Ink Demon Vs Demon
One nice clear sunny day in a normal town in a lodge that was rather close to the forest and near the town it was called "Henry's Lodge" and in the lodge was a very bored out bendy he was wearing his casual black hoodie with his red hood and with his blue jeans and green gloves and grey shoes the ink demon sighed and yawned loudly "man there is nothing to do today im soo bored" he already letted susan his pet t rex roam around outside but she would always go off on her own and come back during night time or the afternoon and even haftway through the morning if lucky. Bendy turned on the tv and checked through the channels and groaned "dang it nothing good on today" he turned it off and looked outside "it is a rather nice sunny day tho.. but the others did told me to stay in the house... dang it why do boris and alice get to go out with joey but i get to stay here and hold down the fort?!" the demon crossed his arms with a pout "it's not freaking fair!" he sighed even though it was nice to let off some steam he was still bored "i need a drink maybe some water or juice would help me get my mind off of things" he got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen "still amazed on how big this place is i wonder how much money it took for the old man to make this during his retirement from the studio and during the war." he said as he grabbed a bottle of juice and poured it into a cup as he drank it but as he drank it a loud crashing noise was heard in the living room causing him to nearly choke and spit out his drink "gah! what the heck?!" he went back to see what caused the noise and he was surprised to see shard there the robot skeleton rubbed the back of his head "owww never go in head first in a portal again" he said as bendy walked over "hey there shard" shard looked up "oh! hello modern!" bendy helped shard up "hi hey where's that other me the one with the wings" he said to shard "oh! he was busy taking his pet dragon out for a walk so i decided to come visit you instead hope you don't mind" bendy smiled "not at all it was getting boring here" he nodded. a few minutes passed as the two were talking about stuff and other things and shard was telling him about the timeline invasion "soooo let me get this straight there's this girl and her twin sister that wants to make a zoo but they also want to get rid of all these CORE machines?" shard nodded "and you said they had two of these uhhh human named jenna right?" shard nodded again "the one with the red hair and is stronger is named demmon she survived prima-" bendy laughed "wait your telling me that girl survived godzilla's spiral atomic punch? oh give me a break nothing can survive that guy" shard's eyes widen "w-wait you know who primal is?!" bendy smirked "i don't just know him shard, im friends with him" shard's jaw dropped "ha i like your expression" he laughed while shard was still shocked "how do you know him?" bendy winked at him "a demon keeps his  secrets~~" shard sighed but bendy's expression turned from funny to concern "so if that girl's been following you.... does that mean she'll come into this universe?" shard's eyes widen "... n-no.... damn it! im a idiot!" he hitted his head "she's gonna come here and sh-she'll try to find me by killing everyone she sees oh god i scre-" bendy stood up and faced him "shard" he looked up at modern!bendy "if that red haired toots thinks she can come on anyone's world and mess with you or me than she's got another thing coming i'll show that toots who's boss around here don't worry i promise" shard smiled shakily "t-thanks be-" than a loud sound was heard "o-oh no! s-she's here!" bendy gave shard a radio "go to the basement and stay there until i say she's gone" shard gulped "b-but s-she'll-" bendy's eyes went red "0 H S H E ' L L H A V E A V E R Y H A R D T I M E T R Y I N G T 0 K I L L M E" shard gulped and he nodded and telported to the basement as he waited than he saw a girl walked in she had horns and red hair "so you must be the toots that my friend's been talking about gotta say not haft bad for a demon" demi!jenna stood there tilting her head "not much of a talker ain't ya? but there's one thing you forgot" she tilted her head he smirked and his eyes glowed red "D E M O N S S H O U L  D B E C O L O R E D R E D" he telported behind her and kicked her away she landed with her hands and she got up and bendy kicked her across the face hard she stumbled and held her cheek and she glared and bendy hitted her with a bat out of nowhere "?!?!?!?!" she stared shock bendy smirked "what? it's called the hammer space toots haven't you ever watched cartoons gags before?" he kept hitting her and