leader of the school’s struggling dance team. With Stiles’ dance team, Spin Cycle, on the verge of being disbanded, Lydia suggests they bring in some new members. Stiles agrees, until she suggests Derek Hale.
You had me at David Tennant by wastedonyoursmile
(1/1 | 1,123 | Teen)
“Mr. Brighton organized an orgy for Soc 104 and I was in charge of birth control,” he says deadpan, trying to keep his blush at bay.
Pong Me, Bro by LadyDrace for Unelore
(1/1 | 3,417 | Teen)
Stiles doesn’t date jocks, because it seems like all they do is prance around making a spectacle of themselves to impress whoever they’re trying to hook up with. It’s pathetic, and Stiles isn’t into it.
Which is probably why it somehow completely escapes his notice that one particular jock is determined to catch his eye.
Suddenly You’re Standing Still by hazelNuts
(1/1 | 4,020 | Mature)
anonymous asked: “Stiles wears hoodies and is super quiet. Derek is a jock who is crushing on Stiles, and goes to a club to forget him because he thinks Stiles isn’t into him. At the club there’s a guy with a fox mask. Fox and Derek go to Derek’s place, where Derek figures out the Fox is Stiles just when things start happening”
Derek hates clubs, or any party that combines alcohol with loud music and a lot of people he doesn’t know. He likes dancing, but the bodies are packed so tightly together the only way people can move is up and down. Not that he is dancing. Braeden tried to pull him further into the crowd, but they got separated, and Derek just let himself be shoved to the side, out of the mass of bodies. Going out was Braeden’s idea. She thinks that letting loose for a night, dancing with hot people, possibly making out with hot people, will help him drop the torch he’s carrying for one Stiles Stilinski, smart, a bit of a loner, beautiful, and not interested in Derek. So far, it hasn’t worked.
Game On by stilinskisparkles
(1/1 | 6,391 | Teen)
Derek first sees him from across the quad four days into fall semester. He’s sitting on one of the long benches, a marker pen in his mouth, grinning at something the kid lounging on the bench beside him is saying. When he laughs properly he pulls the pen out and throws his head back, his neck a long, lean line Derek is entranced by. He flicks the page in his book and highlights something, tossing the cap up in the air and catching it with his teeth.
Landslide by reillyblack
(8/8 | 25,523 | Mature)
Beautiful? Check.Dismissive? Check.Hated him? Double check.
Stiles was doomed to develop a crush of epic proportions.
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ao3feed-sterek · 7 years
Last night was...
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2E3V077
by Unelore
"Prompt": I just suddenly heard "Last night was amazing" in another context and got slammed with sterek feels
So here's a drabble
Words: 100, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Drabbels
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sheriff Stilinski
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Drabble, Sheriff Stilinski's Name is John
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2E3V077
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1x20 · 7 years
Title: Lunar Eclipse at Our Fingertips Summary: In which, Merlin has freckles and Arthur isn’t obsessed with them (He isn’t, he swears!) Word count: 2.9k
A/N: This is set in a nebulous canon time where everything is fluffy and nothing hurts (Season 5? What season 5????) And I know that Colin Morgan does not have freckles BUT LISTEN. A MAN CAN DREAM ALRIGHT. Also thank you to @unelore​ for looking over this for me ^^
There are a lot of details about Merlin that Arthur only notices after — after a year or so. They’re harmless things, mostly, like the thin scar on Merlin’s forearm and the way he tends to tangle his fingers in the hem of his shirt, the frayed fabric practically translucent. Usually, Arthur registers these things and promptly forgets about them. After all, there’s no reason for Arthur to actually remember these things.
And yet, there’s one thing Arthur can’t seem to stop thinking about: the little freckles dotting the lines of Merlin’s nose.
It’s foolish; they’re hardly there. Arthur has to squint to even see them, though he does that without fail, because he can’t not. The most infuriating thing is that Merlin is catching on — Arthur can pretend the first time is an accident, and so on, but after it’s been happening for two weeks, Merlin starts to wonder why.
Read More on AO3
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pottre-archive-blog · 8 years
Hiya hope you're doing alright :)
I’m doing great! You?
House: Ravenclaw | Hufflepuff | Gryffindor | Slytherin
Hat time: instant | 30 seconds | 1 minute | Hatstall
Blood status: Pure blood | half blood | muggleborn
Subject: Charms | Potions | Transfiguration | Care of Magical Creatures | Defense Against the Dark Arts | History of Magic |  Astronomy |  Herbology | Runes | Muggle Studies | Divination
Squad: Golden trio | Silver trio | Neville, Ginny, Luna | Cedric + | Fred, George, Lee | Cho + | Hannah Abbott + | Dean & Seamus
Hangout: The lake | Library | Three Broomsticks | Zonko’s | empty classroom | somewhere hard to find | great hall
Home for the holidays: yes | no
Pet: Owl | cat | rat | toad | Something not allowed (Hagrid wannabe)
Patronus: Hare
Snack: Cauldron cake | pumpkin pasty | chocolate frog | Sherbert lemons | sugar mice | Drooble’s best blowing gum
Quidditch: Seeker | chaser | beater | keeper | spectator | announcer
Career: teacher | auror | law enforcement | unspeakable | confectioner | spell inventor | potioneer | magizoologist | writer
Blograte: Troll | Dreadful | Poor | Acceptable | Exceeds Expectations | Outstanding
Comment: You have a nice theme! It’s clean, and your background gives it that extra tough without being overwhelming :) The colours are pretty and the image at the top fits really well! (and TARA and MERLIN!!!!!)
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You're lovely. Not just your writing, which I love, but you seem like a lovely person and you always managed to cheer me (and my dash) up :) thank you for caring and for sharing your works.
Oh goodness, you are so sweet! I’m sorry I couldn’t reply yesterday, I was fighting a migraine, but this made me feel better!
Thank you so much for taking some time out of your day to send such kind words
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artemis69 · 7 years
seanconneraille replied to your post “unelore replied to your post “So I wanted to write a little bit...”
"short" :p
How dare you! you! who knows me the best!
Ok, fair :p
No but this one is short (at the moment... please don’t let it turn super long), it’s like 3k!
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sterekshaven · 7 years
Into the woods by Smowkie (2398 words)
She has stopped a moment, frustrated, and is deciding on a new direction when she hear voices so she immediately heads towards them. She’s behind a big bush when she sees the owners of the voices and is just about to call out to them when they all turn to the side and a man and a very large dog steps out from between the trees, and then the dog… shifts? Into a man? A naked man?
This is for @unelore, because it’s her birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU WONDERFUL HUMAN YOU! ♥ I hope you have a great day! ♥
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