hitting her with the bat until her eye flared up and she grabbed the bat and rammed it hard on bendy's head making the bat break in haft "ow!" he growled and grabbed her and throw her at the window and she kicked him to the wall near the entrance "ughhhh" he shook his head and grabbed her when she came lunging and he swung her around and threw her at the wall hard making it crack a bit she bit her lip and she got up glaring and aimed her void blasters bendy smirked and snapped his fingers and she tilted her head but she send the void blasters anyway at him he pulled out a hammer and bashed the blasters away but one hitting him "argh!" she smiled and bendy glared while smirking in a devilish manner "oh now we're playing hardC0RE?" demi!jenna's eyes blinked as she did not understand the pun and he bashed her with the hammer hard she fell down and he smirked and walked over but he got upper cutted by her arm turning into a strange weapon "ow..." he got up and demon smirked and walked over but bendy grinned and pulled out a knife and slashed her cheek her eyes widen and bendy slashed her again this time on the stomach she silently winched due to her being mute and stumbled back bendy did a back flip and knocked her over and stabbed her in the back her eyes widen and she grabbed him and slammed him on a table hard she pulled the knife out and rammed it on his back she smirked and turned around but bendy got up with a blank expression and pulled the knife out and she turned around and he threw it hitting her shoulder she silently gasped and she got kicked by bendy "that's right toots don't ya ever mess with the demon!" he pulled out a machete from hammer space and she got up and he slashed her back hard she stumbled and he drop kicked her to the couch he tried to stab her but she dodged and kicked his hand and grabbed the machete and slashed him "ow!" she grabbed him and threw him near a ceiling fan the blades slicing him and he crashed onto the bookshelf she smirked and grabbed him and threw him towards the living room he coughed up ink as he glared as she lifted him with her strange weapon arm again he gave her the bird saying "fuck you you so-" she bashed him on the ceiling and then the coffee table hard and he stayed down his body going limp she smirked and turned around and walked towards the kitchen to find shard but heard laughing, demonic laughing she turned around to a horrifying event. Bendy emerged in his 'ink'/rage form his height increasing to about boris's height and his tail was dripping and his gloves turned to a stained green color so did the rest of his clothing his horns were now curved he grinned and said "D I D Y A R E A L L Y T H I N K I T W 0 U L D 0 F B E E N T H A T E A S Y T 0 K I L L M E B I T C H ? ! ? !" demi!jenna stood there too shocked to move he grinned manically and grabbed her and slammed her on the coffee table very hard and threw her at the ceiling fan making it break and she crashed into the kitchen wall he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a meat mallet and grinned and went to bash her head in but demon reacted quickly she pulled out the knife he used and stabbed him with all her force on his head he screamed with a distorted Roar in both pain and anger and bashed her across the cheek very hard blood dripped down from her head as she held the side while stumbling back and he pulled the knife out and slashed her in the eye nearly ripping it out again in the process and he stared right into her soul sending a shiver down her spine for once in her life "0 H S 0 Y 0 U A R E A F R  A I D 0 F S 0 M E T H I N G" he grabbed her and threw her outside in the backyard she landed on a hard stone road as bendy jumped out kicking her to the garage door she looked up as bendy was on top of a car grinning like a actual demon towards her he lunged and she quickly reacted by using her arm weapon again this time hitting him square in the entire body as he went flying towards the lodge top floor wall she quickly opened the garage door a few big inches and climbed in as modern!bendy fell onto the car hood and than on the ground he got up 40 seconds later and saw the garage door open he grinned and crawled in "do you really think you can hide from me toots? i promised my friend i'll stop you and i will even if i have to.... K I L L you M Y S E L F ! ! ! !" he said and he turned around to see demon kicking him over some boxes and a wooden cabinet falls on top of him she grabbed a lawnmower and quickly thrown where he was laying hoping the blades would do some more damage to him after waiting for a few seconds she was about to calm down until the lawnmower was thrown at her making her crash in a SUV car door "N I C E T R Y T 0 0 T S" he said as his eyes beamed red "I T ' L L T A K E M 0 R E T H A N T H A T T 0 K I L L M E !" than demon had a idea if he stabbed her than her nuclear ability shockwave would work combinded with the car being blown up it should be enough damage to kill him she grinned silently and he raised his tail and stabbed she opened her eyes and her eyes widen to see that his tail stabbed the gas tank "D I D Y A R E A L L Y T H I N K I ' M T H A T S T U P I D ? ! ? ! I F I ' M G 0 I N G T O H E L L I ' M T A K I N G Y 0 U W I T H M E Y 0 U B I T C H" she silently gulped "B Y E B Y E Y A-" the car blew up and it send demon flying towards a hotel and bendy being blown up in the garage having the entire thing crushed on top of him and demon got out of the rubble of the house she crashed into and limped back to the backyard of the lodge she held her shoulder weakly as blood dripped down due to bendy's sharp gloves she looked around and gave a silent breathe of relief she spotted the only place left checking to see if shard was really here the basement she limped towards it but then a ink tenactle appeared and slapped her to the car and another one slapped her to the wooden fence than more ink tentactles started to appear and she started to use her void snake blasters to attack them when it looked like the tentactles were killed they were merging and out came a transforming bendy he started growing taller pass sammy's height and his tail grew longer and his gloves torn up revealing sharp claws, haft of the ink faded going to his curved horn making it look sideways revealing one eye and a devilish evil grin. his shoes torn up revealing sharp demon like feet and gained wings and spines on his back this was bendy's Berserker Rage ink form the second form of modern!bendy "I D 0 N ' T R E A L L Y L I K E U S I N G T H I S F 0 R M B U T F 0 R Y 0 U K I D Y 0 U D E R S E R V E  I T ! ! ! " he ran up very quickly and punched her right in the gut and tail whipped her to the wooden fence and he lunged at her and she dodged it and he crashed through it he growled and grabbed her and threw her in a near by house and he uses his tenactles outside to grip onto the entire house he grinned and sended a few tneactles in and they started to attack demi!jenna she fought back one of them opened it's tail end and revealed it was a mouth it bit on jenna's stomach and threw her around and he started to get bored "B 0 R I N G" he used his giant fist attack to destroy the whole house with her in it and he waited until his ink tenactles came back to him and his giant fist shrunk to normal size he grinned and looked at the rubble "T H A T S H 0 U L D D 0 I T" he said as he walked towards the rubble and looked down but got uppercutted by her and she fired her void blaster at him knocking him down she tried to run but she tripped and bendy's eye opened and grabbed her leg and slammed her repeadly and thrown her towards another garage his one eye beamed red and he grinned "I F T H I S D 0 E S N 0 T K I L L Y 0 U T H A N I D 0 N ' T K N 0 W W H A T E L S E T 0 D O" he lunged and in slow motion demon actived her arm weapon and her void blaster snake and resulted in a explosion with bendy crashing into the basement doors of the crumbled house and with demi!jenna crashing into the garage and it blew up after the smoke cleared she emerged out of the destroyed garage silently coughing and holding her arm her void blaster snake silltered over her with a worried look she stood up and walked a few steps before glaring at where modern!bendy crashed she snapped her fingers and the void blaster snake charged up it's beam aiming at the door than a ink tenactle came spearing out she jumped up and it destroyed her void snake blaster and went for her body she smirked but then her eyes widen as she was impaled in the air by the ink tentactle as nothing happened "WELL NOW LOOKS LIKE YOUR SPECIAL GIFT DOES HAVE A WEAKNESS TOOTS!~~" he said as more ink tentactles appeared and wrapped around her one even stabbed her shoulder "YOU THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH EVERYTHING JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE POWER AND LOOK SCARY?!" he said as his wings turned into tentactles and he kept saying "WELL YOUR WRONG! JUST A SHAME I HAVE TO DO THIS BUT YOU REALLY DESERVE THIS!" one of the tenactles stabbed her leg and one wrapped on her like a squid as her soul began cracking as she coughed out blood with a little gasp he looked surprised and grinned "AH I FINALLY HEARD A SOUND OUT OF YA THAT'S GOOD REALLY GOOD LETS ME KNOW THAT YOUR REALLY HAFT HUMAN IN THERE AFTER ALL BUT STILL YOU DON'T" he said as the spines on his back turn into tentactles as they wrapped it around her as her soul cracked more "DESERVE ANYONE'S KINDNESS" his arms and hand grew big as they hover over her "OR MY MERCY!!!!!" and with that he used both of his giant fists to smash her in the air but held on to her he laughed as he aimed his tail as the end piece turned into a tail mouth as two sharp edged blades came from each side of the tail "DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" he kept laughing as he rammed his tail but before it cough reach the giant ink fist he felt warmth and heard a voice "bendy..... that's enough.... you showed her who's boss she won't do it again" he knew that voice "B-B......boris?" the inktenactles and giant fist letted go as the nearly dead demi!jenna falls to the ground every bone in her body has broken as modern!bendy turned back to normal revealing that his wounds from the fight were shown and he hugged modern!boris while crying "i'm sorry boris... i'm sorry but she was going to kill shard i had to do it-" boris shushed his best friend "i know bendy" he hugged him "i know" bendy sobbed into his shoulder shard came out of the basement running up to boris and they looked up to see demi!jenna's body was still there unmoving "......." boris glared at shard "shard. she had enough" shard was shocked "b-but boris! why did you stop him from killing that freak?!" boris sighed "because shard! i can see good in her" shard scoffed "like there is any good in her she's pure evil! she's killed every monster she can lay her hands on, she nearly killed all of my friends and survived in a fight against the monster killer and timelinegoji! she needs to-" boris growled and shard stopped "just... why boris... why show her mercy... when she does not even deserve it...." she weakly opened her eye to see them talking "because shard i believe in that anyone can change even if there pure evil or if they done bad things..... i've still think they can change for the greater good." shard was surprised to hear this from him but then he looked at her body and his eyes flared up and he telported a few inched from in front of boris and bendy and aimed a lot of gaster blasters at demon both glowing "SHARD?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" boris yelled "sorry boris! i just can't have her being alive anymore! at leash we won't have to worry about her anymore!!" he fired the gaster blasters and it resulted in a very massive explosion when the smoke cleared nothing was left "s-shard... y-yo-" shard freaked out "n-no! no t-t-there should be remains! burnt ashes or pieces of her soul around she can't have tat much power left to telport!." his eyes widen realizing "oh no....... her friend must of saved her at the last second...... DANG IT we were so close to finally getting rid of her!" modern!bendy placed a hand on his shoulder "hey shard... don't worry.. at leash now we know her special power has a weakness" he smiled and then coughed ink as boris held onto bendy "shard.... can you help me with him" after they setted him on the couch and checking up on his injures thanks to alice and henry's help shard was on his way back as the portal opened "hey shard" modern!bendy said as shard turned to face him "when you see that other me tell him maybe i'll be the one that'll visit him soon alright?" shard smiled "sure" and with that the robot went into the portal closed and modern!bendy yawned "ya had a long day punk rest ya head" henry said as bendy laughed "you too old man" they both smiled and laughed it off “so what did you do while i was gone?” he said while bendy looked out the window “oh ya know just doing the same thing as usual” ----- something i came up in my head one day. what if @ahrifoxtailgoddess‘s demitale jenna aka demon went up against my bendy AU called modern!bendy who was inspired by a LOT of bendy aus and even the famous 2D bendy AU itself. this all happened while @mistymiddiana undertale oc shard came for a visit at my bendy's AU universe. and yes people you can make fanart of this fanfic if this is will be canon to the comic i will be so happy but if not hey at leash i've made something interesting.... i think also this took a long time to make!
--- shard belongs to misty demi!jenna belongs to NeonCarla Modern!BATIM AU belongs to me! hope you all like this little thing i came up with and yes NeonCarla and to everyone else fanart of this fight between modern!bendy and demi!jenna are allowed! so yeah hope you all like this and please like and comment! i'm heading off to sleep now that took WAY too long from the first haft of june all the way to july 5th
